

Natural Language Processing Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Component, By Deployment Model, By Enterprise Size, By Type, By Application, By End-use, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2023 - 2030

出版日: | 発行: Grand View Research | ページ情報: 英文 100 Pages | 納期: 2~10営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2023年01月02日
発行: Grand View Research
ページ情報: 英文 100 Pages
納期: 2~10営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次


Grand View Research, Inc.の新しい調査によると、世界の自然言語処理市場規模は、2023年から2030年までCAGR40.4%で拡大し、2030年までに4398億5000万米ドルに達すると推定されています。機械学習は、AIの進歩に伴い、主にテキスト分析における自然言語処理(NLP)技術において重要な役割を果たすと予測されています。将来的には、教師なし学習と教師あり学習により、機械学習エンジンはより詳細な評価を行うことができるようになるでしょう。ソーシャルメディアの進化に伴い、ビジネス上の意思決定において、より優れた役割を果たすことが期待されています。例えば、ある企業は、いくつかのNLPツールを使って、ソーシャルメディア・プラットフォームや四半期報告書作成時のニュースにおける顧客の評価、フィードバック、自社のビジネスに関するコメントなどを追跡することができます。



自然言語処理は、膨大な量の患者データの検索、分析、理解により、ヘルスケア分野で人気を博しています。ヘルスケアにおける機械学習とNLPテクノロジーサービスは、高度な医療用アルゴリズムを用いて、これまでテキスト形式で埋もれていると考えられていたデータから適切な概念と洞察を抽出することができます。ヘルスケアメディアでは、NLPは非構造化データに効果的に音声を与え、品質の理解、プロセスの強化、患者転帰の向上に関する大きな洞察を提供することができます。For Instance, 2022年7月、GoogleはAutoML Entity Extraction for Healthcareという無償ツールをリリースし、コーディングの専門知識が乏しい医療従事者向けにローコード化も行っています。さらに、医療データからより具体的な情報を導き出すためにカスタマイズされたヘルスケア自然言語モデルの開発に使用され、医療記録のより本質的な詳細を理解するのに役立っています。







第1章 調査手法と範囲

  • 情報調達と調査範囲
  • 情報分析
  • 市場形成とデータ可視化
  • 市場の範囲と前提
    • 二次情報
    • 一次情報

第2章 エグゼクティブサマリー

  • 市場の見通し
  • 世界
  • セグメント別動向

第3章 自然言語処理市場の変数、動向、範囲

  • 市場セグメンテーションと範囲
  • 自然言語処理-バリューチェーン分析
  • 市場力学
    • 市場促進要因
      • クラウドベースのソリューションの採用の増加
      • クラウドベースのソリューションに対する新たな需要
      • テキストベースの分析に対する需要の増加
    • 市場抑制要因
      • NLP技術の開発における限界
  • 業界分析- ポーターズ
    • サプライヤーの力
    • 買い手の交渉力
    • 代替の脅威
    • 新規参入者からの脅威
    • 競争企業間の敵対関係
  • 主な機会- 優先順位付け
  • 自然言語処理-PEST分析
    • 政治的
    • 経済的
    • 社交
    • 技術的な

第4章 自然言語処理市場:コンポーネントの展望

  • コンポーネント別の自然言語処理市場シェア、2021年および2030年
  • 解決
  • サービス

第5章 自然言語処理市場:展開の見通し

  • 展開別の自然言語処理市場シェア、2021年および2030年
  • クラウド
  • オンプレミス

第6章 自然言語処理市場:企業規模の見通し

  • 企業規模別自然言語処理市場シェア、2021年および2030年
  • 大企業
  • 中小企業

第7章 自然言語処理市場:Type Outlook

  • タイプ別の自然言語処理市場シェア、2021年および2030年
  • 統計的自然言語処理
  • ルールベースのNLP
  • ハイブリッド NLP

第8章 自然言語処理市場:アプリケーションの展望

  • アプリケーション別の自然言語処理市場シェア、2021年および2030年
  • 感情分析
  • データ抽出
  • リスクと脅威の検出
  • 自動要約
  • コンテンツ管理
  • 言語採点
  • その他

