表紙:睡眠時無呼吸デバイス市場、産業動向と世界予測 (~2035年):製品タイプ別、診断装置タイプ別、治療装置タイプ別、気道陽圧装置タイプ別、投与経路別、主要地域別

睡眠時無呼吸デバイス市場、産業動向と世界予測 (~2035年):製品タイプ別、診断装置タイプ別、治療装置タイプ別、気道陽圧装置タイプ別、投与経路別、主要地域別

Sleep Apnea Devices Market, Industry Trends & Global Forecasts, till 2035-Distribution by Product Type, Type of Diagnostic Device, Type of Therapeutic Device, Type of Positive Airway Pressure Device, Route of Administration & Key Geographical Regions

出版日: | 発行: Roots Analysis | ページ情報: 英文 310 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
睡眠時無呼吸デバイス市場、産業動向と世界予測 (~2035年):製品タイプ別、診断装置タイプ別、治療装置タイプ別、気道陽圧装置タイプ別、投与経路別、主要地域別
出版日: 2024年01月15日
発行: Roots Analysis
ページ情報: 英文 310 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次






第1章 序文

第2章 調査手法

第3章 経済およびその他のプロジェクト特有の考慮事項

第4章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第5章 イントロダクション

第6章 睡眠時無呼吸診断装置:市場情勢

第7章 睡眠時無呼吸治療装置:市場情勢

第8章 睡眠時無呼吸症候群治療薬:市場概要

第9章 企業プロファイル:睡眠時無呼吸症候群診断装置の開発者

  • 章の概要
  • Cadwell
  • Itamar Medical
  • Nox Medical
  • Other Leading Diagnostic Device Developers

第10章 企業プロファイル:睡眠時無呼吸症候群治療装置の開発者

  • 章の概要
  • Lowenstein Medical
  • ResMed
  • SomnoMed
  • Other Leading Therapeutic Device Developers

第11章 企業プロファイル:睡眠時無呼吸症候群の薬物療法開発

  • 章の概要
  • Apnimed
  • Desitin Pharma
  • Incannex Healthcare
  • Other Leading Drug Therapy Developers

