

Global Enteric Disease Testing Market Size, Share & Industry Trends Analysis Report By End User, By Disease Type, By Product Type (Reagents & Consumables and Equipment), By Technique, By Regional Outlook and Forecast, 2023 - 2029

出版日: | 発行: KBV Research | ページ情報: 英文 251 Pages | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2023年04月28日
発行: KBV Research
ページ情報: 英文 251 Pages
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次








クロストリジウム・ディフィシル(C. difficile)、赤痢菌症、大腸菌、コレラ、サルモネラ症など、重度の下痢や死に至ることもある腸疾患の有病率が上昇していることも、これらの検査に対する需要の増加に寄与しています。世界中で毎年何百万人もの人々が腸管感染症に罹患していますが、特に衛生環境が整っていない低開発国で多く見られます。したがって、腸疾患の有病率の上昇は、予測期間を通じて市場の成長を促進すると考えられます。
















市場参入企業がとる主な戦略は、買収です。カーディナルマトリックスで提示された分析に基づくと、Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.が腸疾患検査市場の先駆者です。Neogen Corporation、Bureau Veritas S.A.、Eurofins Scientific SEなどの企業は、腸管疾患検査市場における主要な革新的企業の1つです。


第1章 市場範囲と調査手法

  • 市場の定義
  • 目的
  • 市場範囲
  • セグメンテーション
    • 世界の腸疾患検査市場:エンドユーザー別
    • 世界の腸疾患検査市場:疾患タイプ別
    • 世界の腸疾患検査市場:製品タイプ別
    • 世界の腸疾患検査市場:検査手法別
    • 世界の腸疾患検査市場:地域別
  • 調査手法

第2章 市場概要

  • イントロダクション
    • 概要
      • 市場構成とシナリオ
  • 市場に影響を与える主な要因
    • 市場促進要因
    • 市場抑制要因

第3章 競合分析- 世界

  • KBVカーディナルマトリックス
  • 最近の業界全体の戦略的展開
    • パートナーシップ、コラボレーション、および契約
    • 製品の発売と製品の拡大
    • 買収と合併
  • 主要成功戦略
    • 主要なリーディングストラテジー

第4章 世界の腸疾患検査市場:エンドユーザー別

  • 世界の病院ラボ市場:地域別
  • 世界の製薬・バイオテクノロジー企業市場:地域別
  • 世界の学術・研究機関市場:地域別

第5章 世界の腸疾患検査市場:疾患タイプ別

  • 世界の細菌市場:地域別
  • 世界のウイルス市場:地域別
  • 世界の寄生虫市場:地域別

第6章 世界の腸疾患検査市場:製品タイプ別

  • 世界の試薬・消耗品市場:地域別
  • 世界の機器市場:地域別

第7章 世界の腸疾患検査市場:検査手法別

  • 世界の免疫診断市場:地域別
  • 世界の分子診断市場:地域別

第8章 世界の腸疾患検査市場:地域別

  • 北米
    • 北米の市場:国別
      • 米国
      • カナダ
      • メキシコ
      • その他北米地域
  • 欧州
    • 欧州の市場:国別
      • ドイツ
      • 英国
      • フランス
      • ロシア
      • スペイン
      • イタリア
      • その他欧州地域
  • アジア太平洋
    • アジア太平洋の市場:国別
      • 中国
      • 日本
      • インド
      • 韓国
      • シンガポール
      • マレーシア
      • その他アジア太平洋地域
  • ラテンアメリカ・中東・アフリカ
    • ラテンアメリカ・中東・アフリカの市場:国別
      • ブラジル
      • アルゼンチン
      • アラブ首長国連邦
      • サウジアラビア
      • 南アフリカ
      • ナイジェリア
      • その他ラテンアメリカ・中東・アフリカ地域

第9章 企業プロファイル

  • Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc
  • Becton, Dickinson and Company
  • Neogen Corporation
  • Bureau Veritas SA
  • SGS SA
  • Eurofins Scientific SE
  • Merck KGaA
  • PerkinElmer, Inc
  • Intertek Group PLC
  • TUV Nord Group


