表紙:欧州の患者モニタリング装置市場の分析:Medtech 360

欧州の患者モニタリング装置市場の分析:Medtech 360

Patient Monitoring Devices | Medtech 360 | Market Insights | Europe

出版日: | 発行: Clarivate | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
欧州の患者モニタリング装置市場の分析:Medtech 360
出版日: 2024年03月19日
発行: Clarivate
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次

新型コロナウイルス感染症 (COVID-19) の世界的流行は、欧州の患者モニタリング装置の市場に好影響を与え、2020年の販売台数と収益を押し上げました。欧州市場における戦略的パートナーシップの推進と教育的イニシアチブは、患者モニタリング装置の採用と普及を促進すると予想されます。さらに、良好な人口動向も市場成長に寄与すると思われます。しかし、市場の飽和化や、成熟分野での技術革新の限界が、患者モニタリング装置市場全体の拡大を妨げる可能性があります。

当レポートでは、欧州諸国の患者モニタリング装置の市場について分析し、全体的な市場動向の見通し (2019年~2032年) や、製品カテゴリー別の詳細動向、市場競争の状況 (主要企業の市場シェアほか)、主な市場促進・抑制要因、技術革新やCOVID-19の影響などを調査しております。







  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
  • 市場シェア
  • 競争の考察
    • Philips Healthcare
    • Edwards Lifesciences
    • GE Healthcare
    • その他の主要な競合企業
    • すべての競合企業に影響する要因
  • 市場動向


  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
  • 市場シェア
  • 競争の考察
    • 欧州のバイタルサインモニタリング装置市場の競合考察
    • すべての競合に影響を与える要因


  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
  • 市場シェア
  • 競争の考察
    • 欧州の麻酔モニタリング装置市場の競合考察
    • すべての競合に影響を与える要因


  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
    • 侵襲性血行動態モニタリング装置
    • 低侵襲性血行動態モニタリング装置
    • 非侵襲性血行動態モニタリング装置
  • 市場シェア
  • 競争の考察
    • 欧州の血行動態モニタリング装置市場の競合考察
    • すべての競合に影響を与える要因


  • 市場概要
  • 市場の定義
  • 市場予測データ
    • 頭蓋内圧モニタリング装置
    • 高度神経モニタリング装置
  • 市場シェア
  • 競争の考察
    • 欧州の神経モニタリング装置市場の競合考察
    • すべての競合に影響を与える要因


  • 略語
  • 参考文献
Product Code: 47042116

The global COVID-19 pandemic had a positive impact on the European market for patient monitoring devices, bolstering unit sales and revenue in 2020. The promotion of strategic partnerships and educational initiatives in European markets is expected to drive greater adoption and penetration of patient monitoring devices. Additionally, favorable demographic trends will contribute to market growth. However, market saturation and limited innovation in mature segments may hinder the overall expansion of the patient monitoring device market.

This Medtech 360 Report provides comprehensive data and analysis on the state of the market for patient monitoring devices in Europe from 2019 through 2032.

The COVID-19 pandemic had a positive impact on the overall European patient monitoring device market.

  • How did the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic differ between device segments?
  • When will the market return to prepandemic levels?

Minimally and noninvasive patient monitoring methods will increasingly replace invasive techniques in many market segments.

  • How will the preference for less invasive methods shape product innovation in the patient monitoring market?
  • What is the impact of this trend on company partnerships and acquisitions?
  • How will innovation for noninvasive monitoring devices impact ASPs over the forecast period?

In some market segments, market saturation will affect incremental sales, ASPs, and overall market value.

  • What strategies are companies implementing to mitigate the impact of market saturation on ASPs?
  • How will market saturation impact the growth potential of incremental sales in specific market segments?

Companies in the patient monitoring device market are continuously focusing on strategic partnerships and spin-offs.

  • How do strategic partnerships benefit companies in the patient monitoring device market?
  • How do spin-offs influence the competitiveness of the patient monitoring device market?

