

Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market by Type of Cell Manufactured, Source of Cell, Scale of Operation, Purpose of Manufacturing and Key Geographical Regions : Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2022-2035

出版日: | 発行: Roots Analysis | ページ情報: 英文 553 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2023年07月01日
発行: Roots Analysis
ページ情報: 英文 553 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次



第1章 序文

第2章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第3章 イントロダクション

第4章 市場概要

第5章 規制状況

  • 章の概要
  • 現在のシナリオ
  • 細胞治療製造の規制認定
  • 細胞治療の臨床段階の製造に関するガイドラインの概要
  • 細胞治療の臨床段階の製造に対する既存の課題

第6章 課題を克服するためのロードマップ

第7章 細胞治療製造の自動化技術

第8章 プロファイル:業界関係者

  • 章の概要
  • 北米のサービスプロバイダー
  • 欧州のサービスプロバイダー
  • アジア太平洋のサービスプロバイダー

第9章 プロファイル:産業界以外の参入機関

第10章 非営利団体の役割

第11章 臨床試験分析

  • 章の概要
  • 範囲と調査手法
  • 細胞治療:臨床試験分析

第12章 パートナーシップとコラボレーション

第13章 最近の拡張

  • 章の概要
  • 細胞治療の製造:拡大のリスト

第14章 大手製薬会社の取り組み

第15章 キャパシティ分析

第16章 需要分析

  • 章の概要
  • 範囲と調査手法
  • 細胞治療製造に対する世界の需要
  • 細胞治療製造に対する世界の臨床需要
  • 細胞治療製造の世界の商業的需要

第17章 原価分析

第18章 自製・購入選択の意思決定の枠組み

第19章 細胞治療製造組織の総所有コスト

第20章 市場規模と機会分析

第21章 重要な洞察

第22章 SWOT分析

第23章 結びの言葉

第24章 調査分析

第25章 インタビュー記録

第26章 付録1:表形式のデータ

第27章 付録2:会社および組織のリスト



  • Table 3.1 Cell-based Therapies: Key Applications
  • Table 3.2 Differences between Cell-based Therapies and Other Biotechnological Products
  • Table 3.3 Cell-based Therapies: Commercialized Products
  • Table 3.4 Assessments for Key Cell Therapy Manufacturing Steps
  • Table 3.5 Advantages and Disadvantages Associated with Centralized and Decentralized Manufacturing Models
  • Table 4.1 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: List of Industry Players
  • Table 4.2 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Information on Type of Manufacturer
  • Table 4.3 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Information on Type of Cell Manufactured
  • Table 4.4 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Information on Source of Cells and Type of Cells Culture System Used
  • Table 4.5 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Information on Scale of Operation
  • Table 4.6 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Information on Manufacturing Capabilities / Services Offered
  • Table 4.7 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: List of Non-Industry Players
  • Table 4.8 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Information on Type of Manufacturer
  • Table 4.9 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Information on Type of Cell Manufactured
  • Table 4.10 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Information on Source of Cells and Type of Cells Culture System Used
  • Table 4.11 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Information on Scale of Operation
  • Table 4.12 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Information on Manufacturing Capabilities / Services Offered
  • Table 5.1 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Regulatory Authorities / Certifications
  • Table 5.2 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Regulatory Authorities / Certifications
  • Table 5.3 Cell Therapy: Regulatory Considerations
  • Table 6.1 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Roadmap for the US
  • Table 6.2 Cell Processing: Challenges and Strategies
  • Table 6.3 Cell Preservation, Distribution and Handling: Challenges and Strategies
  • Table 6.4 Process Monitoring and Quality Control: Challenges and Strategies
  • Table 6.5 Standardization and Regulatory Support: Challenges and Strategies
  • Table 6.6 Workforce Development: Challenges and Strategies
  • Table 6.7 Supply Chain and Logistics: Challenges and Strategies
  • Table 6.8 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Roadmap for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
  • Table 7.1 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: List of Automated and Closed Cell Therapy Processing Systems
  • Table 7.2 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Observed Changes in Scale-up Scenario while Switching from Manual to Automated Operations
  • Table 8.1 AGC Biologics: Company Overview
  • Table 8.2 AGC Biologics: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 8.3 AGC Biologics: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 8.4 Charles River Laboratories: Company Overview
  • Table 8.5 Charles River Laboratories: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 8.6 Charles River Laboratories: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 8.7 KBI Biopharma: Company Overview
  • Table 8.8 KBI Biopharma: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 8.9 KBI Biopharma: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 8.10 Thermo Fisher Scientific: Company Overview
  • Table 8.11 Thermo Fisher Scientific: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 8.12 Thermo Fisher Scientific: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 8.13 BioNTech Innovative Manufacturing Services: Company Overview
  • Table 8.14 BioNTech Innovative Manufacturing Services: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 8.15 BioNTech Innovative Manufacturing Services: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 8.16 Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult: Company Overview
  • Table 8.17 Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 8.18 Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 8.19 Lonza: Company Overview
  • Table 8.20 Lonza: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 8.21 Lonza: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 8.22 RoslinCT: Company Overview
  • Table 8.23 RoslinCT: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 8.24 RoslinCT: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 8.25 Cell Therapies: Company Overview
  • Table 8.26 Cell Therapies: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 8.27 Cell Therapies: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 8.28 FUJIFILM Cellular Dynamics: Company Overview
  • Table 8.29 FUJIFILM Cellular Dynamics: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 8.30 FUJIFILM Cellular Dynamics: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 8.31 Minaris Regenerative Medicine: Company Overview
  • Table 8.32 Minaris Regenerative Medicine: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 8.33 Minaris Regenerative Medicine: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 8.34 MEDINET: Company Overview
  • Table 8.35 MEDINET: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 8.36 Nikon CeLL Innovation: Company Overview
  • Table 8.37 Nikon CeLL Innovation: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 8.38 WuXi AppTec: Company Overview
  • Table 8.39 WuXi AppTec: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 8.40 WuXi AppTec: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 9.1 Center for Cell and Gene Therapy: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 9.2 Center for Cell Manufacturing Ireland: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 9.3 Clinical Cell and Vaccine Production Facility: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 9.4 Guy's and St. Thomas GMP Facility: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 9.5 Laboratory of Cell and Gene Medicine: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 9.6 Molecular and Cellular Therapeutics: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 9.7 Newcastle Cellular Therapies Facility: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 9.8 Rayne Cell Therapy Suite: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 9.9 Scottish National Blood Transfusion Services Cellular Therapy Facility, Scottish Centre for Regenerative Medicine: Overview of Manufacturing Services and Capabilities
  • Table 9.10 Sydney Cell and Gene Therapy: Overview of Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • Table 10.1 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: List of Non-Profit Organizations
  • Table 10.2 CellCAN: Overview
  • Table 10.3 Cell Therapy Manufacturing Cooperative Research Center: Overview
  • Table 10.4 National Cell Manufacturing Consortium: Overview
  • Table 10.5 California's Institute of Regenerative Medicine: Overview
  • Table 12.1 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: List of Partnerships and Collaborations
  • Table 12.2 Partnerships and Collaborations: Information on Type of Cells
  • Table 12.3 Partnerships and Collaborations: Information on Type of T Cells and Stem Cells
  • Table 12.4 Partnerships and Collaborations: Information on Scale of Operation
  • Table 12.5 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: List of Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Table 13.1 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: List of Expansions
  • Table 13.2 Recent Expansions: Information on Type of Cells Manufactured
  • Table 13.3 Recent Expansions: Information on Scale of Operation
  • Table 14.1 Big Pharma Initiatives: List of Cell Therapy Manufacturing Focused Initiatives, 2017-2022
  • Table 14.2 Big Pharma Initiatives: Information on Type of Cells Manufactured
  • Table 14.3 Big Pharma Initiatives: Information on Scale of Operation
  • Table 15.1 Average Installed Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity (Number of Cleanrooms): Sample Data Set for Industry Players
  • Table 15.2 Average Installed Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity (Cleanroom Area): Sample Data Set for Industry Players
  • Table 15.3 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Number of Cleanrooms): Distribution by Company Size
  • Table 15.4 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Cleanroom Area, Sq. ft.): Distribution by Company Size
  • Table 15.5 Installed Global Capacity for Cell Therapy Manufacturing (in Terms of Number of Cleanrooms): Average Capacity for Non-Industry Players
  • Table 15.6 Installed Global Capacity for Cell Therapy Manufacturing (in Terms of Cleanroom Area, Sq. ft.): Average Capacity for Non-Industry Players
  • Table 17.1 Costs Associated with the Manufacturing of Stem Cell Therapies
  • Table 17.2 Pricing Model: Price of Marketed Drugs (Antibody Drug Conjugates and Monoclonal Antibodies)
  • Table 17.3 T-cell Immunotherapies: Expert Opinions on Pricing
  • Table 17.4 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Reimbursement Landscape
  • Table 19.1 Total Cost of Ownership: Sample Dataset
  • Table 20.1 Active Clinical Studies for Autologous Cell Therapies
  • Table 20.2 Active Clinical Studies for Autologous Cell Therapies: Distribution by Patients Enrolled
  • Table 20.3 Active Clinical Studies for Allogeneic Cell Therapies
  • Table 20.4 Active Clinical Studies for Allogeneic Cell Therapies: Distribution by Patients Enrolled
  • Table 24.1 Survey Analysis: Overview of Respondents
  • Table 24.2 Survey Analysis: Designations and Seniority Levels
  • Table 24.3 Survey Analysis: Type of Cell Therapy
  • Table 24.4 Survey Analysis: Scale of Operation
  • Table 24.5 Survey Analysis: Source of Cells
  • Table 24.6 Survey Analysis: Cell Culture System Used
  • Table 24.7 Survey Analysis: Availability of Fill / Finish Services
  • Table 25.1 RoslinCT: Key Highlights
  • Table 25.2 Discovery Life Sciences: Key Highlights
  • Table 25.3 Glycostem Therapeutics: Key Highlights
  • Table 25.4 Bio Elpida: Key Highlights
  • Table 25.5 Gracell Biotechnologies: Key Highlights
  • Table 25.6 Kadimastem: Key Highlights
  • Table 25.7 RoslinCT: Key Highlights
  • Table 25.8 University of Minnesota: Key Highlights
  • Table 25.8 Lion TCR: Key Highlights
  • Table 25.10 Center for Commercialization of Cancer Immunotherapy (C3i): Key Highlights
  • Table 25.11 Yposkesi: Key Highlights
  • Table 25.12 CiMaas: Key Highlights
  • Table 26.1 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Company Size
  • Table 26.2 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Table 26.3 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Region-wise)
  • Table 26.4 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Country-wise)
  • Table 26.5 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Company Size and Location of Headquarters
  • Table 26.6 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Year of Establishment and Location of Headquarters
  • Table 26.7 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facilities (Region-wise)
  • Table 26.8 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facilities (Country-wise)
  • Table 26.9 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Manufacturer
  • Table 26.10 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters and Type of Manufacturer
  • Table 26.11 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Cells Manufactured
  • Table 26.12 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Immune Cell Manufactured
  • Table 26.13 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Stem Cell Manufactured
  • Table 26.14 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Company Size and Type of Cells Manufactured
  • Table 26.15 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters and Type of Cells Manufactured
  • Table 26.16 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Source of Cells
  • Table 26.17 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Cells Manufactured and Source of Cells
  • Table 26.18 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Table 26.19 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Manufacturing Capabilities / Services Offered
  • Table 26.20 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Company Size and Services Offered
  • Table 26.21 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Year of Establishment, Location of Headquarters and Services Offered
  • Table 26.22 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Organization Size
  • Table 26.23 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Table 26.24 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Region-wise)
  • Table 26.25 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Country-wise)
  • Table 26.26 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Organization Size and Location of Headquarters
  • Table 26.27 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Year of Establishment and Location of Headquarters
  • Table 26.28 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facility (Region-wise)
  • Table 26.29 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facility (Country-wise)
  • Table 26.30 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Manufacturer
  • Table 26.31 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters and Type of Manufacturer
  • Table 26.32 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Cells Manufactured
  • Table 26.33 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Immune Cell Manufactured
  • Table 26.34 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Stem Cell Manufactured
  • Table 26.35 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Organization Size and Type of Cells Manufactured
  • Table 26.36 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters and Type of Cells Manufactured
  • Table 26.37 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Source of Cells
  • Table 26.38 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Cells Manufactured and Source of Cells
  • Table 26.39 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Table 26.40 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Manufacturing Capabilities / Services Offered