  • TABLE 1 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 2 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 3 Partnerships, Collaborations and Agreements- Enteric Disease Testing Market
  • TABLE 4 Product Launches And Product Expansions- Enteric Disease Testing Market
  • TABLE 5 Acquisition and Mergers- Enteric Disease Testing Market
  • TABLE 6 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 7 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 8 Global Hospital Laboratories Market by Region, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 9 Global Hospital Laboratories Market by Region, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 10 Global Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies Market by Region, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 11 Global Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies Market by Region, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 12 Global Academic & Research Institutes Market by Region, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 13 Global Academic & Research Institutes Market by Region, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 14 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 15 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 16 Global Bacterial Market by Region, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 17 Global Bacterial Market by Region, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 18 Global Viral Market by Region, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 19 Global Viral Market by Region, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 20 Global Parasitic Market by Region, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 21 Global Parasitic Market by Region, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 22 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 23 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 24 Global Reagents & Consumables Market by Region, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 25 Global Reagents & Consumables Market by Region, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 26 Global Equipment Market by Region, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 27 Global Equipment Market by Region, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 28 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 29 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 30 Global Immunodiagnostics Market by Region, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 31 Global Immunodiagnostics Market by Region, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 32 Global Molecular Diagnostics Market by Region, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 33 Global Molecular Diagnostics Market by Region, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 34 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by Region, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 35 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by Region, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 36 North America Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 37 North America Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 38 North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 39 North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 40 North America Hospital Laboratories Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 41 North America Hospital Laboratories Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 42 North America Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 43 North America Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 44 North America Academic & Research Institutes Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 45 North America Academic & Research Institutes Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 46 North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 47 North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 48 North America Bacterial Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 49 North America Bacterial Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 50 North America Viral Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 51 North America Viral Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 52 North America Parasitic Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 53 North America Parasitic Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 54 North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 55 North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 56 North America Reagents & Consumables Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 57 North America Reagents & Consumables Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 58 North America Equipment Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 59 North America Equipment Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 60 North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 61 North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 62 North America Immunodiagnostics Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 63 North America Immunodiagnostics Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 64 North America Molecular Diagnostics Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 65 North America Molecular Diagnostics Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 66 North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 67 North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 68 US Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 69 US Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 70 US Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 71 US Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 72 US Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 73 US Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 74 US Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 75 US Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 76 US Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 77 US Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 78 Canada Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 79 Canada Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 80 Canada Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 81 Canada Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 82 Canada Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 83 Canada Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 84 Canada Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 85 Canada Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 86 Canada Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 87 Canada Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 88 Mexico Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 89 Mexico Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 90 Mexico Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 91 Mexico Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 92 Mexico Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 93 Mexico Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 94 Mexico Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 95 Mexico Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 96 Mexico Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 97 Mexico Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 98 Rest of North America Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 99 Rest of North America Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 100 Rest of North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 101 Rest of North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 102 Rest of North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 103 Rest of North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 104 Rest of North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 105 Rest of North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 106 Rest of North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 107 Rest of North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 108 Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 109 Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 110 Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 111 Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 112 Europe Hospital Laboratories Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 113 Europe Hospital Laboratories Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 114 Europe Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 115 Europe Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 116 Europe Academic & Research Institutes Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 117 Europe Academic & Research Institutes Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 118 Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 119 Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 120 Europe Bacterial Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 121 Europe Bacterial Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 122 Europe Viral Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 123 Europe Viral Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 124 Europe Parasitic Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 125 Europe Parasitic Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 126 Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 127 Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 128 Europe Reagents & Consumables Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 129 Europe Reagents & Consumables Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 130 Europe Equipment Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 131 Europe Equipment Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 132 Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 133 Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 134 Europe Immunodiagnostics Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 135 Europe Immunodiagnostics Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 136 Europe Molecular Diagnostics Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 137 Europe Molecular Diagnostics Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 138 Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 139 Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 140 Germany Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 141 Germany Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 142 Germany Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 143 Germany Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 144 Germany Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 145 Germany Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 146 Germany Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 147 Germany Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 148 Germany Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 149 Germany Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 150 UK Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 151 UK Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 152 UK Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 153 UK Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 154 UK Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 155 UK Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 156 UK Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 157 UK Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 158 UK Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 159 UK Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 160 France Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 161 France Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 162 France Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 163 France Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 164 France Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 165 France Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 166 France Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 167 France Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 168 France Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 169 France Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 170 Russia Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 171 Russia Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 172 Russia Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 173 Russia Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 174 Russia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 175 Russia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 176 Russia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 177 Russia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 178 Russia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 179 Russia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 180 Spain Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 181 Spain Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 182 Spain Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 183 Spain Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 184 Spain Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 185 Spain Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 186 Spain Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 187 Spain Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 188 Spain Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 189 Spain Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 190 Italy Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 191 Italy Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 192 Italy Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 193 Italy Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 194 Italy Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 195 Italy Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 196 Italy Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 197 Italy Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 198 Italy Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 199 Italy Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 200 Rest of Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 201 Rest of Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 202 Rest of Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 203 Rest of Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 204 Rest of Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 205 Rest of Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 206 Rest of Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 207 Rest of Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 