表紙:米国の画像診断機器サービス市場の分析:Medtech 360

米国の画像診断機器サービス市場の分析:Medtech 360

Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Servicing | Medtech 360 | Market Insights | United States

出版日: | 発行: Clarivate | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
米国の画像診断機器サービス市場の分析:Medtech 360
出版日: 2024年03月28日
発行: Clarivate
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次

米国の画像診断機器サービス市場は、COVID-19パンデミックの影響からの回復を受け、2032年までわずかな成長が見込まれます。市場成長の主な抑制要因となるのは、様々なモダリティで先進的な画像診断システムの導入が進むことです。このため、技術的に劣る画像診断システムの市場需要は減少し、最終的には市場から徐々に姿を消すことになります。さらに、病院の統廃合やGPO (共同購買組織) の影響に支えられた病院予算の制約が、米国の市場成長を抑制します。

当レポートでは、米国の画像診断機器サービスの市場について分析し、全体的な市場動向の見通し (2019年~2032年) や、製品カテゴリー別の詳細動向、市場競争の状況 (主要企業の市場シェアほか)、主な市場促進・抑制要因、技術革新やCOVID-19の影響などを調査しております。







  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
  • 市場シェア
  • 競合考察
    • GE Healthcare
    • Siemens Healthineers
    • Philips Healthcare
    • Canon
    • その他の主要な競合企業
    • すべての競合企業に影響する要因
  • 市場動向

MRI (核磁気共鳴画像診断) システム向けサービス市場

  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
  • 市場シェア

CT (コンピュータ断層撮影) システム向けサービス市場

  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
  • 市場シェア


  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
  • 市場シェア


  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
  • 市場シェア


  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
  • 市場シェア



Product Code: 47041774

Following the recovery from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the US diagnostic imaging equipment servicing market will see marginal growth through 2032. The market growth will primarily be hindered by the increasing adoption of advanced diagnostic imaging systems across various modalities. This will lead to a reduction in the market demand for technologically inferior diagnostic imaging systems, ultimately resulting in their gradual phase-out from the market. Additionally, hospital budget constraints-supported by hospital consolidations and influence of GPOs-will constrict the market growth in the US.

This Medtech 360 Report provides comprehensive data and analysis on the state of the market for diagnostic imaging equipment servicing market in the US from 2019 through 2032.

Diagnostic imaging equipment system market will grow marginally over the forecast period.

  • Which segments will see the strongest growth through 2032?
  • What factors will drive growth in the overall market?
  • What factors are hampering growth of the overall market?

Product innovations are supporting growing sales of advanced diagnostic imaging systems, thereby spurring servicing contract sales.

  • How are the product innovations in the diagnostic imaging systems impacting the servicing market in US?
  • Which particular segments of the market will experience the highest number of innovations?

The US diagnostic imaging equipment servicing market is dominated by large, multimodality OEMs.

  • What factors help the OEMs to maintain competitive edge in the servicing market?
  • How are these OEMs strengthening their position in the market?

FDA has released regulations on third-party servicing of diagnostic imaging systems.

  • What are some regulations released by FDA with respect to third-party servicing?
  • How will the new FDA regulations impact the third-party servicing business?

Table of Contents

United States


Executive Summary

  • COVID-19 Updates
  • Market Highlights
  • Competitive Highlights
  • Market Developments
  • Products Covered

Key Report Updates

Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Servicing Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
  • Market Shares
  • Competitive Insights
    • GE Healthcare
    • Siemens Healthineers
    • Philips Healthcare
    • Canon
    • Other Key Competitors
    • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • Market Developments

Magnetic Resonance Imaging System Servicing Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
  • Market Shares

Computed Tomography System Servicing Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
  • Market Shares

General Radiography System Servicing Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
  • Market Shares

Ultrasound System Servicing Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
  • Market Shares

Nuclear Medicine System Servicing Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
  • Market Shares


  • Abbreviations
  • Bibliography


  • Core Country Coverage Methodology
  • Research Methodology
  • Marketrack Methodology
  • PriceTrack Methodology
  • Forecast Methodology
  • Supplemental Country Coverage Methodology
  • Base-Year Ratio Analysis
  • Market Forecasting

