

Global Off-Road Equipment Market & Technology Outlook 2023

出版日: | 発行: Freedonia Group | ページ情報: 英文 231 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2023年08月04日
発行: Freedonia Group
ページ情報: 英文 231 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次




第1章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第2章 市場の概要

  • 調査範囲
  • オフロード機械の市場規模と成長要因
  • オフロード機械産業の短期の動向
  • オフロード機械市場の長期の見通し

第3章 地域と国の売上動向

  • オフロード機械の見通し:地域別
  • 予測(2023年)
  • 地域の長期の見通し
  • 成長の比較:国別
  • 国の需要動向
  • 注目の国:ブラジル
  • 注目の国:ドイツ
  • 注目の国:日本
  • 注目の国:タイ
  • 注目の国:トルコ

第4章 世界の技術動向

  • 製品開発と技術の焦点
  • 産業用IoT(IIoT)
  • スマートテクノロジーの定義と範囲
  • 世界のスマートテクノロジーの見通し
  • 自律型機械
  • 予知保全
  • グローバルポジショニング
  • ドローン
  • エンジン技術
  • ハイブリッド
  • 完全電動機械
  • 先進のエルゴノミクス、操作性
  • 3Dプリント部品

第5章 建設機械

  • 範囲と製品の説明
  • 需要予測:地域別
  • 技術の焦点(2023年)
  • 主なイノベーションの動向
  • スマートテクノロジーの見通し
  • 電気エンジン、ハイブリッドエンジン
  • 自律型、半自律型マシン
  • 建設用ドローン
  • 改良されたハンドリング、エルゴノミクス

第6章 農業機械

  • 範囲と製品の説明
  • 需要予測:地域別
  • 技術フォーカス(2023年)
  • 主なイノベーションの動向
  • スマートテクノロジーの見通し
  • 自律型トラクターとその他の機械
  • 農業用ロボット
  • 農業用ドローン
  • 精密農業
  • 特殊機械
  • データシステム

第7章 鉱業機械

  • 範囲と製品の説明
  • 需要予測:地域別
  • 技術フォーカス(2023年)
  • 主なイノベーションの動向
  • スマートテクノロジーの見通し
  • 自律型、半自律型鉱業機械
  • 電気、ハイブリッド鉱業機械
  • デジタル鉱業管理
  • 高性能機械
  • 鉱業用ドローン

第8章 林業機械

  • 範囲と製品の説明
  • 需要予測:地域別
  • 技術フォーカス(2023年)
  • 主なイノベーションの動向
  • スマートテクノロジーの見通し
  • 燃料効率、排出ガス低減
  • 改良されたハンドリング、作業員の快適性
  • 先進のソフトウェア、遠隔モニタリング
  • ウインチアシスト技術
  • 精密林業
  • 林業用ドローン

第9章 メーカーのスポットライト

  • 世界の主要サプライヤー
  • R&D Spending Trends
  • AGCO
  • Caterpillar
  • CNH Industrial
  • Deere
  • HD Hyundai
  • Hitachi
  • Komatsu
  • Kubota
  • Liebherr-International
  • Sandvik
  • SANY Group
  • Volvo
  • Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group
  • Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology

第10章 付録

Product Code: FG18095682

Global demand for Off-Road Equipment is projected to increase 6.0 percent per year to 728 billion dollars in 2027. Increasing investment in electric and autonomous equipment as well as large replacement needs in mature markets will boost demand for newly developed machinery.

This report covers Global Off-Road Equipment demand by Market and Region, along with a discussion of newly developed technologies in the markets. Data are given in dollar value.

Markets for off-road equipment include:

  • Construction Machinery
  • Agricultural Equipment
  • Mining Equipment
  • Forestry Equipment

Demand is broken out by regions.

  • North America
  • Central & South America
  • Western Europe
  • Eastern Europe
  • Asia/Pacific
  • Africa/Mideast

Scope of the Report

This report covers the scope, size, and growth of the Global Off-Road Equipment market including key trends in technological development. Historical data are provided for 2012, 2017, and 2022 with forecasts for 2027 and 2032 in the region breakout and forecasts for 2027 in market breakouts, with year-by-year historical market volatility also addressed. Data is provided in dollar value. Also included is an analysis of the industry key players and their percent share of investment toward research and development.