208 Rest of Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 209 Rest of Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 210 Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 211 Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 212 Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 213 Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 214 Asia Pacific Hospital Laboratories Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 215 Asia Pacific Hospital Laboratories Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 216 Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 217 Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 218 Asia Pacific Academic & Research Institutes Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 219 Asia Pacific Academic & Research Institutes Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 220 Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 221 Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 222 Asia Pacific Bacterial Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 223 Asia Pacific Bacterial Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 224 Asia Pacific Viral Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 225 Asia Pacific Viral Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 226 Asia Pacific Parasitic Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 227 Asia Pacific Parasitic Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 228 Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 229 Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 230 Asia Pacific Reagents & Consumables Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 231 Asia Pacific Reagents & Consumables Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 232 Asia Pacific Equipment Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 233 Asia Pacific Equipment Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 234 Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 235 Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 236 Asia Pacific Immunodiagnostics Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 237 Asia Pacific Immunodiagnostics Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 238 Asia Pacific Molecular Diagnostics Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 239 Asia Pacific Molecular Diagnostics Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 240 Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 241 Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 242 China Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 243 China Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 244 China Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 245 China Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 246 China Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 247 China Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 248 China Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 249 China Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 250 China Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 251 China Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 252 Japan Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 253 Japan Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 254 Japan Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 255 Japan Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 256 Japan Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 257 Japan Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 258 Japan Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 259 Japan Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 260 Japan Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 261 Japan Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 262 India Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 263 India Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 264 India Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 265 India Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 266 India Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 267 India Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 268 India Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 269 India Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 270 India Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 271 India Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 272 South Korea Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 273 South Korea Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 274 South Korea Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 275 South Korea Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 276 South Korea Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 277 South Korea Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 278 South Korea Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 279 South Korea Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 280 South Korea Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 281 South Korea Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 282 Singapore Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 283 Singapore Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 284 Singapore Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 285 Singapore Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 286 Singapore Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 287 Singapore Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 288 Singapore Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 289 Singapore Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 290 Singapore Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 291 Singapore Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 292 Malaysia Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 293 Malaysia Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 294 Malaysia Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 295 Malaysia Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 296 Malaysia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 297 Malaysia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 298 Malaysia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 299 Malaysia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 300 Malaysia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 301 Malaysia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 302 Rest of Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 303 Rest of Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 304 Rest of Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 305 Rest of Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 306 Rest of Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 307 Rest of Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 308 Rest of Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 309 Rest of Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 310 Rest of Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 311 Rest of Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 312 LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 313 LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 314 LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 315 LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 316 LAMEA Hospital Laboratories Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 317 LAMEA Hospital Laboratories Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 318 LAMEA Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 319 LAMEA Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 320 LAMEA Academic & Research Institutes Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 321 LAMEA Academic & Research Institutes Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 322 LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 323 LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 324 LAMEA Bacterial Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 325 LAMEA Bacterial Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 326 LAMEA Viral Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 327 LAMEA Viral Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 328 LAMEA Parasitic Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 329 LAMEA Parasitic Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 330 LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 331 LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 332 LAMEA Reagents & Consumables Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 333 LAMEA Reagents & Consumables Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 334 LAMEA Equipment Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 335 LAMEA Equipment Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 336 LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 337 LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 338 LAMEA Immunodiagnostics Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 339 LAMEA Immunodiagnostics Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 340 LAMEA Molecular Diagnostics Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 341 LAMEA Molecular Diagnostics Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 342 LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Country, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 343 LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Country, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 344 Brazil Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 345 Brazil Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 346 Brazil Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 347 Brazil Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 348 Brazil Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 349 Brazil Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 350 Brazil Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 351 Brazil Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 352 Brazil Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 353 Brazil Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 354 Argentina Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 355 Argentina Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 356 Argentina Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 357 Argentina Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 358 Argentina Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 359 Argentina Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 360 Argentina Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 361 Argentina Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 362 Argentina Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 363 Argentina Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 364 UAE Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 365 UAE Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 366 UAE Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 367 UAE Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 368 UAE Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 369 UAE Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 370 UAE Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 371 UAE Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 372 UAE Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 373 UAE Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 374 Saudi Arabia Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 375 Saudi Arabia Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 376 Saudi Arabia Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 377 Saudi Arabia Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 378 Saudi Arabia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 379 Saudi Arabia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 380 Saudi Arabia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 381 Saudi Arabia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 382 Saudi Arabia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 383 Saudi Arabia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 384 South Africa Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 385 South Africa Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 386 South Africa Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 387 South Africa Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 388 South Africa Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 389 South Africa Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 390 South Africa Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 391 South Africa Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 392 South Africa Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 393 South Africa Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 394 Nigeria Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 395 Nigeria Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 396 Nigeria Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 397 Nigeria Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 398 Nigeria Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 399 Nigeria Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 400 Nigeria Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 401 Nigeria Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 402 Nigeria Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 403 Nigeria Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 404 Rest of LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 405 Rest of LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 406 Rest of LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 407 Rest of LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 408 Rest of LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 409 Rest of LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 410 Rest of LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 411 Rest of LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 412 Rest of LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2022, USD Million
  • TABLE 413 Rest of LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2023 - 2029, USD Million
  • TABLE 414 Key Information - Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
  • TABLE 415 Key information - Becton, Dickinson and Company
  • TABLE 416 Key Information - Neogen Corporation
  • TABLE 417 Key Information - Bureau Veritas S.A.
  • TABLE 418 Key Information - SGS S.A.
  • TABLE 419 Key Information - Eurofins Scientific SE
  • TABLE 420 key Information - Merck KGaA
  • TABLE 421 key Information - PerkinElmer, Inc.
  • TABLE 422 Key Information - Intertek Group PLC
  • TABLE 423 Key Information - TUV NORD GROUP

