表紙:分子スイッチ:知的財産 (IP) の情勢

分子スイッチ:知的財産 (IP) の情勢

Molecular Switches: Intellectual Property Landscape

出版日: | 発行: Roots Analysis | ページ情報: 英文 136 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

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分子スイッチ:知的財産 (IP) の情勢
出版日: 2022年12月09日
発行: Roots Analysis
ページ情報: 英文 136 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次

当レポートでは、世界の分子スイッチに関連する知的財産 (IP) 文書 - 特許の出願・登録状況、その他の付与文章など - の動向について分析し、その結果をExcelワークシートとPowerPointファイルに取りまとめてお届けいたします



第1章 分析ノート

第2章 分析概略:ダッシュボード

第3章 知的財産 (IP) の全体的情勢:データセット

第4章 先行技術の検索表現 (キーワード分析)

第5章 特許出願のデータセット

第6章 登録特許のデータセット

第7章 クレーム分析

第8章 主要出願人の分析

第9章 CPC分析

第10章 付録I:ピボットテーブル

第11章 付録II:国/地域コード

第12章 付録III:イノベーションのカテゴリー


第1章 背景事情

第2章 プロジェクトのアプローチ

第3章 プロジェクトの目的

第4章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第5章 分子スイッチ

  • 概要
  • 分子スイッチとして機能する分子
  • 医療における分子スイッチの活用領域
  • 主な利点と限界

第6章 知的財産の全体の情勢

  • 概要
  • 単純な特許ファミリーの分析
  • 主要なイノベーションのカテゴリ
  • 特許出願からの洞察
  • 登録特許からの洞察

第7章 主要な先行技術調査の表現

  • 概要
  • 先行技術調査の表現の分析

第8章 知的財産の評価分析

  • 評価の概要
  • 個別の評価ランクの分析
  • 結論
  • ランク1のIPドキュメントの一覧

第9章 特許出願の分析

  • 概要
  • 特許出願の相対的評価
  • 特許性とFTO (侵害予防調査)

第10章 登録特許の分析

  • 概要
  • 登録特許の相対的評価
  • 特許性とFTO
  • 特許請求の分析 (登録されたアクティブな特許)

第11章 主な出願人

  • 概要
  • 主な出願人の分析

第12章 イノベーションのポケットとホワイトスペース

  • 概要
  • イノベーションのポケット
  • ホワイトスペース
  • 結論

第13章 将来展望

  • 分子スイッチ:IP出願の成長動向
  • ビジネスの発展と成長のための知的財産 (IP) の関連性
  • 現代の感情と予測
  • 未来の発展・動向の見通し

第14章 付録

Product Code: RAIP0107


Attempts to synthetically recreate the biological circuits in human body is a relatively new area of research within synthetic biology. Ever since the 2010s, the use of molecular "toggle" switches to mimic electronic circuits has been prevalent to understand, alter, and recreate molecular circuits within the human body. The evolution of chemistry and synthetic biology has reached an interesting point as these complex processes, including genetic regulation, expression, and replication are being understood at a molecular level. The prominent elements of these exploratory studies are molecular switches, which are responsive to internal or external stimuli and can be manipulated to create a transition between two stable states when exposed to a change in their optical, electrical, or chemical environment. During the past few years, several molecules have been identified and characterized as "switches", which are now available for the construction of complex synthetic signaling networks with applications in both biology and nanotechnology. Of the different types of molecules, organic molecules, including proteins, nucleic acids, and cyclic organic compounds, such as crown ethers are likely to be the promising candidates in this field due to their diverse structural, electrical, and mechanical properties. In addition, synthetic molecules, such as Rotaxanes and Catenanes have emerged as potential molecular switches, as the binding sites within these mechanically interlocked molecules can be manipulated upon the application of stimuli, resulting in a shift in their structure and chemistry on cue.

One of the most important applications of molecular switches is to combat the challenges associated with anticancer therapies, like system toxicity, multidrug resistance, poor solubility, and membrane permeability. In order to overcome these drawbacks, researchers have undertaken several R&D efforts for identifying and developing effective treatment modalities. Among other alternatives, the use of Nanocarriers has emerged as a viable option. These nanomaterials encapsulate the drug, essentially warding it off from the surrounding physiological conditions and minimizing the side effects. Upon installation of molecular switches in their structure, these nanocarriers can be manipulated to gravitate towards a specific environment within the body and release the drug, when stimulated. The stimulus can further be manipulated to obtain the desired dosage strength and frequency. The extent of modification in these molecules allows for the use of minute differences in the biochemistry of different tissues as stimuli for targeted delivery of drugs. Simultaneously, with constant evolution in biomedical research and other emerging fields, such as optogenetics, molecular switches are being explored to directly switch the genes "on" and "off", leading to control over genetic regulation and expression. The potential of gaining control over the molecular architecture and consequently, molecular function has led to a steady increase in the research and entrepreneurial activity in this domain. As a result, the intellectual capital around compositions of molecular switches, engineering techniques, and their application in gene regulation and therapeutic use, has also grown. In light of such developments, it is important to keep track of both pockets of innovation and key areas of improvement for stakeholders to remain competitive in this upcoming field of medicine / drugs. This report captures some of the key R&D-related trends and provides competitive intelligence on intellectual property in the field of molecular switches.


