細胞・遺伝子治療技術・材料市場:2022年SDi Cell & Gene Therapy Technologies and Supplies 2022 |
細胞・遺伝子治療技術・材料市場:2022年 |
出版日: 2022年12月08日
発行: Strategic Directions International, Inc.
ページ情報: 英文 123 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
As development and market entries of CGTs accelerate, the market for suppliers of laboratory and clinical tools within the CGT R&D and manufacturing spaces will see very rapid growth.
‘The 2022 Cell & Gene Therapy Tools Report’ examines the global market for analytical technologies and products used throughout the various stages of CGT development and manufacturing, evaluating 24 technologies grouped into seven categories:
Markets are estimated for 2021 and projected to 2026.
The goal of this report is to provide demand growth projections by technique, region, and function, while also providing comprehensive views of the competitive landscape for each technology. There are a number of companies in this industry, and they are covered in the report, including:
and Others