
EdTech市場- 成長、将来展望、競合分析、2024年~2032年

Education Technology Market - Growth, Future Prospects and Competitive Analysis, 2024 - 2032

出版日: | 発行: Acute Market Reports | ページ情報: 英文 110 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
EdTech市場- 成長、将来展望、競合分析、2024年~2032年
出版日: 2023年12月19日
発行: Acute Market Reports
ページ情報: 英文 110 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

世界のEdTech市場は急速な変革期を迎えており、2024年から2032年の予測期間中にCAGR 13.8%で成長すると予測されています。EdTech市場は、デジタルの進歩、個別学習へのシフト、オンライン教育に対する世界の需要の急増に後押しされ、変革期を迎えています。これらの推進力は、従来の教育パラダイムを再構築し、アクセシビリティを促進し、学生の学習方法を変革しています。しかし、市場はテクノロジーへのアクセスの不平等という顕著な抑制要因に直面しており、インクルーシブな教育革命のためにはデジタル格差への対応が不可欠であることが強調されています。多額の収益が計上された2023年から、2024年から2032年の予測期間へと移行する中で、EdTech市場は継続的な拡大の態勢を整えており、テクノロジーが学習体験のあらゆる側面にシームレスに統合され、世界中の学習者によりつながり、アクセスしやすく、パーソナライズされた教育の旅を促進する未来が約束されています。
















競合情勢では、Google LLC、Microsoft Corporation、Coursera、BYJU'S、Blackboard Inc.、Chegg, Inc.、Edutech、edX Inc.、Instructure, Inc.、Udacity, Inc.、upGrad Education Private Limitedなどの主要企業がEdTechの進化を形成しています。これらの主要プレーヤーは、2023年に大きな収益を計上し、2024年から2032年まで継続的な成長を見込んでいます。イノベーション、パートナーシップ、世界市場への浸透に戦略的に注力することで、EdTech業界において影響力のある存在となっています。市場が発展するにつれ、これらのプレーヤーはEdTechの将来の軌道を形成する上で極めて重要な役割を果たし、世界規模でデジタルトランスフォーメーションとパーソナライズされた学習をさらに推進すると予測されます。













第1章 序文

  • レポート内容
    • 報告書の目的
    • 対象者
    • 主な提供商品
  • 市場セグメンテーション
  • 調査手法
    • フェーズⅠ-二次調査
    • フェーズⅡ-一次調査
    • フェーズⅢ-有識者レビュー
    • 前提条件
    • 採用したアプローチ

第2章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第3章 EdTech市場:競合分析

  • 主要ベンダーの市場での位置付け
  • ベンダーが採用する戦略
  • 主要な産業戦略
  • ティア分析:2023 vs 2031年

第4章 EdTech市場:マクロ分析と市場力学

  • イントロダクション
  • 世界のEdTech市場金額 2021-2031年
  • 市場力学
    • 市場促進要因
    • 市場抑制要因
    • 主な課題
    • 主な機会
  • 促進要因と抑制要因の影響分析
  • シーソー分析
  • ポーターのファイブフォースモデル
    • サプライヤーパワー
    • バイヤーパワー
    • 代替品の脅威
    • 新規参入業者の脅威
    • 競争企業間の敵対関係
  • PESTEL分析
    • 政治的情勢
    • 経済情勢
    • テクノロジーの情勢
    • 法的情勢
    • 社会的情勢

第5章 EdTech市場:セクター別 2022-2032年

  • 市場概要
  • 成長・収益分析:2023 vs 2031年
  • 市場セグメンテーション
    • プレスクール
    • K-12
    • 高等教育
    • その他

第6章 EdTech市場:エンドユーザー別 2022-2032年

  • 市場概要
  • 成長・収益分析:2023 vs 2031年
  • 市場セグメンテーション
    • ビジネス
    • コンシューマー

第7章 EdTech市場:タイプ別 2022-2032年

  • 市場概要
  • 成長・収益分析:2023 vs 2031年
  • 市場セグメンテーション
    • ハードウェア
    • ソフトウェア
    • コンテンツ

第8章 EdTech市場:展開別 2022-2032年

  • 市場概要
  • 成長・収益分析:2023 vs 2031年
  • 市場セグメンテーション
    • クラウド
    • オンプレミス

第9章 北米のEdTech市場 2022-2032年

  • 市場概要
  • EdTech市場:セクター別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:エンドユーザー別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:タイプ別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:展開別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:地域別 2022-2032年
    • 北米
      • 米国
      • カナダ
      • その他北米地域

第10章 英国と欧州連合のEdTech市場 2022-2032年

  • 市場概要
  • EdTech市場:セクター別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:エンドユーザー別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:タイプ別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:展開別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:地域別 2022-2032年
    • 英国と欧州連合
      • 英国
      • ドイツ
      • スペイン
      • イタリア
      • フランス
      • その他欧州地域

第11章 アジア太平洋のEdTech市場 2022-2032年

  • 市場概要
  • EdTech市場:セクター別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:エンドユーザー別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:タイプ別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:展開別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:地域別 2022-2032年
    • アジア太平洋
      • 中国
      • 日本
      • インド
      • オーストラリア
      • 韓国
      • その他アジア太平洋地域

第12章 ラテンアメリカのEdTech市場 2022-2032年

  • 市場概要
  • EdTech市場:セクター別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:エンドユーザー別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:タイプ別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:展開別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:地域別 2022-2032年
    • ラテンアメリカ
      • ブラジル
      • メキシコ
      • その他ラテンアメリカ地域

第13章 中東・アフリカのEdTech市場 2022-2032年

  • 市場概要
  • EdTech市場:セクター別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:エンドユーザー別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:タイプ別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:展開別 2022-2032年
  • EdTech市場:地域別 2022-2032年
    • 中東・アフリカ
      • GCC
      • アフリカ
      • その他中東・アフリカ地域

第14章 企業プロファイル

  • Google LLC
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Coursera
  • BYJU'S
  • Blackboard Inc.
  • Chegg Inc.
  • Edutech
  • edX Inc.
  • Instructure Inc.
  • Udacity Inc.
  • upGrad Education Private Limited
  • その他の主要企業

List of Tables

  • TABLE 1 Global Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 2 Global Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 3 Global Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 4 Global Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 5 North America Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 6 North America Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 7 North America Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 8 North America Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 9 U.S. Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 10 U.S. Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 11 U.S. Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 12 U.S. Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 13 Canada Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 14 Canada Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 15 Canada Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 16 Canada Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 17 Rest of North America Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 18 Rest of North America Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 19 Rest of North America Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 20 Rest of North America Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 21 UK and European Union Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 22 UK and European Union Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 23 UK and European Union Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 24 UK and European Union Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 25 UK Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 26 UK Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 27 UK Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 28 UK Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 29 Germany Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 30 Germany Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 31 Germany Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 32 Germany Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 33 Spain Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 34 Spain Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 35 Spain Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 36 Spain Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 37 Italy Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 38 Italy Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 39 Italy Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 40 Italy Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 41 France Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 42 France Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 43 France Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 44 France Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 45 Rest of Europe Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 46 Rest of Europe Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 47 Rest of Europe Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 48 Rest of Europe Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 49 Asia Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 50 Asia Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 51 Asia Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 52 Asia Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 53 China Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 54 China Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 55 China Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 56 China Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 57 Japan Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 58 Japan Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 59 Japan Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 60 Japan Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 61 India Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 62 India Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 63 India Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 64 India Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 65 Australia Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 66 Australia Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 67 Australia Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 68 Australia Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 69 South Korea Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 70 South Korea Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 71 South Korea Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 72 South Korea Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 73 Latin America Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 74 Latin America Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 75 Latin America Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 76 Latin America Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 77 Brazil Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 78 Brazil Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 79 Brazil Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 80 Brazil Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 81 Mexico Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 82 Mexico Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 83 Mexico Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 84 Mexico Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 85 Rest of Latin America Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 86 Rest of Latin America Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 87 Rest of Latin America Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 88 Rest of Latin America Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 89 Middle East and Africa Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 90 Middle East and Africa Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 91 Middle East and Africa Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 92 Middle East and Africa Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 93 GCC Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 94 GCC Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 95 GCC Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 96 GCC Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 97 Africa Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 98 Africa Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 99 Africa Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 100 Africa Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 101 Rest of Middle East and Africa Education Technology Market By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 102 Rest of Middle East and Africa Education Technology Market By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 103 Rest of Middle East and Africa Education Technology Market By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • TABLE 104 Rest of Middle East and Africa Education Technology Market By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

List of Figures

  • FIG. 1 Global Education Technology Market: Market Coverage
  • FIG. 2 Research Methodology and Data Sources
  • FIG. 3 Market Size Estimation - Top Down & Bottom-Up Approach
  • FIG. 4 Global Education Technology Market: Quality Assurance
  • FIG. 5 Global Education Technology Market, By Sector, 2023
  • FIG. 6 Global Education Technology Market, By End-User, 2023
  • FIG. 7 Global Education Technology Market, By Type, 2023
  • FIG. 8 Global Education Technology Market, By Deployment, 2023
  • FIG. 9 Global Education Technology Market, By Geography, 2023
  • FIG. 10 Market Geographical Opportunity Matrix - Global Education Technology Market, 2023

FIG. 11Market Positioning of Key Education Technology Market Players, 2023

FIG. 12Global Education Technology Market - Tier Analysis - Percentage of Revenues by Tier Level, 2023 Versus 2031

  • FIG. 13 Global Education Technology Market, By Sector, 2023 Vs 2032, %
  • FIG. 14 Global Education Technology Market, By End-User, 2023 Vs 2032, %
  • FIG. 15 Global Education Technology Market, By Type, 2023 Vs 2032, %
  • FIG. 16 Global Education Technology Market, By Deployment, 2023 Vs 2032, %
  • FIG. 17 U.S. Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 18 Canada Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 19 Rest of North America Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 20 UK Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 21 Germany Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 22 Spain Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 23 Italy Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 24 France Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 25 Rest of Europe Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 26 China Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 27 Japan Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 28 India Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 29 Australia Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 30 South Korea Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 31 Rest of Asia Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 32 Brazil Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 33 Mexico Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 34 Rest of Latin America Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 35 GCC Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 36 Africa Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
  • FIG. 37 Rest of Middle East and Africa Education Technology Market (US$ Million), 2022 - 2032
Product Code: 139119-12-23

The global education technology market is undergoing rapid transformation and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.8% during the forecast period of 2024 to 2032, driven by technological advancements and changing paradigms in the education sector. the education technology market is undergoing transformative journey, fuelled by digital advancements, a shift towards personalized learning, and a global surge in demand for online education. These drivers are reshaping traditional educational paradigms, fostering accessibility, and revolutionizing the way students learn. However, the market faces a notable restraint in the form of unequal technology access, emphasizing the imperative to address digital disparities for an inclusive educational revolution. As we transition from 2023, marked by substantial revenues, to the forecast period of 2024 to 2032, the education technology market is poised for continued expansion, promising a future where technology seamlessly integrates into every aspect of the learning experience, fostering a more connected, accessible, and personalized educational journey for learners worldwide.

Digital Transformation in Education

The primary driver propelling the education technology market is the ongoing digital transformation in the education sector. Institutions worldwide are embracing technology to enhance teaching methodologies and student learning experiences. Evidence includes the widespread adoption of Learning Management Systems (LMS), interactive whiteboards, and virtual classrooms, resulting in improved accessibility and engagement. Instructors incorporating multimedia elements into lessons have reported increased student participation and comprehension, showcasing the transformative impact of digital tools in education.

Shift Towards Personalized Learning

Another key driver is the paradigm shift towards personalized learning experiences. Education technology facilitates adaptive learning platforms, AI-driven assessments, and personalized content delivery, catering to individual student needs and learning styles. Evidence supporting this trend includes case studies where schools implementing personalized learning technologies observed a significant improvement in student performance and overall satisfaction. The ability to tailor education to individual strengths and weaknesses is reshaping traditional educational models.

Global Demand for Online Education

The global demand for online education is a major driver influencing the education technology market. The accessibility of online courses, virtual tutoring, and collaborative learning platforms has transcended geographical boundaries. The surge in demand is evident from the exponential growth of online education platforms, which experienced a substantial increase in user registrations and course enrollments. As the world embraces the flexibility and convenience of online education, the market is expected to continue its upward trajectory.

Unequal Technology Access

A significant restraint in the education technology market is the unequal access to technology among students and institutions. Despite the widespread adoption of digital tools, disparities in access to devices and high-speed internet persist, especially in economically disadvantaged areas. Evidence supporting this restraint includes studies highlighting the digital divide, where a considerable percentage of students lack the necessary technology infrastructure for effective participation in online learning. Addressing this inequality is crucial for ensuring the inclusive and equitable implementation of education technology.

By Sector: Higher Education Dominates the Market

In 2023, the education technology market saw significant revenue from various sectors, with Higher Education emerging as the top revenue generator. However, the Preschool sector exhibited the highest CAGR during the forecast period from 2024 to 2032, indicating a notable shift towards incorporating technology in early education. This dual focus on the Higher Education and Preschool sectors reflects the diverse opportunities and challenges in different segments of the education landscape.

By End-User: Business end-users Dominate the Market

Market segmentation by end-user showcased robust revenue streams from both the Business and Consumer segments in 2023. However, the Business end-user segment demonstrated the highest CAGR during the forecast period, underlining the increasing adoption of education technology by corporate entities for employee training and skill development. Simultaneously, the Consumer segment maintained substantial revenue, emphasizing the pivotal role of individual learners in driving the growth of education technology.

North America Remains the Global Leader

Geographically, the education technology market exhibited diverse trends in 2023, with North America leading in revenue generation and the Asia-Pacific region showcasing the highest CAGR. The increasing penetration of education technology in Asia-Pacific is driven by factors such as rising internet connectivity, government initiatives, and a growing emphasis on digital literacy. Balancing revenue and CAGR, these geographic trends underscore the global nature of the education technology market.

Market Competition to Intensify during the Forecast Period

In the competitive landscape, top players such as Google LLC, Microsoft Corporation, Coursera, BYJU'S, Blackboard Inc., Chegg, Inc., Edutech, edX Inc., Instructure, Inc., Udacity, Inc. and upGrad Education Private Limited are shaping the evolution of education technology. These key players reported substantial revenues in 2023, expecting continued growth from 2024 to 2032. Their strategic focus on innovation, partnerships, and global market penetration positions them as influential entities in the education technology landscape. As the market evolves, these players are anticipated to play a pivotal role in shaping the future trajectory of education technology, further advancing digital transformation and personalized learning on a global scale.

Historical & Forecast Period

This study report represents analysis of each segment from 2022 to 2032 considering 2023 as the base year. Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for each of the respective segments estimated for the forecast period of 2024 to 2032.

The current report comprises of quantitative market estimations for each micro market for every geographical region and qualitative market analysis such as micro and macro environment analysis, market trends, competitive intelligence, segment analysis, porters five force model, top winning strategies, top investment markets, emerging trends and technological analysis, case studies, strategic conclusions and recommendations and other key market insights.

Research Methodology

The complete research study was conducted in three phases, namely: secondary research, primary research, and expert panel review. key data point that enables the estimation ofEducation Technology market are as follows:

Research and development budgets of manufacturers and government spending

Revenues of key companies in the market segment

Number of end users and consumption volume, price and value.

Geographical revenues generate by countries considered in the report:

Micro and macro environment factors that are currently influencing the Education Technology market and their expected impact during the forecast period.

Market forecast was performed through proprietary software that analyzes various qualitative and quantitative factors. Growth rate and CAGR were estimated through intensive secondary and primary research. Data triangulation across various data points provides accuracy across various analyzed market segments in the report. Application of both top down and bottom-up approach for validation of market estimation assures logical, methodical and mathematical consistency of the quantitative data.

