
NFT (ノンファンジブルトークン) の世界市場

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT): Global Market

出版日: | 発行: BCC Research | ページ情報: 英文 147 Pages | 納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
NFT (ノンファンジブルトークン) の世界市場
出版日: 2022年10月31日
発行: BCC Research
ページ情報: 英文 147 Pages
納期: 即納可能 即納可能とは
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

世界のNFT (ノンファンジブルトークン) の市場規模は、2022年の376億米ドルから、2027年には1,256億米ドルに達し、2022年から2027年の予測期間中のCAGRは27.3%となる見通しです。


当レポートでは、世界のNFT (ノンファンジブルトークン) の市場を調査し、市場概要、法規制環境、特許動向、市場成長への各種影響因子の分析、市場規模の推移・予測、各種区分・地域/主要国別の内訳、競合環境、主要企業のプロファイルなどをまとめています。


第1章 イントロダクション

第2章 サマリー・ハイライト

第3章 NFT:市場概要

  • バリューチェーン分析
  • NFTの進化
  • ブロックチェーンとスマートコントラクトのNFTへの使用
  • 投資シナリオ
  • 市場力学
    • 市場促進要因
    • 市場の課題
    • 市場機会
  • 規制シナリオ・基準
  • 主なNFTのローンチ
  • ポーターのファイブフォース分析
  • 特許分析
  • SWOT分析
  • COVID-19の影響
  • 将来の展望