List of Figures

  • FIG 1 Methodology for the research
  • FIG 2 KBV Cardinal Matrix
  • FIG 3 Key Leading Strategies: Percentage Distribution (2019-2023)
  • FIG 4 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market share by End User, 2022
  • FIG 5 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market share by End User, 2029
  • FIG 6 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User, 2019 - 2029, USD Million
  • FIG 7 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market share by Disease Type, 2022
  • FIG 8 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market share by Disease Type, 2029
  • FIG 9 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type, 2019 - 2029, USD Million
  • FIG 10 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market share by Product Type, 2022
  • FIG 11 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market share by Product Type, 2029
  • FIG 12 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type, 2019 - 2029, USD Million
  • FIG 13 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market share by Technique, 2022
  • FIG 14 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market share by Technique, 2029
  • FIG 15 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique, 2019 - 2029, USD Million
  • FIG 16 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market share by Region, 2022
  • FIG 17 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market share by Region, 2029
  • FIG 18 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by Region, 2019 - 2029, USD Million
  • FIG 19 Recent strategies and developments: Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
  • FIG 20 Swot analysis: thermo fisher scientific, inc.
  • FIG 21 Swot analysis: Becton, Dickinson and company

The Global Enteric Disease Testing Market size is expected to reach $4.6 billion by 2029, rising at a market growth of 3.2% CAGR during the forecast period.

Infections of the gastrointestinal tract, encompassing the small intestine, large intestine, and stomach, are known as enteric diseases. Bacteria, viruses, and parasites are just a few of the microorganisms that might cause these diseases. Salmonellosis, shigellosis, norovirus, rotavirus, amebiasis, cryptosporidiosis, and giardiasis are typical examples of enteric diseases. Others include cholera, Clostridium difficile (C. difficile), Escherichia coli (E. coli), shigellosis, and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori).

To determine the exact pathogen triggering an enteric disease and to diagnose enteric diseases, numerous laboratory tests are employed. These tests often entail checking samples of blood, feces, or other fluids from the body for the presence of viruses, bacteria, and parasites known as enteric pathogens.

Enteric disorders are caused by bacterial, viral, and parasitic microorganisms that affect the intestines. Many of these illnesses can be spread from person to person and are typically brought on by consuming tainted food or drink. The symptoms of enteric infections include nausea, stomach pain, chills, fever, diarrhea, and loss of appetite.

One of the primary agents behind many water- and food-borne illnesses has been shown to be enteric bacteria. Diarrhea and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) are becoming more common worldwide. Enteric bacterial infections are the most frequent cause. The enteric disease testing market is expected to expand throughout the forecast period due to factors such as rising rates of diarrhea, rising rates in emerging nations, higher government awareness, and various government and public sector initiatives.

COVID-19 Impact Analysis

COVID-19 testing and treatment took precedence over enteric illness testing as a result of the pandemic's impact on healthcare priorities. The COVID-19 pandemic required a massive redirection of resources towards COVID-19 testing, treatment, and vaccination efforts. This led to a diversion of resources away from other areas of healthcare, including enteric disease testing. This was due to a combination of factors, including reduced healthcare capacity, and social distancing measures. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted many research projects related to enteric diseases, with resources and personnel being diverted towards COVID-19 research. The demand for enteric disease testing kits decreased during the pandemic, which negatively impacted market growth.

Market Growth Factors

Increasing prevalence of enteric disease worldwide

The rise in the prevalence of several other enteric diseases such as clostridium difficile (C. difficile), shigellosis, Escherichia coli (E. coli), cholera, and salmonellosis-all of which can result in severe diarrhea or even death-also contributes to the increasing demand for these tests. Rising Millions of people contract enteric infections every year worldwide, but they are particularly prevalent in underdeveloped nations with subpar sanitation. Hence, the rising prevalence of enteric disease will propel the growth of the market throughout the forecast period.

