
クリティカル通信用LTE・5Gの世界市場 (2023~2030年):機会・課題・戦略・予測

LTE & 5G for Critical Communications: 2023 - 2030 - Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies & Forecasts

出版日: | 発行: SNS Telecom & IT | ページ情報: 英文 4,955 Pages; 364 Tables & Figures | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
クリティカル通信用LTE・5Gの世界市場 (2023~2030年):機会・課題・戦略・予測
出版日: 2024年01月24日
発行: SNS Telecom & IT
ページ情報: 英文 4,955 Pages; 364 Tables & Figures
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次

クリティカル通信業界は一世紀近くにわたり、ミッションクリティカルな音声通話や低速データサービス用のナローバンド LMR (Land Mobile Radio) ネットワークに依存してきました。長い間、これらのシステムは比較的基本的なアナログ無線から、P25 (Project 25) やTETRAのようなデジタル通信技術へと進化し、優れた音声品質、エンドツーエンドの暗号化、その他の高度な機能を提供してきました。しかし、その固有の帯域幅と設計上の制限により、最も洗練されたデジタルLMRネットワークでさえ、公共安全や防衛・ユーティリティ・輸送・石油/ガス・鉱業といったクリティカル通信産業の主要分野にとって不可欠となっている、モバイルブロードバンドやデータ駆動型IIoT用途に対応することができません。

3GPPで定義されたLTEと5G NR標準は、この空白を埋める有力候補として浮上しました。この10年間で、PTTグループ通信、リアルタイム・モバイル・ビデオ監視、非テザリング型AR/VR/MR (拡張現実、仮想現実、複合現実)、協働モバイルロボット、AGV (無人搬送車)、産業環境での自動化など、多様な活用シナリオのために、商用モバイルオペレーター・ネットワークの使用に加えて、クリティカル通信ブロードバンド機能を提供するために、完全な専用ネットワーク、商用と民間のハイブリッド・ネットワーク、セキュアなMVNOベースの3GPPネットワークが数多く導入されてきました。これらのネットワークは、米国のFirstNet、韓国のSafe-Net、フランスのRRF、フィンランドのVIRVE 2.0などの全国的なPPDR (公共保護・災害救援) ブロードバンドプラットフォームから、電力会社のサービス・フットプリントをカバーする地域携帯電話ネットワーク、列車間通信のためのFRMCS対応ネットワーク、空港、海港、石油・ガス生産施設、発電所、変電所、洋上風力発電所、遠隔採掘現場、工場、倉庫などの環境における局地的な無線接続のためのNPN (Non-Public Networks) などに及んでいます。

現在、ほとんどのクリティカル通信のユーザー組織は、既存の音声中心のLMRネットワークをブロードバンド機能で補強する補完的な技術として、LTEと5G NRを採用しています。しかし、MCX (Mission-Critical PTT, Video & Data)、IOPS (Isolated Operation for Public Safety)、HPUE (High-Power User Equipment)、URLLC (Ultra-Reliable, Low-Latency Communications)、TSC (Time-Sensitive Communications)、衛星ベースのNTN (Non-Terrestrial Network) 統合、その他の3GPPで定義されたクリティカル通信機能が標準化され、実用化されています。LTEと5G NRネットワークは、従来のLMRシステムに匹敵するMCPTT (ミッションクリティカルPTT) 音声機能だけでなく、モバイルブロードバンドとIIoT機能を提供するための包括的なクリティカル通信プラットフォームとして、ますます認知度が高まっています。


当レポートパッケージは、クリティカル通信用LTE・5G NRネットワークの利用に関する、2本の包括的分析を含んでいます:

  • プライベートLTE・5Gネットワークのエコシステム (2023~2030年):機会・課題・戦略・業種・予測
  • 公共安全用LTE・5G市場 (2023~2030年):機会・課題・戦略・予測

このレポートパッケージでは、クリティカル通信用LTE・5G市場について詳細に分析し、バリューチェーン構造や市場促進要因、普及の障壁、実現技術、運用・ビジネスモデル、主要業種、活用シナリオ、主要動向、今後のロードマップ、標準化、周波数帯の利用可能性と割り当て状況、規制状況、ケーススタディ、エコシステム上の各企業のプロファイルと戦略、LTE・5Gネットワーク向け投資の予測 (2023年~2030年) といった情報を取りまとめてお届けいたします。



レポート1:プライベートLTE・5Gネットワークのエコシステム (2023~2030年):機会・課題・戦略・業種・予測

  • プライベートLTE・5Gネットワークの概要
  • バリューチェーン・エコシステムの構造
  • 市場の促進要因と課題
  • プライベートLTE・5Gネットワークのシステムアーキテクチャと主要要素
  • プライベートLTE・5Gネットワークの運用モデルとビジネスモデル、ネットワーク規模、サービス地域、その他の実用的側面
  • プライベートLTE・5Gネットワークの採用を左右するテーマ:クリティカル通信用ブロードバンドの進化、インダストリー4.0、企業の変革など
  • 実現技術とコンセプト:3GPPで定義されたMCX、URLLC、TSC、NR-U (NR in Unlicensed Spectrum)、SNPN (Standalone NPN)、PNI-NPN (Public Network-Integrated NPN)、セルラーIoT、高精度測位、ネットワークスライシング、エッジコンピューティング、ネットワーク自動化機能など
  • 主要動向:新しいクラスの専門ネットワーク事業者の出現、共有およびローカルエリア周波数ライセンス、プライベートNaaS (Network-as-a-Service) 提供、IT/OTコンバージェンス、オープンRAN、vRAN (仮想化RAN)、迅速な展開が可能なLTE/5Gシステムなど
  • 業種やアプリケーションシナリオの分析:ミッションクリティカルなグループ通信やリアルタイム動画伝送から、再構成可能なワイヤレス生産ライン、協働モバイルロボット、AGV、テザリング不要のAR/VR/MRまで
  • プライベートLTE・5Gネットワークの将来のロードマップ
  • 世界各国のプライベートLTE・5Gネットワークの導入状況の分析:業種別 (全15種)、100件のケーススタディを含む、
  • 世界120ヶ国以上におけるプライベートLTE・5G導入事例の追跡データベース (全6,000件以上)
  • 周波数帯域の利用可能性、割り当て・利用状況:世界、地域、国別
  • 標準化、規制、共同イニシアチブ
  • エコシステム企業のプロファイルと戦略 (全1,800社以上)
  • 戦略提言:LTE/5G機器・チップセットサプライヤー、システムインテグレーター、プライベートネットワーク専門家、モバイルオペレーター、エンドユーザー組織
  • 市場の分析と予測 (2023年~2030年)

レポート2:公共安全用LTE・5G市場 (2023~2030年):機会・課題・戦略・予測

  • 公共安全用LTE・5Gの概要
  • バリューチェーンとエコシステムの構造
  • 市場の促進要因と課題
  • 公共安全用LTE・5Gネットワークのシステムアーキテクチャと主要要素
  • 公共安全用LTE・5Gネットワークの運用モデル (完全専用、共有コア、政府・民間のハイブリッド、セキュアMVNO/MOCN、商用/多重化プライベートネットワークなど)
  • 全国規模の公共安全用ブロードバンド専用ネットワークの資金調達・提供のための一般的なアプローチ:PPP (官民パートナーシップ) など
  • 実現技術とコンセプト:3GPPで定義されたMCX、HPUE、IOPS、5G MBS (5Gマルチキャスト・ブロードキャスト・サービス)、ProSe (プロキシミティ・サービス)、D2D (デバイス間) 通信のためのサイドリンク、迅速に展開可能なLTE/5Gシステム、QPP (QoS、プライオリティ&プリエンプション)、ネットワークスライシング、エンドツーエンド・セキュリティ、高精度測位、ATG/A2G (Air-to-Ground)、衛星ベースのNTN統合など
  • 公共安全用ブロードバンドの活用シナリオと使用事例の分析:ミッションクリティカルなグループ通信やリアルタイム動画伝送から、高密度環境でのMCXサービスを中心とした5G時代の活用領域、大規模なUHD (超高精細) 動画監視・分析、AR/VR/MR、ドローン、ロボティクスまで
  • 主要動向:全国規模の官民合同ブロードバンドネットワークの普及、3GPP標準準拠のMCXサービスの生産グレード展開、ネットワーク外通信のためのLMRベースの暫定ソリューション、山火事やその他の災害救援活動用の展開可能なLTEネットワーク資産、広帯域・低遅延の緊急通信をサポートする5G NR搭載ポータブルネットワーク、など
  • 公共安全用LTE・5G市場の今後のロードマップ
  • 18の全国的な公共安全ブロードバンド・プロジェクトの詳細評価と、50の専用、ハイブリッド、セキュアなMVNO/MOCN、商用事業者提供システムの追加ケーススタディを含む、世界各地の公共安全LTE/5G事業のレビュー
  • 周波数帯域の利用可能性と割り当て・利用状況:世界・地域別・国別
  • 標準化、規制、共同イニシアチブ
  • エコシステム企業のプロファイルと戦略 (全1,700社、LTE/5G機器サプライヤーや公共安全領域の専門家を含む)
  • 戦略提言:公共安全・政府機関、LTE/5Gインフラ、デバイス/チップセットのサプライヤー、LMRベンダー、システムインテグレーター、移動体通信事業者向け
  • 市場の分析と予測 (2023年~2030年)


  • 当レポートパッケージでは、以下の主要な質問に対する回答を提供しています:
  • クリティカル通信業界におけるLTE・5Gのビジネスチャンスはどの程度か?
  • その成長に影響を与える促進動向・促進要因・課題は何か?
  • 2026年の市場規模と成長率は?
  • 成長率が最も高くなる業種と地域はどこか?
  • 公共安全、防衛、公共事業、運輸、石油・ガス、鉱業、その他の業種におけるLTE・5Gの運用モデルと活用シナリオは?
  • 世界の完全専用、商用/民間ハイブリッド、セキュアなMVNOベースのクリティカル通信ブロードバンドネットワークの状況は?
  • プライベートLTE・5Gネットワークを運用するための、既存/有望なライセンス・非ライセンス・共有周波数帯域はどれか?
  • MCX、HPUE、IOPS、5G MBS、5G NRサイドリンク、その他の3GPPで定義されたクリティカル通信機能が広く採用されるようになるのはいつか?
  • MCPTT機能は、ナローバンドLMRシステムから3GPPベースのブロードバンドネットワークへの移行をどのように可能にしているのか?
  • FirstNet、Safe-Net、RRF、VIRVE 2.0、その他の全国的な公共安全ブロードバンドネットワークはいつ、既存のデジタルLMRネットワークに取って代わるのか?
  • 5GベースのFRMCSネットワークが、鉄道通信の主要な無線技術としてGSM-Rに取って代わるのはいつか?
  • 衛星バックホールと端末間直接NTNアクセスは、遠隔地における3GPPネットワークの到達範囲をどのように拡大できるのか?
  • URLLCとTSCの統合により、5Gネットワークはどのようにして、タイムクリティカルなIIoTアプリケーションの広範囲にわたって、信頼性の高い低遅延接続を実現できるのか?
  • NIB (Network-in-a-Box)、COW (Cell-on-Wheels)、空中セルサイト、その他迅速に展開可能なLTE/5Gネットワークシステムの将来性は?
  • 差別化されたサービス要件のためのネットワークスライシングは、クリティカル通信の状況のどこに適合するのか?
  • 民間モバイルオペレーターとクリティカル通信サービスプロバイダーには、どのような機会があるのか?
  • 1GHz未満のクリティカル通信LTEネットワークが、5G技術への移行を開始するのはいつか?
  • エコシステムの主要企業はどれか?その戦略は?
  • 競争力を維持するために、LTE/5G機器サプライヤー、LMRベンダー、システムインテグレーター、特定業種向け専業企業、モバイルオペレーターはどのような戦略を取るべきか?


レポート 1:プライベートLTE・5Gネットワークのエコシステム (2023~2030年):機会・課題・戦略・業種・予測

  • 第1章:イントロダクション
  • 第2章:プライベートLTE・5Gネットワークの概要
  • 第3章:プライベートLTE/5Gシステム向けアーキテクチャと技術
  • 第4章:主要な業種とその用途
  • 第5章:周波数帯域の可用性・割り当て状況・利用状況
  • 第6章:標準化、規制および共同イニシアチブ
  • 第7章:世界各国のプライベート LTE/5G設置状況の分析
  • 第8章:プライベートLTE/5Gのケーススタディ
  • 第9章:エコシステムの主要企業
  • 第10章:市場規模と予測
  • 第11章:結論と戦略提言

レポート 2:公共安全用LTE・5G市場 (2023~2030年):機会・課題・戦略・予測

  • 第1章:イントロダクション
  • 第2章:公共安全用LTE・5G市場の概要
  • 第3章:公共安全用LTE/5Gネットワーク向けシステムアーキテクチャとテクノロジー
  • 第4章:公共安全用LTE/5Gの活用シナリオと利用事例
  • 第5章:世界各国の公共安全用LTE/5Gへの取り組み状況の分析
  • 第6章:公共安全用LTE/5Gの事例研究
  • 第7章:公共安全用LTE/5G周波数帯域の可用性・割り当て状況・利用状況
  • 第8章:標準化・規制・共同イニシアチブ
  • 第9章:エコシステムの主要企業
  • 第10章:市場規模と予測
  • 第11章:結論と戦略提言

For nearly a century, the critical communications industry has relied on narrowband LMR (Land Mobile Radio) networks for mission-critical voice and low-speed data services. Over time, these systems have evolved from relatively basic analog radios to digital communications technologies, such as P25 (Project 25) and TETRA, to provide superior voice quality, end-to-end encryption and other advanced features. However, due to their inherent bandwidth and design limitations, even the most sophisticated digital LMR networks are unable to support mobile broadband and data-driven IIoT (Industrial IoT) applications that have become vital for public safety, defense, utilities, transportation, oil and gas, mining and other segments of the critical communications industry.

The 3GPP-defined LTE and 5G NR standards have emerged as the leading candidates to fill this void. Over the last decade, a plethora of fully dedicated, hybrid commercial-private and secure MVNO-based 3GPP networks have been deployed to deliver critical communications broadband capabilities - in addition to the use of commercial mobile operator networks - for application scenarios as diverse as PTT group communications, real-time mobile video surveillance, untethered AR/VR/MR (Augmented, Virtual & Mixed Reality), collaborative mobile robots, AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles) and automation in industrial environments. These networks range from nationwide PPDR (Public Protection & Disaster Relief) broadband platforms such as the United States' FirstNet (First Responder Network), South Korea's Safe-Net (National Disaster Safety Communications Network), France's RRF (Radio Network of the Future) and Finland's VIRVE 2.0 mission-critical broadband service to regional cellular networks covering the service footprint of utility companies, FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communication System)-ready networks for train-to-ground communications and NPNs (Non-Public Networks) for localized wireless connectivity in settings such as airports, maritime ports, oil and gas production facilities, power plants, substations, offshore wind farms, remote mining sites, factories and warehouses.

At present, most critical communications user organizations employ LTE and 5G NR as complementary technologies to augment existing voice-centric LMR networks with broadband capabilities. However, with the standardization and commercial availability of MCX (Mission-Critical PTT, Video & Data), IOPS (Isolated Operation for Public Safety), HPUE (High-Power User Equipment), URLLC (Ultra-Reliable, Low-Latency Communications), TSC (Time-Sensitive Communications), satellite-based NTN (Non-Terrestrial Network) integration and other 3GPP-defined critical communications features, LTE and 5G NR networks are increasingly gaining recognition as an all-inclusive critical communications platform for the delivery of mobile broadband and IIoT capabilities, as well as MCPTT (Mission-Critical PTT) voice functionality comparable to that offered by traditional LMR systems.

SNS Telecom & IT estimates that global investments in LTE and 5G network infrastructure for critical communications reached $3.4 Billion in 2023, driven by public safety broadband, smart grid modernization, FRMCS readiness and Industry 4.0 initiatives. The market is further expected to grow at a CAGR of approximately 17% over the next three years, eventually accounting for more than $5.5 Billion by the end of 2026.

Spanning over 4,000 pages, the "LTE & 5G for Critical Communications: 2023 - 2030 - Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies & Forecasts" report package encompasses two comprehensive reports covering the use of LTE and 5G NR networks for critical communications:

  • The Private LTE & 5G Network Ecosystem: 2023 - 2030 - Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies, Industry Verticals & Forecasts
  • The Public Safety LTE & 5G Market: 2023 - 2030 - Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies & Forecasts

This report package provides an in-depth assessment of LTE and 5G for critical communications, including the value chain, market drivers, barriers to uptake, enabling technologies, operational and business models, vertical industries, application scenarios, key trends, future roadmap, standardization, spectrum availability and allocation, regulatory landscape, case studies, ecosystem player profiles and strategies, as well as LTE and 5G network investment forecasts from 2023 till 2030.

The report package comes with an associated Excel datasheet suite covering quantitative data from all numeric forecasts presented in both reports.

