

5G Via Satellite, 4th Edition

出版日: | 発行: Northern Sky Research, LLC | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=153.16円
出版日: 2023年10月31日
発行: Northern Sky Research, LLC
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
NSRは、2022年4月にAnalysys Masonに買収されました。2024年以降の発行については、Analysys Masonの商品をご覧ください。
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次



  • セルラーバックホール
  • トランキング
  • 企業ネットワーク
  • 航空コネクティビティ
  • 船舶
  • 陸上モバイル
  • 政府/軍


  • 北米
  • ラテンアメリカ
  • 欧州
  • 中東・アフリカ
  • アジア


  • MSS
  • FSS-X、C、Ku、Ka
  • GEO-HTS-C、Ku、Ka
  • 非GEO-HTS


  • アクティブサイト
  • 容量需要
  • 容量収益
  • サービス収益
  • 機器出荷台数
  • CPE収益




第1章 調査概要

  • 課題
  • ソリューション
  • 提言

第2章 5G:衛星による新たな収益源の開拓

  • サービス収益
  • 容量収益
  • 地上部門からの収益
  • 前版との比較

第3章 通信規格とネットワーク技術

  • 通信会社の標準への準拠
  • 5Gへの第一歩としてのSD-WANとMEF
  • 5GがVSATネットワークに与える影響

第4章 通信事業者との協力:ビジネスケースの実証と信頼の構築

  • ビジネスケースの実証と信頼の構築
  • SataaS (Satellite as a Service)
  • 通信エコシステムへの開放のリスク


著者・Analysys Masonについて


Report Summary:

NSR's “5G via Satellite, 4th Edition: opportunities for satellite players” report is the first and only analysis covering the impact of 5G in its wider scope for the satellite industry. The report offers a strategic assessment and a quantitative forecast of the opportunities unlocked by 5G in the Satcom ecosystem.

The study leverages NSR's extensive and in-depth satellite industry knowledge together with Analysys Mason's understanding of the terrestrial Telco markets and trends to assess the key implications and impact of 5G for the satellite industry and the aspects to consider in satellite-telco integration.

The report offers actionable recommendations for each step of the satellite value chain to take advantage of satellite-telco integration and succeed in the adoption of 5G. Specific opportunities for 5G Satellite are presented for the following verticals:

  • Cellular Backhaul
  • Trunking
  • Corporate Networks
  • Aeronautical Connectivity
  • Maritime
  • Land Mobile
  • Gov/Mil

The core of NSR's detailed market review is rooted in the bottom-up assessment and forecast of 5G demand for each specific segment in each of the five different regions analyzed in this study, namely:

  • North America (NAM)
  • Latin America (LAM)
  • Europe (EU)
  • Middle East/Africa (MEA)
  • Asia

The forecast period for all market segments covers ten years running from 2022 to 2032. Forecasts are also structured by frequency as relevant per each vertical:

  • MSS
  • FSS - X, C, Ku, Ka
  • GEO-HTS - C, Ku, Ka
  • Non GEO-HTS

NSR forecasts:

  • Active Sites
  • Capacity Demand
  • Capacity Revenues
  • Service Revenues
  • Equipment Shipments
  • CPE Revenues

Figure 1:
2022-2032 cumulative 5G satellite capacity revenues by segment, worldwide

[Source: NSR, 2023]

Figure 2:
5G satellite service revenues by segment, 2022 to 2032, worldwide

[Source: NSR, 2023]

Key questions answered in this report:

  • What is the revenue opportunity for satellite 5G?
  • What use cases and what new customers can the satellite industry attract by adopting 5G?
  • How will satellite technical solutions evolve with 5G?
  • Which business models will thrive with the arrival of 5G?
  • What are the key technology developments that will shape the future of the market and how should players respond to this evolution?

Key Features:

NSR's “5G via Satellite 4th Edition: opportunities for satellite players” report is the first and unique report that looks into the broad and deep implications of 5G into the Satellite Communications industry. It covers 5G in its widest scope, from the transformation of the infrastructure segments, to the extensive use cases stimulated by 5G, specifically Cellular Backhaul, Trunking, Corporate Networks, Aero, Maritime, Land-Mobile, Gov & Mil.

The report is based on long-standing methodologies that have been validated and improved over the extensive NSR experience in the Satcom industry. NSR rigorously tracks the public announcements of all major players across the value chain and has carried extensive interviews to build base year data and carefully formulate forecast data. In addition, NSR is actively present in major conferences and events in order to assess, discuss and analyze new and emerging market trends with key players in the satellite and terrestrial industries such as the Mobile World Congress as well as satellite specific events.

The report combines the wide and well-grounded NSR analysis for each key vertical market in a single report with specific focus on the impact and opportunities that 5G brings to the satellite industry.

Who should purchase this report:

  • Satellite operators to understand the revenue potential, demand, and key drivers and constraints.
  • Service integrators to learn the evolution of services and be aware of risks of mainstream Telcos encroaching on traditional satellite verticals.
  • Ground segment and Space infrastructure vendors to assess the implications of 5G and Telco standards in their product roadmap.
  • Regulators and industry agencies to determine the opportunities offered by 5G to foster innovation and bridge the digital divide.

Table of Contents

About this report

Executive summary

1. Research overview

  • 1.1. Challenge
  • 1.2. Solution
  • 1.3. Recommendations

2. 5G to unlock new satellite revenue streams

  • 2.1. Service revenues
  • 2.2. Capacity revenues
  • 2.3. Ground segment revenues
  • 2.4. Comparison with previous edition

3. Telco standards and networking technologies

  • 3.1. Aligning with Telco standards
  • 3.2. SD-WAN and MEF as first steps towards 5G
  • 3.3. 5G implications for VSAT networks

4. Working with Telcos to demonstrate business cases and to build confidence

  • 4.1. Demonstrating business cases and building confidence
  • 4.2. Satellite-as-a-service
  • 4.3. Risk of opening to the Telco ecosystem

Appendix methodology

About the author and Analysys Mason

List of Exhibits

  • 1. Key drivers for 5G satellite service revenues
  • 2. 5G satcom installed base by vertical, worldwide
  • 3. 2022-2032 cumulative 5G satcom revenues per vertical, worldwide
  • 4. 5G satcom service revenues per vertical, worldwide
  • 5. 5G satellite capacity revenues per frequency, worldwide
  • 6. 5G satellite equipment revenues by segment, worldwide
  • 7. 5G satellite corporate networks installed base comparison with previous edition, worldwide
  • 8. Share of investment in Mobile core (terrestrial MNOs), worldwide
  • 9. Key actions to take across the satellite value chain to adapt to the 5G ecosystem
  • 10. SD-WAN sites, all technologies, worldwide
  • 11. 5G trends with the highest disruption potential for the satellite industry
  • 12. Satellite cost-effectiveness against terrestrial for a base station 20km away from the backbone
  • 13. Main advantage of 'as-a-Service' satellite services
  • 14. Risks for the different steps of the value chain