
アジア太平洋のTDI市場 (2023年)

2023 Asia-Pacific TDI Market Research Report

出版日: | 発行: PUdaily | ページ情報: 英文 130 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
アジア太平洋のTDI市場 (2023年)
出版日: 2024年02月20日
発行: PUdaily
ページ情報: 英文 130 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

世界のTDI (トルエンジイソシアネート) 市場は2023年に大きな変化が見られます。欧米・日本企業が施設閉鎖や減産を決定する一方、中国系企業は積極的な設備拡張や増産に動いています。そしてアジア太平洋、特に中国がTDIの生産能力において対世界シェアを拡大し続ける見通しです。アジア太平洋のTDI市場が世界舞台に与える影響は、今後ますます明白になると思われます。実際、アジア太平洋市場の価格情報に注目する欧州、中東、米国の顧客が増え始めています。



第1章 TDIの概要

  • TDI (トルエンジイソシアネート) の特性と目的
  • TDIのプロセスと技術
  • TDIの副産物であるOTDAの概要
  • TDIの持続可能な開発プロセス
    • ゼロカーボン/マスバランスのとれたTDI
    • バイオベースTDI
    • ポリウレタンフォームのリサイクル
    • 炭素関税がTDIに与える影響の分析

第2章 世界のTDI市場の概要

  • 世界のTDIの需要と供給のレビュー (2019~2023年)
    • 世界のTDIの生産能力 (2019~2023年)
    • 世界のTDIの生産量 (2019~2023年)
    • 世界のTDIの消費量の分析
  • 世界のTDIの需給見通し (2023~2027年)
    • 世界のTDIの供給見通し (2023~2027年)
    • 世界のTDIの需要見通し (2023~2027年)

第3章 アジア太平洋のTDI市場

  • アジア太平洋のTDI供給のレビューと見通し
  • アジア太平洋のTDI需要のレビューと見通し

第4章 中国のTDI市場

  • 中国のTDIの供給
    • 中国のTDIの生産能力 (2019~2023年)
    • 中国のTDIの生産量 (2019~2023年)
    • 中国の主要TDIサプライヤーの概要 (2023年)
    • 中国のTDIサプライヤー:生産量に関する統計 (2023年)
  • 中国のTDIの輸出入
    • 中国TDIの輸入量 (2019~2023年)
    • 中国TDIの輸出量 (2019~2023年)
  • 中国のTDIの需要
    • 中国のTDIの需要レビュー (2019~2023年)
    • 中国のTDIの下流工程産業 (2023年)
  • 中国のTDIの市場予測 (2023~2027年)
    • 中国のTDIの供給予測 (2023~2027年)
    • 中国のTDIの需要予測 (2023~2027年)
  • 中国TDI市場価格と利益
    • 中国のTDIの市場価格
    • 中国のTDIのサプライヤー価格 (定価、決済価格等)
    • 中国のTDI原材料の市場価格
    • 中国のTDIの生産コストと利益
    • 中国のTDIの市場価格予測 (2023年)

第5章 東南アジアのTDI市場

  • 東南アジアのTDIの需要レビュー (2019~2023年)
  • 東南アジアのTDIの下流工程産業 (2023年)
  • 東南アジアのTDIの需要見通し (2023年)
  • 東南アジアのTDIの市場価格予測 (2023年)

第6章 インドのTDI市場

  • インドのTDIの生産量のレビュー(2019~2023年)
  • インドのTDIの需要レビュー (2019~2023年)
  • インドのTDIの下流工程産業 (2023年)
  • インドのTDIの需要見通し (2023年)
  • インドのTDIの市場価格予測 (2023年)

第7章 日本のTDI市場

  • 日本のTDIの生産量のレビュー2019~2023年
  • 日本のTDIの輸出入 (2019~2023年)
  • 日本のTDIの需要 (2023年)
  • 日本のTDIの需要見通し (2023年)

第8章 韓国のTDI市場

  • 韓国のTDIの生産量のレビュー (2019~2023年)
  • 韓国のTDIの輸出入 (2019~2023年)
  • 韓国のTDIの需要レビュー (2023年)
  • 韓国のTDIの需要見通し (2023年)

