

RNA Sequencing Services Market: Distribution by Type of Sequencing Method, Application Area, End User Industry and Key Geographical Regions : Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2022-2035

出版日: | 発行: Roots Analysis | ページ情報: 英文 159 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

● お客様のご希望に応じて、既存データの加工や未掲載情報(例:国別セグメント)の追加などの対応が可能です。  詳細はお問い合わせください。

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2023年07月01日
発行: Roots Analysis
ページ情報: 英文 159 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次



第1章 序文

第2章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第3章 イントロダクション

第4章 RNAシーケンシングサービスプロバイダー:市場概要

  • 章の概要

第5章 企業の競争力分析

  • 章の概要
  • 仮定と主なパラメータ
  • 範囲と調査手法
  • 企業の競争力分析:北米のRNAシーケンシングサービスプロバイダー
  • 企業の競争力分析:欧州のRNAシーケンシングサービスプロバイダー
  • 企業の競争力分析:アジア太平洋およびその他の地域のRNAシーケンシングサービスプロバイダー

第6章 企業プロファイル

  • 章の概要
  • Admera Health
  • Biogazelle(acquired by CellCarta)
  • CD Genomics
  • Creative Biogene
  • IGA Technology
  • LC Sciences
  • Lexogen
  • Novogene
  • Otogenetics
  • Yaazh Xenomic

第7章 学術助成金分析

  • 章の概要
  • 範囲と調査手法
  • 助成年度別分析

第8章 特許分析

  • 章の概要
  • 範囲と調査手法
  • RNAシーケンシング:特許分析
  • RNAシーケンシング:特許ベンチマーク分析
  • RNAシーケンシング:特許評価分析
  • 主要特許:引用数別分析

