表紙:堅牢モバイルハードウェア:四半期追跡調査 (2024年)

堅牢モバイルハードウェア:四半期追跡調査 (2024年)

2024 Rugged Mobile Hardware Quarterly Tracker

出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス | 発行: VDC Research Group, Inc. | ページ情報: 英文

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=150.82円
堅牢モバイルハードウェア:四半期追跡調査 (2024年)
出版日: 年間契約型情報サービス
発行: VDC Research Group, Inc.
ページ情報: 英文
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次




戦略的洞察 (2024年):企業向けモビリティとデスクレスワーカー (トラック2):市場追跡・予測分析:モバイルハードウェア (トピック7):堅牢なモバイルハードウェアの追跡 (四半期ベース)


  • 図表I-1:世界の堅牢モバイルハンドヘルド機器/PDAフォームファクターコンピューターの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表I-2:南北アメリカの堅牢モバイルハンドヘルド機器/PDAフォームファクターコンピューターの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表I-2a:北米の堅牢モバイルハンドヘルド機器/PDAフォームファクターコンピューターの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表I-2b:ラテンアメリカの堅牢モバイルハンドヘルド機器/PDAフォームファクターコンピューターの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表I-3:EMEA (欧州・中東・アフリカ) の堅牢モバイルハンドヘルド機器/PDAフォームファクターコンピューターの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表I-4:アジア太平洋の堅牢モバイルハンドヘルド機器/PDAフォームファクターコンピューターの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)


  • 図表II-1:世界のフォークリフト搭載型堅牢モバイルコンピュータの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表II-2:南北アメリカのフォークリフト搭載型堅牢モバイルコンピュータの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表II-2a:北米のフォークリフト搭載型堅牢モバイルコンピュータの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表II-2b:ラテンアメリカのフォークリフト搭載型堅牢モバイルコンピュータの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表II-3:EMEAのフォークリフト搭載型堅牢モバイルコンピュータの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表II-4:アジア太平洋のフォークリフト搭載型堅牢モバイルコンピュータの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)


  • 図表III-1:世界の堅牢ノートPC/コンバーチブルノートPCの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表III-2:南北アメリカの堅牢ノートPC/コンバーチブルノートPCの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表III-2a:北米の堅牢ノートPC/コンバーチブルノートPCの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表III-2b:ラテンアメリカの堅牢ノートPC/コンバーチブルノートPCの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表III-3:EMEAの堅牢ノートPC/コンバーチブルノートPCの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表III-4:アジア太平洋の堅牢ノートPC/コンバーチブルノートPCの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)


  • 図表IV-1:世界の堅牢スレート型タブレットPCの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表IV-2:南北アメリカの堅牢スレート型タブレットPCの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表IV-2a:北米の堅牢スレート型タブレットPCの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表IV-2b:ラテンアメリカの堅牢スレート型タブレットPCの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表IV-3:EMEAの堅牢スレート型タブレットPCの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)
  • 図表IV-4:アジア太平洋の堅牢スレート型タブレットPCの出荷額・シェア:ベンダー別 (単位:100万米ドル)



This quarterly tracker covers the market for rugged mobile devices segmented by form factor, with YoY market estimate and competitive share comparisons.

Preview the Exhibits to learn more about how our research can help you meet your critical needs.

List of Exhibits

Strategic Insights 2024: Enterprise Mobility & the Deskless Worker, Track 2: Market Tracking & Forecast Reports: Mobile Hardware, Topic 7: Quarterly Rugged Mobile Hardware Tracker


  • Exhibit I-1: Worldwide Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Mobile Handheld/PDA Form Factor Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit I-2: Americas Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Mobile Handheld/PDA Form Factor Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit I-2a: North America Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Mobile Handheld/PDA Form Factor Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit I-2b: Latin America Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Mobile Handheld/PDA Form Factor Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit I-3: EMEA Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Mobile Handheld/PDA Form Factor Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit I-4: Asia-Pacific Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Mobile Handheld/PDA Form Factor Computers (USD Millions)


