表紙:ホイストコントローラの市場規模- タイプ別、ホイスト別、エンドユーザー別、産業分析レポート、地域展望、成長可能性、価格動向、競合市場シェア &予測、 2023-2032年

ホイストコントローラの市場規模- タイプ別、ホイスト別、エンドユーザー別、産業分析レポート、地域展望、成長可能性、価格動向、競合市場シェア &予測、 2023-2032年

Hoist Controller Market Size - By Type, By Hoist, By End-User, Industry Analysis Report, Regional Outlook, Growth Potential, Price Trends, Competitive Market Share & Forecast, 2023- 2032

出版日: | 発行: Global Market Insights Inc. | ページ情報: 英文 206 Pages | 納期: 2~3営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=143.76円
ホイストコントローラの市場規模- タイプ別、ホイスト別、エンドユーザー別、産業分析レポート、地域展望、成長可能性、価格動向、競合市場シェア &予測、 2023-2032年
出版日: 2023年08月22日
発行: Global Market Insights Inc.
ページ情報: 英文 206 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次







例えば、2023年10月、リフティングおよびハンドリングソリューションの大手企業であるHoist UKは、リフティングおよびハンドリングのための柔軟で適応性のあるソリューションとして機能するように綿密に作られた革新的な一連の軽量クレーンシステムを発表しました。厳しい安全規制、職場の安全重視、高度な自動化技術の採用が市場成長に寄与しています。欧州の産業界が効率性と安全性を優先しているため、ホイストコントローラの需要は引き続き堅調で、同地域では重要なコンポーネントとなっています。


第1章 調査手法と調査範囲

第2章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第3章 ホイストコントローラ業界洞察

  • 産業区分
  • 業界規模と予測、2018年~2032年
  • エコシステム分析
    • 利益率
    • 付加価値
    • 流通チャネル分析
    • ベンダーマトリックス
      • 主要メーカー/サプライヤーのリスト
      • 主要/潜在顧客リスト
  • 業界への影響要因
    • 促進要因
      • 様々なエンドユーザー産業からの製品需要の増加
      • クレーンからの製品消費の増加
    • 業界の潜在的リスク&課題
      • 標準以下のハンドヘルドコントローラの入手可能性
  • ハンドヘルド型ホイストコントローラの成長性分析
  • 成長可能性ホイスト、自動ホイストコントローラ
  • 価格動向、ハンドヘルドホイストコントローラ
    • コスト構造分析
      • 研究開発コスト
      • 製造・設備コスト
      • 原材料費
      • 物流コスト
      • 営業コスト
      • その他コスト
    • 平均価格:ホイストタイプ別、2018年~2032年
    • 平均価格:エンドユーザー別、2018年~2032年
    • 平均価格:地域別、2018~2032年
  • 自動ホイスト制御装置価格動向
    • コスト構造分析
      • 研究開発コスト
      • 製造・設備コスト
      • 原材料コスト
      • 物流コスト
      • 営業コスト
      • その他コスト
    • 平均価格:ホイストタイプ別、2018年~2032年
    • 平均価格:エンドユーザー別、2018年~2032年
    • 平均価格:地域別、2018~2032年
  • 競合情勢:2022年
    • 企業市場シェア、2022年
    • 戦略ダッシュボード
  • ポーター分析
  • PESTEL分析

第4章 ホイストコントローラ市場:ホイストタイプ別

  • 世界のホイストコントローラ市場、ホイストタイプ別動向
  • 電気式
  • 油圧

第5章 ホイストコントローラ市場:タイプ別

  • ホイストコントローラの世界市場、タイプ別動向
  • ハンドヘルド
  • 自動

第6章 ホイストコントローラ市場:エンドユーザー別

  • 世界のホイストコントローラ市場、エンドユーザー別動向
  • 自動車
  • セメント
  • 化学
  • 建設
  • 海洋
  • 金属加工
  • その他

