
T細胞療法の世界市場 - 療法タイプ・標的適応症・標的抗原・主要企業・主要地域別:業界動向と予測(2022年~2035年)

Global T-Cell Therapy Market - Distribution by Type of Therapy, Target Indications, Target Antigens, Key Players and Key Geographies : Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2022-2035

出版日: | 発行: Roots Analysis | ページ情報: 英文 1180 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

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価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=153.16円
T細胞療法の世界市場 - 療法タイプ・標的適応症・標的抗原・主要企業・主要地域別:業界動向と予測(2022年~2035年)
出版日: 2023年08月01日
発行: Roots Analysis
ページ情報: 英文 1180 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 図表
  • 目次



第1章 序文

第2章 エグゼクティブサマリー

第3章 イントロダクション

第4章 T細胞療法:市場情勢

  • 章の概要
  • CAR-T細胞療法:全体的な市場情勢
  • CAR-T細胞療法:全体的な開発者情勢

第5章 TCRベース療法:市場情勢

  • 章の概要
  • TCRベース療法:全体的な市場情勢
  • TCRベース療法:全体的な開発者情勢

第6章 TILベース療法:市場情勢

  • 章の概要
  • TILベース療法:全体的な市場情勢
  • TILベース療法:全体的な開発者情勢

第7章 主要考察

  • 章の概要
  • T細胞免疫療法:主な標的抗原別の競合分析
  • T細胞免疫療法:CARコンストラクト分析

第8章 臨床試験分析

  • 章の概要
  • 範囲と調査手法
  • CAR-T細胞療法:臨床試験分析
  • TCRベース療法:臨床試験の分析
  • TILベース療法:臨床試験の分析

第9章 主なオピニオンリーダー

  • 章の概要
  • 前提条件と主なパラメータ
  • 調査手法
  • CAR-T細胞療法:主なオピニオンリーダー
  • TCRベース療法:主なオピニオンリーダー
  • TILベース療法:主なオピニオンリーダー

第10章 CAR-T細胞療法プロファイル

  • 章の概要
  • Kymriah/Tisagenlecleucel/CTL019 (Novartis)
  • Yescarta/Axiscabtagene Ciloleucel/KTE-C19 (Gilead Sciences)
  • Tecartus/Brexucabtagene Autoleucel (Gilead Sciences)
  • Breyanzi/Lisocabtagene Maraleucel/JCAR017 (Bristol Myers Squibb)
  • Abecma/BB2,121/Idecabtagene Vicleucel (Bristol Myers Squibb)
  • Carvykti/Ciltacabtagene Autoleucel/LCAR-B38M CAR-T/JNJ-68,284,528 (Janssen)
  • Carteyva/Relmacabtagene Autoleucel/JWCAR029 (JW Therapeutics)
  • TBI-1,501/CD19 CAR-T Cell Therapy (Takara Bio)
  • AUTO1/Obecabtagene Autoleucel/obe-cel (Autolus)
  • AUTO3/CD19/22 CAR-T (Autolus)

第11章 TCRベース療法プロファイル

  • 章の概要
  • Kimmtrak/IMCgp100/Tebentafusp (Immunocore)
  • GSK3,377,794/NY-ESO-1C259 T-Cells/Letetresgene Autoleucel (GlaxoSmithKline)
  • ADP-A2M4/Afamitresgene Autoleucel/Afami-cel (Adaptimmune Therapeutics)
  • JTCR016 (Juno Therapeutics)
  • TBI-1,301 (Takara Bio)
  • MDG1,011 (Medigene)

第12章 TILベース療法プロファイル

  • 章の概要
  • LN-144/Lifileucel (Iovance Biotherapeutics)
  • LN-145 (Iovance Biotherapeutics)
  • ITIL-168 (Instil Bio)
  • LTX-315 (Lytix Biopharma)

第13章 新興技術

  • 章の概要
  • ゲノム編集技術
  • 特性を改善したT細胞療法の設計
  • 将来の展望

第14章 パートナーシップと提携

  • 章の概要
  • パートナーシップモデル
  • T細胞免疫療法市場:パートナーシップと提携

第15章 資金調達と投資の分析

  • 章の概要
  • 資金調達タイプ
  • T細胞免疫療法市場:資金調達と投資の分析

第16章 特許分析

  • 章の概要
  • 範囲と調査手法
  • 特許分析:特許タイプ別
  • CAR-T細胞療法:特許分析
  • TCRベース療法
  • TILベース療法

第17章 その他のT細胞免疫療法

  • 章の概要
  • その他のT細胞免疫療法
  • その他のT細胞免疫療法:市場の概要
  • T細胞免疫療法の開発に対する重要な考慮事項
  • おわりに

第18章 ケーススタディ:細胞療法製造

  • 章の概要
  • 細胞療法製造の概要
  • 細胞療法製造モデル
  • 細胞療法製造プロセスのスケーラビリティ
  • 細胞療法メーカータイプ
  • 細胞療法製造に関連する主な課題
  • 細胞療法製造における重要な要素
  • 細胞療法製造プロセスの自動化
  • 細胞療法製造サプライチェーン
  • 社内生産能力を持つ企業と契約メーカーの比較
  • 規制状況
  • 将来の見通し

第19章 原価分析

  • 章の概要
  • 細胞/遺伝子治療の高額化の要因
  • T細胞免疫療法の価格設定モデル
  • T細胞免疫療法に対する考慮事項に関連する償還

第20章 市場予測と機会分析

  • 章の概要
  • 範囲と制限
  • 主な前提条件と予測手法
  • 全体的なT細胞免疫療法市場(2022年~2035年)
  • T細胞免疫療法市場:価値創造分析
  • 全体的なCAR-T細胞療法市場(2022年~2035年)
  • 全体的なTCRベース療法市場
  • 全体的なTILベース療法市場

第21章 プロモーション分析

  • 章の概要
  • プロモーションキャンペーンに使用されるチャネル
  • 製品ウェブサイト分析の要約
  • 患者サポートサービスと有益なダウンロードの要約
  • Kymriah:プロモーション分析
  • Yescarta:プロモーション分析
  • Tecartus:プロモーション分析
  • Breyanzi:プロモーション分析
  • Abecma:プロモーション分析
  • Carvykti:プロモーション分析
  • Kimmtrak:プロモーション分析

第22章 企業プロファイル

  • 章の概要
  • Adaptimmune Therapeutics
  • Alaunos Therapeutics
  • Autolus
  • bluebird Bio
  • Bristol Myers Squibb
  • Carsgen Therapeutics
  • Cellectis
  • Cellular Biomedicine Group
  • Gilead Sciences
  • GlaxoSmithKline
  • Immatics
  • Immunocore
  • Innovative Cellular Therapeutics
  • Iovance Biotherapeutics
  • Kuur Therapeutics
  • Lion TCR
  • Noile-Immune Biotech
  • Novartis
  • Shanghai GeneChem
  • Sinobioway Cell Therapy
  • Takara Bio
  • Wellington Zhaotai Therapies
  • Zelluna immunotherapy