Additional details

Topics Covered

The report package covers the following topics:

Report 1: The Private LTE & 5G Network Ecosystem: 2023 - 2030 - Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies, Industry Verticals & Forecasts

  • Introduction to private LTE and 5G networks
  • Value chain and ecosystem structure
  • Market drivers and challenges
  • System architecture and key elements of private LTE and 5G networks
  • Operational and business models, network size, geographic reach and other practical aspects of private LTE and 5G networks
  • Critical communications broadband evolution, Industry 4.0, enterprise transformation and other themes shaping the adoption of private LTE and 5G networks
  • Enabling technologies and concepts, including 3GPP-defined MCX, URLLC, TSC, NR-U (NR in Unlicensed Spectrum), SNPN (Standalone NPN) and PNI-NPN (Public Network-Integrated NPN), cellular IoT, high-precision positioning, network slicing, edge computing and network automation capabilities
  • Key trends such as the emergence of new classes of specialized network operators, shared and local area spectrum licensing, private NaaS (Network-as-a-Service) offerings, IT/OT convergence, Open RAN, vRAN (Virtualized RAN) and rapidly deployable LTE/5G systems
  • Analysis of vertical industries and application scenarios, extending from mission-critical group communications and real-time video transmission to reconfigurable wireless production lines, collaborative mobile robots, AGVs and untethered AR/VR/MR
  • Future roadmap of private LTE and 5G networks
  • Review of private LTE and 5G network installations worldwide, including 100 case studies spanning 15 verticals
  • Database tracking more than 6,000 private LTE and 5G engagements in over 120 countries across the globe
  • Spectrum availability, allocation and usage across the global, regional and national domains
  • Standardization, regulatory and collaborative initiatives
  • Profiles and strategies of more than 1,800 ecosystem players
  • Strategic recommendations for LTE/5G equipment and chipset suppliers, system integrators, private network specialists, mobile operators and end user organizations
  • Market analysis and forecasts from 2023 till 2030

Report 2: The Public Safety LTE & 5G Market: 2023 - 2030 - Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies & Forecasts

  • Introduction to public safety LTE and 5G
  • Value chain and ecosystem structure
  • Market drivers and challenges
  • System architecture and key elements of public safety LTE and 5G networks
  • Operational models for public safety LTE and 5G networks, including fully dedicated, shared core, hybrid government-commercial, secure MVNO/MOCN, commercial and sliced private networks
  • PPPs (Public-Private Partnerships) and other common approaches to financing and delivering dedicated nationwide public safety broadband networks
  • Enabling technologies and concepts, including 3GPP-defined MCX, HPUE, IOPS, 5G MBS (5G Multicast-Broadcast Services), ProSe (Proximity Services) and sidelink for D2D (Device-to-Device) communications, rapidly deployable LTE/5G systems, QPP (QoS, Priority & Preemption), network slicing, end-to-end security, high-precision positioning, ATG/A2G (Air-to-Ground), and satellite-based NTN integration
  • Analysis of public safety broadband application scenarios and use cases, ranging from mission-critical group communications and real-time video transmission to 5G era applications centered upon MCX services in high-density environments, massive-scale UHD (Ultra-High Definition) video surveillance and analytics, AR/VR/MR, drones and robotics
  • Key trends such as the growing prevalence of nationwide hybrid government-commercial broadband networks, production-grade deployments of 3GPP standards-compliant MCX services, LMR-based interim solutions for off-network communications, deployable LTE network assets for wildfire fighting and other disaster relief operations, and 5G NR-equipped portable networks supporting high-bandwidth, low-latency emergency communications.
  • Future roadmap for the public safety LTE and 5G market
  • Review of public safety LTE/5G engagements worldwide, including a detailed assessment of 18 nationwide public safety broadband projects and additional case studies of 50 dedicated, hybrid, secure MVNO/MOCN and commercial operator-supplied systems
  • Spectrum availability, allocation and usage across the global, regional and national domains
  • Standardization, regulatory and collaborative initiatives
  • Profiles and strategies of 1,700 ecosystem players, including LTE/5G equipment suppliers and public safety-domain specialists
  • Strategic recommendations for public safety and government agencies, LTE/5G infrastructure, device and chipset suppliers, LMR vendors, system integrators, and mobile operators
  • Market analysis and forecasts from 2023 till 2030

Key Questions Answered:

  • The report package provides answers to the following key questions:
  • How big is the opportunity for LTE and 5G in the critical communications industry?
  • What trends, drivers and challenges are influencing its growth?
  • What will the market size be in 2026, and at what rate will it grow?
  • Which vertical segments and regions will see the highest percentage of growth?
  • What are the operational models and application scenarios of LTE and 5G for public safety, defense, utilities, transportation, oil and gas, mining and other verticals?
  • What is the status of fully dedicated, hybrid commercial-private and secure MVNO-based critical communications broadband networks worldwide?
  • What are the existing and candidate licensed, unlicensed and shared spectrum frequency bands for the operation of private LTE and 5G networks?
  • When will MCX, HPUE, IOPS, 5G MBS, 5G NR sidelink and other 3GPP-defined critical communications features be widely employed?
  • How are MCPTT capabilities enabling the transition from narrowband LMR systems to 3GPP-based broadband networks?
  • When will FirstNet, Safe-Net, RRF, VIRVE 2.0 and other nationwide public safety broadband networks replace existing digital LMR networks?
  • When will 5G-based FRMCS networks supersede GSM-R as the predominant radio technology for railway communications?
  • How can satellite backhaul and direct-to-device NTN access expand the reach of 3GPP networks in remote environments?
  • How does the integration of URLLC and TSC enable 5G networks to deliver reliable, low-latency connectivity across a broad range of time-critical IIoT applications?
  • What are the future prospects of NIB (Network-in-a-Box), COW (Cell-on-Wheels), aerial cell sites and other rapidly deployable LTE/5G network systems?
  • Where does network slicing for differentiated service requirements fit in the critical communications landscape?
  • What opportunities exist for commercial mobile operators and critical communications service providers?
  • When will sub-1 GHz critical communications LTE networks begin their transition to 5G technology?
  • Who are the key ecosystem players, and what are their strategies?
  • What strategies should LTE/5G equipment suppliers, LMR vendors, system integrators, vertical domain specialists and mobile operators adopt to remain competitive?

Table of Contents

Report 1: The Private LTE & 5G Network Ecosystem: 2023 - 2030 - Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies, Industry Verticals & Forecasts

  • 1.1. Chapter 1: Introduction
  • 1.2. Chapter 2: An Overview of Private LTE & 5G Networks
  • 1.3. Chapter 3: Private LTE/5G System Architecture & Technologies
  • 1.4. Chapter 4: Key Vertical Industries & Applications
  • 1.5. Chapter 5: Spectrum Availability, Allocation & Usage
  • 1.6. Chapter 6: Standardization, Regulatory & Collaborative Initiatives
  • 1.7. Chapter 7: Review of Private LTE/5G Installations Worldwide
  • 1.8. Chapter 8: Private LTE/5G Case Studies
  • 1.9. Chapter 9: Key Ecosystem Players
  • 1.10. Chapter 10: Market Sizing & Forecasts
  • 1.11. Chapter 11: Conclusion & Strategic Recommendations

Report 2: The Public Safety LTE & 5G Market: 2023 - 2030 - Opportunities, Challenges, Strategies & Forecasts

  • 2.1. Chapter 1: Introduction
  • 2.2. Chapter 2: An Overview of the Public Safety LTE & 5G Market
  • 2.3. Chapter 3: System Architecture & Technologies for Public Safety LTE/5G Networks
  • 2.4. Chapter 4: Public Safety LTE/5G Application Scenarios & Use Cases
  • 2.5. Chapter 5: Review of Public Safety LTE/5G Engagements Worldwide
  • 2.6. Chapter 6: Public Safety LTE/5G Case Studies
  • 2.7. Chapter 7: Public Safety LTE/5G Spectrum Availability, Allocation & Usage
  • 2.8. Chapter 8: Standardization, Regulatory & Collaborative Initiatives
  • 2.9. Chapter 9: Key Ecosystem Players
  • 2.10. Chapter 10: Market Sizing & Forecasts
  • 2.11. Chapter 11: Conclusion & Strategic Recommendations

List of Companies:

  • 10T Tech
  • 1NCE
  • 1oT
  • 29Metals
  • 3D-P
  • 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project)
  • 450 MHz Alliance
  • 450connect
  • 4K Solutions
  • 4RF
  • 5G Campus Network Alliance
  • 5G Forum (South Korea)
  • 5G Health Association
  • 5G Media Initiative
  • 5G OI Lab (5G Open Innovation Lab)
  • 5GAA (5G Automotive Association)
  • 5G-ACIA (5G Alliance for Connected Industries and Automation)
  • 5GAIA (5G Applications Industry Array)
  • 5GCT (5G Catalyst Technologies)
  • 5GDNA (5G Deterministic Networking Alliance)
  • 5GFF (5G Future Forum)
  • 5G-MAG (5G Media Action Group)
  • 5GMF (Fifth Generation Mobile Communication Promotion Forum, Japan)
  • 5GSA (5G Slicing Association)
  • 6G Finland
  • 6GEM Consortium
  • 6G-IA (6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association)
  • 6G-RIC (Research and Innovation Cluster)
  • 6Harmonics/6WiLInk
  • 6WIND
  • 7Layers
  • 7P (Seven Principles)
  • A Beep/Diga-Talk+
  • A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore)
  • A1 Hrvatska
  • A1 Telekom Austria Group
  • A10 Networks
  • A5G Networks
  • AAEON Technology
  • Aalborg University
  • Aalto University
  • AAR (Association of American Railroads)
  • Aarna Networks
  • ABB
  • ABB Robotics
  • ABDI (Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development)
  • ABEL Mobilfunk
  • ABiT Corporation
  • ABP (Associated British Ports)
  • ABS
  • Abside Networks
  • Abu Dhabi Police
  • Accedian
  • AccelerComm
  • Accelink Technologies
  • Accelleran
  • Accenture
  • Access Spectrum
  • Accesso
  • AccessParks
  • ACCF (Australasian Critical Communications Forum)
  • Accton Technology Corporation
  • Accuver
  • ACE Technologies
  • AceAxis
  • AceTel (Ace Solutions)
  • Achronix Semiconductor Corporation
  • ACMA (Australian Communications and Media Authority)
  • ACPS (Albemarle County Public Schools)
  • ACS (Applied Computer Solutions)
  • Actelis Networks
  • Actemium (VINCI Energies)
  • Action Technologies (Shenzhen Action Technologies)
  • Actiontec Electronics
  • Active911
  • Actus Networks
  • AD Plastik
  • Adani Data Networks
  • Adani Group
  • Adax
  • Adcor Magnet Systems
  • Addis Ababa Light Rail
  • Adecoagro
  • Adelaide Airport
  • Adeunis
  • ADF (Australian Defence Force)
  • ADI (Analog Devices, Inc.)
  • Adif (Spanish Railway Infrastructure Administrator)
  • Adif AV (Alta Velocidad)
  • ADLINK Technology
  • ADMIE/IPTO (Independent Power Transmission Operator, Greece)
  • ADNOC (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company)
  • ADRF (Advanced RF Technologies)
  • ADT
  • Adtran
  • ADVA
  • Advanced Energy Industries
  • AdvanceTec Industries
  • Advantech
  • Advantech Wireless Technologies
  • AE Aerospace
  • AECC (Aero Engine Corporation of China)
  • AECC Commercial Aircraft Engine Company
  • AEG
  • Aegex Technologies
  • Aerial Applications
  • Aeris
  • Aero Wireless Group
  • AeroFarms
  • AeroMobile Communications
  • Aerostar International
  • Aethertek
  • Aetna Group
  • AFC (Asian Football Confederation)
  • Affarii Technologies
  • Affirmed Networks
  • AFL Global
  • AFRY
  • AGC
  • AGCO Corporation
  • AGCOM (Communications Regulatory Authority, Italy)
  • Agile (Agile Interoperable Solutions)
  • AGIS (Advanced Ground Information Systems)
  • AGM Mobile
  • Agnico Eagle Mines
  • AG-Placid
  • AgriFood Connect
  • Agroamb
  • Aguas de Valencia
  • AGURRE (Association of Major Users of Operational Radio Networks, France)
  • AINA Wireless
  • Air China
  • Air France
  • Airband Community Internet
  • Airbus
  • Airfide Networks
  • Airgain
  • AirHop Communications
  • Airlinq
  • Airport Authority Hong Kong
  • Airspan Networks
  • Airtower Networks
  • Airwaive
  • Airwave Developers
  • Airwave Solutions
  • Airwavz Solutions
  • AIS (Advanced Info Service)
  • AiVader
  • Ajman Police
  • Akamai Technologies
  • Aker Solutions
  • AKIS International
  • AKOS (Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia)
  • Akoustis Technologies
  • Alaska Airlines
  • Alaxala Networks Corporation
  • ALBEDO Telecom
  • Albemarle Corporation
  • albis-elcon
  • ALBO (Hijos de Carlos Albo)
  • Alcadis
  • Alcatel-Lucent International
  • Alcobendas City Council
  • Aldenhoven Testing Center
  • ALE (Antarctic Logistics & Expeditions)
  • Alea
  • Alef (Alef Edge)
  • Alepo
  • Alestra
  • Alibaba Group
  • Aliniant
  • Allbesmart
  • Allen Vanguard Wireless
  • Allerio
  • Alliander
  • Allied Telesis
  • Allot
  • Alnan Aluminium
  • Alpha Networks
  • Alpha Wireless
  • Alphabet
  • Alsa
  • Alsatis Réseaux
  • Alstom
  • Altaeros
  • Altair Semiconductor (Sony Semiconductor Israel)
  • ALTAN Redes
  • Altice Group
  • Altice Labs
  • Altice Portugal
  • Altiostar
  • ALVIS (Argentina)
  • AM Telecom
  • AMA XpertEye
  • Amantya Technologies
  • Amarisoft
  • Amata Corporation
  • Amazon
  • Ambra Solutions-ECOTEL
  • Ambulance Victoria
  • Ambulancezorg Groningen
  • AMD (Advanced Micro Devices)
  • Amdocs
  • Ameren
  • América Móvil
  • American Tower Corporation
  • AMI (American Megatrends International)
  • AMIT Wireless
  • AMN (Africa Mobile Networks)
  • AMPC (Australian Meat Processor Corporation)
  • Ampere Computing
  • Amphenol Corporation
  • Ampleon
  • Amtele Communication
  • ANA (All Nippon Airways)
  • ANACOM (National Communications Authority, Portugal)
  • Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency, Brazil)
  • ANAX Metals
  • ANCOM (National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications, Romania)
  • Andesat
  • ANDEX (Sendai)
  • ANDRO Computational Solutions
  • Anek Lines
  • Anglo American
  • AngloGold Ashanti
  • Angola Telecom
  • Angolan Ministry of Interior
  • Anhui Conch Cement
  • Anktion (Fujian) Technology
  • Anokiwave
  • Anritsu
  • ANS (Advanced Network Services)
  • Anshan Iron & Steel Group
  • Antenna Company
  • Anterix
  • Antevia Networks
  • Antna Antenna Technology
  • Antofagasta Minerals
  • Antwerp Police
  • Antwerp-Bruges Port Authority
  • Aorotech
  • AOT (Airports of Thailand)
  • APA Group
  • APBA (Port Authority of Algeciras Bay)
  • APCO (Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials) International
  • Apex Technology Group
  • APH (Huelva Port Authority)
  • API (American Petroleum Institute)
  • APM Terminals (Maersk)
  • APN (All Purpose Networks)
  • APPA (American Public Power Association)
  • Apple
  • Applus+ IDIADA
  • APRESIA Systems
  • APSTAR (APT Satellite Company)
  • APT (Asia Pacific Telecom)
  • APTEL (Association of Proprietary Infrastructure and Private Telecommunications Systems Companies, Brazil)
  • aql
  • Aqualia
  • Aquila (Suzhou Aquila Solutions)
  • Aqura Technologies
  • ARA (American Rally Association)
  • Arabsat
  • Aramco (Saudi Arabian Oil Company)
  • Aramco Digital
  • Arcadyan Technology Corporation
  • Arçelik
  • ArcelorMittal
  • ARCEP (Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Posts, France)
  • Archos
  • ARCIA (Australian Radio and Communications Industry Association)
  • Arctic Semiconductor (Formerly SiTune Corporation)
  • Ardea Resources
  • Arete M
  • AREU (Lombardy Regional Emergency Service Agency)
  • AREX (Airport Railroad Express)
  • Argela
  • Argentine Federal Police
  • ArgoNET
  • Aria Networks
  • ARIB (Association of Radio Industries and Businesses, Japan)
  • Arista Networks
  • Arizona National Guard
  • Arkessa
  • Arm
  • Armasuisse (Federal Office for Defense Procurement, Switzerland)
  • Armour Communications
  • ARQ Group
  • Arqit Quantum
  • ArrayComm (Chengdu ArrayComm Wireless Technologies)
  • Arrcus
  • Arrow Energy
  • ARTC (Australian Rail Track Corporation)
  • Artemis Networks
  • Artemis Resources
  • Artiza Networks
  • Aruba
  • Arubaito World
  • Arukona
  • Arvato Supply Chain Solutions
  • Asagao TV
  • Asahikawa Cable Television
  • Asavie
  • ASE Group
  • AsiaInfo Technologies
  • AsiaSat (Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company)
  • Askey Computer Corporation
  • ASM Global
  • ASN (Alcatel Submarine Networks)
  • Aspire Technology
  • Aspire Technology Partners
  • ASR Microelectronics
  • Asseco CEIT
  • Assumption University of Thailand
  • Assured Wireless Corporation
  • AST SpaceMobile
  • ASTELLA (Astella Technologies)
  • ASTOR (Poland)
  • ASTRI (Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute)
  • ASU (Arizona State University)
  • ASUS (ASUSTeK Computer)
  • Asylon
  • AT (Auckland Transport)
  • AT&T
  • ATDI
  • ATEL (Asiatelco Technologies)
  • Atel Antennas
  • Atesio
  • Athens International Airport
  • Athonet
  • ATIS (Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions)
  • ATL (A Test Lab)
  • Atlas Copco
  • Atlas Iron
  • Atlas Telecom
  • AtLink Services
  • ATN International
  • Atos
  • ATP (Andean Telecom Partners)
  • Atrinet
  • ATS Elektronik
  • Attabotics
  • AttoCore
  • ATW Investment & Services
  • Auberge Resorts
  • Auckland Westpac Rescue Helicopter
  • Auden Techno
  • Audi
  • audius
  • Auray Technology
  • Aurens (Orrence)
  • Aurora Flight Sciences
  • Ausgrid
  • Australia Pacific LNG
  • Australian Department of Home Affairs
  • Australian Productivity Commission
  • AUTC (Africa Utilities Technology Council)
  • Automotive Campus (Helmond)
  • AV Living Lab
  • Avanade
  • Avangrid
  • Avanti Communications
  • Avari Wireless
  • Avesha Systems
  • AVI
  • Aviat Networks
  • Avics
  • Avidyne Corporation
  • Avinor
  • Avionica
  • Avista Edge
  • AVM
  • AW2S (Advanced Wireless Solutions and Services)
  • AWS (Amazon Web Services)
  • AWTG
  • AWWA (American Water Works Association)
  • AXESS Networks
  • Axians
  • Axiata Group
  • Axione
  • Axis Communications
  • Axon
  • Axpo WZ-Systems
  • Axtel
  • Axxcelera Broadband Wireless
  • Axxcss Wireless Solutions
  • Azcom Technology
  • Azetti Networks
  • B&R Bouwgroep
  • B+B SmartWorx
  • b<>com (IRT b-com)
  • B5GPC (Beyond 5G Promotion Consortium)
  • BABS/FOCP (Federal Office for Civil Protection, Switzerland)
  • Badger Technologies (Jabil)
  • BAE Systems
  • Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation
  • Bahia State Secretariat of Public Security
  • Bahrain Airport Company
  • Baicells
  • BAKOM/OFCOM (Federal Office of Communications, Switzerland)
  • Baleària
  • Ball Aerospace
  • Ballast Networks
  • Balluff
  • Baltic Networks
  • BAM Nuttall (Royal BAM Group)
  • Bamrasnaradura Infectious Diseases Institute
  • Banco Santander
  • BandRich
  • BandwidthX
  • Bangladesh SSF (Special Security Force)
  • Bangs Ambulance
  • Baogang Group
  • Baoshan Iron & Steel
  • Baosteel Group
  • Barcelona City Council
  • Barcelona Port Authority
  • Barich
  • Barrett Communications
  • BART (San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District)
  • Baruch Padeh Medical Center
  • BASF
  • Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council
  • Batchfire Resources
  • Batelco
  • BATM Advanced Communications
  • BATS Wireless (Broadband Antenna Tracking Systems)
  • Bavaria Studios & Production Services
  • Bay Minette Police Department
  • Bayer
  • BAYFU (Bayerische Funknetz)
  • Baylin Technologies
  • BayRICS (Bay Area Regional Interoperable Communications Systems Authority)
  • BBB (BB Backbone Corporation)
  • BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)
  • BBF (Brasil BioFuels)
  • BBK Electronics
  • BBVA (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria)
  • BC Hydro
  • BCA (Building and Construction Authority, Singapore)
  • BCDVideo
  • BDBOS (Federal Agency for Public Safety Digital Radio, Germany)
  • Beach Energy
  • Beacon Minerals
  • Beagle Systems
  • Beam Semiconductor
  • Beam Wireless
  • Beamlink
  • BearCom
  • BEC Technologies
  • Becker Mining Systems
  • Beckhoff Automation
  • becon
  • Beeline Kazakhstan
  • Beeline Russia (VimpelCom)
  • Beep
  • Beeper Communications
  • Beijer Electronics Group
  • Beijing Capital International Airport
  • Beijing Chaoyang Hospital
  • Beijing Daxing International Airport
  • Beijing MTR Corporation
  • Belden
  • Belfast Harbour
  • BelFone
  • Bell Canada
  • Bellantenna
  • Belpre City Schools
  • Benetel
  • Berief Food
  • BesoVideo
  • Betacom
  • BH Technologies
  • Bharti Airtel
  • BHE (Bonn Hungary Electronics)
  • BHP
  • Biazi Telecom
  • BICS
  • Bilbao Metro
  • Billion Electric
  • BinnenBereik
  • BIPT (Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications)
  • Bird Technologies
  • Birmingham City Council
  • BISDN (Berlin Institute for Software Defined Networks)
  • Bittium
  • BK Technologies
  • Black & Veatch
  • Black Box
  • BlackBerry
  • Blackned
  • BlackRock
  • BLiNQ Networks
  • Blu Wireless
  • Blue Arcus Technologies
  • Blue Danube Systems
  • Blue White Robotics
  • Blue Wireless
  • Bluebird
  • Blueforce Development Corporation
  • BLUnet Schweiz
  • BMA (BHP Mitsubishi Alliance)
  • BMRCL (Bengaluru Metro Rail Corporation)
  • BMS (Bristol-Myers Squibb)
  • BMW Brilliance Automotive
  • BMW Group
  • BMWK (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action)
  • BNetzA (Federal Network Agency, Germany)
  • BNPB (National Agency for Disaster Management, Indonesia)
  • BNU (Beijing Normal University)
  • Bobcat Miner
  • BOCHK (Bank of China Hong Kong)
  • Boeing
  • Boelink (Shanghai Boelink Communication Technology)
  • Boingo Wireless
  • Boise Police Department
  • Boldyn Networks (Formerly BAI Communications)
  • Boliden
  • Bombardier
  • Bombers de Barcelona (Barcelona Fire Service)
  • Bonn Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences
  • BoomGrow
  • Booz Allen Hamilton
  • Borealis
  • BorgWarner
  • Bosch Rexroth
  • Boskalis Subsea Services
  • Boston Dynamics
  • Boston Police Department
  • Boston Scientific Corporation
  • Botkin Hospital
  • Botswana Police Service
  • Bouygues Telecom
  • Boxchip
  • BP
  • BPA (Busan Port Authority)
  • BR (Bayerischer Rundfunk)
  • BrainNet Consultants
  • Branch Communications
  • Bravis Hospital
  • BravoCom
  • Bravus Mining & Resources
  • Brazil Federal District Military Police
  • Brazilian Army
  • Bredengen
  • Bridgestone Corporation
  • Brimbank City Council
  • Brisanet
  • Bristol Port Company
  • British Army
  • British Sugar
  • Brittany Ferries
  • Broadcom
  • BroadForward
  • Broadmobi (Shanghai Broadmobi Communication Technology)
  • Broadpeak
  • Broadtech
  • Brussels Airport Company
  • BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited)
  • BT Group
  • BT Media & Broadcast
  • Btel (Bakrie Telecom)
  • BTG (Dutch Association of Large-Scale ICT & Telecommunications Users)
  • BTI Wireless
  • BTP (Brasil Terminal Portuário)
  • B-TrunC (Broadband Trunking Communication) Industry Alliance
  • BTU (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg)
  • Buenos Aires City Police
  • Builder [X]
  • Bulgarian Ministry of Interior
  • Bullitt Mobile
  • Bumicom Telecommunicatie
  • Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces)
  • Bundeswehr University Munich
  • Bureau Veritas
  • Burlington Fire Department
  • Burns & McDonnell
  • Busan Transportation Corporation
  • Butachimie
  • BVSD (Boulder Valley School District)
  • BVSystems (Berkeley Varitronics Systems)
  • BWT (BlueWaveTel)
  • BYD
  • B-Yond
  • C Spire
  • C Squared Systems
  • C3Spectra
  • CABGOC (Cabinda Gulf Oil Company)
  • Cable Media Waiwai
  • Cable Television Toyama
  • CableFree (Wireless Excellence)
  • CableLabs
  • Cáceres City Council
  • CACI International
  • Cadence Design Systems
  • CAICT (China Academy of Information and Communications Technology)
  • CaixaBank (Formerly Bankia)
  • Cal Poly (California Polytechnic State University)
  • CalAmp
  • CalChip Connect
  • Calgary Police Service
  • Caliber Public Safety
  • California National Guard
  • California State University, Stanislaus
  • Calix
  • Callio Pyhäjärvi
  • Calnex Solutions
  • Calpak
  • Caltta Technologies
  • Cambium Networks
  • Cambridge Consultants
  • CAMET (China Association of Metros)
  • Campbell Union School District
  • CampusGenius
  • Camtel (Cameroon Telecommunications)
  • Canadian Army
  • Canoga Perkins
  • Canon
  • Canonical
  • Capgemini
  • Capgemini Engineering
  • Capgemini Invent
  • CapitaLand
  • Capricorn Metals
  • CapX Nederland
  • Carbyne
  • Cargotec
  • Carlson Wireless Technologies
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • Carnival Corporation
  • Casa Systems
  • CASCO Signal
  • CASIC (China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation)
  • Casio Computer Company
  • Castleberry ISD (Independent School District)
  • Castor Marine
  • CATA (Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance)
  • Catalyst Communications Technologies
  • Caterpillar
  • Cavli Wireless
  • CBA (Chinese Basketball Association)
  • CBA (Commonwealth Bank of Australia)
  • CBNG (Cambridge Broadband Networks Group)
  • CCI (Communication Components Inc.)
  • CCMA (Catalan Broadcasting Corporation)
  • CCN (Cirrus Core Networks)
  • CCSA (China Communications Standards Association)
  • CCww (Communications Consultants Worldwide)
  • CDA (Chicago Department of Aviation)
  • CDE Lightband
  • CDOT (Colorado Department of Transportation)
  • CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission)
  • CEA-Leti
  • CEA-List
  • Cegeka
  • CeLa Link Corporation
  • Celfinet
  • CellAntenna Corporation
  • Cellcom (Israel)
  • Cellcomm Solutions
  • Cellient
  • Celling 5G
  • CellMax Technologies
  • Cellnex Telecom
  • CELLocity (RF Connect)
  • CellOnyx
  • Cellwize
  • cellXica
  • cellXion
  • Celona
  • CelPlan Technologies
  • Cemig (Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais)
  • Centerline Communications
  • CENTRA Technology
  • Central Petroleum
  • CentralSquare Technologies
  • Centria University of Applied Sciences
  • Centrica Storage
  • CEPRI (China Electric Power Research Institute)
  • Cepsa
  • CEPT (European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations)
  • Ceragon Networks
  • Cerillion
  • CERTI Foundation
  • CertusNet
  • CETC (China Electronics Technology Group Corporation)
  • CEVA
  • CGI
  • Ch4lke Mobile
  • Challenge Networks
  • Chalmers University of Technology
  • Changchun Rail Transit
  • Changsha Metro
  • ChannelPorts
  • Charge Enterprises
  • Charité University Hospital Berlin
  • Charter Communications
  • Chat Mobility
  • Cheerzing (Xiamen Cheerzing IoT Technology)
  • Chelton
  • Chemring Technology Solutions
  • Chengdu Metro
  • Chengdu NTS
  • Chevron Corporation
  • Chicago Police Department
  • Chicony Electronics
  • China All Access
  • China Baowu Steel Group
  • China Broadnet (CBN - China Broadcasting Network)
  • China Merchants Group
  • China Merchants Heavy Industries
  • China Mobile
  • China Mobile Hong Kong
  • China National Coal Group
  • China Nuclear Power Engineering
  • China Railway (China State Railway Group)
  • China Satcom (China Satellite Communications)
  • China Shenhua Energy
  • China Southern Airlines
  • China Telecom
  • China Unicom
  • China West Airport Group
  • China-Japan Friendship Hospital
  • CHN Energy (China Energy Investment Group)
  • Choice NTUA Wireless
  • Chongqing Guoyuan Port
  • Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport
  • Chongqing Rail Transit
  • CHU Rennes (Rennes University Hospital)
  • CHU Toulouse (Toulouse University Hospital)
