
Web 3.0の市場規模、シェア、動向分析レポート:ブロックチェーンタイプ別、用途別、最終用途別、地域別、セグメント別予測、2024年~2030年

Web 3.0 Market Size, Share, & Trends Analysis Report By Blockchain Type (Private, Public, Consortium, Hybrid), By Application, By End Use, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2024 - 2030

出版日: | 発行: Grand View Research | ページ情報: 英文 130 Pages | 納期: 2~10営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
Web 3.0の市場規模、シェア、動向分析レポート:ブロックチェーンタイプ別、用途別、最終用途別、地域別、セグメント別予測、2024年~2030年
出版日: 2024年01月09日
発行: Grand View Research
ページ情報: 英文 130 Pages
納期: 2~10営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

Web 3.0市場の成長と動向:

世界のWeb 3.0市場は、2030年までに335億3,000万米ドルに達すると予測されています。

Grand View Research, Inc.の最新レポートによると、同市場は予測期間中49.3%のCAGRで拡大すると予測されています。分散型アプリケーションにアクセスするために分散型ブロックチェーン技術を使用するユーザーを承認するWeb 3.0の能力は、市場成長を促進する主な要因です。Web 3.0は、ユーザーの検索内容に基づいた認識を提供し、ユーザーがウェブサイト上のデータを管理できるようにします。

Web 3.0技術は、顧客とのコミュニケーション、交流、コミュニティ形成の方法など、顧客体験の向上を目指すソーシャルネットワークプラットフォームでも使用されています。Web 3.0ブロックチェーン技術への投資が増加し、その用途が拡大していることは、業界の成長を促す重要な要因となっています。例えば、金融分析会社であるベンチャーインテリジェンスの統計によると、Web 3.0と暗号の新興企業は、2022年の最初の6ヵ月間に43件の取引で10億米ドル以上の資金を調達しました。

また、世界中の数多くの企業が、新興企業が事業を拡大し、革新的なソリューションを開発できるよう、Web 3.0の実践を開始することに注力しています。例えば、2022年7月、イノベーションエコシステム企業であるKiwiTechは、スタートアップ企業のための次世代ブロックチェーンイノベーションを強化するためのWeb 3.0 Center of Excellenceサービスを開始しました。このようなサービスの立ち上げは、予測期間中に市場に有利な成長機会を生み出すと期待されています。

Web 3.0市場レポートのハイライト

  • 2023年の市場は公共セグメントが支配的でした。このセグメントの成長は、インターネットにアクセスできる人なら誰でも無料で安全に許可なくアクセスできることから、パブリックブロックチェーン技術に対する需要が高まっていることに起因しています。
  • 2023年には、暗号通貨分野が市場を独占しました。企業は高性能な暗号通貨取引サービスをますます必要としています。Web 3.0暗号通貨は、ブロックチェーンとスマートコントラクトを利用して取引を自動化し、第三者機関の必要性を排除します。
  • 小売・eコマース分野は、予測期間中に最も速い成長を記録すると予測されています。コスト削減、決済の迅速化、セキュリティの向上、透明性の向上などのメリットにより、小売・eコマースにおけるWeb 3.0ブロックチェーンに対する需要の高まりが、同分野の成長を促進すると予測されます。
  • アジア太平洋地域市場は、予測期間中に最も急成長する市場になると予想されます。5G、人工知能、機械学習の進歩の増加がアジア太平洋地域の成長を促進する主な要因です。さらに、Web 3.0の研究開発への投資が増加していることも、成長を後押しすると予想されます。
  • 2023年6月、国際セーリング大会SailGPは、オラクル社とのパートナーシップ契約を3年間延長しました。Web 3.0を統合したファンロイヤリティプログラムである「The Dock」は、オラクルカスタマーエクスペリエンス(OCX)によって提供されます。


第1章 調査手法と範囲

第2章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第3章 Web 3.0の市場変数、動向、および範囲

  • 市場イントロダクション/リネージュ展望
  • 業界のバリューチェーン分析
  • 市場力学
    • 市場促進要因分析
    • 市場抑制要因分析
    • 業界の機会
    • 業界の課題
  • Web 3.0市場分析ツール
    • ポーターの分析
    • PESTEL分析

第4章 Web 3.0市場:ブロックチェーンタイプ別の推定・動向分析

  • セグメントダッシュボード
  • Web 3.0市場:ブロックチェーンタイプ別の変動分析(2023年・2030年)
  • パブリック
  • プライベート
  • コンソーシアム
  • ハイブリッド

