

Baby Food Market Forecasts to 2030 - Global Analysis By Product Type, Type, Distribution Channel, Formulation Type, Age Group, Ingredient, Health Benefit and By Geography

出版日: | 発行: Stratistics Market Research Consulting | ページ情報: 英文 175+ Pages | 納期: 2~3営業日

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価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2023年08月01日
発行: Stratistics Market Research Consulting
ページ情報: 英文 175+ Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次

Stratistics MRCによると、ベビーフードの世界市場は2023年に1,052億8,000万米ドルを占め、2030年には1,827億9,000万米ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間中のCAGRは8.2%です。




















食品の安全性に対する懸念の高まり、働く女性の割合の増加、新製品リリースの増加、企業開発などの要因が、予測期間を通じて同地域の成長に貢献するためです。例えば、ベルリンを拠点とするI Love You Veggie Much社は、2021年8月にオーガニックベビーフードのカテゴリーでヴィーガンベビーフードを正式にデビューさせました。したがって、このようなリリースは、国内のベジタリアンおよびヴィーガン世帯の間で市場拡大に拍車をかけると予想されます。



  • 企業プロファイル
    • 追加市場プレイヤーの包括的プロファイリング(3社まで)
    • 主要企業のSWOT分析(3社まで)
  • 地域セグメンテーション
    • 顧客の関心に応じた主要国の市場推計・予測・CAGR(注:フィージビリティチェックによる)
  • 競合ベンチマーキング
    • 製品ポートフォリオ、地理的プレゼンス、戦略的提携に基づく主要企業のベンチマーキング


第1章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第2章 序文

  • 概要
  • ステークホルダー
  • 調査範囲
  • 調査手法
    • データマイニング
    • データ分析
    • データ検証
    • 調査アプローチ
  • 調査ソース
    • 一次調査情報源
    • 二次調査情報源
    • 前提条件

第3章 市場動向分析

  • 促進要因
  • 抑制要因
  • 機会
  • 脅威
  • 製品分析
  • 新興市場
  • COVID-19の影響

第4章 ポーターのファイブフォース分析

  • 供給企業の交渉力
  • 買い手の交渉力
  • 代替品の脅威
  • 新規参入業者の脅威
  • 競争企業間の敵対関係

第5章 ベビーフードの世界市場:製品タイプ別

  • シリアルベースフード
  • 乾燥ベビーフード
  • 乳児用調製粉乳
  • ジュース・スムージー
  • 粉ミルク
  • 母乳代替食品
  • ピューレ
  • ベビーフード
  • スナック
  • その他の製品タイプ

第6章 ベビーフードの世界市場:タイプ別

  • オーガニック
  • 従来型
  • その他のタイプ

第7章 ベビーフードの世界市場:流通チャネル別

  • スーパーマーケット/ハイパーマーケット
  • オンラインストア
  • 食料品店・薬局
  • コンビニエンスストア
  • 健康・美容小売業者
  • ドラッグストア/薬局
  • その他の流通チャネル

第8章 ベビーフードの世界市場:配合タイプ別

  • 粉末
  • 液体
  • 半固体
  • 固体
  • その他の配合タイプ

第9章 ベビーフードの世界市場:年齢層別

  • 乳児
  • 幼児
  • 就学前

第10章 ベビーフードの世界市場:成分別

  • 油脂
  • フレーバーエンハンサー
  • 穀粉
  • 乳糖
  • タンパク質
  • ビタミン・ミネラル
  • その他の成分

第11章 ベビーフードの世界市場:健康効果別

  • 血液強化
  • 体のエネルギー
  • 骨・歯の発達
  • 脳・目の発達
  • 筋肉の成長
  • 神経系
  • 血管系
  • その他の健康効果

第12章 ベビーフードの世界市場:地域別

  • 北米
    • 米国
    • カナダ
    • メキシコ
  • 欧州
    • ドイツ
    • 英国
    • イタリア
    • フランス
    • スペイン
    • その他欧州
  • アジア太平洋
    • 日本
    • 中国
    • インド
    • オーストラリア
    • ニュージーランド
    • 韓国
    • その他アジア太平洋地域
  • 南米
    • アルゼンチン
    • ブラジル
    • チリ
    • その他南米
  • 中東・アフリカ
    • サウジアラビア
    • アラブ首長国連邦
    • カタール
    • 南アフリカ
    • その他中東・アフリカ

