

India Algorithmic Trading Market Assessment, By Component, By Mode, By Function, By Type, By End-user, By Region, Opportunities and Forecast, FY2018-FY2032

出版日: | 発行: Market Xcel - Markets and Data | ページ情報: 英文 115 Pages | 納期: 3~5営業日

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価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2024年05月17日
発行: Market Xcel - Markets and Data
ページ情報: 英文 115 Pages
納期: 3~5営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次



レポートによると、金融機関の57%がAIによって市場での競争力が高まると考えています。Streak Zerodhaは近年、新機能Streak Scannerを導入し、テクニカル指標と演算子を使用して、株式、先物、オプションのスキャンを作成、実行できるようになっています。このスキャナーは、トップゲイナー、ロスゲイナー、ローソク足パターン、レンジブレイクアウト、オプションのロングおよびショートなどのさまざまなセグメントに基づいて構築されています。これらのスキャナーはすべて1分足データで動作します。



DataReportal 2024のレポートによると、2024年1月のインドのインターネットユーザーは7億5,150万人でした。インドのインターネット普及率は、年初時点で全人口の52.4%でした。また、以前は投資家の売買はブローカーに依存していましたが、今ではインターネットの助けを借りて株式の売買に参加するようになっています。オンライン取引によって時間、エネルギー、資金が節約されているのです。Times of Indiaによると、2023年に農村部のアクティブインターネットユーザーが4億4,200万人を記録し、都市部の3億7,800万人を上回っています。したがって、インターネット普及率の向上が、アルゴリズム取引市場の成長に拍車をかけます。



AIベースのツールは、トーン、専門用語、フレーズ、コードワードに基づいて情報を文脈化し、トレーダーの真の意図を明らかにすることができます。注文の発注やキャンセルが異常に急増した場合、アラートを生成します。同じ取引相手との過剰な取引やアクセスできないブッキングなど、マネーロンダリングの手法を特定します。ALGO AIoTという、AIとIoTを搭載し、ロボティックプロセスオートメーションによって駆動するCMSによる先進の遠隔モニタリングソリューションは、映像をモニターし、コストと複雑性を低減しながら、脅威を簡単に検出します。市場監視へのニーズの高まりにより、監視機能を備えたアルゴリズム取引システムが求められ、市場成長を後押ししています。



第1章 調査手法

第2章 プロジェクトの範囲と定義

第3章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第4章 顧客の声

  • 人口統計(年齢/コホート分析 - ベビーブーマー世代とX世代、ミレニアル世代、Z世代、性別、所得 - 低所得、中所得、高所得、地域、国籍など)
  • 市場の認知度
  • ブランド認知度とロイヤルティ
  • 購入決定において考慮される要素
  • アルゴリズム取引の頻度
  • アルゴリズム取引の方式

第5章 インドのアルゴリズム取引市場の見通し(2018年度~2032年度)

  • 市場規模と予測
    • 金額
  • コンポーネント別
    • ソリューション
    • サービス
  • 方式別
    • クラウド
    • オンプレミス
  • 機能別
    • プログラミング
    • デバッグ
    • データ抽出
    • バックテスト、最適化
    • 危機管理
  • タイプ別
    • 株式市場
    • 外国為替市場
    • 上場投資信託
    • 債券
    • 暗号通貨
    • その他
  • エンドユーザー別
    • 短期トレーダー
    • 長期トレーダー
    • 個人投資家
    • 機関投資家
  • 地域別
    • 北部
    • 南部
    • 東部
    • 西部、中央部
  • 市場シェア:企業別(2024年度)

第6章 市場マッピング(2024年度)

  • コンポーネント別
  • 方式別
  • 機能別
  • タイプ別
  • エンドユーザー別
  • 地域別

第7章 マクロ環境と産業構造

  • 需給分析
  • 規制枠組みとコンプライアンス
  • バリューチェーン分析
  • PESTEL分析
  • ポーターのファイブフォース分析

第8章 市場力学

  • 成長促進要因
  • 成長抑制要因(課題、抑制要因)

第9章 主要企業の情勢

  • マーケットリーダー上位5社の競合マトリクス
  • マーケットリーダー上位5社の市場収益分析(2024年度)
  • 合併と買収/合弁事業(該当する場合)
  • SWOT分析(市場企業5社)
  • 特許分析(該当する場合)