第23章 おわりに

第24章 エグゼクティブインサイト

第25章 付録1:データの表

第26章 付録2:企業・組織のリスト



  • Table 3.1 Types of Immunotherapies and Affiliated Mechanisms of Action
  • Table 3.2 FDA Approved Antibody based Cancer Therapeutics
  • Table 3.5 Key Characteristics of CAR-T Cells
  • Table 3.6 Comparison of First and Second-Generation CAR-Ts
  • Table 3.7 CD19 CAR-T Cells: Preclinical Results
  • Table 3.8 Other Targets under Clinical / Preclinical Studies for CAR-T Cell Therapies
  • Table 3.9 CAR-T Cell and TCR-based Therapies: Key Differences
  • Table 4.1 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Clinical Pipeline
  • Table 4.2 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Information on Route of Administration, Source of T-Cells, Target Patient Segment, Type of Therapy and Dosing Frequency
  • Table 4.3 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Preclinical Pipeline
  • Table 4.4 List of CAR-T cells Developers
  • Table 5.1 TCR-based Therapies: Clinical Pipeline
  • Table 5.2 TCR-based Therapies: Information on Route of Administration, Source of T-Cells, Dosing Frequency, Target Patient Segment and Type of Therapy
  • Table 5.3 TCR-based Therapies: Preclinical Pipeline
  • Table 5.4 List of TCR-based Developers,
  • Table 6.1 TIL-based Therapies: Clinical Pipeline
  • Table 6.2 TIL-based Therapies: Information on Route of Administration, Source of T-Cells, Dosing Frequency, Target Patient Segment and Type of Therapy
  • Table 6.3 TIL-based Therapies: Preclinical Pipeline
  • Table 6.4 List of TIL-based Developers
  • Table 7.1 CAR-T Therapies: Information on Constructs of Clinical Candidates
  • Table 10.1 CAR-T Cell Therapies: List of Therapies Profiled
  • Table 10.2 Therapy Profile: Kymriah® (Novartis)
  • Table 10.3 Kymriah®: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 10.4 Kymriah®: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 10.5 Kymriah®: Clinical Trial Results
  • Table 10.6 Therapy Profile: Yescarta® (Gilead Sciences)
  • Table 10.7 Yescarta®: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 10.8 Yescarta®: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 10.9 Yescarta®: Clinical Trial Results
  • Table 10.10 Therapy Profile: Tecartus™ (Gilead Sciences)
  • Table 10.11 Tecartus™: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 10.12 Tecartus™: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 10.13 Tecartus™: Clinical Trial Results
  • Table 10.14 Therapy Profile: Breyanzi® (Bristol Myers Squibb)
  • Table 10.15 Breyanzi®: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 10.16 Breyanzi®: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 10.17 Breyanzi®: Clinical Trial Results
  • Table 10.18 Therapy Profile: Abecma® (Bristol Myers Squibb)
  • Table 10.19 Abecma®: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 10.20 Abecma®: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 10.21 Abecma®: Clinical Trial Results
  • Table 10.22 Therapy Profile: Carvykti™ (Janssen)
  • Table 10.23 Carvykti™: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 10.24 Carvykti™: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 10.25 Carvykti™: Clinical Trial Results
  • Table 10.26 Therapy Profile: Carteyva (JW Therapeutics)
  • Table 10.27 Carteyva: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 10.28 Carteyva: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 10.29 Carteyva: Clinical Trial Results
  • Table 10.30 Therapy Profile: TBI-1501 (Takara Bio)
  • Table 10.31 TBI-1501: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 10.32 TBI-1501: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 10.33 Therapy Profile: AUTO1 (Autolus)
  • Table 10.34 AUTO1: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 10.35 AUTO1: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 10.36 AUTO1: Clinical Trial Results
  • Table 10.37 Therapy Profile: AUTO3 (Autolus)
  • Table 10.38 AUTO3: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 10.39 AUTO3: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 10.40 AUTO3: Clinical Trial Results
  • Table 11.1 TCR Cell Therapies: List of Therapies Profiled
  • Table 11.2 Therapy Profile: Kimmtrak (Immunocore)
  • Table 11.3 Kimmtrak: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 11.4 Kimmtrak: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 11.5 Kimmtrak: Clinical Trial Results
  • Table 11.6 Therapy Profile: GSK3377794 (GlaxoSmithKline)
  • Table 11.7 GSK3377794: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 11.8 GSK3377794: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 11.9 GSK3377794: Clinical Trial Results
  • Table 11.10 Therapy Profile: ADP-A2M4 (Adaptimmune Therapeutics)
  • Table 11.11 ADP-A2M4: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 11.12 ADP-A2M4: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 11.13 ADP-A2M4: Clinical Trial Results
  • Table 11.14 Therapy Profile: JTCR016 (Juno Therapeutics (Bristol Myers Squibb))
  • Table 11.15 JTCR016: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 11.16 JTCR016: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 11.17 Therapy Profile: TBI-1301 (Takara Bio)
  • Table 11.18 TBI-1301: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 11.19 TBI-1301: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 11.20 TBI-1301: Clinical Trial Results
  • Table 11.21 Therapy Profile: MDG1011 (Medigene)
  • Table 11.22 MDG1011: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 11.23 MDG1011: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 11.24 MDG1011: Clinical Trial Results
  • Table 12.1 TIL Cell Therapies: List of Therapies Profiled
  • Table 12.2 Therapy Profile: LN-144 (Iovance Biotherapeutics)
  • Table 12.3 LN-144: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 12.4 LN-144: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 12.5 LN-144: Clinical Trial Results
  • Table 12.6 Therapy Profile: LN-145 (Iovance Biotherapeutics)
  • Table 12.7 LN-145: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 12.8 LN-145: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 12.9 LN-145: Clinical Trial Results
  • Table 12.10 Therapy Profile: ITIL-168 (Instil Bio)
  • Table 12.11 ITIL-168: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 12.12 ITIL-168: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 12.13 ITIL-168: Clinical Trial Results
  • Table 12.14 Therapy Profile: LTX-315 (Lytix Biopharma)
  • Table 12.15 LTX-315: Clinical Trial Information
  • Table 12.16 LTX-315: Clinical Trial Endpoints
  • Table 12.17 LTX-315: Clinical Trial Results
  • Table 13.1 Bellicum Pharmaceuticals: Key Switch Technologies
  • Table 13.2 Technologies For CAR-T Safety Enhancement
  • Table 14.1 T-Cell Immunotherapies Market: List of Partnerships and Collaborations, 2005-2022
  • Table 15.1 T-Cell Immunotherapies: Funding and Investments, 2000-2022
  • Table 15.2 T-Cell Immunotherapies: Summary of Investments
  • Table 16.1 CART-Cell Therapy Patent Analysis: Prominent CPC Symbols
  • Table 16.2 CART-Cell Therapy Patent Analysis: Most Popular CPC Symbols
  • Table 16.3 CART-Cell Therapy Patent Analysis: List of Top CPC Symbols
  • Table 16.4 CART-Cell Therapy Patent Analysis: Summary of Benchmarking Analysis
  • Table 16.5 CART-Cell Therapy Patent Analysis: Categorization based on Weighted Valuation Scores
  • Table 16.6 TCR-based Therapy Patent Analysis: Prominent CPC Symbols
  • Table 16.7 TCR-based Therapy Patent Analysis: Most Popular CPC Symbols
  • Table 16.8 TCR-based Therapy Patent Analysis: List of Top CPC Symbols
  • Table 16.9 TCR-based Therapy Patent Analysis: Summary of Benchmarking Analysis
  • Table 16.10 TCR-based Therapy Patent Analysis: Categorization based on Weighted Valuation Scores
  • Table 16.11 TIL-based Therapy Patent Analysis: Prominent CPC Symbols
  • Table 16.12 TIL-based Therapy Patent Analysis: Most Popular CPC Symbols
  • Table 16.13 TIL-based Therapy Patent Analysis: List of Top CPC Symbols
  • Table 16.14 TIL-based Therapy Patent Analysis: Summary of Benchmarking Analysis
  • Table 16.15 TIL-based Therapy Patent Analysis: Categorization based on Weighted Valuation Scores
  • Table 17.1 Characteristic Properties of Treg Cells
  • Table 17.2 Other T-Cell Immunotherapies: Therapy Candidate Pipeline
  • Table 18.1 Assessment Strategies for Different Manufacturing Processes
  • Table 18.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Centralized and Decentralized Manufacturing Models
  • Table 18.3 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Companies with In-House Capabilities and Contract Manufacturers
  • Table 19.1 Price of Marketed Gene / Cell Therapies
  • Table 19.2 Price of Marketed Targeted Drugs
  • Table 19.3 T-Cell Immunotherapies: Expert Opinions on Pricing
  • Table 19.4 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Reimbursement Landscape
  • Table 20.1 T-Cell Immunotherapies: List of Forecasted Molecules
  • Table 20.2 Kymriah® / Tisagenlecleucel / CTL019 (Novartis): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.3 Kymriah® / Tisagenlecleucel / CTL019 (Novartis): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.4 Yescarta® / Axiscabtagene Ciloleucel / KTE-C19 (Gilead Sciences): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.5 Yescarta® / Axiscabtagene Ciloleucel / KTE-C19 (Gilead Sciences): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.6 Tecartus™ / Brexucabtagene Autoleucel (Gilead Sciences): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.7 Tecartus™ / Brexucabtagene Autoleucel (Gilead Sciences): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.8 Abecma® / BB2121 / Idecabtagene Vicleucel (Bristol Myers Squibb): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.9 Abecma® / BB2121 / Idecabtagene Vicleucel (Bristol Myers Squibb): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.10 Carvykti™ / Ciltacabtagene Autoleucel / LCAR-B38M CAR-T / JNJ-68284528 (Janssen): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.11 Carvykti™ / Ciltacabtagene Autoleucel / LCAR-B38M CAR-T / JNJ-68284528 (Janssen): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.12 Breyanzi® / Lisocabtagene Maraleucel / JCAR017 (Bristol Myers Squibb): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.13 Breyanzi® / Lisocabtagene Maraleucel / JCAR017 (Bristol Myers Squibb): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.14 Carteyva® / Relmacabtagene Autoleucel / JWCAR029 (JW Therapeutics): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.15 Carteyva® / Relmacabtagene Autoleucel / JWCAR029 (JW Therapeutics): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.16 BCMA CAR-T Cells (Shanghai Unicar-Therapy Bio-medicine Technology): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.17 BCMA CAR-T Cells (Shanghai Unicar-Therapy Bio-medicine Technology): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.20 CD19 CAR-T (Wuhan Si'an Medical Technology): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.21 CD19 CAR-T (Wuhan Si'an Medical Technology): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.22 Descartes-11 (Cartesian Therapeutics): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.23 Descartes-11 (Cartesian Therapeutics): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.24 Descartes-08 (Cartesian Therapeutics): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.25 Descartes-08 (Cartesian Therapeutics): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.26 Zamtocabtagene Autoleucel / MB-CART2019.1 (Miltenyi Biomedicine): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.27 Zamtocabtagene Autoleucel / MB-CART2019.1 (Miltenyi Biomedicine): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.28 CNCT19 / HY001 (Juventas Cell Therapy): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.29 CNCT19 / HY001 (Juventas Cell Therapy): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.30 CD30.CAR-T / TT11 (Tessa Therapeutics): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.31 CD30.CAR-T / TT11 (Tessa Therapeutics): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.32 TAK-007 (Takeda): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.33 TAK-007 (Takeda): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.34 AUTO1 (Autolus): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.35 AUTO1 (Autolus): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.36 AUTO3 (Autolus): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.37 AUTO3 (Autolus): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.38 CD19-CAR-T (Bioray Laboratories): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.39 CD19-CAR-T (Bioray Laboratories): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.40 Humanized CD19-CAR-T (Shanghai Unicar-Therapy Bio-medicine Technology): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.41 Humanized CD19-CAR-T (Shanghai Unicar-Therapy Bio-medicine Technology): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.42 Humanized CD19-CAR-T (IM19 CAR-T (Beijing Immunochina Medical Science & Technology): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.43 Humanized CD19-CAR-T (IM19 CAR-T (Beijing Immunochina Medical Science & Technology): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.44 CCT301 CAR-T (Shanghai PerHum Therapeutics): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.45 CCT301 CAR-T (Shanghai PerHum Therapeutics): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.46 BinD19 (Shenzhen BinDeBio): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.47 BinD19 (Shenzhen BinDeBio): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.48 CARCIK-CD19 (CoImmune): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.49 CARCIK-CD19 (CoImmune): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.50 PBCAR269A (Precision BioSciences / Servier): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.51 PBCAR269A (Precision BioSciences / Servier): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.52 CD123 CAR-T cells (Chongqing Precision Biotechnology): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.53 CD123 CAR-T cells (Chongqing Precision Biotechnology): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.54 BCMA CAR-T (Chongqing Precision Biotechnology): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.55 BCMA CAR-T (Chongqing Precision Biotechnology): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.56 CD19/CD22-CAR-T (Shanghai Unicar-Therapy Bio-medicine Technology): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.57 CD19/CD22-CAR-T (Shanghai Unicar-Therapy Bio-medicine Technology): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.58 GC012F / Dual CAR-BCMA-19 (Gracell Biotechnology): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.59 GC012F / Dual CAR-BCMA-19 (Gracell Biotechnology): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.60 iC9-CAR19 T cells (Bellicum Pharmaceuticals): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.61 iC9-CAR19 T cells (Bellicum Pharmaceuticals): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.62 ALLO-501A / ALLO-501 (Allogene Therapeutics): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.63 ALLO-501A / ALLO-501 (Allogene Therapeutics): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.64 CD19/CD20-CAR-T (Yake Biotechnology): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.65 CD19/CD20-CAR-T (Yake Biotechnology): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.66 CD7 CAR-T (PersonGen BioTherapeutics): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.67 CD7 CAR-T (PersonGen BioTherapeutics): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.68 Anti-FLT3 CAR-T / TAA05 (PersonGen BioTherapeutics): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.69 Anti-FLT3 CAR-T / TAA05 (PersonGen BioTherapeutics): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.70 CT053 (CARsgen Therapeutics): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.71 CT053 (CARsgen Therapeutics)): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.72 Anti-ALPP CAR-T Cells (TCRCure Biopharma): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.73 Anti-ALPP CAR-T Cells (TCRCure Biopharma): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.74 BCMA targeted prime CAR-T cells (Chongqing Precision Biotechnology): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.75 BCMA targeted prime CAR-T cells (Chongqing Precision Biotechnology): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.76 ALLO-605 (Allogene Therapeutics): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.77 ALLO-605 (Allogene Therapeutics): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.78 WU CART 007 (Wugen): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.79 WU CART 007 (Wugen): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.80 CT103A (Nanjing IASO Biotherapeutics): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.81 CT103A (Nanjing IASO Biotherapeutics): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.82 Kimmtrak (IMCgp100 / Tebentafusp) (Immunocore): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.83 Kimmtrak (IMCgp100 / Tebentafusp) (Immunocore): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.84 GSK3377794 (GlaxoSmithKline): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.85 GSK3377794 (GlaxoSmithKline): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.86 YT-E001 (China Immunotech): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.87 YT-E001 (China Immunotech): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.88 ADP-A2M4 / Afamitresgene Autoleucel / Afami-cel (Adaptimmune Therapeutics): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.89 ADP-A2M4 / Afamitresgene Autoleucel / Afami-cel (Adaptimmune Therapeutics): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.90 EBV-specific TCR-T cell with anti-PD1 auto-secreted element (TCRCure Biopharma): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.91 EBV-specific TCR-T cell with anti-PD1 auto-secreted element (TCRCure Biopharma): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.92 NTLA-5001 (Intellia Therapeutics): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.93 NTLA-5001 (Intellia Therapeutics): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.94 TBI-1301 (Takara Bio): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.95 TBI-1301 (Takara Bio): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.96 LMBP2-specific TCR-T (Xinqiao Hospital of Chongqing / TCR CURE Biopharma Technology): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.97 LMBP2-specific TCR-T (Xinqiao Hospital of Chongqing / TCR CURE Biopharma Technology): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.98 FH-MCVA2TCR (TCRCure Biopharma): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.99 FH-MCVA2TCR (TCRCure Biopharma): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.100 Lifileucel / LN-144 (Iovance Biotherapeutics): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.101 Lifileucel / LN-144 (Iovance Biotherapeutics): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.102 LN-145 (Iovance Biotherapeutics): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.103 LN-145 (Iovance Biotherapeutics): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.104 LTX-315 and TILs (Lytix Biopharma): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.105 LTX-315 and TILs (Lytix Biopharma): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.106 TILs (Prometheus Laboratories): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.107 TILs (Prometheus Laboratories): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.108 Donor Lymphocyte Infusion (Incyte): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.109 Donor Lymphocyte Infusion (Incyte): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.110 ITIL-168 (Instil Bio): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.111 ITIL-168 (Instil Bio): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.112 IOV-2001 (Iovance Biotherapeutics): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.113 IOV-2001 (Iovance Biotherapeutics): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.114 TILs (CAR-T (Shanghai) Cell Biotechnology): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.115 TILs (CAR-T (Shanghai) Cell Biotechnology): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 20.116 TILs (Bristol-Myers Squibb): Net Present Value (USD Million)
  • Table 20.117 TILs (Bristol-Myers Squibb): Value Creation Analysis (USD Million)
  • Table 21.1 Promotional / Marketing Strategy: Patient Support Services and Informative Downloads
  • Table 21.2 Kymriah®: Drug Overview
  • Table 19.3 Yescarta®: Drug Overview
  • Table 21.4 Tecartus™: Drug Overview
  • Table 21.5 Breyanzi®: Drug Overview
  • Table 21.6 Abecma®: Drug Overview
  • Table 21.7 Carvykti™: Drug Overview
  • Table 21.8 Kimmtrak®: Drug Overview
  • Table 22.1 Leading T-Cell Immunotherapy Developers
  • Table 22.2 Adaptimmune Therapeutics: Company Profile
  • Table 22.3 Alaunos Therapeutics: Company Profile
  • Table 22.4 Autolus: Company Profile
  • Table 22.5 bluebird bio: Company Profile
  • Table 22.6 Bristol Myers Squibb: Company Profile
  • Table 22.7 CARsgen Therapeutics: Company Profile
  • Table 22.8 Cellectis: Company Profile
  • Table 22.9 Cellular Biomedicine Group: Company Profile
  • Table 22.10 Gilead Sciences: Company Profile
  • Table 22.11 GlaxoSmith Kline: Company Profile
  • Table 22.12 Immatics: Company Profile
  • Table 22.13 Immunocore: Company Profile
  • Table 22.14 Innovative Cellular Therapeutics: Company Profile
  • Table 22.15 Iovance Biotherapeutics: Company Profile
  • Table 22.16 Kuur Therapeutics: Company Profile
  • Table 22.17 Lion TCR: Company Profile
  • Table 22.18 Noile-Immune Biotech: Company Profile
  • Table 22.19 Novartis: Company Profile
  • Table 22.20 Shanghai Genechem: Company Profile
  • Table 22.21 Sinobioway Cell Therapy: Company Profile
  • Table 22.22 Takara Bio: Company Profile
  • Table 22.23 Wellington Zhaotai Therapies: Company Profile
  • Table 22.24 Zelluna Immunotherapy: Company Profile
  • Table 25.1 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Type of Developer
  • Table 25.2 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Phase of Development
  • Table 25.3 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Therapeutic Area
  • Table 25.4 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Phase of Development and Therapeutic Area
  • Table 25.5 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Key Target Indication
  • Table 25.6 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Key Target Antigen
  • Table 25.7 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Source of T-Cells
  • Table 25.8 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Phase of Development and Source of T-Cells
  • Table 25.9 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Route of Administration
  • Table 25.10 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Dosing Frequency
  • Table 25.11 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Target Patient Segment
  • Table 25.12 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Type of Therapy
  • Table 25.13 Most Active Industry Players: Distribution by Number of CAR-T Cell Therapies
  • Table 25.14 Most Active Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of CAR-T Cell Therapies
  • Table 25.15 CAR-T Cell Therapy Developers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Table 25.16 CAR-T Cell Therapy Developers: Distribution by Company Size
  • Table 25.17 CAR-T Cell Therapy Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Region-wise)
  • Table 25.18 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Country-wise)
  • Table 25.19 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Type of Developer
  • Table 25.20 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Phase of Development
  • Table 25.21 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Therapeutic Area
  • Table 25.22 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Phase of Development and Therapeutic Area
  • Table 25.23 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Key Target Indication
  • Table 25.24 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Key Target Antigen
  • Table 25.25 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Source of T-Cells
  • Table 25.26 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Route of Administration
  • Table 25.27 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Phase of Development and Route of Administration
  • Table 25.28 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Dosing Frequency
  • Table 25.29 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Target Patient Segment
  • Table 25.30 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Type of Therapy
  • Table 25.31 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Phase of Development and Type of Therapy
  • Table 25.32 Most Active Industry Players: Distribution by Number of TCR-based Therapies
  • Table 25.33 Most Active Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of TCR-based Therapies
  • Table 25.34 TCR-based Therapy Developers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Table 25.35 TCR-based Therapy Developers: Distribution by Company Size
  • Table 25.36 TCR-based Therapy Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Region-wise)
  • Table 25.37 TCR-based Therapy Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Country-wise)
  • Table 25.38 TIL-based Therapies: Distribution by Type of Developer
  • Table 25.39 TIL-based Therapies: Distribution by Phase of Development
  • Table 25.40 TIL-based Therapies: Distribution by Therapeutic Area
  • Table 25.41 TIL-based Therapies: Distribution by Key Target Indications
  • Table 25.42 TIL-based Therapies: Distribution by Source of T-Cells
  • Table 25.43 TIL-based Therapies: Distribution by Route of Administration
  • Table 25.44 TIL-based Therapies: Distribution by Dosing Frequency
  • Table 25.45 TIL-based Therapies: Distribution by Target Patient Segment
  • Table 25.46 TIL-based Therapies: Distribution by Type of Therapy
  • Table 25.47 Most Active Industry Players: Distribution by Number of TIL-based Therapies
  • Table 25.48 Most Active Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of TIL-based Therapies
  • Table 25.49 TIL-based Therapy Developers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Table 25.50 TIL-based Therapy Developers: Distribution by Company Size
  • Table 25.51 TIL-based Therapy Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Region-wise)
  • Table 25.52 TIL-based Therapy Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Country-wise)
  • Table 25.53 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Trial Registration Year, Pre-2013-2022
  • Table 25.54 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year and Enrolled Patient Population, Pre-2013-2022
  • Table 25.55 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Status
  • Table 25.56 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year and Trial Status, Pre-2013-2022
  • Table 25.57 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Phase
  • Table 25.58 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Enrolled Patient Population by Trial Phase
  • Table 25.59 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Target Patient Segment
  • Table 25.60 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Type of Sponsor / Collaborator
  • Table 25.61 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Study Design
  • Table 25.62 Most Active Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Registered Trials
  • Table 25.63 Most Active Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Registered Trials
  • Table 25.64 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Table 25.65 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Completed Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Table 25.66 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Active Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Table 25.67 CAR-T Cell Therapy Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Patients Enrolled by Geography
  • Table 25.68 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Trial Registration Year, Pre-20172022
  • Table 25.69 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year and Enrolled Patient Population, Pre-2013-2022
  • Table 25.70 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Status
  • Table 25.71 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year and Trial Status, Pre-2017-2022
  • Table 25.72 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Phase
  • Table 25.73 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Enrolled Patient Population by Trial Phase
  • Table 25.74 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Target Patient Segment
  • Table 25.75 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Type of Sponsor / Collaborator
  • Table 25.76 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Study Design
  • Table 25.77 Most Active Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Registered Trials
  • Table 25.78 Most Active Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Registered Trials
  • Table 25.79 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Table 25.80 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Completed Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Table 25.81 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Active Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Table 25.82 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Patients Enrolled by Geography
  • Table 25.83 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Trial Registration Year, Pre-2017-2022
  • Table 25.84 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year and Enrolled Patient Population, Pre-2017-2022
  • Table 25.85 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Status
  • Table 25.86 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year and Trial Status, Pre-2013-2022
  • Table 25.87 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Phase
  • Table 25.88 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Enrolled Patient Population by Trial Phase
  • Table 25.89 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Target Patient Segment
  • Table 25.90 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Type of Sponsor / Collaborator
  • Table 25.91 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Study Design
  • Table 25.92 Most Active Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Registered Trials
  • Table 25.93 Most Active Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Registered Trials
  • Table 25.94 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Table 25.95 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Completed Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Table 25.96 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Active Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Table 25.97 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Patients Enrolled by Geography
  • Table 25.98 CAR-T Cell Therapies KOL Analysis: Distribution by Type of Organization
  • Table 25.99 CAR-T Cell Therapies KOL Analysis: Distribution by Affiliated Organization
  • Table 25.100 CAR-T Cell Therapies KOL Analysis: Distribution by Qualification
  • Table 25.101 CAR-T Cell Therapies Scatter Plot: KOL Activeness versus KOL Strength
  • Table 25.102 CAR-T Cell Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: KOL Activeness versus KOL Strength
  • Table 25.103 CAR-T Cell Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: Distribution by RA Score
  • Table 25.104 CAR-T Cell Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: Comparison of RA Score with Third-Party Score
  • Table 25.105 CAR-T based Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: Comparison of RA Score with Third-Party Score (Scatter Plot)
  • Table 25.106 TCR-based Therapies KOL Analysis: Distribution by Type of Organization
  • Table 25.107 TCR-based Therapies KOL Analysis: Distribution by Affiliated Organization
  • Table 25.108 TCR-based Therapies KOL Analysis: Distribution by Qualification
  • Table 25.109 TCR-based Therapies Scatter Plot: KOL Activeness versus KOL Strength
  • Table 25.110 TCR-based Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: KOL Activeness versus KOL Strength
  • Table 25.111 TCR-based Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: Distribution by RA Score
  • Table 25.112 TCR-based Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: Comparison of RA Score with Third-Party Score
  • Table 25.113 TCR-based Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: Comparison of RA Score with Third-Party Score (Scatter Plot)
  • Table 25.114 TIL-based Therapies KOL Analysis: Distribution by Type of Organization
  • Table 25.115 TIL-based Therapies KOL Analysis: Distribution by Affiliated Organization
  • Table 25.116 TIL-based Therapies KOL Analysis: Distribution by Qualification
  • Table 25.117 TIL-based Therapies: Geographical Distribution of KOLs
  • Table 25.118 TIL-based Therapies Scatter Plot: KOL Activeness versus KOL Strength
  • Table 25.119 TIL-based Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: KOL Activeness versus KOL Strength
  • Table 25.120 TIL-based Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: Distribution by RA Score
  • Table 25.121 TIL-based Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: Comparison of RA Score with Third-Party Score
  • Table 25.122 TIL-based Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: Comparison of RA Score with Third-Party Score (Scatter Plot)
  • Table 25.123 Kymriah®: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.124 Yescarta®: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.125 Tecartus™: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.126 Breyanzi®: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.127 Abecma®: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.128 Carvykti®: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.129 Carteyva: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.130 TBI-1501: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.131 AUTO1: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.132 AUTO3: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.133 Kimmtrak®: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.134 GSK3377794: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.135 ADP-A2M4: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.136 JTCR016: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.137 TBI-1301: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.138 MDG1011: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.139 LN-144: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.140 LN-145: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.141 ITIL-168: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.142 LTX-315: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Table 25.143 Partnerships and Collaborations: Cumulative Year-Wise Trend, Pre-2015-2022
  • Table 25.144 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partnership
  • Table 25.145 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partnership, Pre-2015 and 2015-2022
  • Table 25.146 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Product
  • Table 25.147 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Year of Partnership and Type of Therapy
  • Table 25.148 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partnership and Type of Product
  • Table 25.149 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partner
  • Table 25.150 Partnerships and Collaborations: Year-Wise Distribution by Type of Partner
  • Table 25.151 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Product and Type


