世界のxEV市場とバッテリー需給の見通し(~2035年)<2024.1H> Global xEV Market and Battery Supply & Demand Outlook (~2035) PDF |
世界のxEV市場とバッテリー需給の見通し(~2035年) |
出版日: 2025年01月31日発行予定
発行: SNE Research
ページ情報: 英文 239 Pages
納期: お問合せ
COVID-19の暗雲が立ち込めていた電気自動車市場は、依然として成長の鈍化を懸念しています。GMは2024年までに40万台の電気自動車を生産する計画を断念し、2027年からHondaと電気自動車を発売する計画も中止しました。FordはSK Onと建設を計画していた二次バッテリーセル第2プラントの稼働を延期しました。LG Energy Solutionと進めていたトルコでの二次バッテリージョイントベンチャー設立計画は撤回されました。
The electric vehicle market, which had been in the dark clouds of COVID-19, is still concerned about slowing growth. GM abandoned the plan to produce 400,000 electric cars by 2024, and also canceled the plan to launch electric cars with Honda from 2027. Ford delayed the operation of secondary battery cell plant 2 which is planned to build with SK On. The plan to establish a secondary battery joint venture in Turkey, which was being pursued with LG Energy Solution, was withdrawn.
In this atmosphere, it is said that the growth rate of PHEV + BEV electric vehicle market is not as big as originally expected. There are a number of complex reasons for this, such as the unexpected global economic downturn, interest rate hikes, and Chasm, which states a decline in demand or stagnation between the initial and mainstream markets. Recently, thanks to this trend, it has begun to say that the choice of car makers focused on hybrids was right.
If so, what will happen to the growth of the EV market? SNE Research has attempted to forecast a new EV market for market contraction and future market growth. In addition to the EV market, the total vehicle market tally was also revised from the beginning.
We hope this report may help those who are in the secondary battery and electric vehicle industry.