
量子技術市場:コンピューティング・通信・イメージング・セキュリティ・センシング・モデリング・シミュレーション別 (2024~2029年)

Quantum Technology Market by Computing, Communications, Imaging, Security, Sensing, Modeling and Simulation 2024 - 2029

出版日: | 発行: Mind Commerce | ページ情報: 英文 285 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
量子技術市場:コンピューティング・通信・イメージング・セキュリティ・センシング・モデリング・シミュレーション別 (2024~2029年)
出版日: 2024年04月09日
発行: Mind Commerce
ページ情報: 英文 285 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次



  • 世界の量子技術市場全体の市場規模は2029年に613億米ドルに達します。
  • 量子コンピューティングはCAGR43.7%で市場をリードし、2029年に613億米ドルに達します。
  • 地域別では北米が最大の量子技術市場となります。
  • 中国はCAGR38.9%でアジア太平洋市場をリードし、2029年に68億9,000万米ドルに達します。
  • ドイツはCAGR28.9%欧州市場をリードし、2029年に42億米ドルに達します。
  • 世界の量子ドットの市場規模は48.7%のCAGRで2029年に154億米ドルに達し、ディスプレイが牽引します。
  • 世界の量子センシングの市場規模は2029年に14億米ドルに達し、量子イメージング市場の2倍以上の規模になります。
  • 世界の量子磁力計市場は2029年に11億米ドルに達し、超伝導量子干渉デバイスが牽引します。



  • モジュール型量子コンピューター:IBMは、高品質の量子ビットと他のHeronプロセッサーに直接接続する能力に焦点を当てたHeronプロセッサーを発表する予定です。これはモジュール型量子コンピューターへの移行を意味し、量子コンピューター能力を大幅に拡張する可能性があります。
  • 量子センサー:量子センサーの進歩により、従来のセンサーでは不可能な、物理世界における量子活動の検出が可能になりつつあります。
  • ハイブリッド量子アプリケーション:複雑な問題を解決するために、量子コンピューティングと従来型コンピューティングの両方を活用するハイブリッドアプリケーションの動向が活発化しています。
  • 量子通信:量子通信技術の向上は、量子暗号に基づく安全な通信チャネルの実現を目指しています。
  • 新しい量子ビット:量子コンピュータの基本的な構成要素である新しいタイプの量子ビットの研究が進んでいます。
  • 先端材料:量子コンピュータの性能とスケーラビリティを向上させるためには、新しい材料の開発が不可欠です。
  • ポスト量子暗号:量子コンピュータの進歩に伴い、量子攻撃に耐える暗号技術も必要とされています。この分野はポスト量子暗号2として知られています。
  • 量子シミュレーション:量子コンピューターは複雑な量子系のシミュレーションに利用されており、新薬や新素材の開発に不可欠です。
  • 量子機械学習:量子コンピュータを機械学習に統合することで、データ解析やパターン認識に新たな可能性が生まれています。


第1章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第2章 イントロダクション

  • 量子技術の理解
    • 量子技術のフレームワーク
    • 量子超越性
  • 量子技術の分野
    • 量子コンピューティング
    • 量子暗号通信
    • 量子センシングとイメージング
    • 量子ドット粒子
    • 量子カスケードレーザー
    • 量子磁力計
    • 量子鍵配送
  • 量子技術科学
    • 量子ビット
    • 量子シミュレーション
    • 量子暗号
    • 量子光学
    • 量子テレポーテーション
    • 量子情報処理
    • 量子誤り訂正
    • 量子計測
    • 量子井戸と製造
    • 井戸型ポテンシャル
    • 量子閉じ込め
    • 量子力学
    • 量子鍵
    • 量子ニューロン
    • 量子ハッキング
    • 量子ネットワーク
    • 量子エレクトロニクス
  • 重ね合わせとエンタングルメント
  • デコヒーレンスとスクイーズ状態
  • 量子制御とセキュリティ
  • 仮想化
  • 量子技術バリューチェーン
    • ソフトウェア/プラットフォーム企業
    • 半導体企業
    • AI企業
    • 分析プロバイダー
    • IoT企業
    • 接続プロバイダー
    • 企業と政府
    • 大学
    • ベンチャーキャピタル企業
    • 大規模コンピューティング企業
  • 量子技術市場の影響因子
    • 成長推進因子・機会
    • 市場の課題
  • 世界的景気後退の見通し
  • 量子技術の特許情勢
  • 量子技術の競合情勢

第3章 量子技術と用途の分析

  • 量子コンピューティング
    • 量子ビット開発の進捗
    • 量子コンピュータ
    • 量子コンピューティング技術スタック
    • 量子ソフトウェアプラットフォーム
    • 業界への応用と収益機会
    • エクサスケールコンピューティングプラットフォーム
    • 市場の混乱と企業の準備状況の分析
    • 特許と規制の枠組み
    • 投資とビジネスモデル分析
    • 競合情勢分析
    • スタートアップ企業
    • 政府機関および地方自治体
    • 大学のR&D
    • ベンチャーキャピタル企業
    • 国別の取り組みと参加機関・企業
  • 量子暗号通信
    • 技術分析
    • 産業用途の分析
    • 位置ベース暗号化
    • 耐量子暗号
    • 特許分析
  • 量子センシングとイメージング
    • 技術分析
    • 製品分析
    • 量子イメージングデバイス
    • 産業用途の分析
    • 特許分析
  • 量子ドット粒子
    • QD製品
    • QDカドミウム材料
    • 生産プロセス分析
    • 産業用途の分析
    • 特許分析
  • 量子カスケードレーザー
    • 製造技術
    • 連続波およびパルス動作
    • カスケードレーザーパッケージング
    • 産業用途の分析
    • 特許分析
  • 量子磁力計
    • 製品分析
    • 産業用途の分析
    • 地球物理学的応用
    • 特許分析
  • 量子鍵配送
    • QKD技術
    • 量子鍵配送ネットワーク
    • 政府部門アプリケーション
    • 企業および民間産業への応用
    • 特許分析
  • 量子クラウドとハイブリッドプラットフォーム
  • 量子5G通信
  • 量子6Gの影響
  • 6Gワイヤレス技術
    • 6G向け量子機械学習
  • 6G無線通信
    • 6G機能に必要な量子技術
  • 量子AI
    • 組み込みハードウェア
    • AIチップセット
    • AIソフトウェアとアプリケーション
    • 量子データ分析
  • 量子AI技術
    • ディープラーニング
    • 人工ニューラルネットワーク
    • パターン認識
    • コンテキスト認識処理
    • 群知能
  • 量子IoT技術
  • 量子エッジネットワーク
  • 量子ブロックチェーン

