

The Market for Thermal Management Technologies

出版日: | 発行: BCC Research | ページ情報: 英文 243 Pages | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=153.16円
出版日: 2023年10月05日
発行: BCC Research
ページ情報: 英文 243 Pages
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次





第1章 イントロダクション

第2章 サマリー・ハイライト

  • 市場の見通し
  • 市場サマリー

第3章 市場概要

  • 概要
  • パッシブ冷却方式の例
  • アクティブ冷却方式の例
  • 熱管理技術のタイプ
  • 空冷、液冷、二相冷却
  • 伝導冷却
  • 熱管理技術の重要性
  • 熱管理の重要性
  • 電力損失
  • 環境および規制要因
  • 電子システムの効果的な熱設計
  • コンセプト開発
  • 詳細設計
  • ハードウェアテスト
  • その他の開発
  • 熱性能を考慮したパッケージ設計
  • 熱試験用ダイ
  • 温度センシング技術
  • 新しい製造プロセス
  • 迅速なプロトタイピングと最終製品の迅速な納品
  • 屋外エンクロージャーの熱管理
  • ポータブルデバイス
  • 発光ダイオード
  • データセンター
  • 高性能コンピューティング
  • 高性能組み込みコンピュータ
  • 熱管理製品のタイプ
  • バリューチェーン分析
  • ポーターのファイブフォース分析
  • COVID-19が熱管理技術市場に与える影響
  • ロシア・ウクライナ戦争が熱管理技術市場に与える影響

第4章 熱管理技術:市場力学

  • 市場力学
  • 市場促進要因
  • 市場抑制要因
  • 市場機会

第5章 市場内訳:製品タイプ別

  • 概要
  • ハードウェア
  • 熱管理ハードウェアの主なタイプ
  • ヒートシンク
  • ファン・送風機
  • ヒートパイプ
  • ファンシンク
  • コールドプレート
  • その他のタイプの冷却ハードウェア
  • ソフトウェア
  • 主な熱管理ソフトウェアのタイプ
  • 計算流体設計
  • CHT (計算伝熱)
  • 回路設計
  • 電力管理
  • その他のソフトウェア
  • 熱管理インターフェース材料
  • サーマルインターフェースマテリアル
  • 主なサーマルインターフェース製品のタイプ
  • サーマルグリース
  • 粘着フィルムおよびサーマルテープ
  • サーマルコンパウンド
  • サーマルパッド
  • エポキシ
  • 相変化材料
  • その他の材料
  • サーマルインターフェースマテリアルの技術動向
  • 基板
  • 主な熱基板のタイプ
  • 熱強化パッケージ
  • ヒートスプレッダー
  • サービス
  • 主なサービスのタイプ
  • 設置・校正
  • 最適化・販売後のサポート

第6章 市場内訳:用途別

  • 概要
  • CE製品
  • 通信
  • データセンター
  • 自動車
  • 産業用/軍事用エレクトロニクス
  • ヘルスケア製品
  • 再生可能エネルギー
  • その他

第7章 市場内訳:デバイス別

  • 概要
  • 対流冷却デバイス
  • 伝導冷却デバイス
  • ハイブリッド冷却デバイス

第8章 市場内訳:地域別

  • 概要
  • 北米
  • 米国
  • カナダ
  • 欧州
  • ドイツ
  • 英国
  • フランス
  • その他の欧州
  • アジア太平洋
  • 中国
  • 日本
  • インド
  • 韓国
  • その他のアジア太平洋地域
  • その他の地域

第9章 ESGの展開

  • 熱管理業界における主要なESG上の課題
  • 熱管理業界のESGパフォーマンス分析
  • ケーススタディ
  • BCCによる総論

第10章 新興技術

  • 概要
  • 市場における新興技術
  • ナノ構造材料
  • 人の体温管理のためのスマートな繊維とテキスタイル
  • サーマルトランジスタ
  • 電池熱管理