List of Tables

  • Table 1 Physical Properties of TDI
  • Table 2 Comparison of Specifications of Different TDI Products
  • Table 3 Applications of TDI Products
  • Table 4 Global TDI Capacity 2023 (ktpa)
  • Table 5 Global TDI Consumpition 2019-2023 (Mt)
  • Table 6 Global TDI Consumption by Region 2023 (KT, %)
  • Table 7 Global Planned TDI Capacity Additions 2023 (ktpa)
  • Table 8 Global TDI Capacity Changes, 2024-2028 (ktpa)
  • Table 9 Asia Pacific TDI Output by Country & Year-on-Year Changes (KT, %)
  • Table 10 Asia Pacific TDI Consumption by Country/Region & Year-on-Year Changes, 2022-2023 (KT,%)
  • Table 11 China TDI Capacity by Supplier, 2019-2023 (ktpa)
  • Table 12 China TDI Outputs, 2019-2023 (KT)
  • Table 13 Chinese TDI Suppliers' Outputs, 2022-2023 (KT)
  • Table 14 China TDI Imports & Year-on-Year Changes, 2019-2023 (tonne, %)
  • Table 15 China TDI Import Sources & Import Volumes, 2019-2023 (tonne)
  • Table 16 China TDI Exports & Year-on-Year Changes, 2019-2023 (tonne, %)
  • Table 17 China TDI Export Destinations, Export Volumes & Year-on-Year Changes, 2019-2023 (tonne, %)
  • Table 18 China TDI Capacities, Outputs, Imports, Exports, Consumption & YoY Changes, 2019-2023 (KT)
  • Table 19 China TDI Consumption by Industry 2023 (KT)
  • Table 20 Timeline of U.S. Anti-dumping Actions Against Mattress Imports
  • Table 21 Different Sizes of Sofas & The Weight of Foam Used
  • Table 22 Characteristics of Different Types of Mattresses
  • Table 23 Application of TDI Related Products in Automobiles
  • Table 24 Comparison of Mainstream Foam Systems for Automotive Seating
  • Table 25 China's Major Seat Manufacturers, Corresponding Carmakers, and Manufacturing Bases
  • Table 26 Comparative Performance of Mainstream Automotive Adhesives
  • Table 27 Comparison of Three Preparation Methods for CPU
  • Table 28 China CPU Supply Forecast, 2024-2028 (ktpa, KT)
  • Table 29 China Planned TDI Capacity Additions (ktpa)
  • Table 30 China TDI Capacities, Outputs & Consumption Forecast, 2023-2028 (ktpa, KT, %)
  • Table 31 China TDI Monthly Average Price 2023 (CNY/tonne)
  • Table 32 China TDI Suppliers' Monthly List Prices & Settlement Prices 2023 (CNY/tonne)
  • Table 33 China TDI Suppliers' Fixed Prices & Weekly Settlement Prices 2023 (CNY/tonne)
  • Table 34 Influencing Factors & Forecast for China TDI Market, 2024-2026
  • Table 35 TDI Imports & Year-on-Year Changes from CJK to Major Southeast Asian Countries, 2019-2023 (tonne, %)
  • Table 36 CJK's TDI Exports to Southeast Asia, Year-on-Year Changes & Share, 2019-2023 (tonne, %)
  • Table 37 India TDI Output, Import, Export & Consumption 2023 (KT)
  • Table 38 South Korea TDI Outputs, 2019-2023 (KT)
  • Table 39 Asia Pacific TDI Capacities, Outputs, Consumption by Country/Region & Year-on-Year Changes 2023 (ktpa, KT,%)
  • Table 40 China TDI Consumption by Industry & Year-on-Year Changes, 2022-2023 (KT, %)

