

US Metal Roofing

出版日: | 発行: Freedonia Group | ページ情報: 英文 190 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=153.16円
出版日: 2023年04月21日
発行: Freedonia Group
ページ情報: 英文 190 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次




第1章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第2章 このレポートについて

  • レポートの詳細
  • 調査の範囲と製品の説明
  • COVID-19パンデミックの影響

第3章 概要

  • 過去の市場動向
  • 需給
    • 生産
    • 外国貿易
  • 製品の概要
    • エリア需要:製品別
    • 市場金額:製品別
  • 市場の概要
    • 需要:市場別
    • 商業ビル
    • 住宅
  • 用途
    • 需要:用途別
    • 葺き替え
    • 新規の屋根ふき
  • 価格動向
  • 競合製品

第4章 屋根材の需要に影響を与える要因

  • 建物建設活動
  • 建築ストックの年数
  • 天気と気候
  • 緩斜面 vs. 急斜面
  • 設置の問題
    • 設置コストの比較
    • 訓練を受けた労働者の利用可能性
    • 現場の安全
  • 進化する建築基準法
  • 屋根のメンテナンスプログラムの採用
  • 保険者の要件
  • サステナビリティへの取り組み
    • リサイクルとリサイクルコンテンツ
    • クールルーフィング
    • エネルギー効率(LEED、Energy Star)
  • 製品寿命

第5章 スタンディングシーム金属屋根材

  • 範囲と製品の説明
  • 製品の動向
  • 市場
  • 用途
  • 米国の需要:地域別

第6章 金属屋根板、シェイク、タイル

  • 範囲と製品の説明
  • 製品の動向
  • 市場
  • 用途
  • 米国の需要:地域別

第7章 波形パネル、その他の金属屋根材

  • 範囲と製品の説明
  • 製品の動向
  • 市場
  • 用途
  • 米国の需要:地域別

第8章 商業市場

  • 市場の範囲
  • 用途
    • 需要:用途別
    • 葺き替え
    • 新築
  • 建物タイプ
    • 需要:建物タイプ別
    • オフィス、小売店、宿泊施設
    • 機関
    • 工業
    • その他の商業ビル
  • 製品の動向
  • 米国の需要:地域別

第9章 住宅市場

  • 市場の範囲
  • 用途
    • 需要:用途別
    • 葺き替え
    • 新築
  • 住宅タイプ
    • 需要:住宅タイプ別
    • 一戸建て住宅
    • 集合住宅
    • プレハブ住宅
  • 製品の動向
  • 需要:地域別

第10章 地域の動向

  • 需要:地域別
  • 北東部
    • 需要:サブリージョン別
    • ニューイングランド
    • 中部大西洋岸
  • 中西部
    • 需要:サブリージョン別
    • 東北中部
    • 西北中部
  • 南部
    • 需要:サブリージョン別
    • 南大西洋岸
    • 東南中部
    • 西南中部
  • 西部
    • 需要:サブリージョン別
    • 山岳部
    • 太平洋岸

第11章 主要サプライヤーと市場シェア

  • 業界構成
  • 市場シェア
  • 合併と買収

第12章 付録

Product Code: FG17883499

Demand for US metal roofing is projected to increase less than 1% per year through 2026 to 38.1 million, restrained by 2021 construction completions and increased use of longer lasting products.

US metal roofing materials include:

Metal Roofing

Standing seam

Metal Shingles, Shakes, and Tiles

Corrugated Panels

Insulated Metal Panels

Flat Metal Panels

Markets for US roofing includes:

New Residential Roofing

Residential Reroofing

New Commercial Roofing

Commercial Reroofing

Demand is broken out for US Census regions and subregions.





Scope of the Report

This report covers the scope, size, and growth of the US metal roofing market, including key trends in materials, products, and markets. Historical data are provided for 2011, 2016, and 2021 with forecasts for 2026 and 2031, with year-by-year historical market volatility also addressed. Data is provided in dollars and units. Also included is an analysis of the industry key players and their market shares.

