
軍用輸送機の世界市場 (2024~2034年)

Global Military Transport Aircraft Market 2024-2034

出版日: | 発行: Aviation & Defense Market Reports (A&D) | ページ情報: 英文 150+ Pages | 納期: 3営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=147.72円
軍用輸送機の世界市場 (2024~2034年)
出版日: 2024年07月21日
発行: Aviation & Defense Market Reports (A&D)
ページ情報: 英文 150+ Pages
納期: 3営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

世界の軍用輸送機市場は、2024年に110億1,000万米ドルと推定され、予測期間中 (2024~2034年) に6.71%の年間平均成長率 (CAGR) で成長し、2034年までに210億8,000万米ドルにまで拡大すると予測されています。

Global Military Transport Aircraft Market-IMG1


軍用輸送機は、兵員・装備品・物資を迅速かつ効率的に輸送するために設計された、軍事ロジスティクスと作戦能力の重要な構成要素です。これらの航空機は、小型の戦術用空輸機から大陸間飛行が可能な大型の戦略用空輸機まで、サイズも機能も多種多様です。軍用輸送機は、部隊の迅速な展開、作戦の維持、緊急時の迅速な避難を可能にし、現代の戦争や平和維持任務において極めて重要な役割を果たしています。これらの航空機は、軍事用に特別に設計または改造されており、多くの場合、強化構造、高度なアビオニクス、防御システムを備えています。民間貨物機とは異なり、軍用輸送機は多様でしばしば敵対的な環境で運用されなければならず、堅牢な性能と信頼性が要求されます。主要モデルには、C-130 Hercules、C-17 Globemaster III、A400M Atlasなどがあり、それぞれ戦術的空輸や医療搬送から戦略的空輸や空中給油まで、特定の任務要件を満たすように設計されています。


技術進歩は、軍用輸送機の開発と能力に大きな影響を与えています。複合構造のような最新の素材は重量を減らし耐久性を高め、積載量と燃料効率を向上させました。高度なアビオニクスとナビゲーションシステムは、悪天候や競合環境下でも正確な飛行制御を可能にします。これらのシステムには、GPSベースのナビゲーション、地形追従レーダー、自動飛行制御システムなどがあり、安全性とミッションの成功率を向上させています。推進技術も大幅に改善されました。最新のエンジンは、より強力で信頼性が高く、燃料効率に優れているため、航続距離の延長や積載量の増加が可能となっています。例えば、C-17 Globemaster IIIに使用されているターボファンエンジンは、高推力と燃料効率のユニークな組み合わせを提供し、給油なしで大陸間距離にわたって大きなペイロードを運ぶことを可能にしています。さらに、ステルス技術と電子戦の進歩は、生存性を高めるために軍用輸送機に統合されてきました。これらの技術は、航空機が探知を回避し、地対空ミサイルや敵機からの脅威に対抗するのに役立ちます。「ネットワーク中心の戦い」能力の統合により、これらの航空機は、他の部隊や司令センターとリアルタイムのデータを共有しながら、より大規模で相互接続された部隊の一部として活動することができます。





北米では、米国が軍用輸送機のリーダーであり、膨大な機体で世界の軍事作戦を支えています。米国空軍は、戦術空輸用のC-130 Hercules や戦略任務用のC-17 Globemaster IIIなど、多様な輸送機を運用しています。継続的な近代化努力は、C-130J Super Hercules や将来のB-21 Raiderのような次世代プラットフォームを開発する一方で、既存の航空機の能力向上と耐用年数の延長に焦点を当てています。欧州では、特にNATO加盟国が相互運用性と能力の共有を重視しています。AirbusのA400M Atlasは欧州の空輸能力に大きく貢献し、戦略的・戦術的空輸を単一のプラットフォームで提供します。欧州諸国はまた、欧州航空輸送司令部 (EATC) のようなイニシアティブで協力し、より効率的で柔軟な空輸作戦のためにリソースをプールしています。アジア太平洋地域では、国防予算の増加と地域の安全保障への懸念から、軍用輸送機に対する需要が高まっています。中国は、Y-20Kunpengのような国産航空機の開発によって空輸能力を拡大し、パワーを投射して海外活動を支援する能力を高めています。インドもまた、戦略的・戦術的空輸能力を強化するため、C-17 Globemaster IIIやC-130JSuper Hercules の導入など、輸送機隊の近代化を進めています。

