
メンタルヘルスアプリの世界市場レポート 2024

Mental Health Apps Global Market Report 2024

英文 200 Pages
価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=156.55円
メンタルヘルスアプリの世界市場レポート 2024
出版日: 2024年02月23日
発行: The Business Research Company
ページ情報: 英文 200 Pages
納期: 2~10営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次

メンタルヘルスアプリの市場規模は、今後数年間で急速に成長すると予想されています。 2028年には16.6%の年間複合成長率(CAGR)で133億米ドルに成長すると予想されます。予測期間中に予測される成長は、遠隔医療サービスの需要の高まり、ヘルスケア意思決定におけるユーザーの権限付与の重視、企業のウェルネスへの取り組みの拡大など、いくつかの要因によって推進されています。この期間に予想される主な動向には、医療サービスのパーソナライゼーションとカスタマイズ化、医療ソリューションにおけるAIと機械学習技術の統合、遠隔療法と遠隔サポートオプションの成長、デジタル治療薬の開発、医療におけるデータセキュリティの確保とプライバシー規制の遵守への重点化などが含まれます。


スマートフォンの普及により、今後数年間でメンタルヘルスアプリ市場の成長が促進されると予想されます。スマートフォンは、携帯電話の機能とコンピュータやその他の電子機器の機能を組み合わせたモバイルデバイスで、電話、インターネットブラウジング、電子メール、マルチメディア再生、カメラ機能、さまざまなソフトウェアアプリケーション(アプリ)などの機能を提供します。スマートフォンの普及により、メンタルヘルスアプリへのアクセスが容易になり、使用量の増加と精神的健康のサポートが促進されます。たとえば、2022年 11月、スイスに本拠を置き、さまざまなテクノロジーや通信問題を監督する国連部門である国際電気通信連合は、10歳以上の73%がスマートフォンにアクセスできると報告しました。これは、10歳以上の人の7%よりも高いです。インターネットにアクセスできる一般人口の割合。したがって、スマートフォンの普及がメンタルヘルスアプリ市場の主要な推進力となっています。


第1章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第2章 市場の特徴

第3章 市場動向と戦略

第4章 マクロ経済シナリオ

  • 高インフレが市場に与える影響
  • ウクライナ・ロシア戦争が市場に与える影響
  • COVID-19による市場への影響

第5章 世界市場規模と成長

  • 世界の市場促進要因と抑制要因
    • 市場促進要因
    • 市場抑制要因
  • 世界の市場規模実績と成長、2018年~2023年
  • 世界の市場規模予測と成長、2023年~2028年、2033年

第6章 市場セグメンテーション

  • 世界のメンタルヘルスアプリ市場、プラットフォームタイプ別のセグメンテーション、実績および予測、2018-2023、2023-2028年、2033年
  • iOS
  • Android
  • その他
  • 世界のメンタルヘルスアプリ市場、用途タイプ別のセグメンテーション、実績および予測、2018-2023年、2023-2028年、2033年
  • うつ病と不安症の管理
  • 瞑想管理
  • ストレスマネジメント
  • ウェルネスマネジメント
  • その他

第7章 地域および国の分析

  • 世界のメンタルヘルスアプリ市場、地域別、実績および予測、2018-2023、2023-2028年、2033年
  • 世界のメンタルヘルスアプリ市場、国別、実績および予測、2018-2023、2023-2028年、2033年

第8章 アジア太平洋市場

第9章 中国市場

第10章 インド市場

第11章 日本市場

第12章 オーストラリア市場

第13章 インドネシア市場

第14章 韓国市場

第15章 西欧市場

第16章 英国市場

第17章 ドイツ市場

第18章 フランス市場

第19章 イタリア市場

第20章 スペイン市場

第21章 東欧市場

第22章 ロシア市場

第23章 北米市場

第24章 米国市場

第25章 カナダ市場

第26章 南米市場

第27章 ブラジル市場

第28章 中東市場

第29章 アフリカ市場

第30章 競合情勢と企業プロファイル

  • メンタルヘルスアプリ市場の競合情勢
  • メンタルヘルスアプリ市場の企業プロファイル
    • Walmart Inc.
    • UnitedHealth Group Incorporated
    • CVS Health Corporation
    • McKesson Corporation
    • Cardinal Health Inc.