第11章 特許分析

  • 概要
  • 最近取得された主な特許

第12章 M&Aおよび資金調達の見通し

第13章 競合情勢

  • 主要企業
  • 戦略的分析
  • 主な製品の発売・開発
  • 主な買収・拡張
  • 主な提携・協力

第14章 企業プロファイル

  • 熱管理ソリューションプロバイダー
  • 3M
  • 熱管理ハードウェアプロバイダー
  • 熱管理ソフトウェアプロバイダー
  • 熱管理インターフェース材料プロバイダー
  • 熱管理基板プロバイダー

第15章 付録:略語/頭字語


List of Tables

  • Summary Table : Global Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 1 : Porter's Five Forces Analysis: Overview
  • Table 2 : Characteristics of the Most Common TIMs in the Market
  • Table 3 : Global Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Product Type, Through 2028
  • Table 4 : Global Market for Hardware Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 5 : Global Market for Hardware Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 6 : Global Market for Hardware Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 7 : Global Market for Software Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 8 : Global Market for Software Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 9 : Global Market for Software Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 10 : Comparision of the Various Thermal Interface Materials
  • Table 11 : Global Market for TIMs Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 12 : Global Market for TIMs Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 13 : Global Market for TIMs Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 14 : Global Market for Substrate Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 15 : Global Market for Substrate Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 16 : Global Market for Substrate Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 17 : Global Market for Services Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 18 : Global Market for Services Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 19 : Global Market for Services Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 20 : Global Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 21 : Global Market for Consumer Electronics Applications of Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 22 : Global Market for Telecommunications Applications of Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 23 : Global Market for Data Center Applications of Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 24 : Global Market for Automotive Applications of Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 25 : Global Market for Industrial/Military Electronics Applications of Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 26 : Global Market for Healthcare Products Applications of Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 27 : Global Market for Renewable Energy Applications of Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 28 : Global Market for Other Applications of Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, Through 2022
  • Table 29 : Global Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Device, Through 2028
  • Table 30 : Global Market for Convection Cooling Devices in Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 31 : Global Market for Conduction Cooling Devices in Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 32 : Global Market for Hybrid Cooling Devices in Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 33 : Global Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, Through 2028
  • Table 34 : North American Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Product Type, Through 2028
  • Table 35 : North American Market for Hardware Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 36 : North American Market for Hardware Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 37 : North American Market for Software Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 38 : North American Market for Software Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 39 : North American Market for TIMs Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 40 : North American Market for TIMs Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 41 : North American Market for Substrate Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 42 : North American Market for Substrate Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 43 : North American Market for Services Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 44 : North American Market for Services Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 45 : North American Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 46 : North American Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Device, Through 2028
  • Table 47 : North American Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Country, Through 2028
  • Table 48 : European Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Product Type, Through 2028
  • Table 49 : European Market for Hardware Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 50 : European Market for Hardware Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 51 : European Market for Software Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 52 : European Market for Software Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 53 : European Market for TIMs Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 54 : European Market for TIMs Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 55 : European Market for Substrate Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 56 : European Market for Substrate Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 57 : European Market for Services Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 58 : European Market for Services Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 59 : European Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 60 : European Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Device, Through 2028