  • Table 26.41 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Organization Size and Services Offered
  • Table 26.42 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Year of Establishment, Location of Headquarters and Services Offered
  • Table 26.43 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution of Manufacturing Facilities by Regulatory Authorities / Certifications
  • Table 26.44 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution of Manufacturing Facilities by Regulatory Authorities / Certifications
  • Table 26.45 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year, 2019-2022
  • Table 26.46 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Enrolled Patient Population by Trial Registration Year, 2019-2022
  • Table 26.47 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Status
  • Table 26.48 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year and Trial Status
  • Table 26.49 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Phase
  • Table 26.50 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Number of Trials by Enrolled Patient Population and Trial Phase
  • Table 26.51 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Type of Sponsor / Collaborator
  • Table 26.52 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Patient Segment
  • Table 26.53 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Study Design
  • Table 26.54 Most Active Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Registered Trials
  • Table 26.55 Most Active Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Registered Trials
  • Table 26.56 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Number of Trials and Geographical Location
  • Table 26.57 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Number of Trials, Trial Status and Geographical Location
  • Table 26.58 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Enrolled Patient Population, Trial Status and Geographical Location
  • Table 26.59 Partnerships and Collaborations: Cumulative Year-wise Trend, 2016-2022
  • Table 26.60 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partnership
  • Table 26.61 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Year and Type of Partnership
  • Table 26.62 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Cells
  • Table 26.63 Heat Map: Distribution by Year and Type of Cells
  • Table 26.64 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of T-Cell
  • Table 26.65 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Stem Cell
  • Table 26.66 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Table 26.67 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Cells and Scale of Operation
  • Table 26.68 Partnerships and Collaborations: Country-wise Distribution
  • Table 26.69 Partnerships and Collaborations: Continent-wise Distribution
  • Table 26.70 Most Active Players: Distribution by Number of Partnerships
  • Table 26.71 Mergers and Acquisitions: Cumulative Year-wise Trend, 2016-2022 (till June)
  • Table 26.72 Mergers and Acquisitions: Distribution by Type of Agreement
  • Table 26.73 Mergers and Acquisitions: Year-wise Distribution by Type of Cells
  • Table 26.74 Mergers and Acquisitions: Country-wise Distribution
  • Table 26.75 Mergers and Acquisitions: Continent-wise Distribution
  • Table 26.76 Mergers and Acquisitions: Intercontinental and Intracontinental Deals
  • Table 26.77 Mergers and Acquisitions: Ownership Change Matrix
  • Table 26.78 Recent Expansions: Cumulative Year-wise Trend, 2017-2022
  • Table 26.79 Recent Expansions: Distribution by Type of Expansion
  • Table 26.80 Recent Expansions: Distribution by Year and Type of Expansion
  • Table 26.81 Recent Expansions: Distribution by Type of Cells Manufactured
  • Table 26.82 Recent Expansions: Distribution by Type of Expansion and Type of Cells Manufactured
  • Table 26.83 Recent Expansions: Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Table 26.84 Recent Expansions: Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facility (Region-wise)
  • Table 26.85 Recent Expansions: Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facility (Country-wise)
  • Table 26.86 Recent Expansions: Distribution by Type of Expansion and Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Table 26.87 Most Active Players: Distribution by Number of Expansions
  • Table 26.88 Most Active Players: Distribution by Area of Expansion (in sq ft)
  • Table 26.89 Recent Expansions: Analysis by Year and Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Table 26.90 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution by Number of Cell Therapy Manufacturing Focused Initiatives
  • Table 26.91 Big Pharma Initiatives: Cumulative Distribution by Year of Initiative, 2017-2022
  • Table 26.92 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution by Type of Initiative
  • Table 26.93 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution by Type of Partnership
  • Table 26.94 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution by Type of Expansion
  • Table 26.95 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution by Type of Cells Manufactured
  • Table 26.96 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Table 26.97 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution of Big Pharma Players by Year and Number of Initiatives
  • Table 26.98 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution of Big Pharma Players by Year and Type of Initiative
  • Table 26.99 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution of Big Pharma Players by Type of Cells Manufactured
  • Table 26.100 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution of Big Pharma Players by Scale of Operation
  • Table 26.101 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Number of Cleanrooms): Distribution by Range of Installed Capacity
  • Table 26.102 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Number of Cleanrooms): Distribution by Company Size
  • Table 26.103 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Number of Cleanrooms): Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Table 26.104 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Number of Cleanrooms): Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Table 26.105 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Number of Cleanrooms): Distribution by Company Size and Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Table 26.106 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Number of Cleanrooms): Distribution by Scale of Operation and Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Table 26.107 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Cleanroom Area, Sq. ft.): Distribution by Range of Installed Capacity
  • Table 26.108 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Cleanroom Area, Sq. ft.): Distribution by Company Size
  • Table 26.109 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Cleanroom Area, Sq. ft.): Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Table 26.110 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Cleanroom Area, Sq. ft.): Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Table 26.111 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Cleanroom Area, Sq. ft.): Distribution by Company Size and Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Table 26.112 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Cleanroom Area, Sq. ft.): Distribution by Scale of Operation and Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Table 26.113 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Non-Industry Players (in terms of Number of Cleanrooms): Distribution by Range of Installed Capacity
  • Table 26.114 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Non-Industry Players (in terms of Number of Cleanrooms): Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Table 26.115 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Non-Industry Players (in terms of Number of Cleanrooms): Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Table 26.116 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Non-Industry Players (in terms of Cleanroom Area, Sq. ft.): Distribution by Range of Installed Capacity
  • Table 26.117 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Non-Industry Players (in terms of Cleanroom Area, Sq. ft.): Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Table 26.118 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Non-Industry Players (in terms of Cleanroom Area, Sq. ft.): Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Table 26.119 Global Demand for Cell Therapies (in terms of Number of Patients), 2022-2035
  • Table 26.120 Global Demand for Cell Therapies (Billion Cells), 2022-2035
  • Table 26.121 Global Clinical Demand for Cell Therapies, 2022-2035 (Number of Patients)
  • Table 26.122 Global Clinical Demand for Cell Therapies (in terms of Number of Patients): Distribution by Type of Cell Therapy, 2022-2035
  • Table 26.123 Global Clinical Demand for Cell Therapies (in terms of Number of Patients): Distribution by Geographical Location, 2022-2035
  • Table 26.124 Global Commercial Demand for Cell Therapies (in terms of Number of Patients), 2022-2035
  • Table 26.125 Global Commercial Demand for Cell Therapies (in terms of Number of Patients): Distribution by Type of Cell Therapy, 2022-2035
  • Table 26.126 Global Commercial Demand for Cell Therapies (in terms of Number of Patients): Distribution by Geographical Location, 2022-2035
  • Table 26.127 Total Cost of Ownership: Capital Expenditures (CAPEX)
  • Table 26.128 Total Cost of Ownership: Operational Expenditures (OPEX)
  • Table 26.129 Total Cost of Ownership for Mid-sized Cell Therapy Manufacturing Organizations, Y0-Y20 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.130 Total Cost of Ownership for Mid-sized Cell Therapy Manufacturing Organizations: Distribution by CAPEX and OPEX, Y0 and Y20 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.131 Total Cost of Ownership for Mid-sized Cell Therapy Manufacturing Organizations, Y0: Distribution by CAPEX (USD Million)
  • Table 26.132 Total Cost of Ownership for Mid-sized Cell Therapy Manufacturing Organizations,Y1-Y20: Distribution by OPEX(USD Million)
  • Table 26.133 Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.134 Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market: Distribution by Type of Cell Therapy, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.135 Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market: Distribution by Source of Cells, 2022- 2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.136 Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market: Distribution by Scale of Operation, 2022- 2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.137 Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market: Distribution by Purpose of Manufacturing, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.138 Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market: Distribution by Region, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.139 Global Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies, 2022- 2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.140 Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies: Distribution by Type of Therapy, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.141 Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies: Distribution by Source of Cells, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.142 Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies: Distribution by Region, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.143 Global Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for NK Cell Therapies, 2022- 2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.144 Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for NK Cell Therapies: Distribution by Source of Cells, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.145 Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for NK Cell Therapies: Distribution by Region, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.146 Global Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for Dendritic Cell Therapies, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.147 Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for Dendritic Cell Therapies: Distribution by Region, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.148 Global Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for Stem Cell Therapies, 2022- 2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.149 Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for Stem Cell Therapies: Distribution by Source of Cells, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.150 Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for Stem Cell Therapies: Distribution by Region, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.151 Global Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.152 Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies: Distribution by Type of Therapy, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.153 Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies: Distribution by Source of Cells, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.154 Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies: Distribution by Region, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.155 Global Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for Dendritic Cell Therapies, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.156 Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for Dendritic Cell Therapies: Distribution by Source of Cells, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.157 Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for Dendritic Cell Therapies: Distribution by Region, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.158 Global Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for NK Cell Therapies, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.159 Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for NK Cell Therapies: Distribution by Source of Cells, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.160 Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for NK Cell Therapies: Distribution by Region, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.161 Global Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for Stem Cell Therapies, 2022- 2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.162 Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for Stem Cell Therapies: Distribution by Source of Cells, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.163 Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for Stem Cell Therapies: Distribution by Region, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 26.164 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Grid Analysis by Type of Cells Manufactured, Scale of Operation and Purpose of Manufacturing
  • Table 26.165 Survey Analysis: Distribution of Respondents by Type of Organization
  • Table 26.166 Survey Analysis: Distribution of Respondents by Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Table 26.167 Survey Analysis: Distribution by Designation of Respondents
  • Table 26.168 Survey Analysis: Distribution by Type of Cell Therapies
  • Table 26.169 Survey Analysis: Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Table 26.170 Survey Analysis: Distribution by Source of Cells
  • Table 26.171 Survey Analysis: Distribution by Type of Cells Culture System
  • Table 26.172 Survey Analysis: Distribution by Availability of Fill / Finish Services