第4章 企業分析

  • 1QB Information Technologies Inc.
  • ABB(Keymile)
  • Adtech Optics Inc.
  • Airbus Group
  • Akela Laser Corporation
  • Alibaba Group Holding Limited
  • Alpes Lasers SA
  • Altairnano
  • Amgen Inc.
  • Anhui Qasky Science and Technology Limited Liability Company
  • Anyon Systems Inc.
  • AOSense Inc.
  • Apple Inc.(InVisage Technologies)
  • Biogen Inc.
  • Block Engineering
  • Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
  • BT Group
  • Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd.
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • D-Wave Systems Inc.
  • Emerson Electric Corporation
  • Fujitsu Ltd.
  • Gem Systems
  • GeoMetrics Inc.
  • Google Inc.
  • GWR Instruments Inc.
  • Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  • Honeywell International Inc.
  • HP Development Company L.P.
  • IBM Corporation
  • ID Quantique
  • Infineon Technologies
  • Intel Corporation
  • KETS Quantum Security
  • KPN
  • LG Display Co. Ltd.
  • Lockheed Martin Corporation
  • MagiQ Technologies Inc.
  • Marine Magnetics
  • McAfee LLC
  • MicroSemi Corporation
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Mirsense
  • Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
  • M-Squared Lasers Limited
  • Muquans
  • Nanoco Group PLC
  • Nanoplus Nanosystems and Technologies GmbH
  • Nanosys Inc.
  • NEC Corporation
  • Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
  • NN-Labs LLC.
  • Nokia Corporation
  • Nucrypt
  • Ocean NanoTech LLC
  • Oki Electric
  • Oscilloquartz SA
  • PQ Solutions Limited(Post-Quantum)
  • Pranalytica Inc.
  • QC Ware Corp.
  • QD Laser Co. Inc.
  • QinetiQ
  • Quantum Circuits Inc.
  • Quantum Materials Corp.
  • Qubitekk
  • Quintessence Labs
  • QuSpin
  • QxBranch LLC
  • Raytheon Company
  • Rigetti Computing
  • Robert Bosch GmbH
  • Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.(QD Vision Inc.)
  • SeQureNet(Telecom ParisTech)
  • SK Telecom
  • ST Microelectronics
  • Texas Instruments
  • Thorlabs Inc
  • Toshiba Corporation
  • Tristan Technologies
  • Twinleaf
  • Universal Quantum Devices
  • Volkswagen AG
  • Wavelength Electronics Inc.
  • ZTE Corporation

第5章 量子技術市場の分析・予測

  • 世界の量子技術市場
  • 世界の量子技術市場:技術別
  • 量子コンピューティング市場
    • 世界の量子コンピューティング市場:セグメント別
    • 世界の量子コンピューティング市場:技術別
    • 世界の量子コンピューティング市場:産業別
  • 量子暗号通信市場
    • 世界の量子暗号通信市場:セグメント別
    • 世界の量子暗号通信市場:用途別
    • 世界の量子暗号通信市場:産業別
  • 量子センシングおよびイメージング市場
    • 世界の量子センシングおよびイメージング市場:セグメント別
    • 世界の量子センシング・イメージング市場:製品別
    • 世界の量子センシングおよびイメージング市場:産業別
  • 量子ドット市場
    • 世界の量子ドット市場:セグメント別
    • 世界の量子ドットの世界市場:産業別
  • 量子カスケードレーザー市場
    • 世界の量子カスケードレーザー市場:製造技術別
    • 世界の量子カスケードレーザー市場:動作モード別
    • 世界の量子カスケードレーザー市場:パッケージタイプ別
    • 世界の量子カスケードレーザー市場:産業別
  • 量子磁力計市場
    • 世界の量子磁力計市場:製品別
    • 世界の量子磁力計の世界市場:産業別
  • 量子鍵配送市場
    • 世界の量子鍵配送市場:技術別
    • 世界の量子鍵配布市場:産業別
  • 世界の量子技術市場:展開別
    • 世界の量子技術市場におけるクラウド導入オプション
    • 世界の量子技術市場:クラウド導入別
  • 世界の量子技術市場:セクター別
  • 世界の量子技術市場:接続性別
    • 世界の量子技術市場の接続性の比較分析
    • 世界の量子技術市場:ワイヤレス接続別
  • 世界の量子技術市場:収益源別
  • 量子インテリジェンス市場
    • 世界の量子インテリジェンス市場
    • 世界の量子インテリジェンス市場:セグメント別
    • 世界の量子インテリジェンス市場:AI技術別
  • 量子IoT技術市場
    • 世界の量子IoT技術市場
    • 世界の量子IoT技術市場:プラットフォーム別
    • 世界の量子IoT技術市場:セクター別
  • 世界の量子エッジネットワーク市場
  • 世界の量子ブロックチェーン市場
  • 世界の量子エクサスケールコンピューティング市場
  • 量子技術市場:地域別
    • 世界の量子技術市場の地域比較
    • 世界の量子技術市場:地域別

