
病院用ベッド管理システムの世界市場レポート 2024

Hospital Bed Management Systems Global Market Report 2024

出版日: 受注後更新 | 発行: The Business Research Company | ページ情報: 英文 175 Pages | 納期: 2~10営業日

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病院用ベッド管理システムの世界市場レポート 2024
出版日: 受注後更新
発行: The Business Research Company
ページ情報: 英文 175 Pages
納期: 2~10営業日
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  • 概要
  • 目次

病院用ベッド管理システムの市場規模は、今後数年間で大幅な成長が見込まれています。 2028年には9.8%の年間複合成長率(CAGR)で31億6,000万米ドルに成長すると予想されます。予測期間中に予想される成長は、電気自動車の拡大、風力エネルギー部門の成長、インフラ改修プロジェクト、持続可能な建設への注目の高まり、医療業界での応用に起因すると考えられます。予測期間中に予想される主な動向には、製造技術の進歩、材料組成の革新、再生可能エネルギーの用途拡大、建設およびインフラストラクチャの市場成長、自動車製造における採用の増加が含まれます。

病院用ベッド管理システム市場の成長は、入院率の上昇によって促進されると予想されます。入院には、治療、ケア、モニタリングのために患者をヘルスケア施設に入院させることが含まれます。 病院用ベッド管理システムは、入院患者への病院のベッドとリソースの効率的な割り当てを確保することで、このプロセスにおいて重要な役割を果たします。一例として、2022年 11月に疾病管理予防センター(CDC)は、集中治療室(ICU)の12%増加と人工呼吸器関連イベント(VAE)の16%増加を含む、人工呼吸器関連イベント(VAE)の12%増加を報告しました。 HAI進捗報告書によると、2020年から2021年までの非ICU患者。したがって、入院率の急増が病院用ベッド管理システム市場の主要な促進要因となっています。

病院用ベッド管理システム市場の成長は、ヘルスケア支出の増加によって促進されると予想されます。ヘルスケア支出とは、特定の地域、国、または組織内のヘルスケア部門に割り当てられた財源の合計を指します。ヘルスケアへの投資が増加すると、より高度な病院用ベッド管理システムの採用が可能になり、その結果、効率が向上し、患者ケアが強化され、リソース利用が最適化されます。 2023年 3月の米国医師会によると、2021年の米国の医療支出は2.7%増加し、4兆3,000億米ドル、つまり一人当たり12,914ドルに達したことから明らかなように、この支出の増加は病院用ベッド管理システムの実施をサポートしています。ヘルスケア支出の増加は、病院用ベッド管理システム市場の成長を推進する重要な要因です。


第1章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第2章 市場の特徴

第3章 市場動向と戦略

第4章 マクロ経済シナリオ

  • 高インフレが市場に与える影響
  • ウクライナ・ロシア戦争が市場に与える影響
  • COVID-19による市場への影響

第5章 世界市場規模と成長

  • 世界の市場促進要因と抑制要因
    • 市場促進要因
    • 市場抑制要因
  • 世界の市場規模実績と成長、2018年~2023年
  • 世界の市場規模予測と成長、2023年~2028年、2033年

第6章 市場セグメンテーション

  • 世界の病院用ベッド管理システム市場、コンポーネント別セグメンテーション、実績および予測、2018-2023年、2023-2028年、2033年
  • サービス
  • ソフトウェア
  • 世界の病院用ベッド管理システム市場、提供モード別のセグメンテーション、実績および予測、2018-2023年、2023-2028年、2033年
  • オンプレミス
  • クラウドベース
  • 世界の病院用ベッド管理システム市場、病院用ベッド管理システムタイプ別セグメンテーション、実績および予測、2018-2023年、2023-2028年、2033年
  • 急性期治療用ベッド
  • 救命救急ベッド
  • 介護ベッド
  • その他のタイプ
  • 世界の病院用ベッド管理システム市場、エンドユーザー別のセグメンテーション、実績および予測、2018-2023年、2023-2028年、2033年
  • 病院
  • 外来手術センター
  • その他のエンドユーザー