中東諸国は、地域紛争や安全保障上の課題に直面しており、近代的な軍用輸送機に多額の投資を行っています。サウジアラビアやアラブ首長国連邦のような国々は、軍事作戦や人道的任務を支援するために先進的な航空機を調達しています。C-130JSuper Hercules やC-17 Globemaster IIIの購入は、強力な空輸能力を維持することへのコミットメントを反映しています。アフリカやラテンアメリカでは、空輸のニーズを満たすために、旧式の航空機と新型の航空機を組み合わせて使用することが多いです。予算上の制約や運用上の要求の違いから、他国からの中古機や、C-295やKC-390 Milleniumのような新型機など、多様な航空機が使用されています。国際的なパートナーシップと外国の軍事援助は、これらの地域における空輸能力の強化に重要な役割を果たしています。


インド空軍 (IAF) は、17ヶ国が空対空給油能力の向上に集中する2年に1度の航空戦演習Pitch Blackに参加するため、同軍の要員がオーストラリアに到着したと発表しました。IAFからは、YPS Negi のグループキャプテンの指揮の下、100人以上の飛行士が4機のSukhoi-30 MKI戦闘機と2機のC-17戦略輸送機とともに派遣されています。

カナダ国防省によると、カナダ政府は来年、Airbusと戦略輸送機4機の契約を結ぶ見通しです。契約価格はまだ確定していませんが、政府は航空機購入のために最大50億カナダドル (約40億米ドル) を確保しています。

インドの中型輸送機契約が進むにつれ、インド空軍は厳しい決断を迫られています。IAFの中型輸送機プログラムでは、Lockeed Martin、Embraer、Airbusが競合しています。IAFは、老朽化したAN-32と、潜在的にはIL-76を置き換えるために、40~80機の航空機を調達することを目指しています。




  • 地域別
  • エンジン別
  • 種類別

軍用輸送機市場の分析 (今後10年間)




  • 北米
    • 促進・抑制要因、課題
    • PEST分析
    • 市場予測とシナリオ分析
    • 主要企業
    • サプライヤー階層の情勢
    • 企業のベンチマーク
  • 欧州
  • 中東
  • アジア太平洋
  • 南米


  • 米国
    • 防衛計画
    • 最新動向
    • 特許
    • この市場における現在の技術成熟レベル
    • 市場予測とシナリオ分析
  • カナダ
  • イタリア
  • フランス
  • ドイツ
  • オランダ
  • ベルギー
  • スペイン
  • スウェーデン
  • ギリシャ
  • オーストラリア
  • 南アフリカ
  • インド
  • 中国
  • ロシア
  • 韓国
  • 日本
  • マレーシア
  • シンガポール
  • ブラジル




Aviation and Defense Market Reportsについて


List of Tables

  • Table 1: 10 Year Market Outlook, 2024-2034
  • Table 2: Drivers, Impact Analysis, North America
  • Table 3: Restraints, Impact Analysis, North America
  • Table 4: Challenges, Impact Analysis, North America
  • Table 5: Drivers, Impact Analysis, Europe
  • Table 6: Restraints, Impact Analysis, Europe
  • Table 7: Challenges, Impact Analysis, Europe
  • Table 8: Drivers, Impact Analysis, Middle East
  • Table 9: Restraints, Impact Analysis, Middle East
  • Table 10: Challenges, Impact Analysis, Middle East
  • Table 11: Drivers, Impact Analysis, APAC
  • Table 12: Restraints, Impact Analysis, APAC
  • Table 13: Challenges, Impact Analysis, APAC
  • Table 14: Drivers, Impact Analysis, South America
  • Table 15: Restraints, Impact Analysis, South America
  • Table 16: Challenges, Impact Analysis, South America
  • Table 17: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 1, By Region, 2024-2034
  • Table 18: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 1, By Engine, 2024-2034
  • Table 19: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 1, By Type, 2024-2034
  • Table 20: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 2, By Region, 2024-2034
  • Table 21: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 2, By Engine, 2024-2034
  • Table 22: Scenario Analysis, Scenario 2, By Type, 2024-2034

List of Figures

  • Figure 1: Global Military Transport Aircraft Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 2: Global Military Transport Aircraft Market Forecast, By Region, 2024-2034
  • Figure 3: Global Military Transport Aircraft Market Forecast, By Engine, 2024-2034
  • Figure 4: Global Military Transport Aircraft Market Forecast, By Type, 2024-2034
  • Figure 5: North America, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 6: Europe, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 7: Middle East, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 8: APAC, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 9: South America, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 10: United States, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 11: United States, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 12: Canada, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 13: Canada, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 14: Italy, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 15: Italy, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 16: France, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 17: France, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 18: Germany, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 19: Germany, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 20: Netherlands, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 21: Netherlands, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 22: Belgium, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 23: Belgium, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 24: Spain, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 25: Spain, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 26: Sweden, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 27: Sweden, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 28: Brazil, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 29: Brazil, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 30: Australia, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 31: Australia, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 32: India, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 33: India, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 34: China, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 35: China, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 36: Saudi Arabia, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 37: Saudi Arabia, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 38: South Korea, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 39: South Korea, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 40: Japan, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 41: Japan, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 42: Malaysia, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 43: Malaysia, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 44: Singapore, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 45: Singapore, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 46: United Kingdom, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Technology Maturation, 2024-2034
  • Figure 47: United Kingdom, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Market Forecast, 2024-2034
  • Figure 48: Opportunity Analysis, Military Transport Aircraft Market, By Region (Cumulative Market), 2024-2034
  • Figure 49: Opportunity Analysis, Military Transport Aircraft Market, By Region (CAGR), 2024-2034
  • Figure 50: Opportunity Analysis, Military Transport Aircraft Market, By Engine (Cumulative Market), 2024-2034
  • Figure 51: Opportunity Analysis, Military Transport Aircraft Market, By Engine (CAGR), 2024-2034
  • Figure 52: Opportunity Analysis, Military Transport Aircraft Market, By Type (Cumulative Market), 2024-2034
  • Figure 53: Opportunity Analysis, Military Transport Aircraft Market, By Type (CAGR), 2024-2034
  • Figure 54: Scenario Analysis, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Cumulative Market, 2024-2034
  • Figure 55: Scenario Analysis, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Global Market, 2024-2034
  • Figure 56: Scenario 1, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Total Market, 2024-2034
  • Figure 57: Scenario 1, Military Transport Aircraft Market, By Region, 2024-2034
  • Figure 58: Scenario 1, Military Transport Aircraft Market, By Engine, 2024-2034
  • Figure 59: Scenario 1, Military Transport Aircraft Market, By Type, 2024-2034
  • Figure 60: Scenario 2, Military Transport Aircraft Market, Total Market, 2024-2034
  • Figure 61: Scenario 2, Military Transport Aircraft Market, By Region, 2024-2034
  • Figure 62: Scenario 2, Military Transport Aircraft Market, By Engine, 2024-2034
  • Figure 63: Scenario 2, Military Transport Aircraft Market, By Type, 2024-2034
  • Figure 64: Company Benchmark, Military Transport Aircraft Market, 2024-2034
Product Code: AND065

The global Military Transport Aircraft market is estimated at USD 11.01 billion in 2024, projected to grow to USD 21.08 billion by 2034 at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6.71% over the forecast period 2024-2034.