  • Chubu Electric Power Company
  • Chukai Cable Television System Operator
  • Chulabhorn Hospital
  • Chulalongkorn University
  • Chunghwa Telecom
  • Cibicom
  • CICPA (Critical Infrastructure and Coastal Protection Authority, UAE)
  • CICT - China Information and Communication Technology Group (China Xinke Group)
  • CIE Automotive
  • Cielo Networks
  • Ciena Corporation
  • CIG (Cambridge Industries Group)
  • Cincinnati Police Department
  • CIO (Connected IO)
  • CircleGx
  • Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya
  • Circuit Parcmotor Castellolí
  • Cirpack
  • Cirtek Holdings Philippines Corporation
  • Cisco Systems
  • CITIC Pacific Mining
  • CITIG (Canadian Interoperability Technology Interest Group)
  • CITRA (Communication and Information Technology Regulatory Authority, Kuwait)
  • Citrosuco
  • City of Las Vegas
  • City of Tucson
  • Citycom Telekommunikation (Holding Graz)
  • Citymesh
  • CitySwitch
  • CJ Group
  • CJ OliveNetworks
  • CK Hutchison
  • Clair Global
  • Claro Brasil
  • Claro Colombia
  • Clarus Networks Group
  • Clavister
  • Clear Channel UK
  • ClearBlade
  • ClearSky Technologies
  • Cleura
  • Cleveland Clinic
  • Cleveland Police
  • Clever Logic
  • Clinical Mobility (Intellicom)
  • CloudMile
  • CloudMinds
  • Clovity
  • CLP Power Hong Kong
  • CMG (China Media Group)
  • CMHIT (China Merchants Holdings Information Technology)
  • CMIG (China Minsheng Investment Group)
  • CMIoT (China Mobile IoT)
  • CMOC Group
  • CMP (Compañía Minera del Pacífico)
  • CMPort (China Merchants Port Holdings)
  • CMU (Chiang Mai University)
  • CN (Canadian National Railway Company)
  • CNA (Cable Networks Akita)
  • CNCi (Community Network Center Inc.)
  • CNI Sales
  • CNNC (China National Nuclear Corporation)
  • CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Corporation)
  • Cobham
  • Codan Communications
  • Codelco (National Copper Corporation of Chile)
  • Codium Networks
  • Cogisys
  • Cognizant
  • Cohere Technologies
  • Coherent (Formerly II-VI)
  • Coherent Logix
  • Cohort
  • Coiler Corporation
  • Collinear Networks
  • Collins Aerospace
  • Cologne Bonn Airport
  • Color Line
  • Colorado Parks and Wildlife
  • Colt Canada
  • Colt Technology Services
  • Colusa County Office of Education
  • Com4
  • COMAC (Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China)
  • Comander
  • Comarch
  • Comau
  • Comba Telecom
  • Combain Mobile
  • Combitech
  • Comcast Business
  • Comcast Corporation
  • Comcores
  • Comfone
  • Comilog
  • CommAgility
  • CommandWear Systems
  • Commercis
  • Commnet Wireless
  • Comms International/TecWise
  • Comms365
  • CommScope
  • Compal Electronics
  • Comprod
  • Comptek Technologies
  • ComReg (Commission for Communications Regulation, Ireland)
  • Comrod Communication Group
  • Coms4Grid
  • Comsol (South Africa)
  • COMSovereign
  • Comtech Telecommunications Corporation
  • Comtest Wireless
  • Comtrend Corporation
  • Comviva
  • Con Edison (Consolidated Edison)
  • CONET Technologies
  • CONEXIO Corporation
  • Conigital
  • Connect Tech
  • Connect44 Group
  • Connected Farms (Australia)
  • Connectivity Wireless Solutions
  • ConocoPhillips
  • Consolidated Minerals
  • Consort Digital
  • Contela
  • Continental
  • Continual
  • Contour Networks
  • Coolpad
  • Coopavel
  • CopaSAT
  • Copel (Companhia Paranaense de Energia)
  • Core Lithium
  • coreNOC
  • Cornerstone (CTIL)
  • Cornet Technology
  • Corning
  • Correos
  • Cortina Access
  • Corum Group (DTEK Energy)
  • COSCO Group
  • COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry
  • COSCO Shipping Ports
  • Cosemi Technologies
  • Cosumnes Fire Department
  • COTA (Circuit of The Americas)
  • Council Rock
  • County of Renfrew Paramedic Service
  • Coventry University
  • Covestro
  • Coweaver
  • Cox Communications
  • CP Communications
  • CPFL Energia
  • CPI (Center for Process Innovation)
  • CPQD (Center for Research and Development in Telecommunications, Brazil)
  • CR (China Resources) Cement
  • CR Gas (China Resources Gas Group)
  • CRA (Communications Regulatory Authority, Qatar)
  • Cradlepoint
  • CRC (Communications Research Centre Canada)
  • Creanord
  • CrisisGo
  • CritiComms
  • Crown Castle International Corporation
  • CRSC (China Railway Signal & Communication Corporation)
  • CRTVG (Corporación Radio e Televisión de Galicia)
  • CS Corporation
  • CSA (Canadian Space Agency)
  • CSC (China Steel Corporation)
  • CSCEC (China State Construction Engineering Corporation)
  • CSG (China Southern Power Grid)
  • CSG Systems International
  • CSSC (China State Shipbuilding Corporation)
  • CSSG (China Space Sanjiang Group)
  • CST (Communications, Space & Technology Commission, Saudi Arabia)
  • CTAG (Automotive Technology Center of Galicia)
  • CTC (Chubu Telecommunications Company)
  • CTC (ITOCHU Techno-Solutions)
  • CTG (Celestia Technologies Group)
  • CTIA
  • CTK (Carl-Thiem Hospital Cottbus)
  • CTL
  • CTPA (Central Texas Purchasing Alliance)
  • CTR (Central Corporation)
  • CTS (Communication Technology Services)
  • CTS Corporation
  • CTTC (Catalan Telecommunications Technology Center)
  • CTU (Czech Technical University in Prague)
  • CTU (Czech Telecommunication Office)
  • CTY (Japan)
  • Cubic Corporation
  • Cubic Defence Australia
  • Cubic Telecom
  • Cumucore
  • Curtin University
  • CUSD (Collinsville Community Unit School District) 10
  • Custom MMIC
  • CW (Cambridge Wireless)
  • Cyber Forza
  • CybertelBridge
  • Cyderes
  • Cyient
  • Cyrus Technology
  • Czech Ministry of Interior
  • CZU (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague)
  • D2 Technologies
  • Dabie Mountain Regional Medical Center
  • DAEL Group
  • Daeyoun System Company
  • Dahua Technology
  • Dali Wireless
  • Dallas ISD (Independent School District)
  • Dallas Love Field Airport
  • Dalrymple Bay Coal Terminal
  • Dalton Utilities
  • DAMM Cellular Systems
  • Danaos Shipping
  • Danfoss
  • Danish National Police
  • DARS (Slovenian Motorway Company)
  • DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit)
  • Datagear
  • Datang Renewable Power
  • Datang Telecom Technology & Industry Group
  • Dataport
  • DataSoft
  • Datatec
  • Datong Coal Mining Group
  • Datora Group
  • Datwyler IT Infra
  • DB (Deutsche Bahn)
  • DB Cargo
  • DB Schenker
  • DBcom
  • dbSpectra
  • De Beers Group
  • Debswana Diamond Company
  • Deendayal Port Authority
  • DeepOcean
  • DeepSig
  • DeepSight AI Labs
  • Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, United Kingdom)
  • Dejero Labs
  • DeKalb Police Department
  • Del Conca USA
  • Dell Technologies
  • Delmarva Power and Light Company (Exelon)
  • Deloitte
  • Delta Electronics
  • DEMAG (Demag Cranes & Components)
  • DEME Group
  • DENGYO (Nihon Dengyo Kosaku)
  • Dense Air
  • Detecon
  • Deutsche Messe
  • DEWA (Dubai Electricity & Water Authority)
  • DFL (German Football League)
  • DFW (Dallas Fort Worth) International Airport
  • DGS (Digital Global Systems)
  • DHL
  • Dialog Axiata
  • Dialogic
  • Diamond Communications
  • Diamond Offshore Drilling
  • DIGI Communications
  • Digi International
  • Digicert
  • Digita
  • Digital Ally
  • Digital Catapult
  • Digital Enhancement
  • DigitalBridge Group
  • DigitalC
  • DigitalRoute
  • Digitata
  • DigitGate (Nanjing DigitGate Communication Technology)
  • Dimetor
  • DISH Network Corporation
  • DKK (Denki Kogyo)
  • D-Link Corporation
  • DLR (German Aerospace Center)
  • DMG Mori
  • DMI
  • DMTCL (Dhaka Mass Transit Company Limited)
  • DNA (Finland)
  • DND (Department of National Defence, Canada)
  • DNP (Dai Nippon Printing)
  • DOA (Department of Airports, Thailand)
  • Dominion Energy
  • Dongyi Group Coal Gasification Company
  • Doodle Labs
  • Doogee
  • Doosan Corporation
  • Dorna Sports
  • Dortmund Fire Brigade
  • DoT (Department of Telecommunications, India)
  • Dow
  • Doyle Shipping Group
  • DPOL (Dos Palos Oro Loma) Joint Unified School District
  • DragonWave-X
  • Drakontas
  • DRDC (Defence Research and Development Canada)
  • DriveNets
  • Drone Aviation
  • DroneSense
  • Druid Software
  • DRZ (German Rescue Robotics Center)
  • DSA (Dynamic Spectrum Alliance)
  • DSB (Directorate for Civil Protection, Norway)
  • DSBJ (Suzhou Dongshan Precision Manufacturing)
  • DSTL (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, United Kingdom)
  • DT (Deutsche Telekom)
  • DTAC (Total Access Communication)
  • du (EITC - Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company)
  • Dubai Police
  • Dublin City Council
  • Dublin Fire Brigade
  • Duisburger Hafen
  • Duke Energy
  • Duke University
  • Dundee City Council
  • Duoc UC
  • Duons
  • duotec
  • Durabook (Twinhead International Corporation)
  • Duubee
  • DXC Technology
  • DZS
  • E.ON
  • EA Networks (Electricity Ashburton)
  • Eahison Communication
  • Eastcom (Eastern Communications)
  • Easycom (Shenzhen Easycom Electronics)
  • EasyMile
  • E-Band Communications
  • e-BO Enterprises
  • EBRCSA (East Bay Regional Communications System Authority)
  • EBU (European Broadcasting Union)
  • ECE (European Communications Engineering)
  • Echelon Edge
  • EchoStar Corporation
  • Ecom Instruments
  • Econet Wireless Zimbabwe
  • Ecrio
  • ECT (Hutchison Ports ECT Rotterdam)
  • Edesur Dominicana
  • EDF
  • EDF Renewables
  • Edge Networks
  • Edgecore Networks
  • EdgeQ
  • Edgybees
  • E-Distribución
  • E-Distribuzione
  • edotco Group
  • EDP (Energias de Portugal)
  • EDX Wireless
  • Edzcom
  • EE
  • EEI (Edison Electric Institute)
  • Eesti Energia
  • Efacec
  • Effnet
  • EGC International
  • Egyptian Ministry of Defense
  • eHills Corporation
  • Eiffage Energie Systèmes
  • Eigencomm
  • eino
  • EION Wireless
  • Eir (Eircom)
  • Ekinops
  • Ekobot
  • El Corte Inglés
  • Elbit Systems
  • Eldorado Gold
  • ElectraNet
  • Electricity Canada (Canadian Electricity Association)
  • Elefante Group
  • Elefsis Shipyards
  • Eleko (Spain)
  • Elektro Gorenjska
  • Element Materials Technology
  • Elgaugol
  • E-Lins Technology
  • Elisa
  • Elisa Estonia
  • Elisa Polystar
  • Elistair
  • Elsight
  • Elta Systems
  • Eltex
  • ELUON Corporation
  • ELVA-1
  • Emblasoft
  • Embraer
  • Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation)
  • Embratel
  • EMCO (East Mining Company)
  • Emera
  • Emerging Prairie
  • Emerson
  • Emmerson Resources
  • EMnify
  • Emory Healthcare
  • EMS (Electronic Media Services)
  • ENA (Energy Networks Association)
  • ENACOM (National Communications Agency, Argentina)
  • Enagás
  • Encore Networks
  • Endeavour Energy
  • Endesa
  • Endress+Hauser
  • Enea
  • Enecom (Energia Communications)
  • Enel
  • ENENSYS Technologies
  • Energa-Operator
  • Energex
  • Energizer Mobile (Avenir Telecom)
  • Energy School Service Center
  • EnerSys
  • EnerTribe
  • Enexis
  • ENLETS (European Network of Law Enforcement Technology Services)
  • Entel (Chile)
  • Entel (United Kingdom)
  • ENTELEC (Energy Telecommunications and Electrical Association)
  • Entra Energy
  • Entropia
  • Entropy Solution
  • EOG Resources
  • Eoptolink Technology
  • EOS (Electro Optic Systems)
  • Epiroc
  • EPR (Energy Project Resources)
  • EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute)
  • Equiendo
  • Equinor
  • ERA (European Union Agency for Railways)
  • Eramet
  • Eravant (SAGE Millimeter)
  • Ergon Energy
  • Ericsson
  • Erillisverkot (State Security Networks Group, Finland)
  • Errigal
  • ErvoCom
  • ESA (European Space Agency)
  • ESB Networks
  • Eseye
  • Esharah Etisalat Security Solutions
  • Eskom
  • ESO EAD (Electricity System Operator, Bulgaria)
  • E-Space
  • ESR Pollmeier
  • Estalky (K-Mobile Technology)
  • eTera (Sinotech R&D Group)
  • Ethernity Networks
  • Etherstack
  • Etisalat Group (e&)
  • ETRI (Electronics & Telecommunications Research Institute, South Korea)
  • ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)
  • Etteplan
  • Eureka
  • Eurofins E&E (Electrical and Electronics)
  • Eurona
  • European University of Madrid
  • Eurotech
  • EUTC (European Utilities Telecom Council)
  • Eutelsat Group
  • EUWENA (European Users of Enterprise Wireless Networks Association)
  • Eventide Communications
  • Everbridge
  • Evergy
  • Evolution Mining
  • Evonik Industries
  • evo-rail
  • EWA (Electricity and Water Authority, Bahrain)
  • EWA (Enterprise Wireless Alliance)
  • EWG (East-West Gate) Intermodal Terminal
  • Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital
  • Ewing Police Department
  • Exacom
  • Exaware
  • Excelerate Technology
  • EXEO Group
  • EXFO
  • Exium
  • EXOR International
  • Expandium
  • Expeto
  • Extenet
  • Extreme Networks
  • Exxaro
  • ExxonMobil
  • EY (Ernst & Young)
  • Eyecom Telecommunications Group
  • EZcon Network
  • F2G (Far-Together) Solutions
  • F5
  • Facens University Center
  • Faena Hotel & Forum
  • Fairspectrum
  • Fairwaves
  • Faraday Technology Corporation
  • Faroe Islands Police
  • Fastback Networks
  • FAW Group
  • FCCA (Forestry Conservation Communications Association)
  • FCNT (Fujitsu Connected Technologies)
  • FCPS (Fredericksburg City Public Schools)
  • FCTV (Fukui Cable Television)
  • Federal Engineering
  • Federated Wireless
  • FedEx
  • FEFU (Far Eastern Federal University)
  • Fenix Group
  • Ferrexpo
  • Ferrovial
  • Festipay
  • Festo
  • FET (Far EasTone Telecommunications)
  • FFC (French Cycling Federation)
  • FFG (Fair Friend Group)
  • FFI (Defense Research Establishment, Norway)
  • FGC (Catalan Government Railways)
  • FH Dortmund (Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts)
  • FiberHome Technologies
  • Fibocom
  • Fibrolan
  • FiduciaEdge Technologies
  • FIH Mobile
  • FII (Foxconn Industrial Internet)
  • Filtronic
  • Finavia
  • FINEP (Brazilian Innovation Agency)
  • Fingu (Wuhan Fingu Electronic Technology)
  • FinnHEMS (Finnish Helicopter Emergency Medical Services)
  • Finnish Border Guard
  • Finnish Defense Forces
  • Finnlines
  • Fiplex Communications
  • Fira (Finland)
  • Fira de Barcelona
  • Firecell
  • First Quantum Minerals
  • FirstEnergy
  • FirstGroup
  • FirstNet (First Responder Network) Authority
  • FirstPoint Mobile Guard
  • FIS (International Ski Federation)
  • Fishtech Group
  • Fiskarheden
  • FIT (Foxconn Interconnect Technology)
  • Fivecomm
  • Fives Group
  • Flash Networks
  • Flash Private Mobile Networks
  • Fleet Complete
  • Flex
  • Flex Logix Technologies
  • Flexitron Group
  • Flightcell International
  • FLIR Systems
  • floLIVE
  • FlowCentric Technologies
  • Flymotion
  • FMBE (FMB Engineering)
  • FMJ Group
  • FMV (Defense Materiel Administration, Sweden)
  • Fontana Unified School District
  • Ford Motor Company
  • Formosa Plastics Transport
  • Formula One
  • Føroya Tele (Faroese Telecom)
  • Forsk
  • Forsvarsmateriell (Norwegian Defense Materiel Agency)
  • Fort Worth ISD (Independent School District)
  • Fortescue Metals Group
  • Fortinet
  • Fortress Solutions
  • Fortum
  • Four-Faith Communication Technology
  • FOX Sports
  • Foxconn (Hon Hai Technology Group)
  • FPInnovations
  • Frankfurt University Hospital
  • Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
  • Franklin Wireless
  • Fraport
  • Fraunhofer FOKUS (Institute for Open Communication Systems)
  • Fraunhofer HHI (Heinrich Hertz Institute)
  • Fraunhofer IAO (Institute for Industrial Engineering and Organization)
  • Fraunhofer IEM (Institute for Mechatronic Systems Design)
  • Fraunhofer IIS (Institute for Integrated Circuits)
  • Fraunhofer IOSB-INA (Application Center for Industrial Automation)
  • Fraunhofer IPA (Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation)
  • Fraunhofer IPK (Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology)
  • Fraunhofer IPT (Institute for Production Technology)
  • Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
  • Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines
  • Free Mobile
  • Free Pro
  • Freedom Mobile
  • FreedomFi
  • Freeeway
  • freenet Group
  • Freeport-McMoRan
  • French Air Force
  • French Army
  • French Ministry of Armed Forces
  • French Ministry of Interior
  • Frequencz
  • Frequentis
  • Freshwave Group
  • Frog Cellsat
  • FrontierSI
  • FRTek
  • FSG (Field Solutions Group)
  • FTI Engineering Network
  • FTIA (Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency)
  • FTS (Formula Telecom Solutions)
  • Fujikura
  • Fujitsu
  • Fundación SSG
  • Funk-Electronic Piciorgros
  • Funkwerk
  • Furukawa Electric
  • Furuno Electric
  • FUSD (Fresno Unified School District)
  • Future Technologies Venture
  • Fuzhou Metro
  • Fuzhou Port
  • FYCMA (Málaga Trade Fair and Congress Center)
  • G+D (Giesecke+Devrient)
  • G3 Global
  • Galati Port
  • Galilee Medical Center
  • Galtronics
  • Gamma Nu
  • Gammon Construction
  • Gandi
  • Gapwaves
  • Garderos
  • Gazprom Neft
  • Gazprom Space Systems
  • GCF (Global Certification Forum)
  • GCT Semiconductor
  • GD (General Devices)
  • GDIT (General Dynamics Information Technology)
  • GDRFA-Dubai (General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs, Dubai)
  • GE (General Electric)
  • GE Digital
  • GE HealthCare
  • GE Renewable Energy
  • Geely Auto
  • GEKA Telecom
  • Gemtek Technology
  • General Dynamics
  • General Dynamics Mission Systems
  • Generalitat Valenciana
  • Genesis Group
  • Genew Technologies
  • Genmix Technology
  • George Mason University
  • Geotab
  • GeoTraq
  • Geoverse (Commnet Wireless)
  • Gerdau
  • Gestamp
  • Getac Technology Corporation
  • Gewei (Wuhan Gewei Electronic Technology)
  • GF (GlobalFoundries)
  • GF Machining Solutions
  • GFO Investments
  • GGD (Municipal Health Service) Brabant-Zuidoost
  • Gidarjil Development Corporation
  • GIGABYTE Technology
  • Gigalane
  • Gigamon
  • GigaMonster
  • GigaTera Communications
  • GigSky
  • Gilat Satellite Networks
  • GL Communications
  • Glanbia
  • Glencore
  • Global Omnium
  • Global Telecom
  • Globalgig
  • Globalstar
  • Globe Telecom
  • Globe Tracker
  • Glocall Telecoms
  • Glydways
  • GM (General Motors)
  • GMO Internet Group
  • GMP (Green Mountain Power)
  • GMR Group
  • GO Internet (Italy)
  • Gogo Business Aviation
  • Gold Fields
  • Gold Road Resources
  • GoldNet
  • Goodman Telecom Services
  • Goodmill Systems
  • Google
  • Goosetown Communications
  • Gore (W. L. Gore & Associates)
  • Gosuncn Group
  • GosuncnWelink Technology
  • Götting KG
  • GPMM (Grand Port Maritime de Marseille-Fos)
  • Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque
  • Grange Resources
  • Granit Enterprise (Belarus)
  • Granite Telecommunications
  • Grant County Sheriff's Office (Wisconsin)
  • Grant Thornton
  • Grape One
  • Greek Police
  • Green Communications
  • Green Packet
  • Greenet (Netherlands)
  • Green-GO Digital (ELC Lighting)
  • GreenPalm (Hangzhou GreenPalm Technology)
  • GrenTech
  • Grid Communications
  • GridGears
  • Grolleau
  • Groningen Seaports
  • Groundhog Technologies
  • Groupe ADP
  • Groupe Rémabec
  • GroupTalk
  • Grundfos
  • Grupo Alava
  • Grupo Globo
  • Grupo ICE
  • Grupo México
  • GS Lab (Great Software Laboratory)
  • GSA (Global Mobile Suppliers Association)
  • GSI (GS Instech)/GST (GS Teletech)
  • GSMA (GSM Association)