  • Figure 2.1 Executive Summary: Market Landscape
  • Figure 2.2 Executive Summary: Clinical Trial Analysis
  • Figure 2.3 Executive Summary: Partnerships and Collaborations
  • Figure 2.4 Executive Summary: Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Figure 2.5 Executive Summary: Recent Expansions
  • Figure 2.6 Executive Summary: Big Pharma Initiatives
  • Figure 2.7 Executive Summary: Capacity Analysis
  • Figure 2.8 Executive Summary: Demand Analysis
  • Figure 2.9 Executive Summary: Market Sizing and Opportunity Analysis
  • Figure 3.1 Classification of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs)
  • Figure 3.2 Decentralized Manufacturing: Process Model
  • Figure 3.3 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Type of Manufacturers
  • Figure 3.4 Cell Therapies: Key Challenges and Drivers
  • Figure 3.5 Cell Therapies: Potency as a Critical Quality Attribute
  • Figure 3.6 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Supply Chain Model
  • Figure 4.1 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Company Size
  • Figure 4.2 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Figure 4.3 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Region-wise)
  • Figure 4.4 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Country-wise)
  • Figure 4.5 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Company Size and Location of Headquarters
  • Figure 4.6 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Year of Establishment and Location of Headquarters
  • Figure 4.7 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facilities (Region-wise)
  • Figure 4.8 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facilities (Country-wise)
  • Figure 4.9 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Manufacturer
  • Figure 4.10 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters and Type of Manufacturer
  • Figure 4.11 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Cell Manufactured
  • Figure 4.12 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Immune Cell Manufactured
  • Figure 4.13 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Stem Cell Manufactured
  • Figure 4.14 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Company Size and Type of Cell Manufactured
  • Figure 4.15 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters and Type of Cell Manufactured
  • Figure 4.16 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Source of Cells
  • Figure 4.17 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Cell Manufactured and Source of Cells
  • Figure 4.18 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Figure 4.19 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Manufacturing Capabilities / Services Offered
  • Figure 4.20 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Company Size and Services Offered
  • Figure 4.21 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Year of Establishment, Location of Headquarters and Services Offered
  • Figure 4.22 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Organization Size
  • Figure 4.23 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Figure 4.24 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Region-wise)
  • Figure 4.25 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Country-wise)
  • Figure 4.26 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Organization Size and Location of Headquarters
  • Figure 4.27 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Year of Establishment and Location of Headquarters
  • Figure 4.28 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facility (Region-wise)
  • Figure 4.29 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facility (Country-wise)
  • Figure 4.30 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Manufacturer
  • Figure 4.31 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters and Type of Manufacturer
  • Figure 4.32 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Cell Manufactured
  • Figure 4.33 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Immune Cell Manufactured
  • Figure 4.34 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Stem Cell Manufactured
  • Figure 4.35 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Organization Size and Type of Cell Manufactured
  • Figure 4.36 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters and Type of Cell Manufactured
  • Figure 4.37 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Source of Cells
  • Figure 4.38 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Type of Cell Manufactured and Source of Cells
  • Figure 4.39 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Figure 4.40 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Manufacturing Capabilities / Services Offered
  • Figure 4.41 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Organization Size and Services Offered
  • Figure 4.42 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Year of Establishment, Location of Headquarters and Services Offered
  • Figure 5.1 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution of Manufacturing Facilities by Regulatory Authorities / Certifications
  • Figure 5.2 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Distribution of Manufacturing Facilities by Regulatory Authorities / Certifications
  • Figure 7.1 Key Considerations for Automating Cell Therapy Manufacturing Process
  • Figure 7.2 Pre-Requisites for Implementing Closed Systems in Cell Therapy Manufacturing Processes
  • Figure 7.3 Functions of Automated and Closed Systems at Each Step of the Cell Therapy Manufacturing Process
  • Figure 7.4 Advantages and Disadvantages Associated with Single-Use Systems
  • Figure 7.5 Growth Drivers and Roadblocks Related to the Adoption of Automated and Closed Systems
  • Figure 7.6 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Roadmap for Developing an Automated Device
  • Figure 7.7 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Comparison of Manual and Automated Processes
  • Figure 7.8 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Comparison of Manual and Automated Processes Based on Affiliated Costs
  • Figure 8.1 AGC Biologics: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 8.2 Charles River Laboratories: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 8.3 KBI Biopharma: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 8.4 Thermo Fisher Scientific: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 8.5 BioNTech Innovative Manufacturing Services: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 8.6 Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult: Services
  • Figure 8.7 Lonza: Business Divisions
  • Figure 8.8 Lonza: Historical Timeline
  • Figure 8.9 Lonza: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 8.10 Lonza: Biological Manufacturing Services
  • Figure 8.11 Lonza: Cell-based Products
  • Figure 8.12 RoslinCT: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 8.13 Cell Therapies: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 8.14 FUJIFILM Cellular Dynamics: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 8.15 Minaris Regenerative Medicine: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 8.16 MEDINET: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 8.17 Nikon CeLL Innovation: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 8.18 WuXi AppTec: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 9.1 Center for Cell and Gene Therapy: Operating Segments
  • Figure 9.2 Center for Cell and Gene Therapy: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 9.3 Center for Cell Manufacturing Ireland: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 9.4 Clinical Cell and Vaccine Production Facility: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 9.5 Guy's and St Thomas' GMP Facility: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 9.6 Laboratory for Cell and Gene Medicine: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 9.7 Molecular and Cellular Therapeutics: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 9.8 Newcastle Cellular Therapies Facility: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 9.9 Rayne Cell Therapy Suite, King's College London: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 9.10 Scottish National Blood Transfusion Services Cellular Therapy Facility, Scottish Center for Regenerative Medicine: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 9.11 Sydney Cell and Gene Therapy: Service Portfolio
  • Figure 11.1 Clinical Trial Analysis: Scope and Methodology
  • Figure 11.2 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year, 2019-2022
  • Figure 11.3 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Enrolled Patient Population by Trial Registration Year, 2019-2022
  • Figure 11.4 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Status
  • Figure 11.5 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year and Trial Status
  • Figure 11.6 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Phase
  • Figure 11.7 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Number of Trials by Enrolled Patient Population and Trial Phase
  • Figure 11.8 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Type of Sponsor / Collaborator
  • Figure 11.9 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Patient Segment
  • Figure 11.10 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Study Design
  • Figure 11.11 Most Active Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Registered Trials
  • Figure 11.12 Most Active Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Registered Trials
  • Figure 11.13 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Number of Trials and Geographical Location
  • Figure 11.14 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Number of Trials, Trial Status and Geographical Location
  • Figure 11.15 Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Enrolled Patient Population, Trial Status and Geographical Location
  • Figure 12.1 Partnerships and Collaborations: Cumulative Year-wise Trend, 2016-2022
  • Figure 12.2 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partnership
  • Figure 12.3 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Year and Type of Partnership
  • Figure 12.4 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Cells
  • Figure 12.5 Heat Map: Distribution by Year and Type of Cells
  • Figure 12.6 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of T-Cells
  • Figure 12.7 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Stem Cells
  • Figure 12.8 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Figure 12.9 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Cells and Scale of Operation
  • Figure 12.10 Partnerships and Collaborations: Country-wise Distribution
  • Figure 12.11 Partnerships and Collaborations: Continent-wise Distribution
  • Figure 12.12 Most Active Players: Distribution by Number of Partnerships
  • Figure 12.13 Mergers and Acquisitions: Cumulative Year-wise Trend, 2016-2022
  • Figure 12.14 Mergers and Acquisitions: Distribution by Type of Agreement
  • Figure 12.15 Mergers and Acquisitions: Year-wise Distribution by Type of Cells
  • Figure 12.16 Mergers and Acquisitions: Country-wise Distribution
  • Figure 12.17 Mergers and Acquisitions: Continent-wise Distribution
  • Figure 12.18 Mergers and Acquisitions: Intercontinental and Intracontinental Deals
  • Figure 12.19 Mergers and Acquisitions: Ownership Change Matrix
  • Figure 13.1 Recent Expansions: Cumulative Year-wise Trend, 2017-2022
  • Figure 13.2 Recent Expansions: Distribution by Type of Expansion
  • Figure 13.3 Recent Expansions: Distribution by Year and Type of Expansion
  • Figure 13.4 Recent Expansions: Distribution by Type of Cells Manufactured
  • Figure 13.5 Recent Expansions: Distribution by Type of Expansion and Type of Cells Manufactured
  • Figure 13.6 Recent Expansions: Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Figure 13.7 Recent Expansions: Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facility (Region-wise)
  • Figure 13.8 Recent Expansions: Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facility (Country-wise)
  • Figure 13.9 Recent Expansions: Distribution by Type of Expansion and Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Figure 13.10 Most Active Players: Distribution by Number of Expansions
  • Figure 13.11 Most Active Players: Distribution by Area of Expansion (in sq ft)
  • Figure 13.12 Recent Expansions: Distribution by Year and Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Figure 14.1 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution by Number of Cell Therapy Manufacturing Focused Initiatives
  • Figure 14.2 Big Pharma Initiatives: Cumulative Distribution by Year of Initiative, 2017-2022
  • Figure 14.3 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution by Type of Initiative
  • Figure 14.4 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution by Type of Partnership
  • Figure 14.5 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution by Type of Expansion
  • Figure 14.6 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution by Type of Cells Manufactured
  • Figure 14.7 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Figure 14.8 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution of Big Pharma Players by Year and Number of Initiatives
  • Figure 14.9 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution of Big Pharma Players by Year and Type of Initiative
  • Figure 14.10 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution of Big Pharma Players by Type of Cells Manufactured
  • Figure 14.11 Big Pharma Initiatives: Distribution of Big Pharma Players by Scale of Operation
  • Figure 14.12 Harvey Ball Analysis: Big Pharma Initiatives Summary
  • Figure 14.13 Spider Web Analysis: Big Pharmaceutical Players
  • Figure 15.1 Installed Global Capacity of Industry Players for Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Number of Cleanrooms): Distribution by Company Size and Range of Installed Capacity
  • Figure 15.2 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Cleanroom Area, sq. ft.): Distribution by Company Size and Range of Installed Capacity
  • Figure 15.3 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Number of Cleanrooms): Distribution by Company Size
  • Figure 15.4 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Number of Cleanrooms): Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Figure 15.5 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Number of Cleanrooms): Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Figure 15.6 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Number of Cleanrooms): Distribution by Company Size and Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Figure 15.7 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Number of Cleanrooms): Distribution by Scale of Operation and Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Figure 15.8 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Cleanroom Area): Distribution by Company Size
  • Figure 15.9 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Cleanroom Area): Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Figure 15.10 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Cleanroom Area): Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Figure 15.11 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Cleanroom Area): Distribution by Company Size and Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Figure 15.12 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Industry Players (in terms of Cleanroom Area): Distribution by Scale of Operation and Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Figure 15.13 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Non-Industry Players (in terms of Number of Cleanrooms): Distribution by Range of Installed Capacity
  • Figure 15.14 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Non-Industry Players (in terms of Number of Cleanrooms): Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Figure 15.15 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Non-Industry Players (in terms of Number of Cleanrooms): Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Figure 15.16 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Non-Industry Players (in terms of Cleanroom Area): Distribution by Range of Installed Capacity
  • Figure 15.17 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Non-Industry Players (in terms of Cleanroom Area): Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Figure 15.18 Installed Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Capacity of Non-Industry Players (in terms of Cleanroom Area): Distribution by Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Figure 16.1 Global Demand for Cell Therapies (in terms of Number of Patients), 2022-2035
  • Figure 16.2 Global Demand for Cell Therapies (Billion Cells), 2022-2035
  • Figure 16.3 Global Clinical Demand for Cell Therapies (Number of Patients), 2022-2035
  • Figure 16.4 Global Clinical Demand for Cell Therapies (in terms of Number of Patients): Distribution by Type of Cell Therapy, 2022-2035
  • Figure 16.5 Global Clinical Demand for Cell Therapies (in terms of Number of Patients): Distribution by Geographical Location, 2022-2035
  • Figure 16.6 Global Commercial Demand for Cell Therapies (in terms of Number of Patients), 2022-2035
  • Figure 16.7 Global Commercial Demand for Cell Therapies (in terms of Number of Patients): Distribution by Type of Cell Therapy, 2022-2035
  • Figure 16.8 Global Commercial Demand for Cell Therapies (in terms of Number of Patients): Distribution by Geographical Location, 2022-2035
  • Figure 17.1 Targeted Therapies: Pricing Model Based on Patient Segment
  • Figure 18.1 Make versus Buy Decision Making Framework
  • Figure 18.2 Make versus Buy Decision Making: Possible Scenario Descriptions
  • Figure 19.1 Total Cost of Ownership: Capital Expenditures (CAPEX)
  • Figure 19.2 Total Cost of Ownership: Operational Expenditures (OPEX)
  • Figure 19.3 Total Cost of Ownership for Mid-sized Cell Therapy Manufacturing Organizations, Y0-Y20 (USD Million)
  • Figure 19.4 Total Cost of Ownership for Mid-sized Cell Therapy Manufacturing Organizations: Distribution by CAPEX and OPEX, Y0 and Y20 (USD Million)
  • Figure 19.5 Total Cost of Ownership for Mid-sized Cell Therapy Manufacturing Organizations, Y0: Distribution by CAPEX (USD Million)
  • Figure 19.6 Total Cost of Ownership for Mid-sized Cell Therapy Manufacturing Organizations, Y1-Y20: Distribution by OPEX (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.1 Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.2 Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market: Distribution by Type of Cell Therapy, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.3 Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market: Distribution by Source of Cells, 2022- 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.4 Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market: Distribution by Scale of Operation, 2022- 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.5 Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market: Distribution by Purpose of Manufacturing, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.6 Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market: Distribution by Region, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.7 Global Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies, 2022- 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.8 Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies: Distribution by Type of Therapy, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.9 Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies: Distribution by Source of Cells, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.10 Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies: Distribution by Region, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.11 Global Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for NK Cell Therapies, 2022- 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.12 Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for NK Cell Therapies: Distribution by Source of Cells, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.13 Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for NK Cell Therapies: Distribution by Region, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.14 Global Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for Dendritic Cell Therapies, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.15 Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for Dendritic Cell Therapies: Distribution by Region, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.16 Global Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for Stem Cell Therapies, 2022- 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.17 Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for Stem Cell Therapies: Distribution by Source of Cells, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.18 Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for Stem Cell Therapies: Distribution by Region, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.19 Global Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.20 Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies: Distribution by Type of Therapy, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.21 Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies: Distribution by Source of Cells, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.22 Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies: Distribution by Region, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.23 Global Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for Dendritic Cell Therapies, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.24 Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for Dendritic Cell Therapies: Distribution by Source of Cells, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.25 Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for Dendritic Cell Therapies: Distribution by Region, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.26 Global Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for NK Cell Therapies, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.27 Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for NK Cell Therapies: Distribution by Source of Cells, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.28 Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for NK Cell Therapies: Distribution by Region, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.29 Global Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for Stem Cell Therapies, 2022- 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.30 Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for Stem Cell Therapies: Distribution by Source of Cells, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.31 Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for Stem Cell Therapies: Distribution by Region, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 21.1 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Grid Analysis by Type of Cells Manufactured, Scale of Operation and Purpose of Manufacturing
  • Figure 21.2 Immune Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Logo Landscape
  • Figure 21.3 Stem Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Logo Landscape
  • Figure 21.4 Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters
  • Figure 21.5 Cell Therapy Manufacturers (Non-Industry Players): Distribution by Location of Headquarters
  • Figure 22.1 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: SWOT Analysis
  • Figure 22.2 Comparison of SWOT Factors: Harvey Ball Analysis
  • Figure 23.1 Concluding Remarks: Market Landscape
  • Figure 23.2 Concluding Remarks: Partnerships and Collaborations
  • Figure 23.3 Concluding Remarks: Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Figure 23.4 Concluding Remarks: Recent Expansions
  • Figure 23.5 Concluding Remarks: Big Pharma Initiatives
  • Figure 23.6 Concluding Remarks: Capacity Analysis
  • Figure 23.7 Concluding Remarks: Demand Analysis
  • Figure 23.8 Concluding Remarks: Total Cost of Ownership
  • Figure 23.9 Concluding Remarks: Market Sizing and Opportunity Analysis (1/2)
  • Figure 23.10 Concluding Remarks: Market Sizing and Opportunity Analysis (2/2))
  • Figure 24.1 Survey Analysis: Distribution of Respondents by Type of Organization
  • Figure 24.2 Survey Analysis: Distribution of Respondents by Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • Figure 24.3 Survey Analysis: Distribution by Designation of Respondents
  • Figure 24.4 Survey Analysis: Distribution by Type of Cell Therapy
  • Figure 24.5 Survey Analysis: Distribution by Scale of Operation
  • Figure 24.6 Survey Analysis: Distribution by Source of Cells
  • Figure 24.7 Survey Analysis: Distribution by Type of Cell Culture System
  • Figure 24.8 Survey Analysis: Distribution by Availability of Fill / Finish Services
Product Code: RA100392