The "Molecular Switches: Intellectual Property Landscape" report features an extensive study of some of the key historical and contemporary intellectual property (IP) documents (featuring granted patents, patent applications and other documents), describing the various types of molecular switch interventions intended to treat a growing range of clinical conditions. The insights generated in this report have been presented across two deliverables, namely a MS Excel workbook and a MS PowerPoint deck, summarizing the ongoing activity in this domain. Key inclusions are briefly described below:

Overall Intellectual Property Landscape

An analytical perspective of the various patents and affiliated IP documents that have been published related to molecular switches, since 1981. An in-depth analysis of published IP documents, representing unique patent families across various global jurisdictions, featuring insightful inferences related to both historical and recent R&D trends within this niche, but rapidly evolving applications in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry.

Popular / Relevant Prior Art Search Expressions

An examination of IP literature, shortlisting key words and phrases used to describe molecular switches (and affiliated products) that are either already available in the market, or under development. The analysis also includes details on the historical use of the aforementioned terms across different IP filings, key affiliated terms (which can be used to identify other relevant IP search terms and establish relationships between prior art search expressions), and other related trends.

Patent Valuation Analysis

A competitive benchmarking and valuation analysis of the key members of unique patent families captured in the report, taking into consideration important parameters, such as type of IP document, year of application, time to expiry, number of citations and jurisdiction (factoring in value associated with the gross domestic product (GDP) of a particular region).

Patentability and Freedom to Operate

A systematic approach to identifying relevant areas of innovation by analyzing published IP documents (representative of unique patent families), by defining the uniqueness of patented / patent pending innovations, in order to assess the scope of patentability in this domain, and pinpoint jurisdictions wherein new and / or modified claims may be filed without infringing on existing IP.

Analysis of Patent Applications

A detailed summary of the various patent applications (representative of unique patent families) that were filed across different jurisdictions and their relative value in the IP ecosystem. The analysis classified the intellectual capital in terms of type of innovation and the innovation (such as a product class, enabling technologies or method of use), thereby, offering the means to identify active arenas of research and assess innovation-specific IP filing trends.

Analysis of Granted Patents

An analysis of the granted patents (representative of unique patent families) across different global jurisdictions and their relative value in the IP ecosystem. The analysis also features a meaningful classification system, segregating granted IP into relevant categories (namely type of innovation and innovation) to help develop a detailed perspective on the diversity of intellectual capital (having marketing exclusivity) related to molecular switches, and the assessing likelihood for innovators to enter into promising research areas.

Pockets of Innovation and White Spaces

An insightful analysis of the various CPC codes used in published IP literature (representative of unique patent families) and their affiliated families, offering the means to identify historical and existing pockets of innovation (based on the functional area / industry described by the elaborate and systematic IP classification approach, mentioned earlier); the analysis also features a discussion on prevalent white spaces (based on type of innovation and innovation in this field of research.

Claim Analysis

One of the objectives of the report was to analyze and summarize key inferences from the independent claims mentioned in granted, active patents (representative of unique patent families) in the dataset. Using a systematic segregation approach, we have analyzed trends associated with the preamble, type of patent (product patent or method patent), type of claim (open ended claim or closed ended claim) and key elements of a claim (individual aspects of an innovation that are covered in a singular claim).


The data presented in this report has been gathered via secondary research and analyzed via proprietary methods / tools to develop a detailed perspective on the current status of the innovative advances in this domain and affiliated developer landscape that is spread across different global regions. Where possible, the available data has been checked for accuracy from multiple sources of information.

The secondary sources of information include:

  • Company websites
  • Annual reports
  • Patent information aggregator portals
  • Industry databases
  • Press releases
  • Industry analysts' views

The insights presented are solely based on our knowledge, research and understanding of the relevant market, as gathered from various secondary sources of information.