  • Figure 2.1 Executive Summary (CAR-T Cell Therapies): Overall Market Landscape
  • Figure 2.2 Executive Summary (CAR-T Cell Therapies): Clinical Trial Analysis
  • Figure 2.3 Executive Summary (CAR-T Cell Therapies): Key Opinion Leaders
  • Figure 2.4 Executive Summary (CAR-T Cell Therapies): Partnerships and Collaborations
  • Figure 2.5 Executive Summary (CAR-T Cell Therapies): Funding and Investments
  • Figure 2.6 Executive Summary (CAR-T Cell Therapies): Patent Analysis
  • Figure 2.7 Executive Summary (CAR-T Cell Therapies): Market Forecast and Opportunity Analysis
  • Figure 2.8 Executive Summary (TCR-based Therapies): Overall Market Landscape
  • Figure 2.9 Executive Summary (TCR-based Therapies): Clinical Trial Analysis
  • Figure 2.10 Executive Summary (TCR-based Therapies): Key Opinion Leaders
  • Figure 2.11 Executive Summary (TCR-based Therapies): Partnerships and Collaborations
  • Figure 2.12 Executive Summary (TCR-based Therapies): Funding and Investments
  • Figure 2.13 Executive Summary (TCR-based Therapies): Patent Analysis
  • Figure 2.14 Executive Summary (TCR-based Therapies): Market Forecast and Opportunity Analysis
  • Figure 2.15 Executive Summary (TIL-based Therapies): Overall Market Landscape
  • Figure 2.16 Executive Summary (TIL-based Therapies): Clinical Trial Analysis
  • Figure 2.17 Executive Summary (TIL-based Therapies): Key Opinion Leaders
  • Figure 2.18 Executive Summary (TIL-based Therapies): Partnerships and Collaborations
  • Figure 2.19 Executive Summary (TIL-based Therapies): Funding and Investments
  • Figure 2.20 Executive Summary (TIL-based Therapies): Patent Analysis
  • Figure 2.21 Executive Summary (TIL-based Therapies): Market Forecast and Opportunity Analysis
  • Figure 3.1 Pillars of Cancer Therapy
  • Figure 3.2 Differences between Active and Passive Immunotherapies
  • Figure 3.3 Differences between Specific and Non-Specific Immunotherapies
  • Figure 3.4 Strategies Employed for the Redirection of T-Cells
  • Figure 3.5 T-Cell Manufacturing: General Procedure
  • Figure 3.6 Development History of CAR-T cells
  • Figure 3.7 Structure of Chimeric Antigen Receptor
  • Figure 3.8 Chimeric Antigen Receptors: Structural Variations across Different Generations
  • Figure 3.9 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Development Process
  • Figure 3.10 Challenges Associated with CAR-T Cell Therapies
  • Figure 3.11 TCR-based Therapies: Development Process
  • Figure 3.12 TIL-based Therapies: Development Process
  • Figure 3.13 T-Cell Immunotherapies: Benefits and Roadblocks
  • Figure 4.1 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Type of Developer
  • Figure 4.2 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Phase of Development
  • Figure 4.3 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Therapeutic Area
  • Figure 4.4 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Phase of Development and Therapeutic Area
  • Figure 4.5 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Key Target Indications
  • Figure 4.6 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Key Target Antigens
  • Figure 4.7 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Source of T-Cells
  • Figure 4.8 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Phase of Development and Source of T-Cells
  • Figure 4.9 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Route of Administration
  • Figure 4.10 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Dosing Frequency
  • Figure 4.11 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Target Patient Segment
  • Figure 4.12 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Type of Therapy
  • Figure 4.13 Most Active Industry Players: Distribution by Number of CAR-T Cell Therapies
  • Figure 4.14 Most Active Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of CAR-T Cell Therapies
  • Figure 4.15 CAR-T Cell Therapy Developers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Figure 4.16 CAR-T Cell Therapy Developers: Distribution by Company Size
  • Figure 4.17 CAR-T Cell Therapy Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Region-wise)
  • Figure 4.18 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Country-wise)
  • Figure 5.1 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Type of Developer
  • Figure 5.2 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Phase of Development
  • Figure 5.3 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Therapeutic Area
  • Figure 5.4 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Phase of Development and Therapeutic Area
  • Figure 5.5 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Key Target Indication
  • Figure 5.6 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Key Target Antigen
  • Figure 5.7 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Source of T-Cells
  • Figure 5.8 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Route of Administration
  • Figure 5.9 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Phase of Development and Route of Administration
  • Figure 5.10 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Dosing Frequency
  • Figure 5.11 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Target Patient Segment
  • Figure 5.12 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Type of Therapy
  • Figure 5.13 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Phase of Development and Type of Therapy
  • Figure 5.14 Most Active Industry Players: Distribution by Number of TCR-based Therapies
  • Figure 5.15 Most Active Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of TCR-based Therapies
  • Figure 5.16 TCR-based Therapy Developers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Figure 5.17 TCR-based Therapy Developers: Distribution by Company Size
  • Figure 5.18 TCR-based Therapy Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Region-wise)
  • Figure 5.19 TCR-based Therapy Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Country-wise)
  • Figure 6.1 TIL-based Therapies: Distribution by Type of Developer
  • Figure 6.2 TIL-based Therapies: Distribution by Phase of Development
  • Figure 6.3 TIL-based Therapies: Distribution by Therapeutic Area
  • Figure 6.4 TIL-based Therapies: Distribution by Key Target Indications
  • Figure 6.5 TIL-based Therapies: Distribution by Source of T-Cells
  • Figure 6.6 TIL-based Therapies: Distribution by Route of Administration
  • Figure 6.7 TIL-based Therapies: Distribution by Dosing Frequency
  • Figure 6.8 TIL-based Therapies: Distribution by Target Patient Segment
  • Figure 6.9 TIL-based Therapies: Distribution by Type of Therapy
  • Figure 6.10 Most Active Industry Players: Distribution by Number of TIL-based Therapies
  • Figure 6.11 Most Active Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of TIL-based Therapies
  • Figure 6.12 TIL-based Therapy Developers: Distribution by Year of Establishment
  • Figure 6.13 TIL-based Therapy Developers: Distribution by Company Size
  • Figure 6.14 TIL-based Therapy Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Region-wise)
  • Figure 6.15 TIL-based Therapy Developers: Distribution by Location of Headquarters (Country-wise)
  • Figure 7.1 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Popular Targets in Hematological Malignancies
  • Figure 7.2 TCR-based Therapies: Popular Targets in Hematological Malignancies
  • Figure 7.3 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Popular Targets in Solid Tumors
  • Figure 7.4 TCR-based Therapies: Popular Targets in Solid Tumors
  • Figure 7.5 CAR-Construction: Distribution by Generation of CAR
  • Figure 7.6 CAR-Construction: Distribution by Type of scFv Antibody
  • Figure 7.7 CAR-Construction: Distribution by Type of Virus Used
  • Figure 7.8 CAR-Construction: Distribution by Type of Gene Transfer Method Used
  • Figure 7.9 CAR-Construction: Distribution by Type of Co-Stimulatory Domain(s)
  • Figure 8.1 Clinical Trial Analysis: Scope and Methodology
  • Figure 8.2 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Trial Registration Year, Pre-2013-2022
  • Figure 8.3 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year and Enrolled Patient Population, Pre-2013-2022
  • Figure 8.4 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Status
  • Figure 8.5 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year and Trial Status, Pre-2013-2022
  • Figure 8.6 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Phase
  • Figure 8.7 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Enrolled Patient Population by Trial Phase
  • Figure 8.8 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Target Patient Segment
  • Figure 8.9 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Type of Sponsor / Collaborator
  • Figure 8.10 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Study Design
  • Figure 8.11 Most Active Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Registered Trials
  • Figure 8.12 Most Active Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Registered Trials
  • Figure 8.13 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Key Focus Areas
  • Figure 8.14 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Figure 8.15 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Completed Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Figure 8.16 CAR-T Cell Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Active Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Figure 8.17 CAR-T Cell Therapy Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Patients Enrolled by Geography
  • Figure 8.18 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Trial Registration Year, Pre-2017-2022
  • Figure 8.19 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year and Enrolled Patient Population, Pre-2013-2022
  • Figure 8.20 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Status
  • Figure 8.21 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year and Trial Status, Pre-2017-2022
  • Figure 8.22 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Phase
  • Figure 8.23 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Enrolled Patient Population by Trial Phase
  • Figure 8.24 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Target Patient Segment
  • Figure 8.25 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Type of Sponsor / Collaborator
  • Figure 8.26 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Study Design
  • Figure 8.27 Most Active Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Registered Trials
  • Figure 8.28 Most Active Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Registered Trials
  • Figure 8.29 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Key Focus Areas
  • Figure 8.30 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Figure 8.31 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Completed Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Figure 8.32 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Active Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Figure 8.33 TCR-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Patients Enrolled by Geography
  • Figure 8.34 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Trial Registration Year, Pre-2017-2022
  • Figure 8.35 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year and Enrolled Patient Population, Pre-2017-2022
  • Figure 8.36 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Status
  • Figure 8.37 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Trial Registration Year and Trial Status, Pre-2013-2022
  • Figure 8.38 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution o by Trial Phase
  • Figure 8.39 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Enrolled Patient Population by Trial Phase
  • Figure 8.40 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Target Patient Segment
  • Figure 8.41 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Type of Sponsor / Collaborator
  • Figure 8.42 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution by Study Design
  • Figure 8.43 Most Active Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Registered Trials
  • Figure 8.44 Most Active Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Registered Trials
  • Figure 8.45 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Key Focus Areas
  • Figure 8.46 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Figure 8.47 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Completed Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Figure 8.48 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Active Clinical Trials by Geography
  • Figure 8.49 TIL-based Therapies Clinical Trial Analysis: Distribution of Patients Enrolled by Geography
  • Figure 9.1 CAR-T Cell Therapies KOL Analysis: Distribution by Type of Organization
  • Figure 9.2 CAR-T Cell Therapies KOL Analysis: Distribution by Affiliated Organization
  • Figure 9.3 CAR-T Cell Therapies KOL Analysis: Distribution by Qualification
  • Figure 9.4 CAR-T Cell Therapies: Distribution by Geographical Location of KOLs
  • Figure 9.5 CAR-T Cell Therapies Scatter Plot: KOL Activeness versus KOL Strength
  • Figure 9.6 CAR-T Cell Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: KOL Activeness versus KOL Strength
  • Figure 9.7 CAR-T Cell Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: Distribution by RA Score
  • Figure 9.8 CAR-T Cell Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: Comparison of RA Score with Third-Party Score
  • Figure 9.9 CAR-T based Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: Comparison of RA Score with Third-Party Score (Scatter Plot)
  • Figure 9.10 TCR-based Therapies KOL Analysis: Distribution by Type of Organization
  • Figure 9.11 TCR-based Therapies KOL Analysis: Distribution by Affiliated Organization
  • Figure 9.12 TCR-based Therapies KOL Analysis: Distribution by Qualification
  • Figure 9.13 TCR-based Therapies: Distribution by Geographical Location of KOLs
  • Figure 9.14 TCR-based Therapies Scatter Plot: KOL Activeness versus KOL Strength
  • Figure 9.15 TCR-based Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: KOL Activeness versus KOL Strength
  • Figure 9.16 TCR-based Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: Distribution by RA Score
  • Figure 9.17 TCR-based Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: Comparison of RA Score with Third-Party Score
  • Figure 9.18 TCR-based Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: Comparison of RA Score with Third-Party Score (Scatter Plot)
  • Figure 9.19 TIL-based Therapies KOL Analysis: Distribution by Type of Organization
  • Figure 9.20 TIL-based Therapies KOL Analysis: Distribution by Affiliated Organization
  • Figure 9.21 TIL-based Therapies KOL Analysis: Distribution by Qualification
  • Figure 9.22 TIL-based Therapies: Distribution by Geographical Location of KOLs
  • Figure 9.23 TIL-based Therapies Scatter Plot: KOL Activeness versus KOL Strength
  • Figure 9.24 TIL-based Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: KOL Activeness versus KOL Strength
  • Figure 9.25 TIL-based Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: Distribution by RA Score
  • Figure 9.26 TIL-based Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: Comparison of RA Score with Third-Party Score
  • Figure 9.27 TIL-based Therapies Most Prominent KOLs: Comparison of RA Score with Third-Party Score (Scatter Plot)
  • Figure 10.1 Kymriah®: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 10.2 Yescarta®: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 10.3 Tecartus™: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 10.4 Breyanzi®: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 10.5 Abecma®: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 10.6 Carvykti®: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 10.7 Carteyva: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 10.8 TBI-1501: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 10.9 AUTO1: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 10.10 AUTO3: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 11.1 Kimmtrak®: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 11.2 GSK3377794: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 11.3 ADP-A2M4: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 11.4 JTCR016: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 11.5 TBI-1301: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 11.6 MDG1011: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 12.1 LN-144: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 12.2 LN-145: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 12.3 ITIL-168: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 12.4 LTX-315: Estimated Sales Revenues
  • Figure 13.1 Genome Editing Technologies: Applications
  • Figure 13.2 Genome Editing: Emerging Technology Platforms Used in T-Cell Therapies
  • Figure 13.3 TALENS: Mechanism of Action
  • Figure 13.4 MegaTAL: Mechanism of Action
  • Figure 13.5 Zinc Finger Nuclease: Mechanism of Action
  • Figure 13.6 Competitiveness Analysis: Gene Editing Platforms
  • Figure 13.7 T-Cell Therapy: Key Technologies to Enhance Features / Characteristics
  • Figure 13.8 Cellectis: Properties of Enhanced T-Cell Platform
  • Figure 13.9 Cellectis: Allogenic CAR-T Platform, Comparison with Autologous CAR-T Platform
  • Figure 14.1 Partnerships and Collaborations: Cumulative Year-Wise Trend, Pre-2015-2022
  • Figure 14.2 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partnership
  • Figure 14.3 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partnership, Pre-2015 and 2015-2022
  • Figure 14.4 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Product
  • Figure 14.5 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Year of Partnership and Type of Product
  • Figure 14.6 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partnership and Type of Product
  • Figure 14.7 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Partner
  • Figure 14.8 Partnerships and Collaborations: Year-Wise Distribution by Type of Partner
  • Figure 14.9 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution by Type of Product and Type of Partner
  • Figure 14.10 Most Popular Products: Distribution by Number of Partnerships
  • Figure 14.11 Most Active Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Partnerships
  • Figure 14.12 Most Active Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Partnerships
  • Figure 14.13 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution of Intercontinental and Intracontinental Deals
  • Figure 14.14 Partnerships and Collaborations: Distribution of International and Local Deals
  • Figure 15.1 Funding and Investment Analysis: Cumulative Distribution of Instances by Year, Pre-2018 - 2022
  • Figure 15.2 Funding and Investment Analysis: Cumulative Distribution of Amount Invested by Year, Pre-2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • Figure 15.3 Funding and Investment Analysis: Distribution of Instances by Type of Funding
  • Figure 15.4 Funding and Investment Analysis: Distribution of Total Amount Invested by Type of Funding (USD Million)
  • Figure 15.5 Funding and Investments: Distribution of Amount Invested by Type of Therapy, Pre-2018 - 2022 (USD Million)
  • Figure 15.6 Funding and Investments: Distribution by Types of Investors
  • Figure 15.7 Funding and Investments: Distribution of Amount Invested by Type of Investor (USD Million)
  • Figure 15.8 Most Active Players: Distribution by Number of Instances
  • Figure 15.9 Most Active Players: Distribution by Amount Invested (USD Million)
  • Figure 15.10 Funding and Investment Analysis: Distribution of Amount Invested by Geography
  • Figure 15.11 Most Active Investors: Distribution by Number of Funding Instances
  • Figure 16.1 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Type of Patent
  • Figure 16.2 CAR-T Cell Therapies Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Patent Publication Year
  • Figure 16.3 CAR-T Cell Therapies Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Patent Application Year
  • Figure 16.4 CAR-T Cell Therapies Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Annual Granted Patents
  • Figure 16.5 CAR-T Cell Therapies Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution of Year-wise Filed Patent Applications
  • Figure 16.6 CAR-T Cell Therapies Patent Analysis: Distribution of Year-wise Granted Patents and Patent Applications
  • Figure 16.7 CAR-T Cell Therapies Patent Analysis: Distribution by Geography
  • Figure 16.8 CAR-T Cell Therapies Patent Analysis: Distribution by Type of Player
  • Figure 16.9 CAR-T Cell Therapies Patent Analysis: Distribution by CPC Symbols
  • Figure 16.10 CAR-T Cell Therapies Patent Analysis: Key Focus Area
  • Figure 16.11 Leading Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
  • Figure 16.12 Leading Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
  • Figure 16.13 Leading Patent Assignees: Distribution by Number of Patents
  • Figure 16.14 Patent Analysis (Top 9 CPC Symbols): Benchmarking by Leading Players
  • Figure 16.15 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Patent Age
  • Figure 16.14 CAR-T Therapies: Patent Valuation Analysis
  • Figure 16.15 TCR-based Therapies Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Patent Publication Year
  • Figure 16.16 TCR-based Therapies Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Patent Application Year
  • Figure 16.17 TCR-based Therapies Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Annual Granted Patents
  • Figure 16.18 TCR-based Therapies Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution of Year-wise Filed Patent Applications
  • Figure 16.19 TCR-based Therapies Patent Analysis: Distribution by Year-wise filed Patents Application and Granted Patents
  • Figure 16.20 TCR-based Therapies Patent Analysis: Distribution by Geography
  • Figure 16.21 TCR-based Therapies Patent Analysis: Distribution by Type of Player
  • Figure 16.22 TCR-based Therapies Patent Analysis: Distribution by CPC Symbols
  • Figure 16.23 TCR-based Therapies Patent Analysis: Key Focus Area
  • Figure 16.24 Leading Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
  • Figure 16.25 Leading Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
  • Figure 16.26 Leading Patent Assignees: Distribution by Number of Patents
  • Figure 16.27 Patent Analysis (Top 10 CPC Symbols): Benchmarking by Leading Players
  • Figure 16.28 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Patent Age
  • Figure 16.29 TCR-based Therapies: Patent Valuation Analysis
  • Figure 16.30 TIL-based Therapies Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Patent Publication Year
  • Figure 16.31 TIL-based Therapies Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Patent Application Year
  • Figure 16.32 TIL-based Therapies Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution by Annual Granted Patents
  • Figure 16.33 TIL-based Therapies Patent Analysis: Cumulative Distribution of Year-wise Filed Patent Applications
  • Figure 16.34 TIL-based Therapies Patent Analysis: Distribution by Year-wise filed Patents Application and Granted Patents
  • Figure 16.35 TIL-based Therapies Patent Analysis: Distribution by Geography
  • Figure 16.36 TIL-based Therapies Patent Analysis: Distribution by Type of Player
  • Figure 16.37 TIL-based Therapies Patent Analysis: Distribution by CPC Symbols
  • Figure 16.38 TIL-based Therapies Patent Analysis: Key Focus Area
  • Figure 16.39 Leading Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
  • Figure 16.40 Leading Non-Industry Players: Distribution by Number of Patents
  • Figure 16.41 Leading Patent Assignees: Distribution by Number of Patents
  • Figure 16.42 Patent Analysis (Top 10 CPC Symbols): Benchmarking by Leading Players
  • Figure 16.43 Patent Analysis: Distribution by Patent Age
  • Figure 16.44 TIL-based Therapies: Patent Valuation Analysis
  • Figure 17.1 Mechanism of Action of Gamma Delta T-Cells
  • Figure 17.2 Mechanism of Action of PD-1 Knockout Engineered T-Cell Therapies
  • Figure 17.3 Functions of Treg Cells
  • Figure 17.4 Other T-Cell Immunotherapies: Distribution by Type of T-Cell
  • Figure 17.7 Other T-Cell Immunotherapies: Distribution by Source of T-Cells
  • Figure 17.5 Other T-Cell Immunotherapies: Distribution by Phase of Development
  • Figure 17.6 Other T-Cell Immunotherapies: Distribution by Therapeutic Area
  • Figure 18.1 Steps for Manufacturing Cell Therapies
  • Figure 18.2 Centralized Manufacturing: Process Model
  • Figure 18.3 Decentralized Manufacturing: Process Model
  • Figure 18.4 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Types of Manufacturers
  • Figure 18.5 Cell Therapy: Challenges and Drivers
  • Figure 18.6 Cell Therapies: Potency as Critical Quality Attribute
  • Figure 18.7 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Supply Chain Model
  • Figure 18.8 Cell Therapy Manufacturing: Supply Chain Risk Assessment Considerations
  • Figure 19.1 Approved T-Cell Therapies: Pricing Model based on Patient Segment
  • Figure 20.1 Global T-Cell Immunotherapy Market, 2022-2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.2 T-Cell Immunotherapy Market: Distribution by Type of Therapy, 2025 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.3 T-Cell Immunotherapy Market: Distribution by Target Indication, 2025 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.4 T-Cell Immunotherapy Market: Distribution by Target Antigen, 2025 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.5 T-Cell Immunotherapy Market: Distribution by Key Players, 2025 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.6 T-Cell Immunotherapy Market: Distribution by Geography, 2025 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.7 Global CAR-T Cell Therapies Market, 2022-2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.8 CAR-T Cell Therapies Market: Distribution by Target Indication, 2025 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.9 CAR-T Cell Therapies Market: Distribution by Target Antigen, 2025 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.10 CAR-T Cell Therapies Market: Distribution by Key Players, 2025 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.11 CAR-T Cell Therapies Market: Distribution by Geography, 2025 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.12 Kymriah® / Tisagenlecleucel / CTL019 (Novartis) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.13 Yescarta® / Axiscabtagene Ciloleucel / KTE-C19 (Gilead Sciences) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.14 Tecartus™ / Brexucabtagene Autoleucel (Gilead Sciences) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.15 Abecma® / BB2121 / Idecabtagene Vicleucel (Bristol Myers Squibb) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.16 Carvykti® / Ciltacabtagene Autoleucel / LCAR-B38M CAR-T / JNJ-68284528 (Janssen) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.17 Breyanzi® / Lisocabtagene Maraleucel / JCAR017 (Bristol Myers Squibb) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.18 Carteyva® / Relmacabtagene Autoleucel / JWCAR029 (JW Therapeutics) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.19 BCMA CAR-T Cells (Shanghai Unicar-Therapy Bio-medicine Technology) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.20 CD19 CAR-T (Wuhan Si'an Medical Technology) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.21 Descartes-11 (Cartesian Therapeutics) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.22 Descartes-08 (Cartesian Therapeutics) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.23 Zamtocabtagene Autoleucel / MB-CART2019.1 (Miltenyi Biomedicine) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.24 CNCT19 / HY001 (Juventas Cell Therapy) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.25 CD30.CAR-T / TT11 (Tessa Therapeutics) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.26 TAK-007 (Takeda) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.27 AUTO1 (Autolus) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.28 AUTO3 (Autolus) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.29 CD19-CAR-T (Bioray Laboratories) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.30 Humanized CD19-CAR-T (Shanghai Unicar-Therapy Bio-medicine Technology) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.31 IM19 CAR-T (Beijing Immunochina Medical Science & Technology) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.32 CCT301 CAR-T (Shanghai PerHum Therapeutics) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.33 BinD19 (Shenzhen BinDeBio) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.34 CARCIK-CD19 (CoImmune) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.35 PBCAR269A (Precision BioSciences / Servier) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.36 CD123 CAR-T cells (Chongqing Precision Biotechnology) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.37 BCMA CAR-T (Chongqing Precision Biotechnology) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.38 CD19/CD22-CAR-T (Shanghai Unicar-Therapy Bio-medicine Technology) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.39 GC012F / Dual CAR-BCMA-19 (Gracell Biotechnology) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.40 iC9-CAR19 T cells (Bellicum Pharmaceuticals) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.41 ALLO-501A / ALLO-501 (Allogene Therapeutics) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.42 CD19/CD20-CAR-T (Yake Biotechnology) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.43 CD7 CAR-T (PersonGen BioTherapeutics) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.44 Anti-FLT3 CAR-T / TAA05 (PersonGen BioTherapeutics) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.45 CT053 (CARsgen Therapeutics) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.46 Anti-ALPP CAR-T Cells (TCRCure Biopharma) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.47 BCMA targeted prime CAR-T cells (Chongqing Precision Biotechnology) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.48 ALLO-605 (Allogene Therapeutics) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.49 WU CART 007 (Wugen) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.50 CT103A (Nanjing IASO Biotherapeutics) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.51 Global TCR-based Therapies Market, 2022-2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.52 TCR-Based Therapies Market: Distribution by Target Indication, 2025 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.53 TCR-Based Therapies Market: Distribution by Target Antigen , 2025 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.54 TCR-Based Therapies Market: Distribution by Key Players, 2025 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.55 TCR-Based Therapies Market: Distribution by Geography, 2025 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.56 Kimmtrak® (IMCgp100 / Tebentafusp) (Immunocore) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.57 GSK3377794 (GlaxoSmithKline) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.58 YT-E001 (China Immunotech) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.59 ADP-A2M4 / Afamitresgene Autoleucel / Afami-cel (Adaptimmune Therapeutics) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.60 EBV-specific TCR-T cell with anti-PD1 auto-secreted element (TCRCure Biopharma) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.61 NTLA-5001 (Intellia Therapeutics) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.62 TBI-1301 (Takara Bio) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.63 LMBP2-specific TCR-T (Xinqiao Hospital of Chongqing / TCR CURE Biopharma Technology) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.64 FH-MCVA2TCR (TCRCure Biopharma) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.65 Global TIL-based Therapies Market, 2022-2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.66 TIL-Based Therapies Market: Distribution by Target Indication, 2025 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.67 TIL-Based Therapies Market: Key Players, 2025 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.68 TIL-Based Therapies Market: Distribution by Geography, 2025 and 2035 (USD Billion)
  • Figure 20.69 Lifileucel / LN-144 (Iovance Biotherapeutics) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.70 LN-145 (Iovance Biotherapeutics) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.71 LTX-315 and TILs (Lytix Biopharma) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.72 TILs (Prometheus Laboratories) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.73 Donor Lymphocyte Infusion (Incyte) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.74 ITIL-168 (Instil Bio) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.75 IOV-2001 (Iovance Biotherapeutics) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.76 TILs (CAR-T (Shanghai) Cell Biotechnology) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 20.77 TILs (Bristol-Myers Squibb) Sales Forecast, till 2035 (USD Million)
  • Figure 21.1 Channels Used for Promotional Campaigns
  • Figure 21.2 Promotional / Marketing Strategy: Product Website Analysis
  • Figure 21.3 Product Website Analysis: Kymriah®, Messages for Healthcare Professionals
  • Figure 21.4 Product Website Analysis: Kymriah®, Messages for Patients
  • Figure 21.5 Product Website Analysis: Kymriah®, Patient Support Program
  • Figure 21.6 Product Website Analysis: Yescarta®, Messages for Healthcare Professionals
  • Figure 21.7 Product Website Analysis: Yescarta®, Messages for Patients
  • Figure 21.8 Product Website Analysis: Yescarta®, Kite Konnect
  • Figure 21.9 Product Website Analysis: Yescarta®, Platform for Referral Patient Treatment and Connecting with Treatment Center
  • Figure 21.10 Product Website Analysis: Tecartus™, Messages for Healthcare Professionals
  • Figure 21.11 Product Website Analysis: Tecartus™, Messages for Patients
  • Figure 21.12 Product Website Analysis: Tecartus™, Kite Konnect
  • Figure 21.13 Product Website Analysis: Breyanzi®, Messages for Healthcare Professional
  • Figure 21.14 Product Website Analysis: Breyanzi®, Messages for Patients
  • Figure 21.15 Product Website Analysis: Breyanzi®, Cell Therapy 360
  • Figure 21.16 Product Website Analysis: Abecma®, Messages for Healthcare Professional
  • Figure 21.17 Product Website Analysis: Abecma®, Messages for Patients
  • Figure 21.18 Product Website Analysis: Abecma®, Cell Therapy 360
  • Figure 21.19 Product Website Analysis: Carvykti®, Messages for Healthcare Professional
  • Figure 21.20 Product Website Analysis: Carvykti®, Messages for Patients
  • Figure 21.21 Product Website Analysis: Carvykti®, MyCARVYKTI
  • Figure 21.22 Product Website Analysis: Kimmtrak®, Messages for Healthcare Professional
  • Figure 21.23 Product Website Analysis: Kimmtrak®, Messages for Patients
  • Figure 21.24 Product Website Analysis: Kimmtrak®, Kimmtrak Connect
  • Figure 23.1 Concluding
Product Code: RA100369