Table of Contents



Executive Summary

  • COVID-19 Updates
  • Market Highlights
  • Competitive Highlights
  • Market Developments
  • Geographies Covered
  • Products Covered

Key Report Updates

Patient Monitoring Device Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
  • Market Shares
  • Competitive Insights
    • Philips Healthcare
    • Edwards Lifesciences
    • GE Healthcare
    • Other Key Competitors
    • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • Market Developments

Vital Signs Monitoring System Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
  • Market Shares
  • Competitive Insights
    • European Vital Signs Monitoring System Market Competitive Insights
    • Factors Affecting All Competitors

Anesthesia Monitoring System Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
  • Market Shares
  • Competitive Insights
    • European Anesthesia Monitoring System Market Competitive Insights
    • Factors Affecting All Competitors

Hemodynamic Monitoring Device Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
    • Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring Devices
    • Minimally Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring Devices
    • Noninvasive Hemodynamic Monitoring Devices
  • Market Shares
  • Competitive Insights
    • European Hemodynamic Monitoring Device Market Competitive Insights
    • Factors Affecting All Competitors

Neurological Monitoring Device Market

  • Market Highlights
    • Key Content Updates
  • Market Definitions
  • Market Forecast Data
    • Intracranial Pressure Monitoring Devices
    • Advanced Neurological Monitoring Devices
  • Market Shares
  • Competitive Insights
    • European Neurological Monitoring Device Market Competitive Insights
    • Factors Affecting All Competitors