  • Exhibit II-1: Worldwide Vendor Shipments and Shares of Forklift Mounted Rugged Mobile Computer Shipments by Regional Market (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit II-2: Americas Vendor Shipments and Shares of Forklift Mounted Rugged Mobile Computer Shipments by Regional Market (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit II-2a: North America Vendor Shipments and Shares of Forklift Mounted Rugged Mobile Computer Shipments by Regional Market (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit II-2b: Latin America Vendor Shipments and Shares of Forklift Mounted Rugged Mobile Computer Shipments by Regional Market (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit II-3: EMEA Vendor Shipments and Shares of Forklift Mounted Rugged Mobile Computer Shipments by Regional Market (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit II-4: Asia-Pacific Vendor Shipments and Shares of Forklift Mounted Rugged Mobile Computer Shipments by Regional Market (USD Millions)


  • Exhibit III-1: Worldwide Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Notebook/Convertible Notebook Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit III-2: Americas Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Notebook/Convertible Notebook Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit III-2a: North America Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Notebook/Convertible Notebook Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit III-2b: Latin America Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Notebook/Convertible Notebook Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit III-3: EMEA Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Notebook/Convertible Notebook Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit III-4: Asia-Pacific Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Notebook/Convertible Notebook Computers (USD Millions)


  • Exhibit IV-1: Worldwide Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Slate Tablet Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit IV-2: Americas Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Slate Tablet Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit IV-2a: North America Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Slate Tablet Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit IV-2b: Latin America Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Slate Tablet Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit IV-3: EMEA Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Slate Tablet Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit IV-4: Asia-Pacific Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Slate Tablet Computers (USD Millions)

Table of Contents

List of Exhibits

Strategic Insights 2024: Enterprise Mobility & the Deskless Worker, Track 2: Market Tracking & Forecast Reports: Mobile Hardware, Topic 7: Quarterly Rugged Mobile Hardware Tracker


  • Exhibit I-1: Worldwide Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Mobile Handheld/PDA Form Factor Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit I-2: Americas Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Mobile Handheld/PDA Form Factor Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit I-2a: North America Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Mobile Handheld/PDA Form Factor Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit I-2b: Latin America Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Mobile Handheld/PDA Form Factor Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit I-3: EMEA Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Mobile Handheld/PDA Form Factor Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit I-4: Asia-Pacific Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Mobile Handheld/PDA Form Factor Computers (USD Millions)


  • Exhibit II-1: Worldwide Vendor Shipments and Shares of Forklift Mounted Rugged Mobile Computer Shipments by Regional Market (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit II-2: Americas Vendor Shipments and Shares of Forklift Mounted Rugged Mobile Computer Shipments by Regional Market (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit II-2a: North America Vendor Shipments and Shares of Forklift Mounted Rugged Mobile Computer Shipments by Regional Market (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit II-2b: Latin America Vendor Shipments and Shares of Forklift Mounted Rugged Mobile Computer Shipments by Regional Market (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit II-3: EMEA Vendor Shipments and Shares of Forklift Mounted Rugged Mobile Computer Shipments by Regional Market (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit II-4: Asia-Pacific Vendor Shipments and Shares of Forklift Mounted Rugged Mobile Computer Shipments by Regional Market (USD Millions)


  • Exhibit III-1: Worldwide Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Notebook/Convertible Notebook Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit III-2: Americas Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Notebook/Convertible Notebook Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit III-2a: North America Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Notebook/Convertible Notebook Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit III-2b: Latin America Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Notebook/Convertible Notebook Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit III-3: EMEA Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Notebook/Convertible Notebook Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit III-4: Asia-Pacific Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Notebook/Convertible Notebook Computers (USD Millions)


  • Exhibit IV-1: Worldwide Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Slate Tablet Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit IV-2: Americas Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Slate Tablet Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit IV-2a: North America Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Slate Tablet Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit IV-2b: Latin America Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Slate Tablet Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit IV-3: EMEA Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Slate Tablet Computers (USD Millions)
  • Exhibit IV-4: Asia-Pacific Vendor Shipments and Shares of Rugged Slate Tablet Computers (USD Millions)