第7章 地域および国の分析

  • 世界の病院用ベッド管理システム市場、地域別、実績および予測、2018-2023年、2023-2028年、2033年
  • 世界の病院用ベッド管理システム市場、国別、実績および予測、2018-2023年、2023-2028年、2033年

第8章 アジア太平洋市場

第9章 中国市場

第10章 インド市場

第11章 日本市場

第12章 オーストラリア市場

第13章 インドネシア市場

第14章 韓国市場

第15章 西欧市場

第16章 英国市場

第17章 ドイツ市場

第18章 フランス市場

第19章 イタリア市場

第20章 スペイン市場

第21章 東欧市場

第22章 ロシア市場

第23章 北米市場

第24章 米国市場

第25章 カナダ市場

第26章 南米市場

第27章 ブラジル市場

第28章 中東市場

第29章 アフリカ市場

第30章 競合情勢と企業プロファイル

  • 病院用ベッド管理システム市場の競合情勢
  • 病院用ベッド管理システム市場の企業プロファイル
    • McKesson Corporation
    • Oracle Corporation
    • SAP SE
    • Koninklijke Philips NV
    • Stryker Corporation

第31章 その他の主要および革新的な企業

  • GE Healthcare Technologies Inc.
  • Infor Inc.
  • Epic Systems Corporation
  • Getinge AB
  • Oracle Cerner
  • Veradigm Inc.
  • Kronos Incorporated
  • Omnicell Inc.
  • athenahealth Inc.
  • Medical Information Technology Inc.
  • CentralSquare Technologies LLC
  • Mcleod Health Services Inc.
  • Egton Medical Information Systems Limited
  • CareCloud Corporation
  • Lyngsoe Systems A/S

第32章 競合ベンチマーキング

第33章 競合ダッシュボード

第34章 主要な合併と買収

第35章 将来の見通しと可能性の分析

第36章 付録

Product Code: r16252

Hospital bed management systems (HBMS) are technological solutions and software designed to optimize the allocation, tracking, and efficient utilization of hospital beds within healthcare facilities. These systems play a crucial role in enhancing patient care, improving hospital operations, and maximizing bed availability.

The primary components of hospital bed management systems include services and software. Services encompass a diverse range of economic activities involving the provision of assistance, tasks, or expertise to fulfill specific needs or demands for individuals, businesses, or organizations. These services can be deployed through various modes, including on-premise and cloud-based solutions. Hospital bed management systems come in different types, such as acute care bed management systems, critical care bed management systems, long-term care bed management systems, among others. They find application across various end-users, including hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, and others.

The hospital bed management systems market research report is one of a series of new reports from The Business Research Company that provides hospital bed management systems market statistics, including hospital bed management systems industry global market size, regional shares, competitors with hospital bed management systems market share, detailed hospital bed management systems market segments, market trends, and opportunities, and any further data you may need to thrive in the hospital bed management systems industry. This hospital bed management systems market research report delivers a complete perspective of everything you need, with an in-depth analysis of the current and future scenarios of the industry.

The hospital bed management systems market size has grown rapidly in recent years. It will grow from $1.97 billion in 2023 to $2.17 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.2%. The growth observed in the historic period can be attributed to factors such as increased demand from the aerospace industry, initiatives for automotive lightweighting, development in renewable energy infrastructure, applications in the marine industry, and utilization in sports and leisure equipment.

The hospital bed management systems market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $3.16 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.8%. The anticipated growth in the forecast period can be attributed to the expansion of electric vehicles, growth in the wind energy sector, infrastructure rehabilitation projects, an increased focus on sustainable construction, and applications in the medical industry. Major trends expected in the forecast period encompass advancements in manufacturing technologies, innovations in material composition, expanding applications in renewable energy, market growth in construction and infrastructure, and increased adoption in automotive manufacturing.

