
がん診断向けリキッドバイオプシー - 世界市場の考察、競合情勢、市場予測(2030年)

Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics - Market Insights, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast - 2030

出版日: 受注後更新 | 発行: DelveInsight | ページ情報: 英文 150 Pages | 納期: 2~10営業日

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がん診断向けリキッドバイオプシー - 世界市場の考察、競合情勢、市場予測(2030年)
出版日: 受注後更新
発行: DelveInsight
ページ情報: 英文 150 Pages
納期: 2~10営業日
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がん診断向けリキッドバイオプシー市場の主な促進要因の1つは、がん罹患率の増加によるがん診断向けリキッドバイオプシー需要の拡大です。International Agency for Research on Cancerが実施したGLOBOCAN調査によると、2020年に世界で1,930万人の新規がん症例と約1,000万人のがんによる死亡が報告されたと推定されています。さらに上記の資料によると、2020年においても肺がんはがんによる死亡の原因の第1位であり、推定死亡者数は180万人(18%)、次いで大腸がん(9.4%)、肝臓がん(8.3%)、胃がん(7.7%)、女性乳がん(6.9%)となっています。世界中で新たながん患者が増加していることを考慮し、がんの診断プロセスを促進し、患者と医療従事者の双方にとってより円滑なものとするために、従来の生検に代わる方法を開発することが重視されるようになってきています。さらに、肺がんや乳がんなどの治療管理におけるリキッドバイオプシーの応用が、製品需要をさらに押し上げると予測されます。このように、がん患者の増加がリキッドバイオプシーの製品とサービスに対する需要の増加につながる見込みです。したがって、前述のすべての要因が、がん診断向けリキッドバイオプシー市場の成長に寄与すると予測されます。

さらに、がん診断向けリキッドバイオプシー需要の拡大に寄与するもう1つの主な要因は、がん治療における精密医療の重要性の高まりです。腫瘍の生物学的挙動に従って治療計画を個別化する「精密医療」の概念は、がん管理における新しいアプローチと考えられています。精密医療の臨床応用は、スクリーニング、診断、予後予測、治療反応性・耐性予測、再発・転移の早期発見、生物学的がん層別化など多岐にわたります。リキッドバイオプシーは、原発性と転移性の腫瘍の複数の非侵襲性のグローバルスナップショットを提供する能力により、個別化医療にとって大きな将来性を持っています。患者の健康状態に特化した治療のカスタマイズは、医師から広く受け入れられ注目されています。リキッドバイオプシーは、患者に合わせた治療法を開発する上で重要な役割を果たしています。リキッドバイオプシーは腫瘍プロファイルに関する重要な情報をリアルタイムで提供し、その後の治療ステップを決定するのに役立ちます。リキッドバイオプシーの将来性は市場参入企業も認識しており、それはこの領域での製品開発への関心の高まりからも明らかです。例えば、2022年9月、ドイツ企業のMolecular Health GmbHは韓国のスタートアップEONE-Diagnomics Genome Center(EDGC)と提携し、同社の医療提供者の顧客が、がん患者に個別化された治療オプションを特定できるようにしました。そのため、精密医療の重要性の高まりとリキッドバイオプシーの利点が、予測期間のがん診断向けリキッドバイオプシー市場の成長に寄与すると見込まれます。





第1章 がん診断向けリキッドバイオプシー市場レポートのイントロダクション

第2章 がん診断向けリキッドバイオプシー市場のエグゼクティブサマリー

  • 調査範囲
  • 市場の概要
  • 競合の評価
  • 財務ベンチマーク

第3章 規制と特許の分析

  • 米国
  • 欧州
  • 日本
  • 中国

第4章 がん診断向けリキッドバイオプシー市場の主な要因の分析

  • がん診断市場の促進要因
    • さまざまながんの罹患率の増加
    • 低侵襲手術に対する需要の高まり
    • 精密医療の注目の高まり
    • 製品開発における技術革新
  • がん診断市場の抑制要因と課題
    • 誤った結果のリスク
    • 手技の標準化の欠如
  • がん診断向けリキッドバイオプシー市場の機会
    • 臨床現場におけるリキッドバイオプシーの限定的な利用
    • 新興経済国における市場リーチの拡大