Cancer is known to be one of the leading causes of deaths worldwide. In fact, as per the WHO, close to 10 million cancer related deaths were reported in 2020. Further, it is estimated that, by the end of 2040, 27.5 million new cases will be added to the global cancer burden, exerting tremendous physical, emotional and financial strain on affected individuals, their families, communities and national health systems. Although there are several treatment options available to control disease progression and keep malignant cells from spreading throughout the body, lasting remission is difficult to achieve. In this context, immunotherapies, a relatively recent addition to the gamut of anticancer interventions, have demonstrated significant promise. Amidst the current initiatives undertaken to develop more targeted anti-cancer therapies, T-cell therapies (specifically CAR-T, TCR and TIL therapies) have emerged as a promising option, owing to their ability to eradicate tumor cells from the body with minimal treatment-related side effects. Overall, this highly specific and promising form of T-cell treatment, which harnesses the versatile effector machinery of the human immune system, has revolutionized cancer treatment, globally. Given the consistent increase in number of cell therapies being developed and launched, this upcoming therapeutic segment is on its way to becoming one of the highest valued markets within the biopharmaceutical industry. A number of chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapies have so far been evaluated and approved for several hematological malignancies, including KYMRIAH® (Novartis), YESCARTA® (Gilead Sciences), TECARTUS™ (Gilead Sciences), Breyanzi® (Bristol Myers Squibb), Abecma™ (Bristol Myers Squibb) and CARVYKTI™ (Janssen Biotech / Legend Biotech). It is worth mentioning that, recently, KIMMTRAK® (Immunocore) became the first T-cell receptor (TCR) therapy to receive approval from the USFDA.