第10章 ケーススタディ

第11章 アルゴリズム取引ソフトウェアの価格分析

第12章 主要企業の見通し

  • Quadeye Securities Private Limited
  • AlgoBulls Technologies Private Limited
  • Utrade Solutions Private Limited
  • Trade Rays LLP
  • Open Futures & Commodities Private Limited
  • Kiwi Capital Private Limited
  • AlphaGrep Securities
  • Dolat Capital Market Private Limited
  • Graviton Research Capital LLP
  • Iragecapital Advisory Private Limited

第13章 戦略的推奨

第14章 当社について、免責事項


List of Tables

  • Table 1. Pricing Analysis of Products from Key Players
  • Table 2. Competition Matrix of Top 5 Market Leaders
  • Table 3. Mergers & Acquisitions/ Joint Ventures (If Applicable)
  • Table 4. About Us - Regions and Countries Where We Have Executed Client Projects

List of Figures

  • Figure 1.India Algorithmic Trading Market, By Value, In USD Billion, FY2018-FY2032F
  • Figure 2.India Algorithmic Trading Market Share (%), By Component, FY2018-FY2032F
  • Figure 3.India Algorithmic Trading Market Share (%), By Mode, FY2018-FY2032F
  • Figure 4.India Algorithmic Trading Market Share (%), By Function, FY2018-FY2032F
  • Figure 5.India Algorithmic Trading Market Share (%), By Type, FY2018-FY2032F
  • Figure 6.India Algorithmic Trading Market Share (%), By End-user, FY2018-FY2032F
  • Figure 7.India Algorithmic Trading Market Share (%), By Region, FY2018-FY2032F
  • Figure 8.By Component Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), FY2024
  • Figure 9.By Mode Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), FY2024
  • Figure 10.By Function Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), FY2024
  • Figure 11.By Type Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), FY2024
  • Figure 12.By End-user Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), FY2024
  • Figure 13.By Region Map-Market Size (USD Billion) & Growth Rate (%), FY2024
Product Code: MX11327

India algorithmic trading market is projected to witness a CAGR of 11.65% during the forecast period FY2025-FY2032, growing from USD 1.08 billion in FY2024 to USD 2.61 billion in FY2032. Factors such as increased adoption of cloud-based solutions, rising demand for fast and efficient order execution, growing demand for AI-based services and market surveillance, rising disposable income of individuals, and declining transaction costs are responsible for the growth of algorithmic trading in the country.

Algorithmic trading is a technological advancement in the stock market sector. It is a process programmed to perform a set of specific instructions, that is, an algorithm for placing an order to generate profits at a high speed and frequency exceeding human power. The data set plays a significant role in the stock market, wherein every statistic is evaluated and used for the benefit of all the parties involved. It enables the investor to discover possibilities of liquidity and make more informed trading choices. Through trading choices, the transaction cost is reduced while improving trade processes, reducing market volatility, and increasing profit potential.

According to the report, 57 percent of financial organizations agree that AI will give them a competitive edge in the markets. Streak Zerodha has recently introduced a new feature Streak Scanner which allows one to create and run scans across equities, futures, and options using technical indicators and math operators. The pre-built scanners are based on segments such as top gainers and losers, candlestick patterns, range breakouts, long and short build-up for options, and many more. All these scanners run on a 1-minute data.

Increasing Internet Usage Fueling the Market Growth

Increasing Internet usage is driving the growth of algorithmic trading market. The rising penetration of the internet helps consumers gain access to online platforms where they can increase their knowledge and information about online trading. Online trading is highly dependent on the internet, boosting the growth of the algorithmic trading market.

According to the DataReportal 2024 report, 751.5 million internet users were there in India in January 2024. The internet penetration rate in India stood at 52.4 percent of the total population at the start of the year. Also, earlier investors were purely dependent on their brokers for trading but now they are participating more in buying and selling shares with the internet help. It has saved time, energy, and money by trading online. According to the Times of India, the rural region recorded 442 million active internet users exceeding the urban region which saw 378 million users in 2023. Therefore, increasing internet penetration will fuel the growth in the algorithmic trading market.

Need for Market Surveillance Boosts the Market

Market or trade surveillance includes capturing, analyzing, and monitoring trade data to reveal market abuse and other financial crimes such as rogue trading and insider trading. National regulations govern trade surveillance to prevent insider trading, market manipulation, and unauthorized trades, which could harm investors and disrupt the smooth functioning of financial markets. High-frequency occasions have provoked concerns about market stability and integrity. Surveillance of voice, video, and other electronic communication is necessary to identify fraudulent behavior among traders.

