

Surgical Light Source Market Size, Share, and Trends Analysis | Global | 2024-2030 | MedCore

出版日: | 発行: iData Research Inc. | ページ情報: 英文 17 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=153.16円
出版日: 2023年11月02日
発行: iData Research Inc.
ページ情報: 英文 17 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
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2023年、Karl Storzは、光源と手術用カメラをバンドルすることで、手術用光源市場の支配的勢力に浮上しました。Karl Storzが提供するTechno LED Nova 150(R)は、30,000時間の寿命を誇り、低ノイズ、無振動動作を保証し、ゼロ発熱を実現します。さらに、同社は、より大きな腔を照らすために特別に設計されたXENON NOVA(TM)300 Wキセノンランプを提供しています。

2023年の手術用光源市場で2番目の競合と位置づけられるStrykerは、手術用カメラシステム市場における専門知識を通じて強力な地位を維持しており、しばしばこれら2つの機器をバンドルしています。同社の1688アドバンスト・イメージング・モダリティ(AIM)4Kプラットフォームは、2019年3月にオートライトテクノロジーを搭載した革新的なL-11光源を導入しました。Strykerの製品には、内視鏡用に調整されたPRECISION LED光源も含まれます。





  • エグゼクティブサマリー
    • 世界の手術用光源市場概要
    • 競合分析
    • 対象地域
  • イントロダクション
  • 市場分析と予測
  • 促進要因と抑制要因
    • 市場促進要因
    • 市場抑制要因
  • 競合市場シェア分析


  • Chart 18-1: Surgical Light Source Market, Global, 2023 & 2030
  • Chart 18-2: Surgical Light Source Installed Base, Global, 2023
  • Chart 18-3: Surgical Light Source Market, Global, 2020 - 2030
  • Chart 18-4: Leading Competitors, Surgical Headlight Market, Global, 2023


  • Figure 18-1: Surgical Light Source Regions Covered, Global (1 of 2)
  • Figure 18-2: Surgical Light Source Regions Covered, Global (2 of 2)
  • Figure 18-3: Surgical Light Source Market, Global, 2020 - 2030
  • Figure 18-4: Units Sold by Region, Surgical Light Source Market, Global, 2020 - 2030
  • Figure 18-5: Average Selling Price by Region, Surgical Light Source Market, Global, 2020 - 2030 (US$)
  • Figure 18-6: Market Value by Region, Surgical Light Source Market, Global, 2020 - 2030 (US$M)
  • Figure 18-7: Installed Base by Region, Surgical Light Source Market, Global, 2020 - 2030
  • Figure 18-8: Leading Competitors, Surgical Light Source Market, Global, 2023
Product Code: iDATA_GLVIDOR24_MC_SLS

In 2023, the global surgical light source market reached a value of $714.3 million. Forecasts indicate a gradual increase over the forecast period, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 3%, projecting the market to reach $880.8 million.

This extensive medical market research involved the analysis of over 15 surgical light source companies across 7 continents. Utilizing a comprehensive methodology, we examined market sizes, unit sales, company market shares, and formulated precise forecasts. The complete report suite on the global market for surgical light sources includes devices used to provide illumination for endoscopic cameras, surgical headlights, and surgical microscopes.


  • Unit Sales, Average Selling Prices, Market Value & Growth Trends
  • Forecasts Until 2030, and Historical Data to 2020
  • Market Drivers & Limiters for Each Segment
  • Competitive Analysis with Market Shares for Each Segment
  • Recent Mergers & Acquisitions
  • COVID19 Impact
  • Disease Overviews and Demographic Information
  • Company Profiles, Product Portfolios and SWOT for Top Competitors

Global Surgical Light Source Market Insights:

The surgical light source market has entered a mature phase, characterized by a predominant focus on replacement sales of older units. These light sources are commonly acquired in packages that include endoscopic cameras and image capture devices. The surge in the adoption of 4K technology is driving an increase in endoscopic camera sales, consequently stimulating bundled sales of light sources. Additionally, interoperability issues persist among connectors used by different companies' light sources, compelling users to procure both the light source and camera from the same supplier. The introduction of a new camera system may necessitate an investment in a new light source due to incompatible connectors, unless adapters are employed to bridge the gap between incompatible connectors.

Global Surgical Light Source Market Share Insights:

In 2023, Karl Storz emerged as a dominant force in the surgical light source market by bundling its light sources with surgical cameras. The Techno LED Nova 150® offered by Karl Storz boasts a 30,000-hour lifespan, ensuring low-noise, vibration-free operation while emitting zero heat. Additionally, Karl Storz provides the XENON NOVA™ 300 W xenon lamp specifically designed for illuminating larger cavities.

Stryker, positioned as the second major competitor in the 2023 surgical light source market, maintains a strong position through its expertise in the surgical camera system market, often bundling these two devices. Their 1688 Advanced Imaging Modalities (AIM) 4K Platform introduced the innovative L-11 Light Source with Auto-Light Technology in March 2019. Stryker's offerings also include the PRECISION LED light source tailored for endoscopic applications.

Olympus, securing the third top position in the 2023 surgical light source market, focuses on gastrointestinal applications and predominantly designs products for that specialty within its VISERA® platform. Olympus provides various LED and xenon light sources specifically crafted for this purpose.

Market Segmentation Summary:

  • Surgical Light Source Market

Global Research Scope Summary:

Regions: North America (Canada, United States), Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela), Western Europe (Austria, Benelux, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Scandinavia, Spain, Switzerland, U.K.), Central & Eastern Europe (Baltic States, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Poland, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine), Middle East (Bahrain, Iran, Israel, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), Asia Pacific (Australia, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam), Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Libya, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda)

Base Year: 2023

Forecast: 2024-2030

Historical Data: 2020-2023

Quantitative Coverage: Market Size, Market Shares, Market Forecasts, Market Growth Rates, Units Sold, and Average Selling Prices.

Qualitative Coverage: COVID19 Impact, Market Growth Trends, Market Limiters, Competitive Analysis & SWOT for Top Competitors, Mergers & Acquisitions, Company Profiles, Product Portfolios, FDA Recalls, Disruptive Technologies, Disease Overviews.

Data Sources: Primary Interviews with Industry Leaders, Government Physician Data, Regulatory Data, Hospital Private Data, Import & Export Data, iData Research Internal Database.

Table of Contents

Surgical Light Source Market

  • 18.1. Executive Summary
    • 18.1.1. Global Surgical Light Source Market Overview
    • 18.1.2. Competitive Analysis
    • 18.1.3. Regions Included
  • 18.2. Introduction
  • 18.3. Market Analysis and Forecast
  • 18.4. Drivers and Limiters
    • 18.4.1. Market Drivers
    • 18.4.2. Market Limiters
  • 18.5. Competitive Market Share Analysis