
ウェルスマネジメント市場:競争ダイナミクス、2022年最新版 - 運用資産別ウェルスマネージャーのレビュー、財務実績、革新動向、競合動向

Wealth Management Competitive Dynamics, 2022 Update - Review of Wealth Managers by AUM, Financial Performance, Innovative and Competitive Trends

出版日: | 発行: GlobalData | ページ情報: 英文 38 Pages | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

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ウェルスマネジメント市場:競争ダイナミクス、2022年最新版 - 運用資産別ウェルスマネージャーのレビュー、財務実績、革新動向、競合動向
出版日: 2023年01月03日
発行: GlobalData
ページ情報: 英文 38 Pages
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
ご注意事項 :
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
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第1章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第2章 運用資産別ウェルスマネージャー

第3章 財務実績

  • ウェルスマネジメント部門の利益は2021年に回復
  • グループの業績は2021年に過去最高に

第4章 競争動向

  • GlobalDataの企業ファイリング分析:トップ動向
  • 富と資産管理に大きな影響を与える高いインフレ率
  • プライベートクライアントのデジタル融資ソリューションはウェルスマネージャーに利益をもたす
  • ロシアとウクライナの紛争により、コンプライアンスに再び注意が向けられる

第5章 付録


List of Tables

List of Tables

  • Table 1: Private banks with significant net inflows growth in 2021
  • Table 2: Published client AUM for the top 15 private wealth managers ($ billion), 2021-H1 2022
  • Table 3: Private wealth management minimum thresholds
  • Table 4: Net new money from reporting wealth management competitors ($ billion), 2016-21

List of Figures

List of Figures

  • Figure 1: Consolidation has been slowly reversing itself due to high HNW asset growth
  • Figure 2: Competitive pressure is building in the private wealth management market as economic storm clouds gather
  • Figure 3: Inflows surged in 2021 as the rich world rolled out COVID vaccines and opened up again
  • Figure 4: Raymond James led the pack in 2021 due to capital appreciation and net inflows
  • Figure 5: Wealth management profitability bounced back in 2021, aided by a recovery in the cost/revenue ratio
  • Figure 6: Growth in profit was widespread across regions and types of private wealth manager
  • Figure 7: Both costs and revenue surged in 2021 thanks to a reinvigorated industry
  • Figure 8: Wealth revenue growth was driven by fees generated from larger portfolios
  • Figure 9: Wealth FTEs have continued to fall across the top wealth management firms
  • Figure 10: The top wealth management banking groups have turned the corner on the pandemic
  • Figure 11: Only Credit Suisse and Quintet truly suffered a reversal in group profits in 2021
  • Figure 12: Several turnaround stories at troubled majors led the pack in group profit growth
  • Figure 13: Wealth management has not grown appreciably as a share of overall banking
  • Figure 14: The top wealth managers remain focused on ESG
  • Figure 15: ESG investment demand has shifted to the Middle East and Africa
  • Figure 16: Financial market decline is expected to materially affect industry performance in 2022
  • Figure 17: Demand for credit is highest in North America, where rates have already risen
  • Figure 18: Wealth managers will need to look beyond the West to find more HNW wealth to manage
Product Code: GDFS0411IA

This report benchmarks the world's leading wealth managers by managed client assets and financial performance. It covers the 49 most prominent institutions, including standalone private banks and wealth managers, as well as competitors that are part of larger universal financial groups. All international public wealth managers with over $100 billion in private client AUM are featured in the report.

After 2021 saw double-digit growth in client assets and record profits, the private wealth management industry looks set for its toughest year since the global financial crisis. A combination of expansionary monetary policy and pandemic support created fertile market conditions for private wealth managers in 2021, but 2022 is set to be the polar opposite - saddling competitors with significant challenges and headwinds.


  • Inflows to the largest wealth managers outpaced growth in overall HNW wealth in 2021.
  • Digitalization of private wealth management is continuing to reduce headcount at leading banks, even as assets under management and clients reach all-time highs.
  • COVID-19 has already faded from the strategies of the top wealth managers, with geopolitics and environmental, social, and governance rising as concerns.

Reasons to Buy

  • Benchmark the AUM and financial performance of the largest private wealth managers in the industry.
  • Understand the challenges facing wealth managers and how the top banks are addressing them.
  • Learn about the strategies driving growth at leading wealth management groups.
  • Analyze wealth profitability trends and discover the strategies that leading banks are using to improve performance.
  • Identify the industry's best practices in managing operating costs and boosting revenues.
  • Gain insight into the major issues preoccupying wealth managers.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

  • 1.1 2022 is shaping up to be the year the tide went out
  • 1.2 Key findings
  • 1.3 Critical success factors

2. Wealth Managers by AUM

  • 2.1 The top wealth managers recorded strong growth in 2021
  • 2.2 Continued positive net new money boosted the top banks amid crises
  • 2.3 The top end of the private wealth market saw key shifts
  • 2.4 2022 half-year figures suggest the industry is struggling

3. Financial Performance

  • 3.1 Profits at wealth management divisions recovered in 2021
  • 3.2 Group performance bounced back to all-time highs in 2021

4. Competitive Trends

  • 4.1 GlobalData's Company Filings Analytics: top trends
  • 4.2 High inflation returns, with big impacts on wealth and asset management
  • 4.3 Private client digital lending solutions will pay off for wealth managers
  • 4.4 The Russia/Ukraine conflict refocuses attention on compliance

5. Appendix

  • 5.1 Abbreviations and acronyms
  • 5.2 Supplementary data
  • 5.3 Secondary sources
  • 5.4 Further reading
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