第9章 ポーターのファイブフォース分析

第10章 ケーススタディ:NGSライブラリ調製キット

  • 章の概要
  • NGSライブラリー調製キット:全体的な市場情勢
  • NGSライブラリー準備キット:開発者情勢

第11章 投資の可能性分析

第12章 市場規模と機会分析

  • 章の概要
  • 予測調査手法と主要な仮定
  • 世界のRNAシーケンシングサービス市場、2022年~2035年

第13章 エグゼクティブインサイト

第14章 付録1:表形式のデータ

第15章 付録2:企業および組織のリスト



  • Table 4.1 List of RNA Sequencing Service Providers
  • Table 4.2 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Information on Type of RNA Sequencing Service(s), Type of Platform, and Turnaround time
  • Table 4.3 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Information on Type of RNA Sequencing Service(s), Type of Sample, and Amount of Sample
  • Table 6.1 Admera Health: Company Overview
  • Table 6.2 Admera Health: RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
  • Table 6.3 Biogazelle: Company Overview
  • Table 6.4 Biogazelle: RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
  • Table 6.5 CD Genomics: Company Overview
  • Table 6.6 CD Genomics: RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
  • Table 6.7 Creative Biogene: Company Overview
  • Table 6.8 Creative Biogene: RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
  • Table 6.9 IGA Technology: Company Overview
  • Table 6.10 IGA Technology: RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
  • Table 6.11 LC Sciences: Company Overview
  • Table 6.12 LC Sciences: RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
  • Table 6.13 Lexogen: Company Overview
  • Table 6.14 Lexogen: RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
  • Table 6.15 Lexogen: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 6.16 Novogene: Company Overview
  • Table 6.17 Novogene: RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
  • Table 6.18 Novogene: Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • Table 6.19 Otogenetics: Company Overview
  • Table 6.20 Otogenetics: RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
  • Table 6.21 Yaazh Xenomic: Company Overview
  • Table 6.22 Yaazh Xenomics: RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
  • Table 8.1 Patent Analysis: Most Popular CPC Symbols
  • Table 8.2 Patent Analysis: List of Top CPC Symbols
  • Table 8.3 Patent Analysis: Summary of Benchmarking Analysis
  • Table 8.4 Patent Analysis: Categorization based on Weighted Valuation Scores
  • Table 8.5 Patent Portfolio: List of Leading Patents (by Highest Relative Valuation)
  • Table 8.6 Patent Portfolio: List of Leading Patents (by Number of Citations)
  • Table 14.1 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Table 14.2 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Company Size
  • Table 14.3 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Region-wise)
  • Table 14.4 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Country-wise)
  • Table 14.5 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Company Size and Region of Headquarters
  • Table 14.6 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Type of RNA Sequencing Service(s)
  • Table 14.7 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Turnaround Time
  • Table 14.8 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Type of Sample
  • Table 14.9 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Amount of Sample (in mg)
  • Table 14.10 Grant Analysis: Cumulative Year-Wise Trend, 2018-2022
  • Table 14.11 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Amount Awarded (USD Million)
  • Table 14.12 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Administering Institute Centre
  • Table 14.13 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Support Period
  • Table 14.14 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Type of Grant Application
  • Table 14.15 Grant Analysis: Distribution of Amount Awarded by Purpose of Grant Award (USD Million)
  • Table 14.16 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Purpose of Grant Award
  • Table 14.17 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Activity Code
  • Table 14.18 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Study Section Involved
  • Table 14.19 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Type of Organization
  • Table 14.20 Most Popular Departments: Distribution by Number of Grants
  • Table 14.21 Prominent Program Officers: Distribution by Number of Grants
  • Table 14.22 Popular Recipient Organizations: Distribution by Number of Grants
  • Table 14.23 Popular Recipient Organizations: Distribution by Amount of Grant
  • Table 14.24 Grant Analysis: Distribution of Recipient Organizations located in US
  • Table 14.25 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Type of Patent
  • Table 14.26 Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Publication Year, 2018-2022
  • Table 14.27 Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Application Year, Pre-2016 - 2022
  • Table 14.28 Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Annual Number of Granted Patents and Patents Applications, 2018-2022
  • Table 14.29 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Geography
  • Table 14.30 Patent Analysis: Cumulative Year-wise Distribution by Type of Applicant
  • Table 14.31 Leading Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
  • Table 14.32 Leading Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
  • Table 14.33 Patent Analysis: Leading Individual Assignees
  • Table 14.34 Patent Analysis: Categorization based on Weighted Valuation Scores
  • Table 14.35 NGS Library Preparation Kits: Distribution by Type of Platform
  • Table 14.36 NGS Library Preparation Kits: Distribution by Amount of Sample
  • Table 14.37 NGS Library Preparation Kits: Distribution by Turnaround Time
  • Table 14.38 NGS Library Preparation Kits: Distribution by Storage Temperature
  • Table 14.39 NGS Library Preparation Kits: Distribution by Type of Sequencing
  • Table 14.40 NGS Library Preparation Kits: Distribution by Kit Components
  • Table 14.41 NGS Library Preparation Kits: Distribution by Type of Sample
  • Table 14.42 NGS Library Preparation Kits Providers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Table 14.43 NGS Library Preparation Kits Providers: Distribution by Company Size
  • Table 14.44 NGS Library Preparation Kits Providers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters
  • Table 14.45 Likely Profit Potential of iSeq platform (USD)
  • Table 14.46 Likely Profit Potential of MiSeq platform (USD)
  • Table 14.47 Likely Profit Potential of NextSeq 550 Series platform (USD)
  • Table 14.48 Likely Profit Potential of NextSeq 1000 platform (USD)
  • Table 14.49 Likely Profit Potential of NextSeq 2000 platform (USD)
  • Table 14.50 Likely Profit Potential of Sequel platform (USD)
  • Table 14.51 Likely Profit Potential of Sequel II platform (USD)
  • Table 14.52 Likely Profit Potential of Sequel IIe platform (USD)
  • Table 14.53 Global RNA Sequencing Services Market, Conservative, Base, and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 14.54 RNA Sequencing Services Market, 2022 and 2035: Distribution by Type of Sequencing Method
  • Table 14.55 RNA Sequencing Services Market for Next Generation Sequencing Method, Conservative, Base, and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 14.56 RNA Sequencing Services Market for Other Methods, Conservative, Base, and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 14.57 RNA Sequencing Services Market, 2022 and 2035: Distribution by Type of Application
  • Table 14.58 RNA Sequencing Services Market for Research Purposes, Conservative, Base, and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 14.59 RNA Sequencing Services Market for Diagnostic Purposes, Conservative, Base, and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 14.60 RNA Sequencing Services Market, 2022 and 2035: Distribution by Type of End User
  • Table 14.61 RNA Sequencing Services Market for Academic and Research Industry, Conservative, Base, and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 14.62 RNA Sequencing Services Market for Clinics and Hospitals, Conservative, Base, and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 14.63 RNA Sequencing Services Market for Pharmaceutical Industry, Conservative, Base, and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 14.64 RNA Sequencing Services Market for Other Users, Conservative, Base, and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 14.65 RNA Sequencing Services Market, 2022 and 2035: Distribution by Key Geographical Regions
  • Table 14.66 RNA Sequencing Services Market in North America, Conservative, Base, and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 14.67 RNA Sequencing Services Market in Europe, Conservative, Base, and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 14.68 RNA Sequencing Services Market in Asia-Pacific, Conservative, Base, and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 14.69 RNA Sequencing Services Market in Latin America, Conservative, Base, and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Table 14.70 RNA Sequencing Services Market in Middle East and North Africa, Conservative, Base, and Optimistic Scenarios, 2022-2035 (USD Million)