Global Military Transport Aircraft Market - IMG1

Introduction to Military Transport Aircraft Market:

Military transport aircraft are a crucial component of military logistics and operational capability, designed to transport troops, equipment, and supplies quickly and efficiently. These aircraft vary widely in size and function, from small tactical airlifters to large strategic airlifters capable of intercontinental flights. Military transport aircraft ensure rapid deployment of forces, sustainment of operations, and swift evacuation in emergencies, playing a pivotal role in modern warfare and peacekeeping missions. These aircraft are specially designed or modified for military use, often featuring reinforced structures, advanced avionics, and defensive systems. Unlike commercial cargo planes, military transport aircraft must operate in diverse and often hostile environments, requiring robust performance and reliability. Key models include the C-130 Hercules, C-17 Globemaster III, and A400M Atlas, each designed to meet specific mission requirements, from tactical airlift and medical evacuation to strategic airlift and aerial refueling.

Technology Impact in Military Transport Aircraft Market:

Technological advancements have profoundly impacted the development and capabilities of military transport aircraft. Modern materials, such as composite structures, have reduced weight and increased durability, enhancing payload capacity and fuel efficiency. Advanced avionics and navigation systems enable precise flight control, even in adverse weather conditions and contested environments. These systems include GPS-based navigation, terrain-following radar, and automated flight control systems that improve safety and mission success rates. Propulsion technology has also seen significant improvements. Modern engines are more powerful, reliable, and fuel-efficient, enabling longer ranges and higher payload capacities. For instance, the turbofan engines used in the C-17 Globemaster III provide a unique combination of high thrust and fuel efficiency, allowing it to carry large payloads over intercontinental distances without refueling. Additionally, advancements in stealth technology and electronic warfare have been integrated into military transport aircraft to enhance survivability. These technologies help aircraft avoid detection and counter threats from surface-to-air missiles and enemy aircraft. The integration of network-centric warfare capabilities allows these aircraft to operate as part of a larger, interconnected force, sharing real-time data with other units and command centers.

Key Drivers in Military Transport Aircraft Market:

Several key drivers influence the development and deployment of military transport aircraft. These include operational requirements, technological advancements, geopolitical dynamics, and budgetary constraints. Operational requirements are a primary driver in the development of military transport aircraft. The need for rapid, flexible, and efficient logistics support is crucial for military operations, which often require quick deployment of troops and equipment to various theaters. This demands aircraft that can operate from short, unprepared runways and deliver heavy payloads. Additionally, humanitarian missions and disaster relief operations necessitate versatile and reliable transport aircraft that can respond swiftly to crises. Technological advancements continuously drive improvements in military transport aircraft. Innovations in aerospace technology, including developments in materials science, avionics, propulsion systems, and stealth technology, significantly enhance the performance, reliability, and survivability of these aircraft. These advancements enable military transport aircraft to meet the evolving demands of modern warfare and logistics. Geopolitical dynamics also play a critical role in shaping the demand for military transport aircraft. Shifts in global power balances and regional conflicts influence military strategies and the need for robust airlift capabilities. Nations with global military commitments require these capabilities to support their strategic interests and ensure rapid response to crises worldwide. As a result, geopolitical considerations are a key factor in the development and deployment of these aircraft. Budgetary constraints significantly impact the procurement and maintenance of military transport aircraft. Defense budgets, influenced by economic factors and political priorities, can lead to variations in funding for new aircraft development and upgrades of existing fleets. These budgetary considerations often dictate the pace and scope of advancements in military transport aircraft technology and capabilities..

Regional Trends in Military Transport Aircraft Market:

Different regions have distinct trends in the development and deployment of military transport aircraft, driven by unique strategic needs, geopolitical situations, and economic conditions.

In North America, the United States is a leader in military transport aircraft, with a vast fleet supporting its global military operations. The U.S. Air Force operates a diverse range of transport aircraft, including the C-130 Hercules for tactical airlift and the C-17 Globemaster III for strategic missions. Continuous modernization efforts focus on enhancing capabilities and extending the service life of existing aircraft while developing next-generation platforms like the C-130J Super Hercules and the future B-21 Raider. In Europe, nations, particularly those in NATO, emphasize interoperability and shared capabilities. The Airbus A400M Atlas is a significant addition to European airlift capabilities, offering strategic and tactical airlift in a single platform. European countries also collaborate on initiatives like the European Air Transport Command (EATC), pooling resources for more efficient and flexible airlift operations. The Asia-Pacific region sees growing demand for military transport aircraft driven by rising defense budgets and regional security concerns. China is expanding its airlift capabilities with the development of indigenous aircraft like the Y-20 Kunpeng, enhancing its ability to project power and support overseas operations. India is also modernizing its transport fleet, including the induction of the C-17 Globemaster III and the C-130J Super Hercules to enhance strategic and tactical airlift capabilities.