第9章 自然言語処理:最終用途の展望

  • 最終用途別の自然言語処理市場シェア、2021年および2030年
  • BFSI
  • ITと通信
  • ヘルスケア
  • 教育
  • メディア &エンターテイメント
  • 小売およびeコマース
  • その他

第10章 自然言語処理:地域の展望

  • 北米
    • 米国
    • カナダ
    • メキシコ
  • 欧州
    • ドイツ
    • 英国
    • フランス
  • アジア太平洋地域
    • 中国
    • 日本
    • インド
  • 南米
    • ブラジル
  • MEA

第11章 競合情勢

  • 3M
    • 会社概要
    • 財務実績
    • 製品のベンチマーク
    • 最近の開発
  • Apple Inc.
    • 会社概要
    • 財務実績
    • 製品のベンチマーク
    • 最近の開発
  • Amazon Web Services, Inc.
    • 会社概要
    • 財務実績
    • 製品のベンチマーク
    • 最近の開発
  • Baidu Inc.
    • 会社概要
    • 財務実績
    • 製品のベンチマーク
    • 最近の開発
  • Crayon Data
    • 会社概要
    • 財務実績
    • 製品のベンチマーク
    • 最近の開発
  • Google LLC
    • 会社概要
    • 財務実績
    • 製品のベンチマーク
    • 最近の開発
  • Health Fidelity
    • 会社概要
    • 財務実績
    • 製品のベンチマーク
    • 最近の開発
  • IBM Corporation
    • 会社概要
    • 財務実績
    • 製品のベンチマーク
    • 最近の開発
  • Inbenta
    • 会社概要
    • 製品のベンチマーク
    • 最近の開発
    • 会社概要
    • 製品のベンチマーク
    • 最近の開発
  • Meta Platforms Inc.
    • 会社概要
    • 財務実績
    • 製品のベンチマーク
    • 最近の開発
  • Microsoft Corporation
    • 会社概要
    • 財務実績
    • 製品のベンチマーク
    • 最近の開発
  • Oracle Inc.
    • 会社概要
    • 財務実績
    • 製品のベンチマーク
    • 最近の開発
  • SAS Institute Inc.
    • 会社概要
    • 財務実績
    • 製品のベンチマーク
    • 最近の開発

List of Tables

  • Table 1 Natural Language Processing Market - Industry Snapshot & Key Buying Criteria, 2017 - 2030
  • Table 2 Natural Language Processing Market, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 3 Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 4 Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 5 Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 6 Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 7 Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 8 Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 9 Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 10 Key Market Driver Impact
  • Table 11 Key Market Restraint Impact
  • Table 12 Key Market Opportunity Impact
  • Table 13 List of Key Market Players
  • Table 14 Solution, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 15 Services, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 16 Cloud Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 17 On-Premise Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 18 Large Enterprises Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 19 Small and Medium Enterprises Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 20 Statistical NLP Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 21 Rule-Based NLP Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 22 Hybrid NLP Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 23 Sentiment Analysis Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 24 Data Extraction Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 25 Risk and Threat Detection Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 26 Automatic Summarization Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 27 Content Management Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 28 Language Scoring Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 29 Others Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 30 BFSI Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 31 IT & Telecommunication Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 32 Healthcare Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 33 Education Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 34 Media & Entertainment Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 35 Retail & E-commerce Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 36 Others Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 37 North America Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 38 North America Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 39 North America Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 40 North America Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 41 North America Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 42 North America Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 43 U.S. Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 44 U.S. Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 45 U.S. Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 46 U.S. Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 47 U.S. Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 48 U.S. Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 49 Canada Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 50 Canada Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 51 Canada Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 52 Canada Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 53 Canada Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 54 Canada Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 55 Mexico Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 56 Mexico Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 57 Mexico Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 58 Mexico Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 59 Mexico Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 60 Mexico Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 61 Europe Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 62 Europe Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 63 Europe Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 64 Europe Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 65 Europe Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 66 Europe Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 67 Germany Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 68 Germany Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 69 Germany Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 70 Germany Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 71 Germany Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 72 Germany Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 73 U.K. Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 74 U.K. Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 75 U.K. Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 76 U.K. Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 77 U.K. Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 78 U.K. Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 79 France Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 80 France Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 81 France Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 82 France Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 83 France Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 84 France Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 85 Asia Pacific Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 86 Asia Pacific Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 87 Asia Pacific Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 88 Asia Pacific Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 89 Asia Pacific Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 90 Asia Pacific Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 91 China Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 92 China Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 93 China Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 94 China Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 95 China Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 96 China Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 97 Japan Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 98 Japan Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 99 Japan Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 100 Japan Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 101 Japan Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 102 Japan Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 103 India Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 104 India Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 105 India Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 106 India Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 107 India Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 108 India Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 109 South America Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 110 South America Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 111 South America Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 112 South America Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 113 South America Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 114 South America Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 115 Brazil Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 116 Brazil Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 117 Brazil Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 118 Brazil Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 119 Brazil Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 120 Brazil Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 121 MEA Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 122 MEA Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 123 MEA Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 124 MEA Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 125 MEA Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 126 MEA Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 127 MEA Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)
  • Table 128 MEA Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million)