第31章 その他の主要および革新的な企業

  • Optum Inc.
  • Cigna Corporation
  • The Home Depot Inc.
  • Centene Corporation
  • Anthem Inc.
  • Verizon Communications Inc.
  • Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc.
  • Comcast Corporation
  • AT&T Inc.
  • Target Corporation
  • Lowe's Companies Inc.
  • Humana Inc.
  • T-Mobile Inc.
  • Aetna Inc.
  • DaVita Inc.

第32章 競合ベンチマーキング

第33章 競合ダッシュボード

第34章 主要な合併と買収

第35章 将来の見通しと可能性の分析

第36章 付録

Product Code: r15813

Mental health apps are applications available on mobile and PC platforms that help individuals manage their mental health. These apps can assist in medication management, stress reduction, and symptom monitoring for various mental health disorders. They also provide virtual therapy for conditions such as PTSD, psychotic disorders, and anxiety disorders.

Mental health apps are developed for various platforms, including iOS, Android, and others. iOS mental health apps are designed for use on iOS-enabled mobile phones or tablets, utilizing Apple Inc.'s operating system. These apps cater to depression and anxiety management, meditation, stress management, wellness, and other mental health needs.

The mental health apps market research report is one of a series of new reports from The Business Research Company that provides mental health apps market statistics, including mental health apps industry global market size, regional shares, competitors with a mental health apps market share, detailed mental health apps market segments, market trends and opportunities, and any further data you may need to thrive in the mental health apps industry. This mental health apps market research report delivers a complete perspective of everything you need, with an in-depth analysis of the current and future scenarios of the industry.

The mental health apps market size has grown rapidly in recent years. It will grow from $6.22 billion in 2023 to $7.18 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.4%. The growth during the historical period can be attributed to the increasing awareness of mental health, efforts to reduce stigma surrounding mental health issues, and the ongoing challenges in global health that have brought mental health to the forefront.

The mental health apps market size is expected to see rapid growth in the next few years. It will grow to $13.3 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.6%. The projected growth in the forecast period is driven by several factors: the rising demand for telehealth services, an emphasis on user empowerment in healthcare decisions, and the expansion of corporate wellness initiatives. Major trends expected during this period encompass the personalization and customization of healthcare services, the integration of AI and machine learning technologies in healthcare solutions, the growth of teletherapy and remote support options, the development of digital therapeutics, and an increased focus on ensuring data security and compliance with privacy regulations in healthcare.

The growing recognition of mental health and its importance is driving the expansion of the mental health apps market. Increased openness about mental health by public figures, including sports personalities and celebrities, has reduced stigma and raised awareness about mental health and its impact on overall well-being worldwide. Furthermore, individuals dealing with mental health issues are investing in various recovery methods such as medical consultations, mental health apps, self-help books, and other resources. For example, according to MYNDUP, a UK-based online platform providing mental health support to employees, around 17% of people in the UK experienced some form of depression during the summer of 2021, compared to 10% before the pandemic. Anxiety, the most prevalent mental illness, affects 40 million people, accounting for 19.1% of the population. Consequently, the increasing awareness of mental health and its significance is fueling the growth of the mental health app market.

The widespread adoption of smartphones is expected to drive the growth of the mental health apps market in the coming years. A smartphone is a mobile device that combines cellular phone functionality with features found in computers and other electronic devices, offering capabilities such as telephony, internet browsing, email, multimedia playback, camera functionality, and a variety of software applications (apps). The proliferation of smartphones increases accessibility to mental health apps, encouraging greater usage and support for mental well-being. For example, in November 2022, the International Telecommunication Union, a United Nations department based in Switzerland that oversees various technology and communication matters, reported that 73% of people aged 10 and above had access to a smartphone, which is 7% more than the proportion of the general population with internet access. Therefore, the widespread use of smartphones is a key driver of the mental health apps market.

Technological advancement stands as a prominent trend surging within the mental health apps market. Major companies in this domain prioritize delivering technologically advanced solutions to cater to customer needs and fortify their market presence. These firms are integrating next-generation technologies such as CRM, video API, text API, and leveraging end-to-end patient engagement through AI and ML, among other innovations, within their services. For instance, in January 2021, Moody, a healthcare company, unveiled an intelligent mental health care app. This app possesses the capability to proactively identify and alert users about potential psychological changes in their behavior, offering daily recommendations for corrective actions. Additionally, it enables users to craft daily journal entries, incorporating memories such as pictures, attachments, and more.

