

Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry Outlook by Capacity and Capital Expenditure Including Details of All Operating and Planned Pipelines to 2027

出版日: | 発行: GlobalData | ページ情報: 英文 751 Pages | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

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価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=153.16円
出版日: 2023年11月29日
発行: GlobalData
ページ情報: 英文 751 Pages
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
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全世界の幹線・送電パイプライン網の総延長は2,270,526km(2025年までの開始年度)であり、そのうち原油パイプラインは402,955km、石油製品パイプラインは283,907km、天然ガスパイプラインは1,451,350km、NGLパイプラインは132,314kmとなっています。世界の幹線・送電パイプラインのうち、原油パイプラインは50,800km、石油製品パイプラインは16,449km、天然ガスパイプラインは176,800km、NGLパイプラインは12,848kmで、Transneft Oil System、Transneft Product System、Russian Gas System、Mid America Systemが最も長いです。



第1章 イントロダクション

第2章 世界の石油・ガスパイプライン産業

  • 世界の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、石油・ガスラインデータの概要
  • 世界の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、計画中、発表中の石油・ガスライン
  • 世界の石油・ガスライン業界、クロスカントリーパイプライン上位10件
  • 世界の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、地域比較

第3章 アフリカの石油・ガスパイプライン産業

  • アフリカの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、スナップショット
  • アフリカの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、計画中、発表中の石油・ガスライン
  • アフリカの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、クロスカントリーパイプライン
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、アルジェリア
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、ナイジェリア
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、エジプト
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、リビア
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、タンザニア
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、南アフリカ
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、チュニジア
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、スーダン
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、ニジェール
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、ケニア
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、アンゴラ
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、コンゴ共和国
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、モザンビーク
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、ウガンダ
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、モロッコ
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、南スーダン
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、カメルーン
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、ガボン
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、チャド
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、コートジボワール
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、エチオピア
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、コンゴ民主共和国
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、ガーナ
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、セネガル
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、ナミビア
  • アフリカ石油・ガスパイプライン産業、赤道ギニア
  • アフリカの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、最近の開発と契約

第4章 アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業

  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、スナップショット
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、計画中、発表中の石油・ガスライン
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、クロスカントリーパイプライン
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、中国
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、インド
  • アジア石油・ガスパイプライン産業、パキスタン
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、インドネシア
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、ミャンマー
  • アジア石油・ガスパイプライン産業、韓国
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、タイ
  • アジア石油・ガスパイプライン産業、マレーシア
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、マレーシアの原油パイプライン
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、マレーシアの石油製品パイプライン
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、マレーシアの天然ガスパイプライン
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、マレーシアのNGLパイプライン
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、日本
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、日本の石油製品パイプライン
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、日本の天然ガスパイプライン
  • アジア石油・ガスパイプライン産業、バングラデシュ
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、バングラデシュの原油パイプライン
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、バングラデシュの石油製品パイプライン
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、バングラデシュの天然ガスパイプライン
  • アジア石油・ガスパイプライン産業、ベトナム
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、ベトナムの石油製品パイプライン
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、ベトナムの天然ガスパイプライン
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、ベトナムのNGLパイプライン
  • アジア石油・ガスパイプライン産業、台湾
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、台湾の天然ガスパイプライン
  • アジア石油・ガスパイプライン産業、マレーシア- タイ共同開発地域
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、マレーシア・タイの天然ガスパイプライン共同開発地域
  • アジア石油・ガスパイプライン産業、フィリピン
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、フィリピンの天然ガスパイプライン
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、フィリピンの石油製品パイプライン
  • アジア石油・ガスパイプライン産業、モンゴル
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、モンゴルの原油パイプライン
  • アジア石油・ガスパイプライン産業、東ティモール
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、東ティモールの天然ガスパイプライン
  • アジア石油・ガスパイプライン産業、マレーシア- ベトナムPM-3商業アレンジメントエリア
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、マレーシアの天然ガスパイプライン- ベトナムPM-3商業アレンジメントエリア
  • アジア石油・ガスパイプライン産業、ブルネイ
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、ブルネイの原油パイプライン
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、ブルネイの天然ガスパイプライン
  • アジア石油・ガスパイプライン産業、アフガニスタン
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、アフガニスタンの天然ガスパイプライン
  • アジア石油・ガスパイプライン産業、ネパール
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、ネパールの石油製品パイプライン
  • アジア石油・ガスパイプライン産業、スリランカ
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、スリランカの石油製品パイプライン
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、最近の開発と契約
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、最近の動向
  • アジアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業、最近の契約