第12章 臨床試験の分析

  • 章の概要
  • 範囲と調査手法
  • 睡眠時無呼吸症候群:臨床試験分析

第13章 パートナーシップとコラボレーション

第14章 資金調達と投資の分析

第15章 特許分析

第16章 市場への影響分析:促進要因、抑制要因、機会、課題

  • 章の概要
  • 市場の促進要因
  • 市場の抑制要因
  • 市場の機会
  • 市場の課題
  • 結論

第17章 世界の睡眠時無呼吸市場

第18章 世界の睡眠時無呼吸市場、製品タイプ別

第19章 世界の睡眠時無呼吸診断装置市場

第20章 睡眠時無呼吸診断装置市場:診断装置タイプ別

第21章 睡眠時無呼吸診断装置市場:主要地域別

第22章 世界の睡眠時無呼吸治療装置市場

第23章 睡眠時無呼吸治療装置市場:治療装置タイプ別

第24章 睡眠時無呼吸治療装置市場:PAP装置タイプ別

第25章 睡眠時無呼吸治療装置市場:主要地域別

第26章 世界の睡眠時無呼吸症候群治療薬市場

第27章 睡眠時無呼吸症候群治療薬市場:投与経路別

第28章 睡眠時無呼吸症候群治療薬市場:主要地域別

第29章 結論

第30章 付録1:表形式のデータ

第31章 付録2:企業および組織のリスト


List of Tables

  • Table 6.1 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Information on Developer and Type of Device
  • Table 6.2 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Information on Physiological Parameter Monitored
  • Table 6.3 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Information on Type of Sleep Apnea Diagnosed
  • Table 6.4 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Information on Device Connectivity
  • Table 6.5 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Information on Target Patient Segment
  • Table 6.6 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Information on End User and Price
  • Table 6.7 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: List of Developers
  • Table 7.1 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Information on Developer and Type of Sleep Apnea Treated
  • Table 7.2 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Information on Therapeutic Principle
  • Table 7.3 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Information on Type of Device and Type of Mask
  • Table 7.4 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Information on Type of Treatment
  • Table 7.5 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Information on Device Connectivity and Type of Storage Offered
  • Table 7.6 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Information on Target Patient Segment
  • Table 7.7 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Information on End User and Price
  • Table 8.1 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies: Information on Developer, Type of Player, Phase of Development and Type of Sleep Apnea Treated
  • Table 8.2 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies: Information on Type of Drug Therapy, Route of Administration, Number of Doses and Target Patient Segment
  • Table 8.3 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies: List of Drug Therapy Developers (Industry Players)
  • Table 9.1 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Device Developers: List of Companies (Detailed Profiles)
  • Table 9.2 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Device Developers: List of Companies (Tabulated Profiles)
  • Table 9.3 Cadwell: Company Overview
  • Table 9.4 Cadwell: Product Portfolio
  • Table 9.5 Cadwell: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 9.6 Itamar Medical: Company Overview
  • Table 9.7 Itamar Medical: Product Portfolio
  • Table 9.8 Itamar Medical: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 9.9 Nox Medical: Company Overview
  • Table 9.10 Nox Medical: Product Portfolio
  • Table 9.11 Nox Medical: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 9.12 Acurable: Company Overview
  • Table 9.13 Acurable: Product Portfolio
  • Table 9.14 Advanced Brain Monitoring: Company Overview
  • Table 9.15 Advanced Brain Monitoring: Product Portfolio
  • Table 9.16 Belun Technology: Company Overview
  • Table 9.17 Belun Technology: Product Portfolio
  • Table 9.18 Braebon Medical: Company Overview
  • Table 9.19 Braebon Medical: Product Portfolio
  • Table 9.19 Nihon Kohden: Company Overview
  • Table 9.20 Nihon Kohden: Product Portfolio
  • Table 9.21 Sibelmed: Company Overview
  • Table 9.22 Sibelmed: Product Portfolio
  • Table 9.23 Sunrise: Company Overview
  • Table 9.24 Sunrise: Product Portfolio
  • Table 9.25 Vyaire Medical: Company Overview
  • Table 9.26 Vyaire Medical: Product Portfolio
  • Table 9.27 Wellue: Company Overview
  • Table 9.28 Wellue: Product Portfolio
  • Table 10.1 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Device Developers: List of Companies (Detailed Profiles)
  • Table 10.2 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Device Developers: List of Companies (Tabulated Profiles)
  • Table 10.3 Lowenstein Medical: Company Overview
  • Table 10.4 Sowenstein Medical: Device Portfolio
  • Table 10.5 ResMed: Company Overview
  • Table 10.6 ResMed: Device Portfolio
  • Table 10.7 ResMed: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 10.8 SomnoMed: Company Overview
  • Table 10.9 SomnoMed: Device Portfolio
  • Table 10.10 SomnoMed: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 10.11 Airway Management: Company Overview
  • Table 10.12 Airway Management: Device Portfolio
  • Table 10.13 Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare: Company Overview
  • Table 10.14 Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare: Device Portfolio
  • Table 10.15 Hunan VentMed Medical Technology: Company Overview
  • Table 10.16 Hunan VentMed Medical Technology: Device Portfolio
  • Table 10.17 Oventus: Company Overview
  • Table 10.18 Oventus: Device Portfolio
  • Table 10.19 Philips: Company Overview
  • Table 10.20 Philips: Device Portfolio
  • Table 10.21 React Health: Company Overview
  • Table 10.22 React Health: Device Portfolio
  • Table 10.23 Somnetics International: Company Overview
  • Table 10.24 Somnetics International: Device Portfolio
  • Table 10.25 Topson Medical: Company Overview
  • Table 10.26 Topson Medical: Device Portfolio
  • Table 10.27 Whole You: Company Overview
  • Table 10.28 Whole You: Device Portfolio
  • Table 11.1 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapy Developers: List of Companies (Detailed Profiles)
  • Table 11.2 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapy Developers: List of Companies Tabulated Profiles)
  • Table 11.3 Apnimed: Company Overview
  • Table 11.4 Apnimed: Drug Therapy Portfolio
  • Table 11.5 Apnimed: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 11.6 Desitin Pharma: Company Overview
  • Table 11.7 Desitin Pharma: Drug Therapy Portfolio
  • Table 11.8 Desitin Pharma: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 11.9 Incannex Healthcare: Company Overview
  • Table 11.10 Incannex Healthcare: Drug Therapy Portfolio
  • Table 11.11 Incannex Healthcare: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 11.12 Bayer: Company Overview
  • Table 11.13 Bayer: Drug Therapy Portfolio
  • Table 11.14 Eli Lilly and Company: Company Overview
  • Table 11.15 Eli Lilly and Company: Drug Therapy Portfolio
  • Table 11.16 SciSparc: Company Overview
  • Table 11.17 SciSparc: Drug Therapy Portfolio
  • Table 13.1 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies and Devices: List of Partnerships and Collaborations, 2017-2023
  • Table 14.1 Sleep Apnea: List of Funding and Investments, 2019-2023
  • Table 15.1 Patent Analysis: List of Top CPC Sections
  • Table 15.2 Patent Analysis: List of Top CPC Symbols
  • Table 15.3 Patent Analysis: List of Top CPC Codes
  • Table 15.4 Patent Analysis: Summary of Benchmarking Analysis
  • Table 15.5 Patent Analysis: Categorizations based on Relative Weighted Scores
  • Table 15.6 Patent Portfolio: List of Leading Patents (by Highest Relative Valuation)
  • Table 30.1 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Distribution by Type of Device
  • Table 30.2 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Distribution by Physiological Parameter Monitored
  • Table 30.3 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Distribution by Type of Sleep Apnea Diagnosed
  • Table 30.4 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Distribution by Device Connectivity
  • Table 30.5 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Distribution by Target Patient Segment
  • Table 30.6 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Distribution by End User
  • Table 30.7 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Distribution by Price (USD)
  • Table 30.8 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Device Developers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Table 30.9 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Device Developers: Distribution by Company Size
  • Table 30.10 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Device Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters
  • Table 30.11 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Device Developers: Distribution by Company Size and Location of Headquarters
  • Table 30.12 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by Type of Sleep Apnea Treated
  • Table 30.13 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by Therapeutic Principle
  • Table 30.14 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by Type of Device
  • Table 30.15 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by Type of Mask
  • Table 30.16 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by Type of Treatment
  • Table 30.17 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by Device Connectivity
  • Table 30.18 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by Type of Storage Offered
  • Table 30.19 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by Target Patient Segment
  • Table 30.20 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by End User
  • Table 30.21 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by Price
  • Table 30.22 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Device Developers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Table 30.23 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Device Developers: Distribution by Company Size
  • Table 30.24 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Device Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters
  • Table 30.25 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Device Developers: Distribution by Company Size and Location of Headquarters
  • Table 30.26 Most Active Players: Distribution by Number of Products
  • Table 30.27 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies: Distribution by Phase of Development
  • Table 30.28 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies: Distribution by Type of Drug Therapy
  • Table 30.29 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies: Distribution by Route of Administration
  • Table 30.30 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies: Distribution by Number of Doses
  • Table 30.31 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies: Distribution by Target Patient Segment
  • Table 30.32 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapy Developers (Industry Players): Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Table 30.33 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapy Developers (Industry Players): Distribution by Company Size
  • Table 30.34 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapy Developers (Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Region)
  • Table 30.35 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapy Developers (Industry Players): Distribution by Company Size and Location of Headquarters
  • Table 30.36 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year, 2019-2023
  • Table 30.37 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Phase
  • Table 30.38 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Status
  • Table 30.39 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year and Trial Status
  • Table 30.40 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Type of Sponsor / Collaborator
  • Table 30.41 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Type of Patient Allocation Model Used
  • Table 30.42 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Type of Intervention
  • Table 30.43 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Type of Trial Masking Adopted
  • Table 30.44 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Purpose