第13章 主な発展

  • 契約、パートナーシップ、提携、合弁事業
  • 買収と合併
  • 新製品の上市
  • 事業拡大
  • その他の主要戦略

第14章 企業プロファイル

  • Bellamys Organic Pty Ltd
  • Nestle SA
  • Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC
  • Feihe International Inc.
  • Ausnutria Dairy Corporation Ltd
  • Yili Group
  • Danone SA
  • The Kraft Heinz Company
  • Abbott Laboratories
  • Royal FrieslandCampina NV
  • Shijiazhuang Junlebao Dairy Co. Ltd
  • Hero Group
  • Ausnutria Dairy Corporation Ltd
  • Kewpie Corporation
  • Mead Johnson & Company, LLC.
  • Perrigo Company plc
  • Sun-Maid Growers of California
  • PZ Cussons
  • Alter S.L
  • HiPP GmbH & Co. Vertrieb KG

List of Tables

  • Table 1 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Region (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 2 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Product Type (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 3 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Cereal Based Foods (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 4 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Dried Baby Food (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 5 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Infant Formula (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 6 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Juice & Smoothies (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 7 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Milk Formula (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 8 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Mother Milk Substitute (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 9 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Purees (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 10 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Ready to Feed Baby Food (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 11 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Snacks (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 12 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Other Product Types (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 13 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Type (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 14 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Organic (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 15 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Conventional (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 16 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Other Types (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 17 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Distribution Channel (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 18 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Supermarkets/ Hypermarkets (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 19 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Online Stores (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 20 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Grocery Stores & Pharmacy Stores (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 21 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Convenience Stores (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 22 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Health and Beauty Retailers (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 23 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Drugstores/ Pharmacies (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 24 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Other Distribution Channels (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 25 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Formulation Type (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 26 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Powder (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 27 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Liquid (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 28 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Semi-Solid (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 29 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Solid (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 30 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Other Formulation Types (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 31 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Age Group (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 32 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Infant (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 33 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Toddler (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 34 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Pre-School (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 35 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Ingredient (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 36 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Fats & Oils (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 37 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Flavour Enhancer (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 38 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Flour (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 39 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Lactose (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 40 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Protein (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 41 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Vitamins & Minerals (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 42 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Other Ingredients (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 43 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Health Benefit (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 44 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Blood Enhancement (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 45 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Body Energy (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 46 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Bones & Teeth Development (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 47 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Brain & Eye Development (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 48 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Muscular Growth (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 49 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Nervous System (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 50 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Vascular System (2021-2030) ($MN)
  • Table 51 Global Baby Food Market Outlook, By Other Health Benefits (2021-2030) ($MN)

Note: Tables for North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East & Africa Regions are also represented in the same manner as above.

Product Code: SMRC23481

According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Baby Food Market is accounted for $105.28 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $182.79 billion by 2030 growing at a CAGR of 8.2% during the forecast period. For infants between the ages of four months and two years, baby food is made out of a soft mixture of fruits, vegetables, and grains. Given that it contains vital nutrients that support newborn growth, it is regarded as the optimal breast milk alternative. Baby food is their major source of nutrition because they lack the teeth and muscles to chew food correctly. Over time, parents have turned to packaged foods due to their convenience and superior nutrition.

According to the "National Centre for Health Statistics," 2021, the number of birth rate rose by 1% in the U.S., with 3,659,289 in the year 2021.

Market Dynamics:


Increasing number of working women and demand for ready-to-eat foods

As the number of working women rises and there is a quick trend towards convenience meals, the demand for baby food is rising, driving the baby food industry. Modern houses are becoming more disorganised, with most people having less time for domestic chores, especially cooking and food preparation. As a result, there is a higher demand for packaged or ready-to-eat goods. Furthermore, ready-to-eat meal alternatives are preferred by working women, particularly new moms. Because it saves them time and enables them to maintain a work-life balance while simultaneously taking care of domestic duties, many working mothers select packaged meals for their kids.


Parents preferences changing in favour of homemade food

Several interconnected variables, including socioeconomic and cultural ones, have an impact on complementary feeding practises and adherence to health recommendations. Parents are selecting the option of homemade food since it is the most natural and hygienic way to provide their infants fresh, savoury, and nutritious ingredients. The transition from breast milk to solid meals is often advised at 6 months of age. The sudden preference for homemade meals among parents might have a detrimental effect on the expansion of the worldwide market. Furthermore, the development of packaged baby food is being hampered by the probable inclusion of heavy metals in the infant food made by several well-known corporations.