Driven by numerous developmental breakthroughs and results of studies demonstrating the vast potential of cellular therapies in the treatment of rare disorders, this therapeutic modality has garnered considerable attention of players engaged in the healthcare industry, in the past few years. In this context, it is worth noting that, since 2019, over 1,035 clinical studies focused on such cell therapy candidates have been initiated. Moreover, several commercialized cell therapies have emerged as top selling drugs in the healthcare industry. For instance, Kymriah® has registered sales worth over USD 1.5 billion since its launch in 2018. Considering the sufficient body of evidence validating the clinical benefits / therapeutic potential of this complex class of biologic drugs, the focus of stakeholders has now shifted to optimizing the cell therapy manufacturing process. Over the years, several advanced and innovative automation tools and technologies have been developed; these have been demonstrated to hold the potential for significant reduction in the cost associated with the manufacturing of advanced therapy medicinal products, thereby, making such products more affordable. One such emerging concept, namely GMP-In-A Box, offers several advantages, including increased throughput, decreased idle time between batch runs and reduced manual labor. However, the delicate nature of steps involved in the cell therapy production process is known to hinder the overall automation process. Further, the lack of specialized infrastructure and limited expertise available in this domain are some of the known challenges impacting the growth of this segment.

At present, the market landscape for cell therapy manufacturing is fragmented, featuring a mix of in-house manufacturers and contract service providers. Further, in order to ensure the optimum use of their resources and enable additional revenue generation opportunities, a number of innovator companies engaged in this market also offer contract services, in addition to their in-house manufacturing capabilities. Considering the growing demand for cell therapies, players engaged in this industry are undertaking several initiatives to ensure that they are able to cater to the requirements of their clients. Since 2020, a considerable increase in both partnership and expansion activity has been observed within the overall cell therapy domain. It is also worth highlighting that the increasing interest and involvement of big pharma players in this market has been instrumental in escalation of the adoption of such therapies. In recent years, several big pharma players have undertaken initiatives, including establishing strategic partnerships with other industry players and carrying out expansion projects, in order to enhance their cell therapy manufacturing capabilities. Considering the ongoing efforts of stakeholders to mitigate the manufacturing associated complications and an enhanced emphasis on the advancement of such therapies, the cell therapy manufacturing market is anticipated to witness significant growth in the foreseen future.


