固形バイオマス原料の世界市場:2024-2031年Global Solid Biomass Feedstock Market 2024-2031 |
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固形バイオマス原料の世界市場:2024-2031年 |
出版日: 2024年06月21日
発行: Orion Market Research
ページ情報: 英文 180 Pages
納期: 2~3営業日
世界の固形バイオマス原料市場は、予測期間中(2024-2031年)にCAGR 14.6%という大幅な成長が見込まれています。固形バイオマス原料市場の成長は、世界の電力、熱、バイオ燃料、バイオメタン需要の増加に起因しています。国際エネルギー機関(IEA)によると、2024年2月の時点で、今後5年間のバイオ燃料需要は380億リットル拡大し、過去5年間から30.0%近く増加します。バイオ燃料の総需要は、2028年までに23.0%増の2,000億リットルとなります。
供給源に基づくと、世界の固形バイオマス原料市場は農業廃棄物、森林廃棄物、動物廃棄物、都市廃棄物に細分化されます。このうち、農業廃棄物サブセグメントが市場の最大シェアを占めると予想されます。このセグメントの成長を支える主な要因としては、豊富に入手可能で費用対効果が高いことから、農業廃棄物に対する需要が高まっていることが挙げられます。National Center for Biotechnology Informationによると、2022年10月現在、バイオエタノールは、サトウキビバガス、スイートソルガムバガス、稲わら、大麦わら、小麦わら、ソルガムわら、トウモロコシ茎葉、キャッサバの皮、テンサイ、木材、その他のような様々な農業廃棄物や作物残渣から生産されています。これらの原料は非食用であり、費用対効果が高く、合理的な低コストで容易に入手できます。バイオ燃料生産におけるバイオエタノールのシェアは、生産方法の改善、地元で容易に入手できる原料の使用、様々な用途での継続的なバイオエタノール需要により、約65.0%に達しています。
固形バイオマス原料の世界市場は、用途別に電気、熱、バイオ燃料、バイオメタンに細分化されます。このうち、バイオメタンがかなりのシェアを占めると予想されます。バイオメタン生産のための嫌気性消化用ポータブルファブリケーター製造における技術進歩は、正確には原料の種類と生産経路に依存します。欧州バイオガス協会(EBA)が2022年7月に発表した「バイオメタン生成の可能性-2030年と2050年の嫌気性消化」によると、2030年の嫌気性消化の可能性は41.8bcmと推定され、そのうち38.1bcmはEU-27のものです。2050年の潜在量は98 bcmに増加し、56 bcmの増加となります。2030年と2050年の両方で、上位5カ国は一貫してフランス、ドイツ、イタリア、スペイン、ポーランドです。2030年の主要原料は、家畜ふん尿(32.0%)、農業残渣(24.0%)、連作(21.0%)です。これとは対照的に、2050年では連作が47.0%を占め、糞尿(19.0%)、農業残渣(17.0%)が大きく寄与します。工業廃水は、2030年と2050年の両方で、潜在量の10.0%以上に寄与しています。
全地域の中で北米が大きなシェアを占めているのは、著名な企業や固形バイオマス原料供給業者が多数存在するためです。この地域における固形バイオマス原料の成長を加速させている要因のひとつに、様々な国でのバイオ燃料需要の増加が挙げられます。米国エネルギー情報局によると、2022年、バイオマスは米国のエネルギー消費の5.0%、約4,930兆英熱量単位(TBtu)を占める。2022年のバイオマスエネルギー総消費量に占めるバイオマスの種類、量、割合は、バイオ燃料-2,419 TBtu-49.0%、木材・木くず-1,984 TBtu-43.0%、都市固形廃棄物、家畜ふん尿、下水-411 TBtu-8.0%です。産業部門は、米国におけるバイオマスの最大のエネルギー消費者です。2022年の米国のバイオマスエネルギー総使用量に占める消費部門の割合(TBtu)は、産業用2,266 TBtu-46.0%、輸送用1,565 TBtu-32.0%、住宅用539 TBtu-11.0%、電力用413 TBtu-8.0%、商業用147 TBtu-3.0%です。
世界の固形バイオマス原料市場に参入している主要企業には、Chevron Corp.、Drax Group plc、Enviva Inc.、RWE AG、Siemens AGなどがあります。市場競争力を維持するため、市場プレーヤーは提携、合併、買収などの戦略を適用し、事業拡大や製品開発にますます力を注いでいます。
Global Solid Biomass Feedstock Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report by Source (Agriculture Waste, Forest Waste, Animal Waste, and Municipal Waste) by Type (Chips, Pellets, and Briquettes) by Application (Electricity, Heat, Biofuels, and Biomethane) and by End-Users (Residential & Commercial, Industrial and Utilities) Forecast Period (2024-2031)
Global solid biomass feedstock market is anticipated to grow at a significant CAGR of 14.6% during the forecast period (2024-2031). The growth of the solid biomass feedstock market is attributed to the increasing demand for electricity, heat, biofuels, and biomethane globally. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), in February 2024, over the next five years biofuel demand is set to expand by 38 billion liters, a nearly 30.0% increase from the last five-year period. Total biofuel demand rises 23.0% to 200 billion liters by 2028.