Tables and Figures

  • Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Servicing Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Servicing Market Landscape, US (USD), 2022 and 2032
  • Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Servicing Market Leaders, by Product Type and Revenue, US, 2022
  • Competitive Insights
  • Companies Mentioned
  • Recent Events in the Diagnostic Imaging Servicing Market, US
  • Diagnostic Imaging System Installed Base Covered, US
  • Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Servicing Products Covered, US
  • US Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Servicing Market Drivers
  • US Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Servicing Market Limiters
  • Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Servicing Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Servicing Installed Base, by Product Type, US, 2019-2032
  • Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Servicing Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Servicing Market Revenue Shares, US, 2022
  • Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Servicing Market Revenue Shares, by Product Type, US, 2022
  • GE Healthcare Competitive Insights
  • Siemens Healthineers Competitive Insights
  • Philips Healthcare Competitive Insights
  • Canon Competitive Insights
  • Competitive Insights for Other Key Competitors
  • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • Recent Events in the Diagnostic Imaging Servicing Market, US
  • US Magnetic Resonance Imaging System Servicing Market Limiters
  • MRI System Servicing Market, by Contract Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • MRI System Installed Base, by Product Type, US, 2019-2032
  • MRI System Servicing Market, by Contract Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • MRI System Full-Service Contract Market, by Contract Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • MRI System Full-Service Contract Market Growth, by Contract Type, US (USD), 2020-2032
  • MRI System Other Servicing Agreement Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • MRI System Other Servicing Agreement Parts Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • MRI System Other Servicing Agreement Parts Market Growth, by Product Type, US (USD), 2020-2032
  • MRI System Servicing Market Revenue Shares, US, 2022
  • MRI System Servicing Market Revenue Shares, US, 2022
  • US Computed Tomography System Servicing Market Drivers
  • US Computed Tomography System Servicing Market Limiters
  • CT System Servicing Market, by Contract Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • CT System Installed Base, by Product Type, US, 2019-2032
  • CT System Servicing Market, by Contract Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • CT System Full-Service Contract Market, by Contract Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • CT System Full-Service Contract Market Growth, by Contract Type, US, 2020-2032
  • CT System Other Servicing Agreement Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • CT System Other Servicing Agreement Parts Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • CT System Other Servicing Agreement Parts Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2032
  • CT System Servicing Market Revenue Shares, US, 2022
  • CT System Servicing Market Revenue, US, 2022
  • US General Radiography System Servicing Market Limiters
  • General Radiography System Servicing Market, by Contract Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • General Radiography System Installed Base, by Product Type, US, 2019-2032
  • Analog Radiography System Installed Base, by Product Type, US, 2019-2032
  • CR System Installed Base, 2019-2032
  • DR System Installed Base, by Product Type, US, 2019-2032
  • DR Retrofit System Installed Base, by Product Type, US, 2019-2032
  • General Radiography System Servicing Market, by Contract Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • General Radiography System Full-Service Contract Market, by Contract Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • General Radiography System Full-Service Contract Market Growth, by Contract Type, US, 2020-2032
  • General Radiography System Other Servicing Agreement Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • General Radiography System Other Servicing Agreement Parts Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • General Radiography System Other Servicing Agreement Parts Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2032
  • General Radiography System Servicing Market Revenue Shares, US, 2022
  • General Radiography System Servicing Market Revenue Shares, US, 2022
  • US Ultrasound System Servicing Market Drivers
  • Ultrasound System Servicing Market, by Contract Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Ultrasound System Installed Base, by Product Type, US, 2019-2032
  • Cart-Based Ultrasound System Installed Base, by Product Type, US, 2019-2032
  • Portable Ultrasound System Installed Base, by Product Type, US, 2019-2032
  • Ultrasound System Servicing Market, by Contract Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Ultrasound System Full-Service Contract Market, by Contract Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Ultrasound System Full-Service Contract Market Growth, by Contract Type, US, 2020-2032
  • Ultrasound System Other Servicing Agreement Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Ultrasound System Other Servicing Agreement Parts Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Ultrasound System Other Servicing Agreement Parts Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2032
  • Ultrasound System Servicing Market Revenue Shares, US, 2022
  • Ultrasound System Servicing Market Revenue Shares, US, 2022
  • US Nuclear Medicine System Servicing Market Drivers
  • US Nuclear Medicine System Servicing Market Limiters
  • Nuclear Medicine System Servicing Market, by Contract Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Nuclear Medicine System Installed Base, by Product Type, US, 2019-2032
  • SPECT System Installed Base, by Product Type, US, 2019-2032
  • PET System Installed Base, by Product Type, US, 2019-2032
  • Nuclear Medicine System Servicing Market, by Contract Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Nuclear Medicine System Full-Service Contract Market, by Contract Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Nuclear Medicine System Full-Service Contract Market Growth, by Contract Type, US, 2020-2032
  • Nuclear Medicine System Other Servicing Agreement Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Nuclear Medicine System Other Servicing Agreement Parts Market, by Product Type, US (USD), 2019-2032
  • Nuclear Medicine System Other Servicing Agreement Parts Market Growth, by Product Type, US, 2020-2032
  • Nuclear Medicine System Servicing Market Revenue Shares, US, 2022
  • Nuclear Medicine System Servicing Market Revenue Shares, US, 2022
  • Abbreviations