The growth of the hospital bed management systems market is anticipated to be fueled by the rising rates of hospitalization. Hospitalization involves admitting patients to healthcare facilities for medical treatment, care, and monitoring. Hospital bed management systems play a crucial role in this process by ensuring the efficient allocation of hospital beds and resources to inpatients. As an example, in November 2022, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported a 12% increase in ventilator-associated events (VAE), including a 12% rise in intensive care units (ICUs) and a 16% increase in non-ICUs from 2020 to 2021, as per the HAI Progress Report. Consequently, the surge in hospitalization rates is a key driver for the hospital bed management systems market.

The growth of the hospital bed management systems market is expected to be driven by the escalation in healthcare spending. Healthcare spending refers to the total financial resources allocated to the healthcare sector within a specific region, country, or organization. The increased investment in healthcare can lead to the adoption of more advanced hospital bed management systems, resulting in improved efficiency, enhanced patient care, and optimized resource utilization. This rise in spending supports the implementation of hospital bed management systems, as evidenced by a 2.7% increase in health spending in the United States in 2021, reaching $4.3 trillion, or $12,914 per capita, according to the American Medical Association in March 2023. Hence, the upsurge in healthcare spending is a significant factor propelling the growth of the hospital bed management systems market.

The growth of the hospital bed management systems market is anticipated to be hampered by increasing privacy and security concerns in the healthcare sector. Healthcare security breaches involve unauthorized access, disclosure, or loss of sensitive healthcare information, encompassing patients' identity details, health status, disease diagnosis and treatment, and biogenetic information. The heightened apprehensions regarding data safety pose a significant obstacle to the adoption of hospital bed management systems in healthcare facilities. For example, in June 2023, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) data breach portal reported approximately 295 breaches in the healthcare sector during the first half of 2023 alone, affecting over 39 million individuals. Consequently, the rising concerns about privacy and security for data safety are limiting the growth of the hospital bed management systems market.

Key players in the hospital bed management systems market are strategically forming partnerships to develop advanced solutions and gain a competitive edge. A strategic partnership involves a collaborative agreement between two or more organizations with the aim of achieving mutually beneficial goals that would be challenging to accomplish individually. For instance, in October 2021, GE HealthCare Partners, a US-based healthcare consulting firm, collaborated with Apprise Health Insight, an Oregon-based provider of data collection and analytics, to introduce an automated hospital bed management tool. This innovative tool, funded by a Department of Health and Human Services grant, facilitates the automated tracking and recording of bed availability data to address capacity challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. It can automatically track and manage 7,368 beds and approximately 800 ventilators across 60 hospitals, processing 4.2 million data points daily. The objective is to assist health organizations in making timely, informed decisions about staffing and resources.

In January 2023, LeanTaaS Inc., a US-based provider of AI-powered and SaaS-based capacity management and patient flow software, acquired Hospital IQ Inc. for an undisclosed amount. This acquisition positions LeanTaaS to enhance patient access, staff satisfaction, and revenue productivity by addressing challenges in multiple departments, including the infusion suite, operating room, and inpatient units, related to capacity management and staffing shortages. Hospital IQ Inc., a US-based software company, specializes in providing healthcare institutions with workforce and bed management systems to enhance hospital operational efficiency.

Major companies operating in the hospital bed management systems market report are McKesson Corporation, Oracle Corporation, SAP SE, Koninklijke Philips N.V., Stryker Corporation, GE Healthcare Technologies Inc., Infor Inc., Epic Systems Corporation, Getinge AB, Oracle Cerner, Veradigm Inc., Kronos Incorporated, Omnicell Inc., athenahealth Inc., Medical Information Technology Inc., CentralSquare Technologies LLC, Mcleod Health Services Inc., Egton Medical Information Systems Limited, CareCloud Corporation, Lyngsoe Systems A/S, Advanced Data Systems Corporation, PatientKeeper Inc., Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Central Logic Inc., LeanTaaS Inc., Terawe Corporation, TeleTracking Technologies Inc., The Access Group.