AI-based tools can contextualize information based on tone, jargon, phrases, and code words to reveal the true intent of traders. They generate alerts during abnormal spikes in order placements and cancellations. They identify money laundering techniques, such as excessive trading, with the same counterparties and inaccessible booking. ALGO AIoT - an advanced remote monitoring solution by CMS powered by AI and IoT and driven by robotic process automation. It monitors footage and easily detects threats while saving on costs and complexity. The increasing need for market surveillance demands algorithmic trading systems with surveillance capabilities, propelling market growth.

Western India to Dominate the Market Share

Western region is expected to dominate India algorithmic trading market share as many investors participate in two biggest and only stock exchanges of India, i.e., National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange situated in Mumbai. There are many agencies based here that have access to limited amounts of personal data making it easier for them to funnel funds into their businesses and thus enable them to grow at a faster rate than usual. The extensive use of algorithmic trading in financial institutions and banks is promoting growth in the industry. Moreover, the increasing deployment of algo-trading technology by trading companies is introducing lucrative opportunities in the market.

Cloud Dominates the Market

Cloud computing has become important in the financial industry, as digitalization is becoming heavily dependent on it. Traders use cloud services for backtesting, trading strategies, and run-time series analysis. They chose cloud computing as it is capital-intensive to build one's data center for services like storing data, backup and recovery, and trading networks. Cloud-based trading offers the benefits of remote servers for trade execution which are generally accessed over the internet. It reduces onsite IT infrastructure costs and expands the cloud's power to test and model trades.

One of the significant benefits of the cloud is business agility, leveraging the ability to easily access technology, and continuous innovation provided by cloud service providers, along with a pay-as-you-go model, which allows a trader to experiment and go for new technologies and solutions without high investments. Flexibility and availability are two characteristics of cloud-based algorithmic trading that are anticipated to fuel the development of an algorithm trading market in the future. Algo Bulls is an AI-supported algo trading platform with approx. 10 thousand plus cloud-based servers, it provides hassle-free trading with 500 plus AL-driven algo trading strategies.

Stock Market to Dominate India Algorithmic Trading Market Share

The stock market segment dominates India algorithmic trading market share with around 80% of equity transactions carried out through algorithmic trading. The stock market is considered one of the leading asset classes for trading in a controlled environment. Algorithms are gaining online popularity, and many big customers are demanding them. These algorithms examine every price and trade in the stock market, identifying liquidity opportunities, and transforming information into trading results. It reduces trading costs and helps stock traders manage their trading processes.

Cryptocurrencies are projected to grow significantly. The main advantage of algorithmic trading is that it will allow users to execute certain crypto trades at an electrifying speed on multiple indicators. Algorithmic trading offers returns for firms with the ability to absorb the prices and gain profits.

Future Market Scenario (2025 - 2032F)

Algorithms will advance in grace and power as technology advances, changing the way financial markets are going to operate. Due to its high speed, efficiency, data-driven decision-making, and risk-management skills, algorithm trading software has a significant advantage in a market where trading is extremely competitive. As observed, algorithmic trading is the future of the stock market.

Robo trader is India's most advanced algo trading SaaS Platform which is reliable and easily accessible. It speeds up the trading profit cycle by customizing the strategies based on market behavior. Robo trading allows one to place two more orders while placing the first intraday order. Among these two orders, the role of the first is to ensure speculated profit, and the second is to protect you from incurring high losses due to erratic price swings in the market.

Key Players Landscape and Outlook

The algorithmic trading market is highly competitive as the top players expand their geographical boundaries by strategically collaborating and acquiring local players to gain a strong regional grip. Innovation in technology and new product launches attract a huge customer base which in turn increases the revenue. The growing trading volume is expected to create great opportunities for market players in the algorithmic trading market. Leading players focus on mergers, acquisitions, and partnerships to remain competitive.

Leading algorithm-based trading firm Graviton Capital Research LLP consolidates its grip on the market growing its revenue by 70-100% in 2023. It uses complex algorithms and powerful computers for trade execution. Their key strategy is trade execution at lightning speeds.