第5章 がん診断向けリキッドバイオプシー市場のポーターのファイブフォース分析

第6章 がん診断向けリキッドバイオプシー市場に対するCOVID-19の影響分析

第7章 がん診断向けリキッドバイオプシーの市場レイアウト

  • タイプ別
    • 製品
    • サービス
  • サンプルタイプ別
    • 血液
    • 尿
    • 唾液
  • バイオマーカータイプ別
    • CTC
    • ctDNA
    • cfDNA
    • その他
  • がんタイプ別
    • 肺がん
    • 乳がん
    • 結腸がん
  • 技法別
    • ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応
    • 次世代シーケンシング
  • エンドユーザー別
    • 病院
    • 診断センター
  • 地域別
    • 北米
    • 欧州
    • アジア太平洋
    • その他の地域

第8章 がん診断向けリキッドバイオプシー市場の企業と製品のプロファイル

  • Myriad Genetics Inc
  • Exact Sciences Corporation
  • Biocartis
  • Sysmex Corporation
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc
  • Biocept Inc
  • Agilent Technologies Inc
  • MDx Health
  • Neogenomics Laboratories
  • F. Hoffman La Roche Ltd
  • Guardant Health
  • Bio-Techne
  • Illumina Inc
  • Lucence Health Inc
  • Personal Genome Diagnostics Inc
  • SAGA Diagnostics
  • Agena Bioscience Inc
  • The Menarini Group
  • MiRXES Pte Ltd.

第9章 KOLの見解

第10章 参考文献

第10章 プロジェクトのアプローチ

第12章 DelveInsightについて

第13章 免責事項とお問い合わせ


List of Tables

  • Table 1 Competitive Analysis
  • Table 2 COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market
  • Table 3 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Global (2021-2030)
  • Table 4 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Global by Type (2021-2030)
  • Table 5 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Global by Sample Type (2021-2030)
  • Table 6 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Global by Biomarker Type (2021-2030)
  • Table 7 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Global by Cancer Type (2021-2030)
  • Table 8 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Global by Technique (2021-2030)
  • Table 9 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Global by End User (2021-2030)
  • Table 10 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Global by Geography (2021-2030)
  • Table 11 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in North America (2021-2030)
  • Table 18 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in the US (2021-2030)
  • Table 19 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Canada (2021-2030)
  • Table 20 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Mexico (2021-2030)
  • Table 21 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Europe (2021-2030)
  • Table 29 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in France (2021-2030)
  • Table 30 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Germany (2021-2030)
  • Table 31 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in the United Kingdom (2021-2030)
  • Table 32 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Italy (2021-2030)
  • Table 33 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Spain (2021-2030)
  • Table 34 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Russia (2021-2030)
  • Table 35 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Rest of Europe (2021-2030)
  • Table 36 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in APAC (2021-2030)
  • Table 44 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in China (2021-2030)
  • Table 45 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Japan (2021-2030)
  • Table 46 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in India (2021-2030)
  • Table 47 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Australia (2021-2030)
  • Table 48 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in South Korea (2021-2030)
  • Table 49 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Rest of APAC (2021-2030)
  • Table 50 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Rest of World (2021-2030)
  • Table 58 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Middle East (2021-2030)
  • Table 59 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Africa (2021-2030)
  • Table 60 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in South America (2021-2030)