Key companies in the mental health apps market are prioritizing innovative solutions such as AI-based mental health support apps to meet the demands of insurers and their clientele. An AI-based mental health support app is a smartphone application leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) technology to aid, guide, and assist individuals grappling with mental health challenges. For example, in August 2023, Swiss Re Reinsurance Solutions, a Switzerland-based reinsurance company, collaborated with Wysa, a US-based AI-driven chatbot company specializing in helping individuals better cope with daily stressors, to introduce Wysa Assure-an artificial intelligence-powered mental health support app. This app amalgamates Swiss Re's risk expertise and unique scoring methodology with Wysa's AI-driven mental health solutions to cater to the needs of insurers and their clients, with plans to replicate such collaborations in other regions. At the core of Wysa Assure lies an AI chatbot rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy principles, offering on-demand support to customers and guiding them through evidence-based psychological resources tailored to their specific needs. Addressing data privacy concerns, the software prioritizes user anonymity while seamlessly integrating self-management modules with insurer support networks. This innovative approach fosters proactive mental health management, promotes early intervention, potentially curbing symptom progression, and could lead to cost savings for insurers by mitigating claim volumes.

In January 2021, Headspace Health, a UK-centered company specializing in digital mental health and wellbeing solutions, purchased Sayana for an undisclosed sum. This acquisition signifies Headspace's commitment to incorporating AI functionalities into its platforms, aiming to enhance mental health services for its clientele and offer more tailored user experiences. Sayana, an India-based firm, specializes in AI-driven mental health and wellness solutions.

Major companies operating in the mental health apps market report are Walmart Inc., UnitedHealth Group Incorporated, CVS Health Corporation, McKesson Corporation, Cardinal Health Inc., Optum Inc., Cigna Corporation, The Home Depot Inc., Centene Corporation, Anthem Inc., Verizon Communications Inc., Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc., Comcast Corporation, AT&T Inc., Target Corporation, Lowe's Companies Inc., Humana Inc., T-Mobile Inc., Aetna Inc., DaVita Inc., Teladoc Health Inc., Calm.com, Headspace Health Inc., SonderMind Inc., Pear Therapeutics Inc., MoodMission Pty. Ltd., 2Morrow Inc., ieso Digital Health Corp., Flow Neuroscience Inc., Big Health Inc., Happify Health Inc., Mindscapes, Omada Health Inc., Pear Nova Digital Health Corp., Propeller Health Inc.

North America was the largest region in the mental health apps market in 2023. Asia-Pacific is expected to be the fastest-growing region in the forecast period. The regions covered in the mental health apps market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa.

The countries covered in the mental health apps market report are Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, South Korea, UK, USA, Canada, Italy, Spain.

The mental health apps market includes revenues earned by entities by providing services such as self-awareness by controlling their mood, maintaining good habits and breaking bad ones, and cultivating positive thinking. The market value includes the value of related goods sold by the service provider or included within the service offering. Only goods and services traded between entities or sold to end consumers are included.

The market value is defined as the revenues that enterprises gain from the sale of goods and/or services within the specified market and geography through sales, grants, or donations in terms of the currency (in USD, unless otherwise specified).

The revenues for a specified geography are consumption values that are revenues generated by organizations in the specified geography within the market, irrespective of where they are produced. It does not include revenues from resales along the supply chain, either further along the supply chain or as part of other products.

Mental Health Apps Global Market Report 2024 from The Business Research Company provides strategists, marketers and senior management with the critical information they need to assess the market.

This report focuses on mental health apps market which is experiencing strong growth. The report gives a guide to the trends which will be shaping the market over the next ten years and beyond.

Reasons to Purchase

  • Gain a truly global perspective with the most comprehensive report available on this market covering 50+ geographies.
  • Understand how the market has been affected by the coronavirus and how it is responding as the impact of the virus abates.
  • Assess the Russia - Ukraine war's impact on agriculture, energy and mineral commodity supply and its direct and indirect impact on the market.
  • Measure the impact of high global inflation on market growth.
  • Create regional and country strategies on the basis of local data and analysis.
  • Identify growth segments for investment.
  • Outperform competitors using forecast data and the drivers and trends shaping the market.
  • Understand customers based on the latest market shares.
  • Benchmark performance against key competitors.
  • Suitable for supporting your internal and external presentations with reliable high quality data and analysis
  • Report will be updated with the latest data and delivered to you within 3-5 working days of order along with an Excel data sheet for easy data extraction and analysis.
  • All data from the report will also be delivered in an excel dashboard format.

Where is the largest and fastest growing market for mental health apps ? How does the market relate to the overall economy, demography and other similar markets? What forces will shape the market going forward? The mental health apps market global report from the Business Research Company answers all these questions and many more.