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. About This Report

  • Report Details
  • Study Scope & Product Description
  • Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic

3. Overview

  • Historical Market Trends
  • Supply & Demand
    • Production
    • Foreign Trade
  • Product Overview
    • Area Demand by Product
    • Market Value by Product
  • Markets Overview
    • Demand by Market
    • Commercial Buildings
    • Residential Buildings
  • Applications
    • Demand by Application
    • Reroofing
    • New Roofing
  • Pricing Trends
  • Competitive Products

4. Factors Impacting Roofing Demand

  • Building Construction Activity
  • Age of Building Stock
  • Weather & Climate
  • Low-Slope vs. Steep-Slope
  • Installation Issues
    • Comparative Installation Costs
    • Availability of Trained Labor
    • Jobsite Safety
  • Evolving Building Codes
  • Adoption of Roof Maintenance Programs
  • Insurer Requirements
  • Sustainability Initiatives
    • Recycling & Recycled Content
    • Cool Roofing
    • Energy Efficiency (LEED & Energy Star)
  • Product Lifespans

5. Standing Seam Metal Roofing

  • Scope & Product Description
  • Product Trends
  • Markets
  • Applications
  • Demand by US Region

6. Metal Shingles, Shakes, & Tiles

  • Scope & Product Description
  • Product Trends
  • Markets
  • Applications
  • Demand by US Region

7. Corrugated Panels & Other Metal Roofing

  • Scope & Product Description
  • Product Trends
  • Markets
  • Applications
  • Demand by US Region

8. Commercial Market

  • Market Scope
  • Applications
    • Demand by Application
    • Reroofing
    • New Construction
  • Building Type
    • Demand by Building Type
    • Office, Retail, & Lodging
    • Institutional
    • Industrial
    • Other Commercial Buildings
  • Product Trends
  • Demand by US Region

9. Residential Market

  • Market Scope
  • Applications
    • Demand by Application
    • Reroofing
    • New Construction
  • Housing Type
    • Demand by Housing Type
    • Single-Family Housing
    • Multifamily Housing
    • Manufactured Housing
  • Product Trends
  • Demand by Region

10. Regional Trends

  • Demand by Region
  • Northeast
    • Demand by Subregion
    • New England
    • Middle Atlantic
  • Midwest
    • Demand by Subregion
    • East North Central
    • West North Central
  • South
    • Demand by Subregion
    • South Atlantic
    • East South Central
    • West South Central
  • West
    • Demand by Subregion
    • Mountain
    • Pacific

11. Key Suppliers & Market Share

  • Industry Composition
  • Market Share
  • Mergers & Acquisitions

12. Appendix

  • Scope
  • Definitions
  • Freedonia Methodology
  • Study-Specific Methodology
  • Sources
  • Associations & Agencies
  • Related Studies & Reports
  • Macroeconomic Assumptions
    • Economic Environment
    • Demographic Trends
    • Consumer Spending
    • Consumer Financing
    • Residential Building Construction
    • Residential Improvements & Repairs
    • Commercial Building Construction
    • Commercial Building Stock
    • Commercial Building Improvements & Repairs

List of Tables

2. About This Report

  • Table 2-1. Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Product, 2019 - 2023 (million squares & million dollars)
  • Table 2-2. Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Market, 2019 - 2023 (million squares)