第6章 総論・提言



  • Figure 1: Quantum Technology Framework
  • Figure 2: Quantum Technology Competitive Landscape
  • Figure 3: Quantum Computer Architecture
  • Figure 4: Quantum Computing Application Paradigm
  • Figure 5: AdTech DFB Waveguide Fabrication
  • Figure 6: Fault Tree Analysis
  • Figure 7: Block Engineering Chemical Detection System
  • Figure 8: NOx Reduction Process
  • Figure 9: CFQD Quantum Dot Film Display
  • Figure 10: Quantum Dot Enhancement Film Evolution
  • Figure 11: Factory Flow Line Optimization
  • Figure 12: Post-Quantum VPN Security Framework
  • Figure 13: Fabry Perot Quantum Cascade Lasers
  • Figure 14: Global Quantum Technology Market 2024 - 2029
  • Figure 15: Global Quantum Intelligence Market 2024 - 2029
  • Figure 16: Global Quantum IoT Technology Market 2024 - 2029
  • Figure 17: Global Quantum Edge Network Market 2024 - 2029
  • Figure 18: Global Quantum Blockchain Market 2024 - 2029
  • Figure 19: Global Quantum Exascale Computing Market 2024 - 2029


  • Table 1: Quantum Technology Patent Filing Ratio
  • Table 2: Quantum Technology Patent Granted Ratio
  • Table 3: Quantum Computing Patents by Organization
  • Table 4: Quantum Computing Patents Comparison
  • Table 5: Quantum Cryptography Communication Patent Filing Ratio
  • Table 6: Quantum Cryptography Communication Patent Granted Ratio
  • Table 7: Quantum Sensing and Imaging Patent Filing Ratio
  • Table 8: Quantum Sensing and Imaging Patent Granted Ratio
  • Table 9: Quantum Dots Patent Filing Ratio
  • Table 10: Quantum Dots Patent Granted Ratio
  • Table 11: Quantum Cascade Laser Patent Filing Ratio
  • Table 12: Quantum Cascade Laser Patent Granted Ratio
  • Table 13: Quantum Magnetometer Patent Filing Ratio
  • Table 14: Quantum Magnetometer Patent Granted Ratio
  • Table 15: Quantum Key Distribution Network
  • Table 16: QKD Patent Filing Ratio
  • Table 17: QKD Patent Granted Ratio
  • Table 18: Global Quantum Technology Market by Technology 2024 - 2029
  • Table 19: Global Quantum Computing Market by Segment 2024 - 2029
  • Table 20: Global Quantum Computing Market by Segment 2024 - 2029
  • Table 21: Global Quantum Computing Market by Application Software 2024 - 2029
  • Table 22: Global QCaaS Market by Type 2024 - 2029
  • Table 23: Global QCaaS Market by Professional Service 2024 - 2029
  • Table 24: Global Quantum Computing Market by Technology 2024 - 2029
  • Table 25: Global Quantum Computing Market by Industry Vertical 2024 - 2029
  • Table 26: Global Quantum Cryptography Communication Market by Segment 2024 - 2029
  • Table 27: Global Quantum Cryptography Communication Market by Hardware 2024 - 2029
  • Table 28: Global Quantum Cryptography Communication Market by Service 2024 - 2029
  • Table 29: Global Quantum Cryptography Communication Market by Application 2024 - 2029
  • Table 30: Global Quantum Cryptography Communication Market by Industry Vertical 2024 - 2029
  • Table 31: Global Quantum Sensing and Imaging Market by Segment 2024 - 2029
  • Table 32: Global Quantum Sensing Market by Technology 2024 - 2029
  • Table 33: Global Quantum Imaging Market by Technology 2024 - 2029
  • Table 34: Global Quantum Sensing and Imaging Market by Product 2024 - 2029
  • Table 35: Global Quantum Atomic Clock Market by Product 2024 - 2029
  • Table 36: Global Quantum Light Detector Market by Product 2024 - 2029
  • Table 37: Global Quantum Sensing and Imaging Market by Industry Vertical 2024 - 2029
  • Table 38: Global Quantum Dots Market by Segment 2024 - 2029
  • Table 39: Global Quantum Dots Market by Product 2024 - 2029
  • Table 40: Global QD Display Market by Type 2024 - 2029
  • Table 41: Global Quantum Dots Market by Materials 2024 - 2029
  • Table 42: Global Cadmium-Based QD Market by Materials 2024 - 2029
  • Table 43: Global Cadmium-Free QD Market by Materials 2024 - 2029
  • Table 44: Global Quantum Dots Market by Industry Vertical 2024 - 2029
  • Table 45: Global Quantum Dots (QD) Market by Healthcare and Medical Application 2024 - 2029
  • Table 46: Global Quantum Cascade Laser Market by Fabrication Technology 2024 - 2029
  • Table 47: Global Quantum Cascade Laser Market by Operation Mode 2024 - 2029
  • Table 48: Global Quantum Cascade Laser Market by Packaging Type 2024 - 2029
  • Table 49: Global Quantum Cascade Laser Market by Industry Vertical 2024 - 2029
  • Table 50: Global Quantum Magnetometer Market by Product 2024 - 2029
  • Table 51: Global Quantum Magnetometer Market by Industry Vertical 2024 - 2029
  • Table 52: Global Quantum Magnetometer Market by Global Positioning and Communications Application 2024 - 2029
  • Table 53: Global Quantum Magnetometer Market by Geophysical Application 2024 - 2029
  • Table 54: Global Quantum Magnetometer Market by Scientific Research and Development Application 2024 - 2029
  • Table 55: Global Quantum Key Distribution Market by Technology 2024 - 2029
  • Table 56: Global Quantum Key Distribution Market by Infrastructure Type 2024 - 2029
  • Table 57: Global Quantum Key Distribution Market by Industry Vertical 2024 - 2029
  • Table 58: Global Quantum Key Distribution Market by Government 2024 - 2029
  • Table 59: Global Quantum Key Distribution Market by Enterprise/Civilian Industry 2024 - 2029
  • Table 60: Global Quantum Technology Market by Deployment 2024 - 2029
  • Table 61: Global Quantum Technology Market by Cloud Deployment 2024 - 2029
  • Table 62: Global Quantum Technology Market by Sector 2024 - 2029
  • Table 63: Global Quantum Technology Market by Connectivity 2024 - 2029
  • Table 64: Global Quantum Technology Market by Cellular Connectivity 2024 - 2029
  • Table 65: Global Quantum Technology Market by Revenue Source 2024 - 2029
  • Table 66: Global Quantum Intelligence Market by Segment 2024 - 2029
  • Table 67: Global Quantum Intelligence Market by AI Chipsets Product 2024 - 2029
  • Table 68: Global Quantum Intelligence Market by AI Technology 2024 - 2029
  • Table 69: Global Quantum IoT Technology Market by Platform 2024 - 2029
  • Table 70: Global Quantum IoT Technology Market by Sector 2024 - 2029
  • Table 71: Global Quantum Technology Market by Region 2024 - 2029
  • Table 72: North America Quantum Technology Market by Country 2024 - 2029
  • Table 73: Europe Quantum Technology Market by Country 2024 - 2029
  • Table 74: APAC Quantum Technology Market by Country 2024 - 2029
  • Table 75: MEA Quantum Technology Market by Country 2024 - 2029
  • Table 76: Latin America Quantum Technology Market by Country 2024 - 2029