  • Table 30.45 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Focus Area
  • Table 30.46 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Patients Enrolled by Trial Registration Year, 2019-2023
  • Table 30.47 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Patients Enrolled by Trial Phase
  • Table 30.48 Most Active Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Clinical Trials
  • Table 30.49 Most Active Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Clinical Trials
  • Table 30.50 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Table 30.51 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Clinical Trials by Geography and Trial Status
  • Table 30.52 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Patients Enrolled by Trial Status and Geography
  • Table 30.53 Partnerships and Collaborations: Cumulative Year-Wise Trend, 2017-2023
  • Table 30.54 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partnership
  • Table 30.55 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Year and Type of Partnership
  • Table 30.56 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partner
  • Table 30.57 Most Active Players: Distribution by Number of Partnerships
  • Table 30.58 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Local and International Agreements
  • Table 30.59 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Intercontinental and Intracontinental Deals
  • Table 30.60 Funding and Investment Analysis: Cumulative Distribution of Number of Instances by Year, 2019-2023
  • Table 30.61 Funding and Investment Analysis: Cumulative Distribution of Amount Invested by Year, 2019-2023 (USD Million)
  • Table 30.62 Funding and Investment Analysis: Distribution by Type of Funding
  • Table 30.63 Funding and Investment Analysis: Distribution of Amount Invested by Type of Funding (USD Million)
  • Table 30.64 Funding and Investment Analysis: Distribution of Amount Invested (USD Million) by Year and Type of Funding, 2019-2023
  • Table 30.65 Funding and Investment Analysis: Distribution by Investment Focus Area
  • Table 30.66 Most Active Players: Distribution by Number of Instances
  • Table 30.67 Most Active Players: Distribution by Amount Raised (USD Million)
  • Table 30.68 Funding and Investment Analysis: Distribution by Type of Investor
  • Table 30.69 Leading Investors: Distribution by Number of Instances
  • Table 30.70 Funding and Investment Analysis: Distribution of Number of Instances by Geography
  • Table 30.71 Funding and Investment Analysis: Distribution of Amount Invested by Geography (USD Million)
  • Table 30.72 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Type of Patent
  • Table 30.73 Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Patent Publication Year, 2019-2023
  • Table 30.74 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Type of Patent and Patent Publication Year
  • Table 30.75 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Patent Jurisdiction
  • Table 30.76 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Top CPC Sections
  • Table 30.77 Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Type of Applicant
  • Table 30.78 Leading Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
  • Table 30.79 Leading Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
  • Table 30.80 Leading Individual Assignees: Distribution by Number of Patents
  • Table 30.81 Top CPC Codes: Benchmarking by Leading Industry Players
  • Table 30.82 Leading Industry Players: Benchmarking by Patent Characteristics (CPC Codes)
  • Table 30.83 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Patent Age
  • Table 30.84 Patent Analysis: Valuation Analysis
  • Table 30.85 Global Sleep Apnea Market: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.86 Global Sleep Apnea Market: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.87 Global Sleep Apnea Market: Distribution by Type of Product, 2018, 2023 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.88 Sleep Apnea Medical Devices: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.89 Sleep Apnea Medical Devices: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.90 Drug Therapies: Forecasted Estimates, 2025-2035 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.91 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.92 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.93 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market: Distribution by Type of Diagnostic Device, 2018, 2023 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.94 Polysomnography Devices Market: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.95 Polysomnography Devices Market: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.96 Home Sleep Apnea Testing Devices Market: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.97 Home Sleep Apnea Testing Devices Market: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.98 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market: Distribution by Key Geographical Regions, 2018, 2023 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.99 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market in North America: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.100 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market in North America: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.101 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market in Europe: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.102 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market in Europe: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.103 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market in Asia-Pacific: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.104 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market in Asia-Pacific: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.105 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market in Rest of the World: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.106 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market in Rest of the World: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.107 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.108 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.109 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market: Distribution by Type of Therapeutic Device, 2018, 2023 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.110 PAP Devices Market: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.111 PAP Devices Market: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.112 Oral Devices Market: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.113 Oral Devices Market: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.114 Implanted Devices Market: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.115 Implanted Devices Market: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.116 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market: Distribution by Type of PAP Device, 2018, 2023 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.117 CPAP Devices Market: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.118 CPAP Devices Market: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.119 BiPAP Devices Market: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.120 BiPAP Devices Market: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.121 APAP Devices Market: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.122 APAP Devices Market: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.123 Other Devices Market: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.124 Other Devices Market: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.125 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market: Distribution by Key Geographical Regions, 2018, 2023 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.126 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market in North America: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.127 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market in North America: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.128 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market in Europe: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.129 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market in Europe: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.130 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market in Asia-Pacific: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.131 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market in Asia-Pacific: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.132 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market in Rest of the World: Historical Trends, 2018-2022 (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.133 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market in Rest of the World: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Billion)
  • Table 30.134 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market: Forecasted Estimates, 2025-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Million)
  • Table 30.135 AD109: Sales Forecast, 2026-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 30.136 Tirzepatide: Sales Forecast, 2025-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 30.137 AD504: Sales Forecast, 2027-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 30.138 IHL-42X: Sales Forecast, 2027-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 30.139 DST-096 (Sulthiame): Sales Forecast, 2027-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 30.140 AD182: Sales Forecast, 2026-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 30.141 AD036, AD113, AD816: Sales Forecast, 2027-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 30.142 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market: Distribution by Route of Administration, 2025 and 2035
  • Table 30.143 Oral Drug Therapies Market: Forecasted Estimates, 2025-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Million)
  • Table 30.144 Subcutaneous Drug Therapies Market: Forecasted Estimates, 2023-2035, Conservative, Base and Optimistic Scenarios (USD Million)
  • Table 30.145 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market: Distribution by Key Geographical Regions, 2025 and 2035
  • Table 30.146 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in North America: Forecasted Estimates (2025-2035) (USD Million)
  • Table 30.147 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in the US: Forecasted Estimates (2025-2035) (USD Million)
  • Table 30.148 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in Mexico: Forecasted Estimates (2025-2035) (USD Million)
  • Table 30.149 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in Europe: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035) (USD Million)
  • Table 30.150 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in Belgium: Forecasted Estimates (2027-2035) (USD Million)
  • Table 30.151 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in Germany: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035) (USD Million)
  • Table 30.152 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in Asia-Pacific: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035) (USD Million)
  • Table 30.153 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in Australia: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035) (USD Million)
  • Table 30.154 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in China: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035) (USD Million)
  • Table 30.155 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in Japan: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035) (USD Million)
  • Table 30.156 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in Taiwan: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035) (USD Million)
  • Table 30.157 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in Rest of the World (Brazil): Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035) (USD Million)