Rising number of technological breakthroughs owing to increased R&D

The demand for enteric disease testing may benefit from the growing technological developments and improvements in enteric disease testing equipment and methods. Testing efficiency gains, cost-effective testing, and quick test results may contribute to product development. Additionally, the healthcare business is embracing the growing trend of more efficient, effective, and affordable computing hardware connected to greater network connectivity, improved software, and advanced sensors. In light of this, the market may benefit financially from these variables in the years to come.

Market Restraining Factors

High cost of testing and sampling

Automated enteric disease testing instruments are priced higher than their manual counterparts due to their advanced features and functions. The calculated cost of the media, instrument, and labor may be perceived as prohibitively expensive by certain end users. In addition, implementing numerous systems in testing laboratories has significantly increased the total capital cost investment. Utilizing molecular diagnostic techniques, particularly multiplexed assays, is a recent development in the healthcare industry compared to singleplex assays. However, the cost of multiplexed assay equipment is comparatively high, and the initial investment required for instrument installation is higher. This factor will impede the market's growth until cost-effective alternatives become available.

Product Type Outlook

Based on product type, the enteric disease testing market is characterized into reagents & consumables and equipment. The equipment segment procured a considerable growth rate in the enteric disease testing market in 2022. Different types of enteric disease testing are used in the process, which is propelling the growth of the segment. Automated analyzers are used to perform rapid tests for enteric diseases. These tests can detect the presence of specific antigens or genetic material from the pathogen in a sample.

Technique Outlook

On the basis of technique, the enteric disease testing market is classified into molecular diagnostics and immunodiagnostics. The immunodiagnostics segment acquired the largest revenue share in the enteric disease testing market in 2022. Immunodiagnostic tests can provide results quickly, sometimes in as little as a few hours, which allows for earlier diagnosis and treatment of enteric diseases. Immunodiagnostic tests can detect even small amounts of pathogens or antibodies, making them highly sensitive and specific. This means they can accurately identify the presence of a specific pathogen and rule out other potential causes of the patient's symptoms.

Disease Type Outlook

By disease type, the enteric disease testing market is divided into bacterial, viral, and parasitic. The high prevalence of bacterial enteric diseases such as salmonellosis, cholera, E. coli, and Helicobacter pylori, as well as the widespread utilization of enteric disease testing products for the diagnosis, are driving the growth of this market segment. In addition, due to increased knowledge of bacterial enteric disease diagnosis and a rising incidence of bacterial enteric diseases globally, the category is anticipated to experience rapid growth.

End User Outlook

Based on end user, the enteric disease testing market is segmented into academic & research institutes, hospital laboratories, and pharmaceutical & biotechnology companies. The academic & research institutes segment acquired a substantial revenue share in the enteric disease testing market in 2022. Academic and research institutes play a vital role in public health surveillance for enteric diseases. Testing and monitoring of enteric diseases in populations can help in identifying outbreaks, developing response plans, and implementing prevention and control strategies. Research institutes play a crucial role in identifying new pathogens responsible for enteric diseases.

Regional Outlook

Region wise, the enteric disease testing market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and LAMEA. The North America segment recorded the largest revenue share in the enteric disease testing market in 2022. The presence of a number of significant players as well as improvements in the manufacturing technology of enteric disease testing products in the region is what is driving the market's expansion. This is mostly due to an increase in the number of patients with enteric diseases, increased government support for research into the diagnosis of enteric diseases, and a sizable increase in capital income in industrialized nations.

The major strategies followed by the market participants are Acquisitions. Based on the Analysis presented in the Cardinal matrix; Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. is the forerunner in the Enteric Disease Testing Market. Companies such as Neogen Corporation, Bureau Veritas S.A., and Eurofins Scientific SE are some of the key innovators in Enteric Disease Testing Market.

The market research report covers the analysis of key stake holders of the market. Key companies profiled in the report include Merck KGaA, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., SGS S.A., Eurofins Scientific SE, Bureau Veritas S.A., Intertek Group PLC, TUV Nord Group, PerkinElmer, Inc., Becton, Dickinson and Company and Neogen Corporation.

Recent Strategies Deployed in Enteric Disease Testing Market

Mergers and Acquisitions:

Jan-2023: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. took over The Binding Site Group, a global leader in specialty diagnostics. Through this acquisition, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. would be able to extend its current specialty diagnostics portfolio along with pioneering innovation in monitoring and diagnostics for numerous myelomas.