Rising infant population combined with innovative infant food products

The rise of the baby food category is thought to be significantly influenced by the rising newborn mortality rate. As toddlers require the most energy for their general physical and cognitive development, the demand for infant food is anticipated to increase over the forecast period, which will in turn lead to the growth of the worldwide market. The momentum of the baby food industry is also further boosted by increased disposable income, rising parental concern for their children's wellbeing, and rising demand for convenience meals. Infant meals and milk formulas continue to be popular due to new product improvements in terms of flavours and packaging, despite the fact that releases are fast increasing across all categories.


Quick transition to organic ingredients

As baby food is necessary for an infant's healthy development, it's critical to restrict a baby's exposure to any dangerous substances throughout the first few years of life. So, there is less likelihood of absorbing pesticides or harmful chemicals when organic infant food is consumed. The demand for organic baby food is anticipated to increase since it is comprised of fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat from animals that have not been given antibiotics or growth hormones. Additionally, top businesses make sure that these foods are free of any artificial flavours, colours, or preservatives.

COVID-19 Impact:

The rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus around the world caused a dramatic disruption in the expansion of the worldwide market. In terms of the manufacturing and sales of baby meals in the year 2020, the worldwide lockdown and strict regulatory controls created a considerable imbalance. For instance, Gerber, a Nestle S.A. subsidiary, had a slow 1-percent gain in infant food demand in April 2020, followed by its organic line and healthy eating. Additionally, the countries had a severe shortage of infant formula because of difficulties with the labour, supply chain management, and worries about contamination. Thus, these metals are to blame for impeding behavioural and neurologic development. The COVID-19 phase saw a continued strong demand for infant food items, but the pandemic crisis negatively impacted import and export facilities as well as transportation, which in turn constrained growth.

The infant formula segment is expected to be the largest during the forecast period

The infant formula segment is estimated to have a lucrative growth, due to its extensive use in multiple applications, baby formula takes the lead among all other categories. When only breast milk is no longer adequate to meet the nutritional needs of toddlers at the age of six months, infant formula, including powdered formula and ready-to-eat formula, is a crucial source of energy. Infant formulae can make eating easier and are accepted as an alternate method of feeding a baby if nursing is not possible. Infant formula is very simple for infants to digest, making it a great option for newborns.

The conventional segment is expected to have the highest CAGR during the forecast period

The conventional segment is anticipated to witness the highest CAGR growth during the forecast period, due to their widespread availability and low cost, consumers are using conventional goods more frequently, which are accelerating the expansion of the inorganic market. Additionally, inorganic products demand less investment in manufacture than organic ones, which increases the capacity of production. Due to escalating worries about artificial additives, the effects of pesticides, and antibiotics, customers who are health-conscious are turning more and more towards organic products than conventional ones, which is driving up demand for organic products across the board.

Region with largest share:

Asia Pacific is projected to hold the largest market share during the forecast period owing to due to its expanding population, busy lives, and increased consumer spending. The biggest market in the area is China. In addition, growing nations like Indonesia and India are anticipated to propel market expansion in the Asia-Pacific region. Growing levels of modern retail penetration, consumer product knowledge, disposable income growth, and purchasing power are all factors driving the regional infant food market's growth. Consumers choose non-grocery specialty merchants like pharmacies and drugstores, while internet channels are the fastest-growing distribution method.

Region with highest CAGR:

Europe is projected to have the highest CAGR over the forecast period, owing to factors including escalating worries over food safety, an increase in the percentage of working women, an increase in new product releases, and corporate development will all contribute to the region's growth throughout the projection period. For instance, the Berlin-based firm I Love You Veggie Much officially debuted its vegan baby food items in its organic baby food category in August 2021. Thus, it is anticipated that such releases would spur market expansion among the nation's vegetarian and vegan households.

Key players in the market:

Some of the key players profiled in the Baby Food Market include: Bellamys Organic Pty Ltd, Nestle SA, Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC, Feihe International Inc., Ausnutria Dairy Corporation Ltd, Yili Group, Danone SA, The Kraft Heinz Company, Abbott Laboratories, Royal FrieslandCampina NV, Shijiazhuang Junlebao Dairy Co. Ltd, Hero Group, Ausnutria Dairy Corporation Ltd, Kewpie Corporation, Mead Johnson & Company, LLC., Perrigo Company plc, Sun-Maid Growers of California, PZ Cussons, Alter S.L and HiPP GmbH & Co. Vertrieb KG

Key Developments:

In June 2022, the Abbott Nutrition company restarted baby formula production in its reopened Michigan plant. There is an increase in baby formula production at Abbott Nutrition's facility in Sturgis, Michigan, as the company seeks to address a nationwide shortage of the product.