Excel Deliverable

  • Sheet 1: features details regarding how the input data for this project was collated, including the search strings used to query a popular, public patent database (namely lens.org), and data segregation notes.
  • Sheet 2: is a summary MS Excel dashboard, offering a detailed, graphical perspective of the intellectual property landscape of molecular switches. It includes pictorial representations of the [A] overall patent landscape, [B] IP documents representing patent families that describe unique innovations related to molecular switches, [C] trends related to patent applications (including insights on patentability and freedom to operate), [D] trends related to granted patents (including insights on patentability and freedom to operate), [E] key inferences from a proprietary claim analysis, [F] list of popular CPC symbols (featuring key pockets of innovation), [G] list of popular applicants (shortlisted based on number of published IP documents).
  • Sheet 3: is an elaborate tabular representation of the overall IP landscape, featuring information on the various types of IP documents, related to molecular switches, which have been published since 1981.
  • Sheet 4: is an excerpt of the data presented in the previous sheet, featuring published IP documents, that represent unique patent families across various global jurisdictions. This dataset has been analyzed in detail, in the report.
  • Sheet 5: includes a tabular representation of the key words and phrases (prior art search expressions) that are used to describe molecular switches and affiliated intellectual capital.
  • Sheet 6: is a subset of sheet 4, featuring all the patent applications, covering innovations related to molecular switches and affiliated methods, compositions and engineering techniques.
  • Sheet 7: is a subset of sheet 4, featuring all the granted patents, covering innovations related to molecular switches and affiliated methods / products.
  • Sheet 8: is an insightful summary of key inferences from the independent claims of the granted, active patents in the dataset. It involves the use of a systematic segregation approach to analyze key trends associated with the preamble, type of patent (product patent or method patent), type of claim (open ended claim or closed ended claim) and key elements of a claim (individual aspects of an innovation that are covered in a singular claim).
  • Sheet 9: provides insights related to some of the key applicants that are active in this field of research, featuring company-specific details (such as year of establishment, and location of headquarters), and inputs on their respective IP publication trends.
  • Sheet 10: features an analysis of the most popular CPC symbols and CPC families (in terms of frequency of appearance in the dataset), related to molecular switches that are either already available in the market, or under development.
  • Sheet 11: is an appendix, which includes pivot tables that drive the charts and interactive elements for the complete IP landscape depicted in sheet 2 of the deliverable.
  • Sheet 12: is an appendix, featuring details related to the categorization done in the report, and important abbreviations used in reference to the data categories mentioned in the document.

PowerPoint Deliverable

  • Chapter 1: briefly describes of the need for molecular switches interventions and the key advantages associated with the use of such molecular switches. Further, it provides an overview of the intellectual property landscape related to this niche class of synthetic biology research.
  • Chapter 2: and 3 feature brief (pictorial) summaries of the approach used during data collection for this project, and the key objectives of the study.
  • Chapter 4: is an executive summary of the important insights and key takeaways, generated from analyzing the IP landscape of molecular switches.
  • Chapter 5: offers an informed perspective on the core concepts of molecular switches. It also includes brief descriptions of molecular switches that are available and under development, elaborating on the contemporary need for such therapeutic and diagnostic solutions. Further, it provides a summary of the important milestones in this field of research, highlighting some of the distinguishing features of both early generation and modern variants of such interventions. The chapter also includes a description of important application areas of molecular switches, highlighting the various advantages and existing limitations of molecular switches.
  • Chapter 6: includes a review of the various patents and affiliated IP documents that have been published related to molecular switches, since the year 1981. It also features an in-depth analysis of published IP documents, representing unique patent families across various global jurisdictions, and includes insightful inferences related to both historical and recent R&D trends within this niche, but rapidly evolving applications the healthcare segment.
  • Chapter 7: features an insightful examination of IP literature, highlighting key words and phrases that are used to describe different molecular switches, including information on historical usage in IP filings, key affiliated terms (which can be used to identify other relevant IP search terms and establish relationships between prior art search expressions), and other related trends.
  • Chapter 8: offers insights from a competitive benchmarking and valuation analysis of the key members of unique patent families that have been captured in the report. It takes into consideration important parameters, such as type of IP document, year of application, time to expiry, number of citations and jurisdiction (factoring in value associated with the gross domestic product (GDP) of a particular region).
  • Chapter 9: provides a detailed summary of the patent applications (representative of unique patent families) that were filed across different jurisdictions and their relative value in the IP ecosystem. The analysis segregates the captured intellectual capital in terms of type of innovation and the specific innovation (different product classes, enabling technologies or methods of use), thereby, offering the means to identify active arenas of research and assess innovation-specific IP filing trends. Further, it features an analysis that helps identify relevant areas of innovation by analyzing published IP documents (representative of unique patent families), defining the uniqueness of patent pending innovations, in order to assess the scope of patentability in this domain, and pinpoint jurisdictions where new and / or modified claims may be filed without infringing on existing IP.
  • Chapter 10: is an elaborate summary of the granted patents (representative of unique patent families) across different global jurisdictions and their relative value in the IP ecosystem. The analysis also features a meaningful classification system, segregating granted IP into relevant categories (namely type of innovation and innovation) to help develop a detailed perspective on the diversity of intellectual capital (having marketing exclusivity) related to molecular switches, and assessing the likelihood for innovators to enter into promising product markets, once active patents expire. Further, it features an analysis that helps identify relevant areas of innovation by analyzing published IP documents (representative of unique patent families), defining the uniqueness of patented innovations, in order to assess the scope of patentability in this domain, and pinpoint jurisdictions where new and / or modified claims may be filed without infringing on existing IP.
  • Chapter 11: features profiles of some of the most popular applicant companies, which were shortlisted based on their respective patent filing activities. Each profiles includes a brief overview of the company, information on annual revenues (wherever available), details on its molecular switch related initiatives, names of key management team members and recent developments.
  • Chapter 12: includes an insightful analysis of the various CPC symbols mentioned in published IP literature (representative of unique patent families) and their affiliated families, offering the means to identify historical and existing pockets of innovation (based on the functional area / industry described by the elaborate and systematic IP classification approach, mentioned earlier); the analysis also features a discussion on prevalent white spaces (based on innovation and innovation types) in this field of research.
  • Chapter 13: concludes the report by summarizing publicly available insights on the anticipated developments in this domain (taking into consideration the perspectives of eminent representatives of stakeholder companies in this industry), and trends that are likely to shape the future of molecular switches.
  • Chapter 14: is a set of appendices, entailing [A] an overview of the excel research report, [B] a list of IP documents featuring the identified white spaces, [C] table of contents, [D] list of figures, [E] list of tables, [F] glossary, and [G] list of all the applicant companies and organizations.