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Market Overview

Study Scope

Off-Road Equipment Market Size & Growth Factors

Short-Term Off-Road Equipment Industry Trends

Long-Term Off-Road Equipment Market Outlook

3. Region & Country Sales Trends

Off-Road Equipment Outlook by Region

2023 Forecast

Long-Term Regional Outlook

Growth Comparison by Country

Country Demand Trends

Country Spotlight: Brazil

Country Spotlight: Germany

Country Spotlight: Japan

Country Spotlight: Thailand

Country Spotlight: Turkey

4. Global Technology Trends

Product Development & Technology Focus

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Smart Technology Definition & Scope

Global Smart Technology Outlook

Autonomous Equipment

Predictive Maintenance

Global Positioning


Engine Technologies


All-Electric Equipment

Advanced Ergonomics & Operability

3D-Printed Components

5. Construction Machinery

Scope & Product Description

Demand Forecast by Region

Technology Focus 2023

Key Innovation Trends

Smart Technology Outlook

Electric & Hybrid Engines

Autonomous & Semi-Autonomous Machines

Construction Drones

Improved Handling & Ergonomics

6. Agricultural Equipment

Scope & Product Description

Demand Forecast by Region

Technology Focus 2023

Key Innovation Trends

Smart Technology Outlook

Autonomous Tractors & Other Machinery

Farming Robots

Agricultural Drones

Precision Agriculture

Specialty Machines

Data Systems

7. Mining Equipment

Scope & Product Description

Demand Forecast by Region

Technology Focus 2023

Key Innovation Trends

Smart Technology Outlook

Autonomous & Semi-Autonomous Mining Machinery

Electric & Hybrid Mining Machinery

Digital Mine Management

High Performance Equipment

Mining Drones

8. Forestry Equipment

Scope & Product Description

Demand Forecast by Region

Technology Focus 2023

Key Innovation Trends

Smart Technology Outlook

Fuel Efficiency & Lower Emissions

Improved Handling & Operator Comfort

Advanced Software & Remote Monitoring

Winch-Assist Technologies

Precision Forestry

Forestry Drones

9. Manufacturer Spotlight

Leading Global Suppliers

R&D Spending Trends



CNH Industrial


HD Hyundai






SANY Group


Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group

Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology

10. Appendix

Report Details



Freedonia Methodology

Study-Specific Methodology


Associations & Agencies

Related Studies & Reports

Country Lists by Region

Macroeconomic Assumptions

Global Economic Outlook

Global Population

Global Construction Outlook

Global Manufacturing Outlook

List of Tables

2. Market Overview

Table 2-1. Global Off-Road Equipment Demand, 2012 - 2022 (million dollars)

Table 2-2. Annual Global Off-Road Equipment Demand by Product, 2020 - 2024 (million dollars)

Table 2-3. Global Off-Road Equipment Demand by Market, 2012, 2017, 2022, & 2027 (million dollars)

3. Region & Country Sales Trends

Table 3-1. Global Off-Road Equipment Demand by Region, 2021, 2022, & 2023 (million dollars)

Table 3-2. Global Off-Road Equipment Demand by Region, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, & 2032 (million dollars)

Table 3-3. Off-Road Equipment Demand Growth for Spotlight Countries, 2023 - 2027 (% CAGR)

4. Global Technology Trends

Table 4-1. Smart Off-Road Machinery Demand by Type, 2021, 2022, 2023, & 2027 (million dollars)

Table 4-2. Key Advantages of Autonomous Off-Road Equipment

Table 4-3. Global Construction, Agricultural, Mining, & Forestry Drone Demand, 2021, 2022, 2023, & 2027 (million dollars)

