

mRNA: Therapeutics and Global Markets

出版日: | 発行: BCC Research | ページ情報: 英文 171 Pages | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=143.76円
出版日: 2023年12月13日
発行: BCC Research
ページ情報: 英文 171 Pages
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次


COVIDワクチンの部門が、2023年の330億米ドルから、-12.5%のCAGRで推移し、2028年には169億米ドルに減少すると予測されています。一方、非COVID医薬品・ワクチンの部門は、 予測期間中に94.7%のCAGRで推移し、2025年には5億6,000万米ドル、2028年には41億米ドルに成長すると予測されています。



第1章 イントロダクション

第2章 サマリー・ハイライト

  • 市場の見通し
  • 市場サマリー

第3章 市場概要

  • RNA医薬品の進化
  • RNA医薬品の歴史
  • RNA医薬品薬の開発とその種類
  • DNA医薬品 vs RNA医薬品
  • RNA医薬品の臨床的必要性
  • 疾病人口と経済的負担の増加
  • 従来の医薬品の限界
  • 生物製剤の治療上の限界
  • 慢性疾患の管理が不十分
  • 希少疾患に対する治療の限定性
  • RNA医薬品
  • 医薬品としてのアンチセンスオリゴヌクレオチド (ASO)
  • 医薬品としての低分子干渉RNA (siRNA)
  • 医薬品としてのmiRNA
  • 医薬品としてのアプタマー
  • 医薬品としてのmRNA
  • RNAベースのバイオ医薬品の製造
  • クロマトグラフィー精製手順
  • RNA医薬品薬の提供
  • ポリマー結合/化学修飾
  • カプセル化
  • 脂質ベースのナノ粒子
  • ポリマーナノマテリアル
  • シリカナノ粒子
  • カーボンと金のナノマテリアル
  • GalNAc
  • 施設および病院ベースのRNA医薬品
  • RNA医薬品薬市場に対する規制の影響
  • COVID-19の影響

第4章 市場力学

  • 市場力学
  • 促進要因
  • 抑制要因
  • 機会

第5章 対象となる疾患および障害

  • mRNA医薬品における一般的な疾患と障害の概要
  • 感染症
  • 循環器疾患
  • 生活習慣病
  • 呼吸器疾患
  • 筋骨格系疾患
  • 胃腸障害
  • 泌尿器科疾患
  • 腎臓疾患
  • 免疫疾患
  • 神経学的障害
  • 希少疾患
  • その他の疾患
  • 喫煙と関連疾患
  • 感染症:COVID-19のパンデミックとmRNA医薬品
  • 慢性疾患:mRNA医薬品の視野を広げる
  • 希少疾患のアンメットニーズ:mRNA医薬品
  • 老化、性別、病気の発症
  • 世界の人口動態
  • 米国の人口動態
  • 欧州の人口動態
  • 日本の人口動態

第6章 パイプラインと臨床試験の分析

  • mRNAワクチン
  • mRNA医薬品
  • 臨床試験の分析

第7章 市場の内訳:製品別

  • mRNA COVIDワクチンの作用機序
  • 3つの最も先進的なmRNAワクチン

第8章 市場の内訳:地域別

  • 北米
  • カナダ
  • 欧州
  • アジア太平洋
  • 日本
  • 韓国
  • 中国
  • インド
  • オーストラリア
  • その他の地域