Presently, more than 250 companies are engaged in the development of more than 1,200 early and late-stage T-cell therapies, worldwide. Several promising leads are anticipated to be commercially launched over the coming decade, following which the market is projected to grow at a substantial pace. Over 6,800 patents related to CAR-T, TCR and TIL therapeutics have been recently filed / granted, demonstrating the continued innovation in this domain. In addition, close to 440 collaborations have been inked between industry / academic stakeholders to advance the development of various pipeline candidates. Moreover, to fund product development initiatives in this domain, capital investments worth USD 30 billion have been made by various private and public sector investors in the last few years. Driven by the ongoing pace of innovation in this field, sufficient financial support from investors and encouraging clinical trial results, the T-cell immunotherapy market is anticipated to witness substantial growth in the mid to long-term.


The "Global T-Cell (CAR-T, TCR, and TIL) Therapy Market (6th Edition) - Distribution by Type of Therapy (CAR-T, TCR and TIL), Target Indications (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Melanoma, Bladder Cancer, Lung Cancer, Head and Neck Cancer, Multiple Myeloma, Sarcoma, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Ovarian Cancer, Esophageal Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Renal Cell Carcinoma), Target Antigens (CD19, BCMA, CD19/22, EGFR, NY-ESO-1, gp100, p53, EBV, MUC1, WT-1 and others), Key Players and Key Geographies (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East and North Africa, and Rest of the World) - Global Forecast 2022-2035" report features an extensive study of the current market landscape and the future potential of T-cell immunotherapies. The report highlights the efforts of several stakeholders engaged in this rapidly evolving segment of the biopharmaceutical industry. Amongst other elements, the report features the following:

  • A detailed assessment of the current market landscape of T-cell immunotherapies with respect to type of developer (industry and non-industry), phase of development (approved, phase III, phase II / III, phase II, phase I / II, phase I, clinical (phase unknown), preclinical), therapeutic area (oncological disorders, non-oncological disorders and undisclosed), key target indication (acute lymphoblastic leukemia, B-cell lymphoma, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, acute myeloid leukemia, hepatocellular carcinoma, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, pancreatic cancer, gastric cancer, lung cancer, mantle cell lymphoma, ovarian cancer, breast cancer and follicular lymphoma), key target antigen (CD19, BCMA, CD22, CD20, Meso, CD7, HER2, GPC3, GD2, CD123, MUC, EGFR and CD38), source of T-cells (autologous and allogeneic), route of administration (intravenous, intratumoral, intraperitoneal, intrapleural, intracranial and others), dose frequency (single dose, multiple doses and split doses), patient segment (children, adults and seniors) and type of therapy (monotherapy and combination therapy). Additionally, it highlights the most active industry and non-industry players (in terms of number of pipeline candidates) engaged in the development of CAR-T cell therapies. Further, chapter also includes developer landscape analysis based on some relevant parameters, including year of establishment, company size (small, mid-sized and large) and location of headquarters (North America, Europe and Asia Pacific).
  • An analysis of key insights derived from the study featuring a competitive analysis, highlighting the popular target antigens related to hematological malignancies and solid tumors. Additionally, it includes CAR construct analysis of clinical-stage CAR-T therapies based on the generation of CAR (first generation, second generation, third generation and fourth generation), type of binding domain (murine, humanized, fully human and rabbit derived), type of virus used (lentivirus and retrovirus), type of gene transfer method used (transduction and transfection) and type of co-stimulatory domain used.
  • A detailed analysis of completed, ongoing and planned clinical studies related to CAR-Ts, TCRs and TIL, based on several relevant parameters, such as trial registration year, enrolled patient population, trial recruitment status, trial phase, target patient segment, type of sponsor / collaborator, most active players and regional distribution of trials.
  • An insightful analysis highlighting the key opinion leaders (KOLs) in this domain featuring an analysis of the various principal investigators of clinical trials related to CAR-Ts, TCRs and TILs, considering them to be KOLs, who are actively involved in R&D of T-cell therapies. In addition, the chapter presents an analysis, comparing the relative expertise of KOLs based on a proprietary scoring criterion and that of a third party.
  • Elaborate profiles of marketed and mid- to late stage clinical products (phase I/II or above); each profile features an overview of the therapy, its mechanism of action, dosage information, details on the cost and sales information (wherever available), clinical development plan, and key clinical trial results.
  • A detailed discussion on innovative technology platforms that are being used for the development of T-cell therapies, along with profiles of key technology providers, and a relative competitiveness analysis of different gene editing platforms (used for the development of T-cell therapies), based on various parameters, such as ease of system design, cost of technology, level of toxicity and efficiency of technology.
  • An analysis of various type of partnership that have been inked between several stakeholders in the domain of T-cell therapies, covering various type of partnership such as, R&D agreements, license agreements (specific to technology platforms and product candidates), product development and commercialization agreements, manufacturing agreements, clinical trial collaborations, product supply management agreements, joint ventures and others.
  • An analysis of the investments that have been made into companies that have proprietary T-cell based products / technologies, including seed financing, venture capital financing, capital raised from IPOs and subsequent offerings, grants and debt financing.
  • An in-depth analysis of patents related to CAR-Ts, TCRs and TILs, filed / granted till 2022, based on several relevant parameters, such as type of patent, publication year, geographical distribution, Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) symbols, emerging focus areas, type of applicant, leading players (on the basis of number of patents) and patent benchmarking. In addition, it features a patent valuation analysis which evaluates the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the patents.
  • A case study on other T-cell based therapies, apart from CAR-Ts, TCRs and TILs, including a detailed analysis of approved / pipeline products, featuring information on current phase of development, target therapeutic area(s), type of T-cells used and source of T-cells.
  • A case study on manufacturing cell therapy products, highlighting the key challenges, and a detailed list of contract service providers and in-house manufacturers involved in this space.
  • An elaborate discussion on various factors that form the basis for the pricing of cell-based therapies. It features different models / approaches that a pharmaceutical company may choose to adopt to decide the price of a T-cell based immunotherapy that is likely to be marketed in the coming years.
  • A review of the key promotional strategies being adopted by the developers of the approved CAR-T cell therapies, namely Kymriah®, Yescarta®, Tecartus™, Breyanzi®, Abecma™, Carvykti™ and TCR-based therapies (Kimmtrak®).
  • Elaborate profiles of the several leading players in the domain of T-cell immunotherapies. Each company profile includes an overview of the developer and brief description of the product portfolio specific to CAR-T, TCR and TIL therapies, technology portfolio (if available), recent developments related to T-cell immunotherapies and manufacturing capabilities of the companies. Additionally, we have provided details of the strategic / venture capital investments made in these companies.

One of the key objectives of the report was to estimate the existing market size and identify potential growth opportunities for T-cell immunotherapies over the coming decade. Based on several relevant parameters, such as target consumer segments, region specific adoption rates and expected prices of such products, we have developed informed estimates of the likely evolution of the market over the period 2022-2035. The report also includes likely sales forecasts of T-cell immunotherapies that have been already commercialized or are in the late stages of development. Additionally, it features market size projections for the overall T-cell immunotherapies market, wherein both the current and upcoming opportunity is segmented across [A] type of therapy (CAR-T, TCR and TIL), [B] target indications (acute lymphoblastic leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, melanoma, bladder cancer, lung cancer, head and neck cancer, multiple myeloma, sarcoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, ovarian cancer, esophageal cancer, colorectal cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, acute myeloid leukemia, and renal cell carcinoma), [C] target antigens (CD19, BCMA, CD19/22, EGFR, NY-ESO-1, gp100, p53, EBV, MUC1, WT-1 and others), [D] key players and [E] key geographies (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Latin America, Middle East and North Africa and rest of the world). In order to account for future uncertainties and to add robustness to our model, we have provided three market forecast scenarios namely the conservative, base and optimistic scenarios, which represent different tracks of the industry's evolution.


The data presented in this report has been gathered via secondary and primary research. For all our projects, we conduct interviews / surveys with experts in this domain (academia, industry, medical practice and other associations) to solicit their opinions on emerging trends in the market. This is primarily useful for us to draw out our own opinion on how the market will evolve across different regions and technology segments. Wherever possible, the available data has been checked for accuracy from multiple sources of information.

The secondary sources of information include:

  • Annual reports
  • Investor presentations
  • SEC filings
  • Industry databases
  • News releases from company websites
  • Government policy documents
  • Industry analysts' views

All actual figures have been sourced and analyzed from publicly available information forums and primary research discussions. Financial figures mentioned in this report are in USD, unless otherwise specified.


  • What are the prevalent R&D trends related to T-cell immunotherapies (specifically CAR-Ts, TCRs and TILs)?
  • What kind of clinical conditions can be treated using T-cell immunotherapies?
  • Who are the leading industry and non-industry players in this market?
  • In which geographies extensive research on T-cell immunotherapy is being conducted?
  • What kind of partnership models are commonly adopted by industry stakeholders?
  • Who are the key investors in T-cell immunotherapy domain?
  • Who are the key opinion leaders / experts from renowned academic and research institutes who can help drive product development efforts in this domain?
  • How is the intellectual property landscape for global T-cell therapies likely to evolve in the foreseen future?
  • Who are the key service providers (CMOs / CDMOs) with capabilities to develop and manufacture T-cell therapies?
  • What are the key factors that are likely to influence the evolution of the T-cell immunotherapies market?
  • How is the current and future market opportunity likely to be distributed across key market segments?
  • What are the key promotional strategies used by companies having marketed products?