  • GTA (Global Technology Associates)
  • GTAA (Greater Toronto Airports Authority)
  • GTRK Vladivostok (Vladivostok State TV and Radio Company)
  • Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital
  • Guangxi Liuzhou Iron and Steel Group
  • Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport
  • Guangzhou Gosuncn Robot
  • Guangzhou Metro
  • Guangzhou Port Group
  • Guardia Civil (Spanish Civil Guard)
  • Guàrdia Urbana de Barcelona (Barcelona Urban Guard)
  • Guavus
  • Guerrilla RF
  • Guident
  • Guiyang Metro
  • Guiyang Public Security Bureau
  • Guizhou Tyre
  • GUTMA (Global UTM Association)
  • GVB (Amsterdam Transport Company)
  • GWTCA (Government Wireless Technology & Communications Association)
  • GXC (Formerly GenXComm)
  • HAAS Alert
  • Haasrode Research Park
  • Haier
  • Hainan Meilan International Airport Company
  • Haivision
  • HAKOM (Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries)
  • Halton Regional Police Service
  • Halys
  • Hamburg Port Authority
  • HaminaKotka Satama
  • Hampshire Fire & Rescue Service
  • Hampton Valley Forge Volunteer Fire Department
  • Hancock State Prison
  • Hancom MDS
  • Handheld Group
  • Handsfree Group
  • Hangzhou Boss Electric Appliance
  • Hangzhou Metro
  • Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport
  • Hanjin Busan Newport
  • Hankyu Hanshin Holdings
  • Hansen Technologies
  • Hanshin Cable Engineering
  • Hanshin Electric Railway
  • Hanswell
  • Hanwha Defense
  • Hanwha Techwin
  • HAPSMobile
  • Harbor Max
  • HarborLink Network
  • HarborTech Mobility
  • HARMAN DTS (Digital Transformation Solutions)
  • Harvilon (Shenzhen Harvilon Technology)
  • Haventure
  • Hawe Telekom
  • Hawk Networks (Althea)
  • Haystax Technology
  • HBFEC (Hebei Far East Communication System Engineering)
  • HCL Technologies
  • HCU (HafenCity University Hamburg)
  • Heathgate Resources
  • Heathrow Commercial Telecoms
  • Hebei Port Group
  • Hefei Metro
  • HEIA-FR (School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg)
  • Helios (Fujian Helios Technologies)
  • Helios Park Hospital Leipzig
  • Helium Foundation
  • Hellas Gold
  • Hellas Sat
  • Henan Energy & Chemical Industry Group
  • Henan Province Airport Group
  • Henan Shenhuo Group
  • Hengshen Group
  • Hengtong (Jiangsu Hengtong Optic-Electric)
  • Hengxin (Jiangsu Hengxin Technology)
  • Henkel
  • HERE Technologies
  • Heriot-Watt University
  • Heropolis
  • Herøya Industrial Park
  • Herystorm (Guangzhou Herystorm Technology)
  • HES-SO (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland)
  • Het Vertrouwde Dorp
  • Hexagon
  • Hexagon Communication (Suzhou Hexagon Communication Technologies)
  • Hexagon Wireless
  • HFCL
  • HFR Networks
  • HFT Stuttgart (Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences)
  • HG Genuine
  • HGTECH (Huagong Technology)
  • HHI (Hyundai Heavy Industries)
  • HHLA Sky
  • Hibiki Seiki
  • Highstreet Technologies
  • Highway9 Networks
  • HII (Huntington Ingalls Industries)
  • Hikvision (Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology)
  • Hilinks Technology
  • Hillebrand Coating (Rudolf Hillebrand)
  • Hip Hing Engineering
  • HipLink Software
  • Hiroshima Gas
  • Hiroshima University
  • Hirschmann
  • Hisense
  • HiSilicon Technologies
  • Hitachi
  • Hitachi Construction Machinery
  • Hitachi Energy
  • Hitachi Kokusai Electric
  • Hitachi Rail
  • Hitachi Vantara
  • HKCEC (Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center)
  • HKMPB (Hong Kong Maritime and Port Board)
  • HKPC (Hong Kong Productivity Council)
  • HKT
  • HKTech (Howking Tech)
  • HKUST (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
  • HLS (HARD-LINE Solutions)
  • HMD Global
  • HMDC (Hibernia Management and Development Company)
  • HMF Smart Solutions
  • HMI Technologies
  • HMS Networks
  • Hoban Construction
  • Hohhot Public Security Bureau
  • Hoimyung ICT
  • Hokkaido Electric Power Company
  • Holmen Iggesund
  • Hologram
  • HoME (Hochschule Merseburg University of Applied Sciences)
  • Honbridge Holdings
  • Honda Motor Company
  • Honeywell International
  • Hong Kong Hospital Authority
  • Hong Kong Police Force
  • Hongdian Corporation
  • Horizon Powered
  • Hospital Clínic de Barcelona
  • Hospital das Clínicas (São Paulo)
  • Hospital Quirónsalud Málaga
  • Hospital Universitario de La Princesa
  • Houari Boumediene Airport
  • Houston Methodist
  • Hoverfly Technologies
  • Howard University
  • Howest University of Applied Sciences
  • HP
  • HPA (Hamburg Port Authority)
  • HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise)
  • HQT (Shenzhen HQT Science and Technology)
  • HSC (Hughes Systique Corporation)
  • HSG (Haslam Sports Group)
  • Hsinchu City Fire Department
  • HTC Corporation
  • Huahuan (Beijing Huahuan Electronics)
  • Hualapai Nation Police Department
  • Huaptec
  • Huawei
  • Hub One (Groupe ADP)
  • HUCOM Wireless
  • Hudbay Minerals
  • Hughes Network Systems
  • Human Horizons
  • Humanitas Research Hospital
  • Hunan Highway Police
  • Hungarian Ministry of Interior
  • Hunter Technology
  • Huoshenshan Hospital
  • Huozhou Coal & Electricity Group
  • Hurst Greenery
  • HUS (Helsinki University Hospital)
  • HUST (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
  • Hutchison Drei Austria
  • Hutchison Ports
  • HXI (Renaissance Electronics & Communications)
  • Hyatt Hotels Corporation
  • Hydro-Québec
  • Hyperbat
  • Hypha (Wireless Innovation)
  • Hytec Inter
  • Hytera Communications
  • Hyundai Construction Equipment
  • Hyundai Doosan Infracore
  • Hyundai E&C (Engineering & Construction)
  • Hyundai Mobis
  • Hyundai Motor Group
  • Hyundai Robotics
  • Hyundai Rotem
  • i.safe MOBILE
  • i2i Systems
  • IAG (International Airlines Group)
  • IAI (Israel Aerospace Industries)
  • iBASIS
  • IBC (International Broadcasting Convention)
  • Iberdrola
  • IBM
  • IBO Technology Company
  • IB-RED
  • iBwave Solutions
  • Icade
  • iCana
  • ICASA (Independent Communications Authority of South Africa)
  • ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China)
  • ICCRA (International Critical Control Rooms Alliance)
  • Ice Mobility
  • Ice Norway
  • iCERT (Industry Council for Emergency Response Technologies)
  • ICG (Icelandic Coast Guard)
  • ICL Group
  • ICN (Imizu Cable Network)
  • ICOE (Imperial County Office of Education)
  • Icom
  • Iconec
  • iConNext
  • ICS Holding
  • ICU Technologies
  • ID:TOLU (Research and Development Laboratory of Tolú)
  • iDAQS
  • Idemitsu
  • IDF (Israel Defense Forces)
  • IDY Corporation
  • IE University
  • IEC (Illinois Electric Cooperative)
  • IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
  • IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)
  • ifak (Institute for Automation and Communication)
  • IFLY Electronics
  • ifm
  • IFT (Federal Institute of Telecommunications, Mexico)
  • IGO (Australia)
  • IGOF (International Governmental Operators' Forum)
  • IHG (InterContinental Hotels Group)
  • IHI Corporation
  • IHU Strasbourg (Strasbourg Institute of Image-Guided Surgery)
  • IIJ (Internet Initiative Japan)
  • IISc (Indian Institute of Science)
  • IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) Bombay
  • IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) Delhi
  • IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) Hyderabad
  • IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) Kanpur
  • IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) Madras
  • IKIN
  • Iliad Group
  • IM Technology
  • Imagin'Office
  • IMAmt (Mato Grosso Cotton Institute)
  • IMDA (Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore)
  • Imec
  • Imperial Oil
  • IMR (Irish Manufacturing Research)
  • IMSC (Interim Māori Spectrum Commission)
  • IMT (Institut Mines-Telecom)
  • IMT-2030 (6G) Promotion Group
  • Inaba Denki Sangyo
  • Inatel (National Institute of Telecommunications, Brazil)
  • InCoax Networks
  • Indian Army
  • Indian Railways
  • Indianapolis Fire Department
  • Indianapolis Motor Speedway
  • Indotel (Dominican Institute of Telecommunications)
  • Indra
  • Industrial Minera México
  • iNET (Infrastructure Networks)
  • INEX Microtechnology
  • Infineon Technologies
  • Infinera
  • InfiNet Wireless
  • InfiniG
  • Infinite Electronics
  • Infomark Corporation
  • Infosys
  • Infovista
  • InHand Networks
  • INL (Idaho National Laboratory)
  • Inland Cellular
  • Inmanta
  • Inmarsat
  • Innertron
  • InnoGence Technology
  • InnoLight Technology
  • Innonet
  • Innosuisse (Swiss Innovation Agency)
  • Innovalia
  • Innovate5G
  • Innovation Cluster 5G Berlin
  • Innovile
  • InnoWireless
  • inq
  • In-Q-Tel
  • Inria (French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology)
  • Inrico Technologies
  • Inseego Corporation
  • Inspur
  • Insta Group
  • Instant Connect
  • InstantCom (Romania)
  • INSTEP (Institut Teknologi Petroleum PETRONAS)
  • INSYS icom (INSYS Microelectronics)
  • Intec E&C
  • Intel Corporation
  • Intelbras
  • Intelliport Solutions
  • Intelsat
  • Intenna Systems
  • InterDigital
  • Internet Institute (Slovenia)
  • Interop Technologies
  • InterTalk Critical Information Systems
  • Intracom Telecom
  • Intrado Corporation
  • Intrepid Networks
  • Inventec Corporation
  • Invest Ottawa
  • INWIT (Infrastrutture Wireless Italiane)
  • IOH (Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison)
  • IoT4Net
  • IoTAS (IoT & Approval Solutions)
  • Iowa State University
  • IP Infusion
  • IP-Connected
  • IPITEK (Integrated Photonics Technology)
  • IPL (Incitec Pivot Limited)
  • IPLOOK Technologies
  • iPosi
  • IPT (Institute for Technological Research, São Paulo)
  • IPT (Internet para Todos) Peru
  • Iradio Electronics
  • Iraqi Ministry of Defense
  • IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital
  • Iren
  • Iridium Communications
  • ISA (International Society of Automation)
  • Isala Hospital
  • ISCO International
  • iSea
  • ISED (Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada)
  • Iserlohner Werkstätten
  • Ishizaka Sangyo
  • ISIS Logiciels & Systèmes (ILS Technologies)
  • ISP Supplies
  • Israel Fire and Rescue Authority
  • Israel Police
  • Israel Railways
  • Israeli Ministry of Communications
  • Israeli Ministry of Defense
  • IS-Wireless
  • IT Aveiro (Instituto de Telecomunicações, Aveiro)
  • Italian Army
  • Italian Ministry of Defense
  • Italian Ministry of Interior
  • Italtel
  • I-TEC Solutions
  • ITN (Independent Television News)
  • ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan)
  • Itron
  • ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
  • IVO (Valencian Institute of Oncology)
  • IWT (Innovative Wireless Technologies)
  • Jabil
  • JACS Solutions
  • JAL (Japan Airlines)
  • Jalles Machado
  • Jan De Nul Group
  • JATONTEC (Jaton Technology)
  • JBG SMITH Properties
  • JCI (Japan Communications Inc.)
  • JD Logistics
  • Jellinbah Group
  • JEMS (Japan EM Solutions)
  • JET Connectivity
  • Jezetek (Sichuan Jiuzhou Electric Group)
  • JFE Steel
  • Jiangsu Gian Technology
  • Jiangxi Copper Corporation
  • Jiaxun Feihong (Beijing Jiaxun Feihong Electrical)
  • Jinan Metro
  • Jinan USR IoT Technology
  • Jinan Yaoqiang International Airport
  • Jinchuan Group
  • Jio Platforms
  • JIT (JI Technology)
  • JMA Wireless
  • JMPD (Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department)
  • JNT (Jakobstadsnejdens Telefon)
  • João Gonçalves Zarco Secondary School
  • John Deere
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • Johnson Controls
  • Jordanian Armed Forces
  • JOTS (Joint Operators Technical Specification) Forum
  • Joyson PlasTec
  • JPC Connectivity
  • JPS Interoperability Solutions
  • JQL Technologies
  • JR East (East Japan Railway Company)
  • JRC (Japan Radio Company)
  • JRC (Joint Radio Company)
  • JRP (Japan Race Promotion)
  • JSC Ingenium
  • JT IoT
  • JTC Corporation
  • Juniper Networks
  • Junkosha
  • Juvare
  • JVCKENWOOD Corporation
  • K LINE (Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha)
  • KAC (Korea Airports Corporation)
  • Kacific Broadband Satellites
  • Kaelus
  • Kaga Cable Television
  • KAI (Korea Aerospace Industries)
  • Kaifa (Shenzen Kaifa Technology)
  • Kailuan Group
  • Kaiser Permanente
  • Kajeet
  • Kalamazoo Resources
  • Kalmar
  • Kaloom
  • Kalray
  • Kansai Electric Power Company
  • Kantonspolizei St.Gallen (Cantonal Police of St. Gallen)
  • Kantonspolizei Zürich (Cantonal Police of Zurich)
  • Kaohsiung City Government
  • Karara Mining
  • KATCH Network
  • Katela Networks
  • Kawasaki Heavy Industries
  • Kazan Metro
  • Kazzinc
  • KBR
  • KBT (Kenbotong Technology)
  • KCC (Korea Communications Commission)
  • KCCS (Kyocera Communication Systems)
  • Kcell
  • KCOE (Kings County Office of Education)
  • KDDI Corporation
  • KDSG (Kaduna State Government)
  • Keikyu Corporation (Keikyu Electric Railway)
  • Kelly Services
  • Kementerian Kominfo (Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Indonesia)
  • Kemin Satama
  • Kenyan Police Service
  • KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corporation)
  • Key Bridge Wireless
  • Keysight Technologies
  • Keystone Metrofiber
  • KHNP (Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power)
  • Kiana Analytics
  • KICOX (Korea Industrial Complex Corporation)
  • Kigen
  • Kindai University
  • Kindroid (Shanghai Jinzhuo Technology)
  • King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital
  • King's College London
  • Kirisun Communications
  • Kisan Telecom
  • KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
  • KIT (Kumoh National Institute of Technology)
  • KKU (Khon Kaen University)
  • KLA Laboratories
  • Klas Telecom
  • Klein Electronics
  • Kleos
  • Klimaopreme
  • KMA (Korea Military Academy)
  • KMW
  • Knightscope
  • KNPA (Korean National Police Agency)
  • Kobe University
  • Koblenz University of Applied Sciences
  • Koch Engineered Solutions
  • Koch Industries
  • Koelnmesse
  • Kolibri Systems
  • Kollmorgen
  • Komatsu
  • KOMIPO (Korea Midland Power)
  • KONE Corporation
  • Konecranes
  • Konica Minolta
  • Koning & Hartman (Axians/VINCI Energies)
  • Kontron
  • Kontron Transportation
  • KORAIL (Korea Railroad Corporation)
  • KORE Wireless
  • KOREN (Korea Advanced Research Network)
  • KPCN (Dutch Caribbean Police Force)
  • KPMG
  • KPN
  • KRC Genk
  • KRNA (Korea Rail Network Authority)
  • KRRI (Korea Railroad Research Institute)
  • KSEC (Kunming Shipbuilding Equipment Corporation)
  • KT Corporation
  • KT SAT
  • KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • KU (Kasetsart University)
  • KU Leuven
  • Kudelski Group
  • Kudelski Security
  • KUKA
  • Kumagai Gumi
  • Kumu Networks
  • Kuraray
  • KVSC (Kankakee Valley School Corporation)
  • K-water (Korea Water Resources Corporation)
  • K-Won
  • Kyland Technology
  • Kymeta Corporation
  • KymiRing
  • Kyndryl
  • Kyocera Corporation
  • Kyrio
  • Kyushu Electric Power Company
  • Kyushu Institute of Technology
  • Kyushu University
  • KZ TECH (KZ Broadband Technologies)
  • L&T (Larsen & Toubro)
  • L&T Heavy Engineering
  • L3Harris Technologies
  • LACROIX Environment
  • LACROIX Group
  • Laird Connectivity
  • Landis+Gyr
  • Landmark Dividend
  • Langkawi Municipal Council
  • Lanner Electronics
  • Lantronix
  • Lanzhou Rail Transit
  • Laois County Council
  • LA-RICS (Los Angeles Regional Interoperable Communications System)
  • Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department
  • Lattice Semiconductor
  • Latvian Ministry of Defense
  • Lawrence J. Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine
  • LCR Embedded Systems
  • LCRA (Lower Colorado River Authority)
  • Leataata Floyd Elementary School
  • Lebanese Ministry of Interior and Municipalities
  • Lebanon's ISF (Internal Security Forces)
  • LEC
  • Leenos Corporation
  • Leidos
  • Lekha Wireless Solutions
  • Lemko Corporation
  • Lenovo
  • Leonardo
  • Leuven Police
  • Lextrum
  • LF (Linux Foundation)
  • LfULG (Saxony State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology)
  • LG Chem
  • LG CNS
  • LG Corporation
  • LG Electronics
  • LG Innotek
  • LG Uplus
  • LGS Innovations
  • Liaoning Provincial People's Hospital
  • Liberty Global
  • Lierda Science & Technology Group
  • Lifecycle Software
  • Ligado Networks
  • Lightron
  • Lijiang Police
  • Lime Microsystems
  • Linde Energi
  • Lindsay Broadband
  • Linkem
  • Linksys
  • Linx Technologies
  • Linyi Qiyang International Airport
  • LIONS Technology
  • Lisheng Fujian Communications
  • Lishui Municipal Emergency Management Bureau
  • LITE-ON Technology Corporation
  • LitePoint
  • Little Priest Tribal College
  • LittleBird (LevelUp)
  • LiuGong Machinery
  • Live Nation Entertainment
  • LiveU
  • LMCC (Land Mobile Communications Council)
  • LNER (London North Eastern Railway)
  • LNWH (London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust)
  • Lociva
  • Lockheed Martin Corporation
  • Lockheed Martin Space
  • Lodz University of Technology
  • Logan Aluminum
  • Logicalis
  • LogicTree IT Solutions
  • Longsung Technology
  • Lookout
  • LS Mtron
  • LS telcom
  • LSU Schäberle
  • LTE-X
  • LTTS (L&T Technology Services)
  • Lübeck Port Authority
  • Lucca 5G Testbed
  • Luceor
  • Lufthansa Technik
  • Luka Koper
  • Luleå University of Technology
  • Lumen Technologies
  • Lumentum
  • Lumineye
  • Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli
  • Lundin Mining Corporation
  • LUSD (Lindsay Unified School District)
  • LUT University (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology)
  • Luther Burbank School District
  • LuxCarta
  • Luxoft
  • Lyfo
  • Lynchburg City Schools
  • Lynk Global
  • Lyse
  • M & J Wilkow
  • M/C Partners
  • M1
  • m3connect
  • M4PS (Mobility 4 Public Safety)
  • MAC (Metropolitan Airports Commission)
  • MACA Mining
  • MACC Base (Milford Area Communications Center)
  • Madagascar National Police
  • MadCo 911 (Huntsville-Madison County 9-1-1 System)
  • Madison International Realty
  • Madrid Metro
  • Maebashi City Fire Department
  • Maehara Elementary School
  • MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan)
  • Magic Software Group
  • Magna Steyr
  • Magnaquest Technologies
  • Magyar Telekom
  • Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital
  • Mahidol University
  • Maipu Communication Technology
  • Maja Systems
  • Makati City DRRMO (Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Office)
  • Málaga City Council
  • Málaga Local Police
  • Málaga Port Authority
  • Málaga TechPark - PTA (Andalusia Technology Park)
  • Mälarenergi
  • Malaysia Airports
  • Mammoth Lakes Fire Protection District
  • Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group
  • MantisNet
  • Manufacturers Alliance
  • MAPA (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply, Brazil)
  • MarchNet
  • Marfret
  • Marlink
  • Marquistech
  • Martin UAV
  • Marubeni Corporation
  • Marubeni Network Solutions
  • Marubun Corporation
  • Marvell Technology
  • Mathworks
  • Matrix Electrónica
  • MATRIXX Software
  • MatSing
  • Maven Wireless
  • Mavenir
  • Maxar Technologies
  • MaxComm
  • Maxis
  • MaxLinear
  • MBIE (Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, New Zealand)