第7章 ホイストコントローラ市場:地域別

  • ホイストコントローラの世界市場、地域別動向
  • 北米
    • 米国
    • カナダ
  • 欧州
    • ドイツ
    • フランス
    • 英国
    • スペイン
    • ロシア
  • アジア太平洋
    • 中国
    • 日本
    • インド
    • 韓国
    • マレーシア
  • ラテンアメリカ
    • メキシコ
    • アルゼンチン
    • ブラジル
    • コロンビア
  • 中東・アフリカ
    • サウジアラビア
    • アラブ首長国連邦
    • 南アフリカ
    • オマーン
    • カタール
    • クウェート

第8章 企業プロファイル

  • Schneider Electric
  • Speed-O-Controls
  • Conductix-Wampfler USA
  • The Rowland Company
  • Uesco Cranes
  • Hoosier Crane Service Company
  • Demag Cranes & Components Corp.
  • Eastern Electric Corporation
  • Magnetek Inc.

Data Tables:

  • TABLE 1 Global hoist controller industry 360 degree synopsis, 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 2 Global hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 3 Global hoist controller market volume, by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 4 Global hoist controller market revenue, by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 5 Global handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 6 Global handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 7 Global automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 8 Global automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 9 Global hoist controller market volume, by end-user, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 10 Global hoist controller market revenue, by end-user, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 11 Global hoist controller market volume, by region, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 12 Global hoist controller market revenue, by region, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 13 List of key manufacturers/suppliers
  • TABLE 14 List of key/potential customers
  • TABLE 15 Industry impact forces
  • TABLE 16 Strategy dashboard
  • TABLE 17 Global hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 18 Global hoist controller market volume for electric hoists, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 19 Global hoist controller market revenue for electric hoists, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 20 Global hoist controller market volume for electric hoists, by region, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 21 Global hoist controller market revenue for electric hoists. by region, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 22 Global hoist controller market volume for hydraulic hoists, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 23 Global hoist controller market revenue for hydraulic hoists, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 24 Global hoist controller market volume for hydraulic hoists, by region, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 25 Global hoist controller market revenue for hydraulic hoists. by region, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 26 Global handheld hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 27 Global handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 28 Global handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 29 Global handheld hoist controller market volume, by region, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 30 Global handheld hoist controller market revenue, by region, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 31 Global automatic hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 32 Global automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 33 Global automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 34 Global automatic hoist controller market volume, by region, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 35 Global automatic hoist controller market revenue, by region, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 36 North America hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 37 North America hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 38 North America hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 39 North America handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 40 North America handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 41 North America automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 42 North America automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 43 North America hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 44 North America hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 45 U.S. hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 46 U.S. hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 47 U.S. hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 48 U.S. handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 49 U.S. handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 50 U.S. automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 51 U.S. automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 52 U.S. hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 53 U.S. hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 54 Canada hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 55 Canada hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 56 Canada hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 57 Canada handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 58 Canada handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 59 Canada automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 60 Canada automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 61 Canada hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 62 Canada hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 63 Europe hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 64 Europe hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 65 Europe hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 66 Europe handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 67 Europe handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 68 Europe automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 69 Europe automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 70 Europe hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 71 Europe hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 72 Germany hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 73 Germany hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 74 Germany hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 75 Germany handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 76 Germany handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 77 Germany automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 78 Germany automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 79 Germany hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 80 Germany hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 81 France hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 82 France hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 83 France hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 84 France handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 85 France handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 86 France automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 87 France automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 88 France hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 89 France hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 90 UK hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 91 UK hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 92 UK hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 93 UK handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 94 UK handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 95 UK automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 96 UK automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 97 UK hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 98 UK hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 99 Spain hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 100 Spain hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 101 Spain hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 102 Spain handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 103 Spain handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 104 Spain automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 105 Spain automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 106 Spain hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 107 Spain hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 108 Russia hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 109 Russia hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 110 Russia hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 111 Russia handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 112 Russia handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 113 Russia automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 114 Russia automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 115 Russia hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 116 Russia hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 117 Asia Pacific hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 118 Asia Pacific hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 119 Asia Pacific hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 120 Asia Pacific handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 121 Asia Pacific handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 122 Asia Pacific automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 123 Asia Pacific automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 124 Asia Pacific hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 125 Asia Pacific hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 126 China hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 127 China hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 128 China hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 129 China handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 130 China handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 131 China automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 132 China automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 133 China hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 134 China hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 135 India hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 136 India hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 137 India hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 138 India handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 139 India handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 140 India automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 141 India automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 142 India hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 143 India hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 144 Japan hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 145 Japan hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 146 Japan hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 147 Japan handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 148 Japan handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 149 Japan automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 150 Japan automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 151 Japan hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 152 Japan hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 153 South Korea hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 154 South Korea hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 155 South Korea hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 156 South Korea handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 157 South Korea handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 158 South Korea automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 159 South Korea automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 160 South Korea hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 161 South Korea hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 162 Malaysia hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 163 Malaysia hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 164 Malaysia hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 165 Malaysia handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 166 Malaysia handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 167 Malaysia automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 168 Malaysia automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 169 Malaysia hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 170 Malaysia hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 171 Latin America hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 172 Latin America hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 173 Latin America hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 174 Latin America handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 175 Latin America handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 176 Latin America automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 177 Latin America automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 178 Latin America hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 179 Latin America hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 180 Mexico hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 181 Mexico hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 182 Mexico hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 183 Mexico handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 184 Mexico handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 185 Mexico automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 186 Mexico automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 187 Mexico hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 188 Mexico hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 189 Argentina hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 190 Argentina hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 191 Argentina hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 192 Argentina handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 193 Argentina handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 194 Argentina automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 195 Argentina automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 196 Argentina hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 197 Argentina hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 198 Brazil hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 199 Brazil hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 200 Brazil hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 201 Brazil handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 202 Brazil handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 203 Brazil automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 204 Brazil automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 205 Brazil hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 206 Brazil hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 207 Colombia hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 208 Colombia hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 209 Colombia hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 210 Colombia handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 211 Colombia handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 212 Colombia automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 213 Colombia automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 214 Colombia hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 215 Colombia hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 216 Middle East & Africa hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 217 Middle East & Africa hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 218 Middle East & Africa hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 219 Middle East & Africa handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 220 Middle East & Africa handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 221 Middle East & Africa automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 222 Middle East & Africa automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 223 Middle East & Africa hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 224 Middle East & Africa hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 225 Saudi Arabia hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 226 Saudi Arabia hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 227 Saudi Arabia hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 228 Saudi Arabia handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 229 Saudi Arabia handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 230 Saudi Arabia automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 231 Saudi Arabia automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 232 Saudi Arabia hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 233 Saudi Arabia hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 234 UAE hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 235 UAE hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 236 UAE hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 237 UAE handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 238 UAE handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 239 UAE automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 240 UAE automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 241 UAE hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 242 UAE hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 243 South Africa hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 244 South Africa hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 245 South Africa hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 246 South Africa handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 247 South Africa handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 248 South Africa automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 249 South Africa automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 250 South Africa hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 251 South Africa hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 252 Oman hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 253 Oman hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 254 Oman hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 255 Oman handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 256 Oman handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 257 Oman automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 258 Oman automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 259 Oman hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 260 Oman hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 261 Qatar hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 262 Qatar hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 263 Qatar hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 264 Qatar handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 265 Qatar handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 266 Qatar automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 267 Qatar automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 268 Qatar hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 269 Qatar hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 270 Kuwait hoist controller market, (Units) (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 271 Kuwait hoist controller market volume by hoist type, (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 272 Kuwait hoist controller market revenue by hoist type, (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 273 Kuwait handheld hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 274 Kuwait handheld hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 275 Kuwait automatic hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 276 Kuwait automatic hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 277 Kuwait hoist controller market volume, by end-user (Units), 2018 - 2032
  • TABLE 278 Kuwait hoist controller market revenue, by end-user (USD Million), 2018 - 2032