第9章 新たな技術と開発

  • 概要
  • ナノ粒子
  • 修飾mRNA
  • 自動mRNA合成キット
  • バイオプラットフォーム

第10章 特許分析

  • 特許分析
  • mRNAの出願公開

第11章 M&Aおよびベンチャー資金調達の見通し

第12章 競合情報

第13章 企業プロファイル


List of Tables

  • Summary Table : Global Market for mRNA Therapeutics, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 1 : COVID-19: Total Cases and Deaths, by Select Country, 2023
  • Table 2 : Pandemics of the 21st Century
  • Table 3 : Global Prevalence of Breast Cancer Cases, by Country/Region, Through 2025
  • Table 4 : Global Epidemiology of Colorectal Cancer Cases, by Region, Through 2030
  • Table 5 : Global Cancer-Related Deaths, by Cancer Type, Through 2030
  • Table 6 : Distribution of Global Cancer-Related Deaths, by Cancer Type, 2022
  • Table 7 : Case Fatality Rate, Global Viral Outbreaks, 2020
  • Table 8 : Global Incidence Share of Hypertension, by Patient Group Type, 2020
  • Table 9 : Global Prevalence of Angina Pectoris and Stroke (Survivors), Through 2030
  • Table 10 : Global Prevalence of CHF and Stroke, Through 2030
  • Table 11 : Structural Heart Disease Management Through Medications
  • Table 12 : BMI Categories Based on Increasing Health Risks
  • Table 13 : Trends in Obesity Composition of the Global Population, Through 2025
  • Table 14 : Obesity and Severe Obesity vs. General Population in the U.S., Through 2025
  • Table 15 : Global Distribution of Diabetes, by Type
  • Table 16 : Global Prevalence of Diabetes, by Type, Through 2040
  • Table 17 : Global Prevalence of Key Symptomatic Musculoskeletal Disorders, Through 2025
  • Table 18 : Global Deaths, by Type of Musculoskeletal Disorder, Through 2030
  • Table 19 : Global Deaths from Digestive Diseases, by Region, Through 2025
  • Table 20 : Global Distribution of Mortality, by Chronic Disease Type, 2019
  • Table 21 : Global Distribution of DALYs, by Chronic Disease Type, 2019
  • Table 22 : Estimated World Population and Annual Growth, by Age Group, Through 2030
  • Table 23 : Total Global Population, by Select Country/Region, Through 2030
  • Table 24 : U.S. Population Projections and Estimates, by Age Group, Through 2030
  • Table 25 : Estimates of Anticipated U.S. Life Expectancy at Birth, by Gender, Through 2020
  • Table 26 : European Population Estimates and Projections, by Age Group, Through 2030
  • Table 27 : Japanese Population Estimates and Projections, by Age Group, Through 2030
  • Table 28 : Clinical Trials on mRNA Vaccine Candidates, 2023
  • Table 29 : Clinical Trials on mRNA Vaccine Candidates for Cancer Treatments, as of 2023
  • Table 30 : Clinical Trials on mRNA Therapeutic Application
  • Table 31 : Properties of BNT162b2 Vaccine
  • Table 32 : Properties of mRNA-1273 Vaccine
  • Table 33 : Properties of CVnCoV Vaccine
  • Table 34 : Global Market for COVID Vaccines, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 35 : Global Market for Non-COVID mRNA Therapeutics, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 36 : Global Market for mRNA Therapeutics, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 37 : North American Market for mRNA Therapeutics, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 38 : European Market for mRNA Therapeutics, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 39 : Asia-Pacific Market for mRNA Therapeutics, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 40 : RoW Market for mRNA Therapeutics, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 41 : mRNA Patents: Top 10 Organizations
  • Table 42 : Notable Patents for mRNA Therapeutics
  • Table 43 : Some of the Notable Patents Related to mRNA Vaccines for Infectious Diseases
  • Table 44 : Some of the Notable Patents Related to mRNA Vaccines for Cancer
  • Table 45 : Notable Patents Focused on mRNA Delivery and Modification
  • Table 46 : Recent M&A Deals on mRNA Therapeutics Company, 2006-2021
  • Table 47 : Major Development of Company Profiles, 2021-2023
  • Table 48 : BioNTech: Annual Revenue, 2021 and 2022
  • Table 49 : BioNTech: News, 2021-2023
  • Table 50 : BioNTech: ESG Developments, 2021
  • Table 51 : BioNTech: Pipeline Products
  • Table 52 : CureVac: Annual Revenue, 2021 and 2022
  • Table 53 : CureVac: News, 2021-2023
  • Table 54 : CureVac: Pipeline
  • Table 55 : Merck: Annual Revenue, 2021 and 2022
  • Table 56 : Merck: miRNA Product Portfolio
  • Table 57 : Merck: Key Developments, Jan 2021-May 2023
  • Table 58 : Moderna Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2021 and 2022
  • Table 59 : Moderna Inc.: News, 2021-2023
  • Table 60 : Moderna Inc.: Pipeline Products
  • Table 61 : Nutcracker Therapeutics: Pipeline Products
  • Table 62 : Strand Therapeutics: Pipeline Products
  • Table 63 : Strand Therapeutics: News, 2021-2023