第4章 市場内訳:資産タイプ別

  • 概要
  • 物理資産
  • デジタル資産

第5章 市場内訳:製品タイプ別

  • 概要
  • アート・収集品
  • ゲーム・スポーツ
  • 音楽・エンターテイメント
  • メタバース
  • その他

第6章 市場内訳:市場タイプ別

  • 概要
  • 一次市場
  • 二次市場

第7章 市場内訳:エンドユーザー別

  • 個人
  • 商業

第8章 市場内訳:地域別

  • 概要
  • 北米
  • 欧州
  • アジア太平洋
  • その他の地域

第9章 競合情勢

  • 主な製品の発売・開発
  • 主な提携・協力
  • 主な買収

第10章 企業プロファイル


List of Tables

  • Summary Table : Global Market for NFTs, by Region, Through 2027
  • Table 1 : NFTs Key Stakeholders, by Value Chain Type
  • Table 2 : NFTs Sales Performance, 2019-2021
  • Table 3 : Most Profitable NFT Projects
  • Table 4 : NFTs Major Brands Landscape
  • Table 5 : Web 2.0 vs. Web 3.0 Comparison for Metaverse
  • Table 6 : Top NFTs Launches
  • Table 7 : Porter's Five Forces Analysis: Overview
  • Table 8 : NFTs Patents Share, 2019-2022*
  • Table 9 : Global Market for NFTs, by Asset Type, Through 2027
  • Table 10 : Global Market for Physical Assets in NFTs, by Region, Through 2027
  • Table 11 : Global Market for Digital Assets in NFTs, by Region, Through 2027
  • Table 12 : Global Market for NFTs, by Product Type, Through 2027
  • Table 13 : Facts and Figures on Crypto Art in 2021
  • Table 14 : Global Market for Arts & Collectibles in NFTs, by Region, Through 2027
  • Table 15 : Global Market for Games & Sports in NFTs, by Region, Through 2027
  • Table 16 : Global Market for Music & Entertainment in NFTs, by Region, Through 2027
  • Table 17 : Global Market for Metaverse in NFTs, by Region, Through 2027
  • Table 18 : Global Market for Others in NFTs, by Region, Through 2027
  • Table 19 : Global Market for NFTs, by Market Type, Through 2027
  • Table 20 : Global Market for Primary Market in NFTs, by Region, Through 2027
  • Table 21 : Global Market for Secondary Market in NFTs, by Region, Through 2027
  • Table 22 : Global Market for NFTs, by End User, Through 2027
  • Table 23 : Global Market for Personal End User in NFTs, by Region, Through 2027
  • Table 24 : Global Market for Commercial End User in NFTs, by Region, Through 2027
  • Table 25 : Top Countries for NFTs, By Interest Score
  • Table 26 : NFTs Adoption by Country, 2021
  • Table 27 : Global Market for NFTs, by Region, Through 2027
  • Table 28 : North American Market for NFTs, by Market Type, Through 2027
  • Table 29 : North American Market for NFTs, by Asset Type, Through 2027
  • Table 30 : North American Market for NFTs, by Product Type, Through 2027
  • Table 31 : North American Market for NFTs, by End User, Through 2027
  • Table 32 : North American Market for NFTs, by Country, Through 2027
  • Table 33 : European Market for NFTs, by Market Type, Through 2027
  • Table 34 : European Market for NFTs, by Asset Type, Through 2027
  • Table 35 : European Market for NFTs, by Product Type, Through 2027
  • Table 36 : European Market for NFTs, by End User, Through 2027
  • Table 37 : European Market for NFTs, by Country, Through 2027
  • Table 38 : Asia-Pacific Market for NFTs, by Market Type, Through 2027
  • Table 39 : Asia-Pacific Market for NFTs, by Asset Type, Through 2027
  • Table 40 : Asia-Pacific Market for NFTs, by Product Type, Through 2027
  • Table 41 : Asia-Pacific Market for NFTs, by End User, Through 2027
  • Table 42 : Asia-Pacific Market for NFTs, by Country, Through 2027
  • Table 43 : RoW Market for NFTs, by Market Type, Through 2027
  • Table 44 : RoW Market for NFTs, by Asset Type, Through 2027
  • Table 45 : RoW Market for NFTs, by Product Type, Through 2027
  • Table 46 : RoW Market for NFTs, by End User, Through 2027
  • Table 47 : RoW Market for NFTs, by Region, Through 2027
  • Table 48 : Significant Recent Developments in NFTs Market
  • Table 49 : Global NFTs Market, Product Launches and Developments, January 2019-September 2022
  • Table 50 : Global NFTs Market, Collaborations and Partnerships, January 2019-September 2022
  • Table 51 : Global NFTs Market, Acquisitions, January 2019-September 2022
  • Table 52 : Antier Solutions Pvt. Ltd.: Key Management
  • Table 53 : Antier Solutions Pvt. Ltd.: Key Customers
  • Table 54 : Antier Solutions Pvt. Ltd.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 55 : Cloudflare, Inc.: Key Management
  • Table 56 : Cloudflare, Inc.: Financials, 2019-2021
  • Table 57 : Cloudflare, Inc.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 58 : Cloudflare, Inc.: Recent Developments, 2019-2022*
  • Table 59 : Dapper Labs, Inc.: Key Partners
  • Table 60 : Dapper Labs, Inc.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 61 : Dapper Labs, Inc.: Recent Developments, 2019-2022*
  • Table 62 : Gemini Trust Company, LLC.: Key Management
  • Table 63 : Gemini Trust Company, LLC.: Partners
  • Table 64 : Gemini Trust Company, LLC.: Product Portfolio
  • Table 65 : Gemini Trust Company, LLC.: Recent Developments, 2019-2022*
  • Table 66 : OpenSea Partners
  • Table 67 : OpenSea: Recent Developments, 2019-2022*
  • Table 68 : Semidot Infotech: Key Management
  • Table 69 : Semidot Infotech Product Portfolio
  • Table 70 : Semidot Infotech: Services Portfolio
  • Table 71 : The Sandbox: Key Partners
  • Table 72 : The Sandbox: Product Portfolio
  • Table 73 : The Sandbox: Recent Developments, 2019-2022*

