感情検出・認識市場-2023年から2028年までの予測Emotion Detection and Recognition Market - Forecasts from 2023 to 2028 |
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感情検出・認識市場-2023年から2028年までの予測 |
出版日: 2023年05月08日
発行: Knowledge Sourcing Intelligence
ページ情報: 英文 160 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
Sprout Social Companyが発行したレポートによると、約93%の企業がソーシャルメディアの動画広告を通じて新規顧客を獲得し、顧客基盤を拡大しています。そのため、広告代理店やマーケティング会社は、コンテンツの効果を分析し、消費者の行動を検証して今後の参考にするために、感情検出・認識ソフトウェアの採用を検討しています。感情認識ソフトウェアの採用は、広告のさまざまな構成要素を徹底的に調査し、視聴者の感情と関連付けることを支援する可能性があります。そのため、デジタルマーケティングの発展が、感情認識・検出ソフトの需要を後押ししています。
例えば、Find Solutions AIは香港の学校と協力し、小学生の顔の筋肉の動きを分析することで、小学生の感情のネガティブな変化とポジティブな変化を解釈しています。これにより、教師や学校関係者は、生徒の集中力や指導の効果についてより深く理解することができるようになります。学校のカリキュラムが複雑化し、生徒間の競合レベルが高くなったことで、精神的な問題や自殺事件が増加しています。例えば、インドの国家犯罪記録局は、2022年に学生の自殺事件がその前年の記録と比較して約4.5%増加したことを明らかにしました。したがって、感情検出ソフトウェアを適用することで、教育機関は学生の微小な動きを分析し、感情や心理的な幸福度を分析することが可能になります。したがって、教育分野における良好な感情的・心理的健康に対する要求の高まりが、感情検出・認識市場の成長を後押ししています。
強力なAI技術市場の存在とコンピュータソフトウェアの急速な進歩が、北米の自動車や小売業を含むさまざまな産業における感情検出・認識市場の適用を刺激しています。また、Google、IBM、Microsoft、Appleといった北米の大手テクノロジー企業は、感情AIを含むあらゆる分野の人工知能ソフトウェアの新開発を革新するために積極的に投資しており、顧客により良いサービスを提供するために製品ポートフォリオの改善に常に努めています。ユーザーエクスペリエンスを向上させる試みとして、これらの企業は会話型チャットボットや感情検出ソリューションに人工知能ソフトウェアを導入しています。さらに、カナダと米国では、Wearehuman.io、Braiq、Nuralogix、Cynny、Mad Street Denといった感情認識ソフトウェアの作成を専門とする新しいAI技術スタートアップが出現しており、この地域における感情検出ソフトウェアの開発に機会を与えています。したがって、感情検出・認識市場は予測期間中に徐々に成長すると予想されます。
The emotion detection and recognition market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.71% from a market size of US$17.48 billion in 2021 to reach US$37.938 billion in 2028. Emotion detection and recognition refers to the process of integrating different computer technologies including machine learning algorithms, artificial intelligence software, natural language processing, and biosensor systems to detect and recognize human emotions by analyzing their face, gestures, and voice. It examines facial movements, analyzes voice modulation, and identifies body gestures to provide insight into the emotional state of the user. The technological advancements in AI technology have resulted in a relative increase in the accuracy of emotion detection software which is resulting in higher consumption of emotion recognition software. This software allows companies to understand the preferences of their users. The ability to receive emotional feedback can help companies to enhance their products. Therefore, it can be expected that the emotion detection and recognition market will witness significant growth over the forecast period.
According to a report published by Sprout Social Company, approximately 93% of companies have expanded their customer base by gaining new customers through social media video advertisements. As a result, advertising agencies and marketing companies are considering the adoption of emotion detection and recognition software to analyze the effectiveness of their content and examine consumers' behavior for future reference. The employment of emotion recognition software could aid companies in thoroughly investigating the different components of their advertisements and correlating them with the emotions of the viewers. Therefore, the growth of digital marketing is driving the demand for emotion recognition and detection software.
The ethical issues of privacy violation as a result of the implementation of the emotion detection and recognition market are causing a backlash among several consumers. Research conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the US revealed that approximately 50% of adult faces in the country have been recorded in the facial recognition software database. Consequentially, an increasing number of customers are concerned about the invasion of their private space by emotion and facial detection software. For instance, the state of Washington has introduced a new bill to prohibit the use of facial and biometric recognition software in its government departments and agencies. As a result of the negative sentiment among the public, companies have restrained the use of emotional AI. For example, Microsoft withdrew the application of emotion detection software from its cloud-based solutions in 2022. Therefore, this could potentially limit the development of the emotion detection and recognition market.
For instance, Find Solutions AI has collaborated with schools in Hong Kong to interpret the negative and positive changes in the emotions of school children by analyzing their facial muscle movements. This can assist the teachers and school faculty to gain a better understanding of the student's concentration ability and the effectiveness of their teaching. The increasing complexity of school curriculum and high competition levels among students has resulted in an increase in the number of mental health issues and suicide incidents. For instance, the National Crime Records Bureau of India revealed that suicide incidents among students increased by approximately 4.5% in 2022 in comparison with its previous year's records. Therefore, the application of emotion detection software could enable educational institutions to analyze micro-movements in students to analyze their emotional and psychological well-being. Hence, the increasing requirement for good emotional and psychological health in the education sector propels the growth of the emotion detection and recognition market.
The presence of a strong AI technology market and the rapid advancements in computer software are stimulating the application of the emotion detection and recognition market across different industries including the automotive and retail sectors in North America. In addition, leading technology companies in North America like Google, IBM, Microsoft, and Apple are actively investing to innovate new developments in artificial intelligence software in all fields including emotional AI, and are constantly striving to improve their product portfolio to offer better services to their customers. In an attempt to improve the user experience, these companies have been implementing artificial intelligence software in conversational chatbots and emotion detection solutions. Further, the emergence of new AI-tech startups in Canada and the US specializing in the creation of emotion recognition software such as Wearehuman.io, Braiq, Nuralogix, Cynny, and Mad Street Den provides an opportunity for the development of emotion detection software in the region. Hence, it can be anticipated that the emotion detection and recognition market will gradually grow over the forecast period.