デジタル糖尿病管理の世界市場:2024-2031年Global Digital Diabetes Management Market 2024-2031 |
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デジタル糖尿病管理の世界市場:2024-2031年 |
出版日: 2024年06月23日
発行: Orion Market Research
ページ情報: 英文 133 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
デジタル糖尿病管理市場は、予測期間(2024-2031年)にCAGR 14.6%で成長すると予測されます。デジタル糖尿病管理とは、個人の糖尿病管理を支援するためのテクノロジーベースのツールやアプリケーションの使用を指します。これらのデジタルソリューションには、血糖値、食事、運動、服薬アドヒアランスなどの健康データを追跡・分析するモバイルアプリ、オンラインプラットフォーム、コネクテッドデバイスなどが含まれます。糖尿病が健康に及ぼす影響を抑えるために、糖尿病をオンタイムで管理する必要性が高まっていることが、この世界市場の成長の主な動機となっています。
世界のデジタル糖尿病管理市場に参入している主要企業には、Abbott Laboratories社、B. Braun Melsungen AG社、Medtronic Plc社、DarioHealth Corp社、Sanofi SA社などがあります。市場競争力を維持するために、提携、合併、買収などの戦略を適用することで、市場プレイヤーは事業拡大や製品開発にますます注力しています。
Digital Diabetes Management Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report by Products & Services (Devices, Applications, Data Management Software & Platforms, and Services), by Device Type (Wearable Devices, and Hand-Held Devices), and by End-User (Hospitals, and Home Settings) Forecast Period (2024-2031)
Digital diabetes management market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 14.6% during the forecast period (2024-2031). Digital diabetes management refers to the use of technology-based tools and applications to aid individuals in managing their diabetes. These digital solutions can include mobile apps, online platforms, and connected devices that track and analyze health data such as blood glucose levels, diet, exercise, and medication adherence. The growing need for the on-time management of diabetes to limit its impact on health is a major motivator for the growth of this global market.
Market Dynamics
Advancements in Digital Health Technology
The ongoing advancements in digital health technology, such as continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems, smart insulin pens, and advanced data analytics, are propelling the market forward. CGMs can alert users when the glucose levels are rising or dropping, and how quickly. This can help users to decide how to reach their target range. For instance, if your blood sugar is 110 and an arrow is pointing down, it could mean that your blood sugar could drop to 60-90 points in 30 minutes, which might not be safe. Advancements in digital diabetes management products and services allow users to make informed decisions, which leads to fewer emergencies.
Rising Focus on Personalized Healthcare
Personalized healthcare in digital diabetes management is a patient-centered approach that tailors treatment and management strategies to individual patient needs and preferences. Digital Twins and Personal Health Knowledge Graphs (PHKGs), Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM), Virtual Care and Telehealth, Mobile Health Apps, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). These innovative concepts involve creating a digital replica of a patient's health profile and integrating data from diverse sources to provide real-time, patient-centric care. Personalized virtual care using telehealth services, including CGM, can improve glycemic control and reduce diabetes-related distress.
Market segmentation
Hospitals Lead the Way in the Digital Diabetes Management Market
Hospitals play a crucial role in digital diabetes management by integrating advanced technologies into their care protocols to provide better outcomes for patients with diabetes. Hospitals are increasingly integrating patient data from various digital sources into their Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems for a more comprehensive view of a patient's health status. Additionally, hospitals are at the forefront of research into new digital diabetes management technologies, often conducting clinical trials to test the efficacy and safety of new devices and apps.
The global digital diabetes management market is further segmented based on geography including North America (the US, and Canada), Europe (UK, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, and the Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (India, China, Japan, South Korea, and Rest of Asia-Pacific), and the Rest of the World (the Middle East & Africa, and Latin America).
North America holds largest market share
The advanced healthcare regional infrastructure is conducive to the adoption of new technologies. Robust research and development infrastructure along with growing funding for diabetes research is further aiding the regional market share. The significant presence of the diabetic population along with new product launches to meet user's demands is further driving the regional market growth. For instance, in October 2023, Insulet received 510(k) clearance from the Food and Drug Administration for its Omnipod 5 application on iPhone, which allows people to control their insulin pump from a smartphone. Insulet included an Android app when it first launched its Omni pod 5 pump last year. The iPhone app has the same functions with a few new features.
The major companies serving in the global digital diabetes management market include Abbott Laboratories, B. Braun Melsungen AG, Medtronic Plc, DarioHealth Corp., and Sanofi SA among others. The market players are increasingly focusing on business expansion and product development by applying strategies such as collaborations, mergers and acquisitions to stay competitive in the market.