第5章 カリブ海の石油・ガスパイプライン産業

  • カリブ海の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、スナップショット
  • カリブ海の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、石油・ガスラインデータの概要
  • カリブ海の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、商品別送電パイプライン長
  • カリブ海の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、主要国別の原油パイプライン長
  • カリブ海の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、主要国別の天然ガスパイプライン長
  • カリブ海の石油・ガスのパイプライン産業、計画中、発表中の石油・ガスのパイプライン
  • カリブ海石油・ガスパイプライン産業、計画中、発表中のパイプラインの詳細
  • カリブ海石油・ガスパイプライン産業、計画中、発表中のパイプラインの年間新設設備投資見通し
  • カリブ海の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、主要国別計画中、発表中のパイプラインの年間新設設備投資見通し
  • カリブ海石油・ガスパイプライン産業、クロスカントリーパイプライン
  • カリブ海石油・ガスパイプライン産業、クロスカントリー天然ガスパイプライン
  • カリブ海石油・ガスパイプライン産業、トリニダード・トバゴ
  • カリブ海石油・ガスパイプライン産業、トリニダード・トバゴの原油パイプライン
  • カリブ海石油・ガスパイプライン産業、トリニダード・トバゴの天然ガスパイプライン
  • カリブ海石油・ガスパイプライン産業、キューバ
  • カリブ海の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、キューバの原油パイプライン
  • カリブ海の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、キューバの天然ガスパイプライン

第6章 中米の石油・ガスパイプライン産業

  • 中米の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、スナップショット
  • 中米の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、石油・ガスラインデータの概要
  • 中米の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、商品別送電パイプライン長
  • 中米の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、主要国別の原油パイプライン長
  • 中米の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、主要国別の天然ガスパイプライン長
  • 中米の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、計画中、発表中の石油・ガスライン
  • 中米の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、計画中、発表中のパイプラインの詳細
  • 中米の石油・ガスライン業界、計画中、発表中のパイプラインの年間新設設備投資見通し
  • 中米の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、主要国別計画中、発表中のパイプラインの年間新設設備投資見通し
  • 中米の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、クロスカントリーパイプライン
  • 中米の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、クロスカントリー天然ガスパイプライン
  • 中米石油・ガスパイプライン産業、グアテマラ
  • 中米の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、グアテマラの原油パイプライン
  • 中米石油・ガスパイプライン産業、パナマ
  • 中米の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、パナマの原油パイプライン
  • 中米の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、パナマの天然ガスパイプライン
  • 中米石油・ガスパイプライン産業、エルサルバドル
  • 中米の石油・ガスパイプライン産業、エルサルバドルの天然ガスパイプライン