List of Figures

  • Fig. 1 Research Process
  • Fig. 2 Market Formulation
  • Fig. 3 Market Segmentation and Scope
  • Fig. 4 Natural Language Processing Market, 2017 - 2030
  • Fig. 5 Key Opportunities Analysis
  • Fig. 6 Natural Language Processing- Value Chain Analysis
  • Fig. 7 Natural Language Processing Market Dynamics
  • Fig. 8 Industry Analysis - Porter's Five Forces Analysis
  • Fig. 9 Natural Language Processing- Pest Analysis
  • Fig. 10 Natural Language Processing Market Share by Component, 2021 & 2030
  • Fig. 11 Natural Language Processing Market Share by Deployment, 2021 & 2030
  • Fig. 12 Natural Language Processing Market Share by Enterprise Size, 2021 & 2030
  • Fig. 13 Natural Language Processing Market Share by Type, 2021 & 2030
  • Fig. 14 Natural Language Processing Market Share by Application, 2021 & 2030
  • Fig. 15 Natural Language Processing Market Share by End-use, 2021 & 2030
  • Fig. 16 Natural Language Processing Market Share by Region, 2021 & 2030
  • Fig. 17 North America Marketplace: Key Takeaways
  • Fig. 18 Europe Marketplace: Key Takeaways
  • Fig. 19 Asia Pacific Marketplace: Key Takeaways
  • Fig. 20 South America Marketplace: Key Takeaways
  • Fig. 21 MEA Marketplace: Key Takeaways
Product Code: GVR-4-68040-020-4

Natural Language Processing Market Growth & Trends:

The global natural language processing market size is estimated to reach USD 439.85 billion by 2030, expanding at a CAGR of 40.4% from 2023 to 2030, according to a new study by Grand View Research, Inc. Machine learning is predicted to play a critical role in natural language processing (NLP) techniques, mostly in text analytics, as AI advances. In the future, unsupervised and supervised learning will enable machine-learning engines to undertake more in-depth assessments. According to their ongoing evolution, social media platforms are expected to play a superior role in business decisions. A company, for instance, can rely on several NLP tools to track customer evaluations, feedback, and comments about their business on social media platforms and in the news around the time of a quarterly report.

Factors such as increased usage of smart devices to facilitate smart environments boost market growth. Additionally, the demand for NLP technologies is expanding owing to the rising demand for sophisticated text analytics and increasing internet and connected device usage. In addition, NLP-based apps are increasingly being used across industries to enhance customer experience. Additional profitable market expansion potentials are anticipated due to rising healthcare sector investments. However, constraints in the development of NLP technology utilizing neural networks and complexity associated with the use of code-mixed language during the implementation of NLP solutions constrain the use of cloud-based services, which can create hindrances for market growth.