List of Figures

  • Figure 2.1 Research Methodology: Research Assumptions
  • Figure 2.2 Research Methodology: Project Methodology
  • Figure 2.3 Research Methodology: Forecast Methodology
  • Figure 2.4 Research Methodology: Robust Quality Control
  • Figure 2.5 Research Methodology: Key Market Segmentations
  • Figure 3.1 Lessons Learnt from Past Recessions
  • Figure 4.1 Executive Summary: Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Market Landscape
  • Figure 4.2 Executive Summary: Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Developers Landscape
  • Figure 4.3 Executive Summary: Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Market Landscape
  • Figure 4.4 Executive Summary: Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies: Market Overview
  • Figure 4.5 Executive Summary: Clinical Trial Analysis
  • Figure 4.6 Executive Summary: Partnerships and Collaborations
  • Figure 4.7 Executive Summary: Funding and Investment Analysis
  • Figure 4.8 Executive Summary: Patent Analysis
  • Figure 4.9 Executive Summary: Global Sleep Apnea Market: Market Forecast and Opportunity Analysis
  • Figure 4.10 Executive Summary: Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Market Forecast and Opportunity Analysis
  • Figure 4.11 Executive Summary: Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Market Forecast and Opportunity Analysis
  • Figure 4.12 Executive Summary: Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies: Market Forecast and Opportunity Analysis
  • Figure 5.1 Risk Factors and Symptoms Associated with Sleep Apnea
  • Figure 5.2 Health Consequences Associated with Sleep Apnea
  • Figure 6.1 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Distribution by Type of Device
  • Figure 6.2 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Distribution by Physiological Parameter Monitored
  • Figure 6.3 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Distribution by Type of Sleep Apnea Diagnosed
  • Figure 6.4 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Distribution by Device Connectivity
  • Figure 6.5 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Distribution by Target Patient Segment
  • Figure 6.6 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Distribution by End User
  • Figure 6.7 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Distribution by Price (USD)
  • Figure 6.8 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Device Developers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Figure 6.9 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Device Developers: Distribution by Company Size
  • Figure 6.10 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Device Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters
  • Figure 6.11 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Device Developers: Distribution by Company Size and Location of Headquarters
  • Figure 7.1 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by Type of Sleep Apnea Treated
  • Figure 7.2 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by Therapeutic Principle
  • Figure 7.3 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by Type of Device
  • Figure 7.4 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by Type of Mask
  • Figure 7.5 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by Type of Treatment
  • Figure 7.6 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by Device Connectivity
  • Figure 7.7 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by Type of Storage Offered
  • Figure 7.8 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by Target Patient Segment
  • Figure 7.9 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by End User
  • Figure 7.10 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Distribution by Price
  • Figure 7.11 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Device Developers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Figure 7.12 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Device Developers: Distribution by Company Size
  • Figure 7.13 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Device Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters
  • Figure 7.14 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Device Developers: Distribution by Company Size and Location of Headquarters
  • Figure 7.15 Most Active Players: Distribution by Number of Products
  • Figure 8.1 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies: Distribution by Phase of Development
  • Figure 8.2 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies: Distribution by Type of Drug Therapy
  • Figure 8.3 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies: Distribution by Route of Administration
  • Figure 8.4 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies: Distribution by Number of Doses
  • Figure 8.5 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies: Distribution by Target Patient Segment
  • Figure 8.6 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapy Developers (Industry Players): Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Figure 8.7 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapy Developers (Industry Players): Distribution by Company Size
  • Figure 8.8 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapy Developers (Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Region)
  • Figure 8.9 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapy Developers (Industry Players): Distribution by Company Size and Location of Headquarters
  • Figure 12.1 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year, 2019-2023
  • Figure 12.2 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Phase
  • Figure 12.3 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Status
  • Figure 12.4 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year and Trial Status
  • Figure 12.5 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Type of Sponsor / Collaborator
  • Figure 12.6 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Type of Patient Allocation Model Used
  • Figure 12.7 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Type of Intervention
  • Figure 12.8 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Type of Trial Masking Adopted
  • Figure 12.9 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Purpose
  • Figure 12.10 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Focus Area
  • Figure 12.11 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Patients Enrolled by Trial Registration Year, 2019-2023
  • Figure 12.12 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Patients Enrolled by Trial Phase
  • Figure 12.13 Most Active Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Clinical Trials
  • Figure 12.14 Most Active Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Clinical Trials
  • Figure 12.15 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Figure 12.16 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Clinical Trials by Geography and Trial Status
  • Figure 12.17 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Patients Enrolled by Trial Status and Geography
  • Figure 13.1 Partnerships and Collaborations: Cumulative Year-Wise Trend, 2017-2023
  • Figure13.2 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partnership
  • Figure13.3 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Year and Type of Partnership
  • Figure13.4 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partner
  • Figure13.5 Most Active Players: Distribution by Number of Partnerships
  • Figure13.6 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Local and International Agreements
  • Figure13.7 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Intercontinental and Intracontinental Deals
  • Figure 14.1 Funding and Investment Analysis: Cumulative Distribution of Number of Instances by Year, 2019-2023
  • Figure14.2 Funding and Investment Analysis: Cumulative Distribution of Amount Invested by Year, 2019-2023 (USD Million)
  • Figure14.3 Funding and Investment Analysis: Distribution by Type of Funding
  • Figure14.4 Funding and Investment Analysis: Distribution of Amount Invested by Type of Funding (USD Million)
  • Figure14.5 Funding and Investment Analysis: Distribution of Amount Invested (USD Million) by Year and Type of Funding, 2019-2023
  • Figure14.6 Funding and Investment Analysis: Distribution by Investment Focus Area
  • Figure14.7 Most Active Players: Distribution by Number of Instances
  • Figure14.8 Most Active Players: Distribution by Amount Raised (USD Million)
  • Figure14.9 Funding and Investment Analysis: Distribution by Type of Investor
  • Figure14.10 Leading Investors: Distribution by Number of Instances
  • Figure14.11 Funding and Investment Analysis: Distribution of Number of Instances by Geography
  • Figure14.12 Funding and Investment Analysis: Distribution of Amount Invested by Geography (USD Million)
  • Figure15.1 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Type of Patent
  • Figure15.2 Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Patent Publication Year, 2019-2023
  • Figure 15.3 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Type of Patent and Patent Publication Year
  • Figure 15.4 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Patent Jurisdiction
  • Figure 15.5 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Top CPC Sections
  • Figure 15.6 Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Type of Applicant
  • Figure 15.7 Leading Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
  • Figure 15.8 Leading Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
  • Figure 15.9 Leading Individual Assignees: Distribution by Number of Patents
  • Figure 15.10 Top CPC Codes: Benchmarking by Leading Industry Players
  • Figure 15.11 Leading Industry Players: Benchmarking by Patent Characteristics (CPC Codes)
  • Figure 15.12 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Patent Age
  • Figure 15.13 Patent Analysis: Valuation Analysis
  • Figure 16.1 Market Impact Analysis: Drivers
  • Figure 16.2 Market Impact Analysis: Restraints
  • Figure 16.3 Market Impact Analysis: Opportunities
  • Figure 16.4 Market Impact Analysis: Challenges
  • Figure 17.1 Global Sleep Apnea Market, Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035): Base Scenario (USD Billion)
  • Figure 17.2 Global Sleep Apnea Market, Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035): Conservative Scenario (USD Billion)
  • Figure 17.3 Global Sleep Apnea Market, Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035): Optimistic Scenario (USD Billion)
  • Figure 18.1 Global Sleep Apnea Market: Distribution by Type of Product, 2018, 2023 and 2035
  • Figure 18.2 Sleep Apnea Medical Devices: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
  • Figure 18.3 Drug Therapies: Forecasted Estimates (2025-2035)
  • Figure 19.1 Scenario 1: Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market, Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) (USD Billion)
  • Figure 19.2 Scenario 2: Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market, Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) (USD Billion)
  • Figure 19.3 Scenario 3: Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market, Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.1 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market: Distribution by Type of Diagnostic Device, 2018, 2023 and 2035
  • Figure 20.2 Polysomnography Devices Market: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.3 Home Sleep Apnea Testing Devices Market: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) (USD Billion)
  • Figure 21.1 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market: Distribution by Key Geographical Regions, 2018, 2023 and 2035
  • Figure 21.2 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market in North America: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) (USD Billion)
  • Figure 21.3 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market in Europe: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) (USD Billion)
  • Figure 21.4 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market in Asia-Pacific: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) (USD Billion)
  • Figure 21.5 Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market in Rest of the World: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) (USD Billion)
  • Figure 22.1 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market, Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035): Base Scenario (USD Billion)
  • Figure 22.2 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market, Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035): Conservative Scenario (USD Billion)
  • Figure 22.3 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market, Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035): Optimistic Scenario (USD Billion)
  • Figure 23.1 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market: Distribution by Type of Therapeutic Device, 2018, 2023 and 2035
  • Figure 23.2 PAP Devices: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
  • Figure 23.3 Oral Devices: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
  • Figure 23.4 Implanted Devices: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
  • Figure 24.1 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market: Distribution by Type of PAP Device, 2018, 2023 and 2035
  • Figure 24.2 CPAP Devices Market: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) (USD Billion)
  • Figure 24.3 BiPAP Devices Market: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) (USD Billion)
  • Figure 24.4 APAP Devices Market: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) (USD Billion)
  • Figure 24.5 Other Devices Market: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) (USD Billion)
  • Figure 25.1 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market: Distribution by Key Geographical Regions, 2018, 2023 and 2035
  • Figure 25.2 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market in North America: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) (USD Billion)
  • Figure 25.3 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market in Europe: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) (USD Billion)
  • Figure 25.4 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market in Asia-Pacific: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) (USD Billion)
  • Figure 25.5 Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market in Rest of the World: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035) (USD Billion)
  • Figure 26.1 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market, Forecasted Estimates (2025-2035): Base Scenario (USD Million)
  • Figure 26.2 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market, Forecasted Estimates (2025-2035): Conservative Scenario (USD Million)
  • Figure 26.3 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market, Forecasted Estimates (2025-2035): Optimistic Scenario (USD Million)
  • Figure 26.4 AD109: Sales Forecast, 2026-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 26.5 Tirzepatide: Sales Forecast, 2025-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 26.6 AD504: Sales Forecast, 2027-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 26.7 IHL-42X: Sales Forecast, 2027-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 26.8 DST-096 (Sulthiame): Sales Forecast, 2027-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 26.9 AD182: Sales Forecast, 2026-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 26.10 AD036 / AD113 / AD816: Sales Forecast, 2027-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 27.1 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market: Distribution by Route of Administration, 2025 and 2035
  • Figure 27.2 Oral Drug Therapies Market: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035) (USD Million)
  • Figure 27.3 Subcutaneous Drug Therapies Market: Forecasted Estimates (2025-2035)
  • Figure 28.1 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market: Distribution by Key Geographical Regions, 2025 and 2035
  • Figure 28.2 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in North America: Forecasted Estimates (2025-2035) (USD Million)
  • Figure 28.3 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in the US: Forecasted Estimates (2025-2035) (USD Million)
  • Figure 28.4 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in Mexico: Forecasted Estimates (2025-2035) (USD Million)
  • Figure 28.5 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in Europe: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035) (USD Million)
  • Figure 28.6 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in Belgium: Forecasted Estimates (2027-2035) (USD Million)
  • Figure 28.7 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in Germany: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035) (USD Million)
  • Figure 28.8 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in Asia-Pacific: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035) (USD Million)
  • Figure 28.9 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in Australia: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035) (USD Million)
  • Figure 28.10 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in China: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035) (USD Million)
  • Figure 28.11 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in Japan: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035) (USD Million)
  • Figure 28.12 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in Taiwan: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035) (USD Million)
  • Figure 28.13 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market in Rest of the World (Brazil): Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035) (USD Million)
  • Figure 29.1 Conclusion: Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market Landscape
  • Figure 29.2 Conclusion: Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Landscape
  • Figure 29.3 Conclusion: Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market Landscape
  • Figure 29.4 Conclusion: Clinical Trial Analysis
  • Figure 29.5 Conclusion: Partnerships and Collaborations
  • Figure 29.6 Conclusion: Funding and Investment Analysis
  • Figure 29.7 Conclusion: Patent Analysis
  • Figure 29.8 Conclusion: Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market Forecast and Opportunity Analysis
  • Figure 29.9 Conclusion: Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market Forecast and Opportunity Analysis
  • Figure 29.10 Conclusion: Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market Forecast and Opportunity Analysis
Product Code: RA100480

