歯科用シミュレータ:市場シェア分析、産業動向・統計、成長予測(2024~2029年)Dental Simulator - Market Share Analysis, Industry Trends & Statistics, Growth Forecasts (2024 - 2029) |
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歯科用シミュレータ:市場シェア分析、産業動向・統計、成長予測(2024~2029年) |
出版日: 2024年07月15日
発行: Mordor Intelligence
ページ情報: 英文 105 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
歯科用シミュレーター市場は、様々な技術の進歩により顕著な成長を遂げています。歯科医療における現代の進歩は、歯科医療の進歩と実践に大きな影響を与えています。拡大現実(AR)と仮想現実(VR)は、患者の体験を変えるという点で、現代の歯科医療においてますます一般的になってきています。臨床医は、歯科処置を受ける前に、VR技術を使って患者に期待される結果を示すことができます。さらに、ARとVRは、小児患者がよく経験する歯科恐怖症を克服するために導入することができます。COVID-19の大流行により、いくつかの歯科学校や研究機関は従来の教育方法を別の教育モードに変更せざるを得なくなり、これが歯科用シミュレーター市場の重要な促進要因となりました。その結果、新しい技術が開発され、製品の発売へとつながりました。例えば、Dentsply Sironaは2023年10月、DSコア内のアプリケーションであるシュアスマイル・シミュレーターを発売しました。これは、治療開始前であっても予想される結果を示すことで、シュアスマイル・アライナー治療の利点に関する患者の会話をサポートするように設計されています。
歯科用シミュレーター製品の受け入れが進んでいるため、高度な補完製品の開発も増加しています。例えば、2024年1月、アライン・技術社はiTero Lumina口腔内スキャナーを発売しました。この新しいスキャナーは、デジタル矯正歯科と修復歯科用のExocad CAD/CAMソフトウェアを補完するものと期待されています。このような技術革新は、治療結果を改善するだけでなく、全体的な患者体験も向上させています。
歯科教育プログラムの増加は、市場成長の主要促進要因です。このようなプログラムの拡大は、歯科用シミュレーターを含む高度なトレーニングツールや機器に対する並行需要を生み出します。歯科用シミュレーターは実践的なトレーニングシナリオにおいて重要な役割を果たし、学生は管理された環境で技術を磨くことができます。2024年3月に発表されたCommission on Dental Accreditation dental education program enrollment and graduates trends report, 2023~24によると、2023年に認定された博士課程前歯科教育プログラムの数は、2019年と比較して9.1%増加しました。上級プログラムについては0.7%の増加でした。認定プログラムのこのような増加は、このようなプログラムへの関心の高まりを示し、これらのプログラムに入学する学生を訓練するためのこれらのシミュレーターのアプリケーションを後押しすると予測されます。
物理的な装置や機器からなるハードウェアは、歯科用シミュレーションプロセスの中心的存在であり、診断精度や治療効果に影響を与えます。歯科医療従事者は、現実的なトレーニングシナリオや手技練習を可能にするシミュレーションユニットなどの具体的なツールを優先的に使用します。さらに、センサーの統合、触覚フィードバック、精密工学などのハードウェア技術の進歩も、市場の成長を促進する要因の一つです。米国国立生物工学研究所(NCBI)が発表した報告書によると、Unidental MRシミュレーターは、歯の準備のための顔面妥当性が良好です。
ハードウェアコンポーネントの耐久性と寿命は、歯科施設にとってサステイナブル投資となり、広範な採用につながります。frasaco GmbH、KaVo Dental、NISSIN DENTAL PRODUCTS INC.、Dentsply Sironaは、歯科用シミュレーション市場にハードウェアを提供する主要メーカーの一部です。
北米の歯科医療従事者は、患者の治療を強化し、歯科診療の最前線にとどまるために最先端の機器に投資する傾向が強いため、北米が市場を独占すると予想されます。The Elite Practiceによると、2023年7月、カナダデジタル導入プログラム(CDAP)は、中小企業のデジタル変革への取り組みを支援するため、総額40億米ドルの資金を提供すると発表しました。
歯科用シミュレーター市場は、少数の企業が大きな市場シェアを占めているため、適度に統合されています。競合情勢には、Dentsply Sirona、NISSIN DENTAL PRODUCTS INC.、KaVo Dental、3Shape A/S、HRV Simulationなど、大きな市場シェアを持ち、知名度の高い国際企業や地元企業の分析が含まれます。
The Dental Simulator Market size is estimated at USD 433.90 million in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 654.20 million by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 8.60% during the forecast period (2024-2029).
The dental simulator market is experiencing notable growth owing to various technological advancements. Modern advancements in dentistry have significantly impacted the progress and practice of dentistry. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are becoming increasingly common in modern dentistry because of their impact on changing the patient's experience. Clinicians can use VR technology to show their patients the expected outcomes before they undergo dental procedures. Additionally, AR and VR can be implemented to overcome dental phobia, which pediatric patients commonly experience. The COVID-19 pandemic forced several dental schools and institutes to change their traditional teaching methods to an alternate teaching mode, which became a significant driving factor for the dental simulator market. It resulted in the development of new techniques that led to product launches. For instance, in October 2023, Dentsply Sirona launched the SureSmile Simulator, an application within DS Core that is designed to support patient conversations about the benefits of SureSmile Aligner Treatment by showing the expected outcome even before the start of the therapy.