3. Overview

  • Table 3-1. Metal Roofing Demand, 2011 - 2021 (million squares & million dollars)
  • Table 3-2. Metal Roofing Supply & Demand, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million dollars)
  • Table 3-3. Annual Metal Roofing Supply & Demand, 2018 - 2025 (million dollars)
  • Table 3-4. Metal Roofing Demand by Product, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 3-5. Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Product, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 3-6. Metal Roofing Demand by Product, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million dollars)
  • Table 3-7. Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Product, 2018 - 2025 (million dollars)
  • Table 3-8. Metal Roofing Demand by Market, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 3-9. Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Market, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 3-10. Commercial Metal Roofing Demand by Product, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 3-11. Annual Commercial Metal Roofing Demand by Product, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 3-12. Residential Metal Roofing Demand by Product, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 3-13. Annual Residential Metal Roofing Demand by Product, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 3-14. Metal Roofing Demand by Application, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 3-15. Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Application, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 3-16. Metal Roofing Demand in Reroofing Applications, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 3-17. Annual Metal Roofing Demand in Reroofing Applications, 2018 - 2025 (million squares & million dollars)
  • Table 3-18. Metal Roofing Demand in New Construction Applications, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares & million dollars)
  • Table 3-19. Annual Metal Roofing Demand in New Construction Applications, 2018 - 2025 (million squares & million dollars)
  • Table 3-20. Metal Roofing Pricing by Product, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (dollars per square)
  • Table 3-21. Annual Metal Roofing Pricing by Product, 2018 - 2025 (dollars per square)

4. Factors Impacting Roofing Demand

  • Table 4-1. Building Construction Expenditures, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (billion 2012 dollars & billion dollars)
  • Table 4-2. Annual Building Construction Expenditures, 2018 - 2025 (billion 2012 dollars & billion dollars)
  • Table 4-3. Residential & Commercial Roofing Stock by Building Type, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 4-4. Annual Residential & Commercial Roofing Stock by Building Type, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 4-5. Metal Roofing Demand by Slope, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 4-6. Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Slope, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 4-7. Selected Roofing Product Installation Costs, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (dollars per square)
  • Table 4-8. Annual Selected Roofing Product Installation Costs, 2018 - 2025 (dollars per square)

5. Standing Seam Metal Roofing

  • Table 5-1. Standing Seam Metal Roofing Demand by Market, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 5-2. Annual Standing Seam Metal Roofing Demand by Market, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 5-3. Standing Seam Metal Roofing Demand by Application, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 5-4. Annual Standing Seam Metal Roofing Demand by Application, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 5-5. Standing Seam Metal Roofing Demand by Region, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 5-6. Annual Standing Seam Metal Roofing Demand by Region, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)

6. Metal Shingles, Shakes, & Tiles

  • Table 6-1. Metal Shingle, Shake, & Tile Roofing Demand by Product, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 6-2. Annual Metal Shingle, Shake, & Tile Roofing Demand by Product, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 6-3. Metal Shingle, Shake, & Tile Roofing Demand by Market, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 6-4. Annual Metal Shingle, Shake, & Tile Roofing Demand by Market, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 6-5. Metal Shingle, Shake, & Tile Roofing Demand by Application, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 6-6. Annual Metal Shingle, Shake, & Tile Roofing Demand by Application, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 6-7. Metal Shingle, Shake, & Tile Roofing Demand by Region, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 6-8. Annual Metal Shingle, Shake, & Tile Roofing Demand by Region, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)

7. Corrugated Panels & Other Metal Roofing

  • Table 7-1. Corrugated Panel & Other Metal Roofing Demand by Market, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 7-2. Annual Corrugated Panel & Other Metal Roofing Demand by Market, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 7-3. Corrugated Panel & Other Metal Roofing Demand by Application, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 7-4. Annual Corrugated Panel & Other Metal Roofing Demand by Application, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 7-5. Corrugated Panel & Other Metal Roofing Demand by Region, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 7-6 Annual Corrugated Panel & Other Metal Roofing Demand by Region 2018 - 2025 (million squares)