  • Figure 3.1 Key Steps Involved in RNA Sequencing
  • Figure 4.1 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Figure 4.2 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Company Size
  • Figure 4.3 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Region Wise)
  • Figure 4.4 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Country Wise)
  • Figure 4.5 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Company Size and Region of Headquarters
  • Figure 4.6 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Type of RNA Sequencing Service(s) Offered
  • Figure 4.7 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Platform
  • Figure 4.8 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Type of RNA Sequencing Service(s) and Type of Platform
  • Figure 4.9 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Turnaround Time
  • Figure 4.10 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Type of Sample
  • Figure 4.11 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Type of RNA Sequencing Services(s) and Type of Sample
  • Figure 4.12 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Amount of Sample (in mg)
  • Figure 4.13 RNA Sequencing Service Providers: Distribution by Type of RNA Sequencing Services(s) and Amount of Sample
  • Figure 5.1 Company Competitiveness Analysis: RNA Sequencing Service Providers in North America
  • Figure 5.2 Company Competitiveness Analysis: RNA Sequencing Service Providers in Europe
  • Figure 5.3 Company Competitiveness Analysis: RNA Sequencing Service Providers in Asia-Pacific
  • Figure 7.1 Grant Analysis: Cumulative Year-Wise Trend, 2017-2022
  • Figure 7.2 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Amount Awarded (USD Million)
  • Figure 7.3 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Administering Institute Centre
  • Figure 7.4 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Support Period
  • Figure 7.5 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Administering Institute Centre and Support Period
  • Figure 7.6 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Type of Grant Application
  • Figure 7.7 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Purpose of Grant Award
  • Figure 7.8 Grant Analysis: Distribution of Amount Awarded by Purpose of Grant (USD Million)
  • Figure 7.9 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Activity Code
  • Figure 7.10 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Study Section Involved
  • Figure 7.11 Grant Analysis: Distribution by Type of Organization
  • Figure 7.12 Most Popular Departments: Distribution by Number of Grants
  • Figure 7.13 Word Cloud: Emerging Focus Areas
  • Figure 7.14 Prominent Program Officers: Distribution by Number of Grants
  • Figure 7.15 Popular Recipient Organizations: Distribution by Number of Grants
  • Figure 7.16 Popular Recipient Organization: Distribution by Amount Awarded (USD Million)
  • Figure 7.17 Grant Analysis: Distribution of Recipient Organizations located in US
  • Figure 8.1 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Type of Patent
  • Figure 8.2 Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Publication Year, 2018-2022
  • Figure 8.3 Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Application Year, Pre-2016 - 2022
  • Figure 8.4 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Annual Number of Granted Patents and Patent Applications, 2018-2022
  • Figure 8.5 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Geography
  • Figure 8.6 Patent Analysis: Distribution by CPC Symbols
  • Figure 8.7 Word Cloud: Emerging Focus Areas
  • Figure 8.8 Patent Analysis: Cumulative Year-wise Distribution by Type of Applicant
  • Figure 8.9 Leading Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
  • Figure 8.10 Leading Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
  • Figure 8.11 Patent Analysis: Leading Individual Assignees
  • Figure 8.12 Leading Industry Players: Benchmarking by Patent Characteristics (CPC Symbols)
  • Figure 8.13 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Patent Age
  • Figure 8.14 Patent Valuation Analysis
  • Figure 9.1 Porter's Five Forces: Key Parameters
  • Figure 9.2 Porter's Five Forces: Harvey Ball Analysis
  • Figure 10.1 NGS Library Preparation Kits: Distribution by Type of Platform
  • Figure 10.2 NGS Library Preparation Kits: Distribution by Amount of Sample
  • Figure 10.3 NGS Library Preparation Kits: Distribution by Turnaround Time
  • Figure 10.4 NGS Library Preparation Kits: Distribution by Storage Temperature
  • Figure 10.5 NGS Library Preparation Kits: Distribution by Type of Sequencing
  • Figure 10.6 NGS Library Preparation Kits: Distribution by Kit Components
  • Figure 10.7 NGS Library Preparation Kits: Distribution by Type of Sample
  • Figure 10.8 NGS Library Preparation Kit Providers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Figure 10.9 NGS Library Preparation Kit Providers: Distribution by Company Size
  • Figure 10.10 NGS Library Preparation Kit Providers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters
  • Figure 11.1 Likely Profit Potential of iSeq platform (USD)
  • Figure 11.2 Likely Profit Potential of MiSeq platform (USD)
  • Figure 11.3 Likely Profit Potential of NextSeq 550 Series platform (USD)
  • Figure 11.4 Likely Profit Potential of NextSeq 1000 platform (USD)
  • Figure 11.5 Likely Profit Potential of NextSeq 2000 platform (USD)
  • Figure 11.6 Likely Profit Potential of Sequel platform (USD)
  • Figure 11.7 Likely Profit Potential of Sequel II platform (USD)
  • Figure 11.8 Likely Profit Potential of Sequel IIe platform (USD)
  • Figure 11.9 Payback Evaluation Matrix
  • Figure 12.1 Global RNA Sequencing Services Market, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 12.2 RNA Sequencing Services Market, 2022 and 2035: Distribution by Type of Sequencing Method
  • Figure 12.3 RNA Sequencing Services Market for Next Generation Sequencing Method, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 12.4 RNA Sequencing Services Market for Other Method, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 12.5 RNA Sequencing Services Market, 2022 and 2035: Distribution by Type of Application
  • Figure 12.6 RNA Sequencing Services Market for Research Purposes, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 12.7 RNA Sequencing Services Market for Diagnostic Purposes, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 12.8 RNA Sequencing Services Market, 2022 and 2035: Distribution by Type of End User
  • Figure 12.9 RNA Sequencing Services Market for Academic and Research Industry, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 12.10 RNA Sequencing Services Market for Clinics and Hospitals, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 12.11 RNA Sequencing Services Market for Pharmaceutical Industry, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 12.12 RNA Sequencing Services Market for Other Users, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 12.13 RNA Sequencing Services Market, 2022 and 2035: Distribution by Key Geographical Regions
  • Figure 12.14 RNA Sequencing Services Market in North America, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 12.15 RNA Sequencing Services Market in Europe, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 12.16 RNA Sequencing Services Market in Asia-Pacific, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 12.17 RNA Sequencing Services Market in Latin America, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 12.18 RNA Sequencing Services Market in Middle East and North Africa, 2022-2035 (USD Million)
Product Code: RA100380