North America was the largest region in the hospital bed management systems market in 2023. The regions covered in the hospital bed management systems market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa.

The countries covered in the hospital bed management systems (HBMS) market report are Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, South Korea, UK, USA, Canada, Italy, Spain

The hospital bed management systems (HBMS) market consists of revenues earned by entities by providing real-time bed tracking, patient tracking, reduced waiting time, cost reduction, and improved coordination. The market value includes the value of related goods sold by the service provider or included within the service offering. The hospital bed management systems (HBMS) market also includes sales of beside terminals, automated bed systems, and location tracking devices. Values in this market are 'factory gate' values, that is, the value of goods sold by the manufacturers or creators of the goods, whether to other entities (including downstream manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, and retailers) or directly to end customers. The value of goods in this market includes related services sold by the creators of the goods.

The market value is defined as the revenues that enterprises gain from the sale of goods and/or services within the specified market and geography through sales, grants, or donations in terms of the currency (in USD unless otherwise specified).

The revenues for a specified geography are consumption values that are revenues generated by organizations in the specified geography within the market, irrespective of where they are produced. It does not include revenues from resales along the supply chain, either further along the supply chain or as part of other products.

Hospital Bed Management Systems Global Market Report 2024 from The Business Research Company provides strategists, marketers and senior management with the critical information they need to assess the market.

This report focuses on hospital bed management systems market which is experiencing strong growth. The report gives a guide to the trends which will be shaping the market over the next ten years and beyond.

Reasons to Purchase

  • Gain a truly global perspective with the most comprehensive report available on this market covering 50+ geographies.
  • Understand how the market has been affected by the COVID-19 and how it is responding as the impact of the virus abates.
  • Assess the Russia - Ukraine war's impact on agriculture, energy and mineral commodity supply and its direct and indirect impact on the market.
  • Measure the impact of high global inflation on market growth.
  • Create regional and country strategies on the basis of local data and analysis.
  • Identify growth segments for investment.
  • Outperform competitors using forecast data and the drivers and trends shaping the market.
  • Understand customers based on the latest market shares.
  • Benchmark performance against key competitors.
  • Suitable for supporting your internal and external presentations with reliable high quality data and analysis
  • Report will be updated with the latest data and delivered to you within 3-5 working days of order along with an Excel data sheet for easy data extraction and analysis.
  • All data from the report will also be delivered in an excel dashboard format.

Where is the largest and fastest growing market for hospital bed management systems ? How does the market relate to the overall economy, demography and other similar markets? What forces will shape the market going forward? The hospital bed management systems market global report from the Business Research Company answers all these questions and many more.

The report covers market characteristics, size and growth, segmentation, regional and country breakdowns, competitive landscape, market shares, trends and strategies for this market. It traces the market's historic and forecast market growth by geography.

  • The market characteristics section of the report defines and explains the market.
  • The market size section gives the market size ($b) covering both the historic growth of the market, and forecasting its development.
  • The forecasts are made after considering the major factors currently impacting the market. These include:

The impact of sanctions, supply chain disruptions, and altered demand for goods and services due to the Russian Ukraine war, impacting various macro-economic factors and parameters in the Eastern European region and its subsequent effect on global markets.

The impact of higher inflation in many countries and the resulting spike in interest rates.

The continued but declining impact of covid 19 on supply chains and consumption patterns.

  • Market segmentations break down the market into sub markets.
  • The regional and country breakdowns section gives an analysis of the market in each geography and the size of the market by geography and compares their historic and forecast growth. It covers the growth trajectory of COVID-19 for all regions, key developed countries and major emerging markets.
  • The competitive landscape chapter gives a description of the competitive nature of the market, market shares, and a description of the leading companies. Key financial deals which have shaped the market in recent years are identified.
  • The trends and strategies section analyses the shape of the market as it emerges from the crisis and suggests how companies can grow as the market recovers.