  • Chapter 2 is an executive summary of the insights captured during our research. It offers a high-level view on the likely evolution of the T-cell immunotherapy market in the short to mid-term and long term.
  • Chapter 3 provides a general overview of T-cell immunotherapies. In this section, we have briefly discussed the conventional forms of therapy that are being used for the treatment of various oncological indications. Further, it includes a discussion on the advent and historical evolution of cancer immunotherapy, general manufacturing procedure of T-cell immunotherapies, factors supporting the growing popularity of T-cell based therapies and the challenges associated with such therapies. Moreover, it features detailed sections on the three major types of T-cell immunotherapies, namely CAR-T, TCR and TIL-based therapies, which are the main focus of the study.
  • Chapter 4 includes detailed assessment of the current market landscape of more than 970 CAR-T cell therapies that are currently approved or are in different stages of the development. It features a comprehensive analysis of pipeline molecules with respect to the type of developer (industry and non-industry), phase of development (approved, phase III, phase II / III, phase II, phase I / II, phase I, clinical (phase unknown), preclinical), therapeutic area (oncological disorders, non-oncological disorders and undisclosed), key target indication (acute lymphoblastic leukemia, B-cell lymphoma, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, acute myeloid leukemia, hepatocellular carcinoma, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, pancreatic cancer, gastric cancer, lung cancer, mantle cell lymphoma, ovarian cancer, breast cancer and follicular lymphoma), key target antigen (CD19, BCMA, CD22, CD20, Meso, CD7, HER2, GPC3, GD2, CD123, MUC, EGFR and CD38), source of T-cells (autologous and allogeneic), route of administration (intravenous, intratumoral, intraperitoneal, intrapleural, intracranial and others), dose frequency (single dose, multiple doses and split doses), patient segment (children, adults and seniors) and type of therapy (monotherapy and combination therapy). Additionally, it highlights the most active industry and non-industry players (in terms of number of pipeline candidates) engaged in development of CAR-T cell therapies. Further, chapter also includes developer landscape analysis based on some relevant parameters, including year of establishment, company size (small, mid-sized and large) and location of headquarters (North America, Europe and Asia Pacific).
  • Chapter 5 includes detailed assessment of the current market landscape of more than 190 TCR-based therapies that are currently approved or are in different stages of development. It features a comprehensive analysis of pipeline molecules with respect to the type of developer (industry and non-industry), phase of development (approved, phase II, phase I / II, phase I, clinical (phase unknown), preclinical), therapeutic area (oncological disorders, non-oncological disorders and undisclosed), key target indication (lung cancer, melanoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, sarcoma, breast cancer, gastric cancer, multiple myeloma, pancreatic cancer, acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndrome and nasopharyngeal carcinoma), key target antigen (NY-ESO-1, MAGE, HBV, PRAME, KRAS, EBV, HPV, Neoantigen, LAGE-1a, Meso and HLA), source of T-cells (autologous and allogeneic), route of administration (intravenous and intratumoral), dose frequency (single dose, multiple doses and split doses), patient segment (children, adults and seniors), and type of therapy (monotherapy and combination therapy). Additionally, it highlights the most active industry and non-industry players (in terms of number of pipeline candidates) engaged in the development of TCR-based therapies. Further, chapter also includes developer landscape analysis based on some relevant parameters, including year of establishment, company size (small, mid-sized and large) and location of headquarters (North America, Europe and Asia Pacific).
  • Chapter 6 includes detailed assessment of current market landscape of more than 75 TIL-based therapies that are currently in different stages of development. Additionally, it features a comprehensive analysis of pipeline molecules with respect to the type of developer (industry and non-industry), phase of development (phase III, phase II, phase I / II, phase I, clinical (phase unknown), preclinical), therapeutic areas (oncological disorders, non-oncological disorders), key target indications (melanoma, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, sarcoma, breast cancer and squamous cell carcinoma ), source of T-cells (autologous and allogeneic), route of administration (intravenous and hepatic arterial infusion), dose frequency (single dose and multiple doses), patient segment (children, adults, and seniors), and type of therapy (monotherapy and combination therapy). Further, it highlights the most active industry and non-industry players (in terms of number of pipeline candidates) engaged in the development of TIL-based therapies. The chapter also features an analyses on the developers landscape based on some relevant parameters, including year of establishment, company size (in terms of number of employees), and location of headquarters ( North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific).
  • Chapter 7 presents a collection of key insights derived from the study. It includes a bubble analysis, highlighting the most popular target antigens related to hematological malignancies and solid tumors. Additionally, it includes CAR construct analysis of clinical-stage CAR-T therapies based on the generation of CAR (first generation, second generation, third generation and fourth generation), type of binding domain (murine, humanized, fully human and rabbit derived), type of virus used (lentivirus and retrovirus), type of gene transfer method used (transduction and transfection) and type of co-stimulatory domain used.
  • Chapter 8 presents a detailed analysis of completed, ongoing and planned clinical studies related to CAR-Ts, TCRs and TILs, based on several relevant parameters, such as trial registration year, enrolled patient population, trial recruitment status, trial phase, target patient segment, type of sponsor / collaborator, most active players and regional distribution of trials.
  • Chapter 9 presents an analysis highlighting the key opinion leaders (KOLs) in this domain, featuring an analysis of the various principal investigators of clinical trials related to CAR-Ts, TCRs and TILs, considering them to be KOLs, who are actively involved in R&D of T-cell therapies. In addition, the chapter presents an analysis, comparing the relative expertise of KOLs based on a proprietary scoring criterion and that of a third party.
  • Chapter 10 provides detailed profiles of marketed and mid to late stage CAR-T therapies (phase I/II or above). Each profile features an overview of the therapy, its mechanism of action, dosage information, details on the cost and sales information (wherever available), clinical development plan, and key clinical trial results.
  • Chapter 11 provides detailed profiles of the mid to late stage TCR therapies. Each profile features an overview of the therapy, its mechanism of action, dosage information, details on the cost and sales information (wherever available), clinical development plan, and key clinical trial results.
  • Chapter 12 provides detailed profiles of the mid to late stage TIL therapies. Each profile features an overview of the therapy, its mechanism of action, dosage information, details on the cost and sales information (wherever available), clinical development plan, and key clinical trial results.
  • Chapter 13 provides a list of technology platforms that are either available in the market or under designed for the development of T-cell immunotherapies. A detailed discussion on innovative technology platforms that are being used for the development of T-cell therapies, along with profiles of key technology providers, and a relative competitiveness analysis of different gene editing platforms (used for the development of T-cell therapies), based on various parameters, such as ease of system design, cost of technology, level of toxicity and efficiency of technology.
  • Chapter 14 features an analysis of the various collaborations and partnerships that have been inked amongst players in this market, in the past few years. Further, the partnership activity in this domain has been analyzed on the basis of the type of partnership model (R&D collaborations, license agreements (specific to technology platforms and product candidates), product development and commercialization agreements, manufacturing agreements, clinical trial collaborations, product supply management agreements and others), companies involved, type of therapy, prominent product candidates involved and regional distribution of the collaborations.
  • Chapter 15 provides details on the various investments and grants that have been awarded to several stakeholders focused on the development of T-cell immunotherapies. It includes a detailed analysis of the funding instances that have taken place in the period between 2000 to 2020, highlighting the growing interest of venture capital (VC) community and other strategic investors in this domain.
  • Chapter 16 provides an in-depth analysis of patents related to CAR-Ts, TCRs and TILs, filed / granted till 2022, based on several relevant parameters, such as type of patent, publication year, geographical distribution, Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) symbols, emerging focus areas, type of applicant, leading players (on the basis of number of patents) and patent benchmarking. In addition, it features a patent valuation analysis which evaluates the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the patents.
  • Chapter 17 features details of other novel T-cell based therapies, apart from CAR-Ts, TCRs and TILs, which are currently being investigated. It presents a detailed analysis of the approved / clinical products in this domain, including information on current phase of development, target therapeutic areas, type of cells, and source of T-cells. Additionally, we have provided a brief overview of the upcoming therapies, along with details on their mechanisms of action.
  • Chapter 18 provides insights on cell therapy manufacturing, highlighting the current challenges that exist in this domain, and the pre-requisites for owning and maintaining cell therapy manufacturing sites. Additionally, it includes a detailed list of various cell therapy manufacturers, covering both contract manufacturing organizations and companies with in-house manufacturing capabilities. For the players mentioned in the chapter, we have included details on location of various manufacturing facilities, the products being manufactured, scale of operation and compliance to cGMP standards.
  • Chapter 19 highlights our views on the various factors that must be taken into consideration while deciding the prices of cell-based therapies. It features discussions on different models / approaches that a pharmaceutical company may choose to follow to decide the price at which their T-cell based immunotherapy product can be marketed. Additionally, we have provided a brief overview of the reimbursement consideration for T-cell immunotherapies and a case study on the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) appraisal of CAR-T therapy.
  • Chapter 20 features an elaborate discussion on the future commercial opportunity offered by T-cell therapies. It provides a comprehensive market forecast analysis for T-cell products that are approved or are in phase I/II, phase II and phase III of development, taking into consideration the target patient population, existing / future competition, likely adoption rates and the likely price of different therapies. The chapter also presents a detailed market segmentation on the basis of [A] type of therapy (CAR-T, TCR and TIL), [B] target indications (acute lymphoblastic leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, melanoma, bladder cancer, lung cancer, head and neck cancer, multiple myeloma, sarcoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, ovarian cancer, esophageal cancer, colorectal cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, acute myeloid leukemia, and renal cell carcinoma), [C] target antigens (CD19, BCMA, CD19/22, EGFR, NY-ESO-1, gp100, p53, EBV, MUC1, WT-1 and others), [D] key players and [E] key geographies (North America (US and Canada), Europe (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain and rest of EU), Asia Pacific (China, Japan, Australia), Latin America, Latin America, Middle East and North Africa and rest of the world).
  • Chapter 21 highlights the key promotional strategies that are being implemented by the developers of the approved CAR-T Cell therapies (Kymriah®, Yescarta®, Tecartus™, Breyanzi®, Abecma™, Carvykti™) and TCR-based therapies (Kimmtrak®). The promotional aspects covered in the chapter include details that are provided on the product website (covering key messages for patients and healthcare professionals), patient support offerings and informative downloadable content.
  • Chapter 22 includes brief company profiles of the leading players in the domain of T-cell immunotherapies. Each company profile includes an overview of the developer and brief description of the product portfolio specific to CAR-T, TCR and TIL therapies, technology portfolio (if available), recent developments related to T-cell immunotherapies and manufacturing capabilities of the companies. Additionally, we have provided details of the strategic / venture capital investments made in these companies.
  • Chapter 23 is a summary of the overall report. In this chapter, we have provided a list of key takeaways from the report, and expressed our independent opinion related to the research and analysis described in the previous chapters.
  • Chapter 24 is a collection of transcripts of interviews conducted with key stakeholders in the market. In this chapter, we have presented the details of our conversations with Tim Oldham (Former Chief Executive Officer, Cell Therapies), Troels Jordansen (Chief Executive Officer, Glycostem Therapeutics, Wei (William) Cao (Chief Executive Officer, Gracell Biotechnologies), Victor Lietao Li (Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Lion TCR), Miguel Forte (Chief Operating Officer, TxCell), Adrian Bot (Vice President, Scientific Affairs, Kite Pharma), Vincent Brichard (Vice President, Immuno-Oncology, Celyad), Peter Ho (Former Director, Process Development, Iovance Biotherapeutics), Brian Dattilo (Manager of Business Development, Waisman Biomanufacturing), Aino Kalervo (Former Competitive Intelligence Manager, Strategy & Business Development, Theravectys), Xian-Bao Zhan (Professor of Medicine and Director, Department of Oncology, Changhai Hospital) and Enkhtsetseg Purev (Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Colorado).
  • Chapter 25 is an appendix, which provides tabulated data and numbers for all the figures included in the report.
  • Chapter 26 is an appendix, which contains the list of companies and organizations mentioned in the report.



  • 1.1. Scope of the Report
  • 1.2. Market Segmentations
  • 1.3. Research Methodology
  • 1.4. Key Questions Answered
  • 1.5. Chapter Outlines



  • 3.1. Chapter Overview
  • 3.2. Pillars of Cancer Therapy
  • 3.3. Overview of Immunotherapies
  • 3.4. Fundamentals of Cancer Immunotherapy
  • 3.5. Classification of Cancer Immunotherapies
    • 3.5.1. By Mechanism of Action
    • 3.5.2. By Type of Target
    • 3.5.3. By Approach
    • 3.5.4. By Product Class
  • 3.6. T-Cell Immunotherapies
    • 3.6.1. Historical Evolution
    • 3.6.2. Key Considerations for Developing T-Cell Immunotherapies
    • 3.6.3. Strategies Employed for the Redirection of T-Cells
    • 3.6.4. Manufacturing of Engineered T-Cells
    • 3.6.5. T-Cell Transduction and Transfection Methods
  • 3.7. Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell (CAR-T) Therapy
    • 3.7.1. Development History
    • 3.7.2. Anatomical Layout of CAR
    • 3.7.3. Development of CAR-T Cells
    • 3.7.4. Universal CAR-T Cells
    • 3.7.5. Route of Administration
    • 3.7.6. Case Study on CD19 CAR-T Cell Therapies
    • 3.7.7. Challenges Associated with Use of CAR-T Cell Therapies
  • 3.8. T-Cell Receptor (TCR)-based Cell Therapy
    • 3.8.1. Development History
    • 3.8.2. Anatomical Layout of TCR
    • 3.8.3. Development of TCR Therapy
    • 3.8.4. Comparison of CAR-T and TCR-based Therapies
  • 3.9. Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte (TIL)-based Cell Therapy
    • 3.9.1. Development History
    • 3.9.2. Development of TILs Therapy
  • 3.10. Key Benefits and Roadblocks
  • 3.11. Concluding Remarks


  • 4.1. Chapter Overview
  • 4.2. CAR-T Cell Therapies: Overall Market Landscape
    • 4.2.1. Analysis by Type of Developer
    • 4.2.2. Analysis by Phase of Development
    • 4.2.3. Analysis by Therapeutic Area
    • 4.2.4. Analysis by Phase of Development and Therapeutic Area
    • 4.2.5. Analysis by Key Target Indications
    • 4.2.6. Analysis by Key Target Antigens
    • 4.2.7. Analysis by Source of T-Cells
    • 4.2.8. Analysis by Phase of Development and Source of T-Cells
    • 4.2.9. Analysis by Route of Administration
    • 4.2.10. Analysis by Dosing Frequency
    • 4.2.11. Analysis by Target Patient Segment
    • 4.2.12. Analysis by Type of Therapy
    • 4.2.13. Most Active Industry Players: Analysis by Number of CAR-T Cell Therapies
    • 4.2.14. Most Active Non-Industry Players: Analysis by Number of CAR-T Cell Therapies
  • 4.3. CAR-T Cell Therapies: Overall Developer Landscape
    • 4.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment
    • 4.3.2. Analysis by Company Size
    • 4.3.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters


  • 5.1. Chapter Overview
  • 5.2. TCR-based Therapies: Overall Market Landscape
    • 5.2.1. Analysis by Type of Developer
    • 5.2.2. Analysis by Phase of Development
    • 5.2.3. Analysis by Therapeutic Area
    • 5.2.4. Analysis by Phase of Development and Therapeutic Area
    • 5.2.5. Analysis by Key Target Indication
    • 5.2.6. Analysis by Key Target Antigen
    • 5.2.7. Analysis by Source of T-Cells
    • 5.2.8. Analysis by Route of Administration
    • 5.2.9. Analysis by Phase of Development and Route of Administration
    • 5.2.10. Analysis by Dosing Frequency
    • 5.2.11. Analysis by Target Patient Segment
    • 5.2.12. Analysis by Type of Therapy
    • 5.2.13. Analysis by Phase of Development and Type of Therapy
    • 5.2.14. Most Active Industry Players: Analysis by Number of TCR-based Therapies
    • 5.2.15. Most Active Non-Industry Players: Analysis by Number of TCR-based Therapies
  • 5.3. TCR-based Therapies: Overall Developer Landscape
    • 5.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment
    • 5.3.2. Analysis by Company Size
    • 5.3.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters


  • 6.1. Chapter Overview
  • 6.2. TIL-based Therapies: Overall Market Landscape
    • 6.2.1. Analysis by Type of Developer
    • 6.2.2. Analysis by Phase of Development
    • 6.2.3. Analysis by Therapeutic Area
    • 6.2.4. Analysis by Key Target Indication
    • 6.2.5. Analysis by Source of T-Cells
    • 6.2.6. Analysis by Route of Administration
    • 6.2.7. Analysis by Dosing Frequency
    • 6.2.8. Analysis by Target Patient Segment
    • 6.2.9. Analysis by Type of Therapy
    • 6.2.10. Most Active Industry Players: Analysis by Number of TIL-based Therapies
    • 6.2.11. Most Active Non-Industry Players: Analysis by Number of TIL-based Therapies
  • 6.3. TIL-based Therapies: Overall Developer Landscape
    • 6.3.1. Analysis by Year of Establishment
    • 6.3.2. Analysis by Company Size
    • 6.3.3. Analysis by Location of Headquarters


  • 7.1. Chapter Overview
  • 7.2. T-Cell Immunotherapies: Competitive Analysis by Popular Target Antigen
    • 7.2.1. Popular Targets Related to Hematological Malignancies
    • 7.2.2. Popular Targets Related to Solid Tumors
  • 7.3. T-Cell Immunotherapies: CAR Construct Analysis
    • 7.3.1. Analysis by Generation of CAR
    • 7.3.2. Analysis by Type of scFv Antibody
    • 7.3.3. Analysis by Type of Virus Used
    • 7.3.4. Analysis by Type of Gene Transfer Method Used
    • 7.3.5. Analysis by Co-Stimulatory Domain


  • 8.1. Chapter Overview
  • 8.2. Scope and Methodology
  • 8.3. CAR-T Cell Therapies: Clinical Trial Analysis
    • 8.3.1. Analysis by Trial Registration Year
    • 8.3.2. Analysis by Trial Registration Year and Enrolled Patient Population
    • 8.3.3. Analysis by Trial Status
    • 8.3.4. Analysis by Trial Registration Year and Trial Status
    • 8.3.5. Analysis by Trial Phase
    • 8.3.6. Analysis by Trial Phase and Enrolled Patient Population
    • 8.3.7. Analysis by Target Patient Segment
    • 8.3.8. Analysis by Type of Sponsor / Collaborator
    • 8.3.9. Analysis by Study Design
    • 8.3.10. Most Active Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Registered Trials
    • 8.3.11. Most Active Non-Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Registered Trials
    • 8.3.12. Analysis by Key Focus Areas (Word Cloud Representation)
    • 8.3.13. Analysis of Clinical Trials by Geography
    • 8.3.14. Analysis of Enrolled Patient Population by Geography
  • 8.4. TCR-based Therapies: Clinical Trial Analysis
    • 8.4.1. Analysis by Trial Registration Year
    • 8.4.2. Analysis by Trial Registration Year and Enrolled Patient Population
    • 8.4.3. Analysis by Trial Status
    • 8.4.4. Analysis by Trial Registration Year and Trial Status
    • 8.4.5. Analysis by Trial Phase
    • 8.4.6. Analysis by Trial Phase and Enrolled Patient Population
    • 8.4.7. Analysis by Target Patient Segment
    • 8.4.8. Analysis by Type of Sponsor / Collaborator
    • 8.4.9. Analysis by Study Design
    • 8.4.10. Most Active Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Registered Trials
    • 8.4.11. Most Active Non-Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Registered Trials
    • 8.4.12. Analysis by Key Focus Areas (Word Cloud Representation)
    • 8.4.13. Analysis of Clinical Trials by Geography
    • 8.4.14. Analysis of Enrolled Patient Population by Geography
  • 8.5. TIL-based Therapies: Clinical Trial Analysis
    • 8.5.1. Analysis by Trial Registration Year
    • 8.5.2. Analysis by Trial Registration Year and Enrolled Patient Population
    • 8.5.3. Analysis by Trial Status
    • 8.5.4. Analysis by Trial Registration Year and Trial Status
    • 8.5.5. Analysis by Trial Phase
    • 8.5.6. Analysis by Trial Phase and Enrolled Patient Population
    • 8.5.7. Analysis by Target Patient Segment
    • 8.5.8. Analysis by Type of Sponsor / Collaborator
    • 8.5.9. Analysis by Study Design
    • 8.5.10. Most Active Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Registered Trials
    • 8.5.11. Most Active Non-Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Registered Trials
    • 8.5.12. Analysis by Key Focus Areas (Word Cloud Representation)
    • 8.5.13. Analysis of Clinical Trials by Geography
    • 8.5.14. Analysis of Enrolled Patient Population by Geography


  • 9.1. Chapter Overview
  • 9.2. Assumptions and Key Parameters
  • 9.3. Methodology
  • 9.4. CAR-T Cell Therapies: Key Opinion Leaders
    • 9.4.1. Analysis by Type of Organization
    • 9.4.2. Analysis by Affiliated Organization
    • 9.4.3. Analysis by Qualification
    • 9.4.4. Analysis by Geographical Location of KOLs
    • 9.4.5. KOL Activeness versus KOL Strength
    • 9.4.6. Most Prominent KOLs: Analysis by RA score
    • 9.4.7. Most Prominent KOLs: Comparison of RA Score and Third-Party Score
  • 9.5. TCR-based Therapies: Key Opinion Leaders
    • 9.5.1. Analysis by Type of Organization
    • 9.5.2. Analysis by Affiliated Organization
    • 9.5.3. Analysis by Qualification
    • 9.5.4. Analysis by Geographical Location of KOLs
    • 9.5.5. KOL Activeness versus KOL Strength
    • 9.5.6. Most Prominent KOLs: Analysis by RA score
    • 9.5.7. Most Prominent KOLs: Comparison of RA Score and Third-Party Score
  • 9.6. TIL-based Therapies: Key Opinion Leaders
    • 9.6.1. Analysis by Type of Organization
    • 9.6.2. Analysis by Affiliated Organization
    • 9.6.3. Analysis by Qualification
    • 9.6.4. Analysis by Geographical Location of KOLs
    • 9.6.5. KOL Activeness versus KOL Strength
    • 9.6.6. Most Prominent KOLs: Analysis by RA score
    • 9.6.7. Most Prominent KOLs: Comparison of RA Score and Third-Party Score


  • 10.1. Chapter Overview
  • 10.2. Kymriah / Tisagenlecleucel / CTL019 (Novartis)
    • 10.2.1. Therapy Overview
    • 10.2.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 10.2.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 10.2.4. Clinical Trial Results
    • 10.2.5. Estimated Sales Revenues
  • 10.3. Yescarta / Axiscabtagene Ciloleucel / KTE-C19 (Gilead Sciences)
    • 10.3.1. Therapy Overview
    • 10.3.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 10.3.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 10.3.4. Clinical Trial Results
    • 10.3.5. Estimated Sales Revenues
  • 10.4. Tecartus / Brexucabtagene Autoleucel (Gilead Sciences)
    • 10.4.1. Therapy Overview
    • 10.4.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 10.4.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 10.4.4. Clinical Trial Results
    • 10.4.5. Estimated Sales Revenues
  • 10.5. Breyanzi / Lisocabtagene Maraleucel / JCAR017 (Bristol Myers Squibb)
    • 10.5.1. Therapy Overview
    • 10.5.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 10.5.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 10.5.4. Clinical Trial Results
    • 10.5.5. Estimated Sales Revenues
  • 10.6. Abecma / BB2121 / Idecabtagene Vicleucel (Bristol Myers Squibb)
    • 10.6.1. Therapy Overview
    • 10.6.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 10.6.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 10.6.4. Clinical Trial Results
    • 10.6.5. Estimated Sales Revenues
  • 10.7. Carvykti / Ciltacabtagene Autoleucel / LCAR-B38M CAR-T / JNJ-68284528 (Janssen)
    • 10.7.1. Therapy Overview
    • 10.7.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 10.7.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 10.7.4. Clinical Trial Results
    • 10.7.5. Estimated Sales Revenues
  • 10.8. Carteyva / Relmacabtagene Autoleucel / JWCAR029 (JW Therapeutics)
    • 10.8.1. Therapy Overview
    • 10.8.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 10.8.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 10.8.4. Clinical Trial Results
    • 10.8.5. Estimated Sales Revenues
  • 10.9. TBI-1501 / CD19 CAR-T Cell Therapy (Takara Bio)
    • 10.9.1. Therapy Overview
    • 10.9.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 10.9.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 10.9.4. Estimated Sales Revenues
  • 10.10. AUTO1 / Obecabtagene Autoleucel / obe-cel (Autolus)
    • 10.10.1. Therapy Overview
    • 10.10.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 10.10.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 10.10.4. Clinical Trial Results
    • 10.10.5. Estimated Sales Revenues
  • 10.11. AUTO3 / CD19/22 CAR-T (Autolus)
    • 10.11.1. Therapy Overview
    • 10.11.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 10.11.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 10.11.4. Clinical Trial Results
    • 10.11.5. Estimated Sales Revenues


  • 11.1. Chapter Overview
  • 11.2. Kimmtrak / IMCgp100 / Tebentafusp (Immunocore)
    • 11.2.1. Therapy Overview
    • 11.2.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 11.2.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 11.2.4. Clinical Trial Results
    • 11.2.5. Estimated Sales Revenues
  • 11.3. GSK3377794 / NY-ESO-1C259 T-Cells / Letetresgene Autoleucel (GlaxoSmithKline)
    • 11.3.1. Therapy Overview
    • 11.3.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 11.3.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 11.3.4. Clinical Trial Results
    • 11.3.5. Estimated Sales Revenues
  • 11.4. ADP-A2M4 / Afamitresgene Autoleucel / Afami-cel (Adaptimmune Therapeutics)
    • 11.4.1. Therapy Overview
    • 11.4.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 11.4.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 11.4.4. Clinical Trial Results
    • 11.4.5. Estimated Sales Revenues
  • 11.5. JTCR016 (Juno Therapeutics)
    • 11.5.1. Therapy Overview
    • 11.5.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 11.5.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 11.5.4. Estimated Sales Revenues
  • 11.6. TBI-1301 (Takara Bio)
    • 11.6.1. Therapy Overview
    • 11.6.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 11.6.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 11.6.4. Clinical Trial Results
    • 11.6.5. Estimated Sales Revenues
  • 11.7. MDG1011 (Medigene)
    • 11.7.1. Therapy Overview
    • 11.7.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 11.7.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 11.7.4. Clinical Trial Results
    • 11.7.5. Estimated Sales Revenues


  • 12.1. Chapter Overview
  • 12.2. LN-144 / Lifileucel (Iovance Biotherapeutics)
    • 12.2.1. Therapy Overview
    • 12.2.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 12.2.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 12.2.4. Clinical Trial Results
    • 12.2.5. Estimated Sales Revenues
  • 12.3. LN-145 (Iovance Biotherapeutics)
    • 12.3.1. Therapy Overview
    • 12.3.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 12.3.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 12.3.4. Clinical Trial Results
    • 12.3.5. Estimated Sales Revenues
  • 12.4. ITIL-168 (Instil Bio)
    • 12.4.1. Therapy Overview
    • 12.4.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 12.4.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 12.4.4. Clinical Trial Results
    • 12.4.5. Estimated Sales Revenues
  • 12.5. LTX-315 (Lytix Biopharma)
    • 12.5.1. Therapy Overview
    • 12.5.2. Clinical Trial Information
    • 12.5.3. Clinical Trial Endpoints
    • 12.5.4. Clinical Trial Results
    • 12.5.5. Estimated Sales Revenues


  • 13.1. Chapter Overview
  • 13.2. Genome Editing Technologies
    • 13.2.1. Technology Overview
    • 13.2.2. Applications of Genome Editing Technologies
    • 13.2.3. Emerging Technology Platforms for T-Cell Therapies
      • CRISPR / CAS9 System
        • Key Components
        • Mechanism of Action
        • Targeting Efficiency and Challenges
        • Next-Gen CRISPR Technology
        • Technology Providers
          • Intellia Therapeutics
          • Editas Medicine
          • CRISPR Therapeutics
          • Beam Therapeutics
          • Gracell Technologies
          • Caribou Biosciences
          • Nanjing Bioheng Biotech
          • Intima Biosciences
          • KSQ Therapeutics
          • Refuge Biotechnologies
      • TALENS
        • Key Components and Function
        • Mechanism of Action
        • Advantages and Challenges
        • Technology Providers
          • Cellectis
          • Editas Medicine
      • MegaTAL
        • Mechanism of Action
        • Technology Providers
          • bluebird bio
          • Precision Biosciences
      • Zinc Finger Nuclease
        • Mechanism of Action
        • Technology Providers
          • Sangamo Therapeutics
    • 13.2.4. Competitive Analysis: Gene Editing Platforms
  • 13.3. Designing T-Cell Therapies with Improved Characteristics
    • 13.3.1. Technologies for Targeting Multiple Cancers
      • Antibody Coupled T-Cell Receptor
        • Cogent Biosciences
      • NKR-T Platform
        • Celyad
        • Glycostem
        • CatamaranBio
    • 13.3.2. Technologies for Improved Safety
      • Armored CAR and EGFRt Technology
        • Juno Therapeutics
      • Rheoswitch Therapeutic System
        • Intrexon
        • Precigen
      • Inducible Caspase 9 Safety Switch
        • Bellicum Pharmaceuticals
          • CaspaCIDe Technology
          • CIDeCAR Technology
          • GoCAR-T Technology
      • On-OFF Switch, Multiple Companies
        • Inhibitory CAR (iCAR) (Juno Therapeutics)
        • On-OFF Switch (Theravectys)
      • Other Technologies to Improve CAR-T Safety
    • 13.3.3. Allogeneic Technologies
      • CIK CAR-T Cells (Formula Pharmaceuticals)
      • Allogeneic Platform (CELYAD)
      • Allogeneic Platform (Cellectis)
      • AlloCAR T (Allogene Therapeutics)
  • 13.4. Future Perspectives


  • 14.1. Chapter Overview
  • 14.2. Partnership Models
  • 14.3. T-Cell Immunotherapies Market: Partnerships and Collaborations
    • 14.3.1. Analysis by Year of Partnership
    • 14.3.2. Analysis by Type of Partnership
    • 14.3.3. Analysis by Type of Product
    • 14.3.4. Analysis by Year of Partnership and Type of Product
    • 14.3.5. Analysis by Type of Partnership and Type of Product
    • 14.3.6. Analysis by Type of Partner
    • 14.3.7. Analysis by Type of Product and Type of Partner
    • 14.3.8. Most Popular Products: Analysis by Number of Partnerships
    • 14.3.9. Most Active Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Partnerships
    • 14.3.10. Most Active Non-Industry Players: Analysis by Number of Partnerships
    • 14.3.11. Analysis by Geography
      • Intercontinental and Intracontinental Agreements
      • International and Local Deals