Sleep Apnea Devices Market, Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, till 2035 - Distribution by Product Type (Sleep Apnea Medical Devices and Drug Therapies), Type of Diagnostic Device (Polysomnography Devices and Home Sleep Apnea Testing Devices), Type of Therapeutic Device (Positive Airway Pressure Devices, Oral Devices and Implantable Devices), Type of Positive Airway Pressure Device (CPAP Machine, BiPAP, APAP and Other Devices), Route of Administration (Oral Therapies and Subcutaneous Therapies) and Key Geographical Regions (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World)

The sleep apnea devices market is valued at USD 13.5 billion in 2023 growing at a CAGR of 4.61% during the forecast period 2023-2035.

Sleep apnea, also known as sleep apnea, is a serious sleep disorder characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing during sleep. These interruptions can last for several minutes. Sleep apnea is broadly classified into three types: obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, and complex sleep apnea. Among these, obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea are the most common types, sharing similar symptoms such as loud snoring, morning headaches, excessive daytime sleepiness, and dry mouth.

Sleep apnea is often undiagnosed and can affect individuals of all age groups. Obesity and excess weight are identified as the leading causes of sleep apnea in adults, while modern lifestyle-related factors like smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of physical activity, and psychological stress also contribute to its increasing prevalence. Medical professionals are increasingly focused on developing effective, safe, and versatile diagnosis and treatment options for sleep apnea. Currently, various therapeutic devices are used for its treatment. Given the rising burden of sleep apnea and ongoing research efforts to develop advanced medical devices for obstructive sleep apnea, the market for sleep apnea devices is expected to witness steady growth in the forecast period.