In April 2022, the Nestle-owned Gerber Company announced the launch of Plant-tastic, a line of baby food that is carbon-neutral and high in plant protein. Using plant-based, nutrient-dense ingredients, Plant-tastic offers a variety of organic pouches, snacks, and meals.

Product Types Covered:

  • Cereal Based Foods
  • Dried Baby Food
  • Infant Formula
  • Juice & Smoothies
  • Milk Formula
  • Mother Milk Substitute
  • Purees
  • Ready to Feed Baby Food
  • Snacks
  • Other Product Types

Types Covered:

  • Organic
  • Conventional
  • Other Types

Distribution Channels Covered:

  • Supermarkets/ Hypermarkets
  • Online Stores
  • Grocery Stores & Pharmacy Stores
  • Convenience Stores
  • Health and Beauty Retailers
  • Drugstores/ Pharmacies
  • Other Distribution Channels

Formulation Types Covered:

  • Powder
  • Liquid
  • Semi-Solid
  • Solid
  • Other Formulation Types

Age Groups Covered:

  • Infant
  • Toddler
  • Pre-School

Ingredients Covered:

  • Infant
  • Fats & Oils
  • Flavour Enhancer
  • Flour
  • Lactose
  • Protein
  • Vitamins & Minerals
  • Other Ingredients

Health Benefits Covered:

  • Blood Enhancement
  • Body Energy
  • Bones & Teeth Development
  • Brain & Eye Development
  • Muscular Growth
  • Nervous System
  • Vascular System
  • Other Health Benefits

Regions Covered:

  • North America
    • US
    • Canada
    • Mexico
  • Europe
    • Germany
    • UK
    • Italy
    • France
    • Spain
    • Rest of Europe
  • Asia Pacific
    • Japan
    • China
    • India
    • Australia
    • New Zealand
    • South Korea
    • Rest of Asia Pacific
  • South America
    • Argentina
    • Brazil
    • Chile
    • Rest of South America
  • Middle East & Africa
    • Saudi Arabia
    • UAE
    • Qatar
    • South Africa
    • Rest of Middle East & Africa

What our report offers:

  • Market share assessments for the regional and country-level segments
  • Strategic recommendations for the new entrants
  • Covers Market data for the years 2021, 2022, 2023, 2026, and 2030
  • Market Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Challenges, Investment Opportunities, and recommendations)
  • Strategic recommendations in key business segments based on the market estimations
  • Competitive landscaping mapping the key common trends
  • Company profiling with detailed strategies, financials, and recent developments
  • Supply chain trends mapping the latest technological advancements

Free Customization Offerings:

All the customers of this report will be entitled to receive one of the following free customization options:

  • Company Profiling
    • Comprehensive profiling of additional market players (up to 3)
    • SWOT Analysis of key players (up to 3)
  • Regional Segmentation
    • Market estimations, Forecasts and CAGR of any prominent country as per the client's interest (Note: Depends on feasibility check)
  • Competitive Benchmarking
    • Benchmarking of key players based on product portfolio, geographical presence, and strategic alliances

Table of Contents

1 Executive Summary

2 Preface

  • 2.1 Abstract
  • 2.2 Stake Holders
  • 2.3 Research Scope
  • 2.4 Research Methodology
    • 2.4.1 Data Mining
    • 2.4.2 Data Analysis
    • 2.4.3 Data Validation
    • 2.4.4 Research Approach
  • 2.5 Research Sources
    • 2.5.1 Primary Research Sources
    • 2.5.2 Secondary Research Sources
    • 2.5.3 Assumptions

3 Market Trend Analysis

  • 3.1 Introduction
  • 3.2 Drivers
  • 3.3 Restraints
  • 3.4 Opportunities
  • 3.5 Threats
  • 3.6 Product Analysis
  • 3.7 Emerging Markets
  • 3.8 Impact of Covid-19

4 Porters Five Force Analysis

  • 4.1 Bargaining power of suppliers
  • 4.2 Bargaining power of buyers
  • 4.3 Threat of substitutes
  • 4.4 Threat of new entrants
  • 4.5 Competitive rivalry