第5章 Web 3.0市場:用途別の推定・動向分析

  • セグメントダッシュボード
  • Web 3.0市場:用途別の変動分析(2023年・2030年)
  • 暗号通貨
  • 会話型AI
  • データとトランザクションストレージ
  • 支払い
  • スマートコントラクト
  • その他

第6章 Web 3.0市場:最終用途別の推定・動向分析

  • セグメントダッシュボード
  • Web 3.0市場:最終用途別の変動分析(2023年・2030年)
  • BFSI
  • 小売とeコマース
  • メディアとエンターテイメント
  • 医薬品
  • IT・通信
  • その他

第7章 Web 3.0市場:地域別の推定・動向分析

  • Web 3.0市場シェア:地域別(2023年・2030年)
  • 北米
    • 北米のWeb 3.0市場の推計・予測(2019年~2030年)
    • 米国
    • カナダ
  • 欧州
    • 欧州のWeb 3.0市場の推計・予測(2019年~2030年)
    • 英国
    • ドイツ
    • フランス
  • アジア太平洋地域
    • アジア太平洋地域のWeb 3.0市場の推計・予測(2019年~2030年)
    • 中国
    • 日本
    • インド
    • オーストラリア
    • 韓国
  • ラテンアメリカ
    • ラテンアメリカのWeb 3.0市場の推計・予測(2019年~2030年)
    • ブラジル
    • メキシコ
  • 中東・アフリカ
    • 中東・アフリカのWeb 3.0市場の推計・予測(2019年~2030年)
    • サウジアラビア
    • アラブ首長国連邦
    • 南アフリカ

第8章 競合情勢

  • 主要市場参入企業による最近の動向と影響分析
  • 企業の分類
  • 企業の市場ポジショニング
  • 企業の市場シェア分析
  • 企業ヒートマップ分析
  • 戦略マッピング
    • 拡大
    • 合併と買収
    • パートナーシップとコラボレーション
    • 新製品の発売
    • 研究開発
  • 企業プロファイル
    • Web3 Foundation(Polkadot)
    • Helium Systems Inc.
    • Ocean Protocol Foundation Ltd.
    • Zel Technologies Limited.
    • Kusama
    • Livepeer, Inc.
    • Filecoin
    • Kadena LLC
    • Polygon technology
    • Terra

List of Tables

  • TABLE 1 Web 3.0 Market - Industry snapshot & key buying criteria, 2019 - 2030
  • TABLE 2 Global Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 3 Global Web 3.0 Market, by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 4 Global Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 5 Global Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 6 Global Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 7 Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 8 Web 3.0 Market, by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 9 Web 3.0 public blockchain market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 10 Web 3.0 public blockchain market, by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 11 Web 3.0 private blockchain market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 12 Web 3.0 private blockchain market, by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 13 Web 3.0 consortium blockchain market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 14 Web 3.0 consortium blockchain market, by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 15 Web 3.0 hybrid blockchain market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 16 Web 3.0 hybrid blockchain market, by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 17 Web 3.0 Market in cryptocurrency, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 18 Web 3.0 Market in cryptocurrency, by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 19 Web 3.0 Market in conversational AI, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 20 Web 3.0 Market in conversational AI, by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 21 Web 3.0 Market in data & transaction storage, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 22 Web 3.0 Market in data & transaction storage, by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 23 Web 3.0 Market in payments, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 24 Web 3.0 Market in payments, by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 25 Web 3.0 Market in smart contracts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 26 Web 3.0 Market in smart contracts, by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 27 Web 3.0 Market in other applications, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 28 Web 3.0 Market in other applications, by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 29 Web 3.0 Market in BFSI, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 30 Web 3.0 Market in BFSI, by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 31 Web 3.0 Market in retail & e-commerce, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 32 Web 3.0 Market in retail & e-commerce, by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 33 Web 3.0 Market in media & entertainment, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 34 Web 3.0 Market in media & entertainment, by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 35 Web 3.0 Market in pharmaceuticals, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 36 Web 3.0 Market in pharmaceuticals, by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 37 Web 3.0 Market in IT & telecom, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 38 Web 3.0 Market in IT & telecom, by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 39 Web 3.0 Market in others, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 40 Web 3.0 Market in others, by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 41 North America Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 42 North America Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 43 North America Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 44 North America Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 45 U.S. Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 46 U.S. Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 47 U.S. Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 48 U.S. Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 49 Canada Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 50 Canada Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 51 Canada Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 52 Canada Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 53 Europe Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 54 Europe Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 55 Europe Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 56 Europe Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 57 U.K. Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 58 U.K. Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 59 U.K. Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 60 U.K. Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 61 Germany Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 62 Germany Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 63 Germany Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 64 Germany Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 65 France Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 66 France Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 67 France Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 68 France Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 69 Asia Pacific Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 70 Asia Pacific Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 71 Asia Pacific Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 72 Asia Pacific Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 73 China Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 74 China Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 75 China Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 76 China Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 77 India Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 78 India Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 79 India Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 80 India Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 81 Japan Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 82 Japan Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 83 Japan Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 84 Japan Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 85 Australia Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 86 Australia Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 87 Australia Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 88 Australia Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 89 South Korea Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 90 South Korea Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 91 South Korea Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 92 South Korea Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 93 Latin America Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 94 Latin America Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 95 Latin America Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 96 Latin America Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 97 Brazil Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 98 Brazil Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 99 Brazil Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 100 Brazil Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 101 Mexico Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 102 Mexico Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 103 Mexico Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 104 Mexico Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 105 MEA Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 106 MEA Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 107 MEA Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 108 MEA Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 109 Saudi Arabia Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 110 Saudi Arabia Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 111 Saudi Arabia Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 112 Saudi Arabia Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 113 The UAE Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 114 The UAE Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 115 The UAE Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 116 The UAE Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 117 South Africa Web 3.0 Market, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 118 South Africa Web 3.0 Market, by blockchain type, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 119 South Africa Web 3.0 Market, by application, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • TABLE 120 South Africa Web 3.0 Market, by end use, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)