Key Market Segments

Product Type

Sleep Apnea Medical Devices

Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies

Type of Diagnostic Device

Polysomnography Devices

Home Sleep Apnea Testing Devices

Type of Therapeutic Device

Positive Airway Pressure Devices

Oral Devices

Implantable Devices

Type of Positive Airway Pressure Device

CPAP Machine

BiPAP Machines

APAP Machines

Other Machines

Route of Administration

Oral Therapies

Subcutaneous Therapies

Key Geographical Regions

North America



Rest of the World

Research Coverage:

The report studies the sleep apnea devices market based on product type, type of diagnostic device, type of therapeutic device, type of positive airway pressure device, route of administration and key geographical regions.

The report assesses the potential advantages and obstacles within the market for those involved and offers information on the competitive environment for top players in the market.

The report forecasts the revenue of market segments with respect to four major regions

A comprehensive overview of sleep apnea is presented, encompassing details on its various types and impact on health. Additionally, the discussion includes an overview of the devices utilized for both diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea. Furthermore, information is provided on the ongoing research into drug therapies for sleep apnea.

An extensive evaluation of the overall market landscape of diagnostic devices for detecting sleep apnea is conducted, considering various pertinent parameters. These parameters include the type of device, physiological parameters monitored, type of sleep apnea diagnosed, device connectivity, target patient segment, end user and pricing. Additionally, the chapter includes information on various device developers, accompanied by an analysis based on multiple parameters such as the year of establishment, company size, and location of headquarters.

An in-depth evaluation of the overall market landscape for therapeutic devices used in the treatment of sleep apnea is conducted, taking into consideration several key parameters. These parameters include the type of sleep apnea treated, therapeutic principles employed, type of device, type of mask, type of treatment, device connectivity, storage options, target patient segment, end users, and pricing. Additionally, the chapter provides information on various device developers, accompanied by an analysis based on multiple parameters such as the year of establishment, company size, location of headquarters, and identification of the most active players in terms of the number of products developed.

A comprehensive examination of the current market landscape for drug therapies targeting sleep apnea treatment is provided, considering several key parameters. These parameters include the phase of development, type of therapy, route of administration, number of doses, and target patient segment. Additionally, the chapter presents information on various therapy developers, accompanied by an analysis based on multiple parameters such as the year of establishment, company size, and location of headquarters.

Detailed profiles of prominent companies engaged in the sleep apnea market are presented, selected based on the strength of their product portfolios. Each profile provides a concise overview of the company, including details on the year of establishment, number of employees, location of headquarters, and leadership team. Furthermore, the profiles include information on the company's product portfolio, recent developments, and an informed future outlook.

An insightful analysis of completed and ongoing clinical trials related to sleep apnea is conducted, considering various relevant parameters such as trial registration year, trial phase, trial status, type of sponsor/collaborator, study design, trial focus area, number of patients enrolled, and the most active players based on the number of clinical trials conducted. Additionally, the analysis includes geographical considerations.

An examination of partnerships within the sleep apnea market since 2017 is provided, covering various types of agreements including acquisitions, product/technology integration agreements, distribution agreements, service alliances, commercialization agreements, research agreements, and other relevant agreements.

A detailed analysis of funding and investments in sleep apnea companies since 2019 is conducted, considering various parameters such as year of investment, amount invested, type of funding, investment focus area, leading players, key investors, and geographical analysis.

An in-depth analysis of patents filed or granted related to sleep apnea since 2019 is presented, considering parameters such as the type of patent, patent publication year, patent jurisdiction, cooperative patent classification (CPC) symbols, type of applicant, leading industry players, leading non-industry players, and leading individual assignees. Additionally, the chapter includes a detailed patent benchmarking analysis and a valuation analysis highlighting leading patents based on the number of citations.

The report analyzes factors (such as drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges) affecting the market growth

Key Benefits of Buying this Report

The report offers market leaders and newcomers valuable insights into revenue estimations for both the overall market and its sub-segments.

Stakeholders can utilize the report to enhance their understanding of the competitive landscape, allowing for improved business positioning and more effective go-to-market strategies.

The report provides stakeholders with a pulse on the sleep apnea devices market, furnishing them with essential information on significant market drivers, barriers, opportunities, and challenges.

Key Market Companies


Advanced Brain Monitoring

Airway Management



Belun Technology



Desitin Pharma

Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare

Eli Lilly and Company

Hunan Ventmed Medical Technology

Incannex Healthcare

Lowenstein Medical

Nihon Kohden

Nox Medical

Oventus Medical


React Health




Somnetics International inc



Topson Medical

Vyaire Medical


Whole You

ZOLL Itamar



  • 1.1. Introduction
  • 1.2. Market Share Insights
  • 1.3. Key Market Insights
  • 1.4. Report Coverage
  • 1.5 Research Methodology
  • 1.6. Frequently Asked Questions
  • 1.7. Chapter Outlines


  • 2.1. Chapter Overview
  • 2.2. Research Assumptions
  • 2.3. Project Methodology
  • 2.4. Forecast Methodology
  • 2.5. Robust Quality Control
  • 2.6. Key Market Segmentations
  • 2.7. Key Considerations
    • 2.7.1. Demographics
    • 2.7.2. Economic Factors
    • 2.7.3. Government Regulations
    • 2.7.4. Supply Chain
    • 2.7.5. COVID Impact / Related Factors
    • 2.7.6. Market Access
    • 2.7.7. Healthcare Policies
    • 2.7.8. Industry Consolidation


  • 3.1. Chapter Overview
  • 3.2. Market Dynamics
    • 3.2.1. Time Period
      • Historical Trends
      • Current and Future Estimates
    • 3.2.2. Currency Coverage
      • Overview of Major Currencies Affecting the Market
      • Impact of Currency Fluctuations on the Industry
    • 3.2.3. Foreign Exchange Impact
      • Evaluation of Foreign Exchange Rates and Their Impact on Market
      • Strategies for Mitigating Foreign Exchange Risk
    • 3.2.4. Recession
      • Historical Analysis of Past Recessions and Lessons Learnt
      • Assessment of Current Economic Conditions and Potential Impact on the Market
    • 3.2.5. Inflation
      • Measurement and Analysis of Inflationary Pressures in the Economy
      • Potential Impact of Inflation on the Market Evolution