This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the quantum technology market. It assesses companies/organizations focused on quantum technology including R&D efforts and potential gaming-changing quantum tech-enabled solutions.

The report evaluates the impact of quantum technology upon other major technologies and solution areas including, edge computing, blockchain, IoT, and big data analytics. The report provides an analysis of quantum technology investment, R&D, and prototyping by region and within each major country globally.

The report also provides global and regional forecasts as well as the outlook for quantum technology's impact on embedded hardware, software, applications, and services from 2024 to 2029. The report provides conclusions and recommendations for a wide range of industries and commercial beneficiaries including semiconductor companies, communications providers, high-speed computing companies, artificial intelligence vendors, and more.

Select Report Findings:

  • Overall global quantum technology market will reach $61.3 billion by 2029
  • Quantum computing will lead the market at $61.3 billion by 2029 and 43.7% CAGR
  • North America will be the biggest regional market for quantum technologies overall
  • China will lead the APAC quantum technology market at $6.89 billion by 2029 with 38.9%CAGR
  • Germany will lead the European quantum technology market at $4.2 billion by 2029 with 28.9%CAGR
  • The global quantum dots market will reach $15.4 billion by 2029, growing a 48.7%CAGR and led by displays
  • The quantum sensing market will reach $1.4 billion globally by 2029, over twice the size of the quantum imaging market
  • The quantum magnetometer market will reach $1.1 billion globally by 2029, led by superconducting quantum interference devices

Much more than only computing, the quantum technology market provides a foundation for improving all digital communications, applications, content, and commerce. In the realm of communications, quantum technology will influence everything from encryption to the way that signals are passed from point A to point B. While currently in the R&D phase, networked quantum information and communications technology (ICT) is anticipated to become a commercial reality that will represent nothing less than a revolution for virtually every aspect of ICT.

However, there will be a need to integrate the ICT supply chain with quantum technologies in a manner that does not attempt to replace every aspect of classical computing but instead leverages a hybrid computational framework.

Traditional high-performance computing will continue to be used for many existing problems for the foreseeable future, while quantum technologies will be used for encrypting communications, signaling, and will be the underlying basis in the future for all commerce transactions. This does not mean that quantum encryption will replace blockchain, but rather provide improved encryption for blockchain technology.

Quantum Technology Developments

In the last year, quantum technology has seen several exciting developments:

  • Modular Quantum Computers: IBM is expected to introduce the Heron processor, which will focus on high-quality qubits and the ability to connect directly to other Heron processors. This marks a shift towards modular quantum computers, which could significantly scale up quantum computing capabilities.
  • Quantum Sensors: Advances in quantum sensors are enabling detection of quantum activities in the physical world, which classical sensors cannot do.
  • Hybrid Quantum Applications: There's a growing trend of hybrid applications that leverage both quantum and classical computing to solve complex problems.
  • Quantum Communication: Improvements in quantum communication technologies are aimed at creating secure communication channels based on quantum cryptography.
  • Novel Qubits: Research into new types of qubits, which are the fundamental building blocks of quantum computers, continues to progress.
  • Advanced Materials: The development of new materials is crucial for improving the performance and scalability of quantum computing hardware.
  • Post-Quantum Cryptography: As quantum computing advances, so does the need for cryptography that can withstand quantum attacks. This field is known as post-quantum cryptography2.
  • Quantum Simulations: Quantum computers are being used to simulate complex quantum systems, which is essential for the development of new drugs and materials.
  • Quantum Machine Learning: The integration of quantum computing into machine learning is opening up new possibilities for data analysis and pattern recognition.

These developments are part of a broader effort to move quantum computing from experimental setups to practical, real-world applications. The field is becoming more international, with a focus on long-term goals and practical hardware

Quantum Technology Market Beyond Computing

The quantum technology market will be a substantial enabler of dramatically improved sensing and instrumentation. For example, gravity sensors may be made significantly more precise through quantum sensing. Quantum electromagnetic sensing provides the ability to detect minute differences in the electromagnetic field.

