表紙:世界の新セルラーIoTプロジェクト400件 - 第4版

世界の新セルラーIoTプロジェクト400件 - 第4版

400 Emerging Cellular IoT Projects Worldwide - 4th Edition

出版日: | 発行: Berg Insight | ページ情報: 英文 | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: EURを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1EUR=164.75円
世界の新セルラーIoTプロジェクト400件 - 第4版
出版日: 2024年06月13日
発行: Berg Insight
ページ情報: 英文
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次





第1章 世界の新セルラーIoTプロジェクト400件

  • イントロダクション
  • 調査手法
  • データベースエントリーの概要
  • 起業家精神とIoT
  • ケーススタディ
  • 結論と将来見通し

List of Figures

  • Figure 1.1: Overview of the deployments by IoT vertical (2023)
  • Figure 1.2: Active IoT units by vertical (2023-2028)
  • Figure 1.3: Active IoT units by vertical and geographical market (2023)
  • Figure 1.4: Trapview's insect trap
  • Figure 1.5: Fastned charging station
  • Figure 1.6: Synergye Phoenix GPS ankle tag
  • Figure 1.7: Urbiotica U-Spot M2M sensor
  • Figure 1.8: Sensoneo smart ultrasonic fill-level sensor
  • Figure 1.9: Ryde scooters in Gothenburg

Berg Insight has compiled a list of 400 emerging cellular IoT projects worldwide. The information included about each of these is mainly the company name and location, project name and type, website address, IoT vertical and the number of connections by region (including 5-year forecasts). These 400 projects consist of a mix of both start-ups and more incumbent projects and represented together 5.8 million subscriptions at the end of 2023. The list is delivered in Excel format.

Highlights from the database:

  • Detailed data in Excel format on 400 emerging IoT deployments identified globally.
  • Practical information including the involved companies, HQ location and website for every deployment.
  • Categorisation of each project by the main IoT vertical.
  • Geographical breakdown detailing the number of active cellular IoT connections by region per project.
  • Forecasts on the future developments for each deployment until 2028.
  • Analyst commentary on the methodology and summary of key findings as well as select case studies.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

List of Figures

Executive Summary

1. 400 Emerging Cellular IoT Projects Worldwide

  • 1.1. Introduction
  • 1.2. Methodology
  • 1.3. Overview of the database entries
  • 1.4. Entrepreneurship and the Internet of Things
  • 1.5. Case studies
  • 1.6. Concluding remarks and future outlook