List of Figures

  • Figure 1 Competitive Analysis
  • Figure 2 COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market
  • Figure 3 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Global (2021-2030)
  • Figure 4 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Global by Type (2021-2030)
  • Figure 5 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Global by Sample Type (2021-2030)
  • Figure 6 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Global by Biomarker Type (2021-2030)
  • Figure 7 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Global by Cancer Type (2021-2030)
  • Figure 8 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Global by Technique (2021-2030)
  • Figure 9 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Global by End User (2021-2030)
  • Figure 10 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Global by Geography (2021-2030)
  • Figure 11 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in North America (2021-2030)
  • Figure 18 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in the US (2021-2030)
  • Figure 19 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Canada (2021-2030)
  • Figure 20 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Mexico (2021-2030)
  • Figure 21 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Europe (2021-2030)
  • Figure 29 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in France (2021-2030)
  • Figure 30 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Germany (2021-2030)
  • Figure 31 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in the United Kingdom (2021-2030)
  • Figure 32 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Italy (2021-2030)
  • Figure 33 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Spain (2021-2030)
  • Figure 34 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Russia (2021-2030)
  • Figure 35 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Rest of Europe (2021-2030)
  • Figure 36 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in APAC (2021-2030)
  • Figure 44 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in China (2021-2030)
  • Figure 45 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Japan (2021-2030)
  • Figure 46 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in India (2021-2030)
  • Figure 47 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Australia (2021-2030)
  • Figure 48 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in South Korea (2021-2030)
  • Figure 49 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Rest of APAC (2021-2030)
  • Figure 50 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Rest of World (2021-2030)
  • Figure 58 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Middle East (2021-2030)
  • Figure 59 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in Africa (2021-2030)
  • Figure 60 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market in South America (2021-2030)
  • Figure 61 Market Drivers
  • Figure 62 Market Barriers
  • Figure 63 Marker Opportunities
  • Figure 64 PORTER'S Five Force Analysis
Product Code: DIMDCL0380

Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market By Type (Product Type [Instruments And Reagents & Kits] And Services), By Sample Type (Blood, Urine, And Saliva), By Biomarker Type (Circulating Tumor Cells, Circulating Tumor DNA, Circulating Free DNA, And Others), By Cancer Type (Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer, And Others), By Technique (Polymerase Chain Reaction And Next Generation Sequencing), By End User (Hospitals, Diagnostic Centers, And Others), by geography is expected to grow at a steady CAGR forecast till 2030 owing to increasing prevalence of cancers and growing popularity of precision medicine

Global liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market was valued at USD 7.64 billion in 2023, growing at a CAGR of 16.64% during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030 to reach USD 19.24 billion by 2030. Factors such as the rising incidence of various cancers, growing demand for minimally invasive procedures, increasing demand of precision medicine, technical innovation in product development among other factors are expected to drive the liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market.

Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market Dynamics:

One of the key aspects driving the liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market is the growing demand for liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics due to increase in the cancer incidence. As per the GLOBOCAN study conducted by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, in 2020, an estimated number of 19.3 million new cancer cases (18.1 million excluding non-melanoma skin cancer) and near about 10.0 million cancer deaths were reported globally. The above-mentioned source further stated that in 2020, lung cancer remained the leading cause of cancer death, with an estimated 1.8 million deaths (18%), followed by colorectal (9.4%), liver (8.3%), stomach (7.7%), and female breast (6.9%) cancers. Considering the increase in the number of new cancer cases all over the globe, there has been a growing emphasis on developing an alternative to conventional biopsies to facilitate the cancer diagnosis process and make it smoother for both patients and healthcare providers. Furthermore, the application of liquid biopsy in therapy management for cancers such as lung and breast is further expected to boost the product demand. Thus, the increasing patient population of cancers would, in turn, lead to an increase in demand for liquid biopsy products and services. Therefore, all the aforementioned factors are projected to contribute to the growth of liquid biopsy in the cancer diagnostics market.