Companies with huge amounts of spoken or unstructured text data can effectively discover, collect, and analyze dark data issues to the growing pragmatic application of NLP. The usage of NLP is anticipated to increase in areas like semantic search and intelligent chatbots that need to comprehend user intent. The abundance of natural language technologies is expected to endure to shape the communication capability of cognitive computing and the expanding utilization of deep learning and unsupervised and supervised machine learning. Intelligent data for businesses to develop plans, NLP is essential for tracking and monitoring market intelligence reports.

Natural language processing is gaining popularity in the healthcare sector due to the search, analysis, and understanding of massive volumes of patient data. Machine learning in healthcare and NLP technology services can extract pertinent concepts and insights from data previously thought to be buried in text form using advanced medical algorithms. In healthcare media, NLP can effectively give voice to unstructured data, providing great insight into understanding quality, enhancing processes, and increasing patient outcomes. For Instance, In July 2022, Google released a free tool called AutoML Entity Extraction for Healthcare, which is also low-code for healthcare professionals with limited coding expertise. Moreover, it is used to develop Healthcare Natural Language models customized to derive more specific information from medical data, which helps understand more essential details in medical records.

North America is one of the most important marketplaces for natural language processing owing to the early adoption of advanced technologies in the countries from the region. The U.S. has an advantage in innovation because it is home to the majority of the key vendors in the industry. Additionally, the regional governments are promoting AI, ML, and NLP technologies, creating a favorable environment for market vendors to increase their presence in the region.

Natural Language Processing Market Report Highlights:

  • The healthcare segment appeared as the largest segment in the terms of revenue share throughout the forecast period. However, the IT & Telecommunication segment is projected to expand with the highest growth rate
  • Data extraction emerged as the largest segment in 2022 and is projected to generate revenue of over USD 77.00 billion by 2030
  • Asia Pacific is projected to witness the highest CAGR of 42.7% and is estimated to reach USD 115.24 billion by 2030. The NLP market is projected to expand with rising demand for better customer experiences, growing smart device usage, and expanding application options

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Methodology and Scope

  • 1.1 Information Procurement and Research Scope
  • 1.2 Information Analysis
  • 1.3 Market Formulation & Data Visualization
  • 1.4 Market Scope and Assumptions
    • 1.4.1 Secondary Sources
    • 1.4.2 Primary Sources

Chapter 2 Executive Summary

  • 2.1 Market Outlook
  • 2.2 Global
    • 2.2.1 Natural Language Processing Market, 2017 - 2030
    • 2.2.2 Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030
    • 2.2.3 Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030
    • 2.2.4 Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030
    • 2.2.5 Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030
    • 2.2.6 Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030
    • 2.2.7 Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030
    • 2.2.8 Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030
  • 2.3 Segmental Trends

Chapter 3 Natural Language Processing Market Variables, Trends & Scope

  • 3.1 Market Segmentation & Scope
  • 3.2 Natural Language Processing- Value Chain Analysis
  • 3.3 Market Dynamics
    • 3.3.1 Market Drivers
      • Increasing adoption of a cloud-based solution
      • Emerging demand for cloud-based solution
      • Increasing demand for text-based analytics
    • 3.3.2 Market Restraints
      • Limitations in the development of NLP technology
  • 3.4 Industry Analysis - Porter's
    • 3.4.1 Supplier Power
    • 3.4.2 Buyer Power
    • 3.4.3 Substitution Threat
    • 3.4.4 Threat From New Entrant
    • 3.4.5 Competitive Rivalry
  • 3.5 Key Opportunities - Prioritized
  • 3.6 Natural Language Processing- PEST Analysis
    • 3.6.1 Political
    • 3.6.2 Economic
    • 3.6.3 Social
    • 3.6.4 Technological

Chapter 4 Natural Language Processing Market: Component Outlook

  • 4.1 Natural Language Processing Market Share by Component, 2021 & 2030
  • 4.2 Solution
    • 4.2.1 Solution Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030
  • 4.3 Services
    • 4.3.1 Services Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030

Chapter 5 Natural Language Processing Market: Deployment Outlook

  • 5.1 Natural Language Processing Market Share by Deployment, 2021 & 2030
  • 5.2 Cloud
    • 5.2.1 Cloud Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030
  • 5.3 On-Premise
    • 5.3.1 On-Premise Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030

Chapter 6 Natural Language Processing Market: Enterprise Size Outlook

  • 6.1 Natural Language Processing Market Share by Enterprise Size, 2021 & 2030
  • 6.2 Large Enterprises
    • 6.2.1 Large Enterprises Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030
  • 6.3 Small and Medium Enterprises
    • 6.3.1 Small and Medium Enterprises Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030

Chapter 7 Natural Language Processing Market: Type Outlook

  • 7.1 Natural Language Processing Market Share by Type, 2021 & 2030
  • 7.2 Statistical NLP
    • 7.2.1 Statistical NLP Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030
  • 7.3 Rule-Based NLP
    • 7.3.1 Rule-Based NLP Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030
  • 7.4 Hybrid NLP
    • 7.4.1 Hybrid NLP Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030

Chapter 8 Natural Language Processing Market: Application Outlook

  • 8.1 Natural Language Processing Market Share by Application, 2021 & 2030
  • 8.2 Sentiment Analysis
    • 8.2.1 Sentiment Analysis Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030
  • 8.3 Data Extraction
    • 8.3.1 Data Extraction Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030
  • 8.4 Risk & Threat Detection
    • 8.4.1 Risk & Threat Detection Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030
  • 8.5 Automatic Summarization
    • 8.5.1 Automatic Summarization Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030
  • 8.6 Content Management
    • 8.6.1 Content Management Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030
  • 8.7 Language Scoring
    • 8.7.1 Language Scoring Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030
  • 8.8 Others
    • 8.8.1 Others Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030

Chapter 9 Natural Language Processing: End-use Outlook

  • 9.1 Natural Language Processing Market Share by End-use, 2021 & 2030
  • 9.2 BFSI
    • 9.2.1 BFSI Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030
  • 9.3 IT & Telecommunication
    • 9.3.1 IT & Telecommunication Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030
  • 9.4 Healthcare
    • 9.4.1 Healthcare Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030
  • 9.5 Education
    • 9.5.1 Education Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030
  • 9.6 Media & Entertainment
    • 9.6.1 Media & Entertainment Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030
  • 9.7 Retail & E-commerce
    • 9.7.1 Retail & E-commerce Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030
  • 9.8 Others
    • 9.8.1 Others Natural Language Processing Market, by Region, 2017 - 2030

Chapter 10 Natural Language Processing: Regional Outlook

  • 10.1 North America
    • 10.1.1 North America Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.1.2 North America Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.1.3 North America Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.1.4 North America Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.1.5 North America Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.1.6 North America Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.1.7 U.S.
      • U.S. Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030
      • U.S. Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030
      • U.S. Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030
      • U.S. Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030
      • U.S. Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030
      • U.S. Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.1.8 Canada
      • Canada Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030
      • Canada Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030
      • Canada Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030
      • Canada Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030
      • Canada Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030
      • Canada Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.1.9 Mexico
      • Mexico Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030
      • Mexico Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030
      • Mexico Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030
      • Mexico Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030
      • Mexico Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030
      • Mexico Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030
  • 10.2 Europe
    • 10.2.1 Europe Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.2.2 Europe Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.2.3 Europe Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.2.4 Europe Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.2.5 Europe Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.2.6 Europe Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.2.7 Germany
      • Germany Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030
      • Germany Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030
      • Germany Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030
      • Germany Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030
      • Germany Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030
      • Germany Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.2.8 U.K.
      • U.K. Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030
      • U.K. Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030
      • U.K. Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030
      • U.K. Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030
      • U.K. Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030
      • U.K. Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.2.9 France
      • France Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030
      • France Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030
      • France Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030
      • France Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030
      • France Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030
      • France Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030
  • 10.3 Asia Pacific
    • 10.3.1 Asia Pacific Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.3.2 Asia Pacific Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.3.3 Asia Pacific Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.3.4 Asia Pacific Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.3.5 Asia Pacific Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.3.6 Asia Pacific Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.3.7 China
      • China Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030
      • China Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030
      • China Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030
      • China Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030
      • China Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030
      • China Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.3.8 Japan
      • Japan Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030
      • Japan Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030
      • Japan Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030
      • Japan Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030
      • Japan Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030
      • Japan Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.3.9 India
      • India Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030
      • India Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030
      • India Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030
      • India Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030
      • India Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030
      • India Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030
  • 10.4 South America
    • 10.4.1 South America Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.4.2 South America Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.4.3 South America Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.4.4 South America Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.4.5 South America Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.4.6 South America Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.4.7 Brazil
      • Brazil Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030
      • Brazil Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030
      • Brazil Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030
      • Brazil Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030
      • Brazil Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030
      • Brazil Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030
  • 10.5 MEA
    • 10.5.1 MEA Natural Language Processing Market, by Component, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.5.2 MEA Natural Language Processing Market, by Deployment, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.5.3 MEA Natural Language Processing Market, by Enterprise Size, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.5.4 MEA Natural Language Processing Market, by Type, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.5.5 MEA Natural Language Processing Market, by Application, 2017 - 2030
    • 10.5.6 MEA Natural Language Processing Market, by End-use, 2017 - 2030

Chapter 11 Competitive Landscape

  • 11.1 3M
    • 11.1.1 Company Overview
    • 11.1.2 Financial Performance
    • 11.1.3 Product Benchmarking
    • 11.1.4 Recent Developments
  • 11.2 Apple Inc.
    • 11.2.1 Company Overview
    • 11.2.2 Financial Performance
    • 11.2.3 Product Benchmarking
    • 11.2.4 Recent Developments
  • 11.3 Amazon Web Services, Inc.
    • 11.3.1 Company Overview
    • 11.3.2 Financial Performance
    • 11.3.3 Product Benchmarking
    • 11.3.4 Recent Developments
  • 11.4 Baidu Inc.
    • 11.4.1 Company Overview
    • 11.4.2 Financial Performance
    • 11.4.3 Product Benchmarking
    • 11.4.4 Recent Developments
  • 11.5 Crayon Data
    • 11.5.1 Company Overview
    • 11.5.2 Financial Performance
    • 11.5.3 Product Benchmarking
    • 11.5.4 Recent Developments
  • 11.6 Google LLC
    • 11.6.1 Company Overview
    • 11.6.2 Financial Performance
    • 11.6.3 Product Benchmarking
    • 11.6.4 Recent Developments
  • 11.7 Health Fidelity
    • 11.7.1 Company Overview
    • 11.7.2 Financial Performance
    • 11.7.3 Product Benchmarking
    • 11.7.4 Recent Developments
  • 11.8 IBM Corporation
    • 11.8.1 Company Overview
    • 11.8.2 Financial Performance
    • 11.8.3 Product Benchmarking
    • 11.8.4 Recent Developments
  • 11.9 Inbenta
    • 11.9.1 Company Overview
    • 11.9.2 Product Benchmarking
    • 11.9.3 Recent Developments
  • 11.10 IQVIA
    • 11.10.1 Company Overview
    • 11.10.2 Product Benchmarking
    • 11.10.3 Recent Developments
  • 11.11 Meta Platforms Inc.
    • 11.11.1 Company Overview
    • 11.11.2 Financial Performance
    • 11.11.3 Product Benchmarking
    • 11.11.4 Recent Developments
  • 11.12 Microsoft Corporation
    • 11.12.1 Company Overview
    • 11.12.2 Financial Performance
    • 11.12.3 Product Benchmarking
    • 11.12.4 Recent Developments
  • 11.13 Oracle Inc.
    • 11.13.1 Company Overview
    • 11.13.2 Financial Performance
    • 11.13.3 Product Benchmarking
    • 11.13.4 Recent Developments
  • 11.14 SAS Institute Inc.
    • 11.14.1 Company Overview
    • 11.14.2 Financial Performance
    • 11.14.3 Product Benchmarking
    • 11.14.4 Recent Developments