5 Global Baby Food Market, By Product Type

  • 5.1 Introduction
  • 5.2 Cereal Based Foods
  • 5.3 Dried Baby Food
  • 5.4 Infant Formula
  • 5.5 Juice & Smoothies
  • 5.6 Milk Formula
  • 5.7 Mother Milk Substitute
  • 5.8 Purees
  • 5.9 Ready to Feed Baby Food
  • 5.10 Snacks
  • 5.11 Other Product Types

6 Global Baby Food Market, By Type

  • 6.1 Introduction
  • 6.2 Organic
  • 6.3 Conventional
  • 6.4 Other Types

7 Global Baby Food Market, By Distribution Channel

  • 7.1 Introduction
  • 7.2 Supermarkets/ Hypermarkets
  • 7.3 Online Stores
  • 7.4 Grocery Stores & Pharmacy Stores
  • 7.5 Convenience Stores
  • 7.6 Health and Beauty Retailers
  • 7.7 Drugstores/ Pharmacies
  • 7.8 Other Distribution Channels

8 Global Baby Food Market, By Formulation Type

  • 8.1 Introduction
  • 8.2 Powder
  • 8.3 Liquid
  • 8.4 Semi-Solid
  • 8.5 Solid
  • 8.6 Other Formulation Types

9 Global Baby Food Market, By Age Group

  • 9.1 Introduction
  • 9.2 Infant
  • 9.3 Toddler
  • 9.4 Pre-School

10 Global Baby Food Market, By Ingredient

  • 10.1 Introduction
  • 10.2 Fats & Oils
  • 10.3 Flavour Enhancer
  • 10.4 Flour
  • 10.5 Lactose
  • 10.6 Protein
  • 10.7 Vitamins & Minerals
  • 10.8 Other Ingredients

11 Global Baby Food Market, By Health Benefit

  • 11.1 Introduction
  • 11.2 Blood Enhancement
  • 11.3 Body Energy
  • 11.4 Bones & Teeth Development
  • 11.5 Brain & Eye Development
  • 11.6 Muscular Growth
  • 11.7 Nervous System
  • 11.8 Vascular System
  • 11.9 Other Health Benefits

12 Global Baby Food Market, By Geography

  • 12.1 Introduction
  • 12.2 North America
    • 12.2.1 US
    • 12.2.2 Canada
    • 12.2.3 Mexico
  • 12.3 Europe
    • 12.3.1 Germany
    • 12.3.2 UK
    • 12.3.3 Italy
    • 12.3.4 France
    • 12.3.5 Spain
    • 12.3.6 Rest of Europe
  • 12.4 Asia Pacific
    • 12.4.1 Japan
    • 12.4.2 China
    • 12.4.3 India
    • 12.4.4 Australia
    • 12.4.5 New Zealand
    • 12.4.6 South Korea
    • 12.4.7 Rest of Asia Pacific
  • 12.5 South America
    • 12.5.1 Argentina
    • 12.5.2 Brazil
    • 12.5.3 Chile
    • 12.5.4 Rest of South America
  • 12.6 Middle East & Africa
    • 12.6.1 Saudi Arabia
    • 12.6.2 UAE
    • 12.6.3 Qatar
    • 12.6.4 South Africa
    • 12.6.5 Rest of Middle East & Africa

13 Key Developments

  • 13.1 Agreements, Partnerships, Collaborations and Joint Ventures
  • 13.2 Acquisitions & Mergers
  • 13.3 New Product Launch
  • 13.4 Expansions
  • 13.5 Other Key Strategies

14 Company Profiling

  • 14.1 Bellamys Organic Pty Ltd
  • 14.2 Nestle SA
  • 14.3 Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC
  • 14.4 Feihe International Inc.
  • 14.5 Ausnutria Dairy Corporation Ltd
  • 14.6 Yili Group
  • 14.7 Danone SA
  • 14.8 The Kraft Heinz Company
  • 14.9 Abbott Laboratories
  • 14.10 Royal FrieslandCampina NV
  • 14.11 Shijiazhuang Junlebao Dairy Co. Ltd
  • 14.12 Hero Group
  • 14.13 Ausnutria Dairy Corporation Ltd
  • 14.14 Kewpie Corporation
  • 14.15 Mead Johnson & Company, LLC.
  • 14.16 Perrigo Company plc
  • 14.17 Sun-Maid Growers of California
  • 14.18 PZ Cussons
  • 14.19 Alter S.L
  • 14.20 HiPP GmbH & Co. Vertrieb KG