Sep-2022: Bureau Veritas took over Galbraith Laboratories, a US-based operator of contract analytical testing. The addition of Galbraith expands the acquiring company's market presence in the personal care, industrial, and consumer healthcare markets, and further expands Bureau Veritas' market position in the North American region.

Sep-2022: Neogen announced the completion of a merger with 3M's Food Safety business. 3M's food safety business is merged with Neogen. The combination expands the merged company's geographical footprint, digitization capabilities, etc.

Jul-2022: Neogen completed the acquisition of Thai-Neo Biotech, a Thailand-based distributor of food safety products. The acquisition enables the acquiring company to establish a direct presence in Thailand and the Southeast Asian region. Further, the addition of Thai-Neo Biotech perfectly complements Neogen's operations in China, Australia, and India.

Jun-2022: Eurofins acquired a majority stake in Ajal for Laboratories, a Saudi Arabia-based provider of laboratory services. This acquisition broadens the acquiring company's food and pharmaceutical product test offerings in Saudi Arabia. Further, the acquisition reflects Eurofins' commitment to developing a local and regional laboratory network across the whole Middle East.

Sep-2021: Neogen acquired CAPInnoVet, a US-based provider of animal health medicines and products. This acquisition provides Neogen entry to the retail parasiticide market. The acquired company will be a part of Neogen's Animal Safety business segment.

Apr-2021: Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. took over PPD, Inc., a pharmaceutical company engaged in clinical research. Through this acquisition, the company would provide a vast range of services in the clinical development spectrum. This includes the development and manufacturing of the drug product, healthcare outcomes, trial logistics., scientific discovery, etc.

Partnerships, Collaborations and Agreements:

Oct-2022: Thermo Fisher Scientific came into partnership with Genoox, a provider of fast and accurate tools to solve complex, genomic data challenges, delivering advanced, and end-to-end genomic analysis tools. The partnership aims to automate the interpretation and reporting of cytogenetic research data with AI. ChAS users can access Franklin, Genoox's cloud-based AI platform with the launch of CytoScan Automated Interpretation and Reporting (AIR) solution for making cytogenetic research data analysis easy.

Apr-2022: SGS came into partnership with Liveome, a South Korea-based operator of microbiome research-based firm. The partnership focuses on the development and commercialization of LIV001, an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) candidate. The partnership demonstrates SGS' ability to provide its services globally.

Product Launches and Expansions:

Dec-2022: Thermo Fisher introduced TrueMark Infectious Disease Research Panels, developed to enable quick and precise detection and categorization for investigating microorganisms. The new panel are real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) syndromic panels and gives an option to the user to choose between standard or custom panels.

Oct-2022: Thermo Fisher launched TaqPath Enteric Bacterial Select Panel, a CE-IVD marked test intended for common Gastrointestinal bacteria. The new test detects gastrointestinal (GI) bacteria and speeds up the root cause identification process. The GI bacteria detecting test is based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology to examine the stool samples. The test can deliver results with 98% specificity, and sensitivity within two hours.

Scope of the Study

Market Segments covered in the Report:

By End User

  • Hospital Laboratories
  • Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies
  • Academic & Research Institutes

By Disease Type

  • Bacterial
  • Viral
  • Parasitic

By Product Type

  • Reagents & Consumables
  • Equipment

By Technique

  • Immunodiagnostics
  • Molecular Diagnostics

By Geography

  • North America
    • US
    • Canada
    • Mexico
    • Rest of North America
  • Europe
    • Germany
    • UK
    • France
    • Russia
    • Spain
    • Italy
    • Rest of Europe
  • Asia Pacific
    • China
    • Japan
    • India
    • South Korea
    • Singapore
    • Malaysia
    • Rest of Asia Pacific
    • Brazil
    • Argentina
    • UAE
    • Saudi Arabia
    • South Africa
    • Nigeria
    • Rest of LAMEA

Companies Profiled

  • Merck KGaA
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
  • SGS S.A.
  • Eurofins Scientific SE
  • Bureau Veritas S.A.
  • Intertek Group PLC
  • TUV Nord Group
  • PerkinElmer, Inc.
  • Becton, Dickinson and Company
  • Neogen Corporation

Unique Offerings from KBV Research

  • Exhaustive coverage
  • Highest number of market tables and figures
  • Subscription based model available
  • Guaranteed best price
  • Assured post sales research support with 10% customization free

