中国の分析およびライフサイエンス機器市場:2024年China 2024: The Market for Analytical & Life Science Instrumentation |
中国の分析およびライフサイエンス機器市場:2024年 |
出版日: 2024年08月26日
発行: Strategic Directions International, Inc.
ページ情報: 英文 80 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
The Chinese market for analytical instrumentation is undergoing rapid changes that are closely tied to the country's evolving economic and geopolitical landscapes. After over a decade of phenomenal, double-digit growth, China's growth, like other regions, felt the sudden impact of the COVID-19 pandemic beginning in 2020. However, unlike other regions, China's prolonged and heavy-handed approach to managing the pandemic delayed the possibility of economic recovery. However, after the lifting of the zero-COVID policy in late 2022, many factors have kept the country from mounting a sustained recovery. Trade wars that began before the pandemic have continued to escalate. Rivalries between China and other nations have intensified as China asserts its power in the Asia Pacific region and beyond. Local economic cautiousness has reduced domestic consumer spending, while escalating international tariffs and trade sanctions have impacted exports from China. Foreign investors are wary of the country's economic stability and expanding sanctions.
In the face of these many challenges, operations and growth of all business sectors in China have been impacted. The "China 2024: The Market for Analytical & Life Science Instrumentation" report examines the state of the market for laboratory instrumentation and equipment. These instruments and consumables are used across a wide variety of end markets and applications, from basic research to product development and manufacturing. This report provides valuable market information and insights, including market sizing, five-year forecasting, and vendor share analysis for ten distinct instrument categories. The report also examines domestic and foreign policy changes that will impact the future direction of the market.