中古カメラレンズ市場の成長機会、成長促進要因、産業動向分析、2024~2032年予測Secondhand Camera Lens Market Opportunity, Growth Drivers, Industry Trend Analysis, and Forecast 2024 - 2032 |
中古カメラレンズ市場の成長機会、成長促進要因、産業動向分析、2024~2032年予測 |
出版日: 2024年10月31日
発行: Global Market Insights Inc.
ページ情報: 英文 220 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
この利便性は、高品質でありながら手頃な価格のレンズを好む消費者の増加と相まって、中古レンズの魅力を高めています。市場はレンズタイプによって区分され、標準、広角、望遠、その他に分類されます。2023年には、約7億米ドルと評価された望遠レンズが主要セグメントであり、2032年までCAGR 6.1%で成長すると予想されています。焦点距離が長く視野が狭いことで知られる望遠レンズは、遠くの被写体に明確なピントを合わせ、特定タイプの写真撮影に人気があります。望遠レンズには、プライム(単焦点)レンズとズームレンズがあり、さまざまなユーザーの好みに対応しています。
標準レンズの需要も高く、特に汎用性の高い50mm前後の焦点距離は、強い画質と鮮明さを実現します。これらのレンズは、ポートレートからストリート写真まで、様々な写真スタイルに適応できるため、アマチュアやプロの写真家に人気があります。市場はさらに、レンズマウントタイプによって、Sマウント、Cマウント、CSマウント、Fマウント、Tマウント、その他に区分されます。Cマウントセグメントは2023年に市場シェアの約21%を占め、予測期間中にCAGR 6.5%で拡大すると予測されています。
市場範囲 | |
開始年 | 2023年 |
予測年 | 2024~2032年 |
開始金額 | 25億米ドル |
予測金額 | 41億米ドル |
CAGR | 5.8% |
The Global Secondhand Camera Lens Market was valued at USD 2.5 billion in 2023, with projections suggesting a CAGR of 5.8% from 2024 to 2032. This market expansion is largely driven by demand from amateur photographers and students who prioritize affordability, making used camera lenses a practical alternative to new models. The ongoing shift from DSLR to mirrorless systems has also contributed to a larger supply of secondhand DSLR lenses, increasing choices for budget-focused buyers. The rise of online platforms has further simplified buying and selling secondhand lenses. Enhanced search capabilities and improved user interfaces allow buyers to browse a variety of lenses and make informed choices more easily.
This convenience, coupled with consumers' growing preference for high-quality yet affordable lenses, has bolstered the appeal of secondhand options. The market is segmented by lens type, with categories including standard, wide-angle, telephoto, and others. In 2023, telephoto lenses-valued at approximately USD 0.7 billion-were a major segment, expected to grow at a 6.1% CAGR through 2032. Known for their long focal lengths and narrower field of view, telephoto lenses bring distant subjects into clear focus, making them popular for specific types of photography. They are available in prime (fixed focal length) and zoom varieties, catering to a range of user preferences.
Standard lenses are also in high demand, especially around the versatile 50mm focal length, which delivers strong image quality and clarity. These lenses are popular with amateur and professional photographers due to their adaptability across various photographic styles, from portraits to street photography. The market is further segmented by lens mount type, including s-mount, c-mount, cs-mount, f-mount, t-mount, and others. The C-mount segment held around 21% of the market share in 2023 and is projected to expand at a 6.5% CAGR over the forecast period.
Market Scope | |
Start Year | 2023 |
Forecast Year | 2024-2032 |
Start Value | $2.5 Billion |
Forecast Value | $4.1 Billion |
CAGR | 5.8% |
C-mount lenses are widely used in video production, particularly among beginner filmmakers drawn to their affordability and compatibility with various video systems. Additionally, F-mount lenses are valued by photographers looking to combine vintage optics with modern cameras, while T-mount lenses appeal to niche enthusiasts, particularly in astrophotography. In North America, the U.S. dominates the secondhand camera lens market with an 82% share, fueled by rising interest in photography, a growing online marketplace, and the lasting value of lens investments. The convenience of online shopping and the variety of affordable options available have attracted a wide range of consumers, further driving market growth.