  • 5.1. Chapter Overview
  • 5.2. Introduction to Sleep Apnea
  • 5.3. Type of Sleep Apnea
    • 5.3.1. Obstructive Sleep Apnea
    • 5.3.2. Central Sleep Apnea
    • 5.3.3. Complex Sleep Apnea
  • 5.4. The Impact of Sleep Apnea on Health
  • 5.5. Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea
  • 5.6. Treatment of Sleep Apnea
    • 5.6.1. Therapeutic Devices for Sleep Apnea
    • 5.6.2. Drug Therapies for Sleep Apnea
  • 5.7. Concluding Remarks


  • 6.1. Chapter Overview
  • 6.2. Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Overall Market Landscape
    • 6.2.1. Analysis by Type of Device
    • 6.2.2. Analysis by Physiological Parameters Monitored
    • 6.2.3. Analysis by Type of Sleep Apnea Diagnosed
    • 6.2.4. Analysis by Device Connectivity
    • 6.2.5. Analysis by Target Patient Segment
    • 6.2.6. Analysis by End User
    • 6.2.7. Analysis by Price
  • 6.3. Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices: Developer Landscape
    • 6.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment
    • 6.3.2. Analysis by Company Size
    • 6.3.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters
    • 6.3.4. Analysis by Company Size and Location of Headquarters


  • 7.1. Chapter Overview
  • 7.2. Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Overall Market Landscape
    • 7.2.1. Analysis by Type of Sleep Apnea Treated
    • 7.2.2. Analysis by Therapeutic Principle
    • 7.2.3. Analysis by Type of Device
    • 7.2.4. Analysis by Type of Mask
    • 7.2.5. Analysis by Type of Treatment
    • 7.2.6. Analysis by Device Connectivity
    • 7.2.7. Analysis by Type of Storage Offered
    • 7.2.8. Analysis by Target Patient Segment
    • 7.2.9. Analysis by End User
    • 7.2.10. Analysis by Price
  • 7.3. Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices: Developer Landscape
    • 7.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment
    • 7.3.2. Analysis by Company Size
    • 7.3.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters
    • 7.3.4. Analysis by Company Size and Location of Headquarters
    • 7.3.5. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Products


  • 8.1. Chapter Overview
  • 8.2. Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies: Overall Market Landscape
    • 8.2.1. Analysis by Phase of Development
    • 8.2.2. Analysis by Type of Drug Therapy
    • 8.2.3. Analysis by Route of Administration
    • 8.2.4. Analysis by Number of Doses
    • 8.2.5. Analysis by Target Patient Segment
  • 8.3. Sleep Apnea: Developer Landscape (Industry Players)
    • 8.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment
    • 8.3.2. Analysis by Company Size
    • 8.3.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters
    • 8.3.4. Analysis by Company Size and Location of Headquarters


  • 9.1. Chapter Overview
  • 9.2. Cadwell
    • 9.2.1. Company Overview
    • 9.2.2. Device Portfolio
    • 9.2.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 9.3. Itamar Medical
    • 9.3.1. Company Overview
    • 9.3.2. Device Portfolio
    • 9.3.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 9.4. Nox Medical
    • 9.4.1. Company Overview
    • 9.4.2. Device Portfolio
    • 9.4.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 9.5. Other Leading Diagnostic Device Developers
    • 9.5.1. Acurable
    • 9.5.2. Advanced Brain Monitoring
    • 9.5.3. Belun Technology
    • 9.5.4. Braebon Medical
    • 9.5.5. Nihon Kohden
    • 9.5.6. Sibelmed
    • 9.5.7. Sunrise
    • 9.5.8. Vyaire Medical
    • 9.5.9. Wellue


  • 10.1. Chapter Overview
  • 10.2. Lowenstein Medical
    • 10.2.1. Company Overview
    • 10.2.2. Device Portfolio
    • 10.2.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 10.3. ResMed
    • 10.3.1. Company Overview
    • 10.3.2. Device Portfolio
    • 10.3.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 10.4. SomnoMed
    • 10.4.1. Company Overview
    • 10.4.2. Device Portfolio
    • 10.4.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 10.5. Other Leading Therapeutic Device Developers
    • 10.5.1. Airway Management
    • 10.5.2. Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare
    • 10.5.3. Hunan VentMed Medical Technology
    • 10.5.4. Oventus
    • 10.5.5. Philips
    • 10.5.6. React Health
    • 10.5.7. Somnetics International
    • 10.5.8. Topson Medical
    • 10.5.9. Whole You


  • 11.1. Chapter Overview
  • 11.2. Apnimed
    • 11.2.1. Company Overview
    • 11.2.2. Drug Therapy Portfolio
    • 11.2.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 11.3. Desitin Pharma
    • 11.3.1. Company Overview
    • 11.3.2. Drug Therapy Portfolio
    • 11.3.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 11.4. Incannex Healthcare
    • 11.4.1. Company Overview
    • 11.4.2. Drug Therapy Portfolio
    • 11.4.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 11.5. Other Leading Drug Therapy Developers
    • 11.5.1. Bayer
    • 11.5.2. Eli Lilly and Company
    • 11.5.3. SciSparc


  • 12.1. Chapter Overview
  • 12.2. Scope and Methodology
  • 12.3. Sleep Apnea: Clinical Trial Analysis
    • 12.3.1. Analysis by Trial Registration Year
    • 12.3.2. Analysis by Trial Phase
    • 12.3.3. Analysis by Trial Status
    • 12.3.4. Analysis by Trial Registration Year and Trial Status
    • 12.3.5. Analysis by Type of Sponsor / Collaborator
    • 12.3.6. Analysis by Study Design
      • Analysis by Type of Patient Allocation Model Used
      • Analysis by Type of Intervention
      • Analysis by Type of Trial Masking Adopted
      • Analysis by Trial Purpose
    • 12.3.7. Analysis by Trial Focus Area
    • 12.3.8. Analysis of Patients Enrolled by Trial Registration Year
    • 12.3.9. Analysis of Patients Enrolled by Trial Phase
    • 12.3.10. Most Active Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Clinical Trials
    • 12.3.11. Most Active Non-Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Clinical Trials
    • 12.3.12. Analysis of Clinical Trials by Geography
      • Analysis of Clinical Trials by Geography and Trial Status
      • Analysis of Patients Enrolled by Trial Status and Geography