List of Figures

  • Summary Figure : Global Market for mRNA Therapeutics, by Type, 2021-2028
  • Figure 1 : Development Timeline: COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines
  • Figure 2 : Reasons for Increasing Pandemics
  • Figure 3 : Benefits of Vaccination
  • Figure 4 : Investment in RNA Therapeutics 2011 to 2021
  • Figure 5 : Global Prevalence of Breast Cancer Cases, by Region/Country, 2015-2025
  • Figure 6 : Global Cancer-Related Deaths, by Cancer Type, 2000-2030
  • Figure 7 : Distribution of Global Cancer-Related Deaths, by Cancer Type, 2022
  • Figure 8 : Case Fatality Rate Share, Global Viral Outbreaks, 2020
  • Figure 9 : Global Incidence Share of Hypertension, by Patient Group Type, 2020
  • Figure 10 : Global Prevalence of Angina Pectoris and Stroke (Survivors), 2004-2030
  • Figure 11 : Global Prevalence of CHF and Stroke, 2004-2030
  • Figure 12 : Trends in Obesity Composition of the Global Population, 2012-2025
  • Figure 13 : Obesity and Severe Obesity vs. General Population in the U.S., 2018 and 2025
  • Figure 14 : Global Distribution of Diabetes, by Type
  • Figure 15 : Global Prevalence of Diabetes, by Type, 2018 and 2040
  • Figure 16 : Global Prevalence of Key Symptomatic Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2012-2025
  • Figure 17 : Global Deaths, by Type of Musculoskeletal Disorder, 2000-2030
  • Figure 18 : Global Distribution of Mortality, by Chronic Disease Type, 2019
  • Figure 19 : Global Distribution of DALYs, by Chronic Disease Type, 2019
  • Figure 20 : Estimated World Population and Annual Growth, by Age Group, 2000-2030
  • Figure 21 : Total Global Population, by Select Country/Region, 2000-2030
  • Figure 22 : U.S. Population Estimates and Projections, by Age Group, 2000-2030
  • Figure 23 : Estimates of Anticipated U.S. Life Expectancy at Birth, by Gender, 2005-2020
  • Figure 24 : European Population Estimates and Projections, by Age Group, 2000-2030
  • Figure 25 : Japanese Population Estimates and Projections, by Age Group, 2000-2030
  • Figure 26 : Distribution of Clinical Trials on mRNA Vaccines, by Disease Indication, 2023
  • Figure 27 : Distribution of mRNA Vaccine Candidates in Clinical Trials, by Phase, 2023
  • Figure 28 : Distribution of mRNA Vaccine Candidates in Clinical Trials, by Mode of Administration, 2023
  • Figure 29 : Clinical Trials on mRNA Therapeutics, Based on Recruiting Status, January 2020 to October 2023
  • Figure 30 : Share of Clinical Trials on mRNA Therapeutics, With or Without Results, January 2020 to October 2023
  • Figure 31 : Clinical Trials on mRNA Therapeutics, Based on Age Group, January 2020 to October 2023
  • Figure 32 : Share of Clinical Trials on mRNA Therapeutics, Based on Gender, January 2020 to October 2023
  • Figure 33 : Share of Clinical Trials on mRNA Therapeutics, by Trial Phase, January 2020 to October 2023
  • Figure 34 : Share of Clinical Trials on mRNA Therapeutics, by Type of Funder, January 2020 to October 2023
  • Figure 35 : Share of Clinical Trials on mRNA Therapeutics, by Enrollment Number, January 2020 to October 2023
  • Figure 36 : Share of Clinical Trials on mRNA Therapeutics, by Interventional Mode, January 2020 to October 2023
  • Figure 37 : Share of Clinical Trials on mRNA Therapeutics, by Type, January 2020 to October 2023
  • Figure 38 : Global Market for mRNA Therapeutics, 2021-2028
  • Figure 39 : Innovations in mRNA Therapeutics
  • Figure 40 : mRNA Based Patent Publications, 2019-2021
  • Figure 41 : Patents on mRNA Therapeutics, 2010-2021
  • Figure 42 : Share of Patents on mRNA Therapeutics, by Patent Classification, 2010 to 2021
  • Figure 43 : Funding in the mRNA Market, by Various Sources, 2021-2023
  • Figure 44 : Top Three Companies: mRNA Vaccines and Therapeutics
  • Figure 45 : Share of Key Growth Strategies of Major Companies, 2021-2023
  • Figure 46 : BioNTech: Annual Revenue, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 47 : CureVac: Annual Revenue, 2020 and 2021
  • Figure 48 : Merck: Annual Revenue, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 49 : Merck: Market Share, by Business Segment, 2022
  • Figure 50 : Merck: Revenue Share, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 51 : Moderna Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 52 : Moderna Inc.: Revenue Share, by Segment, 2022
Product Code: BIO212B


The global market for mRNA therapeutics is expected to decline from $33 billion in 2023 to $21 billion by the end of 2028, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of -8.6% during the forecast period of 2023-2028.

The COVID vaccines segment of the mRNA therapeutics market is expected to decline from $33 billion in 2023 to $16.9 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of -12.5% during the forecast period of 2023-2028.

The non-COVID therapeutics and vaccines segment of the mRNA therapeutics market is expected to grow from $560 million in 2025 to $4.1 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 94.7% during the forecast period of 2023-2028.

Report Scope:

This report focuses on the mRNA therapeutics market. This reports include the types of mRNA and their application in therapy. Also, the report focuses on the patent analysis and clinical trial analysis of mRNA. The report also portrays the trends and dynamics affecting the market during the study period. The study covers market projections through 2028 and profiles major market players.