The "Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market (5th Edition) by Type of Cell Manufactured (Immune Cells, Stem Cells and Others ), Source of Cell (Autologous and Allogeneic), Scale of Operation (Preclinical, Clinical and Commercial), Purpose of Manufacturing (In-house and Contract) and Key Geographical Regions (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the World) - Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2022-2035" report features an extensive study of the current market landscape and future opportunities associated with the cell therapy manufacturing market, along with information on both contract manufacturers, as well as developers having in-house manufacturing capabilities, offering an in-depth analyses of the various business entities engaged in this domain, across key geographic locations. Amongst other elements, the report includes:

  • A general overview of cell therapies, along with information on the key challenges and factors influencing the cell therapy manufacturing market. It provides details on the automation tools and technologies being utilized for improving manufacturing processes and the future prospects in this domain.
  • A detailed review of the overall market landscape of players engaged in the manufacturing of cell-based therapies, along with information on type of cells manufactured (including immune cells (T cells, dendritic cells, NK cells), stem cells (adult stem cells, human embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells) and others), source of cell (autologous and allogeneic), scale of operation (preclinical, clinical and commercial), purpose of production (fulfilling in-house requirements and contract services), manufacturing capabilities / services offered (R&D, cell culture development, quality testing, packaging, cell banking, supply chain management services, and regulatory services), location of headquarters and their respective manufacturing facilities.
  • A discussion on cell therapy manufacturing related regulations across various geographies, including North America (focusing on the US), Europe and Asia (focusing on Japan and China), featuring an analysis of the diverse certifications / accreditations awarded to the manufacturing facilities by important regulatory bodies across the globe.
  • An overview of the various roadmaps published by different agencies across the globe in order to provide strategies to advance cell therapy manufacturing processes.
  • An elaborate discussion on the role of technology automation in order to improve the current manufacturing methods, along with a comparative (qualitive) analysis of the cost differences between manual and automated processes.
  • Elaborate profiles of key industry players that offer contract manufacturing services for cell therapies at the clinical and / or commercial scales of operation. Each profile features a brief overview of the company, along with details related to its cell therapy manufacturing service portfolio, its manufacturing capabilities and facilities, recent partnerships and an informed future outlook.
  • Elaborate profiles of non-industry players that offer contract manufacturing services for cell therapies, featuring an overview of the organization, along with details related to its cell therapy manufacturing service portfolio and manufacturing facilities.
  • A discussion on the role of non-profit organizations, featuring a list of organizations that are actively involved in the development and production of cell-based therapies, across different geographical locations, along with information on various international / national societies that help in disseminating knowledge about the advancement of these therapies to the general community.
  • An analysis of completed, ongoing and planned clinical trials, based on several relevant parameters, such as trial registration year, enrolled patient population, trial status, trial phase, type of sponsor / collaborator, patient segment, target therapeutic area, study design, most active industry and non-industry players (in terms of number of clinical trials conducted) and regional distribution of trials.
  • A detailed analysis of the recent partnerships and collaborations inked by players focused on the manufacturing of cell-based therapies, during the period 2016-2022, based on several relevant parameters, such as the year of agreement, type of partnership model adopted, type of cells manufactured and scale of operation.
  • An analysis of the various expansion initiatives undertaken by service providers engaged in this domain in order to augment their respective cell therapy manufacturing capabilities, during the period 2016-2022, based on several relevant parameters, such as year of expansion, type of cell manufactured, scale of operation, purpose of expansion (facility expansion and new facility), location of expanded manufacturing facility, and most active players (in terms of number of expansion initiatives undertaken).
  • An in-depth analysis of the various cell therapy manufacturing focused initiatives undertaken by big pharma players, based on several relevant parameters, such as number of initiatives, year of initiative, purpose of initiative, type of initiative, scale of operation and type of cell manufactured.
  • An estimate of the overall, installed capacity for the manufacturing of cell-based therapies, based on information reported by various industry stakeholders in the public domain, highlighting the distribution of the available capacity on the basis of scale of operation (clinical and commercial), company size (small, mid-sized and large firms) and key geographical regions (North America, Europe and Asia Pacific).
  • Informed estimates of the annual commercial and clinical demand for cell therapies (in terms of number of patients), based on type of cell therapy and key geographical regions.
  • A detailed analysis of various factors that are likely to influence the price of cell-based therapies, featuring different models / approaches adopted by manufacturers in order to determine the price of their proprietary offerings.
  • A qualitative analysis, highlighting the various factors that need to be taken into consideration by cell therapy developers, while deciding whether to manufacture their respective products in-house or engage the services of a CMO.
  • An in-depth analysis of cell therapy manufacturers using three versatile representations, namely, a three dimensional grid analysis, presenting the distribution of companies on the basis of type of cell manufactured, scale of operation and purpose of production, a logo landscape, based on the type of cell manufactured, geographical location of manufacturer (North America, Europe and Asia Pacific), and type and size of organization (non-industry players, and small, mid-sized and large companies), and a schematic world map representation, highlighting the geographical location of cell therapy manufacturing facilities of both industry and non-industry stakeholders.
  • A collection of key insights derived from the study, including a grid analysis, two logo landscapes and two schematic world map representations highlighting various offerings and details of the cell therapy manufacturing service providers across different continents.
  • A discussion on affiliated trends, key drivers and challenges, which are likely to impact the industry's evolution, under an elaborate SWOT framework, along with a Harvey ball analysis, highlighting the relative effect of each SWOT parameter on the overall market dynamics.
  • Insights generated in a market-wide survey, featuring inputs solicited from experts who are directly / indirectly involved in the development and / or manufacturing of cell-based therapies.

One of the key objectives of the report was to understand the primary growth drivers and estimate the future size of the cell therapy manufacturing market. Based on relevant parameters, such as number of ongoing / planned clinical studies, cell therapy manufacturing costs, target patient population, and anticipated adoption of such therapies, we have provided informed estimates on the evolution of the market in the short to mid-term and mid to long-term, for the period 2022-2035. The report also features the likely distribution of the current and forecasted opportunity across important parameters, such as [A] type of cell therapy (T cell therapies, dendritic cell therapies, NK cell therapies, stem cell therapies and others), [B] source of cell (autologous and allogeneic), [C] scale of operation (clinical and commercial), [D] purpose of manufacturing (in-house and contract), and [E] key geographical regions (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the World). In order to account for future uncertainties and to add robustness to our model, we have provided three market forecast scenarios, namely conservative, base and optimistic scenarios, representing different tracks of the industry's growth.

The opinions and insights presented in this study were influenced by discussions conducted with multiple stakeholders in this domain.

The report features detailed transcripts of interviews held with the following individuals:

  • Peter Coleman (Chief Executive Officer, RoslinCT)
  • Dominic Clarke (Chief Technical Officer, Cell and Gene Therapy, Discovery Life Sciences)
  • Troels Jordansen (Chief Executive Officer, Glycostem Therapeutics)
  • Gilles Devillers (General Manager, Bio Elpida)
  • Wei (William) Cao (Chief Executive Officer, Gracell Biotechnologies)
  • Arik Hasson (Executive VP Research and Development, Kadimastem)
  • Fiona Bellot (Ex-Business Development Manager, Roslin CT)
  • David Mckenna (Professor and American Red Cross Chair in Transfusion Medicine, University of Minnesota)
  • Victor Lietao Li (Ex- Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Lion TCR)
  • Arnaud Deladeriere (Ex-Manager, Business Development & Operations-cGMP Manufacturing Unit, C3i Center for Commercialization of Cancer Immunotherapy)
  • Brian Dattilo (Manager of Business Development, Waisman Biomanufacturing)
  • Mathilde Girard (Ex-Department Leader, Cell Therapy Innovation and Development, Yposkesi)
  • Tim Oldham (Ex-Chief Executive Officer, Cell Therapies)
  • Gerard MJ Bos (Chief Executive Officer, CiMaas)

All actual figures have been sourced and analyzed from publicly available information forums and primary research discussions. Financial figures mentioned in this report are in USD, unless otherwise specified.


The data presented in this report has been gathered via secondary and primary research. For all our projects, we conduct interviews / surveys with experts in the area (academia, industry, medical practice and other associations) to solicit their opinions on emerging trends in the market. This is primarily useful for us to draw out our own opinion on how the market will evolve across different regions and technology segments. Wherever possible, the available data has been checked for accuracy from multiple sources of information.

The secondary sources of information include:

  • Annual reports
  • Investor presentations
  • SEC filings
  • Industry databases
  • News releases from company websites
  • Government policy documents
  • Industry analysts' views

While the focus has been on forecasting the market till 2035, the report also provides our independent view on various emerging trends in the industry. This opinion is solely based on our knowledge, research and understanding of the relevant market, gathered from various secondary and primary sources of information.


  • What is the current, annual, global demand for cell-based therapies? How is the demand for such products likely to evolve over the next decade?
  • What is the current, installed contract manufacturing capacity for cell therapies?
  • What are the key parameters governing the price of cell therapies?
  • What are the key recent developments (such as partnerships and expansions) that have been undertaken in the field of cell therapies?
  • What kind of partnership models are commonly adopted by stakeholders engaged in the cell therapy manufacturing domain?
  • What are the different types of initiatives undertaken by big pharma players for the manufacturing of cell therapies in the recent past?
  • What are the different types of automated technology platforms that are available to be adopted for the development and manufacturing of cell therapies?
  • Who are the key players (industry / non-industry) engaged in the manufacturing of cell-based therapies across the world?
  • What is the estimated total capital expenditure required to set up a cell therapy manufacturing facility?
  • What are the key factors influencing the make (manufacture in-house) versus buy (outsource) decision related to cell therapies?
  • How is the current and future market opportunity likely to be distributed across various key market segments?


Chapter 2 is an executive summary of the key insights captured in our research. It offers a high-level view on the current state of the cell-based therapy manufacturing market and its likely evolution in the short to mid-term, and long term.

Chapter 3 provides a general introduction to cell-based therapies and ATMPs. It further features a detailed discussion on the manufacturing process of cell-based therapies, and associated challenges, along with information on the applications of currently approved products. Additionally, it highlights information on the different manufacturing models (centralized and decentralized) that are being used for manufacturing of cell-based therapies, as well as their associated advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, it features details related to the scalability of cell-based therapies. The chapter also includes a brief overview of the role of automation and the need for effective supply chain management for cell-based therapies.

Chapter 4 features a detailed list of all the industry, as well as non-industry players that are actively involved in the manufacturing of cell-based therapies. It provides information on the type of cell manufactured (including immune cells (T cells, dendritic cells, NK cells), stem cells (adult stem cells, human embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells) and others), source of cell (autologous and allogeneic), scale of operation (preclinical, clinical and commercial), purpose of production (fulfilling in-house requirements and contract services), manufacturing capabilities / services offered (R&D, cell culture development, quality testing, packaging, cell banking, supply chain management services, and regulatory services), location of headquarters and their respective manufacturing facilities.