8. Commercial Market

  • Table 8-1. Commercial Metal Roofing Demand by Application, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 8-2. Annual Commercial Metal Roofing Demand by Application, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 8-3. Commercial Metal Roofing Demand in Reroofing Applications by Product, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 8-4. Annual Commercial Metal Roofing Demand in Reroofing Applications by Product, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 8-5. Commercial Metal Roofing Demand in New Construction Applications by Product, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 8-6. Annual Commercial Metal Roofing Demand in New Construction Applications by Product, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 8-7. Commercial Metal Roofing Demand by Building Type, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 8-8. Annual Commercial Metal Roofing Demand by Building Type, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 8-9. Office, Retail, & Lodging Buildings Demand by Application, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 8-10. Annual Office, Retail, & Lodging Buildings Demand by Application, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 8-11. Institutional Building Demand by Application, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 8-12. Annual Institutional Building Demand by Application, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 8-13. Industrial Building Demand by Application, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 8-14. Annual Industrial Building Demand by Application, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 8-15. Transportation & Other Commercial Building Demand by Application, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 8-16. Annual Transportation & Other Commercial Building Demand by Application, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 8-17. Commercial Metal Roofing Demand by Product, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 8-18. Annual Commercial Metal Roofing Demand by Product, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 8-19. Commercial Metal Roofing Demand by Region, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 8-20. Annual Commercial Metal Roofing Demand by Region, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)

9. Residential Market

  • Table 9-1. Residential Metal Roofing Demand by Application, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 9-2. Annual Residential Metal Roofing Demand by Application, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 9-3. Residential Metal Roofing Demand in Reroofing Applications by Product, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 9-4. Annual Residential Metal Roofing Demand in Reroofing Applications by Product, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 9-5. Residential Metal Roofing Demand in New Construction Applications by Product, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 9-6. Annual Residential Metal Roofing Demand in New Construction Applications by Product, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 9-7. Residential Metal Roofing Demand by Housing Type, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 9-8. Annual Residential Metal Roofing Demand by Housing Type, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 9-9. Residential Metal Roofing Demand by Product, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 9-10. Annual Residential Metal Roofing Demand by Product, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 9-11. Residential Metal Roofing Demand by Region, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 9-12. Annual Residential Metal Roofing Demand by Region, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)

10. Regional Trends

  • Table 10-1. Metal Roofing Demand by Region, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 10-2. Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Region, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 10-3. Northeast: Metal Roofing Demand by Subregion, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 10-4. Northeast: Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Subregion, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 10-5. New England: Metal Roofing Demand by Product, Market, & Application, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 10-6. New England: Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Product, Market, & Application, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 10-7. Middle Atlantic: Metal Roofing Demand by Product, Market, & Application, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 10-8. Middle Atlantic: Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Product, Market, & Application, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 10-9. Midwest: Metal Roofing Demand by Subregion, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 10-10. Midwest: Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Subregion, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 10-11. East North Central: Metal Roofing Demand by Product, Market, & Application, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 10-12. East North Central: Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Product, Market, & Application, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 10-13. West North Central: Metal Roofing Demand by Product, Market, & Application, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 10-14. West North Central: Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Product, Market, & Application, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 10-15. South: Metal Roofing Demand by Subregion, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 10-16. South: Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Subregion, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 10-17. South Atlantic: Metal Roofing Demand by Product, Market, & Application, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 10-18. South Atlantic: Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Product, Market, & Application, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 10-19. East South Central: Metal Roofing Demand by Product, Market, & Application, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 10-20. East South Central: Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Product, Market, & Application, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 10-21. West South Central: Metal Roofing Demand by Product, Market, & Application, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 10-22. West South Central: Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Product, Market, & Application, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 10-23. West: Metal Roofing Demand by Subregion, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 10-24. West: Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Subregion, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 10-25. Mountain: Metal Roofing Demand by Product, Market, & Application, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 10-26. Mountain: Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Product, Market, & Application, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)
  • Table 10-27. Pacific: Metal Roofing Demand by Product, Market, & Application, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million squares)
  • Table 10-28. Pacific: Metal Roofing Demand by Product, Market, & Application, 2018 - 2025 (million squares)