List of Figures

  • FIG. 1 Web 3.0 Market Segmentation
  • FIG. 2 Information Procurement
  • FIG. 3 Data Analysis Models
  • FIG. 4 Market Formulation and Validation
  • FIG. 5 Data Validating & Publishing
  • FIG. 6 Market Snapshot
  • FIG. 7 Segment Snapshot (1/2)
  • FIG. 8 Segment Snapshot (2/2)
  • FIG. 9 Competitive Landscape Snapshot
  • FIG. 10 Web 3.0 Market: Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • FIG. 11 Web 3.0 Market: Market Dynamics
  • FIG. 12 Web 3.0 Market: PORTER's Analysis
  • FIG. 13 Web 3.0 Market: PESTEL Analysis
  • FIG. 14 Web 3.0 Market, by Blockchain Type: Key Takeaways
  • FIG. 15 Web 3.0 Market, by Blockchain Type: Market Share, 2023 & 2030
  • FIG. 16 Public Web 3.0 Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Million)
  • FIG. 17 Private Web 3.0 Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Million)
  • FIG. 18 Consortium Web 3.0 Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Million)
  • FIG. 19 Hybrid Web 3.0 Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Million)
  • FIG. 20 Web 3.0 Market, by Application: Key Takeaways
  • FIG. 21 Web 3.0 Market, by Application: Market Share, 2023 & 2030
  • FIG. 22 Cryptocurrency Web 3.0 Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Million)
  • FIG. 23 Conversational AI Web 3.0 Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Million)
  • FIG. 24 Data & Transaction Storage Web 3.0 Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Million)
  • FIG. 25 Payments Web 3.0 Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Million)
  • FIG. 26 Smart Contract Web 3.0 Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Million)
  • FIG. 27 Others Web 3.0 Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Million)
  • FIG. 28 Web 3.0 Market, by End Use: Key Takeaways
  • FIG. 29 Web 3.0 Market, by End Use: Market Share, 2023 & 2030
  • FIG. 30 BFSI Web 3.0 Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Million)
  • FIG. 31 Retail & E-commerce Web 3.0 Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Million)
  • FIG. 32 Media & Entertainment Web 3.0 Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Million)
  • FIG. 3 Pharmaceuticals Web 3.0 Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Million)
  • FIG. 34 IT & Telecom Web 3.0 Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Million)
  • FIG. 35 Others Web 3.0 Market Estimates & Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (Revenue, USD Million)
  • FIG. 36 Web 3.0 Market Revenue, by Region, 2023 & 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 37 Regional Marketplace: Key Takeaways
  • FIG. 38 Regional Marketplace: Key Takeaways
  • FIG. 39 North America Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 40 U.S. Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 41 Canada Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 42 Europe Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 43 U.K. Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 44 Germany Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 45 France Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 46 Asia Pacific Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 47 China Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 48 Japan Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 49 India Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 50 Australia Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 51 South Korea Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 52 Latin America Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 53 Brazil Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 54 Mexico Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 55 MEA Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 56 KSA Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 57 The UAE Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 58 South Africa Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • FIG. 59 Key Company Categorization
  • FIG. 60 Company Market Positioning
  • FIG. 61 Key Company Market Share Analysis, 2023
  • FIG. 62 Strategic Framework
Product Code: GVR-4-68040-184-4