Table 4-4. Notable Developments in Hybrid Engine Equipment

Table 4-5. All-Electric Equipment Product Development

5. Construction Machinery

Table 5-1. Global Construction Machinery Demand by Region, 2021, 2022, 2023, & 2027 (million dollars)

Table 5-2. Electric Construction Machinery: Selected Products Available or in Development

Table 5-3. Autonomous & Semi-Autonomous Construction Machinery: Selected Products Available or in Development

Table 5-4. Construction Machinery with Improved Handling & Ergonomics: Selected Products

6. Agricultural Equipment

Table 6-1. Global Agricultural Equipment Demand by Region, 2021, 2022, 2023, & 2027 (million dollars)

Table 6-2. Autonomous Agricultural Equipment: Selected Products Available or in Development

Table 6-3. Startups with Farm Robots in Development

Table 6-4. Farming Robots: Selected Products Available or in Development

Table 6-5. Specialty Agricultural Equipment: Selected New Products

7. Mining Equipment

Table 7-1. Global Mining Equipment Demand by Region, 2021, 2022, 2023, & 2027 (million dollars)

Table 7-2. Autonomous Mining Equipment: Selected Products Available or in Development

Table 7-3. Electric & Hybrid Mining Equipment: Selected Products Available or in Development

Table 7-4. Digital Mine Management Technologies: Selected New Products

Table 7-5. Mining Equipment: Selected New Products

8. Forestry Equipment

Table 8-1. Global Forestry Equipment Demand by Region, 2021, 2022, 2023, & 2027 (million dollars)

Table 8-2. Fuel Efficient & Low Emissions Forestry Equipment: Selected New Products

Table 8-3. Forestry Equipment with Improved Handling or Operator Comfort: Selected Products

9. Manufacturer Spotlight

Table 9-1. Research & Development (R&D) Spending for Selected Off-Road Equipment Companies, 2022 (million dollars)

10. Appendix

Table 10-1. Off-Road Equipment Scope: Product Examples by Equipment Type

Table 10-2. Relevant NAICS & SIC Codes

Table 10-3. Relevant HS Codes

Table 10-4. Relevant NACE Codes

Table 10-5. Abbreviations & Acronyms Used in Study

Table 10-6. Countries in North America

Table 10-7. Countries in Central & South America

Table 10-8. Countries in Western Europe

Table 10-9. Countries in Eastern Europe

Table 10-10. Countries in the Asia/Pacific Region

Table 10-11. Countries in the Africa/Mideast Region

Table 10-12. Global Gross Domestic Product by Region & Country, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, & 2032 (billion 2021 dollars)

Table 10-13. Global Population by Region and Country, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, & 2032 (billion 2021 dollars)

Table 10-14. Global Construction Expenditures by Region & Country, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, & 2032 (billion 2021 dollars)

Table 10-15. Global Manufacturing Value Added by Region & Country, 2012, 2017, 2022, 2027, & 2032 (billion 2021 dollars)

List of Figures

1. Executive Summary

Figure 1-1. Global Off-Road Equipment Market

2. Market Overview

Figure 2-1. Off-Road Equipment: Product Examples

Figure 2-2. Global Off-Road Equipment Demand, 2000 - 2022 (billion dollars)

Figure 2-3. Global Off-Road Equipment Demand by Product, 2020 - 2024 (% CAGR)

Figure 2-4. Global Off-Road Equipment Demand, 2000 - 2032 (billion dollars)

3. Region & Country Sales Trends

Figure 3-1. Global Off-Road Equipment Demand Growth by Region, 2021 - 2023 (% CAGR)

Figure 3-2. Global Off-Road Equipment Demand by Region, 2000 - 2032 (billion dollars)

Figure 3-3. Global Off-Road Equipment: Fastest Growing Country Markets, 2023 - 2027 (% CAGR)