RNA sequencing was first introduced by Fredrick Sanger in 1977, who used chain termination method, also known sanger sequencing method / first generation sequencing method. It is a rapid method that enables profiling of whole range of RNA expressed by the cell, with increased coverage and resolution. However, the sanger sequencing method costs higher as compared to other methods and has low detection power, which reduces its scalability. Over time, this domain has witnessed several technological advancements, and different methods of RNA sequencing are now being used for differential gene and allele-specific expression, small RNA profiling, and characterization of alternative splicing patterns and system biology. Among various sequencing methods, next generation sequencing (NGS) introduced by Lynx Therapeutics in 2000, has emerged as a preferred choice across the industry. It is a high throughput, parallel genome sequencing technology, which enables whole genome and whole exome sequencing. It enables reduction in overall cost and process time. Despite the various technological advancements in RNA sequencing, there are several existing challenges, including difficulty in sequencing of large genes, shortage of human resources and lack of tools for data manipulation and analysis. In addition, establishment and maintenance of next generation sequencing based facilities require high capital. In order to overcome these challenges and obtain a high-quality output, the outsourcing of RNA sequencing is considered as a preferable option, among other alternatives, by industry players.

Currently, more than 70 companies offer services related to RNA sequencing. A number of these companies are start-ups that have been established in the past decade. In addition, several stakeholders are engaged in the development of proprietary technologies in order to overcome the errors related to amplification and duplication rates while sequencing. Further, over 340 patents related to RNA sequencing have been recently filed / granted, which demonstrates the innovation and continuous research efforts in this domain. Moreover, over the last few years, grants worth USD 486 million have been awarded by National Institutes of Health to support the ongoing R&D efforts in this domain. Driven by the growing interest of various stakeholders and the wide applicability of this technique, we believe that the RNA sequencing services industry is anticipated to witness noteworthy growth in the foreseen future.