This will provide a wide-ranging number of applications, such as within the healthcare arena wherein quantum electromagnetic sensing will provide the ability to provide significantly improved mapping of vital organs. Quantum sensing will also have applications across a wide range of other industries such as transportation wherein there is the potential for substantially improved safety, especially for self-driving vehicles.

Quantum sensing and imaging go hand-in-hand as the former supports the latter and vice versa. Quantum sensing may be used to produce images that reveal information heretofore unobtainable. Conversely, quantum image processing may be used to dramatically improve microscopy, pattern recognition, and segmentation in images. Quantum processes enable detection of image details that would otherwise go unnoticed within the current constraints of background effects/illumination, low light levels, and wavelength limitations.

Commercial applications for the quantum imaging market are potentially wide-ranging including exploration, monitoring, and safety. For example, gas image processing may detect minute changes that could lead to early detection of tank failure or the presence of toxic chemicals. In concert with quantum sensing, quantum imaging may also help with various public safety-related applications such as search and rescue. Some problems are too difficult to calculate but can be simulated and modelled.

Quantum simulations and modelling is an area that involves the use of quantum technology to enable simulators that can model complex systems that are beyond the capabilities of classical. Even the fastest supercomputers today cannot adequately model many problems such as those found in atomic physics, condensed-matter physics, and high-energy physics.

To accomplish this goal, quantum simulators create a more controllable quantum environment to simulate what is actually occurring in nature within a real-world, uncontrollable, inaccessible quantum environment. Quantum simulation and modelling can lead to a variety of practical commercial benefits such as the design of improved computing systems, development of new materials, and predictive analytics for large interdependent systems such as a smart city ecosystem.

Sovereign governments are extremely interested in the quantum technology market and the interest goes way beyond the pride of being the first to be able to claim quantum supremacy for developing a quantum computer that can beat the best classical computer. Governments are interested in quantum technology because of the many military/defense and overall security implications. For example, quantum computing can render all existing encryption useless and exposed to hacking and infiltration.

This means that all financial transactions and state secrets are potentially at risk with quantum computing. Conversely, quantum computing-enabled encryption will be completely unbreakable. In another example, quantum sensing and imaging may be used to detect the presence of aircraft (even stealth fighters).

Advanced Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) systems equipped with quantum imaging processes may identify the presence of aircraft based on minute changes in the environment. Conversely, quantum-equipped planes may similarly foil quantum LIDAR detection systems, protecting themselves by projecting images that simulate a normal ambient environment.

Quantum Technology Commercial Impact

The commercial implications for quantum technology cannot be overstated. In many respects today, quantum provides interesting capabilities in search of scalability to support real-world commercial problems. The reason that so much money is being invested in quantum technology is because there is a firm belief that quantum science, such as advanced material science (e.g. quantum computing used in molecular chemistry), will lead to commercially beneficial quantum technologies, such as dramatically improved materials for manufacture of consumer, enterprise, industrial, and governmental goods.

In terms of commercializing quantum technologies, there will be a need to evolve quantum science to an ROI-focused quantum technology market. We see this happening in many ways including industrial-academic collaboration and public-private partnerships, many of which will require governmental funding, stimulated by a desire to substantially improve both digital and physical infrastructure.

This will require a better public and board room understanding of how quantum technologies will improve society. For example, the casual observer may believe that the aforementioned gravity sensors are part of the realm of astrophysics. This could not be further from the truth as there are many potential commercial applications such as locating and mapping underground structures. This has obvious implications for the trillion-dollar global construction industry for new construction, seismic retrofits, smart building integration, and many smart city applications.

One of the key drivers for this developing market opportunity will be future 6G technology market solutions. This is because 6G will provide the potential for many new applications, services, and solutions-related benefits such as substantive improvements in the areas of sensing, imaging, and location determination.

Higher frequencies will enable much faster sampling rates as well as significantly greater accuracy, down to the centimeter level. The combination of sub-mmWave (e.g. wavelengths smaller than one millimeter) and the use of frequency selectivity to determine relative electromagnetic absorption rates will lead to potentially significant advances in wireless sensing solutions.

Companies in Report:

  • 1QB Information Technologies Inc.
  • ABB (Keymile)
  • Adtech Optics Inc.
  • Airbus Group
  • Akela Laser Corporation
  • Alibaba Group Holding Limited
  • Aliro Quantum
  • Alpes Lasers SA
  • Altairnano
  • AmberFlux
  • Amgen Inc.
  • Anhui Qasky Science and Technology
  • Anyon Systems Inc.
  • AOSense Inc.
  • Apple Inc. (InVisage Technologies)
  • AT&T
  • Biogen Inc.
  • Block Engineering
  • Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
  • Boxcat Inc.
  • BT Group
  • Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd.
  • Carl Zeiss AG
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Classiq
  • CogniFrame Inc.
  • ColdQuanta Inc.
  • D-Wave Systems Inc.
  • Elyah
  • Emerson Electric Corporation
  • Entropica Labs
  • Fujitsu Ltd.
  • Gem Systems
  • GeoMetrics Inc.
  • Google Inc.
  • GWR Instruments Inc.
  • Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  • Honeywell International Inc.
  • HP Development Company L.P.
  • HRL Laboratories
  • Huawei Cloud
  • IBM Corporation
  • ID Quantique
  • imec
  • Infineon Technologies
  • Intel Corporation
  • IQM Quantum Computers
  • KEEQuant
  • KETS Quantum Security
  • KPN
  • LG Display Co. Ltd.
  • Lockheed Martin Corporation
  • M-Squared Lasers Limited
  • MagiQ Technologies Inc.
  • Marine Magnetics
  • McAfee LLC
  • MicroSemi Corporation
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Mirsense
  • Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
  • Muquans
  • Nanoco Group PLC
  • Nanoplus Nanosystems and Technologies GmbH
  • Nanosys Inc.
  • NEC Corporation
  • Next Generation Quantum
  • Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
  • NN-Labs LLC.
  • Nokia Corporation
  • NuCrypt
  • Ocean NanoTech LLC
  • Oki Electric
  • Oscilloquartz SA
  • PQ Solutions Limited (Post-Quantum)
  • Pranalytica Inc.
  • QC Ware Corp.
  • QD Laser Co. Inc.
  • QinetiQ
  • QRCrypto SA
  • QRDLab
  • Quantum Benchmark Labs
  • Quantum Brilliance
  • Quantum Circuits Inc.
  • Quantum Computing Inc.
  • Quantum Machines
  • Quantum Materials Corp.
  • Quantum Thought
  • Qubitekk
  • Qubitrium
  • QuEra Computing
  • Quintessence Labs
  • Qunnect Inc.
  • QuSpin
  • QxBranch LLC
  • Raytheon Company
  • Rigetti Computing
  • Robert Bosch GmbH
  • Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. (QD Vision Inc.)
  • SeQureNet (Telecom ParisTech)
  • SK Telecom
  • STMicroelectronics
  • Taqbit Labs Pvt Ltd
  • Tencent Quantum Lab
  • Texas Instruments
  • Thorlabs Inc
  • Toshiba Corporation
  • Tristan Technologies
  • Turkcell
  • Twinleaf
  • Universal Quantum Devices
  • Volkswagen AG
  • Wavelength Electronics Inc.
  • ZTE Corporation