Figure 3-4. Brazil: Off-Road Equipment Market Position & Outlook, 2023 - 2027

Figure 3-5. Germany: Off-Road Equipment Market Position & Outlook, 2023 - 2027

Figure 3-6. Japan: Off-Road Equipment Market Position & Outlook, 2023 - 2027

Figure 3-7. Thailand: Off-Road Equipment Market Position & Outlook, 2023 - 2027

Figure 3-8. Turkey: Off-Road Equipment Market Position & Outlook, 2023 - 2027

4. Global Technology Trends

Figure 4-1. Off-Road Equipment Innovation Focus by Product Type

Figure 4-2. Smart Machinery Share of Off-Road Equipment Sales by Equipment Type, 2023 - 2027 (percent)

Figure 4-3. Autonomous Off-Road Equipment: Top Developers

Figure 4-4. Drones: Product Examples

Figure 4-5. Electric Powered Off-Road Equipment: Product Examples

Figure 4-6. Off-Road Equipment: Product Developments in 3D Printing

5. Construction Machinery

Figure 5-1. Construction Machinery: Product Examples

Figure 5-2. Global Construction Machinery Demand, 2003 - 2027 (billion dollars)

Figure 5-3. Global Construction Machinery Demand Outlook by Region, 2023 - 2027 (% CAGR)

Figure 5-4. Construction Machinery: Key Innovation Trends

Figure 5-5. Smart Construction Machinery Demand, 2022, 2023, & 2027 (million dollars)

Figure 5-6. Construction Drones: Product Examples

6. Agricultural Equipment

Figure 6-1. Agricultural Equipment: Product Examples

Figure 6-2. Global Agricultural Equipment Demand, 2003 - 2027 (billion dollars)

Figure 6-3. Agricultural Equipment Demand Growth by Region, 2023 - 2027 (% CAGR)

Figure 6-4. Agricultural Equipment: Key Innovation Trends

Figure 6-5. Global Smart Agricultural Equipment Demand, 2022, 2023, & 2027 (million dollars)

Figure 6-6. Agricultural Equipment: Autonomous Machinery in Development

Figure 6-7. Agricultural Equipment: Selected Robots in Development

7. Mining Equipment

Figure 7-1. Mining Equipment: Product Examples

Figure 7-2. Global Mining Equipment Demand, 2003 - 2027 (billion dollars)

Figure 7-3. Mining Equipment: Demand Growth by Region, 2023 - 2027 (% CAGR)

Figure 7-4. Mining Equipment: Key Innovation Trends

Figure 7-5. Global Smart Mining Equipment Demand, 2022, 2023, & 2027 (million dollars)

8. Forestry Equipment

Figure 8-1. Forestry Equipment: Product Examples

Figure 8-2. Global Forestry Equipment Demand, 2004 - 2027 (billion dollars)

Figure 8-3. Forestry Equipment: Demand Growth by Region, 2023 - 2027 (% CAGR)

Figure 8-4. Forestry Equipment: Key Innovation Trends

Figure 8-5. Smart Forestry Equipment Demand, 2022, 2023, & 2027 (million dollars)

Figure 8-6. Advanced Software for Forestry Equipment: Product Examples

Figure 8-7. Winch-Assist Systems for Forestry Equipment: Product Examples

9. Manufacturer Spotlight

Figure 9-1. AGCO: R&D Overview & Key Focus Areas

Figure 9-2. Caterpillar: R&D Overview & Key Focus Areas

Figure 9-3. CNH Industrial: R&D Overview & Key Focus Areas

Figure 9-4. Deere: R&D Overview & Key Focus Areas

Figure 9-5. HD Hyundai: R&D Overview & Key Focus Areas

Figure 9-6. Hitachi: R&D Overview & Key Focus Areas

Figure 9-7. Komatsu: R&D Overview & Key Focus Areas

Figure 9-8. Kubota: R&D Overview & Key Focus Areas

Figure 9-9. Liebherr-International: R&D Overview & Key Focus Areas

Figure 9-10. Sandvik: R&D Overview & Key Focus Areas

Figure 9-11. SANY Group: R&D Overview & Key Focus Areas

Figure 9-12. Volvo: R&D Overview & Key Focus Areas

Figure 9-13. Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group: R&D Overview & Key Focus Areas

Figure 9-14. Zoomlion: R&D Overview & Key Focus Areas

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