

OCS-01 Market Size, Forecast, and Emerging Insight - 2032

英文 30 Pages
価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=153.81円
出版日: 2024年12月01日
発行: DelveInsight
ページ情報: 英文 30 Pages
納期: 2~10営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次





第1章 レポートのイントロダクション

第2章 術後疼痛におけるOCS-01の概要

  • 製品詳細
  • 臨床開発
  • その他の開発活動
  • 製品プロファイル

第3章 競合情勢(上市済み治療法)

第4章 競合情勢(後期段階の新興治療法)

第5章 OCS-01市場評価

  • 術後疼痛に対するOCS-01の市場展望
  • 主要7ヶ国分析
  • 国別市場分析
    • 米国
    • ドイツ
    • 英国

第6章 SWOT分析

第7章 アナリストの見解

第8章 付録

第9章 DelveInsightのサービス内容

第10章 免責事項

第11章 DelveInsightについて

第12章 レポート購入オプション


List of Tables

  • Table 1: OCS-01, Clinical Trial Description, 2023
  • Table 2: OCS-01, General Description
  • Table 3: Competitive Landscape (Marketed Therapies)
  • Table 4: Competitive Landscape (Emerging Therapies)
  • Table 5: OCS-01 Market Size in the 7MM, in USD million (2019-2032)
  • Table 6: OCS-01 Market Size in the US, in USD million (2019-2032)
  • Table 7: OCS-01 Market Size in Germany, in USD million (2019-2032)
  • Table 8: OCS-01 Market Size in France, in USD million (2019-2032)
  • Table 9: OCS-01 Market Size in Italy, in USD million (2019-2032)
  • Table 10: OCS-01 Market Size in Spain, in USD million (2019-2032)
  • Table 11: OCS-01 Market Size in the UK, in USD million (2019-2032)
  • Table 12: OCS-01 Market Size in Japan, in USD million (2019-2032)

List of Figures

  • Figure 1: OCS-01 Market Size in the 7MM, USD million (2019-2032)
  • Figure 2: OCS-01 Market Size in the United States, USD million (2019-2032)
  • Figure 3: OCS-01 Market Size in Germany, USD million (2019-2032)
  • Figure 4: OCS-01 Market Size in France, USD million (2019-2032)
  • Figure 5: OCS-01 Market Size in Italy, USD million (2019-2032)
  • Figure 6: OCS-01 Market Size in Spain, USD million (2019-2032)
  • Figure 7: OCS-01 Market Size in the United Kingdom, USD million (2019-2032)
  • Figure 8: OCS-01 Market Size in Japan, USD million (2019-2032)
Product Code: DIDM1389

"OCS-01 Market Size, Forecast, and Emerging Insight - 2032" report provides comprehensive insights about OCS-01 for Postoperative pain in the seven major markets. A detailed picture of the OCS-01 for Postoperative pain in the 7MM, i.e., the United States, EU4 (Germany, France, Italy, and Spain) and the United Kingdom, and Japan for the study period 2019 -2032 is provided in this report along with a detailed description of the OCS-01 for Postoperative pain. The report provides insights about mechanism of action, dosage and administration, as well as research and development including regulatory milestones, along with other developmental activities. Further, it also consists of future market assessments inclusive of the OCS-01 market forecast analysis for Postoperative pain in the 7MM, SWOT, analysts' views, comprehensive overview of market competitors, and brief about other emerging therapies in Postoperative pain.

Drug Summary:

OCS-01 is a novel, high-concentration, preservative-free, topical formulation of dexamethasone. It was developed using Oculis' proprietary Soluble NanoParticle technology (SNP), which acts as an ocular drug carrier to enhance the bioavailability of drugs. It has been developed using the OPTIREACH solubilizing technology, a proprietary platform that enables the formulation of drugs as noninvasive topical treatments, a longer residence time on the eye surface, and enhances their bioavailability in the relevant eye tissues.

Scope of the Report:

The report provides insights into:

  • A comprehensive product overview including the OCS-01 description, mechanism of action, dosage and administration, research and development activities in Postoperative pain.
  • Elaborated details on OCS-01 regulatory milestones and other development activities have been provided in this report.
  • The report also highlights the OCS-01 research and development activities in Postoperative pain across the United States, Europe, and Japan.
  • The report also covers the patents information with expiry timeline around OCS-01.
  • The report contains forecasted sales of OCS-01 for Postoperative pain till 2032.
  • Comprehensive coverage of the late-stage emerging therapies for Postoperative pain.
  • The report also features the SWOT analysis with analyst views for OCS-01 in Postoperative pain.