Chapter 5 features a detailed discussion on the regulatory landscape related to cell therapies across various geographies, such as the US, Europe, Japan and China. Further, it presents an analysis of the manufacturing facilities on basis of the certifications awarded (for manufacturing cell-based therapies) to individual sites by various regulatory bodies across the globe.

Chapter 6 describes the strategies that are likely to be adopted to accelerate the translation of cell-based therapies from laboratory to clinics. It provides details on roadmaps published by different organizations located across various geographies, specifically in the US.

Chapter 7 discusses the role of technology automation in order to optimize the current manufacturing practices with the use of closed and single use systems. Further, it features a roadmap that provides information on the steps to develop automation devices, supported by two case studies. It also presents a qualitive analysis on the cost incurred while manufacturing cell-based therapies using manual versus automated manufacturing approaches. In addition, it features a list of organizations that offer automated technologies for manufacturing operations or provide services to therapy developers to automate their production processes.

Chapter 8 features elaborate profiles of key industry players that offer contract manufacturing services for cell therapies at the clinical and / or commercial scales of operation. Each profile features a brief overview of the company, along with details related to its cell therapy manufacturing capabilities and facilities, recent partnerships and an informed future outlook.

Chapter 9 features elaborate profiles of non-industry players that offer contract manufacturing services for cell therapies. Each profile provides a brief overview of the organization, along with details related to its cell therapy manufacturing service portfolio and manufacturing facilities.

Chapter 10 discusses the role of non-profit organizations in this domain. It provides a list of organizations that are actively involved in the development and production of cell-based therapies, across different geographical locations. Further, it includes profiles of organizations that provide financial and / or technological support to cell therapy manufacturers and developers. Additionally, the chapter provides information on various international / national societies that help in disseminating knowledge about the advancement of these therapies to the general community.

Chapter 11 presents a detailed analysis of completed, ongoing and planned clinical trials, based on several relevant parameters, such as trial registration year, enrolled patient population, trial status, trial phase, type of sponsor / collaborator, patient segment, target therapeutic area, study design, most active industry and non-industry players (in terms of number of clinical trials conducted) and regional distribution of trials.

Chapter 12 features an analysis of the various partnerships and collaborations inked amongst players engaged in this domain, between 2016-2022 (till July). It includes a brief description on the various types of partnership models that are employed by stakeholders in this market, and an analysis on the trend of partnerships. It also includes analyses based on year of agreement, type of partnership, scale of operation, type of cells manufactured and most active players. Moreover, it presents a schematic world map representation of the geographical distribution of this activity, highlighting inter- and intracontinental deals. Further, the chapter features an analysis of the various acquisitions that have taken place in this domain, highlighting geographical activity. The analysis also features an ownership change matrix, providing insights on the involvement of private and public sector entities in this domain.

Chapter 13 presents detailed analysis on the expansions that have taken place in the cell therapy manufacturing industry, since 2016. It includes information on expansions carried out for increasing existing capabilities, as well as those intended for setting-up of new facilities by manufacturers engaged in this domain. The expansion instances were analyzed based on various parameters, including year of expansion, type of cell manufactured, scale of operation, purpose of expansion (facility expansion and new facility), location of expanded manufacturing facility, and most active players (in terms of number of expansion initiatives undertaken).

Chapter 14 provides an in-depth analysis of the various cell therapy manufacturing focused initiatives undertaken by big pharma players, based on several relevant parameters, such as number of initiatives, year of initiative, purpose of initiative, type of initiative, scale of operation and type of cell manufactured.

Chapter 15 features a comprehensive analysis of the overall installed capacity of cell-based therapy manufacturers. The analysis is based on meticulous data collection of reported capacities, via both secondary and primary research, of various small, mid-sized and large companies, and non-industry players distributed across their respective facilities. The results of this analysis were used to establish an informed opinion on the cell-based therapy production capabilities of organizations across different types of organization (industry and non-industry), scale of operation (clinical and commercial), geographies (North America, Europe and Asia Pacific) and company size (small, mid-sized and large organizations).

Chapter 16 features a detailed analysis of the annual demand for cell therapies (in terms of number of patients), considering various relevant parameters, such as target patient population, dosing frequency and dose strength of the approved cell therapies, as well as those therapies that are currently being evaluated in clinical trials. The demand analysis has been segmented across different types of cell therapies (including CAR-T cells, TCR cells, TIL cells, NK cells, dendritic cells and stem cells), scale of operation (clinical and commercial) and regions (North America, Europe and Asia Pacific).

Chapter 17 highlights our views on various factors, including manufacturing costs, that may be taken into consideration while pricing cell-based therapies. It features discussions on different pricing models / approaches adopted by manufacturers in order to determine the price of its proprietary products.

Chapter 18 presents a qualitative analysis that highlights the various factors that need to be taken into consideration by cell therapy developers while deciding whether to manufacture their respective products in-house or engage the services of a CMO.

Chapter 19 presents a company size-wise, detailed analysis of the total cost of ownership for cell therapy manufacturing organizations, during the period 2022-2042.

Chapter 20 presents an elaborate market forecast analysis, highlighting the future potential of the market till the year 2035. The chapter presents a detailed market segmentation on the basis of type of cell therapy (T cell therapies, dendritic cell therapies, NK cell therapies, stem cell therapies and others), source of cell (autologous and allogeneic), scale of operation (clinical and commercial), purpose of manufacturing (in-house and contract), and key geographical regions (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the World).

Chapter 21 presents a collection of key insights derived from the study. It includes a grid analysis, highlighting the distribution of cell-based therapy manufacturers on the basis of type of cell manufactured, scale of operation and purpose of production (fulfilling in-house requirement / contract service provider). In addition, it consists of two logo landscapes, representing the distribution of cell-based therapy manufacturers based on the type of cell manufactured (immune cells and stem cells), geographical regions (North America, Europe and Asia Pacific) and the type / size of organization (non-industry, small, mid-sized and large companies). The chapter also comprises of two schematic world map representations to highlight the locations of various cell-based therapy manufacturing facilities across different continents.

Chapter 22 provides a discussion on affiliated trends, key drivers and challenges, under an elaborate SWOT framework, featuring a Harvey ball analysis, highlighting the relative impact of each SWOT parameter on the overall cell therapy manufacturing industry.

Chapter 23 is a summary the overall report. The chapter provides the key takeaways from the report, and presents facts and figures described in the previous chapters. The chapter also highlights important evolutionary trends that were identified during the course of the study and are expected to influence the future of the cell therapy manufacturing market.

Chapter 24 presents insights from the survey conducted for this study. We invited over 100 stakeholders involved in the development and / or manufacturing of different types of cell therapies. The participants, who were primarily Director / CXO level representatives of their respective companies, helped us develop a deeper understanding on the nature of their services and the associated commercial potential.

Chapter 25 is a collection of interview transcripts of the discussions held with key stakeholders in the industry. We have presented details of interviews held with Peter Coleman (Chief Executive Officer, RoslinCT), Dominic Clarke (Chief Technical Officer, Cell and Gene Therapy, Discovery Life Sciences), Troels Jordansen (Chief Executive Officer, Glycostem Therapeutics), Gilles Devillers (General Manager, Bio Elpida), Wei (William) Cao (Chief Executive Officer, Gracell Biotechnologies), Arik Hasson (Executive VP Research and Development, Kadimastem), Fiona Bellot (Business Development Manager, Roslin CT), David Mckenna (Professor and American Red Cross Chair in Transfusion Medicine, University of Minnesota), Victor Lietao Li (Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Lion TCR), Arnaud Deladeriere (Manager, Business Development & Operations-cGMP Manufacturing Unit, C3i Center for Commercialization of Cancer Immunotherapy), Brian Dattilo (Manager of Business Development, Waisman Biomanufacturing), Mathilde Girard (Department Leader, Cell Therapy Innovation and Development, Yposkesi), Tim Oldham (Chief Executive Officer, Cell Therapies) and Gerard MJ Bos (Chief Executive Officer, CiMaas).

Chapter 26 is an appendix, which provides tabulated data and numbers for all the figures included in the report.

Chapter 27 is an appendix, which contains a list of companies and organizations mentioned in this report.



  • 1.1. Scope of the Report
  • 1.2. Market Segmentations
  • 1.3. Research Methodology
  • 1.4. Key Questions Answered
  • 1.5. Chapter Outlines


  • 2.1. Chapter Overview


  • 3.1. Chapter Overview
  • 3.2. Introduction to Cell-based Therapies
    • 3.2.1. Comparison of Cell-based Therapies and Other Biotechnological Products
    • 3.2.2. Classification of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs)
    • 3.2.3. Current Market Landscape of ATMPs
  • 3.3. Overview of Cell Therapy Manufacturing
  • 3.4. Cell Therapy Manufacturing Models
    • 3.4.1. Centralized Manufacturing
    • 3.4.2. Decentralized Manufacturing
  • 3.5. Scalability of Cell Therapy Manufacturing Processes
    • 3.5.1. Scale-up
    • 3.5.2. Scale-out
  • 3.6. Types of Cell Therapy Manufacturers
  • 3.7. Key Challenges for Manufacturing Cell Therapies
  • 3.8. Key Factors Influencing Cell Therapy Manufacturing
    • 3.8.1. Characterization
    • 3.8.2. Cost of Goods
  • 3.9. Automation of Cell Therapy Manufacturing Processes
  • 3.10. Cell Therapy Manufacturing Supply Chain
  • 3.11. Future Perspectives