Middle Eastern countries, facing regional conflicts and security challenges, invest heavily in modern military transport aircraft. Nations like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates procure advanced aircraft to support their military operations and humanitarian missions. The acquisition of C-130J Super Hercules and C-17 Globemaster III aircraft reflects their commitment to maintaining robust airlift capabilities. In Africa and Latin America, these regions often rely on a mix of older aircraft and newer acquisitions to meet their airlift needs. Budget constraints and varying operational requirements lead to diverse fleets, including second-hand aircraft from other nations and newer models like the C-295 and the KC-390 Millennium. International partnerships and foreign military aid play significant roles in enhancing airlift capabilities in these regions.

Key Military Transport Aircraft Program:

The Indian Air Force (IAF) announced that its personnel had arrived in Australia to take part in Exercise Pitch Black, a biennial air warfare exercise where 17 nations would concentrate on improving their air-to-air refuelling capabilities. Over 100 airmen from the IAF are deployed with four Sukhoi-30 MKI fighters and two C-17 strategic transport aircraft under the command of Group Captain YPS Negi.

According to the nation's National Defence Department, the Canadian government anticipates awarding a contract to Airbus for four new strategic tanker transport aircraft the next year. Although the contract's price has not yet been finalised, the government has set aside up to CA$5 billion (about $4 billion) to buy the aircraft.

As India's medium transport aircraft deal progresses, the Indian Air Force faces a tough decision. Lockheed Martin, Embraer, and Airbus are competing for the IAF's Medium Transport Aircraft program. The IAF aims to procure 40-80 aircraft to replace its aging AN-32s and potentially the IL-76s.

Table of Contents

Military Transport Aircraft Market Report Definition

Military Transport Aircraft Market Segmentation

By Region

By Engine

By Type

Military Transport Aircraft Market Analysis for next 10 Years

The 10-year Military Transport Aircraft Market analysis would give a detailed overview of Military Transport Aircraft Market growth, changing dynamics, technology adoption overviews and the overall market attractiveness is covered in this chapter.

Market Technologies of Military Transport Aircraft Market

This segment covers the top 10 technologies that is expected to impact this market and the possible implications these technologies would have on the overall market.

Global Military Transport Aircraft Market Forecast

The 10-year Military Transport Aircraft Market forecast of this market is covered in detailed across the segments which are mentioned above.

Regional Military Transport Aircraft Market Trends & Forecast

The regional military transport aircraft market trends, drivers, restraints and Challenges of this market, the Political, Economic, Social and Technology aspects are covered in this segment. The market forecast and scenario analysis across regions are also covered in detailed in this segment. The last part of the regional analysis includes profiling of the key companies, supplier landscape and company benchmarking. The current market size is estimated based on the normal scenario.

North America

Drivers, Restraints and Challenges


Market Forecast & Scenario Analysis

Key Companies

Supplier Tier Landscape

Company Benchmarking


Middle East


South America

Country Analysis of Military Transport Aircraft Market

This chapter deals with the key defense programs in this market, it also covers the latest news and patents which have been filed in this market. Country level 10 year market forecast and scenario analysis are also covered in this chapter.


Defense Programs

Latest News


Current levels of technology maturation in this market

Market Forecast & Scenario Analysis











South Africa




South Korea





Opportunity Matrix for Military Transport Aircraft Market

The opportunity matrix helps the readers understand the high opportunity segments in this market.

Expert Opinions on Military Transport Aircraft Market Report

Hear from our experts their opinion of the possible analysis for this market.


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