Markets Covered:

  • 1) By Component: Services; Software
  • 2) By Mode Of Delivery: On-Premise; Cloud-Based
  • 3) By Hospital Bed Management Systems Type: Acute Care Bed; Critical Care Bed; Long-Term Care Bed; Other Types
  • 4) By End User: Hospitals; Ambulatory Surgical Centers; Other End Users
  • Companies Mentioned: McKesson Corporation; Oracle Corporation; SAP SE; Koninklijke Philips N.V.; Stryker Corporation
  • Countries: Australia; Brazil; China; France; Germany; India; Indonesia; Japan; Russia; South Korea; UK; USA; Canada; Italy; Spain
  • Regions: Asia-Pacific; Western Europe; Eastern Europe; North America; South America; Middle East; Africa
  • Time series: Five years historic and ten years forecast.
  • Data: Ratios of market size and growth to related markets, GDP proportions, expenditure per capita,
  • Data segmentations: country and regional historic and forecast data, market share of competitors, market segments.
  • Sourcing and Referencing: Data and analysis throughout the report is sourced using end notes.
  • Delivery format: PDF, Word and Excel Data Dashboard.

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Characteristics

3. Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Trends And Strategies

4. Hospital Bed Management Systems Market - Macro Economic Scenario

  • 4.1. Impact Of High Inflation On The Market
  • 4.2. Ukraine-Russia War Impact On The Market
  • 4.3. COVID-19 Impact On The Market

5. Global Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Size and Growth

  • 5.1. Global Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Drivers and Restraints
    • 5.1.1. Drivers Of The Market
    • 5.1.2. Restraints Of The Market
  • 5.2. Global Hospital Bed Management Systems Historic Market Size and Growth, 2018 - 2023, Value ($ Billion)
  • 5.3. Global Hospital Bed Management Systems Forecast Market Size and Growth, 2023 - 2028, 2033F, Value ($ Billion)

6. Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Segmentation

  • 6.1. Global Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • Services
  • Software
  • 6.2. Global Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • On-Premise
  • Cloud-Based
  • 6.3. Global Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Hospital Bed Management Systems Type, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • Acute Care Bed
  • Critical Care Bed
  • Long-Term Care Bed
  • Other Types
  • 6.4. Global Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • Hospitals
  • Ambulatory Surgical Centers
  • Other End Users

7. Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Regional And Country Analysis

  • 7.1. Global Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Split By Region, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 7.2. Global Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Split By Country, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

8. Asia-Pacific Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 8.1. Asia-Pacific Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Overview
  • Region Information, Impact Of COVID-19, Market Information, Background Information, Government Initiatives, Regulations, Regulatory Bodies, Major Associations, Taxes Levied, Corporate Tax Structure, Investments, Major Companies
  • 8.2. Asia-Pacific Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 8.3. Asia-Pacific Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 8.4. Asia-Pacific Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

9. China Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 9.1. China Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Overview
  • 9.2. China Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F,$ Billion
  • 9.3. China Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F,$ Billion
  • 9.4. China Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F,$ Billion

10. India Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 10.1. India Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 10.2. India Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 10.3. India Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

11. Japan Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 11.1. Japan Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Overview
  • 11.2. Japan Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 11.3. Japan Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 11.4. Japan Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

12. Australia Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 12.1. Australia Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 12.2. Australia Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 12.3. Australia Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

13. Indonesia Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 13.1. Indonesia Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 13.2. Indonesia Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 13.3. Indonesia Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

14. South Korea Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 14.1. South Korea Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Overview
  • 14.2. South Korea Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 14.3. South Korea Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 14.4. South Korea Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

15. Western Europe Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 15.1. Western Europe Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Overview
  • 15.2. Western Europe Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 15.3. Western Europe Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 15.4. Western Europe Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

16. UK Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 16.1. UK Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 16.2. UK Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 16.3. UK Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