Furthermore, another key contributor in the growing demand for liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics is the increasing prominence of precision medicine in cancer care. The concept of "precision medicine" or individualizing the treatment plan according to the biological behavior of the tumor is considered a new approach in cancer management. The clinical applications of precision medicine are diverse encompassing screening, diagnosis, prognosis, prediction of treatment response and resistance, early detection of recurrence/metastasis, and biologic cancer stratification. Liquid biopsies hold great promise for personalized medicine due to their ability to provide multiple non-invasive global snapshots of the primary and metastatic tumors. The customization of treatment specific to the patient's health condition has gained widespread acceptance and attention from physicians. Liquid biopsy plays an important role in developing customized treatments for patients. It provides vital real-time information about the tumor profile and helps decide the subsequent steps in the treatment. The potential of liquid biopsy is also being realized by market players, which is evident by their growing interest in product development in this domain. For instance, in September 2022, German firm Molecular Health GmbH collaborated with a South Korean startup EONE-Diagnomics Genome Center (EDGC) to help its healthcare provider customers identify personalized treatment options for cancer patients. Therefore, the growing prominence of precision medicine and the advantages of liquid biopsy are expected to contribute to the growth of liquid biopsy in the cancer diagnostics market during the forecast period.

However, risk of false results due to procedural limitations and lack of standardization of procedures may be certain challenging aspects for the liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market growth.

The liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market witnessed a dip in the generated revenue due to the implementation of measures to curb the spread of the COVID-19 infection. One of the major steps during the COVID surge was the suspension of numerous elective procedures and outpatient visits which reduced the demand for liquid biopsy products and services in the market as the healthcare system guidelines across the globe temporarily focused all their efforts on the management of COVID-19 infection patient load during the initial lockdown period. As per the data provided by the Cancer Research UK, in the UK alone, for example, urgent lung cancer referrals fell by up to 75% during the first lockdown. This did not correlate to the decrease in cases, but that fewer people sought and obtained the diagnosis they urgently need. Unfortunately, these trends were prominent across countries around the globe. Nevertheless, the market for liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics is on a period of recovery owing to devising of strategies to transform cancer care during the pandemic and approval of liquid biopsy products such as Exosomal liquid biopsy prostate test in March 2022 by the US Food and Drug Administration thereby presenting a future outlook for the liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market during the forecast period.

Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market Segment Analysis:

Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market by Type (Product Type [Instruments and Reagents & Kits] and Services), by Sample Type (Blood, Urine, and Saliva), by Biomarker Type (Circulating Tumor Cells, Circulating Tumor DNA, Circulating Free DNA, and Others), by Cancer Type (Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer, and Others), by Technique (Polymerase Chain Reaction and Next Generation Sequencing), by End User (Hospitals, Diagnostic Centers, and Others), by Geography (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of the World)

In the type segment of the liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market, the services category is accounted for 73% of market revenue share in 2020. This can be ascribed to various aspects of services catered by this category. Many companies are operating in the domain where they offer services pertaining to liquid biopsy ranging from sample collection to NGS analysis. One such example is an Australia-based company, BARD1 that offers a sample preparation platform called NETs Biomarker Capture Platform. This platform is a patented technology of the company to revolutionize the performance of liquid biopsy diagnostic assays.

Another such company catering to the services aspect of the liquid biopsy domain is Biodesix. The company offers a wide range of services from clinical aspects to clients from a research background. For instance, the company employs blood-based, multiple technologies approaches for diagnostic research to uncover novel insights about the tumor biology and patient's immune response to cancer for biopharmaceutical therapeutics in clinical development. Therefore, considering the wide application area of services aspect of the liquid biopsy domain, the service category is expected to account for a formidable market share in the liquid biopsy in the cancer diagnostics market.

North America is expected to dominate the overall Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market:

Among all the regions, North America is expected to account for the significant market share in the liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market. North America is estimated to account for the dominant market share because of the increasing prevalence of cancers, increasing focus on oncology research, supportive government policies promoting liquid biopsy research and a conducive environment for product development and launches among other factors in the region.

Among all the North American countries, United States accounted for 87% of revenue share in the North America liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market in 2020. One of the key reasons for high uptake of liquid biopsy products and services in the country was the high prevalence of cancers. For instance, according to the data provided by the National Cancer institute (United States), till April 2022, bladder, breast, colon and rectal, endometrial and kidney cancer were some of the common cancer types in the country. Besides, the high prevalence of Cancer, United States is considered as one of the key countries that invests heavily in healthcare services as well as medical research. The US Food and Drug Administration also provides a supportive environment for new technologies to reach the market with the provision of "breakthrough device" designation to emerging technologies and products in the medical devices domain. For instance, in April 2022, the US FDA awarded the breakthrough device designation to Inviata Limited for their liquid biopsy product for minimal residue disease (MRD) test. The regulatory body also awarded the same designation to Bluestar Genomics' noninvasive pancreatic cancer detection test.