The report covers market characteristics, size and growth, segmentation, regional and country breakdowns, competitive landscape, market shares, trends and strategies for this market. It traces the market's historic and forecast market growth by geography.

  • The market characteristics section of the report defines and explains the market.
  • The market size section gives the market size ($b) covering both the historic growth of the market, and forecasting its development.
  • The forecasts are made after considering the major factors currently impacting the market. These include:

The impact of sanctions, supply chain disruptions, and altered demand for goods and services due to the Russian Ukraine war, impacting various macro-economic factors and parameters in the Eastern European region and its subsequent effect on global markets.

The impact of higher inflation in many countries and the resulting spike in interest rates.

The continued but declining impact of covid 19 on supply chains and consumption patterns.

  • Market segmentations break down the market into sub markets.
  • The regional and country breakdowns section gives an analysis of the market in each geography and the size of the market by geography and compares their historic and forecast growth. It covers the growth trajectory of COVID-19 for all regions, key developed countries and major emerging markets.
  • The competitive landscape chapter gives a description of the competitive nature of the market, market shares, and a description of the leading companies. Key financial deals which have shaped the market in recent years are identified.
  • The trends and strategies section analyses the shape of the market as it emerges from the crisis and suggests how companies can grow as the market recovers.


Markets Covered:

  • 1) By Platform Type: iOS; Android; Other Platform Types
  • 2) By Application Type: Depression and Anxiety management; Meditation Management; Stress Management; Wellness Management; Other Application Types
  • Companies Mentioned: Walmart Inc.; UnitedHealth Group Incorporated; CVS Health Corporation; McKesson Corporation; Cardinal Health Inc.
  • Countries: Australia; Brazil; China; France; Germany; India; Indonesia; Japan; Russia; South Korea; UK; USA; Canada; Italy; Spain
  • Regions: Asia-Pacific; Western Europe; Eastern Europe; North America; South America; Middle East; Africa
  • Time series: Five years historic and ten years forecast.
  • Data: Ratios of market size and growth to related markets, GDP proportions, expenditure per capita,
  • Data segmentations: country and regional historic and forecast data, market share of competitors, market segments.
  • Sourcing and Referencing: Data and analysis throughout the report is sourced using end notes.
  • Delivery format: PDF, Word and Excel Data Dashboard.

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Mental Health Apps Market Characteristics

3. Mental Health Apps Market Trends And Strategies

4. Mental Health Apps Market - Macro Economic Scenario

  • 4.1. Impact Of High Inflation On The Market
  • 4.2. Ukraine-Russia War Impact On The Market
  • 4.3. COVID-19 Impact On The Market

5. Global Mental Health Apps Market Size and Growth

  • 5.1. Global Mental Health Apps Market Drivers and Restraints
    • 5.1.1. Drivers Of The Market
    • 5.1.2. Restraints Of The Market
  • 5.2. Global Mental Health Apps Historic Market Size and Growth, 2018 - 2023, Value ($ Billion)
  • 5.3. Global Mental Health Apps Forecast Market Size and Growth, 2023 - 2028, 2033F, Value ($ Billion)

6. Mental Health Apps Market Segmentation

  • 6.1. Global Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Other Platform Types
  • 6.2. Global Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • Depression and Anxiety management
  • Meditation Management
  • Stress Management
  • Wellness Management
  • Other Application Types

7. Mental Health Apps Market Regional And Country Analysis

  • 7.1. Global Mental Health Apps Market, Split By Region, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 7.2. Global Mental Health Apps Market, Split By Country, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

8. Asia-Pacific Mental Health Apps Market

  • 8.1. Asia-Pacific Mental Health Apps Market Overview
  • Region Information, Impact Of COVID-19, Market Information, Background Information, Government Initiatives, Regulations, Regulatory Bodies, Major Associations, Taxes Levied, Corporate Tax Structure, Investments, Major Companies
  • 8.2. Asia-Pacific Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 8.3. Asia-Pacific Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

9. China Mental Health Apps Market

  • 9.1. China Mental Health Apps Market Overview
  • 9.2. China Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F,$ Billion
  • 9.3. China Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F,$ Billion

10. India Mental Health Apps Market

  • 10.1. India Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 10.2. India Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

11. Japan Mental Health Apps Market

  • 11.1. Japan Mental Health Apps Market Overview
  • 11.2. Japan Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 11.3. Japan Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

12. Australia Mental Health Apps Market

  • 12.1. Australia Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 12.2. Australia Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

13. Indonesia Mental Health Apps Market

  • 13.1. Indonesia Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 13.2. Indonesia Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