Excel Deliverable

1. Research Notes

2. Summary Dashboard

  • A. Overall Intellectual Property Landscape
  • B. Intellectual Property Landscape (Grouped by Simple Families)
  • C. Key Prior Art Search Expressions
  • D. Key Trends related to Patent Applications (featuring Patentability and Freedom-to-Operate)
  • E. Key Trends related to Granted Patents (featuring Patentability and Freedom-to-Operate)
  • F. Claim Analysis
  • G. Key CPC Symbols
  • H. Key Applicants

3. Overall Intellectual Property Landscape Dataset

4. Prior Art Search Expressions (Keyword Analysis)

5. Patent Applications Dataset

6. Granted Patents Dataset

7. Claim Analysis

8. Key Applicants Analysis

9. CPC Analysis

10. Appendix I: Pivot Tables

11. Appendix II: Country / Geography Codes

12. Appendix III: Innovation Categories

PowerPoint Deliverable

1. Context

2. Project Approach

3. Project Objectives

4. Executive Summary

5. Molecular switches

  • 5.1. Overview
  • 5.2. Molecules Acting as Molecular Switches
  • 5.3. Applications of Molecular Switches in Healthcare
  • 5.4. Key Advantages and Limitations

6. Overall Intellectual Property Landscape

  • 6.1. Overview
  • 6.2. Analysis of Simple Patent Families
  • 6.3. Key Innovation Categories
  • 6.4. Insights from Patent Applications
  • 6.5. Insights from Granted Patents

7. Key Prior Art Search Expressions

  • 7.1. Overview
  • 7.2. Analysis of Prior Art Search Expressions

8. Intellectual Property Valuation Analysis

  • 8.1. Valuation Overview
  • 8.2. Analysis of Individual Value Ranks
    • 8.2.1. Rank 1 IP Documents
    • 8.2.2. Rank 2 IP Documents
    • 8.2.3. Rank 3 IP Documents
    • 8.2.4. Rank 4 IP Documents
    • 8.2.5. Rank 5 IP Documents
  • 8.3. Concluding Remarks
  • 8.4. List of Rank 1 IP Documents

9. Analysis of Patent Applications

  • 9.1. Overview
  • 9.2. Relative Valuation of Patent Applications
  • 9.3. Patentability & Freedom-to-Operate

10. Analysis of Granted Patents

  • 10.1. Overview
  • 10.2. Relative Valuation of Grated Patents
  • 10.3. Patentability & Freedom-to-Operate
  • 10.4. Analysis of Patent Claims (Granted Active Patents)

11. Key Applicants

  • 11.1. Overview
  • 11.2. Analysis of Key Applicants
    • 11.2.1. Company A
    • 11.2.2. Company B
    • 11.2.3. Company C
    • 11.2.4. Company D
    • 11.2.5. Company E
    • 11.2.6. Company F
    • 11.2.7. Company G
    • 11.2.8. Company H
    • 11.2.9. Company I
    • 11.2.10. Company J

12. Pockets of Innovation and White Spaces

  • 12.1. Overview
  • 12.2. Pockets of Innovation
  • 12.3. White Spaces
  • 12.4. Concluding Remarks

13. Future Outlook

  • 13.1. Molecular Switches: IP Filing Growth Trends
  • 13.2. Relevance of IP for Business Development and Growth
  • 13.3. Contemporary Sentiments and Predictions
  • 13.4 Anticipated Future Developments and Trends

14. Appendices