第7章 欧州の石油・ガスパイプライン産業

第8章 旧ソ連の石油・ガスパイプライン産業

第9章 中東の石油・ガスパイプライン産業

第10章 北米の石油・ガスパイプライン産業

第11章 オセアニアの石油・ガスパイプライン産業

第12章 南米の石油・ガスパイプライン産業

第13章 付録


List of Tables

List of Tables

  • Table 1: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Global, key statistics, Nov 2023
  • Table 2: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Global, transmission pipeline length by commodity (km), Nov 2023*
  • Table 3: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Global, crude oil pipeline length by key countries (km), Nov 2023*
  • Table 4: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Global, natural gas pipeline length by key countries (km), Nov 2023*
  • Table 5: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Global, petroleum products pipeline length by key countries (km), Nov 2023*
  • Table 6: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Global, NGL pipeline length by key countries (km), Nov 2023*
  • Table 7: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Global, top 10 planned and announced pipeline lengths (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 8: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Global, annual new-build capital expenditure outlook for planned and announced pipelines ($B), 2023-2027
  • Table 9: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Global, annual new-build capital expenditure outlook for planned and announced pipelines by key countries ($M), 2023-2027
  • Table 10: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Global, top 10 cross country crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 11: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Global, top 10 cross country petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 12: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Global, top 10 cross country natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 13: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Global, cross country NGL pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 14: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Global, regional comparison based on contribution to global crude oil pipeline network (%), Nov 2023*
  • Table 15: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Global, regional comparison based on contribution to global petroleum products pipeline network (%), Nov 2023*
  • Table 16: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Global, regional comparison based on contribution to global natural gas pipeline network (%), Nov 2023*
  • Table 17: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Global, regional comparison based on contribution to global NGL pipeline network (%), Nov 2023*
  • Table 18: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Africa, key statistics, Nov 2023
  • Table 19: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Africa, transmission pipeline length by commodity (km), Nov 2023*
  • Table 20: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Africa, crude oil pipeline length by key countries (km), Nov 2023*
  • Table 21: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Africa, natural gas pipeline length by key countries (km), Nov 2023*
  • Table 22: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Africa, petroleum products pipeline length by key countries (km), Nov 2023*
  • Table 23: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Africa, NGL pipeline length by country (km), Nov 2023*
  • Table 24: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Africa, planned and announced pipeline lengths (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 25: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Africa, annual new-build capital expenditure outlook for planned and announced pipelines ($M), 2023-2027
  • Table 26: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Africa, annual new-build capital expenditure outlook for planned and announced pipelines by key countries ($M), 2023-2027
  • Table 27: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Africa, cross country crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 28: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Africa, cross country petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 29: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Africa, cross country natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 30: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Algeria, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 31: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Algeria, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 32: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Algeria, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 33: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Algeria, NGL pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 34: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Nigeria, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 35: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Nigeria, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 36: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Nigeria, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 37: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Nigeria, NGL pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 38: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Egypt, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 39: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Egypt, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 40: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Egypt, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 41: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Libya, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 42: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Libya, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 43: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Libya, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 44: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Libya, NGL pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 45: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Tanzania, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 46: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Tanzania, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 47: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Tanzania, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 48: Oil and gas pipelines industry, South Africa, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 49: Oil and gas pipelines industry, South Africa, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 50: Oil and gas pipelines industry, South Africa, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 51: Oil and gas pipelines industry, South Africa, NGL pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 52: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Tunisia, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 53: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Tunisia, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 54: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Tunisia, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 55: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Tunisia, NGL pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 56: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Sudan, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 57: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Sudan, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 58: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Niger, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 59: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Niger, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 60: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Kenya, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 61: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Kenya, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 62: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Kenya, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 63: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Angola, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 64: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Angola, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 65: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Angola, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 66: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Congo Republic, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 67: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Congo Republic, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 68: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Mozambique, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 69: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Mozambique, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 70: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Uganda, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 71: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Uganda, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 72: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Morocco, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 73: Oil and gas pipelines industry, South Sudan, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 74: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Cameroon, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 75: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Cameroon, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 76: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Cameroon, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 77: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Gabon, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 78: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Gabon, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 79: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Chad, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 80: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Chad, NGL pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 81: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Cote d'Ivoire, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 82: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Cote d'Ivoire, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 83: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Cote d'Ivoire, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 84: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Ethiopia, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 85: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Democratic Republic of the Congo, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 86: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Ghana, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 87: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Ghana, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 88: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Senegal, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 89: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Namibia, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 90: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Equatorial Guinea, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 91: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Equatorial Guinea, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 92: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Asia, key statistics, Nov 2023
  • Table 93: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Asia, transmission pipeline length by commodity (km), Nov 2023*
  • Table 94: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Asia, crude oil pipeline length by key countries (km), Nov 2023*
  • Table 95: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Asia, natural gas pipeline length by key countries (km), Nov 2023*
  • Table 96: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Asia, petroleum products pipeline length by key countries (km), Nov 2023*
  • Table 97: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Asia, NGL pipeline length by key countries (km), Nov 2023*
  • Table 98: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Asia, planned and announced pipeline lengths (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 99: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Asia, annual new-build capital expenditure outlook for planned and announced pipelines ($B), 2023-2027
  • Table 100: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Asia, annual new-build capital expenditure outlook for planned and announced pipelines by key countries ($M), 2023-2027
  • Table 101: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Asia, cross country crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 102: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Asia, cross country petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 103: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Asia, cross country natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 104: Oil and gas pipelines industry, China, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 105: Oil and gas pipelines industry, China, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 106: Oil and gas pipelines industry, China, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 107: Oil and gas pipelines industry, China, NGL pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 108: Oil and gas pipelines industry, India, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 109: Oil and gas pipelines industry, India, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 110: Oil and gas pipelines industry, India, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 111: Oil and gas pipelines industry, India, NGL pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 112: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Pakistan, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 113: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Pakistan, petroleum product pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 114: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Pakistan, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 115: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Indonesia, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 116: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Indonesia, petroleum product pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 117: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Indonesia, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 118: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Myanmar, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 119: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Myanmar, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 120: Oil and gas pipelines industry, South Korea, petroleum product pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 121: Oil and gas pipelines industry, South Korea, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 122: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Thailand, petroleum product pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 123: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Thailand, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 124: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Malaysia, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 125: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Malaysia, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 126: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Malaysia, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 127: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Malaysia, NGL pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 128: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Japan, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 129: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Japan, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 130: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Bangladesh, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 131: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Bangladesh, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 132: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Bangladesh, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 133: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Vietnam, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 134: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Vietnam, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 135: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Vietnam, NGL pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 136: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Taiwan, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 137: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Malaysia-Thailand Joint Development Area, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 138: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Philippines, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 139: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Philippines, petroleum product pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 140: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Mongolia, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 141: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Timor-Leste, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 142: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Malaysia-Vietnam PM-3 Commercial Arrangement Area, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 143: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Brunei, crude oil pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 144: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Brunei, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 145: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Afghanistan, natural gas pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 146: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Nepal, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 147: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Sri Lanka, petroleum products pipelines (km), Nov 2023
  • Table 148: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Caribbean, key statistics, Nov 2023
  • Table 149: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Caribbean, transmission pipeline length by commodity (km), Nov 2023*
  • Table 150: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Caribbean, crude oil pipeline length by country (km), Nov 2023*
  • Table 151: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Caribbean, natural gas pipeline length by country (km), Nov 2023*