The 'RNA Sequencing Services Market, 2022-2035: Distribution by Type of Sequencing Method (Next Generation Sequencing Method, and Other Methods), Application Area (Diagnostic and Research), End User Industry (Academic and Research, Clinics and Hospital, Pharmaceutical Industry and Others), Key Geographical Regions (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East and North Africa): Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2022-2035' report features an extensive study of the current market landscape and future potential of the RNA sequencing services market. The study also includes an in-depth analysis, highlighting the capabilities of RNA sequencing service providers. Amongst other elements, the report features:

  • A general overview of RNA sequencing, along with information on the key steps involved in the process, details on the various types, methods and applications of RNA sequencing, as well as the advantages and limitations associated with RNA sequencing. It further includes details on the different types of RNA sequencing platforms.
  • A detailed overview of the market landscape of RNA sequencing service providers, based on several relevant parameters, such as their year of establishment, company size (in terms of number of employees), region of headquarters (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and MENA). In addition, the chapter features information on the various offerings of such service providers, including type of RNA sequencing service(s), type of platform (Illumina, PacBio, Nanopore and others), turnaround time, type of sample (human, animal, plant, microorganisms and others) and volume of sample.
  • A competitiveness analysis of RNA sequencing service providers, located in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific and Rest of the World. The analysis compares service providers on the basis of various relevant parameters, such as experience of the company (in terms of number of years since it was established), service portfolio strength (in terms of number of RNA sequencing services offered, number of samples and turnaround time) and platform diversity (in terms of number of RNA sequencing services offered via respective sequencing platforms).
  • Elaborate profiles of key players involved in providing services for RNA sequencing. Each profile features a brief overview of the company, details on its service portfolio and recent developments, along with an informed future outlook.
  • An in-depth analysis of grants awarded to various research institutes for projects related to RNA sequencing, since 2018, based on several relevant parameters, such as year of grant awarded, amount awarded, administering institute center, support period, type of grant application, purpose of grant, activity code, study section, type of organization, emerging focus areas, popular NIH departments, popular recipient organizations (in terms of number of grants and amount awarded), prominent program officers and location of recipient organizations.
  • An insightful analysis of patents filed / granted for RNA sequencing, since 2018, taking into consideration various relevant parameters, such as type of patent, publication year, application year, geographical location, CPC symbols, emerging focus areas, type of applicant, leading players and individual assignees (in terms of number of patents granted / filed in the given time period). In addition, the chapter includes a detailed patent benchmarking and an insightful valuation analysis, highlighting the leading patents (in terms of number of citations).
  • A qualitative analysis of the five competitive forces, including threats of new entrants, bargaining power of customers, bargaining power of RNA sequencing service providers, threats of substitute services and rivalry among existing competitors under an insightful Porter's Five Forces framework.
  • A case study on NGS library preparation kits, based on type of platform, amount of sample, turnaround time, storage temperature, type of sequencing(s), kit components, type of sample. In addition, it includes a study on NGS library preparation kit developers, featuring analyses based on their year of establishment, company size and geographical presence.
  • An insightful analysis, highlighting financial attributes (payback period, total cash inflow, and earning potential of platforms) that need to be taken into consideration by various RNA sequencing service providers to facilitate decision making to employ sequencing platform.

One of the key objectives of the report was to estimate the current market size and the future potential associated with the RNA sequencing services market, over the coming 13 years. We have provided informed estimates of the likely evolution of the market in the short to mid-term and long term, for the period 2022-2035. Our year-wise projections of the current and future opportunity have further been segmented based on relevant parameters, such as type of sequencing method (next generation sequencing method and other methods), application area (diagnostic and research), end user industry (academic and research, clinics and hospital, pharmaceutical industry, and others), and key geographical regions (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East and North Africa). In order to account for future uncertainties and to add robustness to our model, we have provided three market forecast scenarios, namely conservative, base and optimistic scenarios, representing different tracks of the market's evolution.

All actual figures have been sourced and analyzed from publicly available information forums and primary research discussions. Financial figures mentioned in this report are in USD, unless otherwise specified.


The data presented in this report has been gathered via secondary and primary research. For all our projects, we conduct interviews with experts in the area (academia, industry and other associations) to solicit their opinions on emerging trends in the market. The information is primarily useful for us to draw out our opinion on how the market will evolve across different regions and technology segments. Wherever possible, the available data has been validated from multiple sources of information.