  • Table 61 : European Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Country, Through 2028
  • Table 62 : Asia-Pacific Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Product Type, Through 2028
  • Table 63 : Asia-Pacific Market for Hardware Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 64 : Asia-Pacific Market for Hardware Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 65 : Asia-Pacific Market for Software Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 66 : Asia-Pacific Market for Software Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 67 : Asia-Pacific Market for TIMs Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 68 : Asia-Pacific Market for TIMs Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 69 : Asia-Pacific Market for Substrate Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 70 : Asia-Pacific Market for Substrate Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 71 : Asia-Pacific Market for Services Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 72 : Asia-Pacific Market for Services Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 73 : Asia-Pacific Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 74 : Asia-Pacific Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Device, Through 2028
  • Table 75 : Asia-Pacific Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Country, Through 2028
  • Table 76 : RoW Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Product Type, Through 2028
  • Table 77 : RoW Market for Hardware Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 78 : RoW Market for Hardware Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 79 : RoW Market for Software Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 80 : RoW Market for Software Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 81 : RoW Market for TIMS Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 82 : RoW Market for TIMS Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 83 : RoW Market for Substrate Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 84 : RoW Market for Substrate Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 85 : RoW Market for Services Thermal Management Technologies, by Type, Through 2028
  • Table 86 : RoW Market for Services Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 87 : RoW Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, Through 2028
  • Table 88 : RoW Market for Thermal Management Technologies, by Device, Through 2028
  • Table 89 : Environmental Metrics for the Thermal Industry
  • Table 90 : Social Metrics for the Thermal Industry
  • Table 91 : Governance Metrics for Thermal Management Industry
  • Table 92 : Patents Granted on Thermal Management Technologies, by Company, 2022
  • Table 93 : Granted Thermal Management Technology Related Patents, 2021-2023
  • Table 94 : Venture Capital in Thermal Management Technologies Market, January 2020-July 2023
  • Table 95 : Mergers and Acqusitions, November 2000-March 2022
  • Table 96 : Mergers and Acqusitions in the Market for Thermal Management Technologies, January 2020-June 2023
  • Table 97 : Market Ranking of Top Players Offering Thermal Management Technologies, 2022
  • Table 98 : Product Launches and Expansion in the Global Thermal Management Technologies Market, Mar. 2021-May 2022
  • Table 99 : Mergers and Acquisitions in the Global Thermal Management Technologies Market, Nov. 2021-Dec. 2021
  • Table 100 : Partnerships in the Global Thermal Management Technologies Market, Mar. 2021-May 2023
  • Table 101 : 3M: Annual Revenue, 2022
  • Table 102 : 3M: Product Portfolio
  • Table 103 : Gentherm: Annual Revenue, 2022
  • Table 104 : Gentherm: Recent Developments, 2023
  • Table 105 : Gentherm: Thermal Management Solutions
  • Table 106 : Honeywell International Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2022
  • Table 107 : Honeywell International Inc.: Recent Developments, 2023
  • Table 108 : Honeywell International Inc.: Thermal Management Solutions
  • Table 109 : Laird Technologies Inc.: Recent Developments, 2022
  • Table 110 : Laird Technologies Inc.: Thermal Management Solutions
  • Table 111 : Spectra-Mat Inc.: Thermal Management Solutions
  • Table 112 : Aavid Thermalloy: Thermal Management Hardware
  • Table 113 : Alcoa Corp.: Annual Revenue, 2022
  • Table 114 : Alcoa Corp.: Thermal Management Hardware
  • Table 115 : Asetek Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2022
  • Table 116 : Astek Inc.: Thermal Management Hardware
  • Table 117 : Comair Rotron: Thermal Management Hardware
  • Table 118 : Cool Innovations: Thermal Management Solutions
  • Table 119 : CoolIT Systems: Thermal Management Hardware
  • Table 120 : CPS Technologies Corp.: Annual Revenue, 2022
  • Table 121 : CPS Technologies Corp.: Thermal Management Hardware
  • Table 122 : Dynatron Corp.: Thermal Management Hardware
  • Table 123 : Motivair Corp.: Thermal Management Hardware
  • Table 124 : Altair Engineering Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2022
  • Table 125 : Altair Engineering Inc.: Thermal Management Software
  • Table 126 : ANSYS Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2022
  • Table 127 : ANSYS Inc.: Thermal Management Software
  • Table 128 : Daat Research Corp.: Thermal Management Software
  • Table 129 : Hexagon AB: Annual Revenue, 2022
  • Table 130 : Hexagon AB: Thermal Management Software
  • Table 131 : Netzsch-Geratebau GmbH: Thermal Management Software
  • Table 132 : Henkel AG & Co. KGaA: Annual Revenue, 2022
  • Table 133 : Henkel AG & Co. KGaA: Recent Developments, 2021
  • Table 134 : Materion: Recent Developments, 2021
  • Table 135 : Abbreviations and Acronyms Used in This Report

List of Figures

  • Summary Figure : Global Market Share of Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 1 : Thermal Mangement Installation in Smartphones
  • Figure 2 : Thermal Management Technologies Value Chain Analysis
  • Figure 3 : Thermal Management Technologies Market: Porter's Five Forces Analysis
  • Figure 4 : Thermal Management Technologies Market: Bargaining Power of Suppliers
  • Figure 5 : Thermal Management Technologies Market: Bargaining Power of Consumers
  • Figure 6 : Thermal Management Technologies Market: Threat of New Entrants
  • Figure 7 : Thermal Management Technologies Market: Competitive Rivalry
  • Figure 8 : Global Market Share of Thermal Management Technologies, by Product Type, 2022
  • Figure 9 : Global Market Share of Hardware Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 10 : Global Market Share of Hardware Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 11 : Global Market Share of Software Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 12 : Process of Convection Cooling Device
  • Figure 13 : Path of Typical Thermal Impedence in a Given Application
  • Figure 14 : Global Market Share of TIMs Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 15 : Global Market Share of Substrate Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 16 : Global Market Share of Services Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 17 : Global Market Share of Thermal Management Technologies, by Application, 2022
  • Figure 18 : Global Market Share of Consumer Electronics Applications of Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 19 : Global Market Share of Telecommunications Applications of Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 20 : Global Market Share of Data Center Applications of Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 21 : Global Market Share of Automotive Applications of Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 22 : Global Market Share of Industrial/Military Electronics Applications of Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 23 : Global Market Share of Healthcare Products Applications of Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 24 : Global Market Share of Renewable Energy Applications of Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 25 : Global Market Share of Other Applications of Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 26 : Global Market Share of Thermal Management Technologies, by Device, 2022
  • Figure 27 : Process of Convection Cooling Device
  • Figure 28 : Global Market Share of Convection Cooling Devices in Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 29 : Process of Conduction Cooling Device
  • Figure 30 : Global Market Share of Conduction Cooling Devices in Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 31 : Global Market Share of Hybrid Cooling Devices in Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 32 : Global Market Share of Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 33 : U.S. Market for Thermal Management Technologies, 2022-2028
  • Figure 34 : Canadian Market for Thermal Management Technologies, 2022-2028
  • Figure 35 : German Market for Thermal Management Technologies, 2022-2028
  • Figure 36 : The U.K. Market for Thermal Management Technologies, 2022-2028
  • Figure 37 : French Market for Thermal Management Technologies, 2022-2028
  • Figure 38 : Rest of European Market for Thermal Management Technologies, 2022-2028
  • Figure 39 : Chinese Market for Thermal Management Technologies, 2022-2028
  • Figure 40 : Japanese Market for Thermal Management Technologies, 2022-2028
  • Figure 41 : Indian Market for Thermal Management Technologies, 2022-2028
  • Figure 42 : Indian Market for Thermal Management Technologies, 2022-2028
  • Figure 43 : Rest of Asia-Pacific Market for Thermal Management Technologies, 2022-2028
  • Figure 44 : Emerging Technologies in the Thermal Management Technologies Market
  • Figure 45 : Venture Capital in Thermal Management Technologies Market, 2020-2023
  • Figure 46 : Share of Venture Capital in Thermal Management Technologies Market, by Region, 2020-2023
  • Figure 47 : Mergers and Acquisitions in Thermal Management Technologies Market, 2022
  • Figure 48 : Share of Mergers and Acqusitions in Thermal Management Technologies Market, by Region, 2020-2023
  • Figure 49 : Mergers and Acqusitions in Thermal Management, 2021-2023
  • Figure 50 : Distribution Share of Mergers and Acqusitions in Thermal Management Technologies, by Region, 2020-2022
  • Figure 51 : 3M: Annual Revenue, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 52 : 3M: Company annual report
  • Figure 53 : 3M: Revenue Share, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 54 : Gentherm: Annual Revenue, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 55 : Geotherm: Revenue Share, by Business Unit, 2022
  • Figure 56 : Honeywell International Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 57 : Honeywell International Inc.: Revenue Share, by Business Unit, 2022
  • Figure 58 : Honeywell International Inc.: Revenue Share, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 59 : Alcoa Corp.: Annual Revenue, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 60 : Alcoa Corp.: Revenue Share, by Business Unit, 2022
  • Figure 61 : Alcoa Corp.: Revenue Share, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 62 : Asetek Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 63 : CPS Technologies Corp.: Annual Revenue, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 64 : Altair Engineering Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 65 : Altair Engineering Inc.: Revenue Share, by Business Unit, 2022
  • Figure 66 : Altair Engineering Inc.: Revenue Share, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 67 : ANSYS Inc.: Annual Revenue, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 68 : ANSYS Inc.: Revenue Share, by Business Unit, 2022
  • Figure 69 : ANSYS Inc.: Revenue Share, by Region, 2022
  • Figure 70 : Hexagon AB: Annual Revenue, 2021 and 2022
  • Figure 71 : Hexagon AB: Revenue Share, by Business Unit, 2022
  • Figure 72 : Henkel AG & Co. KGaA: Annual Revenue, 2021 and 2022
Product Code: SMC024N