The report is built using data and information sourced primarily from internal databases, primary and secondary research and in-house analysis by DelveInsight's team of industry experts. Information and data from the secondary sources have been obtained from various printable and nonprintable sources like search engines, news websites, global regulatory authorities websites, trade journals, white papers, magazines, books, trade associations, industry associations, industry portals and access to available databases.

OCS-01 Analytical Perspective by DelveInsight

  • In-depth OCS-01 Market Assessment

This report provides a detailed market assessment of OCS-01 for Postoperative pain in the seven major markets, i.e., the United States, EU4 (Germany, France, Italy, and Spain) and the United Kingdom, and Japan. This segment of the report provides forecasted sales data from 2025 to 2032.

  • OCS-01 Clinical Assessment

The report provides the clinical trials information of OCS-01 for Postoperative pain covering trial interventions, trial conditions, trial status, start and completion dates.

Report Highlights:

  • In the coming years, the market scenario for Postoperative pain is set to change due to the extensive research and incremental healthcare spending across the world; which would expand the size of the market to enable the drug manufacturers to penetrate more into the market.
  • The companies are developing therapies that focus on novel approaches to treat/improve the disease condition, assess challenges, and seek opportunities that could influence OCS-01 dominance.
  • Other emerging products for Postoperative pain are expected to give tough market competition to OCS-01 and launch of late-stage emerging therapies in the near future will significantly impact the market.
  • A detailed description of regulatory milestones, and developmental activities, provide the current development scenario of OCS-01 in Postoperative pain.
  • Our in-depth analysis of the forecasted sales data of OCS-01 from 2025 to 2032 will support the clients in the decision-making process regarding their therapeutic portfolio by identifying the overall scenario of the OCS-01 in Postoperative pain.

Key Questions:

  • What is the product type, route of administration and mechanism of action of OCS-01?
  • What is the clinical trial status of the study related to OCS-01 in Postoperative pain and study completion date?
  • What are the key collaborations, mergers and acquisitions, licensing and other activities related to the OCS-01 development?
  • What are the key designations that have been granted to OCS-01 for Postoperative pain?
  • What is the forecasted market scenario of OCS-01 for Postoperative pain?
  • What are the forecasted sales of OCS-01 in the seven major countries, including the United States, Europe (Germany, France, Italy, Spain) and the United Kingdom, and Japan?
  • What are the other emerging products available and how are these giving competition to OCS-01 for Postoperative pain?
  • Which are the late-stage emerging therapies under development for the treatment of Postoperative pain?

Table of Contents

1. Report Introduction

2. OCS-01 Overview in Postoperative pain

  • 2.1. Product Detail
  • 2.2. Clinical Development
    • 2.2.1. Clinical studies
    • 2.2.2. Clinical trials information
    • 2.2.3. Safety and efficacy
  • 2.3. Other Developmental Activities
  • 2.4. Product Profile

3. Competitive Landscape (Marketed Therapies)

4. Competitive Landscape (Late-stage Emerging Therapies)

5. OCS-01 Market Assessment

  • 5.1. Market Outlook of OCS-01 in Postoperative pain
  • 5.2. 7MM Analysis
    • 5.2.1. Market Size of OCS-01 in the 7MM for Postoperative pain
  • 5.3. Country-wise Market Analysis
    • 5.3.1. Market Size of OCS-01 in the United States for Postoperative pain
    • 5.3.2. Market Size of OCS-01 in Germany for Postoperative pain
    • 5.3.3. Market Size of OCS-01 in France for Postoperative pain
    • 5.3.4. Market Size of OCS-01 in Italy for Postoperative pain
    • 5.3.5. Market Size of OCS-01 in Spain for Postoperative pain
    • 5.3.6. Market Size of OCS-01 in the United Kingdom for Postoperative pain
    • 5.3.7. Market Size of OCS-01 in Japan for Postoperative pain

6. SWOT Analysis

7. Analysts' Views

8. Appendix

  • 8.1. Bibliography
  • 8.2. Report Methodology

9. DelveInsight Capabilities

10. Disclaimer

11. About DelveInsight

12. Report Purchase Options