The secondary sources of information include:

  • Annual reports
  • Investor presentations
  • SEC filings
  • Industry databases
  • News releases from company websites
  • Government policy documents
  • Industry analysts' views

While the focus has been on forecasting the market till 2035, the report also provides our independent views on various non-commercial trends emerging in the industry. This opinion is solely based on our knowledge, research and understanding of the relevant market gathered from various secondary and primary sources of information.


  • Who are the key players engaged in offering RNA sequencing services?
  • What is the average turnaround time of RNA sequencing services currently offered?
  • What is the relative competitiveness of different RNA sequencing service providers?
  • How has the intellectual property landscape of RNA sequencing evolved over the years?
  • Which are the leading funding institutes / centers supporting research related to RNA sequencing?
  • Which type of next generation sequencing kits are being used to collect samples for RNA sequencing?
  • Which sequencing platform is likely to offer highest earning potential to service providers?
  • How is the current and future market opportunity likely to be distributed across key market segments?


Chapter 2 is an executive summary of the key insights captured in our research. It offers a high-level view on the current state of the RNA sequencing services market and its likely evolution in the short-mid to long term.

Chapter 3 provides a general overview of RNA sequencing, along with information on the key steps involved in the process, details on the various types, methods and applications of RNA sequencing, the advantages and limitations associated with RNA sequencing. It also includes details of the different RNA sequencing platforms.

Chapter 4 presents a detailed overview of the overall market landscape of RNA sequencing service providers, based on several relevant parameters, such as year of establishment, company size (in terms of number of employees), region of headquarters (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and MENA). In addition to this, the chapter also features information on type of RNA sequencing service(s), type of platform (Illumina, PacBio, Nanopore and others), turnaround time, type of sample (human, animal, plant, microorganisms and others) and volume of sample.

Chapter 5 provides a competitiveness analysis of RNA sequencing service providers, located in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific and Rest of the World. The analysis compares the service providers on the basis of various relevant parameters, such as overall experience of the company (in terms of number of years since it was established), service portfolio strength (in terms of number of RNA sequencing services offered, number of samples and turnaround time) and platform diversity (in terms of number of RNA sequencing services offered via respective sequencing platforms).

Chapter 6 elaborate profiles of the prominent players involved in providing services for RNA sequencing. Each profile features a brief overview of the company, details on its service portfolio and recent developments with an informed future outlook.

Chapter 7 provides an in-depth analysis of grants awarded to various research institutes for the projects related to RNA sequencing, since 2018, based on several relevant parameters, such as year of grant awarded, amount awarded, administering institute center, support period, type of grant application, purpose of grant, activity code, study section, type of organization, emerging focus areas, popular NIH departments, popular recipient organizations (in terms of number of grants and amount awarded), prominent program officers and location of recipient organizations.

Chapter 8 features an insightful analysis of the patents filed / granted for RNA sequencing, since 2018, taking into consideration various relevant parameters, such as type of patent, publication year, application year, geographical location, CPC symbols, emerging focus areas, type of applicant, leading players and individual assignees (in terms of number of patents granted / filed in the given time period). In addition, the chapter includes a detailed patent benchmarking and an insightful valuation analysis, highlighting the leading patents (in terms of number of citations).

Chapter 9 provides a qualitative analysis of the five competitive forces, including threats of new entrants, bargaining power of customers, bargaining power of RNA sequencing service providers, threats of substitute services and rivalry among existing competitors under an insightful Porter's Five Forces framework.

Chapter 10 presents a case study on NGS library preparation kits, based on a type of platform, amount of sample, turnaround time, storage temperature, type of sequencing(s), kit components, type of sample. In addition, it includes a study on NGS library preparation kit developers, featuring analyses based on their year of establishment, company size, and geographical presence.

Chapter 11 presents an insightful analysis, highlighting financial attributes (payback period, total cash inflow, and earning potential of platforms) that need to be taken into consideration by various RNA sequencing service providers to facilitate decision making to employ sequencing platform.

Chapter 12 features a detailed market forecast of the likely growth of RNA sequencing, till the year 2035. It also includes insights on the likely distribution of the current and forecasted opportunity across the type of sequencing method (next generation sequencing method and other methods), application area (diagnostic and research), end user industry (academic and research, clinics and hospital, pharmaceutical industry, and others), and key geographical regions (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East and North Africa).

Chapter 13 provides the transcripts of the interviews conducted with senior representatives of renowned organizations that are engaged in the RNA sequencing.

Chapter 14 is an appendix, that contains tabulated data and numbers for all the figures provided in the report.

Chapter 15 is an appendix, that contains the list of companies and organizations mentioned in the report.



