

Innovations in Dietary Supplements: Brand Tactics and Consumer Trends (2023-2025)

出版日: | 発行: Policy2050 LLC | ページ情報: 英文 62 Pages | 納期: 即日から翌営業日

価格表記: USDを日本円(税抜)に換算
本日の銀行送金レート: 1USD=155.13円
出版日: 2023年04月06日
発行: Policy2050 LLC
ページ情報: 英文 62 Pages
納期: 即日から翌営業日
  • 全表示
  • 概要
  • 目次



第1章 栄養補助食品のイノベーションのイントロダクション

第2章 サプリメントカテゴリーにおけるブランド戦略

  • 研究開発
  • パーソナライゼーション
  • 新しいカテゴリーまたはニッチなカテゴリーで信頼性を確立
  • デジタルブランドの創造とeコマース戦略
  • 戦略的M&A

第3章 サプリメントカテゴリーの消費者動向

  • 人気のカテゴリーと成長の促進要因
  • 季節ごとの使用法
  • 自己最適化
  • 消費者の懐疑と政府の規制

第4章 インフォグラフィックス:栄養補助食品の技術革新

  • インフォグラフィックス:カテゴリーディスラプターの概要
  • インフォグラフィックス:サプリメントカテゴリーの消費者動向
  • インフォグラフィックス:栄養補助食品の世界市場規模と成長率
Product Code: P2050SI1

The report "Innovations in Dietary Supplements: Brand Tactics and Consumer Trends (2023-2025)" is approximately 16,000 words (62 pages). It provides an analysis of supplement brand tactics, followed by an overview of consumer trends and market dynamics.

Experts in dietary supplements, consumer packaged goods, and nutritional sciences participated in the primary research process of this report. Their insights could help the supplements industry and its investors to better align with current market conditions and public health goals.

This report will provide comprehensive answers to the following questions:

  • How are supplement startups using R&D and personalization to evolve categories?
  • How do strategic partnerships and acquisitions help to establish credibility?
  • What are some of the e-commerce tactics that disruptive supplement brands use?
  • What are some of the health/wellness consumer trends driving growth?
  • How could consumer skepticism and government regulation drive change?
  • What is the range of market size estimates for dietary supplements?


Global strategic overview.


A selection of companies mentioned in this report includes:

  • Bellway
  • Cuure
  • Doseology Sciences
  • GNC Holdings (General Nutrition Centers)
  • Momentous/Amp Human
  • Obvi
  • OK Capsule
  • Psyched Wellness
  • Ritual

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Dietary Supplements Innovation

  • 1.1. Key Benefits of This Report
  • 1.2. Target Audience
  • 1.3. Companies Mentioned in This Report
  • 1.4. Methodology
  • 1.5. Executive Summary

2. Brand Tactics in Supplement Categories

  • 2.1. R&D
  • 2.2. Personalization
  • 2.3. Establishing Credibility in New or Niche Categories
  • 2.4. Digital Brand Creation and E-commerce Tactics
  • 2.5. Strategic M&A

3. Consumer Trends in Supplement Categories

  • 3.1. Popular Categories and Growth Drivers
  • 3.2. Seasonal Usage
  • 3.3. Self-Optimization
  • 3.4. Consumer Skepticism and Government Regulation

4. Infographics: Innovations in Dietary Supplements

  • 4.1. Infographics: An Overview of Category Disruptors
  • 4.2. Infographics: Consumer Trends in the Supplements Category
  • 4.3. Infographics: Global Market Size and Growth Rates in Dietary Supplements