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Market Scope & Methodology

  • 1.1 Market Definition
  • 1.2 Objectives
  • 1.3 Market Scope
  • 1.4 Segmentation
    • 1.4.1 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market, by End User
    • 1.4.2 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market, by Disease Type
    • 1.4.3 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market, by Product Type
    • 1.4.4 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market, by Technique
    • 1.4.5 Global Enteric Disease Testing Market, by Geography
  • 1.5 Methodology for the research

Chapter 2. Market Overview

  • 2.1 Introduction
    • 2.1.1 Overview
      • Market Composition & Scenario
  • 2.2 Key Factors Impacting the Market
    • 2.2.1 Market Drivers
    • 2.2.2 Market Restraints

Chapter 3. Competition Analysis - Global

  • 3.1 KBV Cardinal Matrix
  • 3.2 Recent Industry Wide Strategic Developments
    • 3.2.1 Partnerships, Collaborations and Agreements
    • 3.2.2 Product Launches and Product Expansions
    • 3.2.3 Acquisition and Mergers
  • 3.3 Top Winning Strategies
    • 3.3.1 Key Leading Strategies: Percentage Distribution (2019-2023)

Chapter 4. Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User

  • 4.1 Global Hospital Laboratories Market by Region
  • 4.2 Global Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies Market by Region
  • 4.3 Global Academic & Research Institutes Market by Region

Chapter 5. Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type

  • 5.1 Global Bacterial Market by Region
  • 5.2 Global Viral Market by Region
  • 5.3 Global Parasitic Market by Region

Chapter 6. Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type

  • 6.1 Global Reagents & Consumables Market by Region
  • 6.2 Global Equipment Market by Region

Chapter 7. Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique

  • 7.1 Global Immunodiagnostics Market by Region
  • 7.2 Global Molecular Diagnostics Market by Region

Chapter 8. Global Enteric Disease Testing Market by Region

  • 8.1 North America Enteric Disease Testing Market
    • 8.1.1 North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
      • North America Hospital Laboratories Market by Country
      • North America Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies Market by Country
      • North America Academic & Research Institutes Market by Country
    • 8.1.2 North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
      • North America Bacterial Market by Country
      • North America Viral Market by Country
      • North America Parasitic Market by Country
    • 8.1.3 North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
      • North America Reagents & Consumables Market by Country
      • North America Equipment Market by Country
    • 8.1.4 North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • North America Immunodiagnostics Market by Country
      • North America Molecular Diagnostics Market by Country
    • 8.1.5 North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Country
      • US Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • US Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • US Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • US Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • US Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • Canada Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • Canada Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • Canada Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • Canada Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • Canada Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • Mexico Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • Mexico Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • Mexico Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • Mexico Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • Mexico Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • Rest of North America Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • Rest of North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • Rest of North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • Rest of North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • Rest of North America Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
  • 8.2 Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market
    • 8.2.1 Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
      • Europe Hospital Laboratories Market by Country
      • Europe Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies Market by Country
      • Europe Academic & Research Institutes Market by Country
    • 8.2.2 Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
      • Europe Bacterial Market by Country
      • Europe Viral Market by Country
      • Europe Parasitic Market by Country
    • 8.2.3 Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
      • Europe Reagents & Consumables Market by Country
      • Europe Equipment Market by Country
    • 8.2.4 Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • Europe Immunodiagnostics Market by Country
      • Europe Molecular Diagnostics Market by Country
    • 8.2.5 Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Country
      • Germany Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • Germany Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • Germany Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • Germany Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • Germany Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • UK Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • UK Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • UK Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • UK Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • UK Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • France Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • France Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • France Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • France Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • France Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • Russia Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • Russia Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • Russia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • Russia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • Russia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • Spain Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • Spain Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • Spain Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • Spain Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • Spain Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • Italy Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • Italy Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • Italy Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • Italy Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • Italy Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • Rest of Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • Rest of Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • Rest of Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • Rest of Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • Rest of Europe Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
  • 8.3 Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market
    • 8.3.1 Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
      • Asia Pacific Hospital Laboratories Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Academic & Research Institutes Market by Country
    • 8.3.2 Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
      • Asia Pacific Bacterial Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Viral Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Parasitic Market by Country
    • 8.3.3 Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
      • Asia Pacific Reagents & Consumables Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Equipment Market by Country
    • 8.3.4 Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • Asia Pacific Immunodiagnostics Market by Country
      • Asia Pacific Molecular Diagnostics Market by Country
    • 8.3.5 Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Country
      • China Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • China Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • China Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • China Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • China Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • Japan Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • Japan Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • Japan Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • Japan Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • Japan Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • India Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • India Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • India Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • India Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • India Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • South Korea Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • South Korea Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • South Korea Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • South Korea Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • South Korea Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • Singapore Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • Singapore Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • Singapore Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • Singapore Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • Singapore Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • Malaysia Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • Malaysia Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • Malaysia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • Malaysia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • Malaysia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • Rest of Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • Rest of Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • Rest of Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • Rest of Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • Rest of Asia Pacific Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
  • 8.4 LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market
    • 8.4.1 LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
      • LAMEA Hospital Laboratories Market by Country
      • LAMEA Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies Market by Country
      • LAMEA Academic & Research Institutes Market by Country
    • 8.4.2 LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
      • LAMEA Bacterial Market by Country
      • LAMEA Viral Market by Country
      • LAMEA Parasitic Market by Country
    • 8.4.3 LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
      • LAMEA Reagents & Consumables Market by Country
      • LAMEA Equipment Market by Country
    • 8.4.4 LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • LAMEA Immunodiagnostics Market by Country
      • LAMEA Molecular Diagnostics Market by Country
    • 8.4.5 LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Country
      • Brazil Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • Brazil Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • Brazil Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • Brazil Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • Brazil Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • Argentina Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • Argentina Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • Argentina Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • Argentina Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • Argentina Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • UAE Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • UAE Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • UAE Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • UAE Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • UAE Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • Saudi Arabia Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • Saudi Arabia Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • Saudi Arabia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • Saudi Arabia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • Saudi Arabia Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • South Africa Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • South Africa Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • South Africa Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • South Africa Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • South Africa Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • Nigeria Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • Nigeria Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • Nigeria Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • Nigeria Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • Nigeria Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique
      • Rest of LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market
        • Rest of LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by End User
        • Rest of LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Disease Type
        • Rest of LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Product Type
        • Rest of LAMEA Enteric Disease Testing Market by Technique