Charts & Figures:

  • FIG. 1 Industry segmentation
  • FIG. 2 Industry size and forecast, 2014 - 2025
  • FIG. 3 Industry ecosystem analysis
  • FIG. 4 Growth potential analysis, handheld hoist controllers
  • FIG. 5 Growth potential analysis, automatic hoist controllers
  • FIG. 6 Cost structure analysis, handheld hoist controllers
  • FIG. 7 Average price of handheld hoist controllers, by hoist type, 2018 - 2032
  • FIG. 8 Average price of handheld hoist controllers, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
  • FIG. 9 Average price of handheld hoist controllers, by region, 2018 - 2032
  • FIG. 10 Cost structure analysis, automatic hoist controllers
  • FIG. 11 Average price of automatic hoist controllers, by hoist type, 2018 - 2032
  • FIG. 12 Average price of automatic hoist controllers, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
  • FIG. 13 Average price of automatic hoist controllers, by region, 2018 - 2032
  • FIG. 14 Company market share analysis, 2022
  • FIG. 15 Porter's analysis
  • FIG. 16 PESTEL analysis
  • FIG. 17 SWOT analysis, Schneider Electric
  • FIG. 18 SWOT analysis, Speed-O-Controls
  • FIG. 19 SWOT analysis, Conductix-Wampfler USA
  • FIG. 20 SWOT analysis, The Rowland Company
  • FIG. 21 SWOT analysis, Uesco Cranes
  • FIG. 22 SWOT analysis, Hoosier Crane Service Company
  • FIG. 23 SWOT analysis, Demag Cranes & Components Corp.
  • FIG. 24 SWOT analysis, Eastern Electric Corporation
  • FIG. 25 SWOT analysis, Magnetek Inc.
Product Code: 2695

Global Hoist Controller Market will witness 3% CAGR between 2023 and 2032, attributed to the expansion of the construction and industrial sectors. Additionally, the emphasis on workplace safety has led to the adoption of advanced hoist controllers with enhanced safety features. Moreover, technological advancements, including the integration of automation and smart control systems, have further boosted the market. As industries strive for efficiency and safety, the hoist controller market will continue to thrive.

The rising number of company launches and adoption of various hoist systems also supports market growth. For instance, in May 2023, Demag, the world's leading supplier of industrial cranes, introduced an innovative rope hoist series characterized by its compact size and diverse options. The DVR series presents customers with four design choices. The F-DVR, a floor-mounted hoist, supports loads of up to 80 tons, making it suitable for stationary applications or as a hoisting solution for specialized trolleys, with seamless integration into pre-existing steel structures.

The overall Hoist Controller Market is classified based on type, end-user, and region.

The automatic hoist controller industry will undergo significant development from 2023 to 2032. These advanced controllers offer seamless and precise control of hoisting equipment, enhancing operational efficiency and safety. Industries like manufacturing, construction, and logistics increasingly favor automatic hoist controllers to streamline material handling processes. As automation becomes a cornerstone of modern industries, the demand for automated hoist controllers continues to grow, making them a vital component in the hoist controller market.

The automotive segment will demonstrate a noteworthy CAGR from 2023 to 2032. Automotive manufacturers rely on hoist controllers for efficient assembly line operations, facilitating the lifting and positioning of heavy components. Precise control and safety features are paramount in this application, driving the need for advanced hoist controllers. As the automotive industry continues to evolve, these controllers remain essential, ensuring streamlined and safe production processes.

Europe hoist controller market share will exhibit commendable growth from 2023 to 2032. The continent's thriving industrial and manufacturing sectors rely on hoist controllers for efficient material handling. Additionally, rising number of product launches in the construction industry by leading companies supports market growth in the region.

For instance, in October 2023, Hoist UK, a leading lifting and handling solutions company, introduced an innovative series of light crane systems meticulously crafted to serve as a flexible and adaptable solution for lifting and handling. Stringent safety regulations, a focus on workplace safety, and the adoption of advanced automation technologies contribute to market growth. As European industries prioritize efficiency and safety, the demand for hoist controllers remains strong, making them a crucial component in the region.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Methodology & Scope

  • 1.1 Methodology
  • 1.2 Market definition
  • 1.3 Market estimation & forecast parameters
  • 1.4 Data source
    • 1.4.1 Primary
    • 1.4.2 Secondary
      • Paid sources
      • Public sources

Chapter 2 Executive Summary

  • 2.1 Hoist controller market 360 degree synopsis, 2018 - 2032
    • 2.1.1 Business trends
    • 2.1.2 Hoist type trends
    • 2.1.3 Type by end-user trends
    • 2.1.4 End-user trends
    • 2.1.5 Regional trends

Chapter 3 Hoist Controller Industry Insights

  • 3.1 Industry segmentation
  • 3.2 Industry size and forecast, 2018 - 2032
  • 3.3 Industry ecosystem analysis
    • 3.3.1 Profit margin
    • 3.3.2 Value addition
    • 3.3.3 Distribution channel analysis
    • 3.3.4 Vendor matrix
      • List of key manufacturers/suppliers
      • List of key/potential customers
  • 3.4 Industry impact forces
    • 3.4.1 Growth drivers
      • Growing product demand from various end-user industries
      • Increasing product consumption from cranes
    • 3.4.2 Industry pitfalls & challenges
      • Availability of sub-standard handheld controllers
  • 3.5 Growth potential analysis, handheld hoist controllers
  • 3.6 Growth potential hoists, automatic hoist controllers
  • 3.7 Price trends, handheld hoist controllers
    • 3.7.1 Cost structure analysis
      • R&D cost
      • Manufacturing & equipment cost
      • Raw material cost
      • Distribution cost
      • Operating cost
      • Miscellaneous cost
    • 3.7.2 Average price, by hoist type, 2018 - 2032
    • 3.7.3 Average price, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 3.7.4 Average price, by region, 2018 - 2032
  • 3.8 Price trends, automatic hoist controllers
    • 3.8.1 Cost structure analysis
      • R&D cost
      • Manufacturing & equipment cost
      • Raw material cost
      • Distribution cost
      • Operating cost
      • Miscellaneous cost
    • 3.8.2 Average price, by hoist type, 2018 - 2032
    • 3.8.3 Average price, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 3.8.4 Average price, by region, 2018 - 2032
  • 3.9 Competitive landscape, 2022
    • 3.9.1 Company market share, 2022
    • 3.9.2 Strategy dashboard
  • 3.10 Porter's analysis
    • 3.10.1 Supplier power
    • 3.10.2 Buyer power
    • 3.10.3 Threat of new entrants
    • 3.10.4 Threat of substitutes
    • 3.10.5 Industry rivalry
  • 3.11 PESTEL analysis

Chapter 4 Hoist Controller Market, By Hoist Type

  • 4.1 Global hoist controller market, hoist type trends
  • 4.2 Electric
    • 4.2.1 Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
    • 4.2.2 Market estimates and forecast, by region, 2018 - 2032
  • 4.3 Hydraulic
    • 4.3.1 Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
    • 4.3.2 Market estimates and forecast, by region, 2018 - 2032

Chapter 5 Hoist Controller Market, Type By End-User

  • 5.1 Global hoist controller market, type trends
  • 5.2 Handheld
    • 5.2.1 Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
    • 5.2.2 Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032






Metal processing


    • 5.2.3 Market estimates and forecast, by region, 2018 - 2032
  • 5.3 Automatic
    • 5.3.1 Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
    • 5.3.2 Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032