List of Figures

  • Summary Figure : Global Market Shares of NFTs, by Region, 2021
  • Figure 1 : NFTs Ecosystem
  • Figure 2 : NFTs Applications
  • Figure 3 : NFTs Value Chain
  • Figure 4 : NFTs Key Stakeholders, by Value Chain Stage
  • Figure 5 : NFTs Sales Share, by Blockchain Types, 2022
  • Figure 6 : Evolution of NFTs
  • Figure 7 : NFTs Market Players
  • Figure 8 : Top 10 NFT Trading Projects, by Trading Value, 2021
  • Figure 9 : Number of Brands That launched NFTs
  • Figure 10 : Evolution of Metaverse
  • Figure 11 : NFTs Market-Porter's Five Forces Analysis
  • Figure 12 : NFTs Market-Power of Suppliers
  • Figure 13 : NFTs Market-Power of Buyers
  • Figure 14 : NFTs Market-Threat of Substitutes
  • Figure 15 : NFTs Market-Threat of New Entrants
  • Figure 16 : NFTs Market-Degree of Competition
  • Figure 17 : NFTs Patents, by Year, 2019-2021*
  • Figure 18 : NFTs SWOT Analysis
  • Figure 19 : Global Market Shares of NFTs, by Asset Type, 2021
  • Figure 20 : Global Market Shares of NFTs, by Asset Type, 2027
  • Figure 21 : Physical Assets NFTs Working Process
  • Figure 22 : Global Market Shares of Physical Assets in NFTs, by Region, 2021
  • Figure 23 : Global Market Shares of Physical Assets in NFTs, by Region, 2027
  • Figure 24 : Global Market Shares of Digital Assets in NFTs, by Region, 2021
  • Figure 25 : Global Market Shares of Digital Assets in NFTs, by Region, 2027
  • Figure 26 : Global Market Shares of NFTs, by Product Type, 2021
  • Figure 27 : Global Market Shares of NFTs, by Product Type, 2027
  • Figure 28 : Global Market Shares of Arts & Collectibles in NFTs, by Region, 2021
  • Figure 29 : Global Market Shares of Arts & Collectibles in NFTs, by Region, 2027
  • Figure 30 : Global Market Shares of Games & Sports in NFTs, by Region, 2021
  • Figure 31 : Global Market Shares of Games & Sports in NFTs, by Region, 2027
  • Figure 32 : Global Market Shares of Music & Entertainment in NFTs, by Region, 2021
  • Figure 33 : Global Market Shares of Music & Entertainment in NFTs, by Region, 2027
  • Figure 34 : Global Market Shares of Metaverse in NFTs, by Region, 2021
  • Figure 35 : Global Market Shares of Metaverse in NFTs, by Region, 2027
  • Figure 36 : Global Market Shares of Others in NFTs, by Region, 2021
  • Figure 37 : Global Market Shares of Others in NFTs, by Region, 2027
  • Figure 38 : Global Market Shares of NFTs, by Market Type, 2021
  • Figure 39 : Global Market Shares of NFTs, by Market Type, 2027
  • Figure 40 : Global Market Shares of Primary Market in NFTs, by Region, 2021
  • Figure 41 : Global Market Shares of Primary Market in NFTs, by Region, 2027
  • Figure 42 : Global Market Shares of Secondary Market in NFTs, by Region, 2021
  • Figure 43 : Global Market Shares of Secondary Market in NFTs, by Region, 2027
  • Figure 44 : Global Market Shares of NFTs, by End User, 2021
  • Figure 45 : Global Market Shares of NFTs, by End User, 2027
  • Figure 46 : Global Market Shares of Personal End User in NFTs, by Region, 2021
  • Figure 47 : Global Market Shares of Personal End User in NFTs, by Region, 2027
  • Figure 48 : Global Market Shares of Commercial End User in NFTs, by Region, 2021
  • Figure 49 : Global Market Shares of Commercial End User in NFTs, by Region, 2027
  • Figure 50 : Global Market for NFTs, by Region
  • Figure 51 : Global Market Shares of NFTs, by Region, 2021
  • Figure 52 : Global Market Shares of NFTs, by Region, 2027
  • Figure 53 : U.S. Market for NFTs, 2021-2027
  • Figure 54 : Canadian Market for NFTs, 2021-2027
  • Figure 55 : Mexican Market for NFTs, 2021-2027
  • Figure 56 : German Market for NFTs, 2021-2027
  • Figure 57 : U.K. Market for NFTs, 2021-2027
  • Figure 58 : French Market for NFTs, 2021-2027
  • Figure 59 : Rest of European Market for NFTs, 2021-2027
  • Figure 60 : Chinese Market for NFTs, 2021-2027
  • Figure 61 : Japanese Market for NFTs, 2021-2027
  • Figure 62 : Indian Market for NFTs, 2021-2027
  • Figure 63 : South Korean Market for NFTs, 2021-2027
  • Figure 64 : Rest of Asia-Pacific Market for NFTs, 2021-2027
  • Figure 65 : Middle East Market for NFTs, 2021-2027
  • Figure 66 : African Market for NFTs, 2021-2027
  • Figure 67 : South American Market for NFTs, 2021-2027
  • Figure 68 : Global Market Shares of the Most Followed Strategies in NFTs Market, 2019-2022
  • Figure 69 : Antier Solutions Pvt. Ltd.: Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Figure 70 : Cloudflare, Inc.: Revenue Share, by Region, 2021
  • Figure 71 : Cloudflare, Inc.: Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Figure 72 : Dapper Labs, Inc.: Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Figure 73 : Nifty Gateway: Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Figure 74 : OpenSea: Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Figure 75 : Rarible, Inc.: Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Figure 76 : Semidot Infotech: Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Figure 77 : The Sandbox: Strengths and Weaknesses
Product Code: IFT248A


The global NFTs market should reach $37.6 billion by 2022 and $125.6 billion by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27.3% during the forecast period of 2022-2027.

North American NFTs market should reach $13.7 billion by 2022 and $47 billion by 2027, with a CAGR of 28% during the forecast period of 2022-2027.

Asia-Pacific NFTs market should reach $11.3 billion by 2022 and $41.7 billion by 2027, with a CAGR of 29.7% during the forecast period of 2022-2027.

Report Scope:

In this report, the market has been segmented based on market type, asset type, product type, end user, and geography. The report provides an overview of the global NFTs market and analyzes market trends. Using 2021 as the base year, the report provides estimated market data for the forecast period 2022-2027. Market values have been estimated based on the total revenue of NFTs providers.