  • MBPJ (Petaling Jaya City Council)
  • MC Technologies
  • McAllen ISD (Independent School District)
  • MCAS (Michigan City Area Schools)
  • MCLabs
  • McLaren Applied
  • McMaster University
  • MCMC (Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission)
  • MCP (Mission Critical Partners)
  • MCS Benelux
  • MCSD (Murray City School District)
  • Mdex
  • MEASAT Satellite Systems
  • MECSware
  • Media Broadcast
  • Médiane Système
  • Mediaset Spain
  • MediaTek
  • Meeami Technologies
  • MegaChips Corporation
  • MegaFon
  • Megh Computing
  • Meglab
  • MeiG Smart Technology
  • Meizu
  • Meliá Hotels International
  • Memorial Health System
  • Mentura Group
  • Menzies Mining & Exploration Operations
  • MER Group
  • Mercedes-Benz Group
  • Merck Group
  • Mesa Public Schools
  • MESS (Turkish Employers' Association of Metal Industries)
  • Messe Berlin
  • Meta
  • Metalloinvest
  • Metanoia Communications
  • Metaswitch Networks
  • Metawave Corporation
  • Metismake
  • Metro Trains Melbourne
  • MetTel
  • Mexican National Guard (Formerly Federal Police)
  • MFA (MulteFire Alliance)
  • MGA Technologies
  • MGM Resorts International
  • MHA (Ministry of Home Affairs, Singapore)
  • MHD (Muhan Digital)
  • Miami-Dade Police Department
  • MIC (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan)
  • MIC Nordic
  • MICAS-RF (MICAS Shenzhen Telecommunication)
  • Michigan National Guard
  • MiCOM Labs
  • Micran
  • Microamp Solutions
  • Microchip Technology
  • Microlab
  • Micron Technology
  • MicroNova
  • MicroSeismic
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Microwave Networks
  • MiCTA
  • Mid Sweden University
  • Midea Group
  • Miele
  • MIIT (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China)
  • MikroTik
  • Mikwave (Guangdong Mikwave Communication Tech)
  • Milesight
  • Milestone Systems
  • Miliwave
  • Mill Creek Residential Trust
  • Miller Electric Company
  • MilWorks Solutions
  • MiMOMax
  • Minas Gerais State Military Police
  • MindMade (WB Group)
  • MineRP
  • Mines Nancy
  • Minnesota Department of Public Safety
  • MIPS
  • MiR (Mobile Industrial Robots)
  • MIRAIT ONE Corporation
  • Misawa Homes
  • MiTAC Computing Technology Corporation
  • MitraStar Technology
  • MITRE Corporation
  • Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
  • Mitsubishi Estate
  • Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
  • Mitsui & Co.
  • Mitsui Fudosan
  • Mitsui Resources
  • MKI (Mitsui Knowledge Industry)
  • ml&s
  • MLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan)
  • MLT (Maskin & Laserteknik)
  • MMG
  • MMK (Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works)
  • MMU (Multimedia University)
  • MND (Ministry of National Defense, South Korea)
  • MOBI (Mobi Antenna Technologies)
  • Mobilaris
  • Mobile Mark
  • Mobile Tornado
  • Mobile Viewpoint
  • MobileComm Professionals (UST)
  • MobileDemand
  • MobileIron
  • MobileTek (Shanghai Mobiletek Communication)
  • Mobileum
  • Mobilicom
  • Mobilitie
  • Mobily (Etihad Etisalat)
  • Mobiveil
  • MOD (Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom)
  • Modular Mining Systems
  • Moerdijk Port Authority
  • MOF (Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, South Korea)
  • MOIS (Ministry of the Interior and Safety, South Korea)
  • Molex
  • Mondelēz International
  • Monmouth County Sheriff's Office
  • Monogoto
  • Moray Offshore Renewable Power
  • Mori Building Company
  • Morningcore Technology
  • Morningstar Corporation
  • Morris School District
  • Mortenson
  • Moscow City Police
  • Moseley Associates
  • MosoLabs
  • Motive Infrastructure Solutions
  • MotorLand Aragón
  • Motorola Mobility
  • Motorola Solutions
  • Mott MacDonald
  • Mountain View Whisman School District
  • Movandi
  • Movistar Chile
  • Moxa
  • MP Antenna
  • MPA (Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore)
  • MPF (Mauritius Police Force)
  • MPS (Ministry of Public Security, China)
  • MRC (Mobile Radio Center)
  • MRK Media
  • MRS Logística
  • MRT Technology (Suzhou)
  • MSB (Civil Contingencies Agency, Sweden)
  • MSB (M S Benbow & Associates)
  • MSIT (Ministry of Science and ICT, South Korea)
  • MST Global (Mine Site Technologies)
  • MT (Marine Technologies)
  • MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York)
  • MTC (Manufacturing Technology Centre, United Kingdom)
  • MTI (Microelectronics Technology Inc.)
  • MTI Wireless Edge
  • MTN Group
  • MTR (Mass Transit Railway)
  • MTS (Mobile TeleSystems)
  • MTU Aero Engines
  • MultiTech (Multi-Tech Systems)
  • Munich Airport
  • Municipal Council of Cascais
  • MuralNet
  • Murata Manufacturing
  • Mushroom Networks
  • Mutualink
  • MVI Group
  • MVM Group
  • MxD (Manufacturing x Digital)
  • Mynaric
  • MYT Electronics
  • N.A.T.
  • Nabiq
  • Nable Communications
  • Nacka Energi
  • Nagasaki University Hospital
  • Nagoya Grampus
  • NAIST (Nara Institute of Science and Technology)
  • Nanjing Lukou International Airport
  • Nanjing Metro
  • Nanjing Municipal Government
  • Nanning Public Security Bureau
  • Nanning Wuxu International Airport
  • NanoSemi
  • Napatech
  • Naragakuen University
  • Narita International Airport
  • NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing)
  • Nash Technologies
  • National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • National Defense Medical College (Japan)
  • National Grid Group
  • National Police of Colombia
  • National Police of the Netherlands
  • NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
  • Naval Group
  • Navantia
  • NAVER Cloud
  • NAVER Corporation
  • Navya
  • NBA (National Basketball Association)
  • NBTC (National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, Thailand)
  • NC State (North Carolina State University)
  • NCC (National Communications Commission, Taiwan)
  • NCC (National Composites Centre, United Kingdom)
  • NCRTC (National Capital Regional Transport Corporation)
  • NCSR (National Center for Scientific Research) Demokritos
  • NDHU (National Dong Hwa University)
  • NEA (National Environment Agency, Singapore)
  • Nearby Computing
  • NEC Corporation
  • Nedaa
  • NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Japan)
  • Nemergent Solutions
  • Nemko
  • Neoenergia
  • Neolink Communications Technology
  • NEOM
  • NeoPlane
  • Neoway Technology
  • Neptune Communications
  • Neragon Networks
  • Neste
  • Nesten
  • Nestlé
  • Net AI
  • Net One Partners
  • Net1 PH (Broadband Everywhere Corporation)
  • Netaş
  • NETBEE (NET-Automation)
  • NetCity (GEOS Telecom/GEOS Holding)
  • Netcracker Technology
  • NetFoundry
  • Netgear
  • NetGenuity
  • Netivei Israel (National Transport Infrastructure Company)
  • NetModule
  • Netmore Group
  • NetNordic Group
  • NETSCOUT Systems
  • Netsia
  • Netsync Network Solutions
  • Netvision Telecom
  • Network Rail
  • Netz Leipzig
  • Neutral Wireless
  • Neutroon Technologies
  • Nevada Department of Transportation
  • New H3C Technologies
  • New Hampshire Department of Safety
  • New Postcom Equipment
  • New Trend International Logis-Tech
  • New Zealand Police
  • NewCore Wireless
  • Newcrest Mining
  • NewEdge Signal Solutions
  • Newmont Corporation
  • Newport Utilities
  • NEXCOM International
  • Nexedi
  • Nexign
  • Nexpring
  • Next.e.GO Mobile
  • NextGen (Japan)
  • Nextivity
  • NextNav
  • NextWave
  • Nextworks
  • NFL (National Football League)
  • ng4T
  • NGA (Next G Alliance)
  • NGK Group (NGK Insulators)
  • NGMN (Next-Generation Mobile Networks) Alliance
  • ng-voice
  • NHL (National Hockey League)
  • NHS (National Health Service, United Kingdom)
  • NI (National Instruments)
  • Niam
  • NICC (Nebraska Indian Community College)
  • NICE
  • NICE TV (Niikawa Information Center)
  • Nigeria Police Force
  • NimbeLink
  • NineTwelve
  • Ningbo Rail Transit
  • Ningbo-Zhoushan Port
  • Ningxia Baofeng Energy Group
  • Nippon Airport Radio Services
  • Nippon Dentsu
  • Nippon Express
  • Nippon Steel Corporation
  • Niral Networks
  • Nissan Motor Company
  • Nitto Denko Corporation
  • NKG (New Kinpo Group)
  • Nkom (Norwegian Communications Authority)
  • NLT Telecom
  • NMIS (National Manufacturing Institute Scotland)
  • NMU (Northern Michigan University)
  • NNS (Newport News Shipbuilding)
  • Node-H
  • Noetsu Cablenet
  • Nokia
  • Nomad Digital
  • Nopparat Rajathanee Hospital
  • Nordic Semiconductor
  • Nordic Telecom
  • Nornickel (Norilsk Nickel)
  • Norsat International
  • Norske tog
  • North Lanarkshire Council
  • North Weijiamao Coal Power
  • Northeastern University
  • Norther (Belgium)
  • Northern Powergrid
  • Northern Star Resources
  • Northland Power
  • Northrop Grumman Corporation
  • Northumbrian Water
  • Northwest Seaport Alliance
  • Norwegian Air Ambulance
  • Norwegian Armed Forces
  • Norwegian Police Service
  • NOS (Portugal)
  • NOTION Information Technology
  • Nottinghamshire County Council
  • Nova Labs (Helium)
  • NOVA Spektrum
  • NovaWind
  • Novo Resources
  • NPL (National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom)
  • NPS (Naval Postgraduate School)
  • NRB (Network Research Belgium)
  • NRECA (National Rural Electric Cooperative Association)
  • NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation)
  • NS (Nederlandse Spoorwegen)
  • NS Solutions Corporation
  • NSC (National Spectrum Consortium)
  • Nsight
  • NSU (Nova Southeastern University)
  • NSW (New South Wales) Telco Authority
  • NT (National Telecom)
  • NTC Corporation (Japan)
  • NTMA (National Treasury Management Agency, Ireland)
  • NTMore (Network Technology More)
  • NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
  • NTT AgriTechnology
  • NTT Business Solutions
  • NTT Com (NTT Communications)
  • NTT DoCoMo
  • NTT East
  • NTT Group
  • NTT West
  • NTTe-Sports
  • NTU (Nanyang Technological University)
  • NTU (Navajo Technical University)
  • NTU (Nottingham Trent University)
  • Nubia Technology
  • Nuestra Señora del Prado General Hospital
  • NUH (National University Hospital)
  • NuLink (Switzerland)
  • NuRAN Wireless
  • Nürburgring Motorsports Complex
  • Nurlink Technology
  • NürnbergMesse
  • NUS (National University of Singapore)
  • Nutaq Innovation
  • Nutrien
  • NVIDIA Corporation
  • NVision Group
  • NVL (Naval Vessels Lürssen) Group
  • NXP Semiconductors
  • NYCU (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)
  • NYP (Nanyang Polytechnic)
  • NYPA (New York Power Authority)
  • NYPL (New York Public Library)
  • O2 Czech Republic
  • Oakland Fire Department
  • Oasis Smart SIM
  • Obayashi Corporation
  • OBB (Austrian Federal Railways)
  • Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
  • OC Transpo
  • Ocado
  • Ocado Technology
  • Oceaneering International
  • Oceus Networks
  • OCP (Open Compute Project) Foundation
  • Octasic
  • O-Cubes
  • ODN (Orbital Data Network)
  • OE Solutions
  • OFCA (Office of the Communications Authority, Hong Kong)
  • Ofcom (Office of Communications, United Kingdom)
  • OFS Fitel
  • Ohmio
  • Oi
  • OIV Digital Signals and Networks
  • Okaya Steel
  • OKI Electric Industry
  • OMA SpecWorks (Open Mobile Alliance)
  • Omega Wireless
  • Omnispace
  • Omnitele
  • Omnitron Systems
  • Omnitronics
  • OMRON Corporation
  • OMSS (Oakland Maritime Support Services)
  • ONCF (Moroccan National Railways Office)
  • Ondas Networks
  • One New Zealand (Vodafone New Zealand)
  • One2many
  • one6G Association
  • OneLayer
  • OnePlus
  • OneScreen
  • OneSimCard
  • OneWeb
  • ONEX Technology Systems & Business Solutions
  • ONF (Open Networking Foundation)
  • OnGo Alliance
  • Onomondo
  • Ontix
  • Onwave
  • Ooredoo
  • Opanga Networks
  • OPC Foundation
  • Open Edge Computing Initiative
  • Open RAN Policy Coalition
  • Open Valley
  • Opencode Systems
  • Openet
  • OpenInfra (Open Infrastructure) Foundation
  • OpenSky (Nigeria)
  • OPPO
  • O'Prueba Technology
  • OptConnect
  • Optical Zonu Corporation
  • Opticoms
  • Optimum Mobile (Altice USA)
  • Option
  • Optiva
  • Optus (Singtel)
  • OQ Technology
  • Oracle Communications
  • Oracle Corporation
  • O-RAN Alliance
  • Orange
  • Orange Belgium
  • Orange Business Services
  • Orange Poland
  • Orange Romania
  • Orange Spain
  • ORE (Offshore Renewable Energy) Catapult
  • Ori Industries
  • Origin Energy
  • Orion Labs
  • ORS Group (Austrian Broadcasting Services)
  • ørsted
  • OSA (OpenAirInterface Software Alliance)
  • Osaka Gas
  • Osaka Metro
  • Osaka University
  • Oscilloquartz
  • OSIsoft
  • Oslo University Hospital
  • OsloMet (Oslo Metropolitan University)
  • Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences
  • OTE Group
  • OTH Amberg-Weiden (East Bavarian Technical University of Applied Sciences)
  • OTH Regensburg (Regensburg University of Applied Sciences)
  • Ottawa Fire Services
  • Ottawa Paramedic Service
  • Ottawa Police Service
  • OV (Manx Telecom)
  • OVGU (Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg)
  • OVHcloud
  • Oxy (Occidental Petroleum Corporation)
  • OYS (Oulu University Hospital)
  • OZ Minerals
  • P&G (Procter & Gamble)
  • P.I. Works
  • PacStar (Pacific Star Communications)
  • Padtec
  • Pakistan Air Force
  • Pakistan Army
  • Pakistan Ministry of Interior
  • Pakistan Navy
  • Palo Alto Networks
  • Panasonic Avionics Corporation
  • Panasonic Connect
  • Panasonic Holdings Corporation
  • Panda Electronics
  • PanOptis
  • Panorama Antennas
  • Panoramic Resources
  • Parallel Wireless
  • Paramount Global
  • Paraná State Secretariat of Public Security
  • Parks Canada
  • Parkwon
  • Parlier Unified School District
  • Parsec Technologies
  • Particle
  • Partner Communications
  • PAStech
  • Patrocinium Systems
  • Patterson Unified School District
  • Patton
  • Pavlov Media
  • Pays de la Loire Chamber of Agriculture
  • PBA (Philippine Basketball Association)
  • PBE Axell (Formerly Axell Wireless)
  • PCCW
  • PCK Raffinerie
  • PCS Technologies
  • PCT (Piraeus Container Terminal)
  • PCT Cartuja (Cartuja Science and Technology Park)
  • PCTEST Lab (PCTEST Engineering Laboratory)
  • PD Ports
  • PDRM (Royal Malaysia Police)
  • PDVSA (Petróleos de Venezuela)
  • PEA (Provincial Electricity Authority, Thailand)
  • Peabody Energy
  • Peatalk Corporation
  • Peel Regional Police
  • Pegatron Corporation
  • Pei Tel Communications
  • Pektron
  • Pelindo (PT Pelabuhan Indonesia)
  • Pelion
  • Pemex (Petróleos Mexicanos)
  • Penguin Solutions
  • Pente Networks
  • Pentonet
  • People's Hospital of Xinchang County
  • Peplink (Plover Bay Technologies)
  • Pepperl+Fuchs
  • Pepro
  • Peraso
  • Peraton Labs
  • Percepto
  • Perle Systems
  • Petrobras (Petróleo Brasileiro)
  • PetroChina/CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation)
  • PETRONAS (Petroliam Nasional)
  • PGA Tour
  • PGE (Polish Energy Group)
  • PGE (Portland General Electric)
  • PGE Dystrybucja
  • PGE Systemy
  • Pharrowtech
  • Philip Morris International
  • Philippine Air Force
  • Philippine Army
  • Philippine Red Cross
  • Phillips 66
  • Phirst Technologies
  • Phluido
  • Phoenix Contact
  • Phytium Technology (Tianjin Phytium Information Technology)
  • PHYTunes
  • PIA (PSBN Innovation Alliance)
  • Picocom
  • Pierson Wireless
  • Pivot Technology Services
  • Pivotal Commware
  • Pivotel Group
  • Pivotone
  • Pixavi
  • PK Solutions
  • PLA (People's Liberation Army)
  • PLA Navy (People's Liberation Army Navy)
  • Plainview ISD (Independent School District)
  • Platform9
  • PLDT
  • Pletronics
  • Plextek
  • Plintron
  • PLINX (Wearable Link)
  • Plus (Polkomtel)
  • PMeV (German Professional Mobile Radio Association)
  • PML (Plymouth Marine Laboratory)
  • PNNL (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
  • PNP (Philippine National Police)
  • Pod Group
  • Polaris Networks
  • Polaris Wireless
  • Polish National Police
  • Politecnico di Torino
  • Pollen Mobile
  • Polska Spółka Gazownictwa
  • Polymetal International
  • Polyus
  • POM West-Vlaanderen (Provincial Development Agency of West Flanders)
  • Porsche
  • Porsche Engineering
  • Port Authority of Douala
  • Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
  • Port of Aveiro
  • Port of Kokkola
  • Port of Los Angeles (Los Angeles Harbor Department)
  • Port of Oulu
  • Port of Pori
  • Port of Turku
  • Port of Tyne
  • Port Oostende
  • Port System Authority of the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea
  • Portuguese Red Cross
  • POSCO Australia
  • Positron Access Solutions
  • Posiva
  • PoteNit
  • Potevio
  • Poutanet
  • Powertech Labs
  • PowerTrunk
  • PPA (Pilbara Ports Authority)
  • PPC (Power Plus Communications)
  • PPC (Public Power Corporation)
  • PPC Broadband
  • Prague Metro
  • PRASA (Passenger Railway Agency of South Africa)
  • Precision OT (Optical Transceivers)
  • PRF (Purdue Research Foundation)
  • PrimeTel
  • Prinzhorn Group
  • PrioCom
  • Proef
  • Pro-M (Hungary)
  • Pronto
  • Proptivity
  • Proscend Communications
  • PROSE Technologies
  • Protection Civile des Vosges
  • Protezione Civile (Department of Civil Protection, Italy)
  • Proxim Wireless Corporation
  • Proximie
  • Proximus
  • Pryme Radio Products
  • PSA International
  • PSBTA (Public Safety Broadband Technology Association)
  • PSCA (Punjab Safe Cities Authority)
  • PSCE (Public Safety Communication Europe)
  • PSE (Polish Power Grid Company)
  • pSemi Corporation
  • PSNI (Police Service of Northern Ireland)
  • PSU (Prince of Songkla University)
  • PT Freeport Indonesia
  • PT INTI (PT Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia)
  • PT LEN Industri
  • PT Net Satu Indonesia (Net1 International)
  • PTA (Pakistan Telecommunication Authority)
  • PTA (Public Transport Authority of Western Australia)
  • PTC
  • PTD (Posts and Telecommunications Department, Myanmar)
  • PTI (Persistent Telecom Inc.)
  • PTS (Planetary Transportation Systems)
  • PTS (Post and Telecom Authority, Sweden)
  • PTT Group
  • Public Safety Canada
  • Publicis Sapient
  • PUCV (Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso)
  • Puerto Rico Police Department
  • Puloli
  • Pulsara
  • Pulse Electronics
  • Purdue University
  • PureSoftware
  • Pycom
  • Pyramid Network Services
  • Qatar Armed Forces
  • Qatar MoD (Ministry of Defense)
  • Qatar MOI (Ministry of Interior)
  • Qatar Police
  • QCoal Group
  • QCT (Quanta Cloud Technology)
  • QGC (Shell)
  • Qhotels
  • QinetiQ
  • Qingdao Police
  • Qingdao Saline-Alkali Tolerant Rice Research & Development Center
  • Qinhuangdao Public Security Bureau
  • Qiqihar Municipal Public Security Bureau
  • Qiqihar Police
  • QMetco
  • QNAP Systems
  • Qorvo
  • QTnet
  • QTV (Quipu TV Limited)
  • QuadGen Wireless Solutions
  • Qualcomm
  • Quanta Computer
  • Quantum Wireless
  • QuayChain
  • Qube Holdings
  • Qucell Networks
  • Quebecor
  • Quectel Wireless Solutions
  • Queensland Police Service
  • Quintel
  • Qulsar
  • Quortus
  • Qwake Technologies
  • Qwilt
  • R Systems (Computaris International)
  • R3 Solutions
  • RAC (Railway Association of Canada)
  • RACOM (Czech Republic)
  • RACOM Corporation
  • RACSA (Radiográfica Costarricense)
  • RAD
  • Radiall
  • Radio Gigabit
  • Radio IP Software
  • RadioMobile
  • Radisys
  • Radware