Table of Contents

1.0. Executive Summary

2.0. Introduction

  • 2.1. Understanding Quantum Technology
    • 2.1.1. Quantum Technology Framework
    • 2.1.2. Quantum Supremacy
  • 2.2. Quantum Technology Branches
    • 2.2.1. Quantum Computing
    • 2.2.2. Quantum Cryptography Communication
    • 2.2.3. Quantum Sensing and Imaging
    • 2.2.4. Quantum Dots Particles
    • 2.2.5. Quantum Cascade Laser
    • 2.2.6. Quantum Magnetometer
    • 2.2.7. Quantum Key Distribution
  • 2.3. Quantum Technology Science
    • 2.3.1. Quantum Bit
    • 2.3.2. Quantum Simulation
    • 2.3.3. Quantum Cryptography
    • 2.3.4. Quantum Optics
    • 2.3.5. Quantum Teleportation
    • 2.3.6. Quantum Information Processing
    • 2.3.7. Quantum Error Correction
    • 2.3.8. Quantum Metrology
    • 2.3.9. Quantum Well and Fabrication
    • 2.3.10. Potential Well
    • 2.3.11. Quantum Confinement
    • 2.3.12. Quantum Mechanics
    • 2.3.13. Quantum Key
    • 2.3.14. Quantum Neuron
    • 2.3.15. Quantum Hacking
    • 2.3.16. Quantum Network
    • 2.3.17. Quantum electronics
  • 2.4. Superposition and Entanglement
  • 2.5. Decoherence and Squeezed States
  • 2.6. Quantum Control and Security
  • 2.7. Virtualization
  • 2.8. Quantum Technology Value Chain
    • 2.8.1. Software/Platform Companies
    • 2.8.2. Semiconductor Companies
    • 2.8.3. AI Companies
    • 2.8.4. Analytics Providers
    • 2.8.5. IoT Companies
    • 2.8.6. Connectivity Providers
    • 2.8.7. Enterprises and Government
    • 2.8.8. Universities
    • 2.8.9. Venture Capital Firms
    • 2.8.10. Large Scale Computing Companies
  • 2.9. Quantum Technology Market Factors
    • 2.9.1. Growth Drivers and Opportunities
    • 2.9.2. Market Challenges
  • 2.10. Prospect for Global Recession
  • 2.11. Quantum Technology Patent Landscape
  • 2.12. Quantum Technology Competitive Landscape