By geography, the market is segregated into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Rest of the World (RoW). The market is estimated through 2028.

BCC Research also summarizes the main industry acquisitions and strategic alliances from January 2020 through December 2022 and identifies the trends in this activity.

Report Includes:

  • 37 data tables and 27 additional tables
  • An overview of the global market related to mRNA therapeutics
  • In-depth analysis of global market trends, featuring historical revenue data for 2021 and 2022, estimated figures for 2023, forecasts for 2028, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2028
  • Evaluation of the current market and revenue growth prospects specific to mRNA therapeutics, accompanied by a market share analysis by therapeutic type and geographical region
  • Coverage of the pandemic threats, therapeutic developments, and new technologies in the market
  • Discussion of the advantages of mRNA over protein- and DNA-based delivery systems, demographic and economic trends, and outlook for the mRNA therapeutics market
  • Information on prophylactic vaccines, vaccine discovery and development, and R&D activities
  • Analysis of the various therapeutics as well as promising vaccines intended for the prevention and treatment of chronic and infectious diseases
  • Assessment of regulatory structure, pricing and reimbursement scenarios, the pipeline for new molecules and therapeutics
  • Market share analysis of the key companies and mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures, collaborations, and partnerships
  • Profiles of leading market participants

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction

  • Study Goals and Objectives
  • Reasons for Doing This Study
  • Scope of Report
  • What's New in This Update?
  • Methodology
  • Information Sources
  • Geographic Breakdown
  • Segmentation Breakdown

Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights

  • Market Outlook
  • Market Summary

Chapter 3 Market Overview

  • Evolution of RNA Therapeutics
  • History of RNA Therapeutics
  • Development of RNA Therapeutics and Types
  • DNA Therapeutics vs. RNA Therapeutics
  • Clinical Need for RNA Therapeutics
  • Increasing Disease Population and Economic Burden
  • Limitations of Traditional Therapeutics
  • Therapeutic Limitations of Biologics
  • Poor Management of Chronic Diseases
  • Limited Treatment for Rare Diseases
  • RNA Therapeutics
  • Antisense Oligonucleotide (ASO) as Therapeutics
  • Small Interfering RNA (siRNA) as Therapeutics
  • miRNA as Therapeutics
  • Aptamers as Therapeutics
  • mRNA as Therapeutics
  • Manufacturing RNA-Based Biopharmaceuticals
  • Chromatographic Purification Steps
  • Delivery of RNA Therapeutics
  • Polymer Conjugation/Chemical Modification
  • Encapsulation
  • Lipid-Based Nanoparticles
  • Polymer Nanomaterials
  • Silica Nanoparticles
  • Carbon and Gold Nanomaterials
  • GalNAc
  • Institution and Hospital-Based RNA Therapeutics
  • Regulatory Influence on the Market for RNA Therapeutics
  • Impact of COVID-19

Chapter 4 Market Dynamics

  • Market Dynamics
  • Drivers
  • Restraints
  • Opportunities

Chapter 5 Target Disease and Disorders

  • Overview of Common Diseases and Disorders for mRNA Therapeutics
  • Cancer
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Lifestyle Disorders
  • Respiratory Disorders
  • Musculoskeletal Disorders
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders
  • Urology Disorders
  • Nephrology Disorders
  • Immune Disorders
  • Neurological Disorders
  • Rare Diseases
  • Other Disorders
  • Tobacco Smoking and Associated Diseases
  • Infectious Diseases: COVID-19 Pandemic and mRNA Therapeutics
  • Chronic Diseases: Expanding Horizon for mRNA Therapeutics
  • Unmet Needs of Rare Diseases: mRNA Therapeutics
  • Aging, Gender and Onset of Diseases
  • Global Demographics
  • U.S. Demographics
  • European Demographics
  • Japanese Demographics

Chapter 6 Pipeline and Clinical Trial Analysis

  • mRNA Vaccines
  • mRNA Therapeutics
  • Clinical Trial Analysis

Chapter 7 Market Breakdown by Product

  • Mechanism of Action of mRNA COVID Vaccines
  • Three Most-Advanced mRNA Vaccines

Chapter 8 Market Breakdown by Region

  • North America
  • Canada
  • Europe
  • Asia-Pacific
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • China
  • India
  • Australia
  • RoW

Chapter 9 Emerging Technologies and Developments

  • Overview
  • Nanoparticles
  • Modified mRNA
  • Automated mRNA Synthesis Kits
  • Bio Platforms

Chapter 10 Patent Analysis

  • Patent Analysis
  • mRNA Publication

Chapter 11 Outlook for Mergers & Acquisitions, and Venture Funding

Chapter 12 Competitive Intelligence

Chapter 13 Company Profiles