List of Figures

  • Figure 1 Wanhua Chemical's TDI Capacity Layout 2023 (ktpa, %)
  • Figure 2 Covestro's TDI Capacity Layout 2023 (ktpa, %)
  • Figure 3 BASF's TDI Capacity Layout 2023 (ktpa, %)
  • Figure 4 Global TDI Capacity Changes by Region (ktpa)
  • Figure 5 Global TDI Capacity by Region 2023 (%)
  • Figure 6 China TDI Capacity, 2019-2023 (ktpa) Table 11 China TDI Capacity by Supplier, 2019-2023 (ktpa)
  • Figure 7 China TDI Capacity by Supplier (%)
  • Figure 8 China TDI Outputs, 2019-2023 (KT)
  • Figure 9 China TDI Imports, 2019-2023 (Tonne)
  • Figure 10 China TDI Import Sources 2023 (%)
  • Figure 11 China TDI Exports & Year-on-Year Changes, 2019-2023 (tonne, %)
  • Figure 12 China TDI Consumption by Industry 2023 (%)
  • Figure 13 Global Upholstered Furniture Consumption by Country (%)
  • Figure 14 China Furniture & Upholstered Furniture Outputs, 2018-2027 (million)
  • Figure 15 China Upholstered Furniture Sales & Year-on-Year Changes (USD billion, %)
  • Figure 16 China Mattress Market by Category
  • Figure 17 Structure of A Spring Mattress
  • Figure 18 Outputs & Year-on-year Changes of Fuel and New Energy Vehicles in China, 2019-2023 (million, %)
  • Figure 19 Market Share of Major Automotive Seat Manufacturers in China (%)
  • Figure 20 Selected Applications of PU Adhesives in Automobiles
  • Figure 21 CTP Battery Structure
  • Figure 22 China Coating Outputs (KT)
  • Figure 23 Downstream Industries of PU Adhesives and Sealants (%)
  • Figure 24 China TDI Price Trend, 2021-2023 (CNY/tonne)
  • Figure 25 China Toluene Average Price Trend 2019-2023 (CNY/tonne, USD/tonne)
  • Figure 26 Changes in China TDI Profits 2023 (CNY/tonne)
  • Figure 27 Southeast Asian TDI Consumption by Country, 2023 (%)
  • Figure 28 Southeast Asian Automobile Outputs (1,000 units, %)
  • Figure 29 Comparison Between Southeast Asian and Chinese TDI Prices 2023 (USD/tonne, CNY/tonne)
  • Figure 30 India TDI Imports from CJK, 2019-2023 (KT)
  • Figure 31 Indian Furniture Sales (USD billion)
  • Figure 32 Indian Automobile Output & Sales Volume (1,000 units)
  • Figure 33 Comparison Between Indian and Chinese TDI Prices 2023 (USD/tonne, CNY/tonne)
  • Figure 34 Japan TDI Outputs & Year-on-Year Changes, 2019-2023 (KT, %)
  • Figure 35 Japan TDI Exports & Year-on-Year Changes, 2019-2023 (KT, %)
  • Figure 36 Japan TDI Consumption & Year-on-Year Changes, 2019-2023 (KT, %)
  • Figure 37 Japan Automobile Sales (1,000 units)
  • Figure 38 South Korea TDI Outputs, 2019-2023 (KT, %)
  • Figure 39 South Korea TDI Exports & Year-on-Year Changes, 2019-2023 (KT, %)
  • Figure 40 South Korea TDI Consumption & Year-on-Year Changes, 2019-2023 (KT, %)
  • Figure 41 South Korean Furniture Sales (USD billion)
  • Figure 42 South Korea Automobile Outputs & Sales (1,000 units)

Global TDI market has seen significant changes in 2023. Leading TDI producer BASF has shut down its 300 ktpa facility in Ludwigshafen, while Japan's Tosoh has also closed its plant as planned. Mitsui Chemicals has decided to reduce its existing TDI capacity from 120 ktpa to 50 ktpa by 2025. These strategic contractions by established TDI industry players have been observed. On the other hand, Wanhua Chemical has just completed construction and production of a 250 ktpa TDI facility in Fujian, and announced a plan for a second phase with a 330 ktpa facility currently under construction, expected to start production before 2025. Moreover, Cangzhou Dahua, BASF, and Covestro have expansion plans in China, and even Guangxin Corporation Limited, a Chinese agrochemical company, has announced an astonishing plan for a 600 ktpa TDI project. It is foreseeable that the Asia-Pacific region, especially China, will continue to increase its global market share in terms of TDI production capacity. The influence of the Asia-Pacific TDI market on the global stage will become more apparent. In fact, based on our observations, more and more customers from Europe, the Middle East, and the United States have begun to keep an eye on price intelligence in the Asia-Pacific market. Asia-Pacific TDI Market Research Report 2023, prepared by Pudaily, focuses on the Asia-Pacific market, providing in-depth analysis of the supply-demand pattern, price trends, costs and profits, potential growth, industry opportunities and potential threats, investment environment, and more. This report will assist users in targeting the ever-changing submarkets in the coming years, helping stakeholders make informed decisions and promote their development.

