

Biogas - 2024

出版日: | 発行: GlobalData | ページ情報: 英文 31 Pages | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

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価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2024年04月30日
発行: GlobalData
ページ情報: 英文 31 Pages
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
ご注意事項 :
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次


人類は、直接・間接を問わず、毎年1,050億トン以上の有機廃棄物を世界的に排出しており、そのすべてが分解される際に有害なメタンやその他の温室効果ガスを大気中に直接放出しています。今日、このような廃棄物のわずか2%しか処理され、リサイクルされていません。この割合は、バイオガスとバイオメタンの潜在能力のほんの一部に過ぎず、IEAによれば、世界のガス需要の20%を供給することができます。バイオガスとバイオメタンガスは、未処理の廃棄物から排出される温室効果ガスを削減するだけでなく、既存の天然ガスインフラやパイプラインを利用して廃棄物をエネルギーに変えることができる再生可能エネルギー技術です。バイオガスの市場見通しは着実な成長を示していますが、IEA NZEシナリオ2030年目標を達成するためには、成長ペースを飛躍的に高める必要があります。これを達成するには、政府の支援を大幅に強化し、民間投資家にとってこの技術への投資がより魅力的になるようにする必要があります。バイオガスとバイオメタン生産の最前線にある地域と国は、欧州、次いで米国、中国です。新興経済諸国は成長の可能性を示しており、NZE目標を達成できるかどうかは、その拡大とバイオガスインフラへの投資にかかっています。石油・ガス会社の中にも、バイオガスやバイオメタン技術に投資しているところがあります。TotalEnergies社は、バイオガス業界で最も積極的にパートナーシップを結んでいる石油・ガス会社として際立っています。




  • バイオガス技術のイントロダクション
  • バイオガスとバイオメタン
  • バイオガスとバイオメタンの利点:利点と最終用途
  • バイオガスとバイオメタン市場の見通し
  • 2040年までの見通し
  • バイオガスは新興経済諸国で高い成長の可能性を示す
  • 世界のバイオガス生産量と2030年のNZEシナリオ
  • 潜在的なエネルギー生成のための原料の内訳
  • 世界的見通しと国別内訳
  • 世界のバイオガス生産量の実績と予測
  • バイオガスの主な用途、国・地域別
  • STEPSでの直接利用のための世界のバイオガス需要
  • 原料タイプ別シェア、国別
  • バイオガス生産の中心地
  • 欧州バイオエネルギーの日
  • バイオガス容量分析、国別
  • バイオガスの主要企業:企業分析と最近の取引
  • 英国企業のケーススタディ
  • 最近の注目すべきバイオガス取引:欧州と南北アメリカでの成長
  • バイオガス分野の石油・ガス会社

List of Tables

  • Recent biogas deals of note: analyzing the growth in Europe and the Americas

List of Figures

  • Breakdown of global bioenergy demand in SDS (2018-2040)
  • Breakdown of global bioenergy demand in STEPS (2010-2040)
  • Global demand for direct use of biogas in developing economies in SDS (2010-2040)
  • Global demand for direct use of biogas in advanced economies in SDS (2010-2040)
  • Global historical and forecast production of biogases and NZE scenario 2030 target (2022)
  • Potential energy generation from various feedstocks (TWh)
  • Potential GHG abatement from various feedstocks (Mt CO2/year)
  • Global historical production and forecast of biogases (2018-2028)
  • Main uses of biogases for selected countries and regions (2021)
  • Global biogas demand for direct use in STEPS (2018-2040)
  • Biogas production by region and by feedstock type (2018)
  • Number of days each Member State could run on bioenergy
Product Code: GDUKOG129643

Biogas is a renewable technology that can lessen the impact on the environment as an alternative to fossil fuels. However, its growth will need to increase drastically if it is to meet the IEA's NZE targets.

Humans, directly or indirectly, generate over 105B tonnes of organic waste globally each year, all of which release harmful methane and other GHG emissions directly into the atmosphere as they decompose. Today, only 2% of such waste is treated and recycled. This percentage only represents a fraction of the biogas and biomethane potential, which according to the IEA can supply 20% of worldwide gas demand. Biogas and biomethane are renewable energy technologies that can both reduce the GHG emissions from untreated waste, as well as turn waste into energy by using pre-existing natural gas infrastructure and pipelines. The market outlook for biogas shows steady growth, but in order to meet the IEA NZE Scenario 2030 targets, the growth pace will have to dramatically increase. This can only be achieved with much stronger government support, which needs to make investing in the technology more appealing to private investors. The regions and countries at the forefront of biogas and biomethane production are Europe, followed by the US and China. Developing economies are showing growth potential and the ability to reach NZE targets will hinge upon their expansion and investment in biogas infrastructure. Some oil and gas companies have also been investing in biogas and biomethane technologies. TotalEnergies stands out as the oil and gas company that has the most active partnerships in the biogas industry.

Key Highlights

  • As a source of renewable energy, biogas can offer a more sustainable alternative to fossil fuels, together with many other advantages.
  • The demand for biogas is set to grow the most in developing economies in the upcoming decades.
  • Biogas production is currently behind the IEA's NZE targets.
  • Europe is leading the way of biogas production, followed by the US and China.
  • Recent deals within the biogas space include: FutureBiogas, the leading biogas company in the UK, signed a 15-year deal with AstraZeneca.
  • Some big oil companies such as TotalEnergies are heavily investing in the biogas space.


  • Introduction to biogas and biomethane technologies.
  • Benefits of biogas and biomethane, including end-uses.
  • Snapshot of historical biogas production.
  • Outlook for biogas and biomethane to 2040, with SDS and STEPS analysis.
  • Analysis of the centers of biogas production, leaders and laggards.
  • Analysis of key biogas companies and their recent deals.
  • Snapshot of oil and gas companies involved in biogas.

Reasons to Buy

  • Identify the current status of the biogas market, as well as gain an understanding of future developments within the industry.
  • Develop market insight into what regions of the world are leading the way with investing in and expanding the technology's infrastructure.
  • Identify which companies (including big oil) are standing out in this sector, and the recent deals they have been involved in.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Overview

Executive summary

  • Introduction to biogas technologies
  • Biogas and biomethane
  • Benefits of biogas and biomethane: advantages and end-uses
  • Biogas and biomethane market outlook
  • Outlook to 2040
  • Biogas shows high growth potential in developing economies
  • Global biogas production vs 2030 NZE Scenario
  • Feedstock breakdown for potential energy generation
  • Global outlook and country breakdown
  • Global historical production and forecast of biogases
  • Main uses of biogas by country or region
  • Global biogas demand for direct use in STEPS
  • Share of feedstock type by country
  • Centers of biogas production
  • European bioenergy day
  • Country-level analysis of biogas capacity
  • Key biogas players: company analysis and recent deals
  • UK companies' case study
  • Recent biogas deals of note: growth in Europe and the Americas
  • Oil and gas companies in biogas