  • 4.1. Chapter Overview
  • 4.2. Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Industry Players): Overall Market Landscape
    • 4.2.1. Analysis by Company Size
    • 4.2.2. Analysis by Year of Establishment
    • 4.2.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters
    • 4.2.4. Analysis by Company Size and Location of Headquarters
    • 4.2.5. Analysis by Year of Establishment and Location of Headquarters
    • 4.2.6. Analysis by Location of Manufacturing Facility
    • 4.2.7. Analysis by Type of Manufacturer
    • 4.2.8. Analysis by Location of Headquarters and Type of Manufacturer
    • 4.2.9. Analysis by Type of Cell Manufactured
    • 4.2.10. Analysis by Company Size and Type of Cell Manufactured
    • 4.2.11. Analysis by Location of Headquarters and Type of Cell Manufactured
    • 4.2.12. Analysis by Source of Cells
    • 4.2.13. Analysis by Type of Cell Manufactured and Source of Cells
    • 4.2.14. Analysis by Scale of Operation
    • 4.2.15. Analysis by Manufacturing Capabilities / Services Offered
    • 4.2.16. Analysis by Company Size and Services Offered
    • 4.2.17. Analysis by Year of Establishment, Location of Headquarters and Services Offered
  • 4.3. Cell Therapy Manufacturing (Non-Industry Players): Overall Market Landscape
    • 4.3.1. Analysis by Organization Size
    • 4.3.2. Analysis by Year of Establishment
    • 4.3.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters
    • 4.3.4. Analysis by Organization Size and Location of Headquarters
    • 4.3.5. Analysis by Year of Establishment and Location of Headquarters
    • 4.3.6. Analysis by Location of Manufacturing Facility
    • 4.3.7. Analysis by Type of Manufacturer
    • 4.3.8. Analysis by Location of Headquarters and Type of Manufacturer
    • 4.3.9. Analysis by Type of Cell Manufactured
    • 4.3.10. Analysis by Organization Size and Type of Cell Manufactured
    • 4.3.11. Analysis by Location of Headquarters and Type of Cell Manufactured
    • 4.3.12. Analysis by Source of Cells
    • 4.3.13. Analysis by Type of Cell Manufactured and Source of Cells
    • 4.3.14. Analysis by Scale of Operation
    • 4.3.15. Analysis by Manufacturing Capabilities / Services Offered
    • 4.3.16. Analysis by Organization Size and Services Offered
    • 4.3.17. Analysis by Year of Establishment, Location of Headquarters and Services Offered


  • 5.1. Chapter Overview
  • 5.2. Current Scenario
    • 5.2.1. Regulatory Guidelines in North America
    • 5.2.2. Regulatory Guidelines in Europe
    • 5.2.3. Regulatory Guidelines in Japan
    • 5.2.4. Regulatory Guidelines in China
    • 5.2.5. Conditional Approvals
  • 5.3. Regulatory Accreditations for Cell Therapy Manufacturing
    • 5.3.1. Facilities Approved by Regulators to Manufacture Cell Therapies
  • 5.4. Summary of Guidelines for Clinical-Stage Manufacturing of Cell Therapies
  • 5.5. Existing Challenges to Clinical-Stage Manufacturing of Cell Therapies
    • 5.5.1. Variability in Regulatory Guidelines across Different Geographies


  • 6.1. Chapter Overview
  • 6.2. Roadmap for the US
    • 6.2.1. Cell Processing
    • 6.2.2. Cell Preservation, Distribution and Handling
    • 6.2.3. Process Automation and Data Analytics
    • 6.2.4. Process Monitoring and Quality Control
    • 6.2.5. Standardization and Regulatory Support
    • 6.2.6. Workforce Development
    • 6.2.7. Supply Chain and Logistics
  • 6.3. Roadmaps for Other Geographies
    • 6.3.1. Europe
    • 6.3.2. Asia Pacific


  • 7.1. Chapter Overview
  • 7.2. Automation of Cell Therapy Manufacturing Processes
    • 7.2.1. Closed Systems
    • 7.2.2. Single-use Systems
    • 7.2.3. Modular Systems
  • 7.3. Growth Drivers and Roadblocks
  • 7.4. Case Studies
    • 7.4.1. Roadmap to Develop an Automated Cell Manufacturing / Processing Device
    • 7.4.2. Automating the Cell Therapy Manufacturing Process
  • 7.5. GMP-in-a-Box
  • 7.6. List of Automated and Closed Cell Therapy Processing Systems
  • 7.7. Comparative Analysis of Manual and Automated Processes


  • 8.1. Chapter Overview
  • 8.2. Service Providers in North America
    • 8.2.1 AGC Biologics
      • Company Overview
      • Service Portfolio
      • Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
      • Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    • 8.2.2. Charles River Laboratories
      • Company Overview
      • Service Portfolio
      • Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
      • Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    • 8.2.3. KBI Biopharma
      • Company Overview
      • Service Portfolio
      • Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
      • Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    • 8.2.4. Thermo Fisher Scientific
      • Company Overview
      • Service Portfolio
      • Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
      • Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 8.3. Service Providers in Europe
    • 8.3.1. BioNTech Innovative Manufacturing Services
      • Company Overview
      • Service Portfolio
      • Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
      • Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    • 8.3.2. Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult
      • Company Overview
      • Service Portfolio
      • Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
      • Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    • 8.3.3. Lonza
      • Company Overview
      • Service Portfolio
      • Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
      • Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    • 8.3.4. RoslinCT
      • Company Overview
      • Service Portfolio
      • Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
      • Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 8.4. Service Providers in Asia Pacific
    • 8.4.1. Cell Therapies
      • Company Overview
      • Service Portfolio
      • Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
      • Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    • 8.4.2. FUJIFILM Cellular Dynamics
      • Company Overview
      • Service Portfolio
      • Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
      • Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    • 8.4.3. Minaris Regenerative Medicine
      • Company Overview
      • Service Portfolio
      • Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
      • Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    • 8.4.4. MEDINET
      • Company Overview
      • Service Portfolio
      • Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
      • Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    • 8.4.5. Nikon CeLL Innovation
      • Company Overview
      • Service Portfolio
      • Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
      • Recent Developments and Future Outlook
    • 8.4.6. WuXi AppTec
      • Company Overview
      • Service Portfolio
      • Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
      • Recent Developments and Future Outlook


  • 9.1. Chapter Overview
  • 9.2. Center for Cell and Gene Therapy, Baylor College of Medicine
    • 9.2.1. Overview
    • 9.2.2. Operating Segments
    • 9.2.3. Service Portfolio
    • 9.2.4. Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • 9.3. Centre for Cell Manufacturing Ireland, National University of Ireland
    • 9.3.1. Overview
    • 9.3.2. Service Portfolio
    • 9.3.3. Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • 9.4. Clinical Cell and Vaccine Production Facility, University of Pennsylvania
    • 9.4.1. Overview
    • 9.4.2. Service Portfolio
    • 9.4.3. Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • 9.5. Guy's and St. Thomas' GMP Facility, Guy's Hospital
    • 9.5.1. Overview
    • 9.5.2. Service Portfolio
    • 9.5.3. Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • 9.6. Laboratory for Cell and Gene Medicine, Stanford University
    • 9.6.1. Overview
    • 9.6.2. Service Portfolio
    • 9.6.3. Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • 9.7. Molecular and Cellular Therapeutics, University of Minnesota
    • 9.7.1. Overview
    • 9.7.2. Service Portfolio
    • 9.7.3. Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • 9.8. Newcastle Cellular Therapies Facility, Newcastle University
    • 9.8.1. Overview
    • 9.8.2. Service Portfolio
    • 9.8.3. Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • 9.9. Rayne Cell Therapy Suite, King's College London
    • 9.9.1. Overview
    • 9.9.2. Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • 9.10. Scottish National Blood Transfusion Services Cellular Therapy Facility, Scottish Centre for Regenerative Medicine
    • 9.10.1. Overview
    • 9.10.2. Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities
  • 9.11. Sydney Cell and Gene Therapy
    • 9.11.1. Overview
    • 9.11.2. Manufacturing Facilities and Capabilities


  • 10.1. Chapter Overview
  • 10.2. Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Non-Profit Organizations
    • 10.2.1. CellCAN
    • 10.2.2. Cell Therapy Manufacturing Cooperative Research Center
    • 10.2.3. National Cell Manufacturing Consortium (NCMC)
    • 10.2.4. California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)
  • 10.3. Cell Therapy Manufacturing: International Societies


  • 11.1. Chapter Overview
  • 11.2. Scope and Methodology
  • 11.3. Cell Therapies: Clinical Trial Analysis
    • 11.3.1. Analysis by Trial Registration Year
    • 11.3.2. Analysis of Enrolled Patient Population by Trial Registration Year
    • 11.3.3. Analysis by Trial Status
    • 11.3.4. Analysis by Trial Registration Year and Trial Status
    • 11.4.5. Analysis by Trial Phase
    • 11.4.6. Analysis of Enrolled Patient Population Trial Phase
    • 11.4.7. Analysis by Type of Sponsor / Collaborator
    • 11.4.8. Analysis by Patient Segment
    • 11.4.9. Analysis by Study Design
    • 11.4.10. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Registered Trials
    • 11.4.11. Analysis by Number of Trials and Geography
    • 11.4.12. Analysis by Number of Trials, Trial Status and Geography
    • 11.4.13. Analysis by Enrolled Patient Population, Trial Status and Geography


  • 12.1. Chapter Overview
  • 12.2. Partnership Models
  • 12.3. Cell Therapy Manufacturing: List of Partnerships
    • 12.3.1. Analysis by Year of Partnership
    • 12.3.2. Analysis by Type of Partnership
    • 12.3.3. Analysis by Year and Type of Partnership
  • 12.4. Analysis by Type of Cell Manufactured
  • 12.5. Analysis by Scale of Operation
  • 12.6. Analysis by Region
    • 12.6.1. Continent-wise Distribution
    • 12.6.2. Country-wise Distribution
  • 12.7. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Partnerships
  • 12.8. Cell Therapy Manufacturing: List of Mergers and Acquisitions
    • 12.8.1. Analysis by Year of Agreement
    • 12.8.2. Analysis by Type of Agreement
    • 12.8.3. Analysis by Year of Acquisition and Type of Cell Manufactured
    • 12.8.4. Analysis by Region
      • Continent-wise Distribution
      • Country-wise Distribution
      • Intercontinental and Intracontinental Deals
    • 12.8.5. Ownership Change Matrix


  • 13.1. Chapter Overview
  • 13.2. Cell Therapy Manufacturing: List of Expansions
    • 13.2.1. Cumulative Year-wise Distribution
    • 13.2.2. Analysis by Type of Expansion
    • 13.2.3. Analysis by Types of Cells Manufactured
    • 13.2.4. Analysis by Scale of Operation
    • 13.2.5. Analysis by Location of Manufacturing Facility
    • 13.2.6. Analysis by Type of Expansion and Location of Manufacturing Facility
    • 13.2.7. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Expansions
    • 13.2.8. Most Active Players: Analysis by Area of Expansion
    • 13.2.9. Analysis by Year and Location of Manufacturing Facility