  • 1.1. Scope of the Report
  • 1.2. Market Segmentation
  • 1.3. Research Methodology
  • 1.4 Key Questions Answered
  • 1.5. Chapter Outlines



  • 3.1. Chapter Overview
  • 3.2. An Overview of RNA Sequencing
    • 3.2.1. Key Steps Involved in RNA Sequencing
    • 3.2.2. Types of RNA Sequencing
      • Single End Sequencing
      • Paired End Sequencing
    • 3.2.3. Methods of RNA Sequencing
      • First Generation Sequencing
      • Next Generation Sequencing
      • Third Generation Sequencing
    • 3.2.4. Applications of RNA Sequencing
    • 3.2.5. Advantages of RNA Sequencing
    • 3.2.6. Limitations of RNA Sequencing
    • 3.2.7. RNA Sequencing Platforms
      • Illumina Sequencing Platforms
      • Pac Bio Sequencing Platforms
      • Nanopore Sequencing Platforms
  • 3.3. Concluding Remarks


  • 4.1. Chapter Overview
    • 4.1.1. RNA Sequencing Service Providers
    • 4.1.2. Analysis by Year of Establishment
    • 4.1.3. Analysis by Company Size
    • 4.1.4. Analysis by Location of Headquarters
    • 4.1.5. Analysis by Company Size and Region of Headquarters
    • 4.1.6. Analysis by Type of RNA Sequencing Service(s)
    • 4.1.7. Analysis by Type of Platform
    • 4.1.8. Analysis by Turnaround Time
    • 4.1.9. Analysis by Type of Sample
    • 4.1.10. Analysis by Amount of Sample


  • 5.1. Chapter Overview
  • 5.2. Assumptions and Key Parameters
  • 5.3. Scope and Methodology
  • 5.4. Company Competitiveness Analysis: RNA Sequencing Service Providers in North America
  • 5.5. Company Competitiveness Analysis: RNA Sequencing Service Providers in Europe
  • 5.6. Company Competitiveness Analysis: RNA Sequencing Service Providers in Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World


  • 6.1. Chapter Overview
  • 6.2. Admera Health
    • 6.2.1. Company Overview
    • 6.2.2. RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
    • 6.2.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 6.3. Biogazelle (acquired by CellCarta)
    • 6.3.1. Company Overview
    • 6.3.2. RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
    • 6.3.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 6.4. CD Genomics
    • 6.4.1. Company Overview
    • 6.4.2. RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
    • 6.4.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 6.5. Creative Biogene
    • 6.5.1. Company Overview
    • 6.5.2. RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
    • 6.5.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 6.6. IGA Technology
    • 6.6.1. Company Overview
    • 6.6.2. RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
    • 6.6.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 6.7. LC Sciences
    • 6.7.1. Company Overview
    • 6.7.2. RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
    • 6.7.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 6.8. Lexogen
    • 6.8.1. Company Overview
    • 6.8.2. RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
    • 6.8.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 6.9. Novogene
    • 6.9.1. Company Overview
    • 6.9.2. RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
    • 6.9.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 6.10. Otogenetics
    • 6.10.1. Company Overview
    • 6.10.2. RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
    • 6.10.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook
  • 6.11. Yaazh Xenomic
    • 6.11.1. Company Overview
    • 6.11.2. RNA Sequencing Service Portfolio
    • 6.11.3. Recent Developments and Future Outlook


  • 7.1. Chapter Overview
  • 7.2. Scope and Methodology
  • 7.3. Analysis by Year of Grant Award
    • 7.3.1. Analysis by Amount Awarded
    • 7.3.2. Analysis by Administering Institute Centre
    • 7.3.3. Analysis by Support Period
    • 7.3.4. Analysis by Administering Institute Centre and Support Period
    • 7.3.5. Analysis by Type of Grant Application
    • 7.3.6. Analysis by Purpose of Grant
    • 7.3.7. Analysis by Purpose of Grant and Amount Awarded
    • 7.3.8. Analysis by Activity Code
    • 7.3.9. Analysis by Study Section Involved
    • 7.3.10. Analysis by Type of Organization
    • 7.3.11. Word Cloud: Emerging Focus Areas
    • 7.3.12. Most Popular Departments: Analysis by Number of Grants
    • 7.3.13. Prominent Program Officers: Analysis by Number of Grants
    • 7.3.14. Popular Recipient Organizations: Analysis by Number of Grants
    • 7.3.15. Popular Recipient Organizations: Analysis by Amount Awarded
    • 7.3.16. Analysis of Recipient Organizations located in the US