Table of Contents

1.Research Methodology

2.Project Scope & Definitions

3.Executive Summary

4.Voice of Customer

  • 4.1.Demographics (Age/Cohort Analysis - Baby Boomers and GenX, Millennials, Gen Z; Gender; Income - Low, Mid and High; Geography; Nationality; etc.)
  • 4.2.Market Awareness
  • 4.3.Brand Awareness and Loyalty
  • 4.4.Factors Considered in Purchase Decision
    • 4.4.1.Software Name
    • 4.4.2.Computer Programming
    • 4.4.3.Price
    • 4.4.4.Execution Speed
    • 4.4.5.Functions
    • 4.4.6.Average Trade
    • 4.4.7.Promotional Offers & Discounts
  • 4.5.Frequency of Algorithmic Trading
  • 4.6.Mode of Algorithmic Trading

5.India Algorithmic Trading Market Outlook, FY2018-FY2032F

  • 5.1.Market Size & Forecast
    • 5.1.1.By Value
  • 5.2.By Component
    • 5.2.1.Solution
      • Tools
    • 5.2.2.Services
  • 5.3.By Mode
    • 5.3.1.Cloud
    • 5.3.2.On-Premises
  • 5.4.By Function
    • 5.4.1.Programming
    • 5.4.2.Debugging
    • 5.4.3.Data Extraction
    • 5.4.4.Back-Testing and Optimization
    • 5.4.5.Risk Management
  • 5.5.By Type
    • 5.5.1.Stock Market
    • 5.5.2.Foreign Exchange Market
    • 5.5.3.Exchange-Traded Funds
    • 5.5.4.Bonds
    • 5.5.5.Cryptocurrencies
    • 5.5.6.Others
  • 5.6.By End-user
    • 5.6.1.Short-Term Traders
    • 5.6.2.Long-Term Traders
    • 5.6.3.Retail Investors
    • 5.6.4.Institutional Investors
  • 5.7.By Region
    • 5.7.1.North
    • 5.7.2.South
    • 5.7.3.East
    • 5.7.4.West and Central
  • 5.8.By Company Market Share (%), FY2024

6.Market Mapping, FY2024

  • 6.1.By Component
  • 6.2.By Mode
  • 6.3.By Function
  • 6.4.By Type
  • 6.5.By End-user
  • 6.6.By Region

7.Macro Environment and Industry Structure

  • 7.1.Supply Demand Analysis
  • 7.2.Regulatory Framework and Compliance
    • 7.2.1.Securities & Exchange Board of India Guidelines and Policies
    • 7.2.2.RBI Guidelines and Policies
    • 7.2.3.Monetary and Fiscal Policies
    • 7.2.4.Taxation Policies
  • 7.3.Value Chain Analysis
  • 7.4.PESTEL Analysis
    • 7.4.1.Political Factors
    • 7.4.2.Economic System
    • 7.4.3.Social Implications
    • 7.4.4.Technological Advancements
    • 7.4.5.Environmental Impacts
    • 7.4.6.Legal Compliances and Regulatory Policies (Statutory Bodies Included)
  • 7.5.Porter's Five Forces Analysis
    • 7.5.1.Supplier Power
    • 7.5.2.Buyer Power
    • 7.5.3.Substitution Threat
    • 7.5.4.Threat from New Entrant
    • 7.5.5.Competitive Rivalry

8.Market Dynamics

  • 8.1.Growth Drivers
  • 8.2.Growth Inhibitors (Challenges and Restraints)

9.Key Players Landscape

  • 9.1.Competition Matrix of Top Five Market Leaders
  • 9.2.Market Revenue Analysis of Top Five Market Leaders (in %, FY2024)
  • 9.3.Mergers and Acquisitions/Joint Ventures (If Applicable)
  • 9.4.SWOT Analysis (For Five Market Players)
  • 9.5.Patent Analysis (If Applicable)

10.Case Studies

11.Algorithmic Trading Software Pricing Analysis

12.Key Players Outlook

  • 12.1.Quadeye Securities Private Limited
    • 12.1.1.Company Details
    • 12.1.2.Key Management Personnel
    • 12.1.3.Products & Services
    • 12.1.4.Financials (As reported)
    • 12.1.5.Key Market Focus & Geographical Presence
    • 12.1.6.Recent Developments
  • 12.2.AlgoBulls Technologies Private Limited
  • 12.3.Utrade Solutions Private Limited
  • 12.4.Trade Rays LLP
  • 12.5.Open Futures & Commodities Private Limited
  • 12.6.Kiwi Capital Private Limited
  • 12.7.AlphaGrep Securities
  • 12.8.Dolat Capital Market Private Limited
  • 12.9.Graviton Research Capital LLP
  • 12.10.Iragecapital Advisory Private Limited

Companies mentioned above DO NOT hold any order as per market share and can be changed as per information available during research work

13.Strategic Recommendations

14.About Us & Disclaimer