
呼吸器領域に関する提携およびライセンス契約 (2016~2024年)

Respiratory Collaboration and Licensing Deals 2016-2024

出版日: | 発行: Current Partnering | ページ情報: 英文 250+ Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=153.05円
呼吸器領域に関する提携およびライセンス契約 (2016~2024年)
出版日: 2024年10月01日
発行: Current Partnering
ページ情報: 英文 250+ Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
● ご注意事項
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次

当レポートでは、2016年から2024年までの呼吸器に関する415 件の提携およびライセンス契約を調査し、全体的な取引件数の推移、金銭的取引条件、取引に積極的な上位25社の特定、契約文書のディレクトリなどをまとめています。



  • 2016年以降の契約動向の把握
  • 事業提携取引の閲覧
  • ベンチマーク分析:取引の市場価値を特定
  • 財務条件
  • 取引一覧:企業名別 (A~Z)・治療領域・技術タイプ別
  • 主要な取引 (金額ベース)
  • もっとも活発な交渉者
  • 各取引の資産・取引条件の特定
  • 契約文書へのアクセス:取引構造に関する洞察
  • デューデリジェンス:提案された取引条件のパートナー企業への適合性を評価
  • 数百時間の調査時間を節約


  • どのような権利が付与・選択されているか
  • 契約によってどのような権利が付与されるか
  • どのような独占権が付与されているか
  • 契約の支払い構造は
  • 販売・支払はどのように監査されるか
  • 契約期間は
  • 契約の主要条件はどのように定義されるか
  • 知的財産権はどのように扱われ、所有されるか
  • 商業化の責任者は誰か
  • 開発・供給・製造の責任者は誰か
  • 秘密保持と公表はどのように管理されるか
  • 紛争はどのように解決されるか
  • どのような条件で契約を解除することができるか
  • 所有者が変わった場合はどうなるか
  • どのようなサブライセンス条項や下請け条項が合意されているか
  • 企業はどの定型条項を要求しているか
  • どの定型条項が、パートナーや案件の種類によって異なるように見えるか
  • 各企業は、契約法についてどの管轄権を主張しているか



第1章 イントロダクション

第2章 呼吸器の取引動向

  • 呼吸器関連の取引:年次推移
  • 呼吸器関連の取引:取引タイプ別
  • 呼吸器関連の取引:産業部門別
  • 呼吸器関連の取引:開発段階別
  • 呼吸器関連の取引:技術タイプ別
  • 呼吸器関連の取引:適応症別

第3章 呼吸器領域の取引:金銭的取引条件

  • 財務条件の開示
  • ヘッドライン額
  • 前払金
  • マイルストーン
  • ロイヤルティ率

第4章 呼吸器領域の取引:主要取引先と取引

  • 取引にもっとも活発な交渉者
  • 取引にもっとも活発な交渉者リスト
  • 主要取引:取引額別

第5章 呼吸器領域の取引:契約文書ディレクトリ

  • 契約文書:入手可能なもの

第6章 呼吸器領域の取引:治療標的別

  • 呼吸器取引:治療標的別
  • 取引ディレクトリ
  • 取引ディレクトリ:企業別 (2016~2024年)
  • 取引ディレクトリ:技術タイプ別 (2016~2024年)
  • 取引タイプの定義
  • Biopharma Research Ltdについて
  • 現在の提携
  • 現在の契約
  • Current Partneringの最近のレポートタイトル
Product Code: CP2213

Respiratory Collaboration and Licensing Deals provides a comprehensive understanding and unprecedented access to the respiratory deals entered into by the worlds leading biopharma companies.

Fully revised and updated, the report provides details of 415 respiratory deals from 2016 to 2024.

The report provides access to deal payment terms as announced between the parties. This data provides useful insight into the payment and other deal terms.

Understanding the flexibility of a prospective partner's negotiated deals terms provides critical insight into the negotiation process in terms of what you can expect to achieve during the negotiation of terms. Whilst many smaller companies will be seeking details of the payments clauses, the devil is in the detail in terms of how payments are triggered and rights transferred - contract documents provide this insight where press releases and databases do not.

This report contains a comprehensive listing of collaboration and licensing deals announced since 2016 as recorded in the Current Agreements deals and alliances database, including financial terms where available, plus links to online copies of actual licensing contract documents as submitted to the Securities Exchange Commission by companies and their partners.

The initial chapters of this report provide an orientation of respiratory dealmaking and business activities. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the report, whilst chapter 2 provides an analysis of the trends in respiratory dealmaking.

Chapter 3 covers the financial deal terms for deals signed in the respiratory field with stage of development announced. Deals are listed and sectioned by headline value, upfront payment, milestone payment and royalty rates.

Chapter 4 provides a review of the top 25 most active biopharma companies in respiratory dealmaking. Where the deal has an agreement contract published at the SEC a link provides online access to the contract via the Current Agreements deals and alliances database.

Chapter 5 provides a comprehensive and detailed review of respiratory deals signed and announced since 2016 where a contract document is available. Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the actual contract document, providing easy access to each contract document on demand.