Metal processing


    • 5.3.3 Market estimates and forecast, by region, 2018 - 2032

Chapter 6 Hoist Controller Market, By End-User

  • 6.1 Global hoist controller market, end-user trends
  • 6.2 Automotive
    • 6.2.1 Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
    • 6.2.2 Market estimates and forecast, by region, 2018 - 2032
  • 6.3 Cement
    • 6.3.1 Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
    • 6.3.2 Market estimates and forecast, by region, 2018 - 2032
  • 6.4 Chemical
    • 6.4.1 Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
    • 6.4.2 Market estimates and forecast, by region, 2018 - 2032
  • 6.5 Construction
    • 6.5.1 Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
    • 6.5.2 Market estimates and forecast, by region, 2018 - 2032
  • 6.6 Marine
    • 6.6.1 Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
    • 6.6.2 Market estimates and forecast, by region, 2018 - 2032
  • 6.7 Metal processing
    • 6.7.1 Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
    • 6.7.2 Market estimates and forecast, by region, 2018 - 2032
  • 6.8 Others
    • 6.8.1 Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
    • 6.8.2 Market estimates and forecast, by region, 2018 - 2032

Chapter 7 Hoist Controller Market, By Region

  • 7.1 Global hoist controller market, regional trends
  • 7.2 North America
    • 7.2.1 Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.2.2 Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.2.3 Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.2.4 U.S.
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.2.5 Canada
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
  • 7.3 Europe
    • 7.3.1 Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.3.2 Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.3.3 Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.3.4 Germany
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.3.5 France
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.3.6 UK
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.3.7 Spain
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.3.8 Russia
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
  • 7.4 Asia Pacific
    • 7.4.1 Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.4.2 Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.4.3 Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.4.4 China
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.4.5 Japan
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.4.6 India
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.4.7 South Korea
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.4.8 Malaysia
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
  • 7.5 Latin America
    • 7.5.1 Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.5.2 Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.5.3 Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.5.4 Mexico
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.5.5 Argentina
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.5.6 Brazil
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.5.7 Colombia
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
  • 7.6 Middle East And Africa
    • 7.6.1 Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.6.2 Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.6.3 Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.6.4 Saudi Arabia
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.6.5 UAE
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.6.6 South Africa
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.6.7 Oman
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.6.8 Qatar
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032
    • 7.6.9 Kuwait
      • Market estimates and forecast, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, type by end-user, 2018 - 2032
      • Market estimates and forecast, by end-user, 2018 - 2032

Chapter 8 Company Profiles

  • 8.1 Schneider Electric
    • 8.1.1 Business overview
    • 8.1.2 Financial data
    • 8.1.3 Product landscape
    • 8.1.4 Strategic outlook
    • 8.1.5 SWOT analysis
  • 8.2 Speed-O-Controls
    • 8.2.1 Business overview
    • 8.2.2 Financial data
    • 8.2.3 Product landscape
    • 8.2.4 Strategic outlook
    • 8.2.5 SWOT analysis
  • 8.3 Conductix-Wampfler USA
    • 8.3.1 Business overview
    • 8.3.2 Financial data
    • 8.3.3 Product landscape
    • 8.3.4 Strategic outlook
    • 8.3.5 SWOT analysis
  • 8.4 The Rowland Company
    • 8.4.1 Business overview
    • 8.4.2 Financial data
    • 8.4.3 Product landscape
    • 8.4.4 Strategic outlook
    • 8.4.5 SWOT analysis
  • 8.5 Uesco Cranes
    • 8.5.1 Business overview
    • 8.5.2 Financial data
    • 8.5.3 Product landscape
    • 8.5.4 Strategic outlook
    • 8.5.5 SWOT analysis
  • 8.6 Hoosier Crane Service Company
    • 8.6.1 Business overview
    • 8.6.2 Financial data
    • 8.6.3 Product landscape
    • 8.6.4 Strategic outlook
    • 8.6.5 SWOT analysis
  • 8.7 Demag Cranes & Components Corp.
    • 8.7.1 Business overview
    • 8.7.2 Financial data
    • 8.7.3 Product landscape
    • 8.7.4 Strategic outlook
    • 8.7.5 SWOT analysis
  • 8.8 Eastern Electric Corporation
    • 8.8.1 Business overview
    • 8.8.2 Financial data
    • 8.8.3 Product landscape
    • 8.8.4 Strategic outlook
    • 8.8.5 SWOT analysis
  • 8.9 Magnetek Inc.
    • 8.9.1 Business overview
    • 8.9.2 Financial data
    • 8.9.3 Product landscape
    • 8.9.4 Strategic outlook
    • 8.9.5 SWOT analysis