  • 8.1. Chapter Overview
  • 8.2. Scope and Methodology
  • 8.3. RNA Sequencing: Patent Analysis
    • 8.3.1. Analysis by Publication Year
    • 8.3.2. Analysis by Application Year
    • 8.3.3. Analysis by Annual Number of Granted Patents and Patent Applications
    • 8.3.4. Analysis by Geography
    • 8.3.5. Analysis by CPC Symbols
    • 8.3.6. Analysis by Focus Area
    • 8.3.7. Analysis by Type of Applicant
    • 8.3.8. Leading Players: Analysis by Number of Patents
    • 8.3.9. Leading Individual Assignees: Analysis by Number of Patents
  • 8.4. RNA Sequencing: Patent Benchmarking Analysis
    • 8.4.1. Analysis by Patent Characteristics
  • 8.5. RNA sequencing: Patent Valuation Analysis
  • 8.6. Leading Patents: Analysis by Number of Citations


  • 9.1. Chapter Overview
  • 9.2. Methodology and Assumptions
  • 9.3. Key Parameters
    • 9.3.1. Threats of New Entrants
    • 9.3.2. Bargaining Power of Customers
    • 9.3.3. Bargaining Power of RNA Sequencing Service Providers
    • 9.3.4. Threats of Substitute Services
    • 9.3.5. Rivalry Among Existing Competitors
  • 9.4. Concluding Remarks


  • 10.1. Chapter Overview
  • 10.2. NGS Library Preparation Kits: Overall Market Landscape
    • 10.2.1. Analysis by Type of Platform
    • 10.2.2. Analysis by Amount of Sample
    • 10.2.3. Analysis by Turnaround Time
    • 10.2.4. Analysis by Storage Temperature
    • 10.2.5. Analysis by Type of Sequencing
    • 10.2.6. Analysis by Kit Components
    • 10.2.7. Analysis by Type of Sample
  • 10.3. NGS Library Preparation Kits: Developer Landscape
    • 10.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment
    • 10.3.2. Analysis by Company Size
    • 10.3.3. Analysis by Region of Headquarters


  • 11.1. Chapter Overview
  • 11.2. Scope and Methodology
  • 11.3. Profit Potential of Commonly used RNA Sequencing Platforms
    • 11.2.1. iSeq: Likely Profit Potential
    • 11.2.2. MiSeq: Likely Profit Potential
    • 11.2.3. NextSeq 550 Series: Likely Profit Potential
    • 11.2.4. NextSeq 1000 & 2000: Likely Profit Potential
    • 11.2.5. NextSeq 1000 & 2000: Likely Profit Potential
    • 11.2.6. Sequel: Likely Profit Potential
    • 11.2.7. Sequel II: Likely Profit Potential
    • 11.2.8. Sequel IIe: Likely Profit Potential
  • 11.4. Payback Evaluation Matrix
  • 11.3. Conclusion


  • 12.1. Chapter Overview
  • 12.2. Forecast Methodology and Key Assumptions
  • 12.3. Global RNA Sequencing Services Market, 2022-2035
    • 12.3.1. RNA Sequencing Services Market, 2022-2035: Distribution by Type of Sequencing Method
      • RNA Sequencing Services Market for Next Generation Sequencing Methods, 2022-2035
      • RNA Sequencing Services Market for Other Methods, 2022-2035
    • 12.3.2. RNA Sequencing Services Market, 2022-2035: Distribution by Type of Application
      • RNA Sequencing Services Market for Research Purposes, 2022-2035
      • RNA Sequencing Services Market for Diagnostic Purposes, 2022-2035
    • 12.3.3. RNA Sequencing Services Market, 2022-2035: Distribution by Type of End User
      • RNA Sequencing Services Market for Academic and Research Industry, 2022-2035
      • RNA Sequencing Services Market for Clinics and Hospitals, 2022-2035
      • RNA Sequencing Services Market for Pharmaceutical Industry, 2022-2035
      • RNA Sequencing Services Market for Other Users, 2022-2035
    • 12.3.4. RNA Sequencing Services Market, 2022-2035: Distribution by Key Geographical Regions
      • RNA Sequencing Services Market in North America, 2022-2035
      • RNA Sequencing Services Market in Europe, 2022-2035
      • RNA Sequencing Services Market in Asia-Pacific, 2022-2035
      • RNA Sequencing Services Market in Latin America, 2022-2035
      • RNA Sequencing Services Market in Middle East and North Africa, 2022-2035