Market Dynamics
Increasing Utilizing Of Organic Waste as Biomass Feedstock
The use of organic waste to make biomass energy is getting more popular as the demand for renewable energy rises. One form of sustainable energy is biomass energy, which is produced through burning organic materials like wood chips, plant matter, and agricultural waste. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, in February 2022, nearly 50.0% of the average composition of global waste, 3 million tons per day, is organic material. This accounts for the main source of greenhouse gases (GHG), and it includes household, food manufacturing, and pre-factory wastes, the rest being paper, plastic, glass, metal, and others. Although several facilities direct their waste toward land spreading, these facilities only represent between 26.0% and 46.0% of the organic waste and most of it is still disposed of in landfills.
Adoption of Advanced Conversion Technologies
Advanced conversion technology for converting biomass into energy, such as thermochemical, biological, physical, and biochemical processes, as well as hybrid and integrated systems technologies. Blends of several technologies, such as thermochemical and biochemical technologies, are also being researched for hybrid or combination systems. All biorefinery processes can produce a specific fuel, though, depending on the type and availability of the feedstock. Therefore, heterogeneous and multiple feedstocks might be treated to provide several supplies in the form of fuel, energy, heat, feedstock, and valuable chemicals if these techniques were combined under the concept of an integrated waste bio-refinery. Systems with hybrid configurations produce the least amount of harmful emissions and the highest possible electrical generation efficiency.
Market Segmentation
Our in-depth analysis of the global solid biomass feedstock market includes the following segments-
Agriculture Waste is Projected to Emerge as the Largest Segment
Based on the source, the global solid biomass feedstock market is sub-segmented into agriculture waste, forest waste, animal waste, and municipal waste. Among these agriculture waste sub-segment is expected to hold the largest share of the market. The primary factors supporting the segment's growth include the growing demand for agricultural waste owing to its availability in abundance and cost-effectiveness. According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, in October 2022, currently, bioethanol was produced from various agricultural wastes and crop residues such as sugarcane bagasse, sweet sorghum bagasse, rice straw, barley straw, wheat straw, sorghum straw, corn stover, cassava peels, sugar beet, wood, and other. These materials are nonedible, cost-effective, and readily available at a reasonably low cost. The share of bioethanol in biofuel production has reached about 65.0% owing to improved production methods, the use of locally and readily available feedstocks, and the continuous demand for bioethanol for various applications.
Biomethane Sub-segment to Hold a Considerable Market Share
Based on the application, the global solid biomass feedstock market is sub-segmented into electricity, heat, biofuels, and biomethane. Among these, the biomethane sub-segment is expected to hold a considerable share of the market. The technological advancements in the manufacturing of a portable fabricator for anaerobic digestion for biomethane production precisely depend on the type of feedstock and the production pathway. According to the European Biogas Association (EBA), in July 2022, Biomethane potentials - Anaerobic digestion in 2030 and 2050, a potential of 41.8 bcm is estimated for anaerobic digestion in 2030, of which 38.1 bcm relates to the EU-27. The potential increases to 98 bcm in 2050, an increase of 56 bcm. The top 5 countries in both 2030 and 2050 consistently include France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Poland. Key feedstocks in 2030 are animal manure (32.0%), agricultural residues (24.0%), and sequential cropping (21.0%). This contrasts with 2050 in which sequential cropping dominates (47.0%), with again a significant contribution from manure (19.0%), and agricultural residues (17.0%). Industrial wastewater contributes over 10.0% of the potential in both 2030 and 2050.
The global solid biomass feedstock market is further segmented based on geography including North America (the US, and Canada), Europe (UK, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, and the Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (India, China, Japan, South Korea, and Rest of Asia-Pacific), and the Rest of the World (the Middle East & Africa, and Latin America).
Increasing Solid Biomass Feedstock Adoption in Asia-Pacific
North America Holds Major Market Share
Among all the regions, North America holds a significant share owing to numerous prominent companies and solid biomass feedstock providers. The growth is attributed to the increasing demand for biofuels across various countries are few of the factors accelerating the growth of solid biomass feedstock in the region. According to the US Energy Information Administration, in 2022, biomass accounted for 5.0% of US energy consumption, or about 4,930 trillion British thermal units (TBtu) in 2022. The types, amounts, and percentage shares of total biomass energy consumption in 2022 were biofuels-2,419 TBtu-49.0%, Wood and wood waste-1,984 TBtu-43.0%, municipal solid waste, animal manure, and sewage-411 TBtu-8.0%. The industrial sector is the largest consumer of biomass for energy in the US. The amounts in TBtu and percentage shares of total US biomass energy use by the consuming sector in 2022 were industrial-2,266 TBtu-46.0%, transportation-1,565 TBtu-32.0%, residential-539 TBtu-11.0%, electric power-413 TBtu-8.0% and commercial-147 TBtu-3.0%
The major companies serving the global solid biomass feedstock market include Chevron Corp., Drax Group plc, Enviva Inc., RWE AG, and Siemens AG, among others. The market players are increasingly focusing on business expansion and product development by applying strategies such as collaborations, mergers, and acquisitions to stay competitive in the market. For instance, in February 2023, Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd., Sumitomo Corp., and Green Earth Institute Co., Ltd. collaborated to begin trilateral consideration of the first commercial production of cellulosic bioethanol from woody biomass in Japan and its development into bio-chemical products.
Recent Development