Additionally, cancer diagnosis and treatment can be extremely cost intensive for patients even after medical insurance. The coverage of liquid biopsy test in insurance and reimbursement programs offered by the US government further acts as a booster for their uptake by end users. For instance, InVisionFirst®, Liquid Biopsy for Patients with Lung Cancer is covered under CMS National Coverage Policy. Thus, all the above-stated factors are expected to drive the market for liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics in the United States.

Moreover, the increasing prevalence of lifestyle disorders that present as major risk factors in cancer development. For instance, as per the data provided by the Global Obesity Observatory (2023), Mexico presents a national risk of obesity development on a scale of 10 to be 8. This represents that the majority of the population in Mexico either falls in the bracket of the obese population or is highly susceptible to being obese in the coming years. Many studies have established that excess body fat increases the risk for several cancers, including colorectal, postmenopausal breast, uterine, esophageal, kidney, and pancreatic cancers. Additionally, the increase in aging population in the country is also said to contribute to cancer incidence. According to the 2022 data published by the World Bank Group, approximately 9,822,231 population in Mexico were aged 65 years and above in 2020. Therefore, the increasing prevalence of risk factors such as obesity and aging that may play a crucial role in cancer development has also resulted in the country's increasing prevalence of various cancers. This has been a major driving factor for the growing demand for liquid biopsy products and services in Mexico.

Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market Key Players:

Some of the key market players operating in the liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market includes Myriad Genetics Inc, Exact Sciences Corporation, Biocartis, Sysmex Corporation, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, Biocept Inc, Agilent Technologies Inc, MDx Health, Neogenomics Laboratories, F. Hoffman La Roche Ltd, Guardant Health,Bio-Techne, Illumina Inc, QIAGEN, Lucence Health Inc, Personal Gemone Diagnostics Inc, SAGA Diagnostics, Agena Bioscience Inc, The Menarini Group, MiRXES Pte Ltd. and others.

Recent Developmental Activities in Liquid Biopsy In Cancer Diagnostics Market:

In October 2022, Sysmex Inostics developed a new CLIA-validated liquid biopsy test for the detection of Minimal Residual Disease (MRD) in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). This new test, AML-MRD-SEQ, adds to the portfolio of ultra-sensitive Plasma-Safe-SeqS technology NGS tests available through Sysmex Inostics' CLIA lab services in Baltimore, Maryland in the United States.

In June 2022, NeoGenomics completed its acquisition for Inivata Ltd, a global, commercial stage liquid biopsy platform company headquartered in Cambridge, England.

In January 2022, Exact Sciences Corporation acquired Thrive Earlier Detection Corp. ("Thrive"), a healthcare company dedicated to developing a blood-based, multi-cancer screening test.

Key Takeaways from the Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market Report Study

Market analysis for current liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market size (2023), and market forecast for 5 years (2024-2030)

The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on this market is significant. To capture and analyze suitable indicators, our experts are closely watching the liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market.

Top key product/services/technology developments, merger, acquisition, partnership, joint venture happened for last 3 years

Key companies dominating the global liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market.

Various opportunities available for the other competitor in the liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market space.

What are the top performing segments in 2023? How these segments will perform in 2030.

Which is the top-performing regions and countries in the current liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market scenario?

Which are the regions and countries where companies should have concentrated on opportunities for liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market growth in the coming future?

Target Audience who can be benefited from this Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market Report Study

Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics products providers

Research organizations and consulting companies

Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics-related organizations, associations, forums, and other alliances

Government and corporate offices

Start-up companies, venture capitalists, and private equity firms

Distributors and Traders dealing in liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics

Various End-users who want to know more about the liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market and latest technological developments in the liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market.