Web 3.0 Market Growth & Trends:

The global Web 3.0 market is anticipated to reach USD 33.53 billion by 2030. The market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 49.3% during the forecast period, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The ability of Web 3.0 to authorize the users to use the decentralized blockchain technology for accessing the decentralized applications is the major factor driving the market growth. Web 3.0 provides perception based on the users' search content and allows them to control their data on websites.

Web 3.0 technology is also used in social network platforms that aim to improve the customer experience, such as how customers communicate, interact and form communities. Rising investments in Web 3.0 blockchain technology to expand its application is a significant factor driving the growth of the industry. For instance, according to the statistics of Venture Intelligence, a financial analysis company, Web 3.0 and crypto startups have raised more than USD 1 billion in funding across 43 deals in the first six months of 2022.

Numerous companies across the globe are also focusing on launching Web 3.0 practices to help startups scale their businesses and develop innovative solutions. For instance, in July 2022, KiwiTech, an innovation ecosystem company, launched a Web 3.0 Center of Excellence service to empower the next-generation blockchain innovations for startup companies. Such a launch of services is expected to create lucrative growth opportunities for the market during the forecast period.

Web 3.0 Market Report Highlights:

  • The public segment dominated the market in 2023. The growth of the segment can be attributed to the increased demand for public blockchain technology owing to the free, secure, and permissionless accessibility to anyone with internet access.
  • The cryptocurrency segment dominated the market in 2023. Enterprises are increasingly in need of high-performance cryptocurrency transaction services. Web 3.0 cryptocurrencies use blockchain and smart contracts to automate transactions and eliminate the need for a third-party entity which is anticipated to support the segment's growth.
  • The retail & e-commerce segment is anticipated to register the fastest growth over the forecast period. Increasing demand for Web 3.0 blockchain in retail & e-commerce owing to benefits such as reduced costs, faster payments, improved security, and increased transparency is expected to fuel the segment's growth.
  • The Asia Pacific regional market is anticipated to emerge as the fastest-growing market during the projection period. The increasing advancements in 5G, artificial intelligence, and machine learning is the major factor driving the growth of the Asia Pacific region. Moreover, growing investments in research & development of Web 3.0 is anticipated to aid the growth.
  • In June 2023, SailGP, an international sailing competition extended its partnership agreement for additional three years with Oracle Corporation. 'The Dock', a Web 3.0-integrated fan loyalty programme will be powered by Oracle Customer Experience (OCX).

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Methodology and Scope

  • 1.1. Market Segmentation and Scope
  • 1.2. Market Definitions
  • 1.3. Research Methodology
    • 1.3.1. Information Procurement
    • 1.3.2. Information or Data Analysis
    • 1.3.3. Market Formulation & Data Visualization
    • 1.3.4. Data Validation & Publishing
  • 1.4. Research Scope and Assumptions
    • 1.4.1. List of Data Sources

Chapter 2. Executive Summary

  • 2.1. Market Outlook
  • 2.2. Segment Outlook
  • 2.3. Competitive Insights

Chapter 3. Web 3.0 Market Variables, Trends, & Scope

  • 3.1. Market Introduction/Lineage Outlook
  • 3.2. Industry Value Chain Analysis
  • 3.3. Market Dynamics
    • 3.3.1. Market Drivers Analysis
      • Data ownership shifting toward the users
      • Rapid innovations in technology
    • 3.3.2. Market Restraints Analysis
      • Lack of awareness about Web 3.0 blockchain
    • 3.3.3. Industry Opportunities
    • 3.3.4. Industry Challenges
  • 3.4. Web 3.0 Market Analysis Tools
    • 3.4.1. Porter's Analysis
      • Bargaining power of the suppliers
      • Bargaining power of the buyers
      • Threats of substitution
      • Threats from new entrants
      • Competitive rivalry
    • 3.4.2. PESTEL Analysis
      • Political landscape
      • Economic and Social landscape
      • Technological landscape
      • Environmental landscape
      • Legal landscape