11. Key Suppliers & Market Share

  • Table 11-1 Selected Mergers & Acquisitions

12. Appendix

  • Table 12-1. Study Scope: US Geographic Regions & Subregions
  • Table 12-2. Relevant Industry Codes
  • Table 12-3. Relevant HS Codes
  • Table 12-4. Macroeconomic Indicators, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (billion 2012 dollars)
  • Table 12-5. Population & Households, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (million persons)
  • Table 12-6. Personal Consumption Expenditures, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (billion 2012 dollars)
  • Table 12-7. Consumer Financing Environment, 2011 - 2021
  • Table 12-8. Residential Building Construction Expenditures, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (billion 2012 dollars & billion dollars)
  • Table 12-9. Residential Improvement & Repair Expenditures, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (billion 2012 dollars & billion dollars)
  • Table 12-10. Commercial Building Construction Expenditures, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (billion 2012 dollars & billion dollars)
  • Table 12-11. Commercial Building Stock, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (billion 2012 dollars)
  • Table 12-12. Commercial Building Improvement & Repair Expenditures, 2011, 2016, 2021, 2026, & 2031 (billion 2012 dollars & billion dollars)

List of Figures

1. Executive Summary

  • Figure 1-1 Metal Roofing Market Outlook

2. About This Report

  • Figure 2-1. Annual Metal Roofing Demand Volume & Value Growth, 2018 - 2024 (% annual change)

3. Overview

  • Figure 3-1. Metal Roofing Demand, 2001 - 2021 (million squares)
  • Figure 3-2. Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Product, 2011 - 2031 (million squares)
  • Figure 3-3. Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Product, 2011 - 2031 (million dollars)
  • Figure 3-4. Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Market, 2011 - 2031 (million squares)
  • Figure 3-5. Annual Commercial Metal Roofing Demand by Product, 2011 - 2031 (million squares)
  • Figure 3-6. Annual Residential Metal Roofing Demand by Product, 2011 - 2031 (million squares)
  • Figure 3-7. Metal Roofing Pricing by Product, 2011 - 2031 (dollars per square)
  • Figure 3-8. Comparative Growth: Metal Roofing & Competitive Products, 2021 - 2026 (% CAGR)

4. Factors Impacting Roofing Demand

  • Figure 4-1. Shares of Weather-Related Reroofing Demand, 2007 - 2021 (million squares)
  • Figure 4-2. Annual Metal Roofing Demand by Slope, 2011 - 2031 (million squares)

5. Standing Seam Metal Roofing

  • Figure 5-1. Standing Seam Metal Roofing: Product Examples
  • Figure 5-2. Annual Standing Seam Metal Roofing Demand by Market, 2011 - 2031 (million squares)
  • Figure 5-3. Annual Standing Seam Metal Roofing Demand by Application, 2011 - 2031 (million squares)

6. Metal Shingles, Shakes, & Tiles

  • Figure 6-1. Metal Shingle, Shake, & Tile Roofing: Product Examples
  • Figure 6-2. Annual Metal Shingle, Shake, & Tile Roofing Demand by Market, 2011 - 2031 (million squares)
  • Figure 6-3. Metal Shingle, Shake, & Tile Roofing Demand by Application, 2011 - 2031 (million squares)

7. Corrugated Panels & Other Metal Roofing

  • Figure 7-1. Corrugated Panels & Other Metal Roofing: Product Examples
  • Figure 7-2. Annual Corrugated Panel & Other Metal Roofing Demand by Market, 2011 - 2031 (million squares)
  • Figure 7-3. Annual Corrugated Panel & Other Metal Roofing Demand by Application, 2011 - 2031 (million squares)

8. Commercial Market

  • Figure 8-1. Annual Commercial Metal Roofing Demand by Application, 2011 - 2031 (million squares)

9. Residential Market

  • Figure 9-1. Annual Residential Metal Roofing Demand by Application, 2011 - 2031 (million squares)

11. Key Suppliers & Market Share

  • Figure 11-1. Metal Roofing Market Share by Company, 2021 (billion dollars)

12. Appendix

  • Figure 12-1. Annual Growth in Real GDP, 2000 - 2019, Compared to 1980 - 2005 Average (%)
  • Figure 12-2. Annual Population Growth, 2004 - 2019 (%)
  • © by The Freedonia Group, a division of MarketResearch.com