The global market for thermal management technologies is estimated to grow from $17.3 billion in 2023 to reach $26.1 billion by 2028, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.5% from 2023 to 2028.

Asia-Pacific market for thermal management technologies is estimated to grow from $12.6 billion in 2023 to reach $19.6 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 9.1% from 2023 to 2028.

North American market for thermal management technologies is estimated to grow from $2.4 billion in 2023 to reach $3.5 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 7.7% from 2023 to 2028.

Report Scope:

The scope of this report is broad, covering several product areas. The individual materials, hardware and software product segments are presented in terms of market size and revenue trends. The revenue forecasts are explained in terms of the key market issues for that product segment, and they are projected through 2028. The application sections feature forecasts for the most important applications by product.

The report also offers an in-depth analysis of the competitive landscape within the thermal management technologies market, focusing on key dynamics that drive success. It examines critical factors, such as research and development capabilities, and the influence of ecosystems and partnerships. The report includes profiles of thermal management manufacturers, providing valuable insights into their strategies and offerings. The report also assesses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the market, considering the challenges and opportunities that have emerged as a result.

The report addresses the global market for thermal management products during the period from 2022 through 2028, including -

  • Thermal management hardware.
  • Thermal management software.
  • Thermal management interface products.
  • Thermal management substrates.
  • Thermal management application areas.

Report Includes:

  • 97 data tables and 39 additional tables
  • An overview of the global market for thermal management technologies
  • Analyses of the global market trends, with historic market revenue data (sales figures) for 2022, estimates for 2023, forecasts for 2024 and 2026, and projection of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2028
  • Estimate of the actual market size and revenue forecast for thermal management technologies market, and corresponding market share analysis based on product type, application, device type, and geographic region
  • Analysis of the market dynamics, including drivers, inhibitors and opportunities, along with insights into the regulatory environment
  • Description of concept development of and hardware test for effective thermal designs, and power dissipation and environmental factors affecting thermal management systems
  • Information on rapid prototyping, thermal sensing technologies, new manufacturing processes and developments in thermal management software such as computational fluid design and heat transfer
  • A look at environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) developments, along with an analysis of relevant patents, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), venture fundings and emerging technologies
  • Profiles of major players in the industry

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction

  • Study Goals and Objectives
  • Reasons for Doing This Study
  • Scope of Report
  • What's New in This Update?
  • Research Methodology
  • Information Sources
  • Geographic Breakdown

Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights

  • Market Outlook
  • Market Summary

Chapter 3 Market Overview

  • Overview
  • Examples of Passive Cooling Methods
  • Examples of Active Cooling Methods
  • Thermal Management Technique Types
  • Air Cooling, Liquid Cooling and Two-Phase Cooling
  • Conduction Cooling
  • Importance of Thermal Management Techniques
  • Importance of Thermal Management
  • Power Dissipation
  • Environmental and Regulatory Factors
  • Effective Thermal Design for Electronic Systems
  • Concept Development
  • Detailed Design
  • Hardware Test
  • Other Developments
  • Packaging Designed for Thermal Performance
  • Thermal Test Dies
  • Thermal Sensing Technologies
  • New Manufacturing Processes
  • Rapid Prototyping and Fast Delivery of Final Product
  • Thermal Management of Outdoor Enclosures
  • Portable Device
  • Light-Emitting Diodes
  • Data Centers
  • High-Performance Computing
  • High-Performance Embedded Computers
  • Thermal Management Product Types
  • Value Chain Analysis
  • Porter's Five Forces Analysis
  • Bargaining Power of Suppliers
  • Bargaining Power of Consumers
  • Threat of New Entrants
  • Competitive Rivalry
  • Threat of Substitutes
  • Impact of COVID-19 on the Thermal Management Technologies Market
  • Positive Impact
  • Negative Impact
  • Post-COVID-19 Scenario
  • Impact of Russia-Ukraine War on the Thermal Management Technologies Market

Chapter 4 Thermal Management Technologies: Market Dynamics

  • Market Dynamics
  • Market Drivers
  • Market Restraints
  • Market Opportunities

Chapter 5 Market Breakdown by Product Type

  • Overview
  • Hardware
  • Main Types of Thermal Management Hardware
  • Heat Sinks
  • Fans and Blowers
  • Heat Pipes
  • Fan Sinks
  • Cold Plates
  • Other Cooling Hardware Types
  • Software
  • Main Thermal Management Software Types
  • Computational Fluid Design
  • Computational Heat Transfer
  • Circuit Design
  • Power Management
  • Other Software
  • Thermal Management Interface Materials
  • Thermal Interface Materials
  • Main Thermal Interface Product Types
  • Thermal Greases
  • Adhesive Film and Thermal Tapes
  • Thermal Compounds
  • Thermal Pads
  • Epoxy
  • Phase Change Materials
  • Other Materials
  • Technology Trends in Thermal Interface Materials
  • Substrate
  • Main Thermal Substrate Types
  • Thermally Enhanced Packages
  • Heat Spreaders
  • Services
  • Main Service Types
  • Installation and Calibration
  • Optimization and Post-Sales Support

Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by Application

  • Overview
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Telecommunications
  • Data Centers
  • Automotive
  • Industrial/Military Electronics
  • Healthcare Products
  • Renewable Energy
  • Others

Chapter 7 Market Breakdown by Device

  • Overview
  • Convection Cooling Devices
  • Conduction Cooling Devices
  • Hybrid Cooling Devices

Chapter 8 Market Breakdown by Region

  • Overview
  • North America
  • U.S.
  • Canada
  • Europe
  • Germany
  • The U.K.
  • France
  • Rest of Europe
  • Asia-Pacific
  • China
  • Japan
  • India
  • South Korea
  • Rest of Asia-Pacific
  • Rest of the World

Chapter 9 ESG Development

  • Key ESG Issues in the Thermal Management Industry
  • Thermal Management Industry ESG Performance Analysis
  • Case Study
  • Concluding Remarks from BCC Research

Chapter 10 Emerging Technologies

  • Overview
  • Emerging Technologies in the Market
  • Nanostructured Materials
  • Smart Fibers and Textiles for Personal Thermal Management
  • Thermal Transistor
  • Battery Thermal Management

Chapter 11 Patent Analysis

  • Overview
  • Recently Granted Key Patents

Chapter 12 Merger and Acquisition and Funding Outlook

  • Merger and Acquisition Analysis

Chapter 13 Competitive Landscape

  • Top Companies
  • Strategic Analysis
  • Key Product Launches and Developments
  • Key Acquisitions and Expansions
  • Key Collaborations and Partnerships

Chapter 14 Company Profiles

  • Thermal Management Solutions Providers
  • 3M
  • Thermal Management Hardware Providers
  • Thermal Management Software Providers
  • Thermal Management Interface Materials Providers
  • Thermal Management Substrates Providers

Chapter 15 Appendix: Abbreviations/Acronyms