List of Figures

List of Figures

  • Figure 1: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Global, transmission pipeline length by commodity (%), Nov 2023*
  • Figure 2: Oil and gas pipelines industry, Global, crude oil pipeline length by key countries (%), Nov 2023*
  • Figure 3: Oil and gas pi
Product Code: GDGE1370ICR


Globally, the total length of trunk/transmission pipeline network is 2,270,526 (with start years up to 2025), of which, crude oil pipelines constitute 402,955 km, petroleum products pipelines constitute 283,907 km, natural gas pipelines constitute 1,451,350 km and NGL pipelines constitute 132,314 km. Among the global trunk/ transmission pipeline systems, Transneft Oil System, Transneft Product System, Russian Gas System, and Mid America System are the longest active crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and NGL pipelines with lengths of 50,800 km, 16,449 km, 176,800 km, and 12,848 km.


  • Updated information on all active, suspended, planned and announced crude oil, petroleum products, and natural gas trunk/transmission pipelines with start years up to 2027
  • Provides key details such as operator name, start year, start point, end point, location, length, diameter and capacity for all active, suspended, planned and announced crude oil, petroleum products, and natural gas pipelines up to 2027
  • Provides annual breakdown of new-build capital expenditure outlook by region and by key countries for the period 2023¬2027.
  • Latest developments and contracts related to oil and gas pipelines, at regional level, wherever available.

Reasons to Buy

  • Obtain the most up to date information available on all active, suspended, planned and announced trunk/transmission pipelines globally
  • Identify growth segments and opportunities in the oil and gas pipelines industry
  • Facilitate decision making on the basis of strong pipeline data
  • Assess your competitor's pipeline network and its capacity

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

  • 1.1 What is this Report About?
  • 1.2 Market Definition

2. Global Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry

  • 2.1 Global Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Overview of Oil and Gas Pipelines Data
  • 2.2 Global Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Planned and Announced Oil and Gas Pipelines
  • 2.3 Global Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Top 10 Cross Country Pipelines
  • 2.4 Global Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Regional Comparisons

3. Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry

  • 3.1 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Snapshot
  • 3.2 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Planned and Announced Oil and Gas Pipelines
  • 3.3 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Cross Country Pipelines
  • 3.4 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Algeria
  • 3.5 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Nigeria
  • 3.6 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Egypt
  • 3.7 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Libya
  • 3.8 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Tanzania
  • 3.9 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, South Africa
  • 3.10 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Tunisia
  • 3.11 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Sudan
  • 3.12 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Niger
  • 3.13 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Kenya
  • 3.14 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Angola
  • 3.15 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Congo Republic
  • 3.16 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Mozambique
  • 3.17 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Uganda
  • 3.18 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Morocco
  • 3.19 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, South Sudan
  • 3.20 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Cameroon
  • 3.21 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Gabon
  • 3.22 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Chad
  • 3.23 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Cote d'Ivoire
  • 3.24 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Ethiopia
  • 3.25 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • 3.26 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Ghana
  • 3.27 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Senegal
  • 3.28 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Namibia
  • 3.29 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Equatorial Guinea
  • 3.30 Africa Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Recent Developments and Contracts

4. Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry

  • 4.1 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Snapshot
  • 4.2 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Planned and Announced Oil and Gas Pipelines
  • 4.3 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Cross Country Pipelines
  • 4.4 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, China
  • 4.5 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, India
  • 4.6 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Pakistan
  • 4.7 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Indonesia
  • 4.8 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Myanmar
  • 4.9 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, South Korea
  • 4.10 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Thailand
  • 4.11 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Malaysia
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Crude Oil Pipelines in Malaysia
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Petroleum Products Pipelines in Malaysia
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Natural Gas Pipelines in Malaysia
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, NGL Pipelines in Malaysia
  • 4.12 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Japan
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Petroleum Products Pipelines in Japan
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Natural Gas Pipelines in Japan
  • 4.13 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Bangladesh
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Crude Oil Pipelines in Bangladesh
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Petroleum Products Pipelines in Bangladesh
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Natural Gas Pipelines in Bangladesh
  • 4.14 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Vietnam
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Petroleum Products Pipelines in Vietnam
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Natural Gas Pipelines in Vietnam
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, NGL Pipelines in Vietnam
  • 4.15 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Taiwan
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Natural Gas Pipelines in Taiwan
  • 4.16 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Malaysia - Thailand Joint Development Area
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Natural Gas Pipelines in Malaysia - Thailand Joint Development Area
  • 4.17 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Philippines
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Natural Gas Pipelines in Philippines
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Petroleum Product Pipelines in Philippines
  • 4.18 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Mongolia
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Crude Oil Pipelines in Mongolia
  • 4.19 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Timor-Leste
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Natural Gas Pipelines in Timor-Leste
  • 4.20 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Malaysia - Vietnam PM-3 Commercial Arrangement Area
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Natural Gas Pipelines in Malaysia - Vietnam PM-3 Commercial Arrangement Area
  • 4.21 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Brunei
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Crude Oil Pipelines in Brunei
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Natural Gas Pipelines in Brunei
  • 4.22 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Afghanistan
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Natural Gas Pipelines in Afghanistan
  • 4.23 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Nepal
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Petroleum Products Pipelines in Nepal
  • 4.24 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Sri Lanka
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Petroleum Products Pipelines in Sri Lanka
  • 4.25 Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Recent Developments and Contracts
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Recent Developments
  • Asia Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Recent Contracts

5. Caribbean Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry

  • 5.1 Caribbean Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Snapshot
  • Caribbean Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Overview of Oil and Gas Pipelines Data
  • Caribbean Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Transmission Pipeline Length by Commodity
  • Caribbean Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Crude Oil Pipeline Length by Key Countries
  • Caribbean Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Natural Gas Pipeline Length by Key Countries
  • 5.2 Caribbean Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Planned and Announced Oil and Gas Pipelines
  • Caribbean Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Planned and Announced Pipelines Details
  • Caribbean Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Annual New-Build Capital Expenditure Outlook for Planned and Announced Pipelines
  • Caribbean Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Annual New-Build Capital Expenditure Outlook for Planned and Announced Pipelines by Key Countries
  • 5.3 Caribbean Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Cross Country Pipelines
  • Caribbean Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Cross Country Natural Gas Pipelines
  • 5.4 Caribbean Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Trinidad and Tobago
  • Caribbean Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Crude Oil Pipelines in Trinidad and Tobago
  • Caribbean Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Natural Gas Pipelines in Trinidad and Tobago
  • 5.5 Caribbean Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Cuba
  • Caribbean Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Crude Oil Pipelines in Cuba
  • Caribbean Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Natural Gas Pipelines in Cuba

6. Central America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry

  • 6.1 Central America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Snapshot
  • Central America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Overview of Oil and Gas Pipelines Data
  • Central America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Transmission Pipeline Length by Commodity
  • Central America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Crude Oil Pipeline Length by Key Countries
  • Central America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Natural Gas Pipeline Length by Key Countries
  • 6.2 Central America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Planned and Announced Oil and Gas Pipelines
  • Central America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Planned and Announced Pipelines Details
  • Central America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Annual New-Build Capital Expenditure Outlook for Planned and Announced Pipelines
  • Central America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Annual New-Build Capital Expenditure Outlook for Planned and Announced Pipelines by Key Countries
  • 6.3 Central America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Cross Country Pipelines
  • Central America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Cross Country Natural Gas Pipelines
  • 6.4 Central America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Guatemala
  • Central America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Crude Oil Pipelines in Guatemala
  • 6.5 Central America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Panama
  • Central America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Crude Oil Pipelines in Panama
  • Central America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Natural gas Pipelines in Panama
  • 6.6 Central America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, El Salvador
  • Central America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry, Natural Gas Pipelines in El Salvador

7. Europe Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry

8. Former Soviet Union Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry

9. Middle East Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry

10. North America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry

11. Oceania Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry

12. South America Oil and Gas Pipelines Industry

13. Appendix

  • 13.1 Abbreviations
  • 13.2 Status Definition
  • 13.3 Methodology
  • Coverage
  • Secondary Research
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