Frequently Asked Questions for Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market:

1. What is Liquid Biopsy?

A liquid biopsy is a test that enables the diagnosis or analysis of tumors using only a blood or fluid sample rather than a solid tissue biopsy. It is most commonly applied to the collection of peripheral blood for analysis of cell-free circulating tumor deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA).

2. What is the market for Global Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics?

Global liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market was valued at USD 7.64 billion in 2023, growing at a CAGR of 16.64% during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030 to reach USD 19.24 billion by 2030.

3. What are the drivers for Global Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market?

Factors such as the rising incidence of various cancers, growing demand for minimally invasive procedures, increasing prominence of precision medicine, technical innovation in product development among other factors are expected to drive the liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market.

4. Who are the key players operating in Global Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market?

Some of the key market players operating in the liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics market includes Myriad Genetics Inc, Exact Sciences Corporation, Biocartis, Sysmex Corporation, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, Biocept Inc, Agilent Technologies Inc, MDx Health, Neogenomics Laboratories, F. Hoffman La Roche Ltd, Guardant Health,Bio-Techne, Illumina Inc, QIAGEN, Lucence Health Inc, Personal Gemone Diagnostics Inc, SAGA Diagnostics, Agena Bioscience Inc, The Menarini Group, MiRXES Pte Ltd. and others.

5. Which region has the highest share in Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics market?

North America is estimated to account for the dominant market share because of the increasing prevalence of cancers, increasing focus on oncology research, supportive government policies promoting liquid biopsy research and a conducive environment for product development and launches among other factors in the region.

Table of Contents

1.Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market Report Introduction

2.Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market Executive Summary

  • 2.1 Scope of the Study
  • 2.2 Market at Glance
  • 2.3 Competitive Assessment
  • 2.4 Financial Benchmarking

3. Regulatory and Patent Analysis

  • 3.1 The United States
  • 3.2 Europe
  • 3.3 Japan
  • 3.4 China

4. Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market Key Factor Analysis

  • 4.1 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market Drivers
    • 4.1.1 Rising Incidence of Various Cancers
    • 4.1.2 Growing Demand for Minimally Invasive Procedures
    • 4.1.3 Growing Prominence of Precision Medicine
    • 4.1.4 Technical Innovation in Product Development
  • 4.2 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market Restraints and Challenges
    • 4.2.1 Risk of False Results
    • 4.2.2 Lack of Standardization of Procedures
  • 4.3 Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market Opportunities
    • 4.3.1 Limited Utilization of Liquid Biopsy in Clinical Settings
    • 4.3.2 Expanding Market Reach in Emerging Economies

5. Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market Porter's Five Forces Analysis

  • 5.1 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
  • 5.2 Bargaining Power of Consumers
  • 5.3 Threat of New Entrants
  • 5.4 Threat of Substitutes
  • 5.5 Competitive Rivalry

6. COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market

7. Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market Layout

  • 7.1 By Type
    • 7.1.1 Products
      • Reagents & Kits
      • Instruments
    • 7.1.2 Services
  • 7.2 By Sample Type
    • 7.2.1 Blood
    • 7.2.2 Urine
    • 7.2.3 Saliva
  • 7.3 By Biomarker Type
    • 7.3.1 Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs)
    • 7.3.2 Circulating Tumor DNA (ctDNA)
    • 7.3.3 Circulating Free DNA (cfDNA)
    • 7.3.4 Others
  • 7.4 By Cancer Type
    • 7.4.1 Lung Cancer
    • 7.4.2 Breast Cancer
    • 7.4.3 Colon Cancer
    • 7.4.4 Others
  • 7.5 By Technique
    • 7.5.1 Polymerase Chain Reaction
    • 7.5.2 Next Generation Sequencing
  • 7.6 By End User
    • 7.6.1 Hospitals
    • 7.6.2 Diagnostic Centers
    • 7.6.3 Others
  • 7.7 By Geography
    • 7.7.1 North America
      • North America Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market, by Country
      • United States
      • Canada
      • Mexico
    • 7.7.2 Europe
      • Europe Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market, by Country
      • France
      • Germany
      • United Kingdom
      • Italy
      • Spain
      • Russia
      • Rest of Europe
    • 7.7.3 Asia-Pacific
      • Asia-Pacific Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market, by Country
      • China
      • Japan
      • India
      • Australia
      • South Korea
      • Rest of Asia Pacific
    • 7.7.4 Rest of the World (RoW)
      • RoW Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market, by Region
      • Middle East
      • Africa
      • South America

8. Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Diagnostics Market Company and Product Profiles

  • 8.1 Myriad Genetics Inc
    • 8.1.1. Company Overview
    • 8.1.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.1.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.1.4 Product Listing
    • 8.1.5. Entropy
  • 8.2 Exact Sciences Corporation
    • 8.2.1. Company Overview
    • 8.2.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.2.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.2.4 Product Listing
    • 8.2.5. Entropy
  • 8.3 Biocartis
    • 8.3.1. Company Overview
    • 8.3.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.3.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.3.4 Product Listing
    • 8.3.5. Entropy
  • 8.4 Sysmex Corporation
    • 8.4.1. Company Overview
    • 8.4.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.4.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.4.4 Product Listing
    • 8.4.5. Entropy
  • 8.5 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc
    • 8.5.1. Company Overview
    • 8.5.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.5.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.5.4 Product Listing
    • 8.5.5. Entropy
  • 8.6 Biocept Inc
    • 8.6.1. Company Overview
    • 8.6.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.6.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.6.4 Product Listing
    • 8.6.5. Entropy
  • 8.7 Agilent Technologies Inc
    • 8.7.1. Company Overview
    • 8.7.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.7.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.7.4 Product Listing
    • 8.7.5. Entropy
  • 8.8 MDx Health
    • 8.8.1. Company Overview
    • 8.8.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.8.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.8.4 Product Listing
    • 8.8.5. Entropy
  • 8.9 Neogenomics Laboratories
    • 8.9.1. Company Overview
    • 8.9.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.9.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.9.4 Product Listing
    • 8.9.5. Entropy
  • 8.10 F. Hoffman La Roche Ltd
    • 8.10.1. Company Overview
    • 8.10.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.10.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.10.4 Product Listing
    • 8.10.5. Entropy
  • 8.11 Guardant Health
    • 8.11.1. Company Overview
    • 8.11.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.11.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.11.4 Product Listing
    • 8.11.5. Entropy
  • 8.12 Bio-Techne
    • 8.12.1. Company Overview
    • 8.12.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.12.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.12.4 Product Listing
    • 8.12.5. Entropy
  • 8.13 Illumina Inc
    • 8.13.1. Company Overview
    • 8.13.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.13.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.13.4 Product Listing
    • 8.13.5. Entropy
  • 8.14 QIAGEN
    • 8.14.1. Company Overview
    • 8.14.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.14.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.14.4 Product Listing
    • 8.14.5. Entropy
  • 8.15 Lucence Health Inc
    • 8.15.1. Company Overview
    • 8.15.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.15.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.15.4 Product Listing
    • 8.15.5. Entropy
  • 8.16 Personal Genome Diagnostics Inc
    • 8.16.1. Company Overview
    • 8.16.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.16.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.16.4 Product Listing
    • 8.16.5. Entropy
  • 8.17 SAGA Diagnostics
    • 8.17.1. Company Overview
    • 8.17.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.17.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.17.4 Product Listing
    • 8.17.5. Entropy
  • 8.18 Agena Bioscience Inc
    • 8.18.1. Company Overview
    • 8.18.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.18.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.18.4 Product Listing
    • 8.18.5. Entropy
  • 8.19 The Menarini Group
    • 8.19.1. Company Overview
    • 8.19.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.19.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.19.4 Product Listing
    • 8.19.5. Entropy
  • 8.20 MiRXES Pte Ltd.
    • 8.20.1. Company Overview
    • 8.20.2. Company Snapshot
    • 8.20.3. Financial Overview
    • 8.20.4 Product Listing
    • 8.20.5. Entropy

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