  • Abbreviations
  • Bibliography

Tables and Figures

  • Patient Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Patient Monitoring Device Market Landscape, Europe (USD), 2022 and 2032
  • Competitive Insights
  • Patient Monitoring Device Revenue Market Share Rankings, by Product Type, Europe, 2022
  • Companies Mentioned
  • Recent Events in the Patient Monitoring Device Market, Europe
  • Geographies Covered, Europe
  • Average Currency Exchange Rates
  • Patient Monitoring Devices Covered, Europe
  • European Patient Monitoring Device Market Drivers
  • European Patient Monitoring Device Market Limiters
  • Patient Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Patient Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Patient Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (EUR), 2019-2032
  • Patient Monitoring Device Market Growth, by Product Type, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Patient Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Patient Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (EUR), 2019-2032
  • Patient Monitoring Device Market Growth, by Product Type, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Patient Monitoring Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Patient Monitoring Device Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Patient Monitoring Device Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Patient Monitor Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Patient Monitor Market, by Product Type, Europe (EUR), 2019-2032
  • Patient Monitor Market Growth, by Product Type, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Patient Monitor Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Patient Monitor Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Patient Monitor Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Patient Monitoring Sensor Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Patient Monitoring Sensor Market, by Product Type, Europe (EUR), 2019-2032
  • Patient Monitoring Sensor Market Growth, by Product Type, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Patient Monitoring Sensor Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Patient Monitoring Sensor Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Patient Monitoring Sensor Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Monitor Installed Base, by Product Type, Europe, 2019-2032
  • Patient Monitoring Device Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2022
  • Patient Monitoring Device Revenue Market Shares, by Product Type, Europe, 2022
  • Philips Healthcare Competitive Insights
  • Edwards Lifesciences Competitive Insights
  • GE Healthcare Competitive Insights
  • Competitive Insights for Other Key Competitors
  • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • Recent Events in the Patient Monitoring Device Market, Europe
  • European Vital Signs Monitoring System Market Drivers
  • Vital Signs Monitoring System Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Vital Signs Monitoring System Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Vital Signs Monitoring System Market, by Product Type, Europe (EUR), 2019-2032
  • Vital Signs Monitoring System Market Growth, by Product Type, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Vital Signs Monitoring System Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Vital Signs Monitoring System Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Vital Signs Monitoring System Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Spot Check and Low-Acuity Monitoring System Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Spot Check and Low-Acuity Monitoring System Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Spot Check and Low-Acuity Monitoring System Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Intermediate and High-Acuity Monitoring System Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Intermediate and High-Acuity Monitoring System Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Intermediate and High-Acuity Monitoring System Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Vital Signs Monitoring System Installed Base, by Product Type, Europe, 2019-2032
  • Vital Signs Monitoring System Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2022
  • Vital Signs Monitoring System Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2022
  • European Vital Signs Monitoring System Market Competitive Insights
  • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • European Anesthesia Monitoring System Market Limiters
  • Anesthesia Monitoring System Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Anesthesia Monitoring System Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Anesthesia Monitoring System Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Anesthesia Monitoring System Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Anesthesia Monitoring System Installed Base Market, by Country, Europe, 2019-2032
  • Anesthesia Monitoring System Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2022
  • Anesthesia Monitoring System Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2022
  • European Anesthesia Monitoring System Market Competitive Insights
  • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • European Hemodynamic Monitoring Device Market Drivers
  • European Hemodynamic Monitoring Device Market Limiters
  • Hemodynamic Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Hemodynamic Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Hemodynamic Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (EUR), 2019-2032
  • Hemodynamic Monitoring Device Market Growth, by Product Type, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Hemodynamic Monitoring Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Hemodynamic Monitoring Device Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Hemodynamic Monitoring Device Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Hemodynamic Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Hemodynamic Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (EUR), 2019-2032
  • Hemodynamic Monitoring Device Market Growth, by Product Type, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Hemodynamic Monitor Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Hemodynamic Monitor Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Hemodynamic Monitor Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Hemodynamic Monitoring Sensor Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Hemodynamic Monitoring Sensor Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Hemodynamic Monitoring Sensor Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Hemodynamic Monitor Installed Base, by Product Type, Europe, 2019-2032
  • Invasive Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Invasive Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (EUR), 2019-2032
  • Invasive Monitoring Device Market Growth, by Product Type, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Invasive Monitoring Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Invasive Monitoring Device Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Invasive Monitoring Device Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Invasive Monitor Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Invasive Monitor Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Invasive Monitor Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Invasive Monitoring Sensor Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Invasive Monitoring Sensor Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Invasive Monitoring Sensor Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Minimally Invasive Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Minimally Invasive Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (EUR), 2019-2032
  • Minimally Invasive Monitoring Device Market Growth, by Product Type, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Minimally Invasive Monitoring Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Minimally Invasive Monitoring Device Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Minimally Invasive Monitoring Device Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Minimally Invasive Monitor Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Minimally Invasive Monitor Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Minimally Invasive Monitor Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Minimally Invasive Monitoring Sensor Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Minimally Invasive Monitoring Sensor Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Minimally Invasive Monitoring Sensor Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Noninvasive Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Noninvasive Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (EUR), 2019-2032
  • Noninvasive Monitoring Device Market Growth, by Product Type, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Noninvasive Monitoring Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Noninvasive Monitoring Device Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Noninvasive Monitoring Device Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Noninvasive Monitor Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Noninvasive Monitor Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Noninvasive Monitor Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Noninvasive Monitoring Sensor Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Noninvasive Monitoring Sensor Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Noninvasive Monitoring Sensor Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Hemodynamic Monitoring Device Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2022
  • Hemodynamic Monitoring Device Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2022
  • European Hemodynamic Monitoring Device Market Competitive Insights
  • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • European Neurological Monitoring Device Market Limiters
  • Neurological Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Neurological Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Neurological Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (EUR), 2019-2032
  • Neurological Monitoring Device Market Growth, by Product Type, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Neurological Monitoring Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Neurological Monitoring Device Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Neurological Monitoring Device Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Neurological Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Neurological Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (EUR), 2019-2032
  • Neurological Monitoring Device Market Growth, by Product Type, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Neurological Monitor Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Neurological Monitor Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Neurological Monitor Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Neurological Monitoring Sensor Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Neurological Monitoring Sensor Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Neurological Monitoring Sensor Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Neurological Monitor Installed Base, by Product Type, Europe, 2019-2032
  • ICP Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • ICP Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (EUR), 2019-2032
  • ICP Monitoring Device Market Growth, by Product Type, Europe, 2020-2032
  • ICP Monitoring Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • ICP Monitoring Device Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • ICP Monitoring Device Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • ICP Monitor Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • ICP Monitor Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • ICP Monitor Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • ICP Monitoring Sensor Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • ICP Monitoring Sensor Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • ICP Monitoring Sensor Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Advanced Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Advanced Monitoring Device Market, by Product Type, Europe (EUR), 2019-2032
  • Advanced Monitoring Device Market Growth, by Product Type, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Advanced Monitoring Device Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Advanced Monitoring Device Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Advanced Monitoring Device Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Advanced Monitor Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Advanced Monitor Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Advanced Monitor Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Advanced Monitoring Sensor Market, by Country, Europe (USD), 2019-2032
  • Advanced Monitoring Sensor Market, by Country, Europe (EUR and GBP), 2019-2032
  • Advanced Monitoring Sensor Market Growth, by Country, Europe, 2020-2032
  • Neurological Monitoring Device Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2022
  • Neurological Monitoring Device Revenue Market Shares, Europe, 2022
  • European Neurological Monitoring Device Market Competitive Insights
  • Factors Affecting All Competitors
  • Abbreviations