The rising technological advancement and increasing number of dental schools and institutes are among the significant factors driving the growth of the dental simulator market. Cutting-edge technology permeates dentistry, and practitioners are increasingly adopting innovative solutions to enhance patient care and treatment outcomes. The commonly used traditional digital technologies use a digital scanner to obtain a digital image. The image is then used to modify the different dental aspects of the patients. Finally, the modifications are transferred to the digital wax-up. However, VR takes laser scans of the patient's teeth and other required oral and extraoral structures. The scans are fed into a computer that forms a 3D model of the same, which is then loaded into a simulator. The surgeon/students can practice using this simulator and perform evaluations before the procedure is performed on a real patient.
Due to the increasing acceptance of dental simulator products, there is a rise in the development of advanced complementary products as well. For instance, in January 2024, Align Technology Inc. launched the iTero Lumina intraoral scanner, consisting of an approximately three times wider field of capture in a 50% smaller and 45% lighter wand. The new scanner is anticipated to complement the Exocad CAD/CAM software for digital orthodontics and restorative dentistry. Such innovations have not only improved treatment outcomes but have also enhanced the overall patient experience.
The increasing number of dental education programs is a major driving factor for the market's growth. The expansion of such programs creates a parallel demand for advanced training tools and equipment, including dental simulators. Dental simulators play a crucial role in practical training scenarios, allowing students to refine their skills in a controlled environment. According to the Commission on Dental Accreditation dental education program enrollment and graduates trends report, 2023-24, published in March 2024, there was a 9.1% increase in the number of accredited predoctoral dental education programs in the US in 2023 compared to 2019. For advanced programs, the increase was 0.7%. Such growth in accredited programs indicates the rising interest in such programs, which is anticipated to boost the application of these simulators for training the students enrolling in these programs.
Rising technological advancements and an increasing number of dental programs are driving the market's growth. However, the increasing investment cost is restraining the dental simulator market's growth.
Hardware, comprising physical devices and equipment, is central to the dental simulation process and influences diagnostic precision and treatment efficacy. Dental professionals prioritize tangible tools, such as simulation units, which enable realistic training scenarios and procedural practice. Additionally, advancements in hardware technology, including sensor integration, haptic feedback, and precision engineering, are some of the factors driving the market's growth. According to a published report by the National Center for Biotechnology Institute (NCBI), the Unidental MR Simulator has good face validity for tooth preparation.
The durability and longevity of hardware components make them a sustainable investment for dental facilities, leading to widespread adoption. The physicality of dental professionals solidifies their position as an integral component of dental practices. frasaco GmbH, KaVo Dental, NISSIN DENTAL PRODUCTS INC., and Dentsply Sirona are some of the major manufacturers that offer hardware for the dental simulation market.
Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms within dental simulation hardware has significantly contributed to its effectiveness. AI-driven simulation can adapt to individual learning styles, provide personalized feedback, and track progress over time. This intelligent functionality enhances the efficiency of dental education and training, making it a valuable asset in dental institutions and professional development programs. Collaborative learning environments further influence the dominance of the hardware segment in dental simulation. Multi-user hardware setups enable dental teams to engage in a collaborative simulation, facilitating communication and teamwork among practitioners, enhancing the overall learning experience, and preparing a dental professional for effective interdisciplinary collaboration in real-world clinical settings.
Therefore, technological advancement, durability, and longevity of the component are some of the key factors expected to drive the segment's growth over the forecast period.
North America is expected to dominate the market as dental professionals in the region are more inclined to invest in cutting-edge equipment to enhance patient care and stay at the forefront of dental practices. In July 2023, according to The Elite Practice, the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) announced that it would provide USD 4 billion in total funding to help small- to medium-sized businesses embrace digital transformation.
A rise in dental tourism and a well-established healthcare infrastructure further contribute to market growth. According to PlacidWay, LLC, Mexico and Costa Rica are the cheapest and best countries for dental tourism in the world, where a patient can receive affordable prices for the same dental treatments compared to the other countries.
Moreover, the region serves as a hub for innovation, with companies continuously pushing the boundaries of simulation technology. The proactive approach of regulatory bodies in ensuring product quality and patient safety enhances the credibility of dental simulators in the region, and the presence of leading manufacturers and research institutions further influences market growth.
Therefore, the inclination to invest in cutting-edge equipment to enhance patient care, stay at the forefront of dental practice, and rise in dental tourism are factors expected to drive the market's growth over the forecast period.
The dental simulator market is moderately consolidated due to a few companies commanding significant market share. The competitive landscape includes an analysis of a few international and local companies that hold substantial market share and are well known, including Dentsply Sirona, NISSIN DENTAL PRODUCTS INC., KaVo Dental, 3Shape A/S, and HRV Simulation.