  • 13.1. Chapter Overview
  • 13.2. Partnership Models
  • 13.3. Sleep Apnea Therapies and Devices: Partnerships and Collaborations
    • 13.3.1. Analysis by Year of Partnership
    • 13.3.2. Analysis by Type of Partnership
    • 13.3.3. Analysis by Year and Type of Partnership
    • 13.3.4. Analysis by Type of Partner
    • 13.3.5. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Partnerships
    • 13.3.6. Analysis by Geography
      • Local and International Deals
      • Intercontinental and Intracontinental Deals


  • 14.1. Chapter Overview
  • 14.2. Types of Funding
  • 14.3. Sleep Apnea: Funding and Investment Analysis
    • 14.3.1. Analysis by Year of Investment
    • 14.3.2. Analysis of Amount Invested by Year
    • 14.3.3. Analysis by Type of Funding
    • 14.3.4. Analysis of Amount Invested by Type of Funding
    • 14.3.5. Analysis of Amount Invested by Year and Type of Funding
    • 14.3.6. Analysis by Investment Focus Area
    • 14.3.7. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Instances
    • 14.3.8. Most Active Players: Analysis by Amount Raised
    • 14.3.9. Analysis by Type of Investor
    • 14.3.10. Leading Investors: Analysis by Number of Funding Instances
    • 14.3.11. Analysis by Geography
      • Analysis of Instances by Geography
      • Analysis of Amount Invested by Geography


  • 15.1. Chapter Overview
  • 15.2. Scope and Methodology
  • 15.3. Sleep Apnea: Patent Analysis
    • 15.3.1. Analysis by Type of Patent
    • 15.3.2. Analysis by Patent Publication Year
    • 15.3.3. Analysis by Type of Patent and Patent Publication Year
    • 15.3.4. Analysis by Patent Jurisdiction
    • 15.3.5. Analysis by CPC Symbols
    • 15.3.6. Analysis by Type of Applicant
    • 15.3.7. Leading Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Patents
    • 15.3.8. Leading Non-Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Patents
    • 15.3.9. Leading Individual Assignees: Analysis by Number of Patents
  • 15.4. Sleep Apnea: Patent Benchmark Analysis
    • 15.4.1. Analysis by Patent Characteristics
  • 15.5. Patent Valuation Analysis


  • 16.1. Chapter Overview
  • 16.2. Market Drivers
  • 16.3. Market Restraints
  • 16.4. Market Opportunities
  • 16.5. Market Challenges
  • 16.6. Conclusion


  • 17.1. Chapter Overview
  • 17.2. Assumptions and Methodology
  • 17.3. Global Sleep Apnea Market, Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
    • 17.3.1. Scenario Analysis
  • 17.4. Key Market Segmentations


  • 18.1. Chapter Overview
  • 18.2. Assumptions and Methodology
  • 18.3. Global Sleep Apnea Market: Distribution by Type of Product, 2018, 2023 and 2035
    • 18.3.1. Sleep Apnea Medical Devices: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
    • 18.3.2. Drug Therapies: Forecasted Estimates (2025-2035)
  • 18.4. Data Triangulation and Validation


  • 19.1. Chapter Overview
  • 19.2. Assumptions and Methodology
  • 19.3. Scenario 1: Global Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market, Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
    • 19.3.1. Scenario Analysis


  • 20.1. Chapter Overview
  • 20.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology
  • 20.3. Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market: Distribution by Type of Diagnostic Device, 2018, 2023 and 2035
    • 20.3.1. Polysomnography Devices: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
    • 20.3.2. Home Sleep Apnea Testing Devices: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
  • 20.4. Data Triangulation and Validation


  • 21.1. Chapter Overview
  • 21.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology
  • 21.3. Sleep Apnea Diagnostic Devices Market: Distribution by Key Geographical Regions, 2018, 2023 and 2035
    • 21.3.1. North America: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
    • 21.3.2. Europe: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
    • 21.3.3. Asia-Pacific: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
    • 21.3.4. Rest of the World: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
  • 21.4. Data Triangulation and Validation


  • 22.1. Chapter Overview
  • 22.2. Assumptions and Methodology
  • 22.3. Global Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market, Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
    • 22.3.1. Scenario Analysis


  • 23.1. Chapter Overview
  • 23.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology
  • 23.3. Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market: Distribution by Type of Therapeutic Device, 2018, 2023 and 2035
    • 23.3.1. PAP Devices: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
    • 23.3.2. Oral Devices: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
    • 23.3.3. Implanted Devices: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
  • 23.4. Data Triangulation and Validation


  • 24.1. Chapter Overview
  • 24.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology
  • 24.3. Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market: Distribution by Type of PAP Device, 2018, 2023 and 2035
    • 24.3.1. CPAP Devices: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
    • 24.3.2. BiPAP Devices: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
    • 24.3.3. APAP Devices: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
    • 24.3.4. Other Devices: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
  • 24.4. Data Triangulation and Validation


  • 25.1. Chapter Overview
  • 25.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology
  • 25.3. Sleep Apnea Therapeutic Devices Market: Distribution by Key Geographical Regions, 2018, 2023 and 2035
    • 25.3.1. North America: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
    • 25.3.2. Europe: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
    • 25.3.3. Asia-Pacific: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
    • 25.3.4. Rest of the World: Historical Trends (2018-2022) and Forecasted Estimates (2023-2035)
  • 25.4. Data Triangulation and Validation


  • 26.1. Chapter Overview
  • 26.2. Assumptions and Methodology
  • 26.3. Global Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market: Forecasted Estimates (2025-2035)
    • 26.3.1. Scenario Analysis
  • 26.4. Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market: Drug Therapy-Wise Sales Forecast, 2025-2035


  • 27.1. Chapter Overview
  • 27.2. Assumptions and Methodology
  • 27.3. Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market: Distribution by Route of Administration, 2025 and 2035
    • 27.3.1. Oral Drug Therapies Market: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035)
    • 27.3.2. Subcutaneous Drug Therapies Market: Forecasted Estimates (2025-2035)


  • 28.1. Chapter Overview
  • 28.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology
  • 28.3 Sleep Apnea Drug Therapies Market: Distribution by Key Geographical Regions, 2025 and 2035
    • 28.3.1. North America: Forecasted Estimates (2025-2035)
      • US: Forecasted Estimates (2025-2035)
      • Mexico: Forecasted Estimates (2025-2035)
    • 28.3.2. Europe: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035)
      • Belgium: Forecasted Estimates (2027-2035)
      • Germany: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035)
    • 28.3.3. Asia-Pacific: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035)
      • Australia: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035)
      • China: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035)
      • Japan: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035)
      • Taiwan: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035)
    • 28.3.4. Rest of the World: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035)
      • Brazil: Forecasted Estimates (2026-2035)