The report covers the market for NFTs with regards to the user base across different regions. It also highlights major trends and challenges that affect the market and the vendor landscape. The report estimates the global market for NFTs in 2021 and provides projections for the expected market size through 2027. The scope of the study includes NFTs platforms and associated services.

Report Includes:

  • 37 data tables and 37 additional tables
  • A comprehensive overview and up-to-date analysis of the global markets for non-fungible tokens (NFTs)
  • Analyses of the global market trends, with historic market revenue data for 2021, estimates for 2022, and projections of compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) through 2027
  • Estimation of the actual market size and revenue forecast for non-fungible tokens in USD million values, and their corresponding market share analysis by technology type, product segment, end-use industry, and geographic region
  • Updated information on market opportunities and drivers in the NFTs and other blockchain based crypto markets, key shifts and trends, regulations and industry specific challenges, and other factors that will shape this market demand over the coming years (2022-2027)
  • Coverage of the technological, economic, and business considerations of non-fungible tokens market, with analyses and growth forecasts through 2027
  • Discussion of the industry value chain analysis for non-fungible tokens providing a systematic study of key intermediaries involved, with emphasis on solutions and service providers and major types of end-use industries across different regions
  • Evaluation of the companies best positioned to meet this market demand owing to their proprietary technologies, product launches, mergers and acquisition deals, and other strategic advantages
  • A relevant patent analysis on NFTs with significant allotments of patent data across each major category
  • Identification of the major stakeholders and analysis of the competitive landscape based on recent developments and segmental revenues
  • Company profiles of major players within the industry, including Cloudflare, Inc.; Foundation Inc.; Gemini Trust Company, LLC; OpenSea and Rarible

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction

  • 1.1 Study Goals and Objectives
  • 1.2 Scope of Report
  • 1.3 Reasons for Doing the Study
  • 1.4 Intended Audiences
  • 1.5 Information Sources
  • 1.6 Methodology
  • 1.7 Geographic Breakdown
  • 1.8 Analyst's Credentials
  • 1.9 BCC Custom Research
  • 1.10 Related BCC Research Reports

Chapter 2 Summary and Highlights

Chapter 3 NFTs: Market Overview

  • 3.1 Introduction
  • 3.2 Value Chain Analysis
  • 3.3 Evolution of NFTs
  • 3.4 Use of Blockchain and Smart Contracts for NFTs
  • 3.5 Investment Scenarios
  • 3.6 Market Dynamics
    • 3.6.1 Market Drivers
    • 3.6.2 Market Challenges
    • 3.6.3 Market Opportunities
  • 3.7 Regulatory Scenarios & Standards
  • 3.8 Top NFT Launches
  • 3.9 Porter's Five Force Analysis
    • 3.9.1 Power of Suppliers
    • 3.9.2 Power of Buyers
    • 3.9.3 Threat of Substitutes
    • 3.9.4 Threat of New Entrants
    • 3.9.5 Degree of Competition
  • 3.10 Patent Analysis
    • 3.10.1 Recent Patents
  • 3.11 NFTs SWOT Analysis
  • 3.12 Impact of COVID-19
  • 3.13 Future of NFTs Market

Chapter 4 Market Breakdown by Asset Type

  • 4.1 Overview
  • 4.2 Physical Assets
  • 4.3 Digital Assets

Chapter 5 Market Breakdown by Product Type

  • 5.1 Overview
  • 5.2 Arts and Collectibles
  • 5.3 Games and Sports
  • 5.4 Music and Entertainment
  • 5.5 Metaverse
  • 5.6 Others

Chapter 6 Market Breakdown by Market Type

  • 6.1 Overview
  • 6.2 Primary
  • 6.3 Secondary

Chapter 7 Market Breakdown by End User

  • 7.1 Introduction
  • 7.2 Personal
  • 7.3 Commercial

Chapter 8 Market Breakdown by Region

  • 8.1 Overview
  • 8.2 North America
    • 8.2.1 U.S.
    • 8.2.2 Canada
    • 8.2.3 Mexico
  • 8.3 Europe
    • 8.3.1 Germany
    • 8.3.2 U.K.
    • 8.3.3 France
    • 8.3.4 Rest of Europe
  • 8.4 Asia-Pacific
    • 8.4.1 China
    • 8.4.2 Japan
    • 8.4.3 India
    • 8.4.4 South Korea
    • 8.4.5 Rest of Asia-Pacific
  • 8.5 Rest of the World
    • 8.5.1 Middle East
    • 8.5.2 Africa
    • 8.5.3 South America

Chapter 9 Competitive Landscape

  • 9.1 Key Product Launches and Developments
  • 9.2 Key Collaborations and Partnerships
  • 9.3 Key Acquisitions

Chapter 10 Company Profiles