骨壊死治療:市場規模・予測、世界・地域別シェア、動向、成長機会分析 - 治療タイプ別、エンドユーザー別、地域別Osteonecrosis Treatment Market Size and Forecasts, Global and Regional Share, Trends, and Growth Opportunity Analysis Report Coverage: By Treatment Type, End User, and Geography |
骨壊死治療:市場規模・予測、世界・地域別シェア、動向、成長機会分析 - 治療タイプ別、エンドユーザー別、地域別 |
出版日: 2023年12月12日
発行: The Insight Partners
ページ情報: 英文 150 Pages
納期: 1~5営業日
世界の骨壊死治療の市場規模は、2022年に6億3,700万米ドルに達し、2022~2030年にかけてCAGR 6.08%で成長し、2030年には10億2,100万米ドルに達すると予測されています。
Clevelandclinic.orgが2021年に発表した統計によると、年間1万~2万人の米国人が血管壊死(AVN)と診断され、この疾患はあらゆる年齢と性別の人に影響を及ぼします。股関節脱臼を経験した人の20%近くがAVNを発症しています。骨壊死の症例は、死亡事故による骨や関節の損傷の増加により、世界的に増加しています。骨壊死はより一般的には股関節を侵すが、上腕骨、膝、距骨の状態を悪化させることもあります。StatPearlsが2023年に発表した論文によると、AVNは米国における人工股関節置換術の10%を引き起こし、そのほとんどが30~65歳の患者です。股関節や膝関節がずれると、脚への血液供給が絶たれる可能性があります。その結果、脚の組織に十分な血液が供給されなくなり(虚血として知られる状態)、壊死することがある(壊死として知られる状態)。肘や上腕の骨折は、時に前腕への血流を妨げ、同様の合併症を引き起こすことがあります。骨への血液供給が妨げられると、骨の一部が壊死し、骨壊死を引き起こすことがあります。2022年1月にPubMed Centralが発表した論文によると、17万934人の大外傷患者を対象としたコホート研究が行われました。この研究では、外傷性股関節脱臼を発症した大外傷患者の78.0%が交通事故、特に自動車事故(49.9%)で負傷したと結論付けています。
血管壊死治療のためのバイオメカニクス技術は、関節の力学と機能に関する懸念を解決しようとするものです。AVNは、特に体重のかかる関節において骨の構造的変化を頻繁に引き起こし、不快感や可動性の低下をもたらします。関節機能を維持し、痛みを軽減し、患者の生活の質を向上させるためには、生体力学的な解決策が不可欠です。このようなアプローチは、包括的なケアを提供するために、整形外科医、バイオメカニクスエンジニア、リハビリテーションの専門家が集学的に協力することが多いです。現在、AVNの治療法として、さまざまな生体力学的アプローチが研究・利用されています。これらのアプローチには、患者に特化した治療のための特殊でカスタマイズ可能なインプラントの開発や、患者の生体力学的変化を理解するための高度な画像を用いた生体力学的分析などが含まれます。例えば、2023年1月にSage Journals誌に掲載された論文では、血管性骨移植と輻射手根骨スパン内固定術の中間治療を受けた9人の患者を対象に、月状骨の血管性を回復させることで血管壊死の進行を止める研究が行われました。この研究では、局所血管新生骨移植と橈骨手根骨の一時的内固定を併用することで、内固定の利点を生かした治療オプションが得られると結論づけています。
同様に、Scielo Brazil誌が2023年6月に発表した論文では、大腿骨頭壊死症と診断された9人の患者を対象とした横断的研究が行われました。この研究では、患者の歩行分析にVicon Motion Capture Systemsが使用されました。その結果、大腿骨頭壊死症患者は、股関節を保護するために代償的な歩行メカニズムを採用していることがわかった。これらのメカニズムには、骨盤の動きの増加と膝関節の屈曲の減少が含まれます。また、股関節の屈曲と内転のモーメントが減少していることも確認されており、これらの筋力低下が関係している可能性があります。したがって、バイオメカニクス分析はAVN患者の機能性評価に有用です。これにより、医師は患者のQOLに大きく影響する日常動作を評価することができます。さらに、痛みや機能性を改善し、最終的には手術成績の向上につながるような非手術的措置に即座に投資することができます。
さらに、欧州連合臨床試験登録によると、18歳未満の被験者を対象とした臨床試験は7,255件実施されており、古い小児臨床試験のデータもあります。2023年3月にMDPIに掲載された論文によると、ARCO分類のステージがIIC未満の患者における特発性大腿骨頭壊死症(ONFH)の治療における間葉系幹細胞(MSC)の有効性を評価するために、非無作為化前向き非盲検臨床試験が行われました。試験には8人の患者が組み入れられました。治療の4週間前に自家骨髄(40mL)を採取し、GMP(Good Manufacturing Practice)基準でMSCを増殖させました。本試験では、自己間葉系幹細胞(MSC)の使用は、大腿骨頭壊死症(ONFH)患者に対する安全かつ有効な可能性のある治療法であると結論づけられました。
「Global Osteonecrosis Treatment Market」は、治療タイプ、エンドユーザー、地域に基づいてセグメント化されています。製品タイプに基づき、市場は薬剤と手術に二分されます。薬剤セグメントはさらに、非ステロイド性抗炎症薬、血液希釈薬、コレステロール低下薬、その他に区分されます。同様に、手術分野は人工関節全置換術/人工股関節全置換術(THA)、コア減圧手術、骨移植、骨切り術などに細分化されます。2022年には薬剤セグメントが最大の市場シェアを占めました。しかし、手術セグメントはCAGR 7.6%と最も高い成長が見込まれています。
The osteonecrosis treatment market size is expected to grow from US$ 637 million in 2022 to US$ 1,021 million by 2030; the market is estimated to register a CAGR of 6.08% from 2022 to 2030.
Key factors driving the market growth include the rising cases of osteonecrosis in people owing to an increasing number of road accidents and long-term use of steroids among patients. Additionally, the rising geriatric population and growing awareness about bone health benefit the osteonecrosis treatment market. However, the high cost associated with surgical treatments and the risk factors associated with treatment drugs hamper the osteonecrosis treatment market.
Osteonecrosis, also known as avascular necrosis (AVN), is a painful bone disease that results in the death of bone cells. It happens when blood flow to bones is disrupted and worsens over time. The causes of this condition include broken bones, dislocated hips, radiation therapy, and alcohol abuse.
Rising Cases of Orthopedic Injuries and Increasing Geriatric Population Drive Osteonecrosis Treatment Market Growth
According to statistics published by Clevelandclinic.org in 2021, 10,000-20,000 Americans are diagnosed with avascular necrosis (AVN) annually, with the condition affecting individuals of all ages and genders. Nearly 20% of people who experience hip dislocation develop AVN. The cases of osteonecrosis are rising globally owing to the increasing number of bone and joint injuries caused by fatal accidents. Although osteonecrosis more commonly affects the hip, it can also hamper the condition of the humerus, knee, and talus. As per an article published by StatPearls in 2023, AVN causes 10% of hip arthroplasties in the US, mostly in people aged 30-65. A displaced hip or knee might cut off blood supply to the leg. As a result, the tissues in the leg may not receive enough blood (a condition known as ischemia) and may die (a condition known as necrosis). Elbow or upper arm fractures can occasionally impede blood flow to the forearm, creating similar complications. When blood supply to a bone is interrupted, a portion of the bone may die, causing osteonecrosis. As per the article published by PubMed Central in January 2022, a cohort study included 170,934 major trauma patients. The study concluded that 78.0% of the major trauma patients with traumatic hip dislocations were injured in road traffic accidents, particularly in motor vehicle accidents (49.9%).