  • 14.1. Chapter Overview
  • 14.2. Big Pharma Players: List of Cell Therapy Manufacturing Focused Initiatives, 2017-2022
    • 14.2.1. Analysis by Number of Initiatives
    • 14.2.2. Analysis by Year of Initiative
    • 14.2.3. Analysis by Type of Initiative
      • Analysis by Type of Partnership
      • Analysis by Type of Expansion
    • 14.2.4. Analysis by Types of Cells Manufactured
    • 14.2.5. Analysis by Scale of Operation
    • 14.2.6. Analysis of Big Pharma Players by Year of Initiative
    • 14.2.7. Analysis by Year and Type of Initiative
    • 14.2.8. Analysis of Big Pharma Players by Types of Cells Manufactured
    • 14.2.9. Analysis of Big Pharma Players by Scale of Operation
  • 14.3. Competitive Benchmarking of Big Pharmaceutical Players
    • 14.3.1. Harvey Ball Analysis: Big Pharma Initiatives Summary
    • 14.3.2. Spider Web Analysis: Big Pharmaceutical Players


  • 15.1. Chapter Overview
  • 15.2. Key Assumptions and Methodology (Industry Players)
    • 15.2.1 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Installed Global Capacity (Number of Cleanrooms)
      • Analysis by Company Size
      • Analysis by Scale of Operation
      • Analysis by Location of Manufacturing Facility
      • Analysis by Company Size and Location of Manufacturing Facility
      • Analysis by Scale of Operation and Location of Manufacturing Facility
    • 15.2.2. Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Installed Global Capacity (Cleanroom Area)
      • Analysis by Company Size
      • Analysis by Scale of Operation
      • Analysis by Location of Manufacturing Facility
      • Analysis by Company Size and Location of Manufacturing Facility
      • Analysis by Scale of Operation and Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • 15.3. Key Assumptions and Methodology (Non-Industry Players)
    • 15.3.1. Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Installed Global Capacity (Number of Cleanrooms)
      • Analysis by Scale of Operation
      • Analysis by Location of Manufacturing Facility
    • 15.3.2. Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Installed Global Capacity (Cleanroom Area)
      • Analysis by Scale of Operation
      • Analysis by Location of Manufacturing Facility
  • 15.4 Concluding Remarks


  • 16.1 Chapter Overview
  • 16.2 Scope and Methodology
  • 16.3 Global Demand for Cell Therapy Manufacturing
  • 16.4 Global Clinical Demand for Cell Therapy Manufacturing
    • 16.4.1. Analysis by Type of Cell Therapy
    • 16.4.2. Analysis by Geography
  • 16.5. Global Commercial Demand for Cell Therapy Manufacturing
    • 16.5.1. Analysis by Type of Cell Therapy
    • 16.5.2. Analysis by Geography


  • 17.1. Chapter Overview
  • 17.2. Factors Contributing to the High Price of Cell Therapies
  • 17.3. Pricing Models for Cell Therapies
    • 17.3.1. Based on Associated Costs for T-Cell Therapies
    • 17.3.2. Based on Associated Costs for Stem Cell Therapies
    • 17.3.3. Based on Availability of Competing Products
    • 17.3.4. Based on Target Patient Segment
    • 17.3.5. Based on the Opinions of Industry Experts
  • 17.4. Cell Therapy Cost Optimization
    • 17.4.1. Role of Cost of Goods Sold
    • 17.4.2. Role of Automation
  • 17.5. Role of Cell Therapy Contract Manufacturing Organizations
  • 17.6. Reimbursement-related Considerations for Cell Therapies
    • 17.6.1. Case Study: The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence's (NICE) Appraisal of CAR-T Therapies


  • 18.1. Chapter Overview
  • 18.2. Assumptions and Key Parameters
  • 18.3. Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Make versus Buy Decision Making
    • 18.3.1. Scenario 1
    • 18.3.2. Scenario 2
    • 18.3.3. Scenario 3
    • 18.3.4. Scenario 4
  • 18.4. Concluding Remarks


  • 19.1. Chapter Overview
  • 19.2. Key Parameters
  • 19.3. Assumptions and Methodology
  • 19.4. Sample Dataset for the Estimation of Total Cost of Ownership
  • 19.5. Total Cost of Ownership for Mid-sized Cell Therapy Manufacturing Organizations, Y0-Y20
  • 19.6 Total Cost of Ownership for Mid-sized Cell Therapy Manufacturing Organizations: Analysis by CAPEX and OPEX, Y0 and Y20
    • 19.6.1. Total Cost of Ownership for Mid-sized Cell Therapy Manufacturing Organizations: Analysis by CAPEX, Y0
  • 19.6. Total Cost of Ownership for Mid-sized Cell Therapy Manufacturing Organizations: Analysis by OPEX, Y1-Y20


  • 20.1. Chapter Overview
  • 20.2. Scope of the Forecast
  • 20.3. Input Data and Key Assumptions
  • 20.4. Forecast Methodology
  • 20.5. Global Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market, 2022-2035
    • 20.5.1. Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market: Analysis by Type of Cell Therapy, 2022-2035
    • 20.5.2. Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market: Analysis by Source of Cells, 2022-2035
    • 20.5.3. Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market: Analysis by Scale of Operation, 2022-2035
    • 20.5.4. Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market: Analysis by Purpose of Manufacturing, 2022-2035
    • 20.5.5. Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market: Analysis by Region, 2022-2035
  • 20.6. Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market for Commercial Scale Manufacturing
    • 20.6.1. Global Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies, 2022-2035
      • Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies, 2022-2035: Analysis by Type of Therapy
      • Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies, 2022-2035: Analysis by Source of Cells
      • Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies, 2022-2035: Analysis by Region
    • 20.6.2. Global Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for NK Cell Therapies, 2022-2035
      • Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for NK Cell Therapies, 2022-2035: Analysis by Source of Cells
      • Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for NK Cell Therapies, 2022-2035: Analysis by Region
    • 20.6.3. Global Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for Dendritic Cell Therapies, 2022-2035
      • Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for Dendritic Cell Therapies, 2022-2035: Analysis by Region
    • 20.6.4. Global Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for Stem Cell Therapies, 2022-2035
      • Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for Stem Cell Therapies, 2022-2035: Analysis by Source of Cells
      • Commercial Scale Manufacturing Market for Stem Cell Therapies, 2022-2035: Analysis by Region
  • 20.7. Cell Therapy Manufacturing Market for Clinical Scale Manufacturing
    • 20.7.1. Global Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies, 2022-2035
      • Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies, 2022-2035: Analysis by Type of Therapy
      • Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies, 2022-2035: Analysis by Source of Cells
      • Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for T-cell Therapies, 2022-2035: Analysis by Region
    • 20.7.2. Global Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for Dendritic Cell Therapies, 2022-2035
      • Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for Dendritic Cell and Tumor Cell Therapies, 2022-2035: Analysis by Source of Cells
      • Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for Dendritic Cell and Tumor Cell Therapies, 2022-2035: Analysis by Region
    • 20.7.3. Global Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for NK Cell Therapies, 2022-2035
      • Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for NK Cell Therapies, 2022-2035: Analysis by Source of Cells
      • Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for NK Cell Therapies, 2022-2035: Analysis by Region
    • 20.7.4. Global Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for Stem Cell Therapies, 2022-2035
      • Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for Stem Cell Therapies, 2022-2035: Analysis by Source of Cells
      • Clinical Scale Manufacturing Market for Stem Cell Therapies, 2022-2035: Analysis by Region


  • 21.1. Chapter Overview
  • 21.2. Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Grid Analysis
  • 21.3. Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Logo Landscape
    • 21.3.1. Immune Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Logo Landscape
    • 21.3.2. Stem Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Logo Landscape
  • 21.4. Cell Therapy Manufacturing: World Map Representation based on Location of Manufacturing Facilities
    • 21.4.1. Industry Players
    • 21.4.2. Non-Industry Players


  • 22.1. Chapter Overview
  • 22.2. Strengths
  • 22.3. Weaknesses
  • 22.4. Opportunities
  • 22.5. Threats
  • 22.6. Comparison of SWOT Factors


  • 23.1. Chapter Overview


  • 24.1. Chapter Overview
  • 24.2. Analysis by Designation of Respondents
  • 24.3. Analysis by Type of Cell Therapy
  • 24.4. Analysis by Scale of Operation
  • 24.5. Analysis by Source of Cells
  • 24.6. Analysis by Type of Cell Culture System Used
  • 24.7. Analysis by Availability of Fill / Finish Services


  • 25.1. Chapter Overview
  • 25.2. RoslinCT
    • 25.2.1. Company Overview
    • 25.2.2. Interview Transcript: Peter Coleman, Chief Executive Officer
  • 25.3. Discovery Life Sciences
    • 25.3.1. Company Overview
    • 25.3.2. Interview Transcript: Dominic Clarke, Chief Technical Officer, Cell and Gene Therapy
  • 25.4. Glycostem Therapeutics
    • 25.4.1. Company Overview
    • 25.4.2. Interview Transcript: Troels Jordansen, Chief Executive Officer
  • 25.5. Bio Elpida
    • 25.5.1. Company Overview
    • 25.5.2. Interview Transcript: Gilles Devillers, President
  • 25.6. Gracell Biotechnologies
    • 25.6.1. Company Overview
    • 25.6.2. Interview Transcript: Wei (William) Cao, Chief Executive Officer
  • 25.7. Kadimastem
    • 25.7.1. Company Overview
    • 25.7.2. Interview Transcript: Arik Hasson, Executive VP Research and Development
  • 25.8. RoslinCT
    • 25.8.1. Company Overview
    • 25.8.2. Interview Transcript: Fiona Bellot, Ex-Business Development Manager
  • 25.9. University of Minnesota
    • 25.9.1. Company Overview
    • 25.9.2. Interview Transcript: David Mckenna, Professor and American Red Cross Chair in Transfusion Medicine
  • 25.10. Lion TCR
    • 25.10.1. Company Overview
    • 25.10.2. Interview Transcript: Victor Lietao Li, Ex- Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
  • 25.11. Center for Commercialization of Cancer Immunotherapy / C3i
    • 25.11.1. Company Overview
    • 25.11.2. Interview Transcript: Arnaud Deladeriere, Ex-Manager, Business Development & Operations-cGMP Manufacturing Unit
  • 25.12. Waisman Biomanufacturing
    • 25.12.1. Company Overview
    • 25.12.2. Interview Transcript: Brian Dattilo, Manager of Business Development
  • 25.13. Yposkesi
    • 25.13.1. Company Overview
    • 25.13.2. Interview Transcript: Mathilde Girard, Ex-Department Leader, Cell Therapy Innovation and Development
  • 25.14. Cell Therapies
    • 25.14.1. Company Overview
    • 25.14.2. Interview Transcript: Tim Oldham, Ex-Chief Executive Officer
  • 25.15. CiMaas
    • 25.15.1. Company Overview
    • 25.15.2. Interview Transcript: Gerard MJ Bos, Chief Executive Officer