  • RAF (Royal Air Force)
  • Rafael Advanced Defense Systems
  • Rai (Radiotelevisione Italiana)
  • Rai Way
  • Raisecom
  • Raízen
  • Rajant Corporation
  • Rajavithi Hospital
  • Rakon
  • Rakuten Mobile
  • Rakuten Symphony
  • RAKwireless
  • Ramathibodi Hospital
  • Rambam Health Care Campus
  • Range Networks
  • Ranger Systems
  • Ranplan Wireless
  • Rapid.Space
  • RapidDeploy
  • RapidSOS
  • Rapidtek Technologies
  • RATP Group
  • Rave Mobile Safety
  • Raycap
  • Raycom Ventures
  • RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
  • RCN (Reinan Cable Network)
  • RCS Telecommunications
  • RCT (Remote Control Technologies)
  • Ready Wireless
  • Realme
  • RealWear
  • Red 5
  • Red Eléctrica
  • Red Hat
  • Red Lion Controls
  • RED Technologies
  • REDCOM Laboratories
  • RedZinc
  • Redzone Wireless
  • Regis Resources
  • Reliance Industries
  • Reliance Jio Infocomm
  • REMEC Broadband Wireless Networks (Bridgewave Communications/SAGE SatCom)
  • Renault Group
  • Renesas Electronics Corporation
  • Repsol
  • RESCAN (Canary Islands Network for Emergency and Security)
  • Rescue 101 SAR (Search and Rescue)
  • Rescue 42
  • Resolute Forest Products
  • Responder Corp
  • Reutlingen University
  • RF Connect
  • RF DSP
  • RF Industries
  • RF Window
  • RF-Comm
  • RFHIC Corporation
  • RFI Technology Solutions
  • RFS (Radio Frequency Systems)
  • RFTech
  • RFWEL Engineering
  • Rheinmetall
  • Ribbon Communications
  • Ricoh
  • Ricon Mobile
  • Riedel Communications
  • RigNet (Viasat Energy Services)
  • Rigstar Industrial Telecom
  • Rijkswaterstaat (Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management)
  • RIKS (State Infocommunication Foundation, Estonia)
  • RIMEDO Labs
  • Rincón de la Victoria Local Police
  • Rio de Janeiro Fire Department
  • Rio Grande do Sul State Secretariat of Public Security
  • Rio Tinto
  • RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden)
  • RIVA Networks
  • Rivada Networks
  • Rivada Space Networks
  • Rivas Vaciamadrid City Council
  • RKTPL (RK Telesystem Private Limited)
  • Roaring Fork School District
  • Robert Bosch
  • Robin.io
  • RoboTechnik
  • ROBUR Industry Service Group
  • Robustel
  • Rockwell Automation
  • Rogers Business
  • Rogers Communications
  • Rogers Corporation
  • Rohde & Schwarz
  • Rohill
  • ROK (Republic of Korea) Army
  • ROKAF (Republic of Korea Air Force)
  • ROKN (Republic of Korea Navy)
  • Rolling Wireless
  • Rolloos
  • Rolloos (FMJ Group)
  • ROP (Royal Oman Police)
  • Rosatom
  • Rosenberger
  • Rostec
  • Rostelecom
  • Round Oak Minerals
  • Roy Hill Holdings
  • Royal Australian Navy
  • Royal Bahamas Police Force
  • Royal Decree for Public Safety Broadband
  • Royal Flying Doctor Service (Australia)
  • Royal Marines
  • Royal Navy
  • Royal Netherlands Military Police
  • Royal New Zealand Air Force
  • Royal Schiphol Group
  • Royal Thai Navy
  • Royal Thai Police
  • Royal Wagenborg
  • Royal Welsh Agricultural Society
  • Royole Corporation
  • RSCC (Russian Satellite Communications Company)
  • RSConnect
  • RTE (Raidió Teilifís Eireann)
  • RTO Wireless
  • RTP (Rádio e Televisão de Portugal)
  • RTVE (Radiotelevisión Española)
  • RTX A/S
  • RTX Corporation (Formerly Raytheon Technologies)
  • RTx Technology
  • RUB (Ruhr University Bochum)
  • Rudin Management Company
  • RugGear
  • RuggON Corporation
  • Ruijie Networks
  • Rumo
  • RunEL
  • Ruralink Broadband
  • Rush University System for Health
  • Rushmere Technology
  • Rutronik
  • RWG (Rotterdam World Gateway)
  • RWTH Aachen University
  • RZD (Russian Railways)
  • S&T Iskratel
  • SA Power Networks
  • Saab
  • Saankhya Labs
  • Saarland University
  • SAC iWATA (Smart Agriculture IWATA)
  • SAC Wireless
  • Sacramento City Council
  • Sacred Wind Communications
  • SAE IT-Systems
  • SAF (Singapore Armed Forces)
  • SAF Tehnika
  • Safari Solutions
  • Safe-Com Wireless
  • SafeMobile
  • Safe-Net Forum
  • Safer Buildings Coalition
  • Safran
  • Sagemcom
  • SageRAN (Guangzhou SageRAN Technology)
  • Saguna Networks
  • SAI Technology
  • SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation)
  • SailGP
  • Saitama Medical University
  • SalMar
  • SAM (Sul Americana de Metais)
  • Samji Electronics
  • Samsung
  • Samyoung Celetra
  • San Diego Fire-Rescue Department
  • San Diego Padres
  • San Diego Police Department
  • SANDF (South African National Defense Force)
  • Sandvik
  • Sandvine
  • Sanechips Technology
  • SANG (Saudi Arabian National Guard)
  • Sanjole
  • Santa Ana Unified School District
  • Santa Maria-Bonita School District
  • Santos
  • San-tron
  • Sanxing (Ningbo Sanxing Smart Electric)
  • SANY Heavy Equipment
  • SANY Heavy Industry
  • Sanya Phoenix International Airport
  • São Martinho
  • São Paulo State Military Police
  • SAP
  • SAPS (South African Police Service)
  • Sapura Energy (Sapura Group)
  • Sapura Secured Technologies (Sapura Group)
  • Saracen Mineral Holdings
  • Sarcos Robotics
  • Sartorius
  • Sasken Technologies
  • SaskTel
  • Sateliot
  • Satellite Applications Catapult
  • SatixFy
  • Saudi MOI (Ministry of Interior)
  • Saviah Technologies
  • Savonia University of Applied Sciences
  • Savox Communications
  • Sayona Mining
  • SBA Communications
  • SBB (Swiss Federal Railways)
  • SBCSC (South Bend Community School Corporation)
  • Sberbank
  • SCA (Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget)
  • Scania
  • SCE (Southern California Edison)
  • Sceye
  • SCF (Small Cell Forum)
  • SCG (Siam Cement Group)
  • Schaeffler Group
  • Schlumberger
  • Schneider Electric
  • Schönhagen Airport
  • Schoten Police
  • Scotland 5G Center
  • SCRF (State Commission for Radio Frequencies, Russia)
  • SDG&E (San Diego Gas & Electric)
  • SDIS 59 (Nord Departmental Fire & Rescue Service)
  • SDLG (Shandong Lingong Construction Machinery)
  • SDS-Ugol
  • SEA (Systems Engineering & Assessment)
  • Seaboard Marine
  • Seafar
  • Seamless Air Alliance
  • Seamless Waves
  • SEAT
  • Seatrium
  • Sectra Communications
  • Secure Chorus
  • Secured Communications
  • SecureG
  • SecurifAI
  • SecurityGen
  • Sedna Industrial IT Solutions
  • SEE Telecom
  • SEGULA Technologies
  • SEJONG Telecom
  • SEL (Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories)
  • Select Spectrum
  • SELECTRIC Nachrichten-Systeme
  • Sempra
  • Semtech Corporation
  • SENAI (National Service for Industrial Training, Brazil)
  • Senko Advanced Components
  • Sennheiser
  • Sensorview
  • Senstar Corporation
  • Sensus
  • Sentient Energy
  • Sentinel Camera Systems
  • Seong Ji Industrial
  • Seoul Incheon International Airport
  • Seoul Metropolitan Subway
  • Seowon Intech
  • Sepura
  • SEPWA (South East Premium Wheat Growers Association)
  • Sequans Communications
  • Serbian Ministry of Interior
  • Sercomm Corporation
  • SERGAS (Galician Health Service)
  • ServiceNow
  • SES
  • SETAR (Aruba)
  • SETUP Protokolltester
  • Severstal
  • SFR (Altice France)
  • SFU (Simon Fraser University)
  • SGCC (State Grid Corporation of China)
  • SGH (SMART Global Holdings)
  • SGP (Société du Grand Paris)
  • SGS
  • Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Industry Group
  • Shaanxi Shengwei Building Materials Group
  • Shaanxi Shenyan Coal
  • Shaanxi Tenghui Mining
  • Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Group
  • Shandong Energy Group
  • Shandong Gold Mining
  • Shandong HSBC Petrochemical Group
  • Shandong Port Group
  • Shanghai Airport Authority
  • Shanghai Municipal People's Government
  • Shanghai Pearl Oriental Group
  • Shanghai Police Department
  • Shanghai Shentong Metro Group
  • Shanghai University Of Engineering Science
  • Shannon Wireless (Zhejiang Shannon Communication Technology)
  • Shantui Construction Machinery
  • Shanxi Coking Coal Group
  • Shanxi Huayang Group
  • Shaoguan Iron & Steel Group
  • Shared Access
  • Sharp Corporation
  • ShawnTech Communications
  • Shell
  • Shenbao Energy
  • Shendong Coal
  • Shenglu (Guangdong Shenglu Telecommunication)
  • Shenyang Metro
  • Shenzhen Airport Company
  • Shenzhen CXD Science & Technology
  • Shenzhen Futian Medical Consortium
  • Shenzhen Metro
  • Shenzhen Public Security Bureau
  • Shenzhen Recoda Technologies
  • Shenzhen Third People's Hospital
  • Shenzhen University General Hospital
  • Shenzhen Water Group
  • Sherpa 6
  • SHI (Samsung Heavy Industries)
  • Shijiazhuang Metro
  • Shimizu Corporation
  • Shinshiro Municipal Hospital
  • SHR (Shuohuang Railway)
  • Shyam Group
  • SIAE Microelettronica
  • SICK
  • Siemens
  • Siemens Energy
  • Siemens Mobility
  • Sierra Wireless
  • Sigma Connectivity
  • Sigma Wireless
  • Signal Information & Communication Corporation
  • Signal Partners (Finland)
  • Signalchip
  • Signalwing
  • Signify
  • Siklu
  • Silesian University of Technology
  • Silicom Connectivity Solutions
  • Silicom SAS (France)
  • Silver Lake Resources
  • Silversea Cruises
  • SIMBA Telecom
  • SIMCom Wireless Solutions
  • Simnovus
  • Simoco Wireless Solutions
  • Simon Møkster Shipping
  • Sinclair Technologies
  • Singapore Polytechnic
  • Singtel
  • SinkabergHansen
  • Sinnwell
  • Sinopec (China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation)
  • Sinotrans
  • SIP (Sidewalk Infrastructure Partners)
  • SIPG (Shanghai International Port Group)
  • Siriraj Hospital
  • SiRRAN Communications
  • Sistema
  • SITA
  • Sitarail (Bolloré Group)
  • siticom
  • SiTime Corporation
  • Sivers Semiconductors
  • Siyata Mobile
  • SJSU (San Jose State University)
  • SK Hynix
  • SK Networks Service
  • SK Telecom
  • SK Telesys
  • SKF
  • Skironis Aquaculture
  • Škoda Auto
  • Skogforsk (Forestry Research Institute of Sweden)
  • Skoltech (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology)
  • SKY Perfect JSAT
  • SkyFive
  • Skylark Wireless
  • SkyLink (Tele2 Russia)
  • Skylo Technologies
  • SkyMax Network
  • Skytic Telecom
  • SKYTRAC Systems
  • Skyvera (TelcoDR)
  • Skyworks Solutions
  • Skyworth
  • SLA Corporation
  • SLC (Secure Land Communications)
  • SLC Agrícola
  • Slovak Telekom
  • Slovenian Ministry of Interior
  • Slovenian Ministry of Public Administration
  • SM Optics
  • Smart Communications
  • Smart DCC (Capita)
  • Smart Mobile Labs
  • Smart Systems Hub
  • Smartfren
  • SmarTone
  • SmartSky Networks
  • SMAWave (Shanghai SMAWave Technology)
  • SMBC (Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation) Group
  • SMC (Samsung Medical Center)
  • SMC Corporation
  • SMT (Shanghai Maglev Train)
  • SNC Former
  • SNCF (French National Railways)
  • SNEF Group
  • SNEF Telecom
  • SNUBH (Seoul National University Bundang Hospital)
  • Sobey Networks
  • Sociedad Portuaria Puerto Bahía
  • Socionext
  • Södra
  • SoftBank Group
  • Softil
  • Softing
  • Software AG
  • Soitec
  • Solectek Corporation
  • SOLiD
  • Solid IT Networks
  • Solidtronic
  • Soliton Systems
  • Solteq
  • Sonic Communications
  • Sonim Technologies
  • Sonoma County Fairgrounds
  • Sony Group Corporation
  • Sooktha
  • Soracom
  • Sougou Shouken
  • Sound Transit
  • Source Photonics
  • South Australia Department for Infrastructure and Transport
  • South Carolina ORS (Office of Regulatory Staff)
  • South Gloucestershire Council
  • South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
  • South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences
  • South32
  • Southern Adriatic Sea Port Authority
  • Southern Company
  • Southern Copper Corporation
  • Southern Linc
  • SPA (Santos Port Authority)
  • SPA (Scottish Police Authority)
  • Space Data Corporation
  • SpaceBridge
  • Spacecom
  • SpaceX
  • Spanish Army
  • Spanish Ministry of Interior
  • Spanish Navy
  • Spanish Red Cross
  • Spark New Zealand
  • Sparro (WCI Technologies)
  • Spectra Group
  • SpectraRep
  • Spectre
  • Spectris
  • Spectronite
  • Spectronn
  • Spectrum Effect
  • Speedcast
  • Speedway Motorsports
  • SPF (Singapore Police Force)
  • SPI (Saha Pathana Inter-Holding)
  • Spideradio (Suzhou Spideradio Telecommunication Technology)
  • SPIE Group
  • Spirent Communications
  • SPL (Stratospheric Platforms Limited)
  • Sporton International
  • Sporveien
  • Sprint (T-Mobile US)
  • SPT (Strathclyde Partnership for Transport)
  • SPTel
  • Squire Technologies
  • SRA Holdings
  • SRS (Software Radio Systems)
  • SRTC (France)
  • SRTechnology
  • SS&E (Spurs Sports & Entertainment)
  • SSA Marine (Carrix)
  • SSAB
  • SSC (Shared Spectrum Company)
  • SSE (Sharks Sports & Entertainment)
  • SSi Canada
  • SSS Public Safety
  • ST (STMicroelectronics)
  • ST Engineering iDirect
  • St John New Zealand
  • St. Luke's Health System
  • St. Marianna University School of Medicine
  • St. Vrain Valley School District
  • Stadicom
  • Stadtpolizei Zürich (Zurich City Police)
  • Stadtwerke Andernach
  • Stanmore Coal
  • Stanmore Resources
  • Stanwell Corporation
  • Star Microwave
  • Star Solutions
  • StarHub
  • StarPoint (Beijing StarPoint Technology)
  • STC (Saudi Telecom Company)
  • STC Kuwait
  • STCSC (STC Specialized)
  • Stedin
  • Steep
  • Stellantis
  • Stena Line
  • Steveco
  • STI (San Antonio Terminal Internacional)
  • STILL (KION Group)
  • STL (Sterlite Technologies Ltd.)
  • Stockholm Metro
  • Stoen Operator
  • Stop Noise
  • Stora Enso
  • sTraffic
  • Strata Worldwide
  • Stratford Coal (Yancoal Australia)
  • Streambox
  • Streamwide
  • Stromnetz Berlin
  • STS (Special Telecommunications Service, Romania)
  • Stürmsfs
  • SUAPE (Suape Port & Industrial Complex)
  • Subaru Corporation
  • Subex
  • Subtel (Undersecretariat of Telecommunications, Chile)
  • SUEK
  • SUEZ
  • Suffolk County Sheriff's Department
  • Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital
  • Sultanah Maliha Hospital
  • Sumitomo Corporation
  • Sumitomo Electric Industries
  • Sumitomo Metal Mining
  • Sumitomo Shoji Machinex
  • Summa Networks
  • Summit Steel
  • Summit Tech
  • Summit Technology
  • Suncor Energy
  • Sunderland City Council
  • Sunrise
  • Sunsea AIoT Technology
  • Sunwave Communications
  • Superior Gold
  • Supermercados MAS (MAS Supermarkets)
  • Supermicro (Super Micro Computer)
  • Suranaree University of Technology
  • Sure Falkland Islands
  • SureSite Consulting Group
  • SURF
  • Surrey Heath Borough Council
  • Surrey Police
  • SUSE
  • SUTD (Singapore University of Technology and Design)
  • Suzhou Metro
  • Suzhou Police
  • SVP (Strategic Venue Partners)
  • SVT (Sveriges Television)
  • Swans Trail Farms
  • Swedish Ministry of Justice
  • Swedish Olympic Academy
  • Swindon Borough Council
  • Swisscom
  • Swisscom Broadcast
  • Swissphone
  • Swoop Aero
  • SWR (Südwestrundfunk)
  • SWS (Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding)
  • Sycomp
  • SYKE (Finnish Environment Institute)
  • Sylincom (Beijing Sylincom Technology)
  • Synctechno
  • Syniverse
  • SYSCOM (Mexico)
  • Sysoco (Axians/VINCI Energies)
  • Systech Corporation
  • Systel (Systèmes & Télécommunications)
  • System Innovation Group
  • Systemics-PAB
  • Széchenyi István University
  • T&W (Shenzhen Gongjin Electronics)
  • T2M
  • Tacora Resources
  • TacSat Networks
  • Tage I-Driver
  • Taipei City Hospital
  • Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation
  • Taisei Corporation
  • Taishan Fiberglass
  • Tait Communications
  • Taiwan Mobile
  • Taiwan National Police Agency
  • Taiwan Star Telecom
  • Taiyuan Iron & Steel Group
  • Takaoka Cable Network
  • Takashima Municipal Hospital
  • Takenaka Corporation
  • Talgo
  • Talia Communications
  • Talison Lithium
  • Talk-IP International
  • Talkpod Technology
  • Tamagawa Holdings
  • Tambora Systems
  • Tampa Electric (TECO Energy)
  • Tampa Microwave
  • Tampere University
  • Tampnet
  • Tangenborgh
  • Tango Networks
  • Tango Tango
  • Tangshan Port Group
  • Taoglas
  • Tarana Wireless
  • Tata Communications
  • Tata Elxsi
  • Tata Power
  • Tatfook (Shenzhen Tatfook Technology)
  • Tatneft
  • TAURON Dystrybucja
  • Tavistock Group
  • Tazca Connects
  • TBS (Tokyo Broadcasting System) TV
  • TCA (Trusted Connectivity Alliance)
  • TCCA (The Critical Communications Association)
  • TCIL (Telecommunications Consultants India Limited)
  • TCL Communication
  • TCOM
  • TCP (Paranaguá Container Terminal)
  • TCS (Tata Consultancy Services)
  • TD Tech
  • TDF
  • TDK Electronics
  • TDRA (Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority, UAE)
  • TE Connectivity
  • Teal Communications
  • Team Telecom Armenia
  • Tech Mahindra
  • Techbros
  • Technicolor
  • techUK
  • Teck Resources
  • Tecom
  • Tecore Networks
  • Tejas Networks
  • TEKTELIC Communications
  • Tel Aviv Light Rail
  • Telco Systems
  • Telcoware
  • Teldat
  • Tele2
  • Tele2 Russia
  • Telecom CLM (Telecom Castilla-La Mancha)
  • Telecom Egypt
  • Telecom Namibia
  • Telecom26
  • Teleena (Tata Communications MOVE)
  • Telefield
  • Telefónica Broadcast Services
  • Telefónica Germany
  • Telefónica Group
  • Telefónica Tech
  • Telefónica UK (Virgin Media O2)
  • Telekom Slovenije
  • Telenet
  • Telenor Denmark
  • Telenor Group
  • Telenor Maritime
  • Telenor Sweden
  • Telent
  • TeleRetail
  • Telesat
  • Telespazio
  • Teleste
  • Telesur (Suriname)
  • TELESYS (Brazil)
  • teleSys Software
  • Telet Research
  • Televate
  • Teleware
  • Telewave
  • TeleWorld Solutions
  • Telia Company
  • Telia Finland
  • Telia Norway
  • Telit Cinterion
  • Telkom (PT Telkom Indonesia)
  • Telkom Kenya
  • Telkomsel
  • Tellabs
  • Tellion
  • Telmex
  • Telna
  • TELNET Redes Inteligentes
  • TELOX (Telo Systems)
  • Telpass
  • Telrad Networks
  • Telsasoft
  • Telstar-Hommel
  • Telstra
  • Telstra Purple
  • Teltech Group
  • Teltonika
  • Teltronic
  • Telus
  • TEN (Texas Energy Network)
  • Teocalli Partners
  • Teracom
  • Teradek
  • Teradyne
  • TeraGo
  • Tera-Pass
  • Terrafame
  • Terranet Communications
  • Tessares
  • TESSCO Technologies
  • Texas A&M University
  • Texas DPS (Department of Public Safety)
  • Texas Management Group
  • Texas State University
  • TfL (Transport for London)
  • TH Köln (Cologne University of Applied Sciences)
  • TH Lübeck (Technical University of Lübeck)
  • TH OWL (OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts)
  • Thaicom
  • Thales
  • Thales Alenia Space
  • Tham Luang Cave Rescue
  • THD/DIT (Deggendorf Institute of Technology)
  • THEIA ENERGY (France)
  • ThinkRF
  • THK
  • Thorcom Systems
  • Three Group Solutions
  • Three Hong Kong
  • Three Ireland
  • Three Sweden
  • Thundercomm
  • Thuraya
  • TI (Texas Instruments)
  • TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association)
  • Tianjin Port Group
  • Tianyi (Sichuan Tianyi Comheart Telecom)
  • Tibco Telecoms
  • TietoEVRY
  • Tigo Colombia
  • Tillman Digital Cities
  • Tillman Global Holdings
  • Tilson
  • TIL-TEK Antennae
  • TIM (Telecom Italia Mobile)
  • TIM Brasil
  • Tioga Electronic Assembly
  • TIP (Telecom Infra Project)
  • TIRI (Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Technology Research Institute)
  • Titan ICT
  • Titan.ium Platform
  • TJ Innovation
  • TK Elevator
  • TKK Corporation
  • TLC Solutions
  • TM (Telekom Malaysia)
  • T-Mobile Netherlands
  • T-Mobile Poland
  • T-Mobile US
  • TMYTEK (TMY Technology)
  • TNB (Tenaga Nasional Berhad)
