

BCC Research Report Subscription: Life Sciences

出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス | 発行: BCC Research | ページ情報: 英文

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出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス
発行: BCC Research
ページ情報: 英文
Cell Biology(商品コード991339)、医療機器(商品コード991340)、医療機器・手術(商品コード991341)、医薬品(商品コード991342)の4つのサブスクリプションサービスをセットにした、BCC社のヘススケア市場レポート全ダウンロードが可能なパッケージバンドルサービスです。
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最近の出版物では、細胞療法バイオマニュファクチャリング、ポイントオブケア (POC) 診断用ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応 (PCR) 、ライフサイエンスツールと試薬、DNAデータストレージ、バイオテクノロジーにおけるナノ粒子、医薬品開発とドラッグデリバリーシステム、セラノスティックス、マイクロバイオーム治療薬、HIV/AIDSにおける人工知能 (AI) の世界市場を取り上げています。



最近の出版物では、経カテーテル治療の世界市場をカバーしています。処置と心臓弁、医療機器、救急車と緊急機器、消費者向け直接検査産業、家庭用健康モニタリング機器産業、睡眠補助器具、医療用磁気共鳴画像 (MRI) 、臓器・組織の移植と代替手段、高齢者介護サービスと補助器具、遠隔医療技術などを取り上げています。



最近の出版物では、局所陰圧閉鎖療法 (NPWT) 機器、行動保健学ソフトウェア、医療機器の受託製造、世界の歯列矯正・整形外科、3D・4D超音波デバイス、血漿分画、使い捨て病院用品、ビジョンケア、外科用シーラント / 組織パッチ、DTC (Direct-to-Consumer) 遺伝子検査を取り上げています。



最近の出版物では、Pharma 4.0の世界市場、衝撃波治療、服薬アドヒアランス、精神疾患の医薬品治療、ソフトジェルカプセル、希少疾患の医薬品開発、有効成分、抗生物質、アルツハイマー病の治療法と診断、自己免疫疾患の治療法、特発性肺線維症の治療法などを取り上げています。

Product Code: BIO, HLC, MDS, PHM

The Life Sciences Collection spans markets that are central to the life and wellbeing of the more than 7.5 billion people on our planet. From emerging diagnostics, to brand new therapies and treatment technologies, our expert analysts know where your focus - and investment - should be when it comes to biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare.

Topics covered in BCC's Life Science Collection are: DNA, RNA, Proteomics, Genomics, Genetics, Cancer, Protein, Sequencing, Biomarkers, Peptides, In Vitro Diagnostics, Medical Devices, Diagnostics, Tissue, Surgical, Biopsy, MRI, Mobile Health, Orthopaedic, monitoring, Telemedicine, Endoscope, Surgical, Cardiovascular, Blood, Intravenous, Catheter, Biopsy, Needle, Pharmaceutical Manufacture, Cancer, Oncology, Prevention and Treatment, Therapeutics, Vaccines, Clinical Studies, Drug Delivery, Immunology and Immunotherapy.

Topics covered in this Collection structured in:

Cell Biology

These reports emphasize markets where technologies intersect with the building blocks of human life, including DNA, RNA, cancer, genomics, genetics, molecular diagnostics and more.

Recent publications cover the global market of Cell Therapy Biomanufacturing, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for Point-of-Care (POC) Diagnostics, Life Science Tools and Reagents, DNA Data Storage, Nanoparticles in Biotechnology, Drug Development and Drug Delivery Systems, Theranostics, Microbiome Therapeutics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in HIV/AIDS.

Health Maintenance

Globally, healthcare constitutes a multi trillion-dollar industry. Reports in this category span the range of treatments, administration practices and technologies available around the world.

Recent publications cover the global market of Transcatheter Treatment: Procedures and Heart Valve, Medical Devices, Ambulance and Emergency Equipment, Direct to Consumer Testing Industry, Home Health Monitoring Device Industry, Sleep Aids, Medical Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Organ and Tissue Transplantation and Alternatives, Elder Care Services and Assistive Devices and Telemedicine Technologies.

Med Devices & Surgical

Enormously important intersection of engineering, tissue manipulation, the surgeons scalpel and design. Specialist companies target well known and also the barely pronounceable conditions.

Recent publications cover the global market of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Devices, Behavioural Health Software, Contract Manufacturing of Medical Devices, Global Orthodontic and Orthopaedic, 3D and 4D Ultrasound Devices, Plasma Fractionation, Disposable Hospital Supplies, Vision Care, Surgical Sealant/Tissue Patch and Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing.


Reports in this category are related to novel and approved drugs, their discovery and development, as well as medication administration and adherence systems.

Recent publications cover the global market of Pharma 4.0, Shockwave Therapy, Medication Adherence, Pharmaceutical Treatments for Mental Health Disorders, Softgel Capsules, Drug Development in Rare Diseases, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Antibiotics, Alzheimer's Disease Therapeutics and Diagnostics, Autoimmune Disorder Therapies and Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Disease Treatment.