Chapter 6 provides a comprehensive directory of respiratory deals listed by theraeutic target.

The report also includes numerous table and figures that illustrate the trends and activities in respiratory deal making since 2016.

In addition, a comprehensive deal directory is provided organized by company A-Z and technology type. Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and where available, the contract document, providing easy access to each contract document on demand.

Key benefits

Respiratory Collaboration and Licensing Deals provides the reader with the following key benefits:

  • Understand deal trends since 2016
  • Browse respiratory collaboration and licensing deals
  • Benchmark analysis - identify market value of transactions
  • Financials terms - upfront, milestone, royalties
  • Directory of deals by company A-Z, therapy focus and technology type
  • Leading deals by value
  • Most active dealmakers
  • Identify assets and deal terms for each transaction
  • Access contract documents - insights into deal structures
  • Due diligence - assess suitability of your proposed deal terms for partner companies
  • Save hundreds of hours of research time

Report scope

  • Respiratory Collaboration and Licensing Deals is intended to provide the reader with an in-depth understanding of respiratory trends and structure of deals entered into by leading biopharma companies worldwide.

Respiratory Collaboration and Licensing Deals includes:

  • Trends in respiratory dealmaking in the biopharma industry
  • Overview of collaboration and licensing deal structure
  • Directory of respiratory deal records covering pharmaceutical and biotechnology
  • The leading respiratory deals by value
  • Most active respiratory licensing dealmakers

In Respiratory Collaboration and Licensing Deals, the available deals are listed by:

  • Company A-Z
  • Headline value
  • Therapeutic area
  • Technology type
  • Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the actual deal record, providing easy access to each contract document where available.
  • Respiratory Collaboration and Licensing Deals provides comprehensive access to available records for deals, including contract documents where available.

Analyzing contract agreements allows due diligence of:

  • What are the precise rights granted or optioned?
  • What is actually granted by the agreement to the partner company?
  • What exclusivity is granted?
  • What is the payment structure for the deal?
  • How are sales and payments audited?
  • What is the deal term?
  • How are the key terms of the agreement defined?
  • How are IPRs handled and owned?
  • Who is responsible for commercialization?
  • Who is responsible for development, supply, and manufacture?
  • How is confidentiality and publication managed?
  • How are disputes to be resolved?
  • Under what conditions can the deal be terminated?
  • What happens when there is a change of ownership?
  • What sublicensing and subcontracting provisions have been agreed?
  • Which boilerplate clauses does the company insist upon?
  • Which boilerplate clauses appear to differ from partner to partner or deal type to deal type?
  • Which jurisdiction does the company insist upon for agreement law?

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Trends in respiratory dealmaking

  • 2.1. Introduction
  • 2.2. Respiratory partnering over the years
  • 2.3. Respiratory partnering by deal type
  • 2.4. Respiratory partnering by industry sector
  • 2.5. Respiratory partnering by stage of development
  • 2.6. Respiratory partnering by technology type
  • 2.7. Respiratory partnering by therapeutic indication

Chapter 3 - Financial deal terms for respiratory partnering

  • 3.1. Introduction
  • 3.2. Disclosed financials terms for respiratory partnering
  • 3.3. Respiratory partnering headline values
  • 3.4. Respiratory deal upfront payments
  • 3.5. Respiratory deal milestone payments
  • 3.6. Respiratory royalty rates

Chapter 4 - Leading respiratory deals and dealmakers

  • 4.1. Introduction
  • 4.2. Most active in respiratory partnering
  • 4.3. List of most active dealmakers in respiratory
  • 4.4. Top respiratory deals by value

Chapter 5 - Respiratory contract document directory

  • 5.1. Introduction
  • 5.2. Respiratory partnering deals where contract document available

Chapter 6 - Respiratory dealmaking by therapeutic target

  • 6.1. Introduction
  • 6.2. Deals by respiratory therapeutic target
  • Deal directory
  • Deal directory - Respiratory deals by company A-Z 2016 to 2024
  • Deal directory - Respiratory deals by technology type 2016 to 2024
  • Deal type definitions
  • About Bioharma Research Ltd
  • Current Partnering
  • Current Agreements
  • Recent report titles from Current Partnering

Table of figures

  • Figure 1: Respiratory partnering since 2016
  • Figure 2: Respiratory partnering by deal type since 2016
  • Figure 3: Respiratory partnering by industry sector since 2016
  • Figure 4: Respiratory partnering by stage of development since 2016
  • Figure 5: Respiratory partnering by technology type since 2016
  • Figure 6: Respiratory partnering by indication since 2016
  • Figure 7: Respiratory deals with a headline value
  • Figure 8: Respiratory deals with upfront payment values
  • Figure 9: Respiratory deals with milestone payment
  • Figure 10: Respiratory deals with royalty rates
  • Figure 11: Active respiratory dealmaking activity since 2016
  • Figure 12: Top respiratory deals by value since 2016