  • 15.1. Chapter Overview
  • 15.2. Type of Funding
  • 15.3. T-Cell Immunotherapy Market: Funding and Investment Analysis
    • 15.3.1. Analysis of Instances by Year
    • 15.3.2. Analysis of Amount Invested by Year
    • 15.3.3. Analysis by Type of Funding
    • 15.3.4. Analysis of Amount Invested across Different Types of Therapies
    • 15.3.5. Analysis by Type of Investor
    • 15.3.6. Most Active Players: Analysis by Number of Instances
    • 15.3.7. Most Active Investors: Analysis by Amount Invested
    • 15.3.8. Analysis of Amount Invested by Geography
    • 15.3.9. Most Active Investors: Analysis by Number of Funding Instances


  • 16.1. Chapter Overview
  • 16.2. Scope and Methodology
  • 16.3. Patent Analysis: Distribution by Type of Patent
  • 16.4. CAR-T Cell Therapies: Patent Analysis
    • 16.4.1. Analysis by Patent Publication Year
    • 16.4.2. Analysis by Patent Application Year
    • 16.4.3. Analysis by Geography
    • 16.4.4. Analysis by Type of Player
    • 16.4.5. Analysis by CPC Symbols
    • 16.4.6. Analysis by Key Focus Area
    • 16.4.7. Leading Players: Analysis by Number of Patents
    • 16.4.8. Car-T Cell Therapies: Patent Benchmarking
    • 16.4.9. Analysis By Patent Characteristics
    • 16.4.10. Car-T Cell Therapies: Patent Valuation
  • 16.5. TCR- based Therapies
    • 16.5.1. Analysis by Patent Publication Year
    • 16.5.2. Analysis By Patent Application Year
    • 16.5.3. Analysis by Geography
    • 16.5.4. Analysis by Type of Player
    • 16.5.5. Analysis by CPC Symbols
    • 16.5.6. Analysis by Key Focus Area
    • 16.5.7. Leading Player: Analysis by Number of Patents
    • 16.5.8. TCR-based Therapies: Patent Benchmarking
    • 16.5.9. Analysis By Patent Characteristics
    • 16.5.10. TCR-based Cell Therapies: Patent Valuation
  • 16.6. TIL- based Therapies
    • 16.6.1. Analysis by Patent Publication Year
    • 16.6.2. Analysis By Patent Application Year
    • 16.6.3. Analysis by Geography
    • 16.6.4. Analysis by Type of Player
    • 16.6.5. Analysis by CPC Symbols
    • 16.6.6. Analysis by Key Focus Area
    • 16.6.7. Leading Player: Analysis by Number of Patents
    • 16.6.8. TIL-based Therapies: Patent Benchmarking
    • 16.6.9. Analysis By Patent Characteristics
    • 16.6.10. TIL-based Therapies: Patent Valuation


  • 17.1. Chapter Overview
  • 17.2. Other T-Cell Immunotherapies
    • 17.2.1. Fucosylated T-Cell Therapies
    • 17.2.2. Gamma Delta T-Cell Therapies
    • 17.2.3. PD-1 Knockout Engineered T-Cell Therapies
    • 17.2.4. TAC T-Cell Therapies
    • 17.2.5. T-Cell Vaccines
    • 17.2.6. Treg Cell Therapies
    • 17.2.7. Virus-Driven T-Cell Therapies
  • 17.3. Other T-Cell Immunotherapies: Market Overview
    • 17.3.1. Analysis by Type of T-Cell
    • 17.3.2. Analysis by Source of T-Cell
    • 17.3.3. Analysis by Phase of Development
    • 17.3.4. Analysis by Therapeutic Area
  • 17.4. Key Considerations for Developing T-Cell Immunotherapies
  • 17.5. Concluding Remarks


  • 18.1. Chapter Overview
  • 18.2. Overview of Cell Therapy Manufacturing
  • 18.3. Cell Therapy Manufacturing Models
    • 18.3.1. Centralized Manufacturing Model
    • 18.3.2. Decentralized Manufacturing Model
  • 18.4. Scalability of Cell Therapy Manufacturing Processes
    • 18.4.1. Scale-Up
    • 18.4.2. Scale-Out
  • 18.5. Types of Cell Therapy Manufacturers
  • 18.6. Key Challenges Related to Manufacturing of Cell Therapies
  • 18.7. Important Factors for Cell Therapy Manufacturing
    • 18.7.1. Characterization
    • 18.7.2. Cost of Goods
  • 18.8. Automation of Cell Therapy Manufacturing Process
  • 18.9. Cell Therapy Manufacturing Supply Chain
  • 18.10. Comparison of Player Having In-House Capabilities and Contract Manufacturers
  • 18.11. Regulatory Landscape
  • 18.12. Future Perspectives


  • 19.1. Chapter Overview
  • 19.2. Factors Contributing to the High Price of Cell / Gene Therapies
  • 19.3. Pricing Models for T-Cell Immunotherapies
    • 19.3.1. Based on Associated Costs
    • 19.3.2. Based on Availability of Competing Products
    • 19.3.3. Based on Patient Segment
    • 19.3.4. Based on Opinions of Industry Experts
  • 19.4. Reimbursement related Considerations for T-Cell Immunotherapies
    • 19.4.1. Case Study: The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Appraisal of CAR-T therapies


  • 20.1. Chapter Overview
  • 20.2. Scope and Limitations
  • 20.3. Key Assumptions And Forecast Methodology
  • 20.4. Overall T-Cell Immunotherapy Market, 2022-2035
    • 20.4.1. T-Cell Immunotherapy Market: Analysis by Type of Therapy
    • 20.4.2. T-Cell Immunotherapy Market: Analysis by Target Indication
    • 20.4.3. T-Cell Immunotherapy Market: Analysis by Target Antigen
    • 20.4.4. T-Cell Immunotherapy Market: Analysis by Key Players
    • 20.4.5. T-Cell Immunotherapy Market: Analysis by Geography
  • 20.5. T-Cell Immunotherapy Market: Value Creation Analysis
  • 20.6. Overall CAR-T Cell Therapies Market, 2022-2035
    • 20.6.1. CAR-T Cell Therapies Market: Analysis by Target Indication
    • 20.6.2. CAR-T Cell Therapies Market: Analysis by Target Antigen
    • 20.6.3. CAR-T Cell Therapies Market: Analysis by Key Players
    • 20.6.4. CAR-T Cell Therapies Market: Analysis by Geography
    • 20.6.5. Product Wise Sales Forecast
      • Kymriah / Tisagenlecleucel / CTL019 (Novartis)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • Yescarta / Axiscabtagene Ciloleucel / KTE-C19 (Gilead Sciences)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • Tecartus / Brexucabtagene Autoleucel (Gilead Sciences)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • Abecma / BB2121 / Idecabtagene Vicleucel (Bristol Myers Squibb)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • Carvykti / Ciltacabtagene Autoleucel / LCAR-B38M CAR-T / JNJ-68284528 (Janssen)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • Breyanzi / Lisocabtagene Maraleucel / JCAR017 (Bristol Myers Squibb)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • Carteyva / Relmacabtagene Autoleucel / JWCAR029 (JW Therapeutics)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • BCMA CAR-T Cells (Shanghai Unicar-Therapy Bio-medicine Technology)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • CD19 CAR-T (Wuhan Si'an Medical Technology)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • Descartes-11 (Cartesian Therapeutics)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • Descartes-08 (Cartesian Therapeutics)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • Zamtocabtagene Autoleucel / MB-CART2019.1 (Miltenyi Biomedicine)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • CNCT19 / HY001 (Juventas Cell Therapy)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • CD30.CAR-T / TT11 (Tessa Therapeutics)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • TAK-007 (Takeda)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • AUTO1 (Autolus)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • AUTO3 (Autolus)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • CD19-CAR-T (Bioray Laboratories)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • Humanized CD19-CAR-T (Shanghai Unicar-Therapy Bio-medicine Technology)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • IM19 CAR-T (Beijing Immunochina Medical Science & Technology)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • CCT301 CAR-T (Shanghai PerHum Therapeutics)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • BinD19 (Shenzhen BinDeBio)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • CARCIK-CD19 (CoImmune)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • PBCAR269A (Precision BioSciences / Servier)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • CD123 CAR-T cells (Chongqing Precision Biotechnology)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • BCMA CAR-T (Chongqing Precision Biotechnology)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • CD19/CD22-CAR-T (Shanghai Unicar-Therapy Bio-medicine Technology)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • GC012F / Dual CAR-BCMA-19 (Gracell Biotechnology)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • iC9-CAR19 T cells (Bellicum Pharmaceuticals)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • ALLO-501A / ALLO-501 (Allogene Therapeutics)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • CD19/CD20-CAR-T (Yake Biotechnology)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • CD7 CAR-T (PersonGen BioTherapeutics)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • Anti-FLT3 CAR-T / TAA05 (PersonGen BioTherapeutics)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • CT053 (CARsgen Therapeutics)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • Anti-ALPP CAR-T Cells (TCRCure Biopharma)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • BCMA targeted prime CAR-T cells (Chongqing Precision Biotechnology)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • ALLO-605 (Allogene Therapeutics)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • WU CART 007 (Wugen)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • CT103A (Nanjing IASO Biotherapeutics)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
  • 20.7. Overall TCR-based Therapies Market
    • 20.7.1. TCR-Based Therapies Market: Analysis by Target Indication
    • 20.7.2. TCR-Based Therapies Market: Analysis by Target Antigen
    • 20.7.3. TCR-Based Therapies Market: Analysis by Key Players
    • 20.7.4. TCR-Based Therapies Market: Analysis by Geography
    • 20.7.5. Product Wise Sales Forecast
      • Kimmtrak (IMCgp100 / Tebentafusp) (Immunocore)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • GSK3377794 (GlaxoSmithKline)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • YT-E001 (China Immunotech)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • ADP-A2M4 / Afamitresgene Autoleucel / Afami-cel (Adaptimmune Therapeutics)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • EBV-specific TCR-T cell with anti-PD1 auto-secreted element (TCRCure Biopharma)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • NTLA-5001 (Intellia Therapeutics)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • TBI-1301 (Takara Bio)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • LMBP2-specific TCR-T (Xinqiao Hospital of Chongqing / TCR CURE Biopharma Technology)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • FH-MCVA2TCR (TCRCure Biopharma)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
  • 20.8. Overall TIL-Based Therapies Market
    • 20.8.1. TIL-Based Therapies Market: Analysis by Target Indication
    • 20.8.2. TIL-Based Therapies Market: Analysis by Key Players
    • 20.8.3. TIL-Based Therapies Market: Analysis by Geography
      • Lifileucel / LN-144 (Iovance Biotherapeutics)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • LN-145 (Iovance Biotherapeutics)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • LTX-315 and TILs (Lytix Biopharma)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • TILs (Prometheus Laboratories)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • Donor Lymphocyte Infusion (Incyte)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • ITIL-168 (Instil Bio)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • IOV-2001 (Iovance Biotherapeutics)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • TILs (CAR-T (Shanghai) Cell Biotechnology)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis
      • TILs (Bristol-Myers Squibb)
        • Sales Forecast (USD Million)
        • Net Present Value (USD Million)
        • Value Creation Analysis


  • 21.1. Chapter Overview
  • 21.2. Channels Used for Promotional Campaigns
  • 21.3. Summary of Product Website Analysis
  • 21.4. Summary of Patient Support Services and Informative Downloads
  • 21.5. Kymriah: Promotional Analysis
    • 21.5.1. Drug Overview
    • 21.5.2. Product Website Analysis
      • Informative Downloads
    • 21.5.3. Patient Support Services
  • 21.6. Yescarta: Promotional Analysis
    • 21.6.1. Drug Overview
    • 21.6.2. Product Website Analysis
      • Informative Downloads
    • 21.6.3. Patient Support Services
  • 21.7. Tecartus: Promotional Analysis
    • 21.7.1. Drug Overview
    • 21.7.2. Product Website Analysis
    • 21.7.3. Patient Support Services
  • 21.8. Breyanzi: Promotional Analysis
    • 21.8.1. Drug Overview
    • 21.8.2. Product Website Analysis
    • 21.8.3. Patient Support Services
  • 21.9. Abecma: Promotional Analysis
    • 21.9.1. Drug Overview
    • 21.9.2. Product Website Analysis
    • 21.9.3. Patient Support Services
  • 21.10. Carvykti: Promotional Analysis
    • 21.10.1. Drug Overview
    • 21.10.2. Product Website Analysis
    • 21.10.3. Patient Support Services
  • 21.11. Kimmtrak: Promotional Analysis
    • 21.11.1. Drug Overview
    • 21.11.2. Product Website Analysis
    • 21.11.3. Patient Support Services


  • 22.1. Chapter Overview
  • 22.2. Adaptimmune Therapeutics
  • 22.3. Alaunos Therapeutics
  • 22.4. Autolus
  • 22.5. bluebird Bio
  • 22.6. Bristol Myers Squibb
  • 22.7. Carsgen Therapeutics
  • 22.8. Cellectis
  • 22.9. Cellular Biomedicine Group
  • 22.10. Gilead Sciences
  • 22.11. GlaxoSmithKline
  • 22.12. Immatics
  • 22.13. Immunocore
  • 22.14. Innovative Cellular Therapeutics
  • 22.15. Iovance Biotherapeutics
  • 22.16. Kuur Therapeutics
  • 22.17. Lion TCR
  • 22.18. Noile-Immune Biotech
  • 22.19. Novartis
  • 22.20. Shanghai GeneChem
  • 22.21. Sinobioway Cell Therapy
  • 22.22. Takara Bio
  • 22.23. Wellington Zhaotai Therapies
  • 22.24. Zelluna immunotherapy



  • 24.1. Chapter Overview
  • 24.2. Cell Therapies
    • 24.2.1. Interview Transcript: Tim Oldham, Former Chief Executive Officer
  • 24.3. Glycostem Therapeutics
    • 24.3.1. Interview Transcript: Troels Jordansen, Chief Executive Officer
  • 24.4. Gracell Biotechnologies
    • 24.4.1. Interview Transcript: Wei (William) Cao, Chief Executive Officer
  • 24.5. Lion TCR
    • 24.5.1. Interview Transcript: Victor Lietao Li, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
  • 24.6. TxCell
    • 24.6.1. Interview Transcript: Miguel Forte, Chief Executive Officer
  • 24.7. Kite Pharma
    • 24.7.1. Interview Transcript: Adrian Bot, Vice President, Scientific Affairs
  • 24.8. Celyad
    • 24.8.1. Interview Transcript: Vincent Brichard, Vice President, Immuno-Oncology
  • 24.9. Iovance Biotherapeutics
    • 24.9.1. Interview Transcript: Peter Ho, Former Director, Process Development
  • 24.10. Waisman Biomanufacturing
    • 24.10.1. Interview Transcript: Brian Dattilo, Director, Business Development
  • 24.11. Theravectys
    • 24.11.1. Interview Transcript: Aino Kalervo, Former Competitive Intelligence Manager, Strategy & Business Development
  • 24.12. Changhai Hospital
    • 24.12.1. Interview Transcript: Xian-Bao Zhan, Professor of Medicine and Director, Department of Oncology
  • 24.13. University of Colorado
    • 24.13.1. Interview Transcript: Enkhtsetseg Purev, Assistant Professor of Medicine