
ユースチーム・リーグ・トーナメントの世界市場:市場シェア、市場戦略、市場予測 (2022年~2028年)

Youth Team, League, and Tournament Market Shares, Market Strategies, and Market Forecasts, Worldwide, 2022 to 2028

出版日: | 発行: WinterGreen Research, Inc. | ページ情報: 英文 270 Pages; 119 Tables & Figures | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
ユースチーム・リーグ・トーナメントの世界市場:市場シェア、市場戦略、市場予測 (2022年~2028年)
出版日: 2022年11月26日
発行: WinterGreen Research, Inc.
ページ情報: 英文 270 Pages; 119 Tables & Figures
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次










  • ユースチーム・リーグ・トーナメントスポーツ市場の促進要因

第1章 ユースチーム・リーグ・トーナメントスポーツ:市場の概略と市場力学

  • ユースリーグスポーツの市場力学
  • スポーツへの参加による若者のコアバリューの育成
    • プロスポーツによる青少年育成プログラムの導入
    • Jr.NBA.com:若者のファンダメンタルズを強調
  • 衣料品・アパレル:ユーススポーツ市場の中核的な側面
  • ホテル:ユーススポーツ市場でのベンダーのポジショニングを活用
  • ユーススポーツリーグ用ソフトウェア:高度な専門化
  • ユースのスポーツ参加への障壁
    • ユースのスポーツ参加への障壁
    • すべての子供が健康でたくましく成長する機会を確保することを目指す
    • 子供の運動能力と人間力の開発
  • ユースチームのWebサイト
    • ユーススポーツチームのWebプレゼンス
  • ユーススポーツソフトウェアの通信機能

第2章 ユースチーム・リーグ・トーナメントスポーツの市場シェアと予測

  • ユースチーム・リーグ・トーナメントスポーツ:市場の促進要因
    • ユースリーグスポーツ市場力学
    • イノベーション:ユーススポーツ組織の市場成長の核
  • ユーススポーツチーム・リーグ・トーナメントの市場シェア
    • 遠征チームに向けた動き
    • チームスポンサーへのリンク
    • ユースリーグスポーツ市場の成長開発プログラム
    • ユースリーグスポーツソフトの機能
    • チームスポーツの財務報告
    • ユースチームスポーツ獲得
    • ユースリーグスポーツアプリモデルの市場要因
    • アプリケーション
  • ユースリーグスポーツの市場予測
    • ユーススポーツチーム・リーグ・トーナメント市場のセグメント:世界全体 (単位:米ドル)
  • ユースチーム、リーグ、およびトーナメント施設市場、ナンバーフィールドのレンタル
  • ユースリーグスポーツ地域市場分析
    • 米国のスポーツプロファイル
    • 米国のユーススポーツの地域別分析:MSA地域別
    • ユースチームサイトの収益モデル
    • カナダ

第3章 ユースリーグスポーツ製品の概略

  • 重要な上流中級階級に焦点を絞った、ベンダー側のブランド構築
    • さまざまな種類のチームのニーズに対応するベンダー
    • Stack Sportsのゴールライン
    • Stack Sportsの強み
    • Stack Sportsの課題

第4章 ユース・レクリエーション用リーグスポーツの分析と技術

  • 決済ゲートウェイ
    • リーグ向け決済処理ソリューション
    • Authorize.net:推奨加盟店向けブローカー・ゲートウェイ
  • 反応的なWebデザイン
    • 堅牢なウェブサイト構造
  • トーナメントの種類
    • マッチデーの種類
  • シーズン登録とeスポーツの設定
  • 会場
  • FE管理
    • 追加フィールド
  • 人工知能とソフトウェア
  • Nikeのオープンソースソフトウェア

第5章 ユース・リクリエーション用リーグスポーツのソフトウェア:企業プロファイル

  • Adidas
  • Global Payments / Active Network
    • Active Network / Active Sports
    • Active Network
    • Active Network Global Payments
    • Active Network / Active Sports
    • Active Sports の利点
    • Active Sports の課題
    • Active Sports の収益モデル
  • Agile Sports Technologies / Hudl
    • Hudl
    • Hudl Video
    • Hudl の買収
    • Hudl の融資
    • Hudl と Nikeの提携
  • Amer Sports / Wilson
  • Aspen Institute
  • Athletrax / mysportsort
  • Bauer
  • Bear Dev
  • Catapult
    • Catapult の買収
    • Catapult の顧客
  • Coach Logic
  • Cogran
  • Comcast / NBC / Sport Engine
    • Comcast のビジネス
    • NBC Sports Group
    • NBC Universal / SportsEngine
    • Sports Engine Culture
  • Dick's
    • Dick's のスポーツ用品収益
  • Engage Sports
  • FiXi Competition Management
    • FiXi Competition Management の収益モデル
    • FiXi Competition Management の機能
    • FiXi Competition Management のカスタム化とリーグの要件
  • HorizonWebRef.com
    • HorizonWebRef.com の収益モデル
  • InterContinental Hotels Group IHG
    • IHG の戦略的優先事項
    • InterContinental Hotels Group IHG's Holiday Inn Express
    • Holiday Inn Express
  • Jevin
  • Jonas Software / EZFacility
    • EZFacility Sports Facility & League Software
    • Advertising の収益モデル
    • EZFacility Features and Functions
    • EZFacility Target Market
  • JoomSport
    • JoomSport の収益モデル
    • JoomSport Target Market
    • JoomSport Features
  • LeagueApps
    • LeagueApps
    • LeagueApps の収益モデル
    • LeagueApps Features and Functions
    • LeagueApps Target Market
  • LeagueLobster
  • LeagueRepublic
    • LeagueRepublic Features
  • Marriott
  • NBC / SportsEngine
  • Nike
    • Nike Personal Analytics
    • Nike とHudlとの提携
    • Nike の収益 - COVID-19の影響
  • QSTC
  • RosterBot
  • SFA Sports Facilities Advisory & Sports Facilities Management
    • SFA Funding Services
  • Sideline Sports
    • Sideline Sports XPS ネットワーク
    • Sideline Sports XPS ネットワーク (コーチ向け)
    • Sideline Sports Tools
  • SIP
  • Sixgill
  • Sportlyzer
    • Sportlyzer のチーム管理ソフトウェア
  • SPay / Stack Sports
    • Stack Sports
    • Stack Sports と USA Elite Sports Network (USA Elite) との提携
    • Stack Sports
    • SPay
    • Stack Sports のブランド
    • Stack Pay の決済プラットフォーム
    • Stack Sports の買収
    • Stack Sports の買収を通じた機能性・ユーザーベースの構築
    • Stack Sports Soccer
    • Stack Sports のゴールライン
    • Stack Sports / Affinity Sports
    • Affinity Sports Concussion のプロトコルと製品ポジショニング
    • Stack Sports GamePlan System
  • Steel Sports
  • SwimTopia
    • SwimTopia Summer Swim Teams
    • SwimTopia Summer Swim Leagues
    • SwimTopia の収益モデル
  • Teamer
  • TeamSideline.com
    • TeamSideline の機能
    • TeamSideline Team Sites
  • TeamSnap
    • TeamSnap
    • 23. Million in 2021, Use TeamSnap:
  • Under Armour
  • Vista Equity の Fund IVとの提携と、Vista Equity の Fund III / Lanyonとの提携
    • Vista Equity Partners / STATS
    • Vista Equity Partners Amisco Prozone ("Prozone")
    • Vista Equity Partners Automated Insights
    • Vista Equity Partners the Sports Network (TSN)
    • Vista Equity Partners Bloomberg Sports
  • VNN Sports
  • / Wooter
  • YourTeamOnline
  • Zebra Technologies のスポーツソリューション
    • Zebra / NFL のパートナーシップ
  • Zuluru
    • Zuluru の収益モデル
  • ユーススポーツソフトウェア企業の一覧 (一部)

List of Tables and Figures

WinterGreen Research,

  • WinterGreen Research Methodology
  • WinterGreen Research Process
  • Market Research Study
  • WinterGreen Research Global Market Intelligence Company

Report Description: Youth League Sports Software and Revenue Models Matter

Abstract: Youth and Recreational Sports League Markets Reach $36.7 Billion in 2022

  • Figure 1. Market Growth Factors in High End Youth Sports
  • Figure 2. Youth League Sports Market Driving Forces
  • Figure 3. Market Growth in Youth Sports Driving Forces
  • Figure 4. Market Growth in Youth Sports Driving Factors
  • Figure 5. Driving Forces for Market Growth in Community Development Using Youth Sports
  • Figure 6. Youth Sports Driving Forces for Community Development
  • Figure 7. Youth Sports Product Offerings:
  • Figure 8. Barriers to Youth Sports Participation
  • Figure 9. Challenges to Youth Sports Participation
  • Figure 10. Aim to Ensure That All Kids Have the Chance to Grow Up Fit and Strong 30
  • Figure 11. Youth Team Sports Organization Aspects
  • Figure 12. Youth League Sports Software Market Driving Forces
  • Figure 13. Youth League Sports Software Development Mapping
  • Figure 14. Youth League Sports Market Factors
  • Figure 15. Youth League Sports Software Functions
  • Figure 16. Youth Sports Software Communications Functions
  • Figure 17. Market Growth Factors in High-End Youth Sports Schools and Facilities 41
  • Figure 18. Market Growth in Youth Sports Driving Forces
  • Figure 19. Market Growth in Youth Sports Driving Factors
  • Figure 20. Driving Forces for Market Growth in Community Development Using Youth Sports
  • Figure 21. Youth Sports Driving Forces for Community Development
  • Figure 22. Youth League Sports Market Driving Forces
  • Figure 23. Youth Sports Team, League, and Tournament Software, Hotel, and Shoes Spending Market Shares, Dollars, Worldwide, 2021
  • Figure 24. Youth Sports Team, League, and Tournament Software, Hotel, and Shoes Spending Market Shares, Dollars, Worldwide, 2021
  • Figure 25. Youth Sports Elite Teams, Club Teams
  • Figure 26. Youth League Sports Movement Toward Travel Teams
  • Figure 27. Youth League Sports Market Growth Development Programs
  • Figure 28. Youth League Sports Team Sponsors
  • Figure 29. Youth Sports Team, League, and Tournament Market Shares, Dollars, Worldwide, 2021
  • Figure 30. Youth Sports Team, League, and Tournament Software Market Shares, Dollars, Worldwide, 2021
  • Figure 31. Youth Sports Team, League, and Tournament Software Market Shares, Dollars, Worldwide, 2021
  • Figure 32. Youth League Sports Software Functions
  • Figure 33. Team Sports HQ Reporting Functions
  • Figure 34. Team Sports Payments and Order Tracking Functions
  • Figure 35. Youth League Sports Software Revenue Model Market Factors
  • Figure 36. Youth League Sports Software Market Demands
  • Figure 37. Youth Sports League Software Applications
  • Figure 38. Youth Team, League, and Tournament Sports Market Forecasts, Dollars, Worldwide, 2021-2028
  • Figure 39. Youth Team, League, and Tournament Sports Market Forecasts, Dollars, Worldwide, 2022-2028
  • Figure 40. Youth Sports Team, League, and Tournament Market Shares, Dollars, US, 2021-2028
  • Figure 41. Youth Sports Team, League, and Tournament Market Shares, Dollars, US, 2022-2028
  • Figure 42. Youth Team, League, and Tournament Sports Software, Hotel, Shoes, Apparel, Gear, Equipment and Travel Market Forecasts Dollars, Worldwide, 2022-2028
  • Figure 43. Youth Team, League, and Tournament Sports Software, Hotel, Shoes, Apparel, Gear, Equipment and Travel Market Forecasts, Percent, Worldwide, 2022-2028
  • Figure 44. Youth Team, League, and Tournament Facilities Market including Community Fields, Number Fields Used, US, 2021
  • Figure 45. Youth Team, League, and Tournament Participation, United States and Worldwide, Number of Players, 2021
  • Figure 46. Youth Team, League, and Tournament Software Markets by Sport, Units and Dollars, 2021
  • Figure 47. Aspects of Competition in Youth Sports Team, League, and Tournament Apparel and Equipment Markets
  • Figure 48. Youth Sports Team, League, and Tournament, Regional Market Segments, Dollars, 2021
  • Figure 49. Youth Sports Team, League, and Tournament, Regional Market Segments, Dollars, 2021
  • Figure 50. U.S. Census Bureau Regional Office Boundaries
  • Figure 51. US MSA Region Definitions
  • Figure 52. MSA Metropolitan Population, US 2022
  • Figure 53. Dollars Spent on Youth Sports by MSA Region
  • Figure 54. Canadian Youth Sports Market
  • Figure 95. Stack Sports GoalLine Customers
  • Figure 55. One-Stop Shop for Sports Registration, Payments and Management
  • Figure 56. Responsive Web Design (RWD) Illustrated
  • Figure 57. Robust Website Structure
  • Figure 58. Division of Tournament Types
  • Figure 59. Active Sports Partners
  • Figure 60. Active Network Metrics
  • Figure 61. Active Network Markets Served
  • Figure 62. Active Network Product Positioning
  • Figure 63. Active Network Solutions:
  • Figure 64. Active Network Management Software Solutions:
  • Figure 65. Active Network Platform Features
  • Figure 66. Active Network Customers
  • Figure 67. Aspen Institute Project Play Partners
  • Figure 68. Crowdfunding for Sports Teams
  • Figure 69. Catapult Customers
  • Figure 70. Coach Logic Video Analysis Tool Functions
  • Figure 71. Cogran Sports League Management Software Modules
  • Figure 72. Comcast Focus on Technology Initiatives:
  • Figure 73. NBC Sports SportsEngine Partners
  • Figure 74. Dick's Locations by State
  • Figure 75. Engage Sports Tools
  • Figure 76. FiXi Competition Management Target Markets
  • Figure 77. HorizonWebRef Pricing per Official
  • Figure 78. IHG Financials 2018
  • Figure 79. Selected IHG Brands
  • Figure 96. EZ Facility Key Features
  • Figure 80. EZFacility Target Markets
  • Figure 81. EZFacility Target Markets
  • Figure 82. ZoomSport professional edition license fees: $158.
  • Figure 83. JoomSport Target Market
  • Figure 84. LeagueRepublic Sports Software Functions
  • Figure 85. SFA Sports Facility Metrics
  • Figure 86. SFA Funding Services
  • Figure 87. Sideline Sports XPS Network Functions
  • Figure 88. Sideline Sports Clients by Category and Sport
  • Figure 89. Sportlyzer Monthly Recurring Revenue
  • Figure 90. Sportlyzer Total Registered Clubs
  • Figure 91. Sportlyzer Market Exit Strategy
  • Figure 92. Sportlyzer Sports Customers
  • Figure 93. Sportlyzer Sports Metrics
  • Figure 94. Stack Sports One-Stop Shop for Sports Registration, Payments and Management
  • Figure 95. Stack Sports 2021 Metrics
  • Figure 96. Stack Sports per Club Metrics
  • Figure 97. Stack Sports Client Base
  • Figure 98. Stack Sports Positioning
  • Figure 95. Stack Sports Target Markets
  • Figure 99. Stack Sports Brands
  • Figure 100. Stack Sports Customers
  • Figure 101. Stack Sports Software Competitive Advantage
  • Figure 102. Stack Sports Soccer
  • Figure 103. Affinity Sports Software Functions
  • Figure 104. Steel Sports Brand Relationships
  • Figure 105. TeamSnap League Management Metrics
  • Figure 106. TeamSnap Average Number User Touches per Month
  • Figure 107. TeamSnap Targets Coaches and Parents Easy-To-Use Tool for Organizing and Communicating Team Life
  • Figure 108. TeamSnap Coaching Platform Toolset Tasks
  • Figure 109. TeamSnap Platforms Supported
  • Figure 110. TeamSnap Target Market
  • Figure 111. TeamSnap Online Sports Team Management Application
  • Figure 112. TeamSnap Online Features
  • Figure 113. Teamsnap Benefits
  • Figure 114. TeamSnap Team Management Sports Targeted
  • Figure 115. TeamSnap Integration Features
  • Figure 116. TeamSnap Smartphone App Functions
  • Figure 117. Average # of TeamSnap Touches/User/Month
  • Figure 118. Zebra Technologies RFID Sports Positioning
  • Figure 119. Zebra Has One Million RFID Tags in Place
Product Code: SH30094732

This 2022 study has 270 pages, 119 tables and figures. Youth sports markets are poised to achieve significant growth as travel teams become more popular and families enjoy time together during a weekend sporting event.

Leagues purchase and distribute sports software, clothing, and equipment to teams and clubs. The leagues have created a large market out of what were previously disparate small businesses serving scholastic youth sports locally. The club and elite teams provide better coaching and better access for all youth, both boys and girls.

The availability of training by dedicated, professional coaches has made possible the evolution of hundreds of thousands of elite teams that together comprise a youth sports market in ordinary times. These are not ordinary times, unfortunately. Enormous market efficiency is being achieved as youth and recreational teams move to automated process. Apps can be used to book hotels and make travel arrangements.

Youth sports facilities become part of a community development program for all ages Every team, every sport has appeal and as there is more leisure, as the economy spins out more and more wealth at the top of the economic scale, there will be more spending on sports. Professional sports, betting, fantasy teams, semiprofessional teams, and teams just for fun will continue to look for venues and players.

According to Susan Eustis, leader of the market research team that prepared the study for WinterGreen Research, "Vendors are upgrading feature function packages. They are leveraging apps to improve communications and draw more people into programs. Software so it is able to provide a wide range of capabilities. Once a platform is in place, the organization of travel teams is facilitated."

Table of Contents

Abstract: Youth and Recreational Sports League Markets Reach $36.7 Billion in 2022

Youth Team, League, and Tournament Sports Executive Summary

  • Youth Team, League, and Tournament Sports Market Driving Forces

1. Youth Team, League, and Tournament Sports: Market Description and Market Dynamics

  • 1.1. Youth League Sports Market Dynamics
  • 1.2. Participation in Sports Develops Core Values in Youth
    • 1.2.1. Professional Sports Embrace Youth Development Programs
    • 1.2.2. Jr.NBA.com Emphasizes Fundamentals for Youth
  • 1.3. Clothing and Apparel a Core Aspect of Youth Sports Market
    • 1.3.1. Little League Chose Dick's Team Sports HQ As Its Tech Provider
  • 1.4. Hotels Leverage Vendor Positioning in Youth Sports Markets
  • 1.5. Youth Sports League Software Is Highly Specialized
  • 1.6. Barriers to Youth Sports Participation
    • 1.6.1. Barriers to Youth Sports Participation
    • 1.6.2. Aim to Ensure That All Kids Have the Chance to Grow Up Fit and Strong
    • 1.6.3. Developing the Athletic and Human Potential of a Child
  • 1.7. Youth Team Web Sites
    • 1.7.1. Youth Sports Team Web Presence
  • 1.8. Youth Sports Software Communications Functions

2. Youth Team, League, and Tournament Sports Market Shares and Forecasts

  • 2.1. Youth Team, League, and Tournament Sports Market Driving Forces
    • 2.1.1. Youth League Sports Market Dynamics
    • 2.1.2. Innovation Is Core to the Market Growth of Youth Sports Organizations
  • 2.2. Youth Sports Team, League, and Tournament Market Shares
    • 2.2.1. Movement Toward Travel Teams
    • 2.2.2. Linking to Team Sponsors
    • 2.2.3. Youth League Sports Market Growth Development Programs
    • 2.2.4. Youth League Sports Software Functions
    • 2.2.5. Team Sports Financial Reporting
    • 2.2.6. Youth Team Sports Acquisitions
    • 2.2.7. Youth League Sports Apps Model Market Factors
    • 2.2.8. Applications
  • 2.3. Youth League Sports Market Forecasts
    • 2.3.1. Youth Sports Team, League, and Tournament Market Segments, Dollars, Worldwide
  • 2.4. Youth Team, League, and Tournament Facilities Market, Number Field Rentals
  • 2.5. Youth League Sports Regional Market Analysis
    • 2.3.2. U.S. Sports Profile
    • 2.3.3. US Youth Sports Regional Analysis by MSA Region
    • 2.3.4. Youth Team Sites Revenue Model
    • 2.3.5. Canada

3. Youth League Sports Product Description

  • 3.1. Vendors Build Brand with Significant, Targeted Upper Middle-Class Demographics
    • 3.1.1. Vendors Address Needs of Different Types of Teams
    • 3.1.2. Stack Sports GoalLine
    • 3.1.3. Stack Sports Strengths
    • 3.1.4. Stack Sports Challenges

4. Youth and Recreational League Sports Research and Technology

  • 4.1. Payment Gateways
    • 4.1.1. Payment Processing Solutions for a League
    • 4.1.2. Recommended Merchant Broker Authorize.net Gateway
  • 4.2. Responsive Web Design
    • 4.2.1. Robust Website Structure
  • 4.3. Tournament Types
    • 4.3.1. Match Day Types
  • 4.4. Season Registration & eSport Configuration
  • 4.5. Venue
  • 4.6. FE Management
    • 4.6.1. Extra fields
  • 4.7. Artificial Intelligence and Software
  • 4.8. Nike Open Source Software

5. Youth and Recreational League Sports Software Company Profiles

  • 5.1. Adidas
  • 5.2. Global Payments / Active Network
    • 2.5.1. Active Network / Active Sports
    • 5.2.1. Active Network
    • 5.2.2. Active Network Global Payments
    • 5.2.3. Active Network / Active Sports
    • 5.2.4. Active Sports Strengths
    • 5.2.5. Active Sports Challenges
    • 5.2.6. Active Sports Revenue Model
  • 5.3. Agile Sports Technologies / Hudl
    • 5.3.1. Hudl
    • 5.3.2. Hudl Video
    • 5.3.3. Hudl Acquisitions
    • 5.3.4. Hudl Financing
    • 5.3.5. Hudl Partnership with Nike
  • 5.4. Amer Sports / Wilson
  • 5.5. Aspen Institute
  • 5.6. Athletrax / mysportsort
  • 5.7. Bauer
  • 5.8. Bear Dev
  • 5.9. Catapult
    • 5.9.1. Catapult Acquisitions
    • 5.9.2. Catapult Customers
  • 5.10. Coach Logic
  • 5.11. Cogran
  • 5.12. Comcast / NBC / Sport Engine
    • 5.12.1. Comcast Business
    • 5.12.2. NBC Sports Group
    • 5.12.3. NBC Universal / SportsEngine
    • 5.12.4. Sports Engine Culture
  • 5.13. Dick's
    • 5.13.1. Dick's Sporting Goods Revenue
  • 5.14. Engage Sports
  • 5.15. FiXi Competition Management
    • 5.15.1. FiXi Competition Management Revenue Model
    • 5.15.2. FiXi Competition Management Features and Functions
    • 5.15.3. FiXi Competition Management Customization and League Requirements
  • 5.16. HorizonWebRef.com
    • 5.16.1. HorizonWebRef.com Revenue Model
  • 5.17. InterContinental Hotels Group IHG
    • 5.17.1. IHG Strategic Priorities
    • 5.17.2. InterContinental Hotels Group IHG's Holiday Inn Express
    • 5.17.3. Holiday Inn Express
  • 5.18. Jevin
  • 5.19. Jonas Software / EZFacility
    • 5.19.1. EZFacility Sports Facility & League Software
    • 5.19.2. Advertising Revenue Model
    • 5.19.3. EZFacility Features and Functions
    • 5.19.4. EZFacility Target Market
  • 5.20. JoomSport
    • 5.20.1. JoomSport Revenue Model
    • 5.20.2. JoomSport Target Market
    • 5.20.3. JoomSport Features
  • 5.21. LeagueApps
    • 5.21.1. LeagueApps
    • 5.21.2. LeagueApps Revenue Model
    • 5.21.3. LeagueApps Features and Functions
    • 5.21.4. LeagueApps Target Market
  • 5.22. LeagueLobster
  • 5.23. LeagueRepublic
    • 5.23.1. LeagueRepublic Features
  • 5.24. Marriott
  • 5.25. NBC / SportsEngine
  • 5.26. Nike
    • 5.26.1. Nike Personal Analytics
    • 5.26.2. Nike Partnership with Hudl
    • 5.26.3. Nike Revenue - Impact of Covid-19
  • 5.27. QSTC
  • 5.28. RosterBot
  • 5.29. SFA Sports Facilities Advisory & Sports Facilities Management
    • 5.29.1. SFA Funding Services
  • 5.30. Sideline Sports
    • 5.30.1. Sideline Sports XPS Network
    • 2.5.2. Sideline Sports XPS Network for Coaches
    • 5.30.2. Sideline Sports Tools
  • 5.31. SIP
  • 5.32. Sixgill
  • 5.33. Sportlyzer
    • 5.33.1. Sportlyzer Team Management Software
  • 5.34. SPay / Stack Sports
    • 5.34.1. Stack Sports
    • 5.34.2. Stack Sports partnership with USA Elite Sports Network (USA Elite)
    • 5.34.3. Stack Sports
    • 5.34.4. SPay
    • 5.34.5. Stack Sports Brand
    • 5.34.6. Stack Pay Payment Platform
    • 5.34.7. Stack Sports Acquisitions
    • 5.34.8. Stack Sports Built Functionality and User Base Through Acquisition
    • 5.34.9. Stack Sports Soccer
    • 5.34.10. Stack Sports Goalline
    • 5.32.1. Stack Sports / Affinity Sports
    • 5.34.11. Affinity Sports Concussion Protocols and Product Positioning
    • 5.34.12. Stack Sports GamePlan System
  • 5.28. Steel Sports
  • 2.28. SwimTopia
    • 5.28.1. SwimTopia Summer Swim Teams
    • 5.28.2. SwimTopia Summer Swim Leagues
    • 5.28.3. SwimTopia Revenue Model
  • 5.29. Teamer
  • 5.30. TeamSideline.com
    • 5.30.1. TeamSideline Features
    • 5.30.2. TeamSideline Team Sites
  • 5.31. TeamSnap
    • 5.34.13. TeamSnap
    • 5.31.1. 23. Million in 2021, Use TeamSnap:
  • 5.32. Under Armour
  • 5.33. Vista Equity Partners Fund IV and Vista Equity Partners Fund III / Lanyon
    • 5.33.1. Vista Equity Partners / STATS
    • 5.33.2. Vista Equity Partners Amisco Prozone ("Prozone")
    • 5.33.3. Vista Equity Partners Automated Insights
    • 5.33.4. Vista Equity Partners the Sports Network (TSN)
    • 5.33.5. Vista Equity Partners Bloomberg Sports
  • 5.34. VNN Sports
  • 5.35. / Wooter
  • 5.36. YourTeamOnline
  • 5.37. Zebra Technologies Sports Solutions
    • 5.37.1. Zebra / NFL Partnership
  • 5.38. Zuluru
    • 5.38.1. Zuluru Revenue Model
  • 5.39. Selected List of Youth Sports Software Companies