

2024 Trends in Conferences & Exhibit Strategies in the Life Sciences

出版日: | 発行: BioInformatics | ページ情報: 英文 90 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=153.16円
出版日: 2024年02月21日
発行: BioInformatics
ページ情報: 英文 90 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次


ベンダー/出展者と会議主催者が参加者の嗜好をより深く理解し、対面式の学会を成功できるように、当社では会議参加者の体験を改善したいと考えているサプライヤー向けに、実用的な観点を提供するための調査を企画しました。その結果が、当社の最新レポート「ライフサイエンスにおける会議・展示会戦略の動向 (2024年)」です。




  • 会議の規模に関する人口統計動向
  • 会議出席に影響を与える専門的要因
  • 会議出席に影響を与える物流要因
  • 会議出席に影響を与えるモチベーション要因


  • 科学者が理想とする学会のパラメーター
  • 「最高」の学会を主催する主体
  • ベンダーの技術訓練ワークショップの開催に最適な時期
  • 科学者の展示会場の訪問戦略
  • 展示会場の訪問が、直近の製品購入にどのように寄与しているか
  • 新製品を知るために、展示会場が伝える利点
  • 展示ブース訪問を促す要因
  • 展示ブース訪問を妨げる要因
  • 科学者はどのように展示ブースやベンダーから情報を受け取ることを好むのか
  • 学会で人気の販促品
  • ベンダーの展示ブース訪問で最も嫌だった点


  • 対面・バーチャル・ハイブリッドでの学会の年間参加者数
  • 今後3年間の対面・バーチャル・ハイブリッド学会参加者の変動見通し
  • 対面・オンライン・ハイブリッド式学会に対する選好


  • 分析の概要と目的
  • 人口統計データ
  • エグゼクティブサマリー:複数の会議参加者の「性格タイプ」の概要
  • 学会と参加者の体験
  • 学会の動向
  • 学術会議の選択
  • 会議への参加を最大限に活用する
  • 展示ホールの顧客体験の最大化
  • 分析手法
  • 付録:会議出席者全員の「性格タイプ」を含む
  • BioInformaticsについて
Product Code: 24-011

In the Life Science industry, in-person scientific conferences have always been a valuable channel for the communication and discussion of new and innovative research or breakthroughs. Not only do conference attendees use these opportunities to network, explore, and investigate what is next on the horizon in their fields, they also directly interact with life science vendors to learn about innovative technologies and how best to integrate new solutions into their workflows. Making the most of the information received during these few short days makes planning a successful conference complicated for all involved. Further complicating these murky waters is the pandemic, which forced a shift from traditional in-person conferences to online-only or hybrid solutions. Understanding conference attendee expectations and needs allows both planners and vendors to maximize the potential for positive interactions and creating memorable experiences.

To help vendors/exhibitors and conference organizers better understand attendee preferences for a successful in-person scientific conference, we designed a study to deliver actionable insights to suppliers looking to improve the conference-attendee experience. The outcome is our newest report, “2024 Trends in Conferences & Exhibit Strategies in the Life Sciences”.

The “2024 Trends in Conferences & Exhibit Strategies in the Life Sciences” report features the opinions of scientists regarding scientific conferences which will allow the reader to maximize their positive interactions with attendees and enhance their brand awareness and reputation. The experiences and preferences of 363 life scientists are featured with respect to their preferences on scientific conferences as well as their expectations for exhibit halls. This report also provides actionable information intended to help vendors attract scientists to their exhibit booths and tips to increase their conference lead conversion. The report also features summarized conference attendee personas that track unique aspects which will allow vendors to identify their strategic targets readily.

Specific Topics explored include:

Conference Attendees

  • Demographic trends in conference size preferences
  • Professional factors influencing conference attendance
  • Logistical factors influencing conference attendance
  • Motivational factors influencing conference attendance

Attendee Needs and Expectations

  • Parameters of scientists' ideal scientific conference
  • Entities organizing the "best" scientific conference
  • Best times to host a vendor technical training workshop
  • Scientists' strategies for visiting exhibit halls
  • How exhibit hall visits contribute to recent product purchases
  • Advantages that exhibit halls convey for learning about new products
  • Factors that encourage exhibit booth visits
  • Factors that discourage exhibit booth visits
  • How scientists prefer to receive information from exhibit booth vendors
  • Popular conference promotional items
  • Most disliked aspect of visiting vendor exhibit booths

Trends in Conference Attendance

  • Number of in-person, virtual, and hybrid scientific conferences attended annually
  • Anticipated changes in in-person, virtual, and hybrid conference attendance in the next 3 years
  • Preferences regarding in person, online, or hybrid style conferences

Table of Contents

  • Study Overview and Objectives
  • Demographics
  • Executive Summary - highlighting multiple conference attendee "personality types"
  • Scientific Conferences and the Attendee Experience
  • Trends in Scientific Conferences
  • Selecting a Scientific Conference
  • Making the Most of Conference Attendance
  • Maximizing the Exhibit Hall Customer Experience
  • Methodology
  • Appendix including all conference attendee "personality types"
  • About Us