

Digital Marketing Trends in Type 2 Diabetes

出版日: | 発行: GlobalData | ページ情報: 英文 34 Pages | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

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価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=157.14円
出版日: 2023年06月02日
発行: GlobalData
ページ情報: 英文 34 Pages
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
ご注意事項 :
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次




  • エグゼクティブサマリー
  • 米国の患者のブランドウェブサイト
  • 米国医療従事者のブランドウェブサイト
  • 米国の非ブランドウェブサイト
  • 米国のソーシャルメディア
  • 欧州・カナダのブランドウェブサイト
  • 欧州・カナダの非ブランドウェブサイト
  • 欧州・カナダのソーシャルメディア


Product Code: GDHCHT402


Novo Nordisk's Ozempic.com achieved the highest total traffic across T2D patient brand sites in the US, with over 23 million visitors between April 2022-March 2023, followed by Eli Lilly's Trulicity.com and AstraZeneca's Farxiga.com. The highest proportion of traffic to branded patient T2D websites originated from direct sources, followed by organic. Novo Nordisk's Rybelsus.com had the highest proportion of direct traffic. Mounjaro.com was supported by the most paid SEO at over 17,000 keywords and the most DDA at approximately $38.5 million.

AstraZeneca's Farxiga-hcp.com achieved the highest traffic across branded T2D HCP sites in the US, with over 200,000 visitors between April 2022-March 2023. This was followed by Sanofi's Toujeopro.com with 94,000 visits. No DDA was detected for most HCP brand sites. Farxiga-hcp was supported by the most paid SEO at over 3,000 keywords.

Novo Nordisk's Diabeteseducation.novocare.com achieved the highest total traffic across T2D unbranded sites in the US, with over 450,000 visitors during April 2022-March 2023. The highest proportion of traffic to unbranded T2D websites in the US originated from direct search, followed by referral and organic. Sanofi spent approximately $2,300 on DDA for its Teamingupfordiabetes.com. Novo Nordisk's Getrealaboutdiabetes.com had the only detected paid SEO with over 1,800 keywords during April 2022-March 2023.

Between April 2022-March 2023, 174 social media posts related to T2D were detected from pharma accounts in the US, including Novo Nordisk, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Eli Lilly. The post with the most interaction (2.2%) was from Novo Nordisk's Facebook account on diabetes awareness month.

Novo Nordisk's Rybelsus.ca achieved the highest total traffic across T2D branded sites in EUCAN, with over 31,000 visits from April 2022 to March 2023. This was followed by Novo Nordisk's Tresiba.ca (28,000).

Between April 2022-March 2023, AstraZeneca's Zuckerkrank.de achieved the highest traffic across T2D unbranded websites in EUCAN with approximately 760,000 visits, followed by Novo Nordisk's Diabete.fr with approximately 490,000 visits. DDA spend ($4,000) and paid SEO (110 keywords) were only detected for Diabete.fr.

In EUCAN, 293 social media posts related to T2D were detected from pharma, including Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly's, AstraZeneca, and Boehringer Ingelheim. The post with the most interaction (6.8%) was from Novo Nordisk's Italian Facebook account, discussing the prevention of the occurrence of cardiovascular disease in people with T2D.


  • This report assesses key digital marketing metrics of pharma assets in type 2 diabetes (T2D), including branded websites for patients and healthcare professionals (HCPs), unbranded websites, and social media accounts. Metrics include website traffic volume, engagement, and source, digital display advertising (DDA), paid search engine optimization (SEO), and social media post interaction. Countries include the US, 4EU (Italy, France, Germany, and Spain), the UK, and Canada (EUCAN).

Reasons to Buy

  • Understand the digital marketing competitive landscape in T2D, with a view of leading patient and HCP branded assets across different regions.
  • See what tactics pharma companies are using to drive traffic to their T2D branded and unbranded assets for patient and HCPs, such as DDA and paid SEO.
  • Understand what sources of website traffic are generating the most visits to these assets, such as paid SEO, social media, or organic searches.
  • Compare top branded assets for patients by how they address and support different patient needs.
  • See what pharma social media accounts in T2D are the most active and achieving the most engagement.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

  • Executive Summary
  • US Patient Branded Websites
  • US HCP Branded Websites
  • US Unbranded Websites
  • US Social Media
  • EUCAN Branded Websites
  • EUCAN Unbranded Websites
  • EUCAN Social Media