Table of Content

Chapter I Introduction to TDI

  • 1.1 TDI Properties and Purposes
  • 1.2 TDI Process and Technology
  • 1.3 Overview of TDI By-Product OTDA
  • 1.4 TDI Sustainable Development Processes
    • 1.4.1 Zero Carbon/Mass-Balanced TDI
    • 1.4.2 Bio-Based TDI
    • 1.4.3 Polyurethane Foam Recycling
    • 1.4.4 Analysis of Carbon Tariffs' Impact on TDI

Chapter II Global TDI Market Overview

  • 2.1 Global TDI Supply & Demand Review 2019-2023
    • 2.1.1 Global TDI Capacity 2019-2023
    • 2.1.2 Global TDI Output 2019-2023
    • 2.1.3 Global TDI Consumption Analysis
      • Global TDI Consumption 2019-2023
      • Global TDI Consumption by Regions 2023
  • 2.2 Global TDI Supply & Demand Outlook 2023-2027
    • 2.2.1 Global TDI Supply Outlook 2023-2027
    • 2.2.2 Global TDI Demand Outlook 2023-2027

Chapter III Asia-Pacific TDI Market

  • 3.1 Asia-Pacific TDI Supply Review and Outlook
  • 3.2 Asia-Pacific TDI Demand Review and Outlook

Chapter IV China TDI Market

  • 4.1 China TDI Supply
    • 4.1.1 China TDI Capacity 2019-2023
    • 4.1.2 China TDI Output 2019-2023
    • 4.1.3 Overview of China Major TDI Suppliers in 2023
      • BASF
        • TDI Industry Chain
        • Marketing Tactics
        • Company News
      • Covestro
        • TDI Industry Chain
        • Marketing Tactics
        • Company News
      • Wanhua Chemical
        • TDI Industry Chain
        • Marketing Tactics
        • Company News
      • Gansu Yinguang Chemical Industry Group Co., Ltd.
        • TDI Industry Chain
        • Marketing Tactics
        • Company News
      • Cangzhou Dahua Group Co.,Ltd.
        • TDI Industry Chain
        • Marketing Tactics
        • Company News
      • Xinjiang Heshan Juli Chemical Co., Ltd. (Wanhua Chemical Holdings)
        • TDI Industry Chain
        • Marketing Tactics
        • Company News
    • 4.1.4 Statistics on Outputs of Chinese TDI Suppliers in 2023
  • 4.2 China TDI Import and Export
    • 4.2.1 China TDI Imports 2019-2023
      • China TDI Import Volume Trend
      • TDI Import USD Price Trend
      • China TDI Import Sources in 2023
    • 4.2.2 China TDI Exports 2019-2023
      • China TDI Export Volume Trend
      • TDI Export USD Price Trend
      • China TDI Export Destinations in 2023
  • 4.3 China TDI Demand
    • 4.3.1 China TDI Demand Review 2019-2023
    • 4.3.2 China TDI Downstream Industries in 2023
      • Upholstered Furniture
      • Automobiles
      • Coatings
      • Polyurethane Adhesives and Sealants
      • Polyurethane Elastomers
  • 4.4 China TDI Market Forecast 2023-2027
    • 4.4.1 China TDI Supply Forecast 2023-2027
    • 4.4.2 China TDI Demand Forecast 2023-2027
      • Upholstered Furniture
      • Automobiles
      • Coatings
      • Polyurethane Adhesives and Sealants
      • Polyurethane Elastomers
  • 4.5 China TDI Market Price and Profit
    • 4.5.1 China TDI Market Price
    • 4.5.2 China TDI Supplier Prices (list price, settlement price, etc.)
    • 4.5.3 China TDI Feedstock Market Price
    • 4.5.4 China TDI Production Costs and Profits
    • 4.5.5 China TDI Market Price Forecast 2023

Chapter V Southeast Asia TDI Market

  • 5.1 Southeast Asia TDI Demand Review 2019-2023
  • 5.2 Southeast Asia TDI Downstream Industries in 2023
  • 5.3 Southeast Asia TDI Demand Outlook 2023
  • 5.4 Southeast Asia TDI Market Price Forecast 2023-2023

Chapter VI India TDI Market

  • 6.1 India TDI Outputs Review 2019-2023
  • 6.2 India TDI Demand Review 2019-2023
  • 6.3 India TDI Downstream Industries in 2023
  • 6.4 India TDI Demand Outlook 2023
  • 6.5 India TDI Market Price Forecast 2023-2023

Chapter VII Japan TDI Market

  • 7.1 Japan TDI Outputs Review 2019-2023
  • 7.2 Japan TDI Imports and Exports 2019-2023
  • 7.3 Japan TDI Demand Review 2023
  • 7.4 Japan TDI Demand Outlook 2023

Chapter VIII South Korea TDI Market

  • 8.1 South Korea TDI Outputs Review 2019-2023
  • 8.2 South Korea TDI Imports and Exports 2019-2023
  • 8.3 South Korea TDI Demand Review 2023
  • 8.4 South Korea TDI Demand Outlook 2023