  • TNO (Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research)
  • TNS (Transaction Network Services)
  • TNT Sports (Formerly BT Sport)
  • Toba National College of Maritime Technology
  • Tofane Global
  • Tokachi Murakami Ranch
  • TOKAI Cable Network Corporation
  • TOKIE (Irvees Technology)
  • Tokyo Development Foundation for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
  • Tokyo Metro
  • Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department
  • Tokyo Metropolitan University
  • Tokyo Tech (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  • Tokyu Land Corporation
  • Tokyu Railways
  • Tolko Industries
  • Tongyu Communication
  • ToooAir
  • Topcon Positioning Group
  • Toronto Police Service
  • Toshiba Corporation
  • Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions
  • TotalEnergies
  • Totogi
  • TowerEye (Belgium)
  • TowerJazz
  • Toyota Motor Corporation
  • TPEC (Toyota Production Engineering Corporation)
  • TPG Telecom
  • TPL Systèmes
  • TP-Link Technologies
  • TRA (Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, Bahrain)
  • Traficom (Transport and Communications Agency, Finland)
  • Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration)
  • TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)
  • Transatel
  • Transdev
  • Transit Wireless
  • Transnet
  • TransPacket
  • Trend Micro
  • Trenitalia
  • TriaSys Technologies Corporation
  • Trilogy Networks
  • Trinidad & Tobago Ministry of National Security
  • Trinity College Dublin
  • Triorail
  • Trópico
  • TROY Information
  • TrueMove H (True Corporation)
  • Truphone
  • TRX Systems
  • TS/KOSTA (Korea Transportation Safety Authority)
  • TSDSI (Telecommunications Standards Development Society, India)
  • Tsinghua Unigroup
  • TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company)
  • Tsofun
  • TST (Tonami Satellite Communication Television)
  • TST Systems
  • Tsunagu Net Communications (Arteria Networks)
  • T-Systems International
  • TTA (Telecommunications Technology Association, South Korea)
  • TTC (Telecommunication Technology Committee, Japan)
  • TTG International
  • TTM Technologies
  • TU Darmstadt (Technical University of Darmstadt)
  • TU Dortmund University
  • TU Dresden (Dresden University of Technology)
  • TU Graz (Graz University of Technology)
  • TU Kaiserslautern (Technical University of Kaiserslautern)
  • TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology)
  • TU/e (Eindhoven University of Technology)
  • TUL (Technical University of Liberec)
  • TUM (Technical University of Munich)
  • Tupl
  • Türk Telekom
  • Turkcell
  • Turkish Armed Forces
  • Turkish National Police
  • Turku AMK (Turku University of Applied Sciences)
  • Turku University Hospital
  • Tustin Unified School District
  • TUSUR (Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics)
  • TUV Rheinland
  • TUViT
  • TV 2
  • TV Azteca (Grupo Salinas)
  • TVEL Fuel Company (Rosatom)
  • Twente Airport
  • TWFRS (Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service)
  • Twilio
  • Two Six Labs
  • Tyler Technologies
  • U.S. Air Force
  • U.S. Army
  • U.S. Cellular
  • U.S. Coast Guard
  • U.S. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
  • U.S. Department of Commerce
  • U.S. DHS (Department of Homeland Security)
  • U.S. DIU (Defense Innovation Unit)
  • U.S. DOD (Department of Defense)
  • U.S. DOE (Department of Energy)
  • U.S. DOJ (Department of Justice)
  • U.S. FAA (Federal Aviation Administration)
  • U.S. FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
  • U.S. FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
  • U.S. FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
  • U.S. Marine Corps
  • U.S. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
  • U.S. National Guard
  • U.S. Navy
  • U.S. NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
  • U.S. NPSTC (National Public Safety Telecommunications Council)
  • U.S. NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
  • U.S. NSA (National Security Agency)
  • U.S. NSF (National Science Foundation)
  • U.S. NTIA (National Telecommunications and Information Administration)
  • U.S. Space Force
  • U.S. VA (Department of Veterans Affairs)
  • UAE Armed Forces
  • UAE MOI (Ministry of Interior)
  • UAI (Adolfo Ibáñez University)
  • UBBA (Utility Broadband Alliance)
  • UBC (University of British Columbia)
  • UBCS
  • Ubicquia
  • Ubiik
  • UBiqube
  • Ubiquoss
  • Ubiwhere
  • U-Blox
  • UBT (University for Business and Technology, Kosovo)
  • Ucloudy (Shanghai Ucloudy Information Technology)
  • UCN (Catholic University of the North)
  • UConn (University of Connecticut)
  • UCSB (University of California, Santa Barbara)
  • UCtel
  • UDD (Universidad del Desarrollo)
  • UdeC (University of Concepción)
  • Udokan Copper
  • UEC-Perm Engines
  • UET (United Electronic Technology)
  • UETN (Utah Education and Telehealth Network)
  • UFCG (Federal University of Campina Grande)
  • UfiSpace
  • UHB (University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust)
  • UIC (International Union of Railways)
  • UIPA (Utah Inland Port Authority)
  • UISA
  • UK Power Networks
  • UK5G Innovation Network
  • UKAEA (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority)
  • UKB (University Hospital Bonn)
  • UKD (University Hospital of Düsseldorf)
  • UKE (Office of Electronic Communications, Poland)
  • UKSH (University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein)
  • UL
  • ULAK Communication
  • Ultraband Technologies
  • UMC (United Microelectronics Corporation)
  • UMC (University Medical Center) Utrecht
  • Umeå University
  • Umlaut
  • UMS (United Monolithic Semiconductors)
  • UN (United Nations)
  • UNAB (Andrés Bello National University)
  • UNC (University of North Carolina) Health
  • Uniadex
  • UNIFE (The European Rail Supply Industry Association)
  • Unikie
  • UNIMO Technology
  • Unipart Manufacturing
  • UniStrong
  • UNITAC Technology
  • United Kingdom Home Office
  • UniTTEC
  • University Center of FEI
  • University Hospital Aachen
  • University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trust
  • University of Aveiro
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Chile
  • University of Cincinnati
  • University of Cologne
  • University of Extremadura
  • University of Fukui Hospital
  • University of Glasgow
  • University of Helsinki
  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • University of La Serena
  • University of Leipzig
  • University of Limerick
  • University of Lincoln
  • University of Málaga
  • University of Miami
  • University of Michigan
  • University of Murcia
  • University of Oulu
  • University of Oviedo
  • University of Palermo
  • University of Patras
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • University of Regina
  • University of Sheffield
  • University of Strathclyde
  • University of Stuttgart
  • University of Sunderland
  • University of Surrey
  • University of Thessaly
  • University of Tokyo
  • University of Tsukuba
  • University of Utah
  • University of Vigo
  • University of Virginia
  • University of Warwick
  • University of Waterloo
  • University of Windsor
  • University of Wuppertal
  • University of Zagreb
  • University of Žilina
  • Unizyx Holding Corporation
  • UNM (University of New Mexico)
  • UPB (Politehnica University of Bucharest)
  • UPC/BarcelonaTech (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
  • UPLA (University of Playa Ancha)
  • UPS (United Parcel Service)
  • UPS Flight Forward
  • UPV (Polytechnic University of Valencia)
  • Uralkali
  • UrFU (Ural Federal University)
  • UROS
  • Urumqi Metro
  • US Digital Designs
  • USACH (University of Santiago)
  • USC (University of Southern California)
  • USI (Universal Scientific Industrial)
  • USM (Federico Santa María Technical University)
  • USP (University of São Paulo)
  • USSOCOM (U.S. Special Operations Command)
  • UT (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
  • UTAC
  • UTalca (University of Talca)
  • UTC (Utilities Technology Council)
  • UTCAL (Utilities Telecom & Technology Council América Latina)
  • UTEM (Metropolitan University of Technology, Chile)
  • Utility (Utility Associates)
  • Utility Connect
  • UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
  • UTS (University of Technology Sydney)
  • UTStarcom
  • UV (University of Valparaíso)
  • UVM (University of Viña del Mar)
  • UW (University of Washington)
  • UWM (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
  • UZA (Antwerp University Hospital)
  • V&M (Venus & Mercury) Telecom
  • V5 Systems
  • Vale
  • Valencia City Council
  • Valid (Brazil)
  • Valid8
  • VALL Technologies
  • Valtra
  • Vancouver Fire Rescue Services
  • Vantage Towers
  • Vanu
  • VAPAR Innovation
  • Vapor IO
  • Vår Energi
  • Vattenfall
  • Vavitel (Shenzhen Vavitel Technology)
  • VDI (Virginia Diodes, Inc.)
  • VDMA (German Mechanical and Plant Engineering Association)
  • Vector Data
  • Veea
  • Velocity (Butler Rural Electric Cooperative)
  • Vendée Chamber of Agriculture
  • Ventev
  • VEON
  • Verana Networks
  • Verdant Leisure
  • Verizon Business
  • Verizon Communications
  • Verkotan
  • Versa Networks
  • Vertel
  • Vertex Systems (Coiler Corporation)
  • Vertical Bridge
  • Vertiv
  • Verveba Telecom
  • Vestas
  • VHT (Viettel High Tech)
  • Vi (Vodafone Idea)
  • ViaPath Technologies (GTL)
  • Viasat
  • VIAVI Solutions
  • Victoria Police
  • VicTrack
  • VIDA Technologies
  • Videotron
  • Vienna International Airport
  • Vientiane Municipal Government
  • Viesgo Distribución
  • Viettel Group
  • Viggo (Netherlands)
  • Vigilate
  • Vigo Port Authority
  • Vilicom
  • Vimy Resources
  • VINCI Energies
  • Vingroup
  • VinSmart
  • Viper RF
  • Viprinet
  • ViPRO Corporation
  • Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
  • Virtual Access
  • Virtusa Corporation
  • Visionable
  • Vislink Technologies
  • Vista Unified School District
  • Visual Labs
  • VIT (Virginia International Terminals)
  • Vital (New Zealand)
  • Vivint
  • Vivo
  • Vivo (Telefônica Brasil)
  • VMware
  • VNC (Virtual NetCom)
  • VNL (Vihaan Networks Limited)
  • VNPT (Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group)
  • Vocus
  • Vodacom Group
  • Vodafone Business
  • Vodafone Germany
  • Vodafone Group
  • Vodafone Hungary
  • Vodafone Italia
  • Vodafone Qatar
  • Vodafone Spain
  • Voentelecom
  • VoerEir
  • VoiceAge Corporation
  • Voipfuture
  • Volkswagen Group
  • Volvo CE (Construction Equipment)
  • Volvo Trucks
  • Voxer
  • VR Group (Finnish State Railways)
  • Vroon
  • VSB-TUO (Technical University of Ostrava)
  • VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • VTTI (Virginia Tech Transportation Institute)
  • Vubiq Networks
  • VUT/BUT (Brno University of Technology)
  • VVDN Technologies
  • Vy Group
  • Wabtec Corporation
  • WAE Technologies
  • WAGO
  • Walker and Associates
  • Walmart
  • Walt Disney Company
  • Wanbao Mining
  • Wasatch County School District
  • Washington Maritime Blue
  • Washington Military Department
  • WAV4M
  • WAVE (AGC)
  • Wave1
  • Wave-In Communication
  • Wavelabs
  • Wavemobile
  • Wavesight
  • Wavetel Technology
  • Waycare
  • Wayra (Telefónica Open Innovation)
  • Wazco
  • WBA (Walgreens Boots Alliance)
  • WBA (Wireless Broadband Alliance)
  • WCCTV (Wireless CCTV)
  • WDNA (Wireless DNA)
  • WDR (Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln)
  • Weaccess Group
  • Webdyn
  • WebRadar
  • WEG
  • Weidmüller
  • Weisse Arena Group
  • Welotec
  • Wenzhou Rail Transit
  • West China Hospital of Sichuan University
  • West China Second University Hospital of Sichuan University
  • West Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation
  • Westcon-Comstor
  • Westell Technologies
  • Westermo Network Technologies
  • Western Australia Police Force
  • Westminster City Council
  • Wevercomm
  • Wewins (Shenzhen Wewins Wireless)
  • WeWork
  • WG+E (Westfield Gas + Electric)
  • wgtwo (Working Group Two)
  • WH Bence Group
  • WHA Group
  • Whakaata Māori
  • Whale Cloud Technology
  • WHIN (Wabash Heartland Innovation Network)
  • Whirlpool
  • Whitehill & Bordon Regeneration Company
  • WhiteSpace Alliance
  • Whizz Systems
  • Widelity
  • Wien Energie
  • WiFrost
  • WIG (Wireless Infrastructure Group)
  • Wildox (Shenzhen Happy Technology)
  • Wilson Electronics
  • Wiluna Mining Corporation
  • Wilus
  • WIN Connectivity (Wireless Information Networks)
  • Wind River Systems
  • Wind Tre
  • Windsor Salt
  • Wingtech Technology
  • Winmate Communications
  • Winncom Technologies
  • WInnForum (Wireless Innovation Forum)
  • Wipro
  • Wireless Concepts International
  • Wireless Logic Group
  • Wireless Technologies Finland
  • Wireless Telecom Group
  • WiSig Networks
  • WISTA Management
  • Wistron Corporation
  • Wiwynn
  • WLH (Wirtschaftsförderung im Landkreis Harburg)
  • WM Systems
  • WMS (Wireless Maritime Services)
  • WNC (Wistron NeWeb Corporation)
  • Wolfspeed
  • Woodside Energy
  • WooriNet
  • Worcester Bosch
  • Workspace Group
  • Workz
  • World Mobile Group
  • World View
  • WorldCell Solutions
  • Wouxun (Quanzhou Wouxun Electronics)
  • WSU (Wichita State University)
  • WTL (World Telecom Labs)
  • WTW Electronic
  • Wuhan Iron & Steel Corporation
  • Wuhan Metro
  • Wuhan Union Hospital
  • Wuhan Wuchang Hospital
  • Wujiang Public Security Bureau
  • Wutong Group
  • WWT (World Wide Technology)
  • Wytec International
  • X Shore
  • XAG
  • XAL (Xarxa Audiovisual Local)
  • Xantaro
  • XAVi Technologies Corporation
  • Xcel Energy
  • XCMG Group
  • XCOM Labs
  • xCraft Enterprises
  • Xelera Technologies
  • Xemex
  • Xena Networks
  • XGP (eXtended Global Platform) Forum
  • Xiamen BRT (Bus Rapid Transit)
  • Xiamen Metro
  • Xiamen Puxing Electronics Science & Technology
  • Xiamen Sanan Integrated Circuit
  • Xi'an Public Security Bureau
  • Xiaomi
  • Xilinx
  • Xinfengming Group
  • Xingtera
  • Xinwei Group
  • XINYI Information Technology
  • XipLink
  • XISC (Hunan Valin Xiangtan Iron & Steel Company)
  • XIUS
  • XNET
  • XtremeLTE (Xtreme Enterprises)
  • Xylem
  • YAGEO Corporation
  • Yahsat (Al Yah Satellite Communications)
  • YaleBTS
  • Yamana Gold
  • Yamazaki Mazak Corporation
  • Yancoal Australia
  • Yankuang Energy Group
  • Yanton (Quanzhou Yanton Electronics)
  • Yara International
  • Yaskawa Electric Corporation
  • YATEC (Yakut Fuel and Energy Company)
  • Yawata Electrode (Thailand)
  • YBVR (Yerba Buena VR)
  • Yingkou Port Group
  • YOFC (Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable)
  • Yokogawa Electric Corporation
  • Yorkshire Water
  • Youngor Group
  • YPC (Yangzi Petrochemical Company)
  • YTcom
  • Yuge Technology (Shanghai Yuge Information Technology)
  • YUHS (Yonsei University Health System)
  • Yuma School District
  • Yumeshima Container Terminal
  • Zain Group
  • Zain Saudi Arabia (Zain KSA)
  • ZaiNar
  • Zambian Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security
  • Zaram Technology
  • Z-Com
  • Zealync
  • Zebra Technologies
  • Zeetta Networks
  • Zello
  • ZeMA (Center for Mechatronics and Automation Technology)
  • ZenFi Networks
  • Zengyi Technology
  • Zenith Minerals
  • Zenzic-UK
  • Zepcam
  • Zermatt Bergbahnen
  • ZeroEyes
  • Zetron
  • ZF
  • Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital
  • Zhengkai Electronics (Jiangsu Zhengkai Electronics Technology)
  • Zhengzhou Metro
  • Zhengzhou Public Security Bureau
  • Zhongshan Public Security Bureau
  • Zhuhai Port Group
  • Zhungeer Energy
  • Zijin Mining Group
  • Zinwave
  • Zioncom
  • Zmtel (Shanghai Zhongmi Communication Technology)
  • ZoraBots (Zora Robotics)
  • ZT Systems
  • ZTE
  • ZTV (Japan)
  • ZVEI (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association)
  • Zyfra
  • Zyter
  • Zyxel
  • Countries covered:
  • Afghanistan
  • Albania
  • Algeria
  • Andorra
  • Angola
  • Anguilla
  • Antigua & Barbuda
  • Argentina
  • Armenia
  • Aruba
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Azerbaijan
  • Bahamas
  • Bahrain
  • Bangladesh
  • Barbados
  • Belarus
  • Belgium
  • Belize
  • Benin
  • Bermuda
  • Bhutan
  • Bolivia
  • Bosnia Herzegovina
  • Botswana
  • Brazil
  • British Virgin Islands
  • Brunei
  • Bulgaria
  • Burkina Faso
  • Burundi
  • Cambodia
  • Cameroon
  • Canada
  • Cape Verde
  • Cayman Islands
  • Central African Republic
  • Chad
  • Chile
  • China
  • Cocos Islands
  • Colombia
  • Comoros Islands
  • Congo
  • Cook Islands
  • Costa Rica
  • Côte d'Ivoire
  • Croatia
  • Cuba
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Democratic Rep of Congo (ex-Zaire)
  • Denmark
  • Djibouti
  • Dominica
  • Dominican Republic
  • East Timor
  • Ecuador
  • Egypt
  • El Salvador
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Eritrea
  • Estonia
  • Ethiopia
  • Faroe Islands
  • Federated States of Micronesia
  • Fiji
  • Finland
  • France
  • French Guiana
  • French Polynesia (ex-Tahiti)
  • French West Indies
  • Gabon
  • Gambia
  • Georgia
  • Germany
  • Ghana
  • Gibraltar
  • Greece
  • Greenland
  • Grenada
  • Guam
  • Guatemala
  • Guernsey
  • Guinea Republic
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Guyana
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Hong Kong
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Ireland
  • Isle of Man
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Jamaica
  • Japan
  • Jersey
  • Jordan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kenya
  • Kirghizstan
  • Kiribati
  • Korea
  • Kosovo
  • Kuwait
  • Laos
  • Latvia
  • Lebanon
  • Lesotho
  • Liberia
  • Libya
  • Liechtenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Macau
  • Macedonia
  • Madagascar
  • Malawi
  • Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Mali
  • Malta
  • Marshall Islands
  • Mauritania
  • Mauritius
  • Mayotte
  • Mexico
  • Moldova
  • Monaco
  • Mongolia
  • Montenegro
  • Montserrat
  • Morocco
  • Mozambique
  • Myanmar
  • Namibia
  • Nepal
  • Netherlands
  • Netherlands Antilles
  • New Caledonia
  • New Zealand
  • Nicaragua
  • Niger
  • Nigeria
  • Niue
  • North Korea
  • Northern Marianas
  • Norway
  • Oman
  • Pakistan
  • Palau
  • Palestine
  • Panama
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Puerto Rico
  • Qatar
  • Réunion
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • Rwanda
  • Samoa
  • Samoa (American)
  • Sao Tomé & Principe
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Senegal
  • Serbia
  • Seychelles
  • Sierra Leone
  • Singapore
  • Slovak Republic
  • Slovenia
  • Solomon Islands
  • Somalia
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Sri Lanka
  • St Kitts & Nevis
  • St Lucia
  • St Vincent & The Grenadines
  • Sudan
  • Suriname
  • Swaziland
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Syria
  • Tajikistan
  • Taiwan
  • Tanzania
  • Thailand
  • Togo
  • Tonga
  • Trinidad & Tobago
  • Tunisia
  • Turkey
  • Turkmenistan
  • Turks & Caicos Islands
  • UAE
  • Uganda
  • UK
  • Ukraine
  • Uruguay
  • US Virgin Islands
  • USA
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vanuatu
  • Venezuela
  • Vietnam
  • Yemen
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe