マネジメントシステム認証市場の2030年までの予測:認証別、サービス別、用途別、産業別、地域別の世界分析Management System Certification Market Forecasts to 2030 - Global Analysis By Certification, Service, Application, Industry and By Geography |
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マネジメントシステム認証市場の2030年までの予測:認証別、サービス別、用途別、産業別、地域別の世界分析 |
出版日: 2024年06月06日
発行: Stratistics Market Research Consulting
ページ情報: 英文 200+ Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
Stratistics MRCによると、世界のマネジメントシステム認証市場は、2023年に390億1,000万米ドルを占め、予測期間中にCAGR 6.3%で成長し、2030年には598億米ドルに達すると予測されています。
マネジメントシステム認証は、ISO 9001、ISO 14001、ISO 45001などの国際的に認知された規格に従って組織のマネジメントシステムを認証するものです。この市場には、組織がこれらの規格に準拠しているかを評価する認証機関が含まれ、指定された要件を満たすマネジメントシステムの有効性について利害関係者に保証を提供しています。
組織は、業務効率の向上、リスクの低減、規制へのコンプライアンスの確保において、マネジメントシステム認証の価値をますます認識するようになっています。ISO 9001、ISO 14001、ISO 45001などの認証は、プロセスの合理化、製品品質の向上、ベストプラクティスへのコミットメントの実証に役立ちます。このような組織のパフォーマンス重視の姿勢は、企業が競争力を獲得し、利害関係者との信頼関係を構築しようとする中で、認証サービスへの需要を高めています。
持続可能性と責任あるビジネス慣行に対する世界の重視の高まりは、マネジメントシステム認証市場に大きな機会をもたらしています。環境管理(ISO 14001)、エネルギー管理(ISO 50001)、社会的責任(SA 8000)に関連する認証は、組織が持続可能な慣行へのコミットメントを実証しようとしていることから、支持を集めています。このような持続可能性認証に対する需要の高まりは、今後数年間の市場成長を促進すると予想されます。
COVID-19の流行は、マネジメントシステム認証市場にさまざまな影響を与えました。認証審査の中断や遅延に直面した業界がある一方で、安全衛生マネジメントシステム(ISO 45001)への注目が高まった業界もあった。パンデミックの間、遠隔審査とバーチャル審査が注目され、認証機関のサービス継続を可能にしました。しかし、景気減速と組織が経験した財政的制約が、認証需要に一時的な影響を与えた可能性があります。
ISO9001などの認証を含む品質マネジメントシステム部門が、マネジメントシステム認証市場で最大のシェアを占めると予想されます。品質管理は、顧客満足度、業務効率、規制遵守に直接影響するため、業種を問わず組織にとって基本的な側面です。ISO 9001が広く採用され、品質改善が継続的に重視されていることが、このセグメントの優位性を高めています。
Note: Tables for North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.
According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Management System Certification Market is accounted for $39.01 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $59.8 billion by 2030 growing at a CAGR of 6.3% during the forecast period. Management system certification involves the certification of organizations' management systems according to internationally recognized standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. This market encompasses certification bodies that assess organizations' compliance with these standards, providing assurance to stakeholders regarding the effectiveness of their management systems in meeting specified requirements.
Increased focus on organizational performance
Organizations increasingly recognize the value of management system certifications in enhancing operational efficiency, reducing risks, and ensuring compliance with regulations. Certifications like ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 help streamline processes, improve product quality, and demonstrate a commitment to best practices. This focus on organizational performance drives the demand for certification services as companies seek to gain a competitive edge and build trust with stakeholders.
Complexity of standards
The complexity of standards and the rigorous requirements for obtaining certifications can be a restraint for some organizations, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The process of implementing and maintaining management systems aligned with certification standards can be resource-intensive and time-consuming. SMEs may face challenges in terms of expertise, financial resources, and organizational readiness, which can hinder their ability to pursue certifications.
Growing demand for sustainable practices
The increasing global emphasis on sustainability and responsible business practices presents a significant opportunity for the management system certification market. Certifications related to environmental management (ISO 14001), energy management (ISO 50001), and social responsibility (SA 8000) are gaining traction as organizations seek to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices. This growing demand for sustainability certifications is expected to drive market growth in the coming years.
Changes in regulations
Changes in regulations and standards can pose a threat to the management system certification market. Revisions to existing standards or the introduction of new regulations may require organizations to adapt their management systems and seek recertification. These changes can create uncertainty and additional costs for companies, potentially impacting the demand for certification services in the short term.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a mixed impact on the management system certification market. While some industries faced disruptions and delayed certification audits, others saw an increased focus on health and safety management systems (ISO 45001). Remote audits and virtual assessments gained prominence during the pandemic, enabling certification bodies to continue their services. However, the economic slowdown and financial constraints experienced by organizations may have temporarily affected the demand for certifications.
The quality management systems segment is expected to be the largest during the forecast period
The Quality Management Systems segment, which includes certifications like ISO 9001, is expected to hold the largest share in the management system certification market. Quality management is a fundamental aspect for organizations across industries, as it directly impacts customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and regulatory compliance. The widespread adoption of ISO 9001 and the continuous emphasis on quality improvement drive the dominance of this segment.
The training & business assurance segment is expected to have the highest CAGR during the forecast period
The training and business assurance segment is projected to exhibit the highest growth rate during the forecast period. This segment encompasses services related to training, consulting, and business assurance that help organizations effectively implement and maintain management systems. The growing complexity of standards and the need for expert guidance and support in navigating certification requirements contribute to the rapid growth of this segment.
The Asia Pacific region is expected to hold the largest share of the management system certification market. The region's rapid industrialization, expanding manufacturing sector, and increasing focus on quality and sustainability drive the demand for certifications. Countries like China, India, and Japan have a significant presence of manufacturing and service industries, which actively seek certifications to meet global standards and gain competitive advantage. The large population and growing middle class in the region further contribute to the dominance of the Asia Pacific market.
The Asia Pacific region is also projected to experience the highest CAGR in the management system certification market during the forecast period. The region's dynamic economic growth, increasing international trade, and rising consumer awareness about quality and sustainability fuel the demand for certifications. Governments in the region are actively promoting industry standards and regulations, encouraging organizations to adopt management system certifications. The expanding service sector and the emphasis on digitalization and innovation further drive the rapid growth of the certification market in the Asia Pacific region.
Key players in the market
Some of the key players in Management System Certification Market include Bureau Veritas SA, DNV GL AS, SGS Group, Intertek Group PLC, TUV SUD, DEKRA SE, Lloyd's Register Group Limited, UL LLC (Underwriters Laboratories), NSF International, BSI Group (British Standards Institution), TUV Rheinland Group, Eurofins Scientific, Kiwa NV, Applus+, NQA (National Quality Assurance), CertiK, TUV Austria, TUV Nord Group, SAI Global and AsureQuality Limited.
In February 2024, TUV Rheinland entered into a strategic supplier partnership with Pantone to implement a top-tier color validation program. Pantone selected TUV Rheinland as its inaugural lab partner in Asia to conduct Pantone Validated measurements, aiming to ensure color accuracy and consistency throughout manufacturing and production processes.
In January 2024, BSI introduced a new set of measures and a standard to advocate for the safe, secure, and ethical utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This package encompasses certification for a novel management system designed to assist businesses in ethically harnessing AI while addressing apprehensions regarding its potential risks. The standard, BS ISO/IEC 42001, establishes a framework for the responsible development and deployment of AI technology, aiming to bridge the AI confidence gap and foster trust in its application.