Older people are more likely to experience osteonecrosis as they are more prone to bone degeneration and fractures. In an article published by PubMed in 2020, a study was carried out to assess the effectiveness of cannulated internal fixation in long-term outcomes in 73 patients with femoral neck fracture (FNF), alongside identifying the risk factors affecting outcomes. The study results showed that 7 (i.e., ~10%) experienced femoral head necrosis, and 4 underwent hip replacement. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in 6 people worldwide will be aged 60 years or over by 2030, with an estimated 1.4 billion people over 60. Therefore, the burgeoning geriatric population and growing awareness about bone health favor the osteonecrosis treatment market.
Market Opportunity
Development of Biomechanical Solutions and Ongoing Clinical Trials to Launch New Innovations Are Creating Opportunities in the Market.
Biomechanical techniques for avascular necrosis therapy attempt to solve joint mechanics and functioning concerns. AVN frequently causes structural changes in bone, particularly in weight-bearing joints, resulting in discomfort and decreased mobility. Biomechanical solutions are vital in preserving joint function, reducing pain, and improving a patient's quality of life. These approaches often involve a multidisciplinary collaboration between orthopedic surgeons, biomechanical engineers, and rehabilitation specialists to provide comprehensive care. Various biomechanical approaches are currently being studied and utilized as a treatment for AVN. These approaches include developing specialized and customizable implants for patient-specific treatments and biomechanical analysis using advanced imaging to understand altered patient biomechanics. For instance, in an article published by Sage Journals in January 2023, a study was carried out to stop the advancement of avascular necrosis by restoring lunate vascularity in nine patients who were treated with vascularized bone grafts and interim radiocarpal spanning internal fixation. The study concluded that utilizing a local vascularized bone graft with temporary internal radiocarpal spanning fixation provides a therapeutic option with the advantages of internal immobilization.
Similarly, in an article published by Scielo Brazil in June 2023, a cross-sectional study included nine patients diagnosed with osteonecrosis of the femoral head. The study used Vicon Motion Capture Systems for patients' gait analysis. The study found that individuals with osteonecrosis of the femoral head adopt compensatory gait mechanisms to protect their hip joints. These mechanisms include increased pelvic motion and decreased knee flexion. The study also identified decreased moments for hip flexion and adduction, which may be related to muscle weakness in these groups. Therefore, biomechanical analysis is useful for evaluating the functionality of patients with AVN. This allows physicians to assess daily activities that can significantly affect patients' quality of life. Additionally, it helps them invest in immediate non-operative measures that can improve pain and functionality, eventually leading to better surgical outcomes.
Moreover, according to the European Union Clinical Trials Register, 7255 clinical trials were conducted with subjects under 18 years old, and data on older pediatric trials. According to an article published on MDPI in March 2023, an open-label, non-randomized, prospective clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in treating idiopathic osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH) in patients with stage less than IIC in the ARCO classification. Eight patients were included in the trial. Autologous bone marrow (40 mL) was obtained four weeks before therapy, and MSCs were expanded under Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards. The study concluded that using autologous mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is a safe and potentially effective treatment option for patients with femoral head osteonecrosis (ONFH).
The "Global Osteonecrosis Treatment Market" is segmented based on treatment type, end user, and geography. Based on product type, the market is bifurcated into drugs and surgeries. Drug segments are further segmented into NSAIDs, blood thinners, cholesterol-lowering drugs, and others. Similarly, the surgeries segment is sub-segmented into total joint replacement/ total hip arthroplasty (THA), core decompression surgery, bone graft, osteotomy, etc. The drugs segment held the largest market share in 2022. However, the surgeries segment is anticipated to grow with the highest CAGR of 7.6%.
In terms of end users, the osteonecrosis market is segmented into hospitals, specialty clinics, ambulatory surgical centers, and others. The hospital segment is expected to record the highest CAGR in the market from 2022 to 2030. Osteonecrosis treatment involves complicated surgeries that need special medical attention, including diagnosis, treatment, and continuous monitoring. Hospitals play an essential role in delivering complete healthcare services to osteonecrosis patients. Depending on the disease's stage and severity, they provide various treatment options for osteonecrosis. Conservative techniques such as pain management, physical therapy, and lifestyle changes may be included in these treatments. Furthermore, surgical therapies such as joint-preserving operations or joint replacement surgeries may be undertaken in severe cases.
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