17. Germany Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 17.1. Germany Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 17.2. Germany Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 17.3. Germany Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

18. France Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 18.1. France Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 18.2. France Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 18.3. France Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

19. Italy Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 19.1. Italy Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 19.2. Italy Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 19.3. Italy Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

20. Spain Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 20.1. Spain Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 20.2. Spain Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 20.3. Spain Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

21. Eastern Europe Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 21.1. Eastern Europe Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Overview
  • 21.2. Eastern Europe Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 21.3. Eastern Europe Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 21.4. Eastern Europe Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

22. Russia Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 22.1. Russia Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 22.2. Russia Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 22.3. Russia Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

23. North America Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 23.1. North America Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Overview
  • 23.2. North America Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 23.3. North America Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 23.4. North America Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

24. USA Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 24.1. USA Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Overview
  • 24.2. USA Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 24.3. USA Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 24.4. USA Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

25. Canada Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 25.1. Canada Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Overview
  • 25.2. Canada Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 25.3. Canada Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 25.4. Canada Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

26. South America Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 26.1. South America Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Overview
  • 26.2. South America Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 26.3. South America Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 26.4. South America Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

27. Brazil Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 27.1. Brazil Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 27.2. Brazil Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 27.3. Brazil Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

28. Middle East Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 28.1. Middle East Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Overview
  • 28.2. Middle East Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 28.3. Middle East Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 28.4. Middle East Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

29. Africa Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

  • 29.1. Africa Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Overview
  • 29.2. Africa Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Component, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 29.3. Africa Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By Mode Of Delivery, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion
  • 29.4. Africa Hospital Bed Management Systems Market, Segmentation By End User, Historic and Forecast, 2018-2023, 2023-2028F, 2033F, $ Billion

30. Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles

  • 30.1. Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Competitive Landscape
  • 30.2. Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Company Profiles
    • 30.2.1. McKesson Corporation
      • Overview
      • Products and Services
      • Strategy
      • Financial Performance
    • 30.2.2. Oracle Corporation
      • Overview
      • Products and Services
      • Strategy
      • Financial Performance
    • 30.2.3. SAP SE
      • Overview
      • Products and Services
      • Strategy
      • Financial Performance
    • 30.2.4. Koninklijke Philips N.V.
      • Overview
      • Products and Services
      • Strategy
      • Financial Performance
    • 30.2.5. Stryker Corporation
      • Overview
      • Products and Services
      • Strategy
      • Financial Performance

31. Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Other Major And Innovative Companies

  • 31.1. GE Healthcare Technologies Inc.
  • 31.2. Infor Inc.
  • 31.3. Epic Systems Corporation
  • 31.4. Getinge AB
  • 31.5. Oracle Cerner
  • 31.6. Veradigm Inc.
  • 31.7. Kronos Incorporated
  • 31.8. Omnicell Inc.
  • 31.9. athenahealth Inc.
  • 31.10. Medical Information Technology Inc.
  • 31.11. CentralSquare Technologies LLC
  • 31.12. Mcleod Health Services Inc.
  • 31.13. Egton Medical Information Systems Limited
  • 31.14. CareCloud Corporation
  • 31.15. Lyngsoe Systems A/S

32. Global Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Competitive Benchmarking

33. Global Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Competitive Dashboard

34. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Hospital Bed Management Systems Market

35. Hospital Bed Management Systems Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis

  • 35.1 Hospital Bed Management Systems Market In 2028 - Countries Offering Most New Opportunities
  • 35.2 Hospital Bed Management Systems Market In 2028 - Segments Offering Most New Opportunities
  • 35.3 Hospital Bed Management Systems Market In 2028 - Growth Strategies
    • 35.3.1 Market Trend Based Strategies
    • 35.3.2 Competitor Strategies

36. Appendix

  • 36.1. Abbreviations
  • 36.2. Currencies
  • 36.3. Historic And Forecast Inflation Rates
  • 36.4. Research Inquiries
  • 36.5. The Business Research Company
  • 36.6. Copyright And Disclaimer