Market Segmentation


    • Preschool
    • K-12
    • Higher Education
    • Others


    • Business
    • Consumer


    • Hardware
    • Software
    • Content


    • Cloud
    • On-Premises

Region Segment (2022-2032; US$ Million)

North America



Rest of North America

UK and European Union






Rest of Europe

Asia Pacific





South Korea

Rest of Asia Pacific

Latin America



Rest of Latin America

Middle East and Africa



Rest of Middle East and Africa

Key questions answered in this report

What are the key micro and macro environmental factors that are impacting the growth of Education Technology market?

What are the key investment pockets with respect to product segments and geographies currently and during the forecast period?

Estimated forecast and market projections up to 2032.

Which segment accounts for the fastest CAGR during the forecast period?

Which market segment holds a larger market share and why?

Are low and middle-income economies investing in the Education Technology market?

Which is the largest regional market for Education Technology market?

What are the market trends and dynamics in emerging markets such as Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa?

Which are the key trends driving Education Technology market growth?

Who are the key competitors and what are their key strategies to enhance their market presence in the Education Technology market worldwide?

Table of Contents

1. Preface

  • 1.1. Report Description
    • 1.1.1. Purpose of the Report
    • 1.1.2. Target Audience
    • 1.1.3. Key Offerings
  • 1.2. Market Segmentation
  • 1.3. Research Methodology
    • 1.3.1. Phase I - Secondary Research
    • 1.3.2. Phase II - Primary Research
    • 1.3.3. Phase III - Expert Panel Review
    • 1.3.4. Assumptions
    • 1.3.5. Approach Adopted

2. Executive Summary

  • 2.1. Market Snapshot: Global Education Technology Market
  • 2.2. Global Education Technology Market, By Sector, 2023 (US$ Million)
  • 2.3. Global Education Technology Market, By End-User, 2023 (US$ Million)
  • 2.4. Global Education Technology Market, By Type, 2023 (US$ Million)
  • 2.5. Global Education Technology Market, By Deployment, 2023 (US$ Million)
  • 2.6. Global Education Technology Market, By Geography, 2023 (US$ Million)
  • 2.7. Attractive Investment Proposition by Geography, 2023

3. Education Technology Market: Competitive Analysis

  • 3.1. Market Positioning of Key Education Technology Market Vendors
  • 3.2. Strategies Adopted by Education Technology Market Vendors
  • 3.3. Key Industry Strategies
  • 3.4. Tier Analysis 2023 Versus 2031

4. Education Technology Market: Macro Analysis & Market Dynamics

  • 4.1. Introduction
  • 4.2. Global Education Technology Market Value, 2021 - 2031, (US$ Million)
  • 4.3. Market Dynamics
    • 4.3.1. Market Drivers
    • 4.3.2. Market Restraints
    • 4.3.3. Key Challenges
    • 4.3.4. Key Opportunities
  • 4.4. Impact Analysis of Drivers and Restraints
  • 4.5. See-Saw Analysis
  • 4.6. Porter's Five Force Model
    • 4.6.1. Supplier Power
    • 4.6.2. Buyer Power
    • 4.6.3. Threat Of Substitutes
    • 4.6.4. Threat Of New Entrants
    • 4.6.5. Competitive Rivalry
  • 4.7. PESTEL Analysis
    • 4.7.1. Political Landscape
    • 4.7.2. Economic Landscape
    • 4.7.3. Technology Landscape
    • 4.7.4. Legal Landscape
    • 4.7.5. Social Landscape

5. Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • 5.1. Market Overview
  • 5.2. Growth & Revenue Analysis: 2023 Versus 2031
  • 5.3. Market Segmentation
    • 5.3.1. Preschool
    • 5.3.2. K-12
    • 5.3.3. Higher Education
    • 5.3.4. Others

6. Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • 6.1. Market Overview
  • 6.2. Growth & Revenue Analysis: 2023 Versus 2031
  • 6.3. Market Segmentation
    • 6.3.1. Business
    • 6.3.2. Consumer

7. Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • 7.1. Market Overview
  • 7.2. Growth & Revenue Analysis: 2023 Versus 2031
  • 7.3. Market Segmentation
    • 7.3.1. Hardware
    • 7.3.2. Software
    • 7.3.3. Content

8. Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • 8.1. Market Overview
  • 8.2. Growth & Revenue Analysis: 2023 Versus 2031
  • 8.3. Market Segmentation
    • 8.3.1. Cloud
    • 8.3.2. On-Premises

9. North America Education Technology Market, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • 9.1. Market Overview
  • 9.2. Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 9.3. Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 9.4. Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 9.5. Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 9.6.Education Technology Market: By Region, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
    • 9.6.1.North America
      • U.S.
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Canada
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Rest of North America
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

10. UK and European Union Education Technology Market, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • 10.1. Market Overview
  • 10.2. Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 10.3. Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 10.4. Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 10.5. Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 10.6.Education Technology Market: By Region, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
    • 10.6.1.UK and European Union
      • UK
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Germany
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Spain
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Italy
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • France
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Rest of Europe
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

11. Asia Pacific Education Technology Market, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • 11.1. Market Overview
  • 11.2. Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 11.3. Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 11.4. Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 11.5. Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 11.6.Education Technology Market: By Region, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
    • 11.6.1.Asia Pacific
      • China
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Japan
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • India
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Australia
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • South Korea
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Rest of Asia Pacific
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

12. Latin America Education Technology Market, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • 12.1. Market Overview
  • 12.2. Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 12.3. Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 12.4. Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 12.5. Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 12.6.Education Technology Market: By Region, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
    • 12.6.1.Latin America
      • Brazil
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Mexico
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Rest of Latin America
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

13. Middle East and Africa Education Technology Market, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

  • 13.1. Market Overview
  • 13.2. Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 13.3. Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 13.4. Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 13.5. Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
  • 13.6.Education Technology Market: By Region, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
    • 13.6.1.Middle East and Africa
      • GCC
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Africa
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
      • Rest of Middle East and Africa
        • Education Technology Market: By Sector, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By End-User, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Type, 2022-2032, USD (Million)
        • Education Technology Market: By Deployment, 2022-2032, USD (Million)

14. Company Profile

  • 14.1. Google LLC
    • 14.1.1. Company Overview
    • 14.1.2. Financial Performance
    • 14.1.3. Product Portfolio
    • 14.1.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 14.2. Microsoft Corporation
    • 14.2.1. Company Overview
    • 14.2.2. Financial Performance
    • 14.2.3. Product Portfolio
    • 14.2.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 14.3. Coursera
    • 14.3.1. Company Overview
    • 14.3.2. Financial Performance
    • 14.3.3. Product Portfolio
    • 14.3.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 14.4. BYJU'S
    • 14.4.1. Company Overview
    • 14.4.2. Financial Performance
    • 14.4.3. Product Portfolio
    • 14.4.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 14.5. Blackboard Inc.
    • 14.5.1. Company Overview
    • 14.5.2. Financial Performance
    • 14.5.3. Product Portfolio
    • 14.5.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 14.6. Chegg, Inc.
    • 14.6.1. Company Overview
    • 14.6.2. Financial Performance
    • 14.6.3. Product Portfolio
    • 14.6.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 14.7. Edutech
    • 14.7.1. Company Overview
    • 14.7.2. Financial Performance
    • 14.7.3. Product Portfolio
    • 14.7.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 14.8. edX Inc.
    • 14.8.1. Company Overview
    • 14.8.2. Financial Performance
    • 14.8.3. Product Portfolio
    • 14.8.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 14.9. Instructure, Inc.
    • 14.9.1. Company Overview
    • 14.9.2. Financial Performance
    • 14.9.3. Product Portfolio
    • 14.9.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 14.10. Udacity, Inc.
    • 14.10.1. Company Overview
    • 14.10.2. Financial Performance
    • 14.10.3. Product Portfolio
    • 14.10.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 14.11. upGrad Education Private Limited
    • 14.11.1. Company Overview
    • 14.11.2. Financial Performance
    • 14.11.3. Product Portfolio
    • 14.11.4. Strategic Initiatives
  • 14.12. Other Notable Players
    • 14.12.1. Company Overview
    • 14.12.2. Financial Performance
    • 14.12.3. Product Portfolio
    • 14.12.4. Strategic Initiatives