Chapter 4. Web 3.0 Market: Blockchain Type Estimates & Trend Analysis

  • 4.1. Segment Dashboard
  • 4.2. Web 3.0 Market: Blockchain Type Movement Analysis, USD Million, 2023 & 2030
  • 4.3. Public
    • 4.3.1. Public Market Revenue Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 4.4. Private
    • 4.4.1. Private Market Revenue Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 4.5. Consortium
    • 4.5.1. Consortium Market Revenue Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 4.6. Hybrid
    • 4.6.1. Hybrid Market Revenue Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)

Chapter 5. Web 3.0 Market: Application Estimates & Trend Analysis

  • 5.1. Segment Dashboard
  • 5.2. Web 3.0 Market: Application Movement Analysis, USD Million, 2023 & 2030
  • 5.3. Cryptocurrency
    • 5.3.1. Cryptocurrency Market Revenue Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 5.4. Conversational AI
    • 5.4.1. Conversational AI Market Revenue Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 5.5. Data & Transaction Storage
    • 5.5.1. Data & Transaction Storage Market Revenue Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 5.6. Payments
    • 5.6.1. Payments Market Revenue Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 5.7. Smart Contracts
    • 5.7.1. Smart Contracts Market Revenue Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 5.8. Others
    • 5.8.1. Others Market Revenue Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)

Chapter 6. Web 3.0 Market: End Use Estimates & Trend Analysis

  • 6.1. Segment Dashboard
  • 6.2. Web 3.0 Market: End Use Movement Analysis, USD Million, 2023 & 2030
  • 6.3. BFSI
    • 6.3.1. BFSI Market Revenue Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 6.4. Retail & E-commerce
    • 6.4.1. Retail & E-commerce Market Revenue Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 6.5. Media & Entertainment
    • 6.5.1. Media & Entertainment Market Revenue Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 6.6. Pharmaceuticals
    • 6.6.1. Pharmaceuticals Market Revenue Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 6.7. IT & Telecom
    • 6.7.1. IT & Telecom Market Revenue Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 6.8. Others
    • 6.8.1. Others Market Revenue Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)

Chapter 7. Web 3.0 Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis

  • 7.1. Web 3.0 Market Share, By Region, 2023 & 2030, USD Million
  • 7.2. North America
    • 7.2.1. North America Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 7.2.2. U.S.
      • U.S. Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 7.2.3. Canada
      • Canada Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 7.3. Europe
    • 7.3.1. Europe Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 7.3.2. U.K.
      • U.K. Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 7.3.3. Germany
      • Germany Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 7.3.4. France
      • France Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 7.4. Asia Pacific
    • 7.4.1. Asia Pacific Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 7.4.2. China
      • China Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 7.4.3. Japan
      • Japan Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 7.4.4. India
      • India Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 7.4.5. Australia
      • Australia Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 7.4.6. South Korea
      • South Korea Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 7.5. Latin America
    • 7.5.1. Latin America Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 7.5.2. Brazil
      • Brazil Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 7.5.3. Mexico
      • Mexico Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • 7.6. Middle East and Africa
    • 7.6.1. Middle East and Africa Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 7.6.2. Saudi Arabia
      • Saudi Arabia Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 7.6.3. UAE
      • UAE Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)
    • 7.6.4. South Africa
      • South Africa Web 3.0 Market Estimates and Forecasts, 2019 - 2030 (USD Million)

Chapter 8. Competitive Landscape

  • 8.1. Recent Developments & Impact Analysis by Key Market Participants
  • 8.2. Company Categorization
  • 8.3. Company Market Positioning
  • 8.4. Company Market Share Analysis
  • 8.5. Company Heat Map Analysis
  • 8.6. Strategy Mapping
    • 8.6.1. Expansion
    • 8.6.2. Mergers & Acquisition
    • 8.6.3. Partnerships & Collaborations
    • 8.6.4. New Product Launches
    • 8.6.5. Research And Development
  • 8.7. Company Profiles
    • 8.7.1. Web3 Foundation (Polkadot)
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 8.7.2. Helium Systems Inc.
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 8.7.3. Ocean Protocol Foundation Ltd.
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 8.7.4. Zel Technologies Limited.
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 8.7.5. Kusama
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 8.7.6. Livepeer, Inc.
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 8.7.7. Filecoin
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 8.7.8. Kadena LLC
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 8.7.9. Polygon technology
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments
    • 8.7.10. Terra
      • Participant's Overview
      • Financial Performance
      • Product Benchmarking
      • Recent Developments