Chapter 9. Company Profiles

  • 9.1 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
    • 9.1.1 Company Overview
    • 9.1.2 Financial Analysis
    • 9.1.3 Segmental and Regional Analysis
    • 9.1.4 Research & Development Expenses
    • 9.1.5 Recent strategies and developments:
      • Partnerships, Collaborations, and Agreements:
      • Product Launches and Product Expansions:
      • Acquisition and Mergers:
    • 9.1.6 SWOT Analysis
  • 9.2 Becton, Dickinson and Company
    • 9.2.1 Company Overview
    • 9.2.2 Financial Analysis
    • 9.2.3 Segmental and Regional Analysis
    • 9.2.4 Research & Development Expense
    • 9.2.5 SWOT Analysis
  • 9.3 Neogen Corporation
    • 9.3.1 Company Overview
    • 9.3.2 Financial Analysis
    • 9.3.3 Segmental and Regional Analysis
    • 9.3.4 Research & Development Expenses
    • 9.3.5 Recent strategies and developments:
      • Acquisition and Mergers:
  • 9.4 Bureau Veritas S.A.
    • 9.4.1 Company Overview
    • 9.4.2 Financial Analysis
    • 9.4.3 Segmental and Regional Analysis
    • 9.4.4 Research & Development Expenses
    • 9.4.5 Recent strategies and developments:
      • Acquisition and Mergers:
  • 9.5 SGS S.A.
    • 9.5.1 Company Overview
    • 9.5.2 Financial Analysis
    • 9.5.3 Segmental Analysis
    • 9.5.4 Recent strategies and developments:
      • Partnerships, Collaborations, and Agreements:
  • 9.6 Eurofins Scientific SE
    • 9.6.1 Company Overview
    • 9.6.2 Financial Analysis
    • 9.6.3 Regional Analysis
    • 9.6.4 Recent strategies and developments:
      • Acquisition and Mergers:
  • 9.7 Merck KGaA
    • 9.7.1 Company Overview
    • 9.7.2 Financial Analysis
    • 9.7.3 Segmental and Regional Analysis
    • 9.7.4 Research & Development Expense
  • 9.8 PerkinElmer, Inc.
    • 9.8.1 Company Overview
    • 9.8.2 Financial Analysis
    • 9.8.3 Segmental and Regional Analysis
    • 9.8.4 Research & Development Expense
  • 9.9 Intertek Group PLC
    • 9.9.1 Company Overview
    • 9.9.2 Financial Analysis
    • 9.9.3 Segmental and Regional Analysis
    • 9.9.4 Research & Development Expenses
  • 9.10. TUV Nord Group
    • 9.10.1 Company Overview
    • 9.10.2 Financial Analysis
    • 9.10.3 Segmental and Regional Analysis