14. South Korea Mental Health Apps Market

  • 14.1. South Korea Mental Health Apps Market Overview
  • 14.2. South Korea Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 14.3. South Korea Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

15. Western Europe Mental Health Apps Market

  • 15.1. Western Europe Mental Health Apps Market Overview
  • 15.2. Western Europe Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 15.3. Western Europe Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

16. UK Mental Health Apps Market

  • 16.1. UK Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 16.2. UK Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

17. Germany Mental Health Apps Market

  • 17.1. Germany Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 17.2. Germany Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

18. France Mental Health Apps Market

  • 18.1. France Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 18.2. France Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

19. Italy Mental Health Apps Market

  • 19.1. Italy Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 19.2. Italy Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

20. Spain Mental Health Apps Market

  • 20.1. Spain Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 20.2. Spain Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

21. Eastern Europe Mental Health Apps Market

  • 21.1. Eastern Europe Mental Health Apps Market Overview
  • 21.2. Eastern Europe Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 21.3. Eastern Europe Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

22. Russia Mental Health Apps Market

  • 22.1. Russia Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 22.2. Russia Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

23. North America Mental Health Apps Market

  • 23.1. North America Mental Health Apps Market Overview
  • 23.2. North America Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 23.3. North America Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

24. USA Mental Health Apps Market

  • 24.1. USA Mental Health Apps Market Overview
  • 24.2. USA Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 24.3. USA Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

25. Canada Mental Health Apps Market

  • 25.1. Canada Mental Health Apps Market Overview
  • 25.2. Canada Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 25.3. Canada Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

26. South America Mental Health Apps Market

  • 26.1. South America Mental Health Apps Market Overview
  • 26.2. South America Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 26.3. South America Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

27. Brazil Mental Health Apps Market

  • 27.1. Brazil Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 27.2. Brazil Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

28. Middle East Mental Health Apps Market

  • 28.1. Middle East Mental Health Apps Market Overview
  • 28.2. Middle East Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 28.3. Middle East Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

29. Africa Mental Health Apps Market

  • 29.1. Africa Mental Health Apps Market Overview
  • 29.2. Africa Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Platform Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 29.3. Africa Mental Health Apps Market, Segmentation By Application Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

30. Mental Health Apps Market Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles

  • 30.1. Mental Health Apps Market Competitive Landscape
  • 30.2. Mental Health Apps Market Company Profiles
    • 30.2.1. Walmart Inc.
      • Overview
      • Products and Services
      • Strategy
      • Financial Performance
    • 30.2.2. UnitedHealth Group Incorporated
      • Overview
      • Products and Services
      • Strategy
      • Financial Performance
    • 30.2.3. CVS Health Corporation
      • Overview
      • Products and Services
      • Strategy
      • Financial Performance
    • 30.2.4. McKesson Corporation
      • Overview
      • Products and Services
      • Strategy
      • Financial Performance
    • 30.2.5. Cardinal Health Inc.
      • Overview
      • Products and Services
      • Strategy
      • Financial Performance

31. Mental Health Apps Market Other Major And Innovative Companies

  • 31.1. Optum Inc.
  • 31.2. Cigna Corporation
  • 31.3. The Home Depot Inc.
  • 31.4. Centene Corporation
  • 31.5. Anthem Inc.
  • 31.6. Verizon Communications Inc.
  • 31.7. Walgreens Boots Alliance Inc.
  • 31.8. Comcast Corporation
  • 31.9. AT&T Inc.
  • 31.10. Target Corporation
  • 31.11. Lowe's Companies Inc.
  • 31.12. Humana Inc.
  • 31.13. T-Mobile Inc.
  • 31.14. Aetna Inc.
  • 31.15. DaVita Inc.

32. Global Mental Health Apps Market Competitive Benchmarking

33. Global Mental Health Apps Market Competitive Dashboard

34. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Mental Health Apps Market

35. Mental Health Apps Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis

  • 35.1 Mental Health Apps Market In 2028 - Countries Offering Most New Opportunities
  • 35.2 Mental Health Apps Market In 2028 - Segments Offering Most New Opportunities
  • 35.3 Mental Health Apps Market In 2028 - Growth Strategies
    • 35.3.1 Market Trend Based Strategies
    • 35.3.2 Competitor Strategies

36. Appendix

  • 36.1. Abbreviations
  • 36.2. Currencies
  • 36.3. Historic And Forecast Inflation Rates
  • 36.4. Research Inquiries
  • 36.5. The Business Research Company
  • 36.6. Copyright And Disclaimer