3.0. Quantum Technology and Application Analysis

  • 3.1. Quantum Computing
    • 3.1.1. Qubit Development Progress
      • Qubits in Number
      • Flip-Flop Qubit
    • 3.1.2. Quantum Computer
      • Quantum Annealer
      • Analog Quantum
      • Universal Quantum
    • 3.1.3. Quantum Computing Technology Stack
    • 3.1.4. Quantum Software Platform
    • 3.1.5. Industry Application and Revenue Opportunity
    • 3.1.6. Exascale Computing Platform
    • 3.1.7. Market Disruption and Company Readiness Analysis
    • 3.1.8. Patent and Regulatory Framework
    • 3.1.9. Investment and Business Model Analysis
    • 3.1.10. Competitive Landscape Analysis
      • Vendor Companies
    • 3.1.11. Start-up Companies
    • 3.1.12. Government and Local Agencies
    • 3.1.13. University Research and Development
      • Research Center
    • 3.1.14. Venture Capital Firms
      • Funding Organizations
    • 3.1.15. Country Initiatives and Participant Agencies/Companies
      • China
      • USA
      • European Union
      • UK
      • Canada
      • Mexico
      • Brazil
      • France
      • Russia
      • Germany
      • Netherlands
      • Denmark
      • Sweden
      • Saudi Arabia
      • Switzerland
      • UAE
      • Qatar
      • Kuwait
      • Israel
      • Japan
      • India
      • Singapore
      • Australia
      • South Korea
  • 3.2. Quantum Cryptography Communication
    • 3.2.1. Technology Analysis
      • Hardware Agnostic Communication
      • Device Independent Cryptography
    • 3.2.2. Industry Application Analysis
    • 3.2.3. Position Based Cryptography
    • 3.2.4. Post Quantum Cryptography
    • 3.2.5. Patent Analysis
  • 3.3. Quantum Sensing and Imaging
    • 3.3.1. Technology Analysis
      • Quantum Sensing Technology
      • Quantum Imaging Technology
    • 3.3.2. Product Analysis
    • 3.3.3. Quantum Imaging Device
    • 3.3.4. Industry Application Analysis
    • 3.3.5. Patent Analysis
  • 3.4. Quantum Dots Particles
    • 3.4.1. QD Products
      • QD Display
    • 3.4.2. QD Cadmium Materials
      • Artificial Quantum Materials
    • 3.4.3. Production Process Analysis
      • Colloidal Synthesis
      • Energy Creation
      • Quantum Dot Size and Color
    • 3.4.4. Industry Application Analysis
    • 3.4.5. Patent Analysis
  • 3.5. Quantum Cascade Laser
    • 3.5.1. Fabrication Technology
    • 3.5.2. Continuous Wave and Pulsed Operation
    • 3.5.3. Cascade Laser Packaging
    • 3.5.4. Industry Application Analysis
    • 3.5.5. Patent Analysis
  • 3.6. Quantum Magnetometer
    • 3.6.1. Product Analysis
      • SERFs vs. SQUIDs
      • NV-Centers Sensors
      • Proton Magnetometers
      • Overhauser Magnetometers
      • Optically Pumped Magnetometers
      • Chip-Scale Atomic Magnetometers
    • 3.6.2. Industry Application Analysis
    • 3.6.3. Geophysical Application
    • 3.6.4. Patent Analysis
  • 3.7. Quantum Key Distribution
    • 3.7.1. QKD Technology
      • Infrastructure
      • Equipment and Components
    • 3.7.2. Quantum Key Distribution Network
    • 3.7.3. Government Sector Application
    • 3.7.4. Enterprise and Civilian Industry Application
    • 3.7.5. Patent Analysis
  • 3.8. Quantum Cloud vs. Hybrid Platform
  • 3.9. Quantum 5G Communication
  • 3.10. Quantum 6G Impact
  • 3.10.1 6G Wireless Technologies
    • 3.10.2. Quantum Machine Learning for 6G
  • 3.10.3 6G Wireless Communication
    • 3.10.4. Quantum Technology need for 6G Capabilities
  • 3.11. Quantum Artificial Intelligence
    • 3.11.1. Embedded Hardware
    • 3.11.2. AI Chipsets
    • 3.11.3. AI Software & Application
    • 3.11.4. Quantum Data Analytics
  • 3.12. Quantum AI Technology
    • 3.12.1. Deep Machine Learning
    • 3.12.2. Artificial Neural Network
    • 3.12.3. Pattern Recognition
    • 3.12.4. Context Aware Processing
    • 3.12.5. Swarm Intelligence
  • 3.13. Quantum IoT Technology
  • 3.14. Quantum Edge Network
  • 3.15. Quantum Blockchain

4.0. Company Analysis

  • 4.1. 1QB Information Technologies Inc.
  • 4.2. ABB (Keymile)
  • 4.3. Adtech Optics Inc.
  • 4.4. Airbus Group
  • 4.5. Akela Laser Corporation
  • 4.6. Alibaba Group Holding Limited
  • 4.7. Alpes Lasers SA
  • 4.8. Altairnano
  • 4.9. Amgen Inc.
  • 4.10. Anhui Qasky Science and Technology Limited Liability Company
  • 4.11. Anyon Systems Inc.
  • 4.12. AOSense Inc.
  • 4.13. Apple Inc. (InVisage Technologies)
  • 4.14. Biogen Inc.
  • 4.15. Block Engineering
  • 4.16. Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
  • 4.17. BT Group
  • 4.18. Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd.
  • 4.19. Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 4.20. D-Wave Systems Inc.
  • 4.21. Emerson Electric Corporation
  • 4.22. Fujitsu Ltd.
  • 4.23. Gem Systems
  • 4.24. GeoMetrics Inc.
  • 4.25. Google Inc.
  • 4.26. GWR Instruments Inc.
  • 4.27. Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.
  • 4.28. Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  • 4.29. Honeywell International Inc.
  • 4.30. HP Development Company L.P.
  • 4.31. IBM Corporation
  • 4.32. ID Quantique
  • 4.33. Infineon Technologies
  • 4.34. Intel Corporation
  • 4.35. KETS Quantum Security
  • 4.36. KPN
  • 4.37. LG Display Co. Ltd.
  • 4.38. Lockheed Martin Corporation
  • 4.39. MagiQ Technologies Inc.
  • 4.40. Marine Magnetics
  • 4.41. McAfee LLC
  • 4.42. MicroSemi Corporation
  • 4.43. Microsoft Corporation
  • 4.44. Mirsense
  • 4.45. Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
  • 4.46. M-Squared Lasers Limited
  • 4.47. Muquans
  • 4.48. Nanoco Group PLC
  • 4.49. Nanoplus Nanosystems and Technologies GmbH
  • 4.50. Nanosys Inc.
  • 4.51. NEC Corporation
  • 4.52. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
  • 4.53. NN-Labs LLC.
  • 4.54. Nokia Corporation
  • 4.55. Nucrypt
  • 4.56. Ocean NanoTech LLC
  • 4.57. Oki Electric
  • 4.58. Oscilloquartz SA
  • 4.59. OSRAM
  • 4.60. PQ Solutions Limited (Post-Quantum)
  • 4.61. Pranalytica Inc.
  • 4.62. QC Ware Corp.
  • 4.63. QD Laser Co. Inc.
  • 4.64. QinetiQ
  • 4.65. Quantum Circuits Inc.
  • 4.66. Quantum Materials Corp.
  • 4.67. Qubitekk
  • 4.68. Quintessence Labs
  • 4.69. QuSpin
  • 4.70. QxBranch LLC
  • 4.71. Raytheon Company
  • 4.72. Rigetti Computing
  • 4.73. Robert Bosch GmbH
  • 4.74. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. (QD Vision Inc.)
  • 4.75. SeQureNet (Telecom ParisTech)
  • 4.76. SK Telecom
  • 4.77. ST Microelectronics
  • 4.78. Texas Instruments
  • 4.79. Thorlabs Inc
  • 4.80. Toshiba Corporation
  • 4.81. Tristan Technologies
  • 4.82. Twinleaf
  • 4.83. Universal Quantum Devices
  • 4.84. Volkswagen AG
  • 4.85. Wavelength Electronics Inc.
  • 4.86. ZTE Corporation

5.0. Quantum Technology Market Analysis and Forecasts 2024 - 2029

  • 5.1. Global Quantum Technology Market 2024 - 2029
  • 5.2. Global Quantum Technology Market by Technology 2024 - 2029
  • 5.3. Quantum Computing Market 2024 - 2029
    • 5.3.1. Global Quantum Computing Market by Segment
      • Global Quantum Computing Market by Hardware
      • Global Quantum Computing Market by Application Software
      • Global QCaaS Market by Type
        • Global QCaaS Market by Professional Service
    • 5.3.2. Global Quantum Computing Market by Technology
    • 5.3.3. Global Quantum Computing Market by Industry Vertical
  • 5.4. Quantum Cryptography Communication Market 2024 - 2029
    • 5.4.1. Global Quantum Cryptography Communication Market by Segment
      • Global Quantum Cryptography Communication Market by Hardware
      • Global Quantum Cryptography Communication Market by Service
    • 5.4.2. Global Quantum Cryptography Communication Market by Application
    • 5.4.3. Global Quantum Cryptography Communication Market by Industry Vertical
  • 5.5. Quantum Sensing and Imaging Market 2024 - 2029
    • 5.5.1. Global Quantum Sensing and Imaging Market by Segment
      • Global Quantum Sensing Market by Technology
      • Global Quantum Imaging Market by Technology
    • 5.5.2. Global Quantum Sensing and Imaging Market by Product
      • Global Quantum Atomic Clock Market by Product
      • Global Quantum Light Detector Market by Product
    • 5.5.3. Global Quantum Sensing and Imaging Market by Industry Vertical
  • 5.6. Quantum Dots Market 2024 - 2029
    • 5.6.1. Global Quantum Dots Market by Segment
      • Global Quantum Dots Market by Product
        • Global QD Display Market by Type
      • Global Quantum Dots Market by Materials
        • Global Cadmium-Based QD Market by Materials
        • Global Cadmium-Free QD Market by Materials
    • 5.6.2. Global Quantum Dots Market by Industry Vertical
      • Global Quantum Dots Market by Healthcare and Medical Application
  • 5.7. Quantum Cascade Laser Market 2024 - 2029
    • 5.7.1. Global Quantum Cascade Laser Market by Fabrication Technology
    • 5.7.2. Global Quantum Cascade Laser Market by Operation Mode
    • 5.7.3. Global Quantum Cascade Laser Market by Packaging Type
    • 5.7.4. Global Quantum Cascade Laser Market by Industry Vertical
  • 5.8. Quantum Magnetometer Market 2024 - 2029
    • 5.8.1. Global Quantum Magnetometer Market by Product
    • 5.8.2. Global Quantum Magnetometer Market by Industry Vertical
      • Global Quantum Magnetometer Market by Global Positioning and Communications Application
      • Global Quantum Magnetometer Market by Geophysical Application
      • Global Quantum Magnetometer Market by Scientific Research and Development Application
  • 5.9. Quantum Key Distribution Market 2024 - 2029
    • 5.9.1. Global Quantum Key Distribution Market by Technology
      • Global Quantum Key Distribution Market by Infrastructure Type
    • 5.9.2. Global Quantum Key Distribution Market by Industry Vertical
      • Global Quantum Key Distribution Market by Government
      • Global Quantum Key Distribution Market by Enterprise/Civilian Industry
  • 5.10. Global Quantum Technology Market by Deployment
    • 5.10.1. Cloud Deployment Options for Global Quantum Technology Market
    • 5.10.2. Global Quantum Technology Market by Cloud Deployment
  • 5.11. Global Quantum Technology Market by Sector
  • 5.12. Global Quantum Technology Market by Connectivity
    • 5.12.1. Comparative Analysis of Global Quantum Technology Market Connectivity
    • 5.12.2. Global Quantum Technology Market by Wireless Connectivity
  • 5.13. Global Quantum Technology Market by Revenue Source
  • 5.14. Quantum Intelligence Market 2024 - 2029
    • 5.14.1. Global Quantum Intelligence Market
    • 5.14.2. Global Quantum Intelligence Market by Segment
      • Global Quantum Intelligence Market by AI Chipsets Product
    • 5.14.3. Global Quantum Intelligence Market by AI Technology
  • 5.15. Quantum IoT Technology Market 2024 - 2029
    • 5.15.1. Global Quantum IoT Technology Market
    • 5.15.2. Global Quantum IoT Technology Market by Platform
    • 5.15.3. Global Quantum IoT Technology Market by Sector
  • 5.16. Global Quantum Edge Network Market
  • 5.17. Global Quantum Blockchain Market
  • 5.18. Global Quantum Exascale Computing Market
  • 5.19. Regional Quantum Technology Market 2024 - 2029
    • 5.19.1. Regional Comparison of Global Quantum Technology Market
    • 5.19.2. Global Quantum Technology Market by Region
      • North America Quantum Technology Market by Country
      • Europe Quantum Technology Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Quantum Technology Market by Country
      • Middle East and Africa Quantum Technology Market by Country